Contributions of Patrick Geddes
Contributions of Patrick Geddes
Contributions of Patrick Geddes
Availableat November2015
BY Town planner, Geddisian Triad,
LIVING WE LEARN Geddes valley section,
Patrick Geddes was a man of diverse Conurbation theory,
interests and talents. Today he is Constellation concept
probably best known as a town
planner. However, he has also been INTRODUCTION
described as biologist, sociologist,
conservationist, educationist and
ecologist. Patrick Geddes is correctly described
as one of the founders of modern town
Geddes did much to improve the living
and regional planning. His theoretical
conditions in this local environment
ideas have influenced much
and was also a figure of international
importance. He travelled widely and subsequent planning practice, regional
corresponded with the key thinkers and economic development and
writers of the time such as Charles environmental management. In
Darwin, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nobel particular, his focus on the triad "Place
laureate Rabindranath Tagore.
- Work - Folk" is fundamental to
Above all, his aim was to see life contemporary debates and research
whole, and to achieve a better into regionalism and locality,
understanding of human beings in their
economic and community
natural, built and social environment.
regeneration, environmental quality
His ideas and concerns about the
environment, education, and and sustainable development and
conservation are still as relevant today social inclusion.
as they were in his own time.
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