Endophytes, a Potential Source of Bioactive Compounds to
Curtail the Formation–Accumulation of Advanced Glycation
End Products: A Review
Lory Sthephany Rochín-Hernández 1 , Lory Jhenifer Rochín-Hernández 2 and Luis Bernardo Flores-Cotera 1, *
1 Department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Cinvestav-IPN, Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508,
Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, México City 07360, Mexico; lory.rochin@cinvestav.mx
2 Department of Biomedicine and Molecular Biology, Cinvestav-IPN, Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional 2508,
Col. San Pedro Zacatenco, México City 07360, Mexico; lory.rochinh@cinvestav.mx
* Correspondence: lfcotera@cinvestav.mx; Tel.: +55-13499526
Abstract: Endophytes, microorganisms that live in the internal tissues and organs of the plants, are
known to produce numerous bioactive compounds, including, at times, some phytochemicals of
their host plant. For such reason, endophytes have been quoted as a potential source for discovering
bioactive compounds, particularly, of medical interest. Currently, many non-communicable diseases
are threatening global human health, noticeably: diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer,
and other ailment related to chronic inflammation and ageing. Intriguingly, the pathogenesis and
development of these diseases have been linked to an excessive formation and accumulation of
advanced glycation end products (AGEs). AGEs are a heterogeneous group of compounds that can
alter the conformation, function, and lifetime of proteins. Therefore, compounds that prevent the
Citation: Rochín-Hernández, L.S.;
formation and consequent accumulation of AGEs (AntiAGEs compounds) could be useful to delay
Rochín-Hernández, L.J.;
the progress of some chronic diseases, and/or harmful effects of undue AGEs accumulation. Despite
Flores-Cotera, L.B. Endophytes, a
the remarkable ability of endophytes to produce bioactive compounds, most of the natural antiAGEs
Potential Source of Bioactive
compounds reported in the literature are derived from plants. Accordingly, this work covers 26 plant
Compounds to Curtail the
Formation–Accumulation of
antiAGEs compounds and some derivatives that have been reported as endophytic metabolites, and
Advanced Glycation End Products: A discusses the importance, possible advantages, and challenges of using endophytes as a potential
Review. Molecules 2022, 27, 4469. source of antiAGEs compounds.
molecules27144469 Keywords: diabetes; protein glycation; AGEs detoxification; carboxymethyl-lysine; RAGEs antago-
nists; methylglyoxal; endophytic metabolites
Academic Editors: Anna Malm and
Olga V. Efremenkova
proteins), function, and half-life. Furthermore, AGEs interaction with receptors (RAGEs)
can activate inflammatory pathways and lead to the generation of oxidative stress [8].
Consequently, the search for natural compounds that interfere with the AGEs forma-
tion and accumulation or that function as AGEs crosslink-breakers or RAGEs antagonists
(all of which are referred to as antiAGEs compounds in this review) may lead to the
discovery and development of novel therapies for diseases in which AGEs accumulate
excessively [9,10].
Most known natural antiAGEs compounds were originally found in plants and en-
compass various compounds such as polyphenols, polysaccharides, terpenoids, vitamins,
alkaloids, and peptides [11–17]. Despite the well-known ability of endophytes to produce
bioactive compounds and that sometimes they synthesize the same or similar compounds
produced by their host plant [18,19], they have been scarcely studied as producers of
antiAGEs compounds.
Thus, our aim was to review and highlight the potential of endophytes as natural
sources of antiAGEs compounds. Firstly, we briefly discuss the importance of searching
for this kind of compounds due to the suggested connection between excessive AGEs
accumulation and development of a large number of chronic diseases. Secondly, we
summarize some of the reported antiAGEs plant-derived compounds that have been also
found as metabolites of endophytes. Finally, we point out the advantages and challenges of
using endophytes instead of plants to discover and produce antiAGEs compounds.
in industrial, agricultural, and medical fields, for example, lytic enzymes, antidiabetics,
anti-inflammatory, anticancer, immunosuppressives, antivirals, antiacetylcholinesterase,
antimalarial, analgesic, etc. [18,27,29]. Additionally, endophytes at times may be able to
produce some of the compounds produced by their host plant [19,29]. In summary, the
endophytes represent an interesting and environmentally friendly source of potentially
valuable bioactive compounds.
ger intracellular signaling processes through their attachment to AGEs receptors (RAGE),
Molecules 2022, 27, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 27
so they may cause oxidative stress, inflammatory responses, immune dysfunction, and
DNA damage [44,45]. The interactions cited above may explain, at least in part, why AGEs
have been linked to a wide range of diseases.
Figure1.1. Endogenous
Endogenous AGEs formation in human body. AGEs are typically formed
AGEs formation formed in three phases.
The early
The early phase involves the Maillard reaction between sugar and proteins and
involves the Maillard reaction between sugar and proteins and concludes with
concludes the
formation of Amadori products. Subsequently, the propagation phase generates α-dicarbonyl
the formation of Amadori products. Subsequently, the propagation phase generates α-dicarbonyl com-
pounds such
compounds as as
such methylglyoxal, glyoxal,
methylglyoxal, and
glyoxal, and3-deoxyglucosone.
great variety
variety of AGEs emerge
of AGEs emerge
during the final phase. In addition, other pathways that could exacerbate the quantity of AGEs pre-
during the final phase. In addition, other pathways that could exacerbate the quantity of AGEs
cursors comprise sugar autoxidation, aminoacids metabolism, lipids peroxidation, polyol pathway,
precursors comprise sugar autoxidation, aminoacids metabolism, lipids peroxidation, polyol pathway,
fructolysis, and glycolysis. Created with BioRender.com. Adapted from Zeng et al. [6].
fructolysis, and glycolysis. Created with BioRender.com. Adapted from Zeng et al. [6].
4.1. High Levels of on AGEsthe Accumulation
chemical structure and to
Are Linked ability to emit
Various fluorescence, AGEs can be
classified as fluorescent and cross-linked, (e.g., pentosidine, crossline, and vesperlysine),
Diabetic patients recurrently show higher blood sugar concentrations than healthy
fluorescent and non-cross-linked, (e.g., argpyrimidine), non-fluorescent and cross-linked,
people, which fosters higher levels of AGEs accumulation and AGEs–RAGEs interactions.
(e.g., glyoxal-lysine dimer, methylglyoxal-lysine dimer, glyoxal-derived imidazolium
This has been linked to the pathogenesis of diabetic complications such as retinopathy,
cataract, methylglyoxal-derived
neuropathy, nephropathy,imidazolium cross-link,
atherosclerosis, etc.),
and heart and non-fluorescent,
diseases [46–48]. Addition-non-
cross-linked adducts, (e.g., carboxymethyl-lysine, carboxyethyl-lysine,
ally, increasing AGEs levels contribute to the progression of neurodegenerative diseases, pyrraline, and im-
idazolones) [40]. The cellular formation of AGEs is common under
e.g., Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s diseases, and generates cross-links and physiological condi-
tions. However,
consequently it maythe
prompts undesirably
formationincrease under conditions
of the aggregates of hyperglycemia,
with amyloid hyper-
β and tau proteins,
lipidemia, oxidative
α-synuclein, stress, and
and huntingtin, inflammation,
respectively, as well allasofalterations
which arevia common in diabetes,
the AGEs–RAGEs
chronic diseases, and ageing [41]. In addition to the endogenous
axis [49]. Furthermore, AGEs and p53 proteins have been linked to tumorigenesis formation of AGEs, ex-
in lung,
ogenous sources such as dietary AGEs (dAGEs)
breast, colorectal, pancreatic, and melanoma cancer [50]. may be consumed from fried or processed
foods [42]. diseases
Other Furthermore, AGEs
that have mayassociated
been be inhaledwithfrom tobacco
high levelssmoke,
of AGEswhich contributes to
the AGEs circulating in the body [43]. Increased rates of AGEs
interactions are cardiovascular diseases [51], sarcopenia [52], osteoporosis [53], production or inflamma-
tion diseases
tory may havesuch pernicious health consequences
as rheumatoid arthritis [54],because AGEs could prompt
lupus erythematosus the formation
[55], psoriasis [56],
of covalent
chronic lower cross-links between
limb ischemia [57]proteins
and chronicto form aggregates
obstructive or may alter
pulmonary the [58]
disease conformation,
(Figure 2).
activity, or
Recently, function
it has of proteins,
been reported thatas well as their
activation of theremoval by proteolytic
RAGEs axis means clinical
could exacerbate [15,29].
Moreover, AGEs often trigger intracellular
complications in COVID-19 patients with diabetes [59]. signaling processes through their attachment
to AGEs receptors (RAGE), so they may cause oxidative stress, inflammatory responses,
immune dysfunction, and DNA damage [44,45]. The interactions cited above may explain,
at least in part, why AGEs have been linked to a wide range of diseases.
Other diseases that have been associated with high levels of AGEs or AGEs–RAGEs
interactions are cardiovascular diseases [51], sarcopenia [52], osteoporosis [53], inflamma-
tory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis [54], lupus erythematosus [55], psoriasis [56],
chronic lower limb ischemia [57] and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [58] (Figure
Molecules 2022, 27, 4469 2). Recently, it has been reported that activation of the RAGEs axis could exacerbate
5 of 25 clin-
ical complications in COVID-19 patients with diabetes [59].
Figure 2. Diseases linked to high levels of AGEs accumulation. The excessive formation or accu-
Figure 2. Diseases linked to high levels of AGEs accumulation. The excessive formation or accu-
mulation of AGEs
mulation of and
AGEs their
andinteraction with RAGEs
their interaction with contribute to the pathogenesis
RAGEs contribute and development
to the pathogenesis and develop-
of diabetic
mentcomplications, different kinds
of diabetic complications, of cancer,
different andof
kinds neurodegenerative and inflammatory
cancer, and neurodegenerative anddiseases.
Created with BioRender.com.
diseases. Created with BioRender.com.
4.2. Reducing AGEs Accumulation as a Potential Treatment Strategy for Some NCDs
4.2. Reducing AGEs Accumulation as a Potential Treatment Strategy for Some NCDs
The high incidence and prevalence of NCDs emphasize the importance of finding new
The high incidence and prevalence of NCDs emphasize the importance of finding
treatment alternatives. It has been proposed that the inhibition of formation or accumu-
new treatment alternatives. It has been proposed that the inhibition of formation or accu-
lation of AGEs may help to delay or prevent the progression of some non-communicable
mulation of AGEs may help to delay or prevent the progression of some non-communi-
diseases [10,45,60]. In order to reduce the exogenous AGEs intake, it is often recommended
cable diseases [10,45,60]. In order to reduce the exogenous AGEs intake, it is often recom-
to consume fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, as well as restrict sugary, processed,
mended to consume fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, as well as restrict sugary,
or fried foods, and cook meals at low temperatures with high humidity. Similarly, having
processed, or fried foods, and cook meals at low temperatures with high humidity.
a healthy diet and lifestyle, including exercise and not smoking, are important for the
prevention or management of most, if not all, NCDs [61].
Cells possess their own AGEs detoxification systems, e.g., glyoxalase. However, under
pathogenic conditions or with ageing, they often become insufficient to keep optimal
physiological conditions. Therefore, compounds that inhibit the formation or prevent an
excessive accumulation of AGES may represent a potential strategy to retard the onset of
detrimental health effects resulting from undue AGEs accumulation and, by doing so, may
delay the development of NCDs [10,60].
Due to the rather complex AGEs formation process, several mechanisms exist by which
a given compound may operate for this purpose. In this review, we refer to “antiAGEs
compounds” as those that may reduce the harmful consequences of AGEs accumulation by
at least one of the action mechanisms enlisted below (Figure 3):
• Blocking the carbonyl groups of reducing sugars or stabilizing the protein structure to
inhibit the Maillard reaction or the formation of Schiff bases and Amadori products;
• Scavenging of free radicals and chelating metal ions. Consequently, fewer reactive
carbonyl groups and fewer radical-based reactions occur;
• Blocking or breaking the AGEs cross-links to lessen the protein aggregation;
• Disrupting the AGEs–RAGE interaction, thus preventing inflammatory process and
oxidative stress;
• Scavenging of free radicals and chelating metal ions. Consequently, fewer reactive
carbonyl groups and fewer radical-based reactions occur;
• Blocking or breaking the AGEs cross-links to lessen the protein aggregation;
• Disrupting the AGEs–RAGE interaction, thus preventing inflammatory process and
Molecules 2022, 27, 4469 6 of 25
oxidative stress;
• Some indirect mechanisms may be stimulating the glyoxalase system and other di-
carbonyl detoxification systems to reduce the available AGEs precursors. Inhibition
• Some
of indirect
polyol mechanisms
pathway enzymesmay be stimulating
(aldose the glyoxalase
reductase and system and other
sorbitol dehydrogenase) dicar-
to re-
duce detoxification systems
intake and to reduce activity
hypoglycemic the available AGEs
to reduce precursors.
sugar Inhibition
availability, etc. of
polyol pathway enzymes (aldose reductase and sorbitol dehydrogenase) to reduce
fructose intake and hypoglycemic activity to reduce sugar availability, etc. [9,60].
Figure 3. The mechanisms of action of antiAGEs compounds. The antiAGEs compounds could
restrict in different ways, shown with a red cross, the undue accumulation, and consequent harmful
effects of AGEs. These compounds may block sugar attachment to proteins, scavenge free radicals,
Figure 3. The mechanisms of action of antiAGEs compounds. The antiAGEs compounds could
chelate ions, trap reactive dicarbonyl species, break AGEs cross-links, or block the AGEs–RAGEs
restrict in different ways, shown with a red cross, the undue accumulation, and consequent harmful
interaction. Hyperglycemic control and inhibition of aldose reductase or sorbitol dehydrogenase
effects of AGEs. These compounds may block sugar attachment to proteins, scavenge free radicals,
may decrease
chelate thereactive
ions, trap reducing sugars available
dicarbonyl species,and, therefore,
break the formation
AGEs cross-links, of AGEs.
or block Created with
the AGEs–RAGEs
interaction. Hyperglycemic control and inhibition of aldose reductase or sorbitol dehydrogenase
may decrease the reducing sugars available and, therefore, the formation of AGEs. Created with
4.3. Synthetic AntiAGEs Compounds
Synthetic antiAGEs compounds include aminoguanidine, N-phenacylthiazolium bro-
mide (PTB), tenilsetam, pyridoxamine, pentoxifylline, benfotiamine, LR-90, alagebrium
chloride (ALT-711), edaravone, TM2002, pioglitazone and metformin [10]. The two last
compounds are widely used for diabetes treatment. Edaravone has been used to treat
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [62], whereas pentoxifylline is used to improve blood flow
in patients with circulation problems. However, most of the other antiAGEs compounds
have failed in human clinical trials due to severe side effects or deficient effectiveness [10].
For that reason, natural antiAGEs compounds are being studied as a potentially safer and
environmentally friendly alternative.
Newman and Cragg [63] wrote: “Natural products still hold out the best options
for finding novel agents/active templates, which, when worked on in conjunction with
synthetic chemists and biologists, offer the potential to discover novel structures that can
lead to effective agents in a variety of human diseases”.
Several natural antiAGEs compounds have been found and identified as plant metabo-
lites, including polyphenols, polysaccharides, terpenoids, vitamins, alkaloids, and pep-
tides [11–17]. In contrast, there are scarce reports about antiAGEs compounds synthesized
by endophytes, despite the fact that in some cases, these organisms have the capacity to
generate the same or similar bioactive compounds as their host [29,64].
sterols [65]. Various metabolites and crude extracts of endophytes have shown antioxidant
activity, which is known as a possible mechanism for inhibiting the formation of AGEs [66,
67]. Gutiérrez-García et al. [68] explored the antiAGEs compounds produced by endophytes
from Piper auritum. They found that 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) and congeners such
as 5-hydroxyferulic acid synthesized by endophytic Pseudomonas strains inhibit, in vitro,
the formation of Amadori products and fluorescent-AGEs.
Natural antiAGEs compounds have been studied and found primarily in plants.
However, some of these plant-derived antiAGEs compounds have also been found as
metabolites synthesized by endophytes [13,29,69,70]. Table 1 summarizes some plant
anti-AGEs compounds, their mechanism of action, the endophytes reported to be capable
of producing them, and the analytical techniques used to identify these compounds in
the endophytes. Table 1 was originally built from the examination of the four most-cited
reviews, and three recent reviews, on inhibition of advanced glycation end products by
natural products [11–17]. This led us to identify ~130 natural compounds with at least
one antiAGEs activity. Each compound was separately searched in the Web of Science
(Core Collection) using the compound name and the phrase “Advanced glycation end
products”. Next, the compounds with at least six outputs (62) were searched by name and
the input “endophyte”. We retrieved 382 outputs but only 70 were about the production of
the antiAGEs compounds by endophytes, and they included ~30 antiAGEs compounds.
Only the papers that included reliable spectrometric data and chemical information about
the compounds synthesized by endophytes were further considered. Table 1 summarizes
26 compounds plus some derivatives, 47 papers about the mechanisms of action involved
in the antiAGEs activity of the compounds cited, and 37 articles reporting endophytes that
synthesize at least one of the mentioned compounds.
AntiAGEs Endophytic Source/Host
Concentration/Study Model Action Mechanism Method of
Compound Plant
Reduces formation of CML,
pentosidine and the
expression of aldose
reductase, sorbitol
* 2–4% in powder diet of T2D endophytes/Newbouldia -HPLC-PDA a
dehydrogenase, and
Protocatechuic rats [71] laevis and Ocimum -1 H, 13 C,
RAGEs. Improves
acid * 50–100 mg/kg p.o in T2D rats gratissimum [73] and HMBC
glyoxalase I expression and
with high fat diet [72] -Aspergillus sp., NMR a
insulin sensibility. It has
FVL2/Foeniculum vulgare [74]
antioxidant, hypoglycemic
and anti-inflammatory
activity [71,72]
-Fusarium sp./Fritillaria
unibracteata [78]
Diminishes fluorescent
-Alternaria spp., Penicillium
AGEs formation and
* 50–200 µg/mL in BSA-glucose spp., Neurospora spp.,
RAGEs expression. -HPLC-DAD b
system [75] Cladosporium spp., Phoma spp.
Chelates ion metals entrap -HPLC-dual λ
* 25 mg/kg/day in rats [76] Fusarium spp., Phomopsis spp.
Gallic acid carbonyl species and have detector *
* 100 µM in BSA-glucose, and Pleosporales spp./Acer
antioxidant, -HPLC-DAD b
BSA-ribose and BSA-MGO ginnala [79]
anti-inflammatory and -HPLC-PDA *
system [77] -Cladosporium velox/Tinospora
hypoglycemic activities
cordifolia [80]
-Fusarium spp./Ferula
assa-foetida [81]
Molecules 2022, 27, 4469 8 of 25
Table 1. Cont.
AntiAGEs Endophytic Source/Host
Concentration/Study Model Action Mechanism Method of
Compound Plant
Decreases collagen
cross-links and cytotoxicity
-Cladosporium velox/Tinospora
induced by GO and MGO
Coumaric * 0.2 mM in rat hepatocytes [82] cordifolia [80] -HPLC-DAD b
in hepatocytes, has
acid * 20 mM in rat tail tendons [83] -Fusarium spp./Ferula -HPLC-PDA *
antioxidant and
assa-foetida [81]
anti-inflammatory activity
Reduces the levels of CML,
fluorescent AGEs and
inflammatory hormones. -Four Fusarium
Inhibits aldose reductase, spp./Fritillaria unibracteata [78]
sorbitol dehydrogenase -Fusarium chlamydosporum
activity and RAGEs and Penicillium
* 0.5–2 mM in BSA-MGO and expression, has antioxidant, canescens/Polygonum chinense
histones-MGO system [84] anti-inflammatory L. [88]
* 2.5–5% in powder diet of T2D activities [84–86] * There -Colletotrichum acutatum b
rats [85] are contradictory reports S216/Camellia [89]
Caffeic acid -OHR-LC-MS
* 10 µM in human endothelial about the beneficial effect -Arcopilus cupreus/Schleichera
(ESI and APCI)
cells system [86] of caffeic acid. Wu et al. oleosa [90] a
* 0.1–2.5 mM BSA-MGO, [87] reported proglycation -Aspergillus fumiga-
HUVEC system [87] effect of caffeic acid, which tus/Moringa oleífera [91]
leads to the elevation of -Cladosporium velox/Tinospora
oxidative stress and cordifolia [80]
inflammation in -Fusarium spp./Ferula
monocytes, macrophages assa-foetida [81]
and vascular endothelial
cells *
* 50–200 µg/mL in BSA-glucose Inhibits production of
system [75]. CML, fluorescent AGEs,
laevis and Ocimum
* 0.2 mM in rat hepatocytes [82] dicarbonyl compounds,
gratissimum [73]
* Equimolar or a 5-fold molar CEL, and melanoidins.
-Three Fusarium -HPLC-PDA a
excess with respect to the lysine Decreases cytotoxicity
spp./Fritillaria unibracteata [78] -HPLC-DAD b
content of flour and egg white in induced by GO and MGO
Ferulic acid -Fusarium chlamydosporum -HPLC-ESI-
cake [92]. in hepatocytes, reduces
and Penicillium MS/MS b
* 12.95 mM in BSA-fructose or protein cross-linking and
canescens/Polygonum chinense -HPLC-PDA *
soy glycinin–fructose system [93] has antioxidant,
L. [88]
* 5–20 mM in BSA-glucose anti-inflammatory and
-Alternaria tenuissima SBUp1,
system; 0.1 and 0.2 mM in antihyperglycemic
Fusarium sp./Ferula
HUVEC system [94] activities [75,82,92–94]
assa-foetida [81]
Inhibits formation of
fluorescent AGEs, CML,
* 6.25–400 µg/mL in -Two Fusarium
and CEL. Reduces MGO
BSA-glucose, BSA-GO and spp./Fritillaria unibracteata [78]
Rosmarinic levels, protein aggregation, -HPLC-DAD b
BSA-MGO system [95] -Alternaria tenuissima SBUp1,
acid and fibril formation -HPLC-PDA b
* 10 µM in HSA–MGO Fusarium sp./Ferula
induced by AGEs in
system [96] assa-fotida [81]
human serum albumin
Molecules 2022, 27, 4469 9 of 25
Table 1. Cont.
AntiAGEs Endophytic Source/Host
Concentration/Study Model Action Mechanism Method of
Compound Plant
-Sordariomycete sp./Eucommia
ulmoides [98]
lunatus/Mirabilis jalapa
L. [99] -HPLC, UPLC-
-Brevibacillus borstelensis B14, PDA-QTOF-MS
* 0.5–2 mM in BSA-MGO and Inhibits production of b
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens B17,
histones-MGO system [84] fluorescent AGEs and
Bacillus badius B19, -LC-ESI-
* AGEs IC50 = 148.32 ± 3.13 µM alpha glycosidases.
Sphingomonas yabuuchiae N21, MS/MS
in BSA-glucose system; Reduces cross-linking of
Chlorogenic Enterobacter tabaci N22, and -Chromogenic
crosslinking IC50 = 0.68 ± 0.10 AGEs-BSA to collagen,
acid Lodderomyces elongisporus method, TLC b ,
mM in AGEs-BSA-rat tail tendon entraps MGO, has
P212 and Colletotrichum HPLC-UV b ,
collagen system; carbonyl antihyperglycemic and
acutatum S216/Mentha UPLC-MS/MS
trapping IC50 = 48.26 ± 16.98 antioxidant activities b
haplocalyx (B14, B17, B19),
mM [97] [84,97]
Ipomoea batatas and -HPLC-DAD b
Camellia [89] -HPLC-PDA *
-Cladosporium velox/Tinospora
cordifolia [80]
-Fusarium sp./Ferula
assa-foetida [81]
* AGEs IC50 = 85.2–185.2 µM in
BSA-glucose-fructose system;
aldose reductase IC50 A = -Dichotomopilus
2.47–6.67 µM in RLAR funicola/Cajanus cajan L. -HPLC-ESI-MS
system [100] Inhibits aldose reductase (pigeon pea) [103] b
* Aldose reductase IC50 V = 1.47 and acetylcholinesterase -Two Fusarium spp./Fritillaria -HPLC-DAD b
Apigenin ± 0.08 µM, IC50 I = 0.49 ± 0.08 activities, as well as the unibracteata [78] -HPLC-UV-Vis *,
(A) and µM, IC50 A = 0.97 ± 0.26 µM in formation of fluorescent -Fusarium solani/Cajanus LC-MS-ESI b ,
derivatives RLAR system and IC50 V = 12.07 AGEs. Entraps MGO and cajan [104] 1 H, 13 C NMR a
(V = vitexin ± 0.03 µM, IC50 I = 0.13 ± 0.03 reduces inflammatory -Chaetomium -HPLC-MS/MS
and I = µM, IC50 A = 11.65 ± 0.07 µM in cytokines and adhesion globosum/Cajanus cajan [105] a
isovitexin) HRAR system; AGES IC50 V = molecules, has antioxidant -Arcopilus cupreus/Schleichera -OHR-LC-MS
243.54 ± 8.86 µM, IC50 I = 175.66 and anti-inflammatory oleosa [90] (ESI and APCI)
± 3.73 µM, IC50 A = 204.14 ± activities [100–102] -Alternaria tenuissima SBUp1, a
Table 1. Cont.
AntiAGEs Endophytic Source/Host
Concentration/Study Model Action Mechanism Method of
Compound Plant
* AGEs IC50 = 16.5–88.9 µM in
-Nigrospora oryzae/Loranthus
BSA-glucose-fructose system; Inhibits aldose reductase, -HPLC-DAD-
micranthus [113]
aldose reductase IC50 A = and production of ESI-MS a , 1 H,
Luteolin -Fusarium sp./Fritillaria 13 C, HSQC, and
0.087–0.94 µM in RLAR pentosidine and other
and unibracteata [78]
system [100]. fluorescent AGEs. Reduces HMBC NMR
derivatives -Alternaria tenuissima SBUp1,
* 100 µg/mL in protein cross-linking -HPLC-DAD b
Fusarium sp./Ferula
BSA-glucose-fructose [100,112] -HPLC-PDA *
assa-foetida [81]
system [112]
-Nigrospora oryzae/Loranthus
micranthus [113] -HPLC-DAD-
* 50–200 µg/mL in BSA-glucose Inhibits aldose reductase, -Fusarium chlamydosporum ESI-MS a , 1 H,
system [75] and the formation of alpha and Penicillium 13 C, HSQC, and
Table 1. Cont.
AntiAGEs Endophytic Source/Host
Concentration/Study Model Action Mechanism Method of
Compound Plant
Inhibits alpha-glucosidases,
alpha-amylases, aldose
reductase, intestinal
-Fusarium spp./Fritillaria
carbohydrate absorption,
unibracteata [78]
and AGEs formation.
Increases glucose uptake -HPLC-DAD b
Rutin and * 50–100 mg/kg body weight in fumigatus/Moringa oleífera
and insulin secretion. -UHPLC-DAD b
derivatives diabetic rats (review) [121] [91]
Reduces activity of -HPLC-PDA *
-Alternaria tenuissima SBUp1,
enzymes involved in
Fusarium sp./Ferula
gluconeogenesis and has
assa-foetida [81]
antioxidant and
activities [121]
-Alternaria spp.,
Botryosphaeria sp., Penicillium
Inhibits aldose reductase, spp., Cephalosporium spp.,
alpha-glucosidase, Aspergillus sp., Geotrichum
alpha-amylase, and sp., and Mucor sp./Vitis
sorbitol dehydrogenase. vinifera L. cv. Merlot, Vitis -HPLC-dual λ *
* 5 mg/kg b.w. in diabetic rats
Chelates metal ions and quinquangularis and -Biochemical
entraps dicarbonyls. Polygonum cuspidatum [124] assays, TLC b ,
* 50–300 µg/mL in BSA-fructose,
Improves insulin -Arcopilus aureus, Penicillium HPLC *
Resveratrol BSA-MGO and arginine-MGO
sensitivity, glyoxalase-I spp., Lasiodiplodia spp., -Chromogenic
system; α-amylase IC50 = 3.62
activity, and adiponectin Nigrospora sp., Botryosphaeria method, TLC b ,
µg/mL and α-glucosidase IC50 =
levels. Reduces AGEs spp., Fusarium spp., Xilaria UV spectra b ,
17.54 µg/mL [123]
levels in diabetic rats, has sp., Aspergillus spp. and LC *
antioxidant and Alternaria sp./Vitis vinifera
anti-inflammatory [125–127]
activities [122,123] -Aspergillus niger/Vitis
vinifera Cabernet
Sauvignon [128]
-HPLC a , 1 H,
13 C NMR a
-Rhytismataceae sp./Picea
mariana [131]
rotation, IR, ID,
* 5–20 mg/kg b.w. in normal and Inhibits alpha-glucosidase, and 2D NMR
diabetic rats [129] relieves hyperglycemia, and MS data a
Tyrosol sonchifolius [132]
* α-glucosidase IC50 = 70.8 µg and has antioxidant -HPLC-UV b ,
-Phialocephala fortinii/Rhodiola
total phenolic/mL [130] activity [129,130] UPLC/Q-ToF-
angusta and R. crenulata [133]
MS, and
-Pestalotiopsis mi- 1 H-NMR b
crospore/Manilkara zapota [134] −1 13
a , and FABMS a
Molecules 2022, 27, 4469 12 of 25
Table 1. Cont.
AntiAGEs Endophytic Source/Host
Concentration/Study Model Action Mechanism Method of
Compound Plant
Inhibits aldose reductase
and sorbitol
dehydrogenase activities.
Reduces production of
CEL, CML, and fluorescent
AGEs. Entraps dicarbonyl
-Cladosporium velox/Tinospora
* Aldose reductase IC50 = 0.27 compounds. Enhances
cordifolia [80] -HPLC-DAD b
Ellagic acid µM in HRAR and IC50 = 0.047 insulin signaling,
-Aspergillus fumiga- -UHPLC-DAD b
µM in RLAR system [108] adiponectin receptors,
tus/Moringa oleífera [91]
glucose transporters, and
inflammatory mediators.
Decreases blood glucose
levels and has
anti-inflammatory activity
-Fusarium sp. and Aspergillus
sp./Panax notoginseng [137]
Inhibits production of
-Fusarium spp., Aspergillus
fructosamine, fluorescent
spp., Verticillium spp., -HPLC-UV,
* AGEs IC50 = 15–220 µM in AGEs, and CML. Reduces
Ginsenosides Penicillium spp., Nectria spp., HPLC-ESI-MS b
BSA-fructose-glucose levels of amyloid cross-B
(Rb, Rd, Rg) and Plectosphaerella -HPLC-PAD b
system [136] structure, has
sp./Panax ginseng [138] -HPLC b
-Penicillium sp., Dictyochaeta
activity [136]
sp. and Camarosporium
sp./Aralia elata [139]
Reduces plasma glucose,
AGEs levels, and RAGE
* 5 and 20 mg/kg/day in expression. Suppress the
transgenic mice [140] activation of NF-κB -Trichoderma atroviride/Salvia
Tanshinones HRMS/MS
*10 mg/kg/day in diabetic signaling pathway miltiorrhiza [142] b
rats [141] mediated by RAGE, has
anti-inflammatory activity
Inhibits formation of
fluorescent AGEs and
protein glycoxidation.
Entraps carbonyl
* 0.1 mg/mL in BSA-glucose intermediates, blocks lysyl -ESI-MS,
Stigmasterol sp./Salicornia bigelovii 1 H-NMRa
system [143] residues of BSA, and
Torr [144]
consequently reduces its
binding with glucose. It
has antioxidant
activity [143]
-Talaromyces spp. Apergillus
spp. and Fusarium
Inhibits aldose reductase analysis by
* AGEs IC50 = 118 µM in spp./Artemisia annua L. [146]
activity and formation of LC-HRMS/MS
BSA-fructose-glucose system, -Coniochaeta velutina/Tsuga ab
Emodin fluorescent AGEs and
aldose reductase IC50 = 15.9 µM heterophylla [147]
CML. Entraps MGO, has -LC-MS-IT-TOF
in RLAR system [145] -Thielavia
antioxidant activity [145] and NMR data a
perforatum [148]
Molecules 2022, 27, 4469 13 of 25
Table 1. Cont.
AntiAGEs Endophytic Source/Host
Concentration/Study Model Action Mechanism Method of
Compound Plant
Inhibits production of
alpha-amylase, aldose
* AGEs IC50 = 2.95 ± 0.02 µM in reductase, fluorescent
BSA-fructose-glucose system AGEs, and
[149] alpha-dicarbonyl -Cladosporium velox/Tinospora
Umbelliferone -HPLC-DAD b
* 15–240 µg/mL in psoas muscle compounds. Improves cordifolia [80]
system, α-amylase IC50 = 8.06 insulin secretion and
µg/mL glucose uptake, has
antioxidant and
hypoglycemic activities
Inhibits RAGEs activation,
* 50–100 mg/kg in transgenic -Aspergillus terreus/Sophora
Matrine has anti-inflammatory -HPLC-PAD b
mice, 10–50 µM flavescens [152]
activity [151]
Inhibits production of
* 1–10 µM in BSA-MGO system,
α-glucosidase and
0.01–0.5 µM in HUVEC-MGO -Thielavia -HPLC-HRMS *,
fluorescent AGEs. Protects
Hypericin system [153] subthermophila/Hypericum detection of
against MGO-induced
* α-glucosidase IC50 = 4.66 ± perforatum [148] hyp-1 gene
apoptosis and oxidative
0.27 mg/L [154]
damage [153,154]
MGO: methylglyoxal; GO: glyoxal; NID: not identified; CML: carboxymethyl lysine; CEL: carboxyethyl lysine;
ROS: reactive oxygen species; BSA: bovine serum albumin; HSA: human serum albumin; RLAR: rat lens aldose
reductase; HRAR: human recombinant aldose reductase; b.w.: body weight; HUVEC: human umbilical vein
endothelial cells; HPLC-PDA: high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to a photodiode array detector;
DAD: diode array detector; ESI: electrospray ionization; MS/MS: mass spectrometry in tandem; HRMS: high-
resolution mass spectrometry; dual λ: dual wavelength absorbance detector; UPLC: ultra-performance liquid
chromatography; 1 H and 13 C NMR: proton and carbon nuclear magnetic resonance; HSQC: heteronuclear single
quantum coherence NMR; HMBC: heteronuclear multiple bond correlation NMR; OHR-LC-MS: orbitrap high-
resolution liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry; APCI: atmospheric pressure chemical ionization;
TLC: thin layer chromatography; UV: ultraviolet; IR: infrared spectroscopy; QToF-MS: quadrupole time of flight
mass spectrometry; FABMS: fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry; IT: ion trap. a Comparing with database
or literature. b Comparing with standard data processed under the same conditions. * Quantitative method.
Figure 5. AntiAGEs flavonoids reported in endophytes. * Endophytes are also able to produce
Figure 5. AntiAGEs
derivatives flavonoids reported in endophytes. * Endophytes are also able to produce de-
of these compounds.
rivatives of these compounds.
Other antiAGEs phenolic compounds that have been reported in endophytes such
Other antiAGEs
as resveratrol, phenolic
a stilbene compounds
[124–128], that haveellagic
tyrosol [131–134], been reported in endophytes
acid [80,91], such as
and 2,4-diacetyl-
resveratrol, a [68]
phloroglucinol stilbene [124–128],
are shown tyrosol
in Figure 6. [131–134], ellagic acid [80,91], and 2,4-diacetyl-
phloroglucinol [68] are shown in Figure 6.
Molecules 2022, 27, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 27
Molecules 2022, 27, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 27
Molecules 2022, 27, 4469 16 of 25
Figure 7. AntiAGEs
Figure 7. AntiAGEs terpenoids
terpenoids reported
reported in
in endophytes.
Figure 7. AntiAGEs terpenoids reported in endophytes.
Molecules 2022, 27, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 27
Molecules 2022, 27, 4469 17 of 25
• More economical process. Usually, microbial sources of valued products are cheaper
because they can be mass-produced; this may have an impact on the market price of
the compounds of interest.
• Fewer purification steps. The chemical complexity of microorganisms is relatively
lower than that of plants. A less complex chemical profile of endophytes makes the
purification process of metabolites easier and potentially less costly [3,103,169].
9. Conclusions
Endophytes synthesize a wide variety of metabolites, including some specific of their
host plant; as such, they seem to be a promising source of antiAGEs compounds. Addi-
tionally, endophytes may be useful to elicit the production of bioactive phytochemicals by
plants and induce the production of novel ones. However, some outstanding challenges
still limit the discovery and commercial use of these microorganisms as sources of antiAGEs
compounds and other bioactive compounds. The use of new technologies in biotechno-
logical platforms and the advancement of omic sciences will help in the understanding of
endophytes and their complex interactions with other organisms. This new knowledge will
allow endophytes to be harnessed as a safe, sustainable, economical, and profitable option
for developing new antiAGEs and other pharmaceutic compounds. The above could be a
significant aid for the treatment and control of at least some prevalent non-communicable
diseases that threaten global health.
Funding: L.S.R.H. has received scholarships (grant 710433 and 754673) from the National Council
of Science and Technology (Conacyt), Mexico. The financial support of Cinvestav-IPN is gratefully
acknowledged (the research received no external funding).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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