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Automotive Vehicles - Pneumatic Tyres For Two and Three - Wheeled Motor Vehicles, Quadricycles and E-Rickshaw/E-Carts - Specification

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भारतीय मानक IS 15627 : 2022

Indian Standard

स्वचल वाहन — दुपहिया एवं तिपहिया मोटर

वाहनों, क्वाड्री साईकिल एवं ई रिक्शा/ई-कार्ट
के लिए वातिल टायर — विशिष्टि
( पहला पनु रीक्षण )

Automotive Vehicles — Pneumatic

Tyres for Two and Three -Wheeled
Motor Vehicles, Quadricycles and
E-Rickshaw/E-Carts — Specification
( First Revision )

ICS 83.160.10

© BIS 2022

भारतीय मानक ब्रयू ो

मानक भवन, 9 बहादरु शाह ज़फर मार्ग, नई िदल्ली – 110002
NEW DELHI-110002

March 2022  Price Group 11

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Automotive Tyres, Tubes and Rims Sectional Committee, TED 07

This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Automotive Tyres, Tubes and Rims Sectional Committee had been approved by the Transport Engineering
Division Council.
This standard was first published 2005. This revision has been undertaken to include the latest sizes of tyres which
have been introduced after the publication the standard. Tyres which are fitted to E-rickshaw/E-carts have also
been included in the revised standard.
In preparing this standard, assistance has been derived from the following standards/regulations:
AIS-044 (Part 3) Automotive Vehicles — Pneumatic Tyres for Two and Three Wheeled Motor
Vehicles — Specification
ECE R 75 Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approval of Pneumatic Tyres for Motorcycles
and Mopeds

In this standard SI units have been used, the unit of force, in Newton (N), of tyre load, in kilogram (kg) and of
pressure, in Pascal (Pa). Their relationships are given below for information:
1 kgf = 9.806 65 N
1 kgf/cm2
= 98.066 kPa.
The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard is given in Annex L.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’. The number of significant places in the rounded
off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
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IS 15627 : 2022

Indian Standard
( First Revision )

1 SCOPE 3.2 Carcass — Part of the pneumatic tyre other than

the tread and the rubber sidewalls which, when inflated,
This standard specifies the general, dimensional
bears the load (see Fig. 1).
and performance requirements of new diagonal and
radial ply pneumatic tyres designed for two wheelers 3.3 Chunking — Breaking away of pieces of rubber
(L1 and L2 category of vehicles as defined in from the tyre tread.
IS 14272), three wheelers (L5 category of vehicles
as defined in IS 14272) ,quadricycles (L7 category 3.4 Cords — Strands forming the fabric of the plies in
of vehicles as defined in IS 14272), E-rickshaws and the pneumatic tyre (see Fig. 1).
E-carts. However, it does not apply to tyres designed
3.5 Cord Separation — Parting of the cords from their
for competitions.
rubber coating.
2 REFERENCES 3.6 Load Index — A figure associated with the
The following standards contain provisions, which maximum permissible load which a tyre can carry at the
through reference in this text constitute provisions of speed corresponding to its speed symbol according to
the standard. At the time of publication, the editions the operating conditions specified by the manufacturer.
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to Annex A contains a list of indices and the corresponding
revision, and parties to agreements based on this loads (see Table 1).
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility
3.7 Maximum Load Rating — Maximum mass which
of applying the most recent editions of the standards
a tyre is rated to carry, subject to the following:
indicated below:
a) For speed lower or equal to 130 km/h the maximum
IS No. Title load rating shall not exceed the percentage of the
value associated with the relevant load capacity
10694 (Part 4) General requirements for rims index of the tyre as indicated in the Table 2
: 1983 for automotive vehicles: Part 4 (see 3.21) with reference to the speed category
Scooters and scooter derivative symbol of the tyre and the speed capability of the
10694 (Part 5) General requirements for rims for vehicle to which the tyre is fitted.
: 1987 automotive vehicles: Part 5 Moped, b) For speed above 130 km/h but not exceeding
motorcycle and motor cycle 210 km/h the maximum load rating shall not
derivative rims exceed the value of the mass associated with the
14272 : 2011 Automotive vehicles — Type load capacity index of the tyre.
terminology c) In the case of tyres designed for a speed
exceeding 210 km/h but not exceeding 270 km/h,
the maximum load rating shall not exceed the
3 TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND percentage of the mass associated with the load
NOMENCLATURE capacity index for the tyre set out in Table 3 with
reference to the speed category symbol of the tyre
3.1 Bead — Part of the pneumatic tyre, the shape and
and the maximum design speed of the vehicle to
structure of which enables it to fit the rim and hold the
which the tyre is to be fitted (see Table 3).
tyre on that rim (see Fig.1).

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IS 15627 : 2022

d) For speeds in excess of 270 km/h the maximum 3.10 Nominal Rim Diameter — Diameter of the rim
load rating shall not exceed the mass specified on which a tyre is designed to be mounted (see Fig.1).
by the tyre manufacturer with reference to the
speed capability of the tyre. For intermediate 3.11 Principal Groove — Wide grooves located in the
speeds between 270 km/h and the maximum central zone of the tread.
speed permitted by the tyre manufacturer a linear 3.12 Outer Diameter (D) — Overall diameter of an
interpolation of the load rating applies. inflated new tyre (see Fig. 1).
3.8 Measuring Rim — Rim on which a tyre shall be 3.13 Overall Width — Linear distance between
fitted for dimensional measurement purposes. the outer edges of the sidewalls of an inflated tyre,
including markings, embellishments and protective
3.9 Nominal Aspect Ratio (Ra) — Hundred times bands or ribs (see Fig. 1); the overall width of tyres, the
the ratio of the nominal section height to the nominal tread width of which is greater than the section width is
section width of the tyre on its theoretical rim. the width of the tread.

S : Tyre Section width SG : Tyre Overall width. RM : Measuring Rim width.

Fig.1 Nomenclature of Tyre

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IS 15627 : 2022

3.14 Ply — Layer of rubber coated parallel cords 3.27 Type of Tyre — Tyres intended for normal road
(see Fig. 1). use which basically do not differ from one another in
respect of:
3.14.1 Ply Rating — Tyre with its maximum
recommended load when used in a specific type of a) Make or trade-name;
service. It is an index of tyre strength and does not b) Tyre size designation;
necessarily represent the number of cord plies in the c) Structure [diagonal or bias ply (cross-ply),
tyre. belted-bias, radial];
3.15 Ply Separation — Parting of adjacent plies. d) Speed category symbol;
e) Load capacity index/Maximum load carrying
3.16 Rim — Support for either a tyre and inner tube or capacity and if applicable ply rating; and
a tubeless tyre on which the beads of the tyre are seated.
f) Cross-section profile dimension when fitted to a
3.17 Section Height (H) — Distance equal to half the specified rim.
difference between the outer diameter of the tyre and
3.28 Tyre Structure — Technical characteristics of a
the nominal rim diameter.
tyre carcass. The following structures of a pneumatic
3.18 Section Width (S) — Linear distance between the tyre are distinguished in particular:
outer edges of the sidewalls of an inflated tyre excluding a) Diagonal or bias ply (cross-ply) — Pneumatic
the protrusions due to markings, embellishments or tyre structure the ply cords of which extend to
protective bands or ribs. the beads and are laid in such a way as to form
alternating angles which are perceptibly less than
3.19 Sidewall — Part of a pneumatic tyre lying between 90° to the tread centre line.
the tread and the part intended to be covered by the
wheel rim (see Fig. 1). b) Bias belted — A pneumatic tyre structure of
diagonal (bias-ply) type in which the carcass
3.20 Speed Category — Maximum designated speed is restricted by a belt comprising one layer of
of the tyre, expressed by the speed category symbol as substantially inextensible cord material laid at
shown in Table 4. Tyres suitable for maximum speeds alternate angles close to those of the carcass.
in excess of 240 km/h are identified by the letter ‘V’ or c) Radial — Pneumatic tyre structure the ply
‘Z’ placed within the tyre size designation in front of cords of which extend to the beads and are laid
the indications of tyre structure. substantially at 90° to the tread center line, while
the carcass is stabilized by a basically inextensible
3.21 Table of Load Variations as A Function of
circumferential belt.
Speed — Table 2, which shows, by reference to indices
of load capacity and of capacity at nominal speed, load d) Reinforced — A tyre designed to operate at higher
variations of a tyre if used at speeds other than those loads and higher inflation pressures than the
corresponding to that indicated by the nominal speed corresponding standard tyre.
category (see Table 2). 3.28 Tyre Size Designation — The description
3.22 Test Rim — Rim to which a tyre shall be fitted containing the following:
for testing. a) Nominal section width (S1) expressed in the form
of a code, except for certain types of tyre for which
3.23 Theoretical Rim — An imaginary rim the width the tyre size designation is set out in the column 2
of which would be X times the nominal section width of the tables in Annex C;
of a tyre. The value of X shall be specified by the tyre
manufacturer. b) Nominal aspect ratio (Ra), except for certain types
of tyre for which the tyre size designation is given
3.24 Tread — Part of the tyre which comes into in the column 2 of the tables in Annex C; and
contact with the ground, protects the carcass against c) A conventional number (d) denoting the nominal
mechanical damage and contributes to ground adhesion rim diameter and corresponding to that diameter
(see Fig. 1). expressed either in the form of a code (a figure of
less than 100) or in millimeters (a figure of more
3.25 Tread Groove — Space between two adjacent
than 100).
ribs or blocks in the tread pattern (see Fig. 1).
3.30 General — Expressions, such as moped tyres,
3.26 Tread Separation — Pulling away of the tread motorcycle tyres, three wheeler tyres, quadricycles,
from the carcass. E-Rickshaw/E-Carts tyres etc., used in this standard are
with the following general meaning:

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IS 15627 : 2022

a) Moped tyre means those intended to be used on shall be within the minimum and maximum diameter
two or three wheelers with maximum design values specified in Annex C.
speed not exceeding 50km/h, For the tyre sizes listed in Annex C, but ply
b) Motorcycle/Scooter tyres means tyres intended to rating/load index and load-inflation details are not
be used on other two wheelers, listed, the section width and outer diameter shall be
c) Three-wheeler and quadricycle tyres means determined as follows:
tyres intended for use on three wheelers and
a) the actual measured section width shall be within
quadricycles, and
the minimum section width and maximum overall
d) E-rickshaw/E-cart tyres means tyres intended for width specified in Annex C.
use on E-rickshaw and E-carts.
b) the actual measured outer diameter shall be within
NOTE — These are for the purpose of convenience of tabulation
the minimum and maximum diameter specified in
and do not refer to actual classification of vehicles on which
the tyre is intended to be used. Suitability of a particular tyre Annex C.
for a vehicle depends only on the speed capability of the tyre,
4.1.2 For code designated tyres which are not listed in
its load rating with respect to the maximum design speed of the
vehicle, and its maximum permissible axle loads as prescribed Annex C, the section width and outer diameter shall
in applicable standard. be verified against the specification declared by the
4.1.3 For ISO designated tyres which are not listed in
4.1 Tyre Dimensions Annex C, the section width and outer diameter shall be
calculated using the following formulae:
4.1.1 Tyre dimensions, namely, section width and outer
diameter and profiles shall be compatible with the Section width of tyre
appropriate rim(s). The method of measurement of tyre a) The section width shall be calculated by using
dimensions is given in Annex D. following formula: Section width of tyre — For the existing types S = S1 + K (A - A1)
of tyres whose designation is given in the col 2 of where
the tables in Annex C, the actual measured section
S = section width measured on measuring rim, in
width shall be within the minimum section width and
maximum overall width values specified in Annex C.
For Type B of Fig. 1, minimum sectional width shall S1 = nominal section width, as set out on the tyre
correspond to minimum overall width (tread width). sidewall in the tyre size designation, in mm;
NOTE — In case, the rims, other than those have the measuring A = width of the measuring rim, as shown by the
rim width code as specified in the tables are used, design manufacturer in the technical specification, in
section width and maximum overall width shall be adjusted as mm; and
A1 = theoretical rim width, in mm. A1 shall be
Every 0.50 difference of rim width code ± 5 mm taken to equal S1 multiplied by the factor X as
Rim width code difference between 1.10 and 1.20, ± 1 mm specified by the manufacturer, and K shall be
1.50 and 1.60, 1.75 and 1.85 taken to equal 0.4.
Rim width code difference between 1.20 and 1.40, ± 2 mm b) The actual measured overall width of the tyre may
1.40 and 1.60 be less than the design section width determined as
Rim width code difference between 2.50 and 2.75, per (a), by value of less than 4 per cent or
1.60 and 1.85, 1.85 and 2.15 ± 3 mm design section width minus 4 mm whichever is
2.75 and 3.00, 1.50 and 1.75 smaller.
Rim width code difference between 2.15 and 2.50 ± 4 mm c) The actual measured overall width may also
Rim width code difference between 2.75 and 3.50 ± 8 mm exceed the section width
determined as detailed in up to + 10 percent Tyre outer diameter — For the existing types for the rim diameter code greater than or equal to
of tyres whose designation is given in the col 2 of the 13 and up to + 8 percent for tyres having the rim
tables in Annex C, the actual measured outer diameter diameter code not more than 12.

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IS 15627 : 2022 Outer diameter of the tyre Symbol ‘d’ Value to be used for calculation
a) The outer diameter of a tyre is calculated by the 19 483
following formula:
20 508
21 533
22 559
D = outer diameter expressed in mm;
23 584
d = conventional number denoting the nominal
rim diameter expressed in mm (see 3.29); 4.2 Load/Speed Performance Test
H = nominal section height in mm and is equal to:
4.2.1 The load/speed performance test shall be carried
H = 0.01 × Ra × S1
out on a tyre in accordance with the method specified
Ra = nominal aspect ratio as shown on the sidewall in Annex E. The tyre shall be inflated to the pressure
of the tyre in the tyre-size designation in specified by its manufacturer. In the absence of such
conformity with the requirements of 3.29; and specification from the tyre manufacturer, the values
S1 = nominal section width in mm as shown on the given in Table 12 may be used for the categories listed.
sidewall of the tyre in the tyre-size designation
in conformity with the requirements of 3.29. 4.2.2 In case of tyres identified by means of letter code
‘V’ within the size designation and suitable for speeds
b) The outer tyre diameter shall not be outside the over 240 km/h or for tyres identified by means of letter
minimum and maximum diameter values obtained code ‘Z’ within the size designation and suitable for
from the following formula: speeds over 270 km/h, the above load/speed Test is
DMin = d + (2 H × a) carried out on one tyre at the load and speed conditions
DMax = d + (2 H × b) marked within parentheses on the tyre [(see 5(m)].
Another load/speed test shall be carried out on a second
where tyre of the same type at the load and speed conditions,
d and H are as given in and ‘a’ and ‘b’ are if any specified as maximum by the tyre manufacturer.
as given below:
4.2.3 After successfully undergoing the load/speed test
Rim diameter a b a tyre shall not exhibit any tread ply or cord separation
For the rim diameter code > 13 0.96 1.07 or any chunking or cord breakage.
For the rim diameter code < 12 0.93 1.10 4.2.4 The outer diameter of the tyre measured at least
c) The values in millimeters of the symbol ‘d’ when 6 h after the load/speed performance test shall not differ
indicated by a code are as follows: from the outer diameter measured before the test by
more than ± 3.5 percent.
Symbol ‘d’ Value to be used for calculation
4.2.5 The tyre overall width measured at the end of the
4 102 load/speed performance test shall not exceed the value
5 127 specified in or (b) and (c) as
6 152 applicable.
7 178 4.3 Dynamic Growth of Tyres
8 203 4.3.1 This test is applicable only to tyres of the speed
9 229 category symbol above ‘P’ (150 km/h).The tyres,
10 254 which have passed the load/speed performance test as
specified requirements in 4.2, shall undergo a dynamic
11 279 growth test in accordance with Annex F. Tyre inflation
12 305 pressure (test inflation pressure) shall be adjusted to the
13 330 values indicated in Table 13. This test is not applicable
to radial tyres.
14 356
15 381 4.3.2 The tyre shall meet the requirements specified in
16 406
17 432 4.4 Tyre Strength Test (Plunger Test)
18 457 The sample shall conform to the requirements specified
in Tables 15, 16 and 17 (as applicable) when tested as

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IS 15627 : 2022

per the method given in Annex G. If a Tubeless tyre 2) In the case of belted-bias tyres, the letter
version of a tyre is approved its tube version shall also ‘B’ preceding the rim-diameter code and,
be deemed to be approved. optionally, the words ‘ BELTED-BIAS’; and
3) In the case of radial-ply tyres, the letter
4.5 Endurance Test
‘R’ preceding the rim-diameter code and,
This test is applicable only for tyres listed in Table 18. optionally, the word ‘RADIAL’.
The sample shall conform to the requirements specified e) Speed categories of the tyre, expressed by the
in H-5 when tested as per the method given in Annex symbol given in 3.20.
H. f) Load capacity index are given in Annex A or
4.6 Tread Wear Indicators maximum load carrying capacity and ply rating
(if applicable) at the designated speed.
4.6.1 The pneumatic tyre shall include minimum four g) Word ‘TUBELESS’ where the tyre is intended for
transverse rows of wear indicators, approximately use without an inner tube;
equally spaced and situated in the principle grooves
h) Symbol ‘REINFORCED’ or ‘REINF’ in the case
of the tread. The tread wear indicators shall be such
of a reinforced tyre;
that these cannot be confused with the rubber ridges
between the ribs or blocks of the tread. j) Week and Year code (Code only in the form of
‘2504’ which indicates 25th week of year 2004)
4.6.2 Each tread-wear indicator shall individually or Month and Year code of manufacture (Code
provide a means of indicating with a tolerance of only in the form of ‘MAR 04’ which indicates
+ 0.60 March month of year 2004) may be placed on one
mm when the tread grooves are no longer more
– 0.00 sidewall;
than 0.8 mm deep.
k) Tread wear indicators at minimum four places
4.6.3 The height of tread wear indicators is determined along the circumference.
by measuring the difference between the depth,
m) Tyres suitable for speeds above 240 km/h shall
from the tread’s surface, to the top of the tread wear
be marked with the appropriate letter code ‘V’ or
indicator and to the bottom of the tread groove close
‘Z’, as applicable [see 3.7(c)] within the tyre size
to the slope at the base of the tread wear indicator. The
designation and in front of the indication of the
tread wear indicator height shall be measured after
structure [see 5(d)].
mounting the tyre on the measuring rim. Tread wear
indicator measurement shall be carried out at the test n) Tyres suitable for speeds above 240 km/h (or
condition including inflation pressure applicable for the 270 km/h respectively) shall bear, within
measurement of tyre dimensions as given in Annex D. parentheses, the marking of the load capacity

NOTE — The tyre shall be considered unsafe for service on
index [see 5(f)] applicable at a speed of 210 km/h
road when remaining worn skid depth reaches minimum value (or 240 km/h respectively) and a reference speed
of 0.8 mm at any part of the tread circumference. category symbol [see 5(e)] as follows:
‘V’ in case of tyres identified with the letter code
5 MARKINGS ‘V’ within the size designation.
5.1 Tyre shall be permanently and legibly marked ‘W’ in case of tyres identified with the letter code
at least on one sidewalls of the tyre with following ‘Z’ within the size designation.
markings: p) An arrow marking to indicate the direction in
a) Make or trade- mark; which the tyre should rotate in service in the case
of directional type tyres.
b) Tyre size designation as given in 3.29; and
q) Maximum cold inflation pressure in kPa .
c) Load index and/or maximum load carrying
capacity and ply rating (if applicable). In case of r) M/C marking for motor cycle tyres (optional).
ISO designated tyres the marking of load index is s) ‘For 3 Wheeler’ marking for 3 wheeler tyres
mandatory. (optional).
NOTE — Examples of tyre sizes designations for code t) ‘For 3 Wheeler’ and max. speed warning
designated and ISO designated tyres in Annex J (see Tables 19 ’50 km/h maximum’ for E-rickshaw and E-Cart
and 20).
tyres (optional).
d) The indications of the tyre structure are as follows:
u) The inscription M + S or M.S or M & S in the case
1) In the case of diagonal or bias ply (cross-ply) of a snow tyre.
tyres, no marking or the character ‘—’ or the
letter ‘D’ preceding the rim diameter code;

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IS 15627 : 2022

5.2 Markings given in 5.1 shall be either permanently Family/range of tyres would mean tyres, which
moulded into or permanently engraved/etched on do not differ in the aspects listed below, but having
the tyres. These shall be clearly legible and situated different brand names/trade name/trade descriptions or
in the lower area of the tyre on at least one of its trade-marks:
sidewalls. Engraving/etching shall be done during the a) Registered name of company;
manufacturing process of the tyre and not later than
b) Country of origin;
24 h after the removal of the tyre from the mould.
c) Location of manufacturing facility;
5.3 An example of tyre markings is given in Annex J. d) Application category (road or off road or snow);
6 CRITERIA FOR TYPE APPROVAL/TYPE e) Construction type (standard or reinforced);
TEST f) Structure (diagonal or radial or bias belted);
g) Tyre size designation;
6.1 Tyre(s) shall meet the test requirements when tested
h) Speed category;
as per schedule given in Table 21.
j) Tube or tubeless;
6.2 Type Approval Procedure k) Load index (or load capacity);
6.2.1 Application for type approval to be submitted by m) Ply rating of diagonal ply tyres;
the manufacturer. n) Fabric material- nylon/polyester/polymide etc.
(one type); and
6.2.2 The application for type approval shall contain
at least the technical information as specified in the p) Intended for use on (type of vehicle).
Annex K. Tyre type approved for the requirements
NOTE — For type approval of tyre belonging to one family of specified for three wheeler and quadricycle tyre shall
tyre, brand of the tyre to be selected for type approval shall be be considered by the certifying authority for type
left to certifying authority. Worst case selection shall be made approval for a use on two wheeler on submission of
at the discretion of the certifying authority based on the family
specific application.
of tyres specified in

6.2.3 Changes in the Technical Specification of Already Tyre type approved for the requirements
Type Approved Tyres specified for three wheelers shall be considered by
the certifying authority for type approval for use on Every functional modification in technical E-rickshaw/E-cart on submission of specific application
specification declared in accordance with 6.2.2 shall be
intimated to the Certifying Authority. 6.3 Type Approval Procedure for Tyres not Listed
in Annex C Certifying Authority may then consider,
whether: 6.3.1 Tyre section width and tyre overall diameter shall
be verified as per, 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 against the
a) Tyre with modification complies with specified specification declared by the manufacturer.
requirement; or
b) Any further verification is required. 6.3.2 For carrying out other tests, the load, speed
symbol and inflation pressure (as applicable) specified
For considering whether any further verification is
by the manufacturer and marked on the tyre shall be
required or not, (criteria for extension of type approval)
specified in 6.2.5 shall be used. In case of (b), checks for those 7 CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION
parameters which are affected by the modifications, TESTS/ACCEPTANCE TESTS
only need to be carried out.
7.1 Periodic testing of each type of tyre as per the
6.2.4 In the event of (a) or in the case of approved family of tyres in shall be carried
(b) after successful compliance to the requirements, out. The standard marking shall be made only on the
a certificate of compliance shall be validated for the tyres of that approved family and the same shall not get
modified version, as applicable. extended to other families of tyres, unless tyres from
out of that has undergone the same testing and type
6.2.5 Criteria for Extension of Type Approval approval for that family of tyre. In case the changes cause the tyre to be outside 7.2 The authority which has granted type approval
the approved family/range of tyres, the verification may at any time verify the conformity control methods
shall be carried out for establishing compliance of the applied in each production facility. For each production
changed parameters to the requirements specified in facility, the normal frequency of these verifications
this standard. shall be at least once every two years.

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IS 15627 : 2022

7.3 The tyres approved under this standard shall be so 8 BIS CERTIFICATION MARKING
manufactured as to conform to requirements set forth
The product(s) conforming to the requirements of
in the Table 22.
this standard may be certified as per the conformity
7.4 The production and quality assurance system shall assessment schemes under the provisions of the
meet all the requirements laid out by the certifying Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 and the Rules
authority. and Regulations framed thereunder, and the products
may be marked with the Standard Mark.

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IS 15627 : 2022

( Clauses 3.6 and 3.7 )
Table 1 List of Load Indices and Corresponding Maximum Permissible Load
LI Maximum LI Maximum LI Maximum LI Maximum
Load Load Load Load
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
0 45 31 109 61 257 91 615
1 46.2 32 112 62 265 92 630
2 47.5 33 115 63 272 93 650
3 48.7 34 118 64 280 94 670
4 50 35 121 65 290 95 690
5 51.5 36 125 66 300 96 710
6 53 37 128 67 307 97 730
7 54.5 38 132 68 315 98 750
8 56 39 136 69 325 99 775
9 58 40 140 70 335 100 800
10 60 41 145 71 345 101 825
11 61.5 42 150 72 355 102 850
12 63 43 155 73 365 103 875
13 65 44 160 74 375 104 900
14 67 45 165 75 387 105 925
15 69 46 170 76 400 106 950
16 71 47 175 77 412 107 975
17 73 48 180 78 425 108 1 000
18 75 49 185 79 437 109 1 030
19 77.5 50 190 80 450 110 1 060
20 80 51 195 81 462 111 1 090
21 82.5 52 200 82 475 112 1 120
22 85 53 206 83 487 113 1 150
23 87.5 54 212 84 500 114 1 180
24 90 55 218 85 515 115 1 215
25 92.5 56 224 86 530 116 1 250
26 95 57 230 87 545 117 1 285
27 97.5 58 236 88 560 118 1 320
28 100 59 243 89 580 119 1 360
29 103 60 250 90 600 120 1 400
30 106

LI : load Index
Maximum load : corresponding maximum load (kg)

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to JK Tyre & Industries -
GWALIOR(nmroy@jkmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15627 : 2022

Table 2 Variation of Load Capacity as a Function of Speed

( Clauses 3.7(a), 3.21 )
Vehicle Maximum Variation in Load Carrying Capacity (Percent)
Designed Speed
Rim diameter code < 12 Moped Rim diameter code > 13
Speed symbol
Exceeding Up to E F J K L B J K L M N P and

-- 30 +12 +12 +30 + 30 + 30 + 30 +30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30

30 50 +12 +12 +30 + 30 + 30 0 +30 + 30 + 30 +30 + 30 + 30
50 60 +6 +6 +23 + 23 + 23 +23 + 23 + 23 +23 + 23 + 23
60 70 0 +3 +16 + 16 + 16 +16 + 16 + 16 +16 + 16 + 16
70 80 0 +10 + 10 + 10 +10 + 10 + 10 +10 + 10 + 14
80 90 +5 +5 + 7.5 +5 +5 + 7.5 +7.5 + 7.5 + 12
90 100 0 0 +5 0 0 +5 +5 +5 + 10
100 110 0 + 2.5 0 + 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 +8
110 120 0 0 0 0 +6
120 130 0 0 +4
130 140 0 0

Table 3 Load Rating for Tyres Designated for Speeds 210 to 270 km/h
[ Clause 3.7(c) ]
Sl No. Maximum speed Maximum Load Rating (Percent)

km/h 1) Speed Category V symbol 2) Speed Category W symbol 3)

(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) 210 100 100
ii) 220 95 100
iii) 230 90 100
iv) 240 85 100
v) 250 80 2) 95
vi) 260 75 1)
vii) 270 70 1) 75

For intermediate speeds linear interpolation of maximum load rating is allowed
 Applicable only to tyres identified by means of letter code ‘V’ within the size designation and up-to the maximum speed specified by the
tyre manufacturer
Applicable also to tyres identified by means of letter code ‘Z’ within the size designation

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to JK Tyre & Industries -
GWALIOR(nmroy@jkmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15627 : 2022

Table 4 Speed Category Symbol
( Clause 3.20 )
Speed Category Symbol Maximum Speed Speed Category Symbol Maximum Speed
km/h km/h
(1) (2) (3) (4)
A1 5 J 100
A2 10 K 110
A3 15 L 120
A4 20 M 130
A5 25 N 140
A6 30 P 150
A7 35 Q 160
A8 40 R 170
B 50 S 180
C 60 T 190
D 65 U 200
E 70 H 210
F 80 V 240
G 90 W 270

( Clauses 3.29 and 4.1 )

C-1 The details of tyres of certain designations are C-3 Width of permitted rim code specified in the table
listed in various Tables in 5 to 10 which are preferred is for reference and are allowed to be used instead of the
sizes. Approvals can be granted to other sizes based on recommended. The use rims other than those listed in
compliance requirements as given in 6.3. the ‘Permitted’ column is as mutually agreed between
the tyre and vehicle manufacturer.
C-2 In these tables the following are the unit of
measurement unless otherwise mentioned. C-4 The tyres primarily used for three wheelers and
quadricycles can be approved for use on vehicles of
Parameter Unit category M1 and N1 as defined in IS 14272.
a) Dimensions mm
C-5 The tyres primarily used for three wheelers can be
b) Load kg approved for use on E-Rickshaw/E- Carts.
c) Pressure kPa

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to JK Tyre & Industries -
GWALIOR(nmroy@jkmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15627 : 2022

Table 5 (a) Scooter/Motorcycle Tyres Size Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12 Code Designated Sizes, Diagonal Ply
( Clauses,, and C-1 )
Sl Tyre Size Rim Width Code New Tyre - Inflated Ply Load Maximum Max
No. Designation Rating Index Load Cold
Overall Diameter Minimum Design Maximum
Capacity I.P 1)
Section Section Overall
Recommended Permitted DMin Design DMax
Width Width Width
mm mm mm mm mm mm kg kPa
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
i) 2.75-10 Div.1.75 1.50,1.85,2.1 395 399 412 68 71 75 4 37 128 250
ii) 2.75-12 Div.1.75 1.50 446 450 463 68 71 75 4 32 112 175
iii) 3.00-10 Div.2.10 1.85,2.15,2.50 408 413 427 77 80 84 4 42 150 250
iv) 3.00-12 Div.2.50 1.85, 2.15,2.50 459 464 475 81 84 90 4 47 175 250
v) 3.50-8 Div.2.50C 2.10,2.15 380 386 402 88 92 97 4 46 170 250
vi) 4.50-8 3.50 DC 3.00 429 439 453 120 125 135 6 79 437 425
vii) 3.50-10 Div.2.50 2.10,2.15 431 437 453 88 92 97 4 51 195 250
viii) 3.50-12 Div.2.50C 2.15, 2.50 483 488 501 88 92 98 4 56 224 250

Inflation pressure.

Table 5(b) Scooter/Motorcycle Tyres ISO Designated, Diagonal Ply with Rim Diameter Code < 12)
( Clauses,, and C-1 )
Sl Tyre Size Rim Width Code New Tyre - Inflated Load Maximum Max
No. Designation Index Load Cold
Overall Diameter Minimum Design Maximum
Capacity I.P1)
Section Section Overall
Recommended Permitted DMin Design DMax
width Width Width

mm mm mm mm mm mm kg kPa
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
‘90 Series’
i) 90/90-10 2.15 1.85, MT1.85, 2.50, 411 416 425 86 90 96 Std. 190 250
MT2.15, 2.50, 2.50C, 50
Std. 160 250
ii) 100/90-10 MT2.50 2.15, MT2.15, 2.50, 2.75, 429 434 445 97 101 108 Std. 224 250
MT2.75 56
Std. 190 250
Reinf. 257 300
‘100 Series’
i) 90/100-10 2.15 1.85, MT1.85,2.50, 425 434 444 86 90 96 Std. 206 250
MT2.15, 2.50, 2.50C, 53
NOTE — Std: Standard type of tyre.
     Reinf : Reinforced type of tyre.
Inflation pressure.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to JK Tyre & Industries -
GWALIOR(nmroy@jkmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15627 : 2022

Table 6(a) Moped Tyres Code Designated Sizes, Diagonal Ply With Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12
( Clauses,, and C-1 )
Sl Tyre Size Rim Width Code New Tyre - Inflated Load Maximum Max
No. Designation Index Load
Overall Diameter Minimum Design Maximum Cold
Section Section Overall I.P1)
Recommended Permitted DMin Design DMax
Width Width Width
mm mm mm mm mm mm kg kPa
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
i) 2½ - 12 1.60 1.50, Div.1.50, 436 440 449 62 65 68 Std. 28 100 230
Div. 1.75, 1.85
ii) 3 -12 MT2.15; 2.15 MT1.85, MT2.50, 459 464 475 77 80 84 Std. 35 121 230
2.50, 2.50C
Inflation pressure.

Table 6(b) Moped Tyres Code Designated Sizes, Diagonal Ply With Rim Diameter Code > 12
( Clauses,, and C-1 )
Sl Tyre Size Rim Width Code New Tyre Inflated Load Maximum Maximum
No. Designation Index Load Cold I.P 1)
Recommended Permitted Overall Diameter Design Minimum Maximum
Section Section Overall
Dmin Design Dmax Width Width Width

mm mm mm mm mm mm kg kPa
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
i) 1¾ - 19 1.20 -- 586 589 596 50 48 53 Std.20 80 250
Reinf.33 115 275
ii) 2 - 19 1.35 -- 592 595 603 55 53 58 Std.24 90 250
Reinf.36 125 275
iii) 2 - 22 1.35 -- 667 670 678 55 53 58 Std.26 95 250
Reinf.37 128 275
iv) 2¼ - 16 1.50 -- 528 532 541 62 60 65 Std.26 95 250
Reinf.37 128 275
v) 2½- 16 1.60 -- 544 548 558 68 65 71 Std.31 109 250
Reinf.42 150 275
vi) 2¼ - 19 1.50 -- 605 609 618 62 60 65 Std.30 106 250
Reinf.41 145 275
vii) 2½ - 19 1.60 -- 621 625 635 68 65 71 Std.35 121 250
Reinf.45 165 275

NOTE — Std: Standard type of tyre.

     Reinf : Reinforced type of tyre.
Inflation pressure.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to JK Tyre & Industries -
GWALIOR(nmroy@jkmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15627 : 2022

Table 7 Scooter/Motorcycle Tyres Size Rim Diameter Code ≥ 12 Code Designated Sizes, Diagonal Ply
( Clauses,, and C-1 )
Sl No. Tyre Size Rim Width Code New Tyre - Inflated Ply Load Maximum Max
Designation Overall Diameter Minimum Design Maximum Rating Index Load Cold
Section Section Overall Capacity I.P1)
Recommended Permitted DMin Design DMax
Width Width Width
mm mm mm mm mm mm Kg kPa
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
i) 2.25-16 1.60 1.20 526 530 541 59 61 65 4 31 109 225
1.35 6 36 125 280
1.40, 1.50
ii) 2.25-17 1.60 1.20 552 556 567 59 61 65 4 33 115 225
1.35 6 38 132 280
1.40, 1.50
iii) 2.25-18 1.60 1.40, 1.50 577 581 592 59 61 65 4 35 121 225
6 40 140 280
iv) 2.25-19 1.60 1.20, 1.35, 603 607 616 59 61 65 4 37 128 225
1.50 6 42 150 280
v) 2.50-16 1.60 1.35, 1.40, 538 542 554 62 65 70 4 36 125 225
1.50 6 41 145 280
vi) 2.50-17 1.60 1.35, 1.40, 564 568 580 62 65 70 4 38 132 225
1.50 6 43 155 280
vii) 2.50-18 1.60 1.35 589 593 605 62 65 70 4 40 140 225
1.40, 1.50 6 45 165 280
viii) 2.75-14 1.85 1.40, 1.50 507 512 523 72 75 80 4 37/35 128/121 225
1.60 6 43/41 155/145 280
ix) 2.75-16 1.85 1.40, 1.50 557 562 573 72 75 80 4 42/40 150/140 225
1.60 6 48/46 180/170 280
x) 2.75-17 1.85 1.40, 1.50 583 588 599 72 75 80 4 43/41 155/145 225
1.60 6 49/47 185/175 280
xi) 2.75-18 1.85 1.40, 1.50 608 613 624 72 75 80 4 44/42 160/150 225
1.60 6 50/48 190/180 280
xii) 3.00-14 1.85 1.60, 2.15 521 526 538 77 80 86 4 40 140 225
6 45 165 280
xiii) 3.00-17 1.85 1.60, 2.15 597 602 614 77 80 86 4 46 170 225
6 50 190 280
xiv) 3.00-18 1.85 1.60, 2.15 623 627 639 77 80 86 4 47 175 225
6 52 200 280
xv) 3.00-19 1.85 1.60, 2.15 648 653 665 77 80 86 4 49 185 225
6 54 212 280
xvi) 3.25-16 2.15 1.85, 2.50 583 588 601 85 89 95 4 48 180 225
6 55 218 280
xvii) 3.25-18 2.15 1.85, 2.50 634 639 652 85 89 95 4 52 200 225
6 59 243 280
xviii) 3.25-19 2.15 1.85, 2.50 660 665 678 85 89 95 4 54 212 225
6 60 250 280
xix) 3.50-18 2.15 1.85, 2.50 643 649 662 89 93 100 4 56 224 225
6 62 265 280
xx) 3.50-19 2.15 1.85, 2.50 669 675 688 89 93 100 4 57 230 225
6 63 272 280
Inflation pressure.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to JK Tyre & Industries -
GWALIOR(nmroy@jkmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15627 : 2022

Table 8 Scooter/Motorcycle Tyres ISO Designated, Diagonal Ply with Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12)
( Clauses,, and C-1 )
Sl Tyre Size Rim Width Code New Tyre - Inflated Load Maximum Max
No. Designation Index Load Cold
Overall Diameter Minimum Design Maximum
Capacity I.P1)
Section Section Overall
Recommended Permitted DMin Design DMax
width Width Width

mm mm mm mm mm mm Kg kPa
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
‘70 Series’
i) 110/70-11 MT3.00DC MT 2.50, MT2.75, MT3.00, 428 433 442 106 110 118 Std. 165 230
MT 3.50, MT3.75 45
ii) 120/70-10 MT3.50DC MT2.75, MT3.00, MT3.75, 417 422 432 117 122 131 Std. 180 230
2.75 48
Reinf. 212 280
iii) 120/70-12 MT3.50DC MT2.75, MT3.00, MT3.75, 468 473 483 117 122 131 Std. 195 230
2.75 51
Reinf. 236 280
iv) 130/70-12 MT3.50DC MT3.00,MT3.75,MT4.00 478 487 498 124 129 138 Std. 224 230
Reinf. 265 280
‘80 Series’

i) 100/80-12 MT 2.50 2.15, MT2.15, 2.50,2.75, 460 465 475 97 101 108 Std. 224 250
MT2.75 56
ii) 110/80-12 MT 2.50 2.15, MT2.15, 2.50,2.75, 476 481 492 105 109 117 Std. 257 250
MT2.75, MT 3.00 61
‘90 Series’
i) 90/90-12 2.15 2.50, MT2.15, MT2.50 462 467 478 86 90 96 Std. 180 250
Std. 212 250
Reinf. 257 300
ii) 100/90-12 2.50 2.15, MT2.15, MT2.50 480 485 498 97 101 108 Std. 206 250
Std. 243 250
Reinf. 280 300

NOTE — Std: Standard type of tyre.

Reinf : Reinforced type of tyre.
Inflation pressure.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to JK Tyre & Industries -
GWALIOR(nmroy@jkmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15627 : 2022

Table 9 Scooter/Motorcycle Tyres ISO Designated, Diagonal & Radial Ply With rim diameter code > 12
( Clauses,, and C-1 )
Sl Tyre Size Rim Width Code New Tyre-Inflated Load Maximum Max
No. Designation Index Load Cold
Overall Diameter Minimum Design Maximum
Capacity I.P1)
Section Section Overall
Recommended Permitted DMin Design DMax
width Width Width
mm mm mm mm mm mm kg kPa
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
‘60 Series’
i) 140/60-14 MT3.75 MT3.50; MT4.00; 519 524 532 133 139 149 Reinf.64 280 280
MT4.25; MT4.50
ii) 140/60-17 MT3.75 MT3.50; MT4.00; 595 600 609 133 139 149 Std. 63 272 230
MT4.25; MT4.50
iii) 140/60R17 MT4.00; MT4.25; 145
iv) 150/60R17 MT4.25 MT4.00; MT4.50 607 612 621 145 151 157 Std. 66 300 230

v) 160/60R17 MT4.50 MT4.25, MT5.00 618 624 634 155 161 167 Std. 69 325 230
‘70 Series’
i) 110/70-17 MT3.00 2.50; MT2.50; 2.75; 581 586 593 106 110 118 Std. 54 212 230
MT2.75; MT3.50
ii) 110/70R17 2.75; MT 2.75; 114
iii) 120/70-14 MT3.50 MT 3.00, MT 3.75 519 524 532 117 122 131 Std. 55 218 230
iv) 120/70R17 MT3.50 MT 3.75 595 600 608 117 122 127 Std. 58 236 230
v) 130/70-17 MT3.50 MT3.00; MT3.75; 609 614 623 124 129 138 Std. 62 265 230
vi) 130/70R17 MT3.75; MT4.00 134
vii) 130/70-18 MT3.50 MT3.00; MT3.75; 634 639 648 124 129 138 Std. 63 272 230

viii) 140/70-17 MT3.75 MT3.50; MT4.00; 622 628 639 133 139 149 Std. 66 300 230
MT4.25; MT4.50
ix) 140/70R17 MT3.50; MT4.00; 145
MT4.25; MT4.50
x) 140/70-18 MT3.75 MT3.50;MT4.00; 647 653 664 133 139 149 Std. 67 307 230
MT4.25; MT4.50
xi) 150/70-15 MT 4.25, MT 4.00;MT 4.50; 585 591 603 145 151 162 Std. 67 307 230
MT 3.50; MT 3.75
xii) 150/70-17 MT 4.25, MT 4.00;MT 4.50; 636 642 653 145 151 162 Std. 69 325 230
MT 3.50; MT 3.75
xiii) 150/70R17 MT 3.75; MT 4.00; 157
MT 4.50
xiv) 170/70-15 MT4.50 MT4.00; MT4.25; 612 619 632 161 168 180 Std. 73 365 230
MT5.00; MT5.50
‘80 Series’
i) 90/80-17 2.15 1.85,2.50 572 576 586 86 90 96 Std. 46 170 225
ii) 100/80-17 2.50; MT2.50 2.15:2.75; MT2.15; 587 592 601 97 101 108 200 230
MT2.75 Std. 52
iii) 100/80-18 2.50; MT2.50 2.15:2.75; MT2.15; 610 617 627 97 101 108 Std. 53 206 225
iv) 110/80-17 2.50; MT2.50 2.15; 2.75; 3.00; 603 608 617 105 109 117 Std. 57 230 230
MT2.15; MT2.75;

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to JK Tyre & Industries -
GWALIOR(nmroy@jkmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15627 : 2022

Table 9 (Continued)

Sl Tyre Size Rim Width Code New Tyre-Inflated Load Maximum Max
No. Designation Index Load Cold
Overall Diameter Minimum Design Maximum
Capacity I.P1)
Section Section Overall
Recommended Permitted DMin Design DMax
width Width Width
v) 120/80-16 2.75 2.15,2.50,3.00 592 598 611 114 119 127 Std. 60 250 225
vi) 120/80-17 2.75; MT2.75 2.50; 3.00; MT2.50; 618 624 635 114 119 127 Std.61 257 230
MT3.00 Reinf.67 307 280
vii) 120/80R17 3.00; MT3.00 124
viii) 120/80-18 2.75; MT2.75 2.50; 3.00; MT2.50; 643 649 660 114 119 127 Std. 62 265 230
ix) 120/80-19 2.75; MT2.75 2.50; 3.00; MT2.50; 669 675 686 114 119 127 Std. 63 272 230
x) 130/80-17 3.00; MT3.00 2.50;2.75;MT2.50; 634 640 651 124 129 138 Std. 65 290 230
MT2.75; MT3.50
xi) 130/80-18 3.00; MT3.00 2.50;2.75;MT2.50; 659 665 676 124 129 138 Std.66 300 230
MT2.75; MT3.50
Reinf.72 355 280
xii) 140/80-15 MT3.50 2.75, MT2.75, 3.00, 598 605 616 135 142 152 Std. 67 307 230

‘90 Series’
i) 80/90-17 1.85; MT1.85 1.60; MT1.60; 2.15; 572 576 583 76 80 86 Std.44 160 230
Reinf.50 190 280
ii) 80/90-18 1.85; MT1.85 1.60; MT1.60; 2.15; 597 601 608 76 80 86 Std.45 165 230
Reinf.51 195 280
iii) 90/90-17 2.15 1.85,2.50 589 594 605 86 90 96 Std. 49 185 225
iv) 90/90-18 2.15 1.85,2.50 614 619 630 86 90 96 Std. 51 195 225
v) 90/90-19 2.15; MT2.15 1.85; 2.50; 640 645 654 86 90 96 Std. 52 200 230
vi) 90/90-21 2.15; MT2.15 1.85; 2.50; 690 695 703 86 90 96 Std. 54 212 230
vii) 100/90-17 2.50 2.15,2.75 607 612 625 97 101 108 Std. 55 218 225
viii) 100/90-18 2.50 2.15,2.75 632 637 650 97 101 108 Std. 56 224 225
ix) 100/90-19 2.50; MT2.50 2.15 MT2.15;2.75, 658 663 672 97 101 108 Std. 57 230 230
x) 110/90-17 2.50; MT2.50 2.15; 2.75; 3.00; 624 630 641 105 109 117 Std. 60 250 230
MT2.15; MT2.75;
xi) 110/90-18 2.50; MT2.50 2.15; 2.75; 3.00; 649 655 669 105 109 117 Std. 61 257 225
MT2.15; MT2.75;
xii) 110/90-19 2.50; MT2.50 2.15; 2.75; 3.00; 675 681 692 105 109 117 Std. 62 265 230
MT2.15; MT2.75;
xiii) 120/90-17 2.75; MT2.75 2.50; MT2.50; 3.00; 642 648 659 114 119 127 Std. 64 280 230
MT 3.00
xiv) 130/90-15 3.00 2.15,2.50,2.75,3.50 608 615 631 124 129 138 Std. 66 300 225
xv) 140/90-15 MT3.50 2.75; 625 633 648 136 142 152 Std.70 335 230
Reinf.76 400 280

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to JK Tyre & Industries -
GWALIOR(nmroy@jkmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15627 : 2022

Table 9 (Concluded)

Sl Tyre Size Rim Width Code New Tyre-Inflated Load Maximum Max
No. Designation Index Load Cold
Overall Diameter Minimum Design Maximum
Capacity I.P1)
Section Section Overall
Recommended Permitted DMin Design DMax
width Width Width
‘100 Series’
i) 60/100-17 1.40 1.20; 1.50; MT1.50; 548 552 557 56 60 64 Std. 33 115 230
1.60; MT1.60
ii) 70/100-17 1.60; MT1.60 1.40; 1.50;MT1.50; 568 572 582 65 69 74 Std. 40 140 230
1.85; MT1.85

iii) 80/100-17 1.85; MT1.85 1.60; MT1.60; 2.15; 587 592 603 76 80 86 Std.46 170 230
Reinf.53 206 280
iv) 80/100-18 1.85; MT1.85 1.60; MT1.60; 2.15; 612 617 626 76 80 86 Std. 47 175 230
Reinf. 54 212 280

NOTE — Std: Standard type of tyre.

      Reinf : Reinforced type of tyre.
Inflation pressure.

Table 10 Tyres for Three Wheelers and Quadricycles Code Designated, Diagonal & Radial Ply
( Clauses,, and C-1 )
Sl Tyre Size Rim Width Code New Tyre - Inflated Ply Load Maximum Max
No. Designation Index Load Cold
Overall Diameter Minimum Design Max Rating
Capacity I.P1)
Section Section Overall
Recommended Permitted DMin Design DMax
width Width Width
mm mm mm mm mm mm kg kPa
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
i) 3.50-10 Div.2.50 2.10, 2.15 431 437 453 88 92 97 6 74 375 425
ii) 4.00-8 Div.3.00 2.50, 2.15 409 415 434 109 114 120 4 70 335 345
6 76 400 425
iii) 4.50-8 Div.3.50 Div.3.00 432 439 460 120 125 132 6 79 437 425
iv) 4.00-10 Div.3.00 2.50, 2.75 460 466 485 106 110 116 4 73 365 345
6 79 437 425
v) 4.50-10 3.50 DC 3.00 483 490 511 120 125 131 6 82 475 425
8 85 515 500
vi) 5.00-10 3.50 DC – 508 516 540 129 134 141 8 89 580 500
vii) 3.75-12 2.50 DC 2.15, MT2.15, 499 505 523 96 100 106 4 66 300 345
MT 2.50, 2.75, 6 72 355 425
MT 2.75
viii) 135/70R12 4J 3½J, 4½ J 489 495 501 128 133 144 -- Std. 65 290 240
ix) 120/80R12 MT 2.75 2.75, 3.00, MT 491 497 514 114 119 126 -- 86 530 500
3.00, 3.50, MT
3.50, 3.50B
x) 130/80R12 MT 3.00 3.00, 3.50, MT 507 513 532 124 129 137 -- 90 600 500
3.50, 3.50B

NOTE — Above tyres can be used for E-rickshaw/E-cart.

Inflation pressure.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to JK Tyre & Industries -
GWALIOR(nmroy@jkmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15627 : 2022

Table 11 Tyres for E-Rickshaw/E-Cart Code Designated, Diagonal Ply

( Clauses,, and C-1 )
Sl Tyre Size Rim Width Code New Tyre-Inflated Load Maximum Max
No. Designation Index Load Cold I.P1)
Overall Diameter Minimum Design Max
Section Section Overall
Recommended Permitted DMin Design DMax
width Width Width
mm mm mm mm mm mm kg kPa
(1) (2) (3) (4) (12) (13) (14) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
i) 90/90-12 2.15 DC 2.50, MT 2.15, 462 467 478 86 90 96 64 280 280
MT 2.50
ii) 100/90-12 2.50 DC 2.15. MT 2.15, 480 485 498 97 101 108 68 315 280
MT 2.50, 2.75,
MT 2.75
iii) 3.25-14 2.15 DC 2.50, MT 2.15, 533 538 551 85 89 95 60 250 280
MT 2.50

Inflation pressure.

( Clause 4.1 )

D-1 Tyre shall be fitted to the measuring rim and D-4 Overall width shall be measured by means of a
inflated to the pressure specified by the manufacturer. caliper gauge at six equally spaced points account
In the absence of such specification from the tyre being taken of the thickness of the ribs or bands. The
manufacturer, the values given in Table 12 may be used highest measurement obtained shall be considered on
for the categories listed. the overall width.
D-2 Tyre mounted on its rim shall be left at ambient D-5 Outer diameter shall be determined as follows: the
laboratory temperature for at least 24 h. maximum circumference is measured and the value
obtained is divided by π (3.141 6).
D-3 Pressure shall be reset at the value as per D-1.

Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to JK Tyre & Industries -
GWALIOR(nmroy@jkmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 15627 : 2022

Table 12 Recommended Inflation Pressure for Measuring Tyre Dimensions

( Clause D-1 )
Sl No. Tyre Version Speed Category Symbol Pressure kPa
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Mopeds
Standard B 230
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12
Standard B 250
Rim Diameter Code ≥ 12
Reinforced B 275
Rim Diameter Code ≥ 12
ii) Motorcycles
Standard and or 4 PR J 250
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12
Code designated
Standard and or 4 PR L,P 225
Rim Diameter Code ≥ 12
Code designated
Reinforced and or 6 PR L,P 280
Rim Diameter Code ≥ 12
Code designated
Standard J,L 230 or 250
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12
ISO Designated
Reinforced J,L 280 or 300
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12
ISO Designated
Standard P 225 or 230
Rim Diameter Code ≥ 12
ISO Designated
Reinforced P 280
Rim Diameter Code ≥ 12
ISO Designated
iii) Scooters
Standard and or 4 PR J 250
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12
Code designated
Standard J,L 230 or 250
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12
ISO Designated
Reinforced J,L 280 or 300
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12
ISO Designated
iv) Three wheelers/Quadricycles
4PR E 345
6PR 425
8PR 500
v) Standard B 280
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12

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IS 15627 : 2022

( Clause 4.2 )

E-1 PREPARATION OF TYRE FOR THE TEST E-1.2 The tyre shall be inflated to the pressure specified
by its manufacturer. In the absence of such specification
E-1.1 A new tyre shall be fitted to the test rim identified from the tyre manufacturer, the values given in
by the manufacturer [(see IS 10694 (Part 4) and 10694 Table 13 may be used for the categories listed.
(Part 5)].

Table 13 Recommended Inflation Pressure for Testing Load/Speed Performance

( Clauses 4.2 and E-1.2 )
Sl No. Tyre Version Speed Category Symbol Pressure kPa
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Mopeds
Standard B 225
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12
Standard B 225
Rim Diameter Code ≥ 12
Reinforced B 300
Rim Diameter Code ≥ 12
ii) Motorcycles
Standard and or 4 PR J 250
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12
Code designated
Standard and or 4 PR L,P 250
Rim Diameter Code ≥ 12
Code designated
Reinforced and or 6 PR L,P 330
Rim Diameter Code ≥ 12
Code designated
Standard J,L 250
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12
ISO Designated
Reinforced J,L 330
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12
ISO Designated
Standard P 250
Rim Diameter Code ≥ 12
ISO Designated
Reinforced P 330
Rim Diameter Code ≥ 12
ISO Designated

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IS 15627 : 2022

Table 13 (Concluded)

Sl No. Tyre Version Speed Category Symbol Pressure kPa

(1) (2) (3) (4)
iii) Scooters
Standard and or 4 PR J 250
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12
Code designated
Standard J,L 250
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12
ISO Designated
Reinforced J,L 330
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12
ISO Designated
iv) Three Wheelers/Quadricycles
4PR 370
6PR E 450
8PR 520
v) Standard 280
Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12

E-1.3 The wheel/tyre combination shall be stored at the E-2.2.4 Load rating associated with the maximum
temperature of the test chamber for at least 3 h. speed specified by the tyre manufacturer for tyres
suitable for speeds above 240 km/h (or 270 km/h as
E-1.4 Tyre pressure shall be brought to that specified applicable) (see 3.7(c)).
in E-1.2.
E-2.3 Throughout the test the tyre pressure shall not be
E-2 TEST SEQUENCE reset and the test load shall be held constant.

E-2.1 The tyre/wheel combination shall be fitted to a E-2.4 During the test the temperature in the test room
test spindle and pressed against the outer surface of a shall be kept at between 20 °C and 40 °C or at a higher
smooth flywheel having a diameter of 1.7 m ± 1 percent temperature if so accepted by the manufacturer.
or 2.0 m ± 1 percent.
E-2.5 The test shall proceed uninterrupted. in
E-2.2 A load, which is equal to 65 percent of the accordance with the following:
following, shall be applied to the test spindle. In the a) Time for transition from speed 0 to initial test
case of moped tyres (speed category symbol B) the test speed shall be carried out in 20 min.
load shall be 67 percent on a test drum which is 2.0 m b) Initial test speed shall be equal to the maximum
in diameter, instead of 65 percent. speed intended for the type of tyre reduced by 30
E-2.2.1 Maximum load rating corresponding to the km/h if the test is carried out on a 2 m diameter
load capacity index for tyres bearing speed symbols up drum or by 40 km/h if the test is carried out on a
to and including ‘H’ (210 km/h). 1.7 m diameter drum.
c) Successive speed increments shall be 10 km/h and
E-2.2.2 Maximum load rating associated with a duration of test at each speed range shall be of 10
maximum speed of 240 km/h for tyres bearing speed min.
symbol ‘V’ (see 3.20). d) Total duration of test shall be 1h.
E-2.2.3 Maximum load rating associated with a e) Maximum test speed shall be the maximum speed
maximum speed of 270 km/h for tyres with speed intended for the type of tyre if the test is carried
symbol ‘W’ (see 3.20). out on a 2 m-diameter drum and maximum speed
intended for the type of tyre reduced by 10 km/h if
the test is carried out on a 1.7 m diameter drum.

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IS 15627 : 2022

f) In the case of moped tyres (speed-category symbol means of letter code ‘Z’ within the size designation) the
B). the test speed shall be 50 km/h. the time taken procedure shall be as follows:
to accelerate from 0 to 50 km/h being 10 min, a a) Maximum speed shall be the maximum speed
steady state speed then being held for 30 min and specified by the tyre manufacturer.
the total duration of the test being 40 min.
b) 20 min, to build up from zero to the initial test
E-2.6 However, if a second test is performed to assess speed.
the top performances of tyres suitable for speeds above c) 20 min, at the initial test speed.
240 km/h identified by means of letter code ‘V’ within
d) 10 min, to build up to the maximum test speed.
the size designation (or 270 km/h for tyres identified by
e) 5 min, at the maximum test speed.

( Clause 4.3 )

F-1 This test method shall apply to motorcycle tyres of F-3.3 Tyre to be tested shall be fitted to a wheel, the rim
the speed capability symbol greater than P (150 km/h). of which shall conform to the 10694 (Part 5).
It is intended to determine the maximum growth of the
tyre which is due to the effect of the centrifugal force at F-3.4 Tyre inflation pressure (test inflation pressure)
the maximum permissible speed. This testing procedure shall be adjusted to the values indicated in Table 14.
is applicable only for normal highway service tyres Table 14 Inflation Pressure for Diagonal or Bias Ply
mentioned in Table 13. and Belted-Bias Tyres
( Clause F-3.4 )
Sl No. Speed Category Tyre Tyre Inflation Pressure
F-2.1 The test axle and the rim shall be checked in Symbol Version bar
order to ensure that radial eccentricity is less than (1) (2) (3) (4)
± 0.5 mm and that lateral displacement is less than
i) Q/ R / S Standard 2.50 {250 kPa}
± 0.5 mm, when measured at the outer periphery of the
bead seat of the wheel. ii) T and above Standard 2.90 {290 kPa}

F-2.2 Contour-Outline Device F-3.5 The wheel/tyre combination shall be stored at the
temperature of the test room for at least 3 h.
Any device (projection grid camera. spotlights and
others) enabling the outer contour of the cross section F-3.6 Following that period of storage the inflation
of the tyre to be outlined distinctly or to establish an pressure shall be corrected to the value laid down in
enveloping curve at right angles to the equator of the F-3.4.
tyre at the point of maximum tread deformation. This
device shall reduce any deformation to a minimum and F-3.7 The wheel/tyre combination shall be mounted on
ensure a constant (known) ratio (K) between the contour the test axle and checked to ensure that it turns freely.
plotted and the actual dimensions of the tyre. This Tyre may be rotated by a motor acting on the tyre axis
device will enable the tyre contour to be determined in or else via pressure against a test drum.
relation to the wheel axis.
F-3.8 The entire assembly shall be accelerated without
F-3 EXECUTION OF TEST interruption in order to achieve the maximum speed
capability of the tyre within 5 min.
F-3.1 During the test the temperature in the test room
F-3.9 The contour-outline device shall be installed care
shall be held between 20°C and 40°C or at a higher
being taken to ensure that it is at right angles to the
temperature, if so accepted by the tyre manufacturer.
direction of rotation of the tread of the tyre being tested.
F-3.2 Tyres to be tested shall have undergone the
F-3.10 A check shall be made that the peripheral speed
load/speed performance test in accordance with Annex
of the tread surface is equal to the maximum speed
E without any faults having emerged.

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IS 15627 : 2022

capability of the tyre within ± 2 percent. The equipment F-4.1.1 The main dimensions of the enveloping curve
shall be kept at a constant speed for 5 min at least and shall be adjusted if applicable taking into account the
then the cross-section of the tyre shall be traced in the constant ratio K (see F-2.2).
area of maximum deformation or a check shall be made
that the tyre does not exceed the enveloping curve. F-4.2 The contour of the tyre portrayed at the maximum
speed shall not exceed the enveloping curve, with
F-4 ASSESSMENT OF RESULTS reference to the tyre axes.

F-4.1 The limiting curve (enveloping curve) specified F-4.3 No other test is carried out on the tyre.
for the mounted tyre/wheel assembly shall be as in the
example shown in Fig. 2.

SG = Maximum overall width in service

(This changes 1 mm per 0.1 Rim width code change from the measuring rim)
Hdyn = Centrifugal radius – D/2
The limit values for the envelope outline are laid down as follows:
Tyre speed category Q/R/S T/U/H Over 210 km/h.
Hdyn (mm) H × 1.10 H × 1.13 H × 1.16
were H is nominal tyre height given in (a)

Fig. 2 Enveloping Curve for Dynamic Growth Test

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IS 15627 : 2022

(Clause 4.4 )


The equipment consists of a cylindrical steel plunger G-6.1 The minimum static breaking energy for all types
having a hemispherical end of a diameter specified in of fabric materials except rayon shall be as specified in
Tables 14, 15 or 16, as applicable for type of tyre and Tables 15, 16 and 17 as applicable, when tested as per
a device to force the plunger rod into a tyre at the rate procedure given above.
specified in G-3.
G-6.2 For rayon tyres, the minimum static breaking
G-2 PREPARATION OF TYRE FOR THE TEST energy values will be 60 percent values specified in
The tyre with a tube shall be mounted and inflated Tables 15, 16 and 17 as applicable.
on a test rim of the recommended size and shall be G-6.3 For the tyres which are not covered by Tables
conditioned at approximately the temperature of the 15, 16 and 17 as applicable, the test inflation pressure,
room in which the test is to be conducted for at least 3 h plunger diameter and static breaking energy shall be as
after which the pressure shall be adjusted, if necessary, declared by the tyre manufacturer.
to the test inflation pressure specified in D-1.
Table 15 Requirements for Plunger Test for
G-3 TEST PROCEDURE Diagonal Ply Tyres
The plunger rod shall be forced into the tread of the ( Clauses G-1, G-6.1 and G-6.3 )
tyre/wheel assembly mounted as described in G-2, Sl Tyres Ply Plunger Static
perpendicularly over a tread element at the center line of No. rating Dia mm Breaking
the tread or as near as possible to avoiding penetration Energy J
into a tread groove. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
The rate of travel of the plunger shall be 50 ± 1.5 mm/ i) Tyres with rim 2 PR 8 ± 0.2 17
min until the tyre breaks or the plunger is stopped by diameter code > 12
4 PR 8 ± 0.2 34
the rim (bottoming of the plunger against the rim), in
6 PR 8 ± 0.2 45
which case the tyre shall be deemed to have passed the
test regardless of energy value. ii) Tyres with rim 4 PR 19 ± 0.2 136
diameter code ≤12
6 PR 19 ± 0.2 203
Measurement of force and penetration at break (or
bottoming against the rim) shall be made at 5 points 8 PR 19 ± 0.2 271
nearly equally spaced round the tyre circumference. The iii) Moped tyres – 8 ± 0.2 34.6
arithmetic mean energy absorbed shall be calculated (Diagonal)
from the five energy values obtained at the break using
the formula given in G-4.
Table 16 Requirements for Plunger Test for Radial
G-4 CALCULATION Ply Millimetric Designated Tyres
The braking energy shall be calculated as: ( Clauses G-1, G-6.1 and G-6.3 )

FP Sl Tyres Ply Plunger Static

W  103 No. rating Diameter Breaking
2 mm Energy J
where (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

W = energy at break (or bottoming), in J (Joule); i) Nominal section width 2PR 8 ± 0.2 15
up to 62
F = Force at break (or bottoming), in N; and 4 PR 8 ± 0.2 29
P = Penetration at break (or bottoming), in mm.
6 PR 8 ± 0.2 39
G-5 As an option for purpose of conformity if the ii) Radial ply tyres, code 2PR 8 ± 0.2 17
plunger energy measurements meet or exceed the designated -Nominal
minimum value specified it is not necessary to continue section width above 62 4 PR 8 ± 0.2 34
penetration of the plunger to break the tyre. 6 PR 8 ± 0.2 45

8 PR 8 ± 0.2 56

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IS 15627 : 2022

Table 17 Requirements for Plunger Test for Radial and Diagonal Ply for Millimetric
(ISO Designated) Tyres
( Clauses G-1, G-6.1 and G-6.3 )
Sl No. Section Width Inflation Pressure Plunger Diameter Static Breaking Energy
kPa1) mm J
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
i) Nominal section width up to 62 Less than 225 8 ± 0.2 15
225 and above 8 ± 0.2 29
ii) Nominal section width more than 62 Less than 225 8 ± 0.2 17
225 and above 8 ± 0.2 34
Inflation pressure corresponding to maximum load carrying capacity

( Clause 4.5 )

H-1 This test is applicable only for tyres listed in Table H-4 TEST PROCEDURE
Mount the conditioned tyre-rim assembly on a test
H-2 TEST APPARATUS machine axle and press the tyre against the face of the
test drum at initial (Stage I) test load followed by the
The test wheel shall be a flat smooth faced wheel having test loads Stage II and Stage III as those specified in
a diameter of 1.7m ± 1 percent or 2.0 m ± 1 percent. Table 18. At the end of each run, a record shall be kept
The surface width of the wheel shall be more than the of the tyre inflation pressure. Additionally, the first
loaded tyre tread width. The air surrounding the tyre reading of inflation pressure shall be taken 3h after the
during the test shall at a temperature of 20 °C to 40 °C. start of the test. A normal tyre pressure rise from initial
test inflation pressure is permitted. But, if at later stages
H-3 PREPARATION OF TYRE FOR THE TEST of pressure checks, the inflation pressure drops below
Mount the tyre after ensuring that it exhibits no the first value, the test tyre shall be rejected and the
visual evidence of tread, side-wall, ply, cord or bead test repeated with afresh tyre after cause of the drop in
separation, broken cord or cracking, on a test rim of the pressure is ascertained and defect rectified.
recommended size and inflate to the pressure specified
in E-1.2 of Annex E. Condition the inflated tyre-rim H-5 EXAMINATION OF TYRE AFTER TEST
assembly in an ambient atmosphere with temperature On completion of the cumulative test running time,
20°C to 40°C for a minimum period of 3h. Readjust the tyre shall be cut and examined. There shall be no
if necessary, the tyre pressure to the original inflation evidence of broken cords, tread separation, ply or bead
pressure immediately before the test. separation or cracking of tread of side-wall rubber deep
enough to expose the carcass cords fabric.

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IS 15627 : 2022

Table 18 Endurance Test Schedule

( Clause H-4 )
Sl No. Tyres Speed Stage I Stage II Stage III
(Percent of rated
Load 1) Time Load 1) Time Load 1) Time
h h h

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

i) Rim diameter code > 12 40 100 4 108 6 117 24
ii) Rim Diameter Code ≤ 12 64 100 4 108 6 117 24
iii) Three wheeler and quadricycle 57 66 4 84 6 101 24

The figures indicated are percentage of the maximum load carrying capacity

( Clause 5 )

J-1 EXAMPLE a) The tyre size designation including the nominal

section width, the nominal aspect ratio, the
b > 4 mm b 100/80 R 18 53 S TUBELESS MAR 04
symbol of the structure, where appropriate and the
nominal rim diameter shall be combined as shown
J-1.1 These markings define a tyre: in the above example that is, 100/80 R 18;
a) Nominal section width of 100; b) The load capacity index and the speed category
b) Nominal aspect ratio of 80; symbol shall be placed near the tyre size
designation. They may either precede or follow
c) Radial ply structure (R);
this or be located above or below it;
d) Rim diameter of 457 mm the code for which is 18;
c) The descriptions ‘TUBELESS’ and
e) Load capacity of 206 kg corresponding to load ‘REINFORCED’ or ‘REINF’ may be further away
index 53 (see Annex A); from the dimensional description;
f) Speed category S (maximum speed 180 km/h); d) In the case of tyres suitable for speeds above
g) Fitted without an inner tube (tubeless); and 240 km/h. the letter codes ‘V’ or ‘Z’. as applicable.
h) Manufactured during Month, March of the Year shall be marked in front of the structure marking
2004. (for example, 140/60ZR18). The reference load
capacity index and speed category symbol shall
J-1.2 The size of markings, other than these can be of be marked within parentheses as applicable
a minimum height of 2.0 mm. The position and order [see 5(n)]
of the markings constituting the tyre designation shall
NOTE — Arrangement of markings relates only to the tyre
be as follows: designation. Other markings location will be left to the
discretion of the tyre manufacturer.

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IS 15627 : 2022

Table 19 Examples of Tyre Designation for Code Designated Tyres

[ Clause 5(c) ]
Sl No. Tyre Type Tyre Size Designation

Nominal Section Structure Code, ‘D’ or Nominal Rim Load Speed Ply Rating
Width Code, S1 ‘—’ for Diagonal, and Diameter Index/Maximum Symbol
‘R’ for Radial Code, d load Carrying
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
i) Moped 1¾ — 19 64 H
ii) Motor-cycle 4.00 — 18 64 P 4PR
3.50 — 10 64 P 4PR

Table 20 Examples of Tyre Designation for ISO Designated Tyres

[ Clause 5(c) ]
Sl No. Tyre Type Nominal Nominal Structure Code, ‘D’ Nominal Rim Load Index/Maximum Speed
Section Width Aspect Ratio, for Diagonal and Diameter Load Carrying Symbol
Code Ra ‘R’ for Radial Coded Capacity
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
i) Motor-cycle 120 90 - 18 65 S
140 80 R 17 69 H

Table 21 Type Test Schedule

( Clause 6.1 )
Sl No. Tests Tyre 1 Tyre 2 Tyre 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
i) Tyre marking √ -- --
ii) Tyre dimensions √ -- --
iii) Tread wear indicator √ --- ---
iv) Tyre strength test √ --- ---
v) Endurance test -- √ --
vi) Load/speed performance test --- -- √
vii) Dynamic growth --- --- √

Table 22 Conformity of Production Tests/Acceptance Tests

( Clause 7.3 )
Sl No. Tests TYRE 1 TYRE 2 TYRE 3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
i) Tyre marking √ -- --
ii) Tyre dimensions √ -- --
iii) Tread wear indicator √ --- ---
iv) Tyre strength test √ --- ---
v) Endurance test -- √ --
vi) Load/speed performance test --- -- √
vii) Dynamic growth --- --- √

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IS 15627 : 2022

( Clause 6.2.2 )
1. Manufacturer’s name and address, 19. Measuring rim and test rim,
2. Telephone No., 20. Inflation pressure (bar),
3. FAX. No., 19.1 Inflation pressure corresponding to maximum
4. E-mail address, load carrying capacity,
5. Contact person, 19.2 Test and measurement pressures,
6. Tyre-size designation, 21. Factor X referred to in 3.23 in case of
theoretical (imaginary) rim, if applicable,
7. Trade-name or mark,
22. Maximum speed permitted by the tyre
8. Category of use (normal/special/snow),
manufacturer and the load carrying capacity
9. Structure: diagonal (bias ply/bias allowed for that maximum speed. Applicable
belted/radial), only for tyres identified by means of letter
10. Fabric material-Nylon/Polyester/Polymide code “V” within the size designation and
etc. (one type). suitable for speeds over 240 km/h or for tyres
11. Speed category, identified by means of letter code “Z” within
the size designation and suitable for speeds
12. Load-capacity index of the tyre/Maximum over 270 km/h,
load carrying capacity (kg),
23. Intended for use on (type of vehicle),
13. Whether the tyre is to be used with or without
an inner tube, 24. Numbers and height of tread wear indicator, or
14. Whether the tyre is standard or reinforced, 25. Sketch, or a representative photograph, which
identify the tyre tread pattern. Sketch of the
15. Ply-rating number of tyres for (for code inflated tyre mounted on the measuring rim
designated tyres, if applicable), showing the relevant dimensions. Drawing
16. Overall section width (mm), or photograph in triplicate identifying tyre
17. Overall diameter (mm), tread pattern side wall marking and relevant
18. Rim on which tyre can be mounted, dimensions of inflated tyre mounted on the
measuring rim.

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IS 15627 : 2022

( Foreword )
Automotive Tyres, Tubes and Rims Sectional Committee, TED 07

Organization Representative(s)

In Individual Capacity Shri D. P. Saste (Chairman)

Central Institute of Road Transport, Pune Shri M. M. Pathak
Shri S. B. Salunkhe (Alternate)
Shri Nilesh Barmukh (Young Professional)
All India Motor Transport Congress, New Delhi Shri Charan Singh
Shri M. Murli (Alternate)
Ashok Leyland Ltd, Chennai Shri V. P. Gautam
Shri N. Muthu Kumar (Alternate)
Association of State Road Transport Undertaking, Shri R. Chandrababu
New Delhi Shri Ullas Babu (Alternate)
Automotive Components Manufacturers Shri Uday Harite
Association (ACMA) Shrimati Seema Babal (Alternate)
Automotive Research Association of India, Pune Shri A. Akbar Badusha
Shri V. L. Sadavarte (Alternate)
Automotive Tyre Manufacturers’ Association, Shri Rajiv Budhiraja
New Delhi Shri T. C. Kamath (Alternate)
Bajaj Auto Ltd, Pune Shri R. Narasimhan
Shri Arvind V. Kumbhar (Alternate)
Controllerate of Quality Assurance (Vehicles), Shri P. J. Wanjari
Ahmednagar Shri R. K. Tolambiya (Alternate)
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion , Shri S. S. Gupta
New Delhi Shri A. P. Singh (Alternate)
Hero MotoCorp Limited, Dharuhera Shri Sumit Bansal
Shri Anurag Dureja (Alternate)
ICAT, Manesar Shri Amit Karwal
Shrimati Vijayanta Ahuja (Alternate)
Shri Siddharth Tripathi (Young Professional)
IFTRT, New Delhi Shri S. P. Singh
Shri J. S. Walia (Alternate)
Indian Rubber Manufacturers Research Shri K. Rajkumar
Association, Thane
Indian Tyre Technical Advisory Committee, Shri V. K. Misra
New Delhi Shri Niteesh Shukla (Alternate)
In Individual Capacity Shri T. Chakravarty
Kalyani Maxion Wheels Pvt Ltd, Chakan Shri S. M. Bhatambrekar
Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd, Nasik Shri Vishal Barde
Shri T. Vishwanathan (Alternate)
Maruti Udyog Ltd, Gurugram Shri Rakesh Kaushik
Shri Rajendra Balasaheb Raut (Alternate)
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Director (Technical)
New Delhi

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Organization Representative(s)

NATRIP, Indore Shri P. P. Chattaraj

Society of Indian Automobile Manufactures, Shri P. K. Banerjee
New Delhi Shri Amit Kumar (Alternate)
Steel Strips Wheels Ltd, Mohali Shri Vimal P. Anand
Tata Motors Limited, Pune Shri P. S. Gowrishankar
Shri Amit Jain (Alternate)
Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru Shri Sudeep Dalvi
Shri S. Sakthivelan (Alternate)
Tractor Manufacturer`s Association, New Delhi Shri Philip Koshi
Shri Mashav Bhade (Alternate)
Triton Valves Ltd, Mysore Shri S. Mallikarjunaiah
Shri S. Ramesh (Alternate)
Vehicles Research & Development Estt, Shri S. Pal
Ahmednagar Shri P. P. Mahajan (Alternate)
Volvo Buses India Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru Shri Karthik Sharma
Shri P. K. Hugar (Alternate)
Wheels India Ltd, Chennai Shri V. Sudharsan
Shri Badrinarayan (Alternate)
BIS Directorate General Shri R. R. Singh Scientist ‘E’ and Head (TED) (Member Secretary)
[ Representing Director General ( Ex-officio ) ]

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Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without
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copyright be addressed to the Head (Publication & Sales), BIS.

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Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
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This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: TED 07 (10743).

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