CDSCO Composition and Guidelines
CDSCO Composition and Guidelines
CDSCO Composition and Guidelines
• BA/ BE
AIM: - The Drugs & Cosmetics Act,1940 and rules 1945 have entrusted various responsibilities
to central & state regulators for regulation of drugs & cosmetics. It envisages uniform
implementation of the provisions of the Act & Rules made thereunder for ensuring the safety,
rights, and well-being of the patients by regulating the drugs and cosmetics. CDSCO is constantly
thriving to bring out transparency, accountability, and uniformity in its services in order to ensure
the safety, efficacy, and quality of the medical product manufactured, imported, and distributed
in the country.
Under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, CDSCO is responsible for approval of Drugs, Conduct of
Clinical Trials, laying down the standards for Drugs, control over the quality of imported drugs in
the country, and coordination of the activities of State Drug Control Organizations by providing
expert advice with a view of bringing about the uniformity in the enforcement of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act.
Mission: - To safeguard and enhance public health by assuring the Safety, efficacy and quality of
drugs, cosmetics and medical device.
Regulatory control over the import of drugs, approval of new drugs and clinical trials,
meetings of Drugs Consultative Committee (DCC) and Drugs Technical Advisory Board (DTAB),
approval of certain licenses as Central License Approving Authority is exercised by the CDSCO
DCC Drug consultative committee To advise the central, state, and DTAB on any
matter tending to secure uniformity throughout
in administration of act
DTAB Drug technical advisory To advise the central, state, Govt. on technical
board matters.
SEC SUBJECT EXPERT Evaluate the applications of clinical trial and
COMMITTEE new drugs for their safety and efficacy of
IND Investigational new drug To detail the data that provide documentation
application that it is indeed reasonable to proceed with
certain human trails with drugs
APEX -- Monitor clinical trial
TECHNICAL -- Technical committee meetings.
It consists of two representatives nominated by central government and one nominee of each of
the state. The committee meet when required by the central government and is empowered to
regulate its own procedure.
1.Licensing of drugs manufacturing and sales establishments
2. Licensing of drug testing laboratories
3. Approval of drug formulation for manufacture.
4. Monitoring of quality of drugs and cosmetics, manufacture by respective state units and those
marketed in the state.
An online licensing portal of CDSCO has been implemented in January 2016 and has been named
SUGAM file application for various services like applications submissions, processing and grant
of permission for quick.
• Applicants can apply for license under the import and registration division to CDSCO
• Track the status of the application
• Applicants can also upload essential documents for registration, import license and other
related activities
• There is no provision to upload multiple different files for one heading companies can only
combine them as one pdf giving the possibility of information getting misplaced.
Rule 21 A drug already approved by the For certain claims, which is now
Licensing Authority. proposed to be marketed with modified
or new claims, namely, indications,
dosage, dosage form (including
sustained release dosage form) and
route of administration.
A new drug shall continue to be
considered as new drug for a period of
four years from the date of its first
Rule 22 Powers of Inspectors Subject to the provisions of section 23
and of any rules made by the Central
Government in this behalf, an
Inspector may, within the local limits
of the area for which he is appointed
(a) inspect—
(i) any premises wherein any drug
or cosmetic is being manufactured
and the means employed for
standardizing and testing the drug
or cosmetic
(ii) any premises wherein any
drug or cosmetic is being sold, or
stocked or exhibited or offered for
sale, or distributed.
Cosmetic is defined under section 3(aaa) of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 as, any
article intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled or sprayed on, or introduced into, or
otherwise applied to, the human body or any part thereof for cleansing, beautifying,
promoting attractiveness or altering the appearance, and includes any article intended for use
as a component of cosmetic.
Rule 13 Grant of import (1) After examination of documents furnished with the
registration application under sub-rule (2) of rule 12 the Central
certificate Licensing Authority may, on being satisfied, grant import
registration certificate in Form COS- 2 or may reject such
application for which reasons shall be recorded in writing
within a period of six months from the date of application.
(2) In case of a new cosmetic, the applicant shall obtain prior
permission in Form COS- 3 as provided in Chapter V from
the Central Licensing Authority before registration of import
of new cosmetic into India.
Rule 14 Validity of import A registration certificate granted under rule 13 shall remain valid in
registration perpetuity, subject to payment of registration certificate retention fee as
certificate specified in the Third Schedule before completion of the period of five
years from the date of its issue, unless, it is suspended or cancelled by
the Licensing Authority.
Rule 15 Fresh application in In case of change in constitution of a registration holder or overseas
case of change in manufacturer, after grant of registration under sub-rule (1) of rule 13, an
constitution application shall be made under sub-rule (2) of rule 12 for grant of fresh
registration within a period of one hundred and eighty days from the
date of such change in constitution
Rule 16 Suspension and
cancellation of
Rule 17 Import of cosmetics
already registered
for import
Rule 18 Prohibition of (1) No cosmetic, the manufacture, sale or distribution of which is
import of certain prohibited in the country of origin, shall be imported under the same
cosmetic- name or under any other name except for the purpose of examination,
test or analysis.
(2) No cosmetics shall be imported unless the ―Use Before or use by
‘‘date shown on the label, wrapper or container of the cosmetic is later
than six months from the date of import.
(3) No cosmetic containing hexachlorophene shall be imported.
Rule 19 Documents to Before any cosmetics are imported, a declaration signed by
be supplied to manufacturer or on behalf of the manufacturer or by importer or
the on behalf of the importer that the cosmetics comply with the
Commissioner provisions of Chapter III of the Act, and the rules made
of Customs. thereunder, shall be supplied to the Commissioner of Customs.
Rule 27 Grant or refusal of (1) If the Licensing Authority, after such further enquiry, if any, as he
license may consider necessary, is satisfied that the requirements of the rules
under the Act have been complied with and that the conditions of the
license, loan licence and the rules under the Act shall be observed, he
shall grant a license in Form COS-8 or Form COS-9 as the case may be.
(2) If the Licensing Authority is not so satisfied, he shall reject the
application and shall inform the applicant of the reasons for such
rejection and of the conditions which must be satisfied before a license
can be granted or renewed and shall supply the applicant with a copy of
inspection report
Rule 28 Further application
for licence or loan
licence after
Rule 31 Inspection for
verification of
Rule 32 Permission for
import or
manufacture of new
Rule 33 Prohibition of sale
or distribution
Rule 34 Manner of labelling Subject to other provisions of the rules, a cosmetic shall carry on both
the inner and outer labels: (a) the name of the cosmetics, (b) the name
of the manufacturer and complete address of the premises of the
manufacturer where the cosmetic has been manufactured.
Rule 36 Prohibition against
false or misleading
Rule 37 Labelling of hair
dyes containing
dyes, colours and
Rule 39 No cosmetic shall be In case, the cosmetic is not included under the Ninth Schedule, it shall
imported or meet the requirements under these rules and specifications and
manufactured standards applicable to it in the country of origin.
unless it complies
with the
prescribed under
the Ninth Schedule
Rule 40 Testing of Cosmetic An application from a purchaser for test or analysis of a cosmetic under
from a purchaser section 26 of the Act shall be made to the Government Analyst in Form
COS- 13 and the report of the test or analysis of the cosmetics made on
such application shall be supplied to the applicant in Form COS- 14
Rule 41 Procedure for The Inspector while exercising powers under section 22 of the Act shall
sampling follow the procedure provided in section 23 of the said Act.
3.0 List of Documents Required for Grant of Registration Certificate for
import of Cosmetics into India
➢ Covering Letter mentioning the purpose of application
➢ Authorisation from the manufacturer (Authorisation including complete product list duly
apostilled and authenticated from the country of origin. All the pages of the authorisation
including product list should be signed by both authorised Indian agent and manufacturer
before authentication.)
➢ Filled in Part-I of Second Schedule D
➢ List of Ingredients along with its percentage contents
➢ Labels of proposed products -In case of cosmetics; where a hazard exists, every inner label
shall clearly indicate adequate directions for safe use, any warning, caution or special
direction required to be observed by the consumer, a statement indicating the names and
quantities of ingredients that are hazardous or poisonous.
➢ Specifications and testing methods
➢ Pack inserts
➢ Manufacturing Licenses/undertaking for no provision of manufacturing license in the
country- Authenticated copy of manufacturing licenses/registration/marketing authorization
in respect of applied products issued by Regulatory Authority from country of origin. In case
there is no provision of manufacturing licenses/marketing authorization in country of origin,
an undertaking for the same from the manufacturer is required to be submitted.
➢ Free Sale Certificate (duly authenticated)
➢ Non-Animal Testing Declaration -No person shall use any animal for testing of cosmetics.
An Undertaking from the manufacturer that the applied cosmetic products to be imported
into the country have not been tested on animals needs to be submitted along with application
in Form COS-1.
➢ Declaration for Heavy Metal and Hexachlorophene content.
➢ Other documents (If any).
➢ Application in Form COS-1
➢ Fee: Original Bharatkosh e-receipt for free paid
Medical devices under the MDR 2017 are classified on the basis of parameters specified in part 1
of the first schedule,
• In-Vitro diagnostic medical devices are classified on the basis of part Il of first schedule,
• Assessment authority as per class of medical devices.
• Class A or class B-state licensing authority
• Class C or class D-central licensing authority
• For class C and class D the inspection will be carried out by Central Licensing Authority
within a period of 60 days from the date of application and Central Licensing Authority
may grant licence if satisfied that the requirements of these rules have been complied
within a period of forty-five days from the date the inspection report has been received.
• For the import of additional product from different manufacturing site the Indian agent has
to submit fee for additional site as well as for the product and, the import licence will be
issued with fresh validity. In case the importer desires to get endorsed the additional
product then product fees are required to be submitted and the import license will be issued
with the same validity as of the existing license.
• Manufacturing firm is complying with ISO/IEC standards
(i) The medical device shall conform to the standards laid down by the Bureau of
Indian Standards established under section 3 of the Bureau of Indian Standards
Act, 1985 (63 of 1985) or as may be notified by the Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare in the Central Government, from time to time.
(ii) Where no relevant standard of any medical device has been laid down under
subrule (1), such device shall conform to the standard laid down by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or the International Electro
Technical Commission (IEC), or by any other pharmacopeial standards.
(iii) In case of the standards which have not been specified under sub-rule (1) and sub-
rule (2), the device shall conform to the validated manufacturer’s standards.
3. Biologicals
1. Introduction:
Biological products, or biologics, are medical products. Many biologics are made from a
variety of natural sources (human, animal or microorganism). Like drugs, some biologics are
intended to treat diseases and medical conditions. Other biologics are used to prevent or
diagnose diseases. Examples of biological products include
➢ vaccines
➢ blood and blood products for transfusion and/or manufacturing into other products
allergenic extracts, which are used for both diagnosis and treatment (for example, allergy
➢ human cells and tissues used for transplantation (for example, tendons, ligaments and
➢ gene therapies
➢ cellular therapies
➢ tests to screen potential blood donors for infectious agents such as HIV
2. Applicable Regulations and Guidelines:
The Similar Biologics are regulated as per the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940, the Drugs and
Cosmetics Rules, 1945 (as amended from time to time) and Rules for the manufacture, use,
import, export and storage of hazardous microorganisms/ genetically engineered organisms
or cells, 1989 (Rules, 1989) notified under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. Various
applicable guidelines are as follows:
• Recombinant DNA Safety Guidelines, 1990.
• Guidelines for generating preclinical and clinical data for rDNA vaccines, diagnostics and
other Biologicals, 1999.
• CDSCO guidance for industry, 2008:
➢ Submission of Clinical Trial Application for Evaluating Safety and Efficacy
➢ Requirement for permission of New Drug Approval
➢ Post approval changes in biological products: Quality, Safety and Efficacy
➢ Preparation of Quality Information for Drug Submission for New Drug
Approval: Biotechnological/Biological Products
• Guidelines and Handbook for Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBSCs), 2011.
• Guidelines on Similar Biologics: Regulatory Requirements for Marketing authorization in
India 2012.
Part 600: Additional Standards for Diagnostic Substances for Laboratory Tests
• Part X of D & C Rules is related to provisions for biological and special products
• Proper name of schedule ‘C’ product shall appear on label as specified in schedule
F or if veterinary as specified in schedule F (1) or British pharmacopoeia
(veterinary) or as approved by licensing authority
• Product shall be filled and sealed in previously sterilized glass container if not
sterilized terminally.
• Multi-dose containers should contain preservative.
• Labeling: in addition to particulars specified under schedule F or F (1), a substance
specified in schedule ‘C’ shall bear following particulars on label
1. where a drug is imported, the number of licences under which it is imported
2. a statement of the potency in units
3. The date of expiry shall be in terms of month and year
4. the date of manufacture of the particular batch
5. the nature and the percentage proportion of preservative used
6. the precaution necessary for preserving the properties
➢ FSSAI issued the Food safety and standard rules, 2011 in May of 2011.This rule gives the
regulations for licensing and registration of food products, food business, packaging and
labelling methods, standards for food products and additives used in the food product.
➢ The FSS rules are implemented in the country from August 5, 2011.This opens up the single
legislation with competent authorities to govern the sale, manufacture and distribution of the
products within the country
4. Regulations:
I. Food Safety and Standards Regulations
1. Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses regulations, 2011
2. Food Products Standards and Food Additives Regulation, 2011
3. Prohibition and Restriction of Sales Regulation, 2011
4. Packaging and Labelling Regulation, 2011
5. Contaminants, Toxins and Residues Regulation, 2011
6. Laboratory and Sampling Analysis Regulation, 2011
7. Health Supplements, Nutraceuticals, Food for Special Dietary Use, Food for
Special Medical Purpose, Functional Food and Novel Food) Regulations, 2016
8. Food Recall Procedure Regulation, 2017
9. Import Regulation, 2017
10. Approval for Non-Specific Food and Food Ingredients) Regulation, 2017
11. Packaging Regulation, 2018
12. Safe food and balanced diets for children in school Regulations, 2020
13. Labelling and Display Regulations, 2020
II. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India Regulations, 2011
1. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (Transaction of Business at its
Meetings) Regulations, 2010
2. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (Procedure for Transaction of
Business of the Central Advisory Committee) Regulations, 2010
3. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (Transaction of Business and
Procedure for the Scientific Committee and Scientific Panel) Regulations, 2016
1. Introduction:
➢ Herbal medicines/drugs are plant-derived materials with therapeutic and different health
benefits for human, which are acquired or captured from the plants and their parts.
➢ In India herbal medicines are used in Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani and Homeopathic
system of medicines.
➢ Research councils (ICMR and CSIR), department of AYUSH (Ayurveda, yoga &
naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and homeopathy) & Drugs and Cosmetics act 1940 and rules
1945 regulates herbal medicines in India.
➢ Schedule T of D&C act provides the GMP requirements to be carried for the manufacture
of herbal drugs.
➢ Part XVI-A(rule 158(B))-provides guidelines for issue of license with respect to
Ayurveda, siddha and Unani drugs.
➢ As per Rule 3 a of Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 "Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drug"
includes all medicines intended for internal or external use for in the diagnosis, treatment,
mitigation or prevention of disease or disorder in human beings or animals, and
manufactured exclusively in accordance with the formulae described in, the authoritative
books of [Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani Tibb systems of medicine], specified in the First
3. Patent or Proprietary Drugs under section 3(h): The Act defines patented or
proprietary Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani medicines as those which contain ingredients
mentioned in the formulae of the respective authoritative books, and does not include a
medicine administered by parenteral route (through injections, syringes, catheters).
For approval, patent or proprietary medicines (PPM) have two categories: • medicines that
have ingredients listed in classical texts and
Those that have ingredients listed in the Drugs and Cosmetic Rules, 1945, which is
essentially a list of "poisonous substances under the Ayurvedic (including Siddha) and Unani
Systems of Medicine".
For the first category, no safety study is required but published literature and proof of
effectiveness based on pilot study should be provided, according to General Guidelines for
Clinical Evaluation of Ayurvedic Interventions.
For the second category a safety study, published literature and proof of effectiveness all are
required. "For such substances, 'Caution: to be taken under medical supervision' is to be
conspicuously labelled on the container.
➢ For drugs that are listed in the recognized texts, there's no need for trials because the
ingredients are already approved.
➢ Unless it is new formulations clinical trial not necessary
➢ Medicine approved by individual state authorities a throughout the country
➢ There are two types of licenses: state and central. If a firm wants to manufacture a and
sell in a particular state, then a state licence is enough, which also falls under the Union
AYUSH Ministry. And, if they want to sell in other states or on an online platform, then a
central licence is required too.
➢ All clinical trials for Ayurvedic drugs, can be registered on the Clinical Trials Registry-
India (CTRI)
➢ According to the general guidelines for clinical evaluation of ayurvedic intervention the
preliminary/ pilot studies, preclinical assessment of safety and toxicity, quality assurance
and standardization of trial drugs must be documented before a clinical trial undertaken
➢ This contains the table of content of the entire ACTD format to provide the initial
information of the documents compiled in the dossier.
➢ It contains the Administrative Information which require specific documents in details along
with the Application for registration of Product such as Certificate of Pharmaceutical
Product, Free Sale Certificate, Letter of Authorization, Company certifications and
Prescribing Information.
➢ It is not compulsory to contain the same documents for registering the Product in Part I as
the entire ASEAN Market its region specific.
➢ A general introduction of the pharmaceutical product, including its pharmacologic class and
mode of action shall be included
➢ It contains the brief documentation of the Quality Part, this is further divided into three
I. SECTION A - Table of Content,
II. SECTION B - Quality Overall Summary, and
III. SECTION C - Body of Data i.e., Quality Part
i. Drug Substance (S)
ii. Drug Product (P)
a. Nomenclature- IUPAC Name, Registry number of chemical abstract service (CAS) and
Chemical Name.
b. Structural Details- structure, stereochemistry, molecular formula, relative molecular.
c. General Properties- All the Physiological properties of the drug
a. Manufacturer(s) – Manufacturers detail i.e. Name, address, city, country of the
manufacturer, details of Corporate Head Office, Manufacturing Facilities and Authorized
b. Description of Manufacturing Process and Process Controls - flow diagram of
synthetic Process. identification and justification of reprocessing.
c. Control of Materials – list and quality control of materials used in the manufacturing.
d. Controls of Critical Steps and Intermediates - All critical steps along with their test,
acceptance criteria should be justified with proper references and experimental data.
e. Process Validation and/or Evaluation Process - Validation shall be carried out to study
the results, analysis and conclusion of the executed batches. The validation should be
cross-referenced and justified.
f. Manufacturing Process Development Manufacturing – Carried out for new drug
substance. The process should be evaluated and justified. Non-clinical and clinical
studies in other modules should be included.
a. Elucidation of Structure and Characteristic - All the physio-chemical characteristics
of Drug Substance shall be provided in the DMF with justification to support the
structure of Drug Substance.
b. Impurities - Information on impurities should be provided as per ICH guidelines: Q3A,
Q3C, Q5C, Q6A and Q6B.
Control of Drug Substance
a. Specification - Detailed specification and indication of drug substance either is
purchased based on specification with a certificate of analysis, or tested by applicant.
b. Analytical Procedures – Method should be justified using the compendia method or, if
method is used out of compendia the adequate information shall be provided from the
c. Validation of Analytical Procedures – Validation ensures that analytical procedure is
same as mentions in Official Monographs.
d. Batch Analyses – It is to be performed for the Three Batches as per the pre-approved
Specifications and the Testing Procedures. The COA of the Batch Analysis shall be
performed which ensures that the results.
e. Justification of Specification – This is required for In-House specifications.
Reference Standards or Materials
Quality information of Reference standard or material used for testing of substance should be
a. Container Closure System - A complete description with compendial methods i.e.
required for testing if not then complete validations shall be provided.
b. Stability - Stability studies are conducted for 3 consecutive batches on two conditions i.e.
Long Term (As per ICH and WHO it is for 24, 36 and even 48 months based on the
stability of the finished product) and Accelerated Condition (only 06 months). The types
of studies conducted, protocols used, and the results of the studies should be summarized.
❖ Drug Product (P)
Drug Product is denoted by the word ‘P’
Compilation of complete documents of the Drug Product part w.r.t to the quality of the
Finished Product
Description and Composition
a. Description of the dosage - list of all components of the dosage form, and their amount,
function, reference to their quality standards, diluent(s) and type of container and closure
Pharmaceutical Development
a. Information on Development Studies – Information and development data with
supportive data related to non-clinical is been included
Component of Drug Product
Active Ingredients/ Excipients - compatibility and key physicochemical characteristics which
influences the performance need to be mentioned.
Finished Product
Formulation Development- in vitro studies (e.g. dissolution) or in vivo studies (e.g.,
bioequivalence) should be discussed.
Overages - overages described in Item P 1 should be justified.
b. Physicochemical and biological Properties
c. Manufacturing Process Development - selection and optimization of the manufacturing
process (Item P 3.2) should be explained.
d. Container Closure System - suitability of the container is explained.
e. Microbiological Attributes – microbiological limit testing and selection and
effectiveness of anti-microbial preservatives.
f. Compatibility
a. Batch formula - The formula with name and quantities of all ingredients, actual
quantities, Overage, total number of dosage unit per batch must be stated.
b. Manufacturing process and process control- all required data should be provided.
c. Controls of Critical Steps and Intermediates – This should be monitor, ensured for
uniformity and recorded
d. Process Validation and/or Evaluation
Control of Excipient
a. Specification
b. Analytical Procedures
c. Excipients of Human and Animal Origin
d. Novel Excipients
e. Control of finished Product
f. Specification
g. Analytical Procedure
h. Validation of Analytical Procedure
i. Batch analysis
j. Characterization of Impurities
k. Justification of Specification
l. Reference Standards or Material
Container closure system
Product Stability
a. Stability Summary and Conclusion - All criteria under ICH Guidelines are acceptable
with the exception of real time storage conditions which should be 30°C, 75% RH.
b. Post-approval stability protocol and stability commitment
c. Stability
Product Interchangeability - The Multisource Pharmaceutical Products shall be conformed
with the same appropriate standards. The type of studies conducted, shall be justified according
to BCS(Biopharmaceutical classification) .
It contains the Non-Clinical Documents having four sections namely:
I. SECTION A - Table of content
II. SECTION B - Non clinical Overview
III. SECTION C - Tabulated summaries of the Pharmacological, Pharmacokinetics and
Toxicological data,
IV. SECTION D - Nonclinical Study Report of Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics and
Toxicology data.
It contains the Clinical Studies having Six Sections namely:
I. SECTION A - Table of Content
II. SECTION B - comprises of complete Clinical Overview
III. SECTION C - Summary of Biopharmaceutics and Associated Analytical Methods,
Clinical Pharmacology Studies, Clinical Efficacy, Clinical Safety and Synopses of
Individual Studies,
IV. SCETION D - tabular listing of all clinical studies
V. SECTION E - contains the Clinical Study Reports
VI. SECTION F - contains the list of Key References
CTD format
➢ CTD Format was introduced by three regulatory Bodies i.e. United Nation, Japan and
Europe to assemble all the Quality, Safety and Efficacy of the drug under a single for
format known as Common Technical Dossier.
➢ For Industries it works as a good Format because it has eliminated the need to reformat
the information for submission to the different ICH regulatory authorities.
➢ CTD Format comprise of Five Modules namely:
Module 1: Administrative Information and Prescribing Information
Module 2: Common Technical Document Summaries
Module 3: Quality
Module 4: Nonclinical Study Reports
Module 5: Clinical Study Reports
Module 1
➢ Module 1 is for administrative information and prescribing information.
➢ This part contains documents that are specific to WHO and each region/ country as per the
requirement. So, it should contain required documents.
Module 2
➢ This part shall contain the general information of the drug Product, its pharmaceutical and
clinical use, its mode of action, its pharmacological class, therapeutic category of the product
in short, the overall view of the drug product.
➢ General introduction shall not exceed more than one page.
(The organization of these summaries is described in Guidelines for ICH M4, M4Q and M4S)
Nonclinical Overview
➢ The reason behind preparation of Non-Clinical Writing and Tabulated Summaries is to give
the information and criticality about pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and toxicology
aspects of Medicinal product in animals.
Module 3
Quality part contains the detailed information about the Drug Product w.r.t Chemistry,
Manufacturing and control and the detailed studies of the same is to be introduced in the
Dossier which is required for registration of Drug Product in the Regulatory countries.
• 3.1 Table of Contents of Module 3
• 3.2 Body of Data
• 3.2. S Drug Substance
• 3.2. P Drug Product
• 3.3 Literature Reference
➢ For preparation of Dossier in CTD format and registration of Pharmaceutical Product in
Regulated Market basically the Drug Substance of required grade along with the requirement
of that specific region or country.
Eg. USDMF (United State Drug Master File), EP grade along with the requirement of
EUDMF (European Nation Drug Master File) or CEP certificate is required
➢ CEP (Certificate of suitability) means the drug substance is approved and registered under
European Nation and can be used for the registration of Pharmaceutical Product in EU
➢ The Manufacturing process of Drug Product shall be developed in the Research and
Development Department according to the following ICH Guideline which will be key
reference for development or manufacturing of Drug Products for registration of Drug
Product in Regulated Market which are mentioned below:
ICH Q8: Pharmaceutical development
ICHQ9: Quality Risk Management.
ICH Q10: Pharmaceutical Quality System.
ICH Q11: Drug Substance Development and Manufacturing.
• FAQs: -
1. What is Global Clinical Trial? Global Clinical Trial is a clinical trial conducted for approval
of a new drug worldwide.
2. What is academic trial? “Academic clinical trial” means a clinical trial of a drug
already approved but initiated for a new indication/ route of
administration/ new dose/ new dosage form.
3. What is a randomized trial? Randomized is used to describe a research study that hopes
to compare two or more different treatments or
procedures. Done to avoid biasness
4. What are "blind" or "masked" In a "blinded" or "masked" study, participants do not know
studies? whether they are getting the drug being tested, or whether
they are in the control group. The placebo effect is the
phenomenon of patients feeling better simply because they
think they are receiving a helpful drug or treatment
5. What are "double blind" or The "double-blind" or "double-masked" means that neither
"double masked" studies? the participants, nor the study staff members, know who is
receiving the experimental drug and who is in the control
7. Where to apply for permission Application for Global Clinical Trial done in Form 44 shall be
of Global Clinical Trial (GCT)? accepted only through Sugam online portal mode and no
offline applications is accepted
8. Form for application for import Form 12, available on online Sugam portal.
of drugs for Global Clinical
9. What happens during & after Depending on the results, Sponsor and the Data Safety
the study is over? Monitoring Board (DSMB) then decide whether to stop or
continue testing the new drug or treatment. if it is safe and
if there are any side effects. Clinical Study Report should be
submitted to DCGI in prescribed manner as per Schedule Y
of Appendix II in Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 further
approval of new drug and marketing authorization