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Wheels and Tyres

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5 Wheels and Tyres


5.0 Introduction 5.11 Types of Carcass

5.1 Requirements of the Wheel 5.11.1 Radial Ply Tyre
5.2 The Properties of the Wheel 5.11.2 Cross Ply Tyre
5.3 Types of Wheel 5.11.3 Bias Ply Tyre
5.3.1 Disc Wheel 5.12 Load Rating
5.3.2 Wired Wheel 5.13 Tyre Pressure
5.3.3 Cast Wheel 5.14 Selection of Tyre
5.4 Wheel Dimension 5.15 Tyre Wear
5.5 Tyre 5.16 Maintenance of Tyre
5.5.1 Types of Tyre 5.17 Tyre Damages And Repairing
5.6 Properties of The Tyre Methods
5.7 Functions of Tyre 5.18 Tube
5.8 Tyre Construction 5.19 Uses of Tubes
5.8.1 Bead 5.20 Puncture
5.8.2 Side Wall Region 5.21 Puncture Recovering
5.8.3 Shoulder Region 5.21.1 Hot Patch Method
5.8.4 Tread Region 5.21.2 Cold Patch Method
5.9 Tread Types 5.21.3 Vulcanizing
5.9.1 Stud Type Tread 5.22 Tube Damages And Repairing
5.9.2 Symmetrical Type Tread Methods
5.9.3 winter Type Tread 5.23 Tyre Rotation
5.10 Ply Rating 5.24 Wheel Balancing
5.10.1 Tyre Size Marking

Learning objectives

1. Understanding of different tyres used in vehicles.

2. Understanding the stability of manufactured tubes and tyres.
3. Understanding how wheels are produced with stability and its suitability for
use in the vehicle.
4. Understanding how the wheels and tyres withstand the weight of the vehicle
on the road and stability of rolling on the road.

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5.0 Introduction 5.3 Types of wheels
It is well known that how important Generally there are three types of
are the wheels and tyres in automobiles. wheel. They are
The vehicle can be pulled even with no 1. Disc wheel
engine. However, without the wheels 2. Wired wheel
the vehicle cannot b e moved at all. 3. Cast wheel
Furthermore, the wheels and tyres also
carry the full load of the vehicle and
5.3.1 Disc wheel
g ive s m o ot h r i d e. B e s i d e s t h at t he
wheels and tyres help in operating the This type of wheel is commonly
vehicle in control with the help of the used in all automobiles. The Figure 5.3.1
steering. shows the photographic view of disc wheels.
Because its structure is very simple and
the construction is very strong and cost
5.1 Requirements of the effective.
1. Wheel must to bear the full load acting
on the vehicle.
2. It must to make the vehicle weight
easy to move and steer easy.
3. It must to help to move the vehicle
without the engine.
4. It must to withstand vibrations of the Figure 5.3.1 Shows the Photographic view
road. of Disc Wheels
5. It must to withstand the braking force The disc wheel is made of two
when the brake is applied. parts. They are
1. Rim
5.2 Properties of the 2. Disc
wheel The structure of the disc wheel can
1. It must be able to withstand the full be seen in Figure 5.3.1. The top part of
load of the vehicle. the rim has the provision for fixing the
2. The wheels must be at equal in position tyre correctly. The disc is connected with
while driving the vehicle and at rest as the rim by welding. Depending on the
well. size of the wheel and the disc the disc
3. The weight of the wheels should be can be made as an integral part of the
less. rim or separate ones. The part of the tyre
4. The w he els must b e e asy to which is used for place it on the rim is
remove from the axle and fix in the called as the tyre bead. The tyre cannot
axle. be removed or fitted if there is no pit in
5. The wheels must be easy to control by the rim. The tyre fitting area in the rim is
steering mechanism. generally in tilting angle between 5° and
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15°. Therefore, when air is filled in the as spokes. The structure of the wired wheel
tyre, the bead makes a tight fit with the can be seen in Figure 5.3.2. We can find
rim. In tubeless tyres this tilt structure this type of wheels used in two wheelers
acts as a tight seal. such as bicycles and motor cycles. The
The disc in the disc wheel does the spokes in the two wheels withstand the
work of the spoke. The wheel is fitted on the vehicle weight, pulling force and braking
axle by the bolts. There are holes provided force. For withstanding these forces the
on the wheel disc as shown in the picture. spokes are connected between the wheel
Through these holes air is allowed to enter hub and the rim. There are splines made
inside the brake drum and the air cools in the hub for fixing it on the hub axle.
the brake drum. There is a gap provided The weight of wired wheel is comparatively
for the wheel disc and a hole is made on lower than the disc wheel and has high
the rim for placing the tube valve. cooling efficiency and hence it is used
in racing cars.

Figure 5.3.2 Structure of a Spoke / Wired

Figure Rim and Disc

Advantages of wired wheel

1. It is lower in weight and has more
1. The construction of the disc wheel is durability than a disc wheel.
simple, durable and cheap. 2. It allows the brake drum to cool very
2. Its maintenance is low. quickly and easily.
3. It is suitable for all light and heavy 3. It can be fixed and dismantled easily
vehicles. whenever necessary.
4. No curves or bends occur on the
wheel. Disadvantages
1. Maintenance cost is high.
5.3.2 Wired wheel 2. There are possibilities for bends to
Unlike the disc wheel, the hub is occur in the wheel.
located at the center of the wheel and the 3. Tubeless tyres cannot be used because
rim is at the top separately. The rim and of the holes present in the rim for the
the hub are connected by the wires called spoke wires.
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5.3.3 Cast wheel 5.4. The wheel dimension has the following
letters represented as
The modern automotive wheels
are generally made up of aluminum or
magnesium alloy materials. Figure 5.3.3
shows the photographic view of a cast
wheel. Cast wheels are mostly used in
cars. The simple structure of this wheel
can be seen in figure. Forged wheels are
mostly used in heavy vehicles. These
types of wheels are less in weight. The
wheels made of magnesium alloy are
50% less than the weight of the steel
wheel, and the aluminum alloy wheels
are 70% less than the weight of the steel
wheel. Even though the weight is lower
than that of steel wheels these wheels
have the strength which is equal to the
steel wheels. These metal alloys have the
ability to transfer heat and reduce the heat
generated in the tyres or brakes. Moreover
these materials are used for manufacture
the wide rims. This gives more vehicle
stability. Magnesium alloy material has
the ability to withstand heavy loads. It
could also withstand more vibrations and Figure 5.4 Wheel Dimensions
shocks occurred in vehicles.
‘W’ - Width of the wheel.
‘D’ - Diameter of wheel.
‘C’ - Type of rim.
Wheels are shown by code number.
For example, if the code number of the
wheel is given as 5.50 B-13 and 4 ½ J-14
then, it indicates the terms as below.

Figure 5.3.3 A view of Cast Wheel Wheel Dimensions

Width (W) Rim type Diameter (D)
5.4 Wheel Dimension (C)
The measurement of wheel 5.50’’ B 13’’
dimensions could be seen in the Figure 4 ½’’ J 14’’

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5.5 Tyre
Tyre is fixed on the rim of wheel in
the vehicle. The tube in the tyre is filled
with air. The tyre carries the weight of
the vehicle and gives smooth ride to the

5.5.1 Types of tyre

The tyre are classified into the
following types, Figure Photographic view of a Pneumatic
1. Solid tyre
2. Pneumatic tyre
3. Bullet proof tyre The pneumatic tyre can be classified
4. Liquid filled tyre into two types. They are
1. Tyre with tube
Solid tyre 2. Tubeless tyre
This type of tyre is a hard one made
up of special type of rubber. There is no Tyre with tube or conventional
tube in it. As it is a solid one it does not tyre
withstand vibrations. Hence this type of The tube assisted tyre is called as
tyre is mostly not used in automobiles. the tube tyre. The photographic view of
a tube tyre. The cross sectional view of
the tube tyre can be seen in the Figure.

Figure View of a Solid Tyre

Pneumatic tyre
This type of tyre is used commonly
in all automobiles. The air is filled in
the tube of the tyre and hence the tyre is
called as pneumatic tyre. The photographic
view of a pneumatic tyre can be seen in
Figure. Figure Construction of a Tube Tyre
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Tubeless tyre inside the tyre does not decrease and the
This tyre does not have any tube puncture is automatically corrected by
inside it. In this type of tyre, the tyre the tyre itself. This type of tyre is used
is directly fitted on the rim. The cross in military vehicles.
sectional view of the tubeless tyre can
be seen in the Figure. Liquid filled tyre
In this type of tyre the mixture of
15% of calcium chloride 85% of water
is used to fill the tyre for about 75% of
the total capacity of the tyre. This type
of tyre is used in some heavy vehicles
and tractors.

5.6 Properties of tyre

The following are the important
properties of the tyres
Figure Construction of a tubeless tyre
1. It should be more comfort for
Advantages 2. It should be able to withstand
1. Simple in structure. vibrations of the road sides.
2. In case of puncture, the tyre can be 3. The tyre should give stability to the
repaired without removing from the rim. vehicle when the vehicle is negotiating
3. The tyre needs no tube. a turn.
4. Maintenance is low. 4. Vehicle should stop immediately by
creating the friction without any slip
Bullet proof tyre when applying the brake.
In this type of tyres even if the tyre 5. It should be able to give very less
is punctured by the bullet, the air pressure rolling resistance.
6. The tyre must provide safety to the
vehicle when the vehicle moving on
the road.
7. The tyre must work for a long period.

5.7 Functions of the

1. It withstands the whole weight of the
2. It creates the friction on the road and
Figure Photographic view of the bullet helps to roll the wheel on the road.
proof tyre 3. It gives road stability for the vehicles.
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4. It withstands the vibrations of the region is called as the side wall region.
vehicle when the vehicle is going on Wheel tube is fitted inside this region.
the bumps and pot holes. The tyre marks are made in this side wall
area only.
5.8 Tyre construction
It consists of the following four 5.8.3 Shoulder region
parts. They are, The hor izont al are a of region
1. The bead region connecting the side walls and the tread
2. The side wall region is called as the shoulder region. This
3. The shoulder region shoulder region creates a slightly curved
4. The tread region look for the tyre area.

5.8.1 Bead 5.8.4 Tread region

Bead is a part of the tyre which The top area on the periphery of
is used to fit the tyre on the wheel rim. the wheel that is in contact on the road
Bead is made of a circular metal wire surface is called as the tread region. For
placed on both sides of the tyre. In the giving good grip on the road, there are
tyre beads one or more metal wires are different shapes of cross grooves available
covered strongly by the thick nylon or on this region.
rayon threads around the metal wires.
Tyre beads help to keep the tyre shape

5.8.2 Side wall region

The side wall of the tyre is
constructed to be very flexible. The vertical
area between the tyre bead and tyre tread

Figure 5.8.4 Tread pattern of a typical tyre

5.9 Tread types

The tread region present in the
tyres is of three types. They are
1. Stud type tread
2. Symmetrical type tread
Figure 5.8 Tyre construction 3. Winter type tread
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5.9.1 Stud type tread tractors and earth movers. The buttons
of the tread in this tyre are very large
T h i s t y p e of t re a d i s u s e d i n
and very height.
the front tyres of the normal Jeep and
tractor. The tyre has small button shapes
to be present on the circular area of tyre. 5.10 Ply rating
The part of the tyre which is made of
5.9.2 Symmetrical type tread cotton or nylon or rayon threads threaded
to the tyre is called as the ply of the tyre.
This type of tread is used in the
As all the plies are wound tightly on the
wheels of light duty vehicles and cars. The
round bead wires which are made of steel
cross section of the tread in this tyre is
the shape of the tyre is not changed. It is
bent over the surface on the circumferential
always circular in shape.
surface of the wheel.
The strength and thickness of the
tyre depend on the number of plies present
5.9.3 Winter type tread
in the tyre. Increasing the plies increases
This type of tread is made on the the strength of the tyre. Scooter, motorcycle
rear wheels of special vehicles such as and bikes have the tyres with less plies

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and the cars have the tyres with more 5.11 Types of tyres
plies. In heavy vehicles the ply rating is based on carcass
more than to that of the car tyres. The
air pressure and the tyre size are defined 1. Radial ply tyre
based on the tyre plies. Ply rating is 2. Cross ply tyre
the number which generally indicates 3. Bias ply tyre
the strength and the stability of the
tyres. 5.11.1 Radial ply tyre

5.10.1 Tyre size marking

For example at the sideway
of the tyre if the tyre is marked as 3.5” x
10” x 4 PR, which represents the tyre
size marking. The tyre size is marked as
indicated below.

Width of Diameter of Strength of

the Rim the Rim the tyre
3.5” 10” 4 PR

Figure 5.11.1 View of a radial ply tyre

Note: PR – Ply Rating

Speed rating
Load rating
Cross sectional Aspect ratio construction Rim diameter

Cross sectional width

Cross sectional height inflated tyre Ratio

Cross sectional height (H)
Cross sectional width (W)

Figure 5.10.1 The tyre specifications.

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The nylon or rayon layers 5.11.2 Cross ply tyre
which connect the beads on both sides
Ny lon or rayon layers t hat
of the tyre are arranged in the same
connect the beads on both sides of the
direction. This type of tyre is called as
tyre are arranged in the opposite (at the
radial ply tyre. In this type of tyres the
angle of 40 o to 45 o) direction. This type
stability and comfort are more. However,
of tyre is called as cross ply type tyre.
while negotiating a turn on the bends of
As the tyre is made the plies with cross
the road the stability of the tyre is less.
winding the tyre gets more strength. A
Figure 5.11.1 shows the view of a radial
view of the cross ply tyre can be seen in
ply tyre.
Figure 5.11.2.

Cross ply

Inner cover


Bead cover Rubber wall

Bead wires Laminated cover

Figure 5.11.2 View of the cross ply tyre

5.11.3 Bias ply tyre tyre. This type of tyre is very strong and
T h e c o m b i n at i o n o f t h e t y r e has more stability. Figure 5.11.3 shows
construction with radial ply tyre and the concept of bias ply tyre.
cross ply tyre is said to be the bias ply
5.12 Load rating
The tyre’s strength, tyre dimensions
and it’s load carrying capacity are represented
by the term called as the load rating.

5.13 Tyre pressure

The air stored at high pressure
Figure 5.11.3 Bias Ply concept inside the tyre withstands all the loads
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acting on the vehicle. If the air pressure 5.16 Maintenance of Tyre
is high or low from its specified pressure
then there will be negative effects which The long life of the tyre could be
will be caused by the tyre to the vehicle. possible by proper maintenance of the
Hence, based on the ply rating, vehicle tyres. The following are the points to be
speed and the load of the vehicle, the air followed for good tyre maintenance.
pressure is mentioned or recommended 1. The required amount of air should be
by the vehicle manufacturer. filled and maintained correctly.
2. The air pressure has to be checked by
5.14 Selection of the using the pressure gauge at least once
tyre in a week.
3. If there is any grease or oil present in
The tyre selection for any vehicle
tyre, it must be cleaned.
is based on the following considerations
4. The tyre should not be overloaded.
1. It should work for a long time. 5. Of ten bra king t he vehicle or
2. The price of the tyre should be low unnecessarily braking during high
and should have good quality. speeds of the vehicle have to be avoided.
3. The tyre must have the required tread 6. The vehicle should not be turned
pattern and ply rating for the specific quickly when running on bends.
application. 7. The tyre must be checked for its
4. The tyre must have the good quality position on the axle whether it is
rubber mixture. placed on the rim with straight and
stable condition or not.
5.15 Tyre wear
The tyre wear occurs due to the 5.17 Tyre repairs
following reasons, and rectification
1. Due to the pressure of the air filled methods
in the tyre is lower or higher than its Repairs Repairing methods
specified pressure Tyre wear on one Correct the wheel
2. Due to the reasons of suddenly and side alignment
frequently applying the brake. Tyre wear at the Maintain the tyre
3. If the wheel is not fixed properly on center pressure.
the axle. The tyre pressure Valve in the
4. If there are wear on the bearings of the reduced often tube should be
wheels. corrected
5. If the vehicle carry’s more loads. Explosion or Should carry
6. The wheel alignment angles such as scratches occurring specified load
caster and camber are not set correctly in tyre.
as per the recommendations. Tyre wear Correct the wheel
7. If the load on the vehicle is not occurring soon alignment

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In 1888, John Dunlop invented the air-filled or pneumatic tyres.

5.18 Tube 5.20 Puncture

A blanket cover like part which is If any shar p objects or things
used for storing the air inside the tyre is like nails stab the tyre and make the
called as the tube. It is made up of natural ai r t o l e a k , t h e n we c a l l it a s t y re
or synthetic rubbers. For injecting and puncture.
releasing air in the tube, tube valve is
used. It is a one way valve which helps
to send air to the tube but not allows the 5.21 puncture
air to release or return from the tube. recovering
The method of repairing or
rectifying the effects caused by the holes
5.19 Uses of tubes
in the tube or any cut injury in the tube
1. They store the required amount of air. is called as puncture repair. The tube
2. They provide smooth travel for the puncture is repaired by three different
vehicles. ways. They are
3. They withstand the weight of vehicle.
4. They withstand the vibrations 1. Hot patch method
occurred in between the road and 2. Cold patch method
vehicles. 3. Vulcanizing
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5.21.1 Hot patch method 5.21.3 Vulcanizing
For this method a vulcanizing If there is a small hole in tube, it
machine is required. This type of method can be repaired by using any one method
is often used for repairing large size as discussed above. However, if the hole
punctures, tube bursts, and in replacing is very large, or more air is leaked from
the mouth in the tube. To repair the tube valve, we have to go for vulcanizing
puncture, the punctured area on the method for repairing the puncture. To
tube is first noted. The punctured area perform this, initially the both damaged
was rubbed with the help of an emery / area on the tube and rubber to be pasted
file sheet for some and a rubber solution are rubbed well. Then the vulcanizing paste
is pasted on it. Based on the size of the is applied on both the rough areas of the
puncture hole a small piece of rubber tube and the sticker and left for some time
tube was cut and pasted on the punctured to dry. The dried rubber sticker is now
area. The pasted area is then placed on pasted on the rubbed area of the tube and
the vulcanizing machine and clamped. By pressed well. The pasted tube is now kept
supplying the power to the vulcanizing on the vulcanizing machine and tightened.
machine by switching on the machine Now the vulcanizing machine is switched
the heating element in the vulcanizing on and left it for heating the tube area until
machine heats the punctured area under the indicator light starts to lighten. Then
pressure and makes the hole closed. the machine is switched off and the tube is
removed from vulcanizing machine. Figure
5.21.2 Cold patch method 5.21.3 shows the method of vulcanizing.

Using an emery sheet or file the

punctured area is rubbed on the tube.
The rubber paste is applied on the rubbed
area and dried for some time. Based on
the size of the punctured hole a small
piece of rubber tube is binding sticker is
pasted on the hole. Nowadays the binding
stickers are available for specified sizes
also. Mostly small sizes of punctures are
repaired by this method. Figure 5.21.3 The method of vulcanizing.

5.22 Tube damages and repairing methods

Causes Remedies
Air leaks in the tube automatically Correct the tube valve or puncture in the tube.
Oftenly tube puncture Change new tube.
Tube wear quickly Fix the flab in between tube and tyre.
Tube bursts Load the vehicle according to the
recommended weight.

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5.23 Tyre rotation front tyre is changed to right front tyre.
The right front wheel is kept as a spare
wheel. The other wheel is changed to right
rear wheels. This method of changing
the wheels is called as tyre rotation. The
figure 5.19 indicates the method of tyre

5.24 Wheel balancing

If the wheels are allowed to rotate
then must rotate uniformly and smoothly
without any vibrations. If there is no
proper rotation of the wheels the weight
of the rim must be balanced for uniform
rotation of the wheels and this is method is
called as wheel balancing. The rim weight
is adjusted by moving different lead metal
weights on the rim. Figure 5.24 shows the
balance weight placed on the rim

Figure 5.23 Wheel Rotation procedure

In general the tyres in the vehicle

are subjected to wear but the amount of
wear on the four wheels is not uniform.
The tyres in the rear wheels of the vehicle
wear more quickly than the front wheels
due to the power transmission to the rear
Figure 5.24 Wheel balancing
axle. Right side wheels generally wear twice
in amount than the left wheels. Hence,
based on the manufacturers’ guidelines Advantages of wheel balancing
tyres are rotated and fitted in the vehicles
1. It reduces the tyre wear.
after the vehicle is travelled to certain
2. It helps in steering the vehicle
kilometers. In cars and commercial
vehicles for about 8000 km of the vehicle’s
3. It reduces wobbling of the vehicle.
travel the tyre is changed bas ed on
rotational mode. Types
The right side of the rear wheel 1. Static balancing
tyre is changed to left front tyre. Left side 2. Dynamic balancing
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Student Activity

1. Send the students to vulcanizing workshops for observing puncture repairing methods
and ask to submit the report.
2. Send the student to workshop for finding the wheel rotation and ask to draw cross
sectional view.

G Glossary

1. Wheel – சக்கரம்
2. Hot patch – வெப்பப்படுத்தி ஒட்டுதல்
3. Cold patch – குளிரவைத்து ஒட்டுதல்
4. Vulcanizing – வல்கனைசிங்
5. Wheel balancing – சக்கரங்களை சமநிலைப்படுத்துதல்
6. Spokes wheel – கம்பி சக்கரம்
7. Tyre ply – டயரின் அடுக்கு
8. Cast wheel – உருக்குச் சக்கரம்
9. Disc wheel – தட்டுச் சக்கரம்
10. Dynamic balancing – இயக்க நிலை சமன்படுத்துதல்


1. S.K. Gupta, A Text Book of Automobile Engineering, S. Chand and Company, New
Delhi, ISBN 978-93-837-4691-0, First Edition 2014, Reprint 2016.
2. Automobile Engineering, 2nd Edition, Sci Tech Publications (India) Pvt Ltd, 2011.
Ramalingam. K.K.
3. Kirpal Singh, Automobile Engineering, Vol 1, Standard Publisher and distributor, ISBN
– 13 – 978-8180141966
4. Jack Erjavec- Automotive Technology_ A Systems Approach -Delmar Cengage Learning
(2009) ISBN-13: 978-1428311497
5. James D. Halderman, Automotive Technology, Principles, Diagnosis and service, fourth
Edition, 2012, Prentice Hall, ISBN - 3: 978-0-13-254261-6
6. K.K.Jain and R.B.Asthana, Automobile Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi
7. R.K.Rajput, A Text Book of Automobile Engineering, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
8. A.K. Babu & Er. Ajit Pal Singh, Automobile Engineering, S.Chand Publishing, New Delhi
9. Internal Combustion Engines by V. Ganesan, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2004
10. Automotive Mechanics by William Crouse, Donald Anglin

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1. https://www.carthrottle.com/post/different-wheel-types-and-how-theyre-
2. https://www.zigwheels.com/guide/four-wheeler-tyre-guide/different-types-of-
3. https://pmctire.com/en/info/tire-specifications/tire-load-range-ply-rating.tire
4. http://www.abrasiontesting.com/understanding-wear-abrasion/types-wear/
5. https://www.michelin.co.uk/tyres/learn-share/care-guide/three-main-causes-of-tyre-
6. https://www.thoughtco.com/the-what-why-and-how-of-wheel-balancing-3234378
7. http://rapcoasphalt.com/asphalt-patching-and-pothole-filling-hot-or-cold-patches/


One mark questions
Choose the correct answer
c) Wear On Bearings
1. Which one of the following d) None Of These
indicate the solidity of the 4. If there is an occurrence of
tyre leakages in tubes then it is called
a) Carcass as
b) bead a) Vulcanizing
c) tread b) hot batch
d) ply c) puncture
2. Specify the type of tyre which d) tread
uses the tube 5. The basic construction of tyre is
a) Solid Tyre said to be
b) Tubeless Tyre a) Ply Rating
c) Tubed Tyre b) Tread
d) Liquid Filled Tyre c) Bead
3. The cause of wear in the center d) Carcass
portion of tyre is due to the 6. Types of tyres is.
a) Low Air a) 2 b) 3
b) High Air c) 4 d) 5

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7. It is connects the rim with hub. 9. Tyre ply rating means
a) Wheel a) wheel dimension
b) Spokes b) tyre dimension
c) Tyre c) tube dimension
d) Tube d) tyre strength
8. How many types of treads? 10. It is placed at both edges of the tyre.
a) 2 a) Bead
b) 3 b) Car cass
c) 5 c) Ply rating
d) 4 d) Tread

Part - B

Three mark questions

1. What is the working of wheel? 4. What is meant by carcass?

2. What is the working of tyre? 5. What will happen if the air pressure
is low in tyre?
3. Answer any two maintenance of the

Part - C

Five mark questions

1. Draw the disc wheel diagram and 2. Give any five reasons for wear
mention its parts. occurrence in tyres.

3. Describe the tyre rotation?

Part - D

Ten mark questions

1. What are all the methods of 2. Tabulate the faults occurred in

repairing puncture of wheels? tyres and repairing methods.
Explain any one method in detail.

5 - Wheels and Tyres 90

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