Exp8 081
Exp8 081
Exp8 081
Table of Contents
Title: Butterworth Filter Design................................................................................................................................. 1
Student Info:............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Experiment no. : 8.............................................................................................................................................1
AIM: ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
SOFTWARE USED:..............................................................................................................................................2
THEORY:.................................................................................................................................................................. 2
RESULTS:................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Example 1.................................................................................................................................................................3
Step 1: ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Step 2:.................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Step 3:.................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Step 4:.................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Example 2.................................................................................................................................................................6
Step 1: ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Step 2:.................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Step 3:.................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Step 4:.................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Student Info:
Name: Ayush Meshram
Batch:EXTC B-1
Experiment no. : 8
Butterworth Filters
The amplitude response (Hjw)| of an nth order Butterworth lowpass filter is given by
Observe that at W = 0, the gain [H (jo)| is unity and at W = Wc, the gain |H (jw.)| = 1/1.414 or -3 dB. The gain
drops by a factor 1.414 at W = Wc . Because the power is proportional to the amplitude squared, the power
ratio (output power to input power) drops by a factor 2 at W = Wc. For this reason Wc is called the half-power
frequeney or the 3 dB-cutoff frequency (amplitude ratio of V2 is 3 dB).
The amplitude response |H(jw)| of the normalized lowpass Butterworth filters is depicted in Fig. 7.20 for various
values of n. From Fig. 7.20
we observe the following:
1. The Butterworth amplitude response decreases monotonically. Moreover, the first 2n - 1 derivatives of the
amplitude response are zero at w = 0. For this reason this characteristic is called maximally fat at w = 0.
Observe that a constant characteristic (ideal) is maximally flat for all w < 1. In the Butterworth filter we try to
retain this property at least at the origin.†
2. The filter gain is 1 (0 dB) at w = 0 and 0.707 (-3 dB) at w = 1 for all n. Therefore, the 3-dB (or half power)
bandwidth is 1 rad/s for all n.
3. For large n, the amplitude response approaches the ideal characteristic. To determine the corresponding
transfer function H(s), recall
Normalized Filter
In the design procedure it proves most convenient to consider a normalized filter H(s), whose half-power
frequency is 1 rad/s (wc = 1). For such a filter, the amplitude characteristic reduces to
Example 1
Step 1:
Determine n
nc = 3.7016
n = ceil(nc)
n = 4
Step 2:
Determine Wc
% Compute cutoff frequency
Wc = (Wp) / (10.^(Pp) - 1).^(1/(2.*n))
Wc = 10.6934
Wc1 = 11.2610
Step 3:
Determine the normalized transfer function
s = []
s =
for k=1:n
A = (2.*(k-1)+n+1) / (2.*n)
Sk = cos(A.*pi) + 1i*sin(A.*pi)
s = [s Sk]
A = 0.6250
Sk = -0.3827 + 0.9239i
s = -0.3827 + 0.9239i
A = 0.8750
Sk = -0.9239 + 0.3827i
s = 1×2 complex
-0.3827 + 0.9239i -0.9239 + 0.3827i
A = 1.1250
Sk = -0.9239 - 0.3827i
s = 1×3 complex
-0.3827 + 0.9239i -0.9239 + 0.3827i -0.9239 - 0.3827i
A = 1.3750
Sk = -0.3827 - 0.9239i
s = 1×4 complex
-0.3827 + 0.9239i -0.9239 + 0.3827i -0.9239 - 0.3827i -0.3827 - 0.9239i
s = s'
s = 4×1 complex
-0.3827 - 0.9239i
-0.9239 - 0.3827i
-0.9239 + 0.3827i
-0.3827 + 0.9239i
num1 = [0 1]
num1 = 1×2
0 1
den1 = poly(s)
Step 4:
Determine the final filter transfer function
Filter Order is n = 4
for k = 1:n
disp([num2str(real(s(k))) ' ' num2str(imag(s(k)))]);
-0.38268 -0.92388
-0.92388 -0.38268
-0.92388 0.38268
-0.38268 0.92388
den2= poly(Wc.*s)
num2 = [0 Wc^n]
num2 = 1×2
104 ×
0 1.3076
num/den =
s^4 + 2.6131 s^3 + 3.4142 s^2 + 2.6131 s + 1
num/den =
s^4 + 27.9432 s^3 + 390.4105 s^2 + 3195.2631 s + 13075.6027
Example 2
Determine n, the order of the lowpass Butterworth filter to meet the following specificationsWp =
100 ;Ws = 200 ; Gp = -0.5dB ; Gs = -20dB
Step 1:
Determine n
nc = 4.8321
n = ceil(nc)
n = 5
Step 2:
Determine Wc
Wc = 123.4120
Wc1 = 126.3184
Step 3:
Determine the normalized transfer function
s = []
s =
for k=1:n
A = (2.*(k-1)+n+1) / (2.*n)
Sk = cos(A.*pi) + 1i*sin(A.*pi)
s = [s Sk]
A = 0.6000
Sk = -0.3090 + 0.9511i
s = -0.3090 + 0.9511i
A = 0.8000
Sk = -0.8090 + 0.5878i
s = 1×2 complex
-0.3090 + 0.9511i -0.8090 + 0.5878i
A = 1
Sk = -1.0000 + 0.0000i
s = 1×3 complex
-0.3090 + 0.9511i -0.8090 + 0.5878i -1.0000 + 0.0000i
A = 1.2000
Sk = -0.8090 - 0.5878i
s = 1×4 complex
-0.3090 + 0.9511i -0.8090 + 0.5878i -1.0000 + 0.0000i -0.8090 - 0.5878i
A = 1.4000
Sk = -0.3090 - 0.9511i
s = 1×5 complex
-0.3090 + 0.9511i -0.8090 + 0.5878i -1.0000 + 0.0000i -0.8090 - 0.5878i
s = s'
s = 5×1 complex
-0.3090 - 0.9511i
-0.8090 - 0.5878i
-1.0000 - 0.0000i
-0.8090 + 0.5878i
-0.3090 + 0.9511i
num1 = [0 1]
num1 = 1×2
0 1
den1 = poly(s)
Step 4:
Determine the final filter transfer function
Filter Order is n = 5
Cutoff Frequency of the Filter is Wc 123.412
for k = 1:n
disp([num2str(real(s(k))) ' ' num2str(imag(s(k)))]);
-0.30902 -0.95106
-0.80902 -0.58779
-1 -1.2246e-16
-0.80902 0.58779
-0.30902 0.95106
den2= poly(Wc.*s)
num2 = [0 Wc^n]
num2 = 1×2
1010 ×
0 2.8628
num/den =
s^5 + 3.2361 s^4 + 5.2361 s^3 + 5.2361 s^2 + 3.2361 s + 1
num/den =
s^5 + 399.3697 s^4 + 79748.0683 s^3 + 9841869.9143 s^2 + 750667179.66 s
+ 28627751612.4319