Wheels and Tyres
Wheels and Tyres
Wheels and Tyres
Learning objectives
Pneumatic tyre
This type of tyre is used commonly
in all automobiles. The air is filled in
the tube of the tyre and hence the tyre is
called as pneumatic tyre. The photographic
view of a pneumatic tyre can be seen in
Figure. Figure Construction of a Tube Tyre
5 - Wheels and Tyres 78
Speed rating
Load rating
Cross sectional Aspect ratio construction Rim diameter
Cross ply
Inner cover
5.11.3 Bias ply tyre tyre. This type of tyre is very strong and
T h e c o m b i n at i o n o f t h e t y r e has more stability. Figure 5.11.3 shows
construction with radial ply tyre and the concept of bias ply tyre.
cross ply tyre is said to be the bias ply
5.12 Load rating
The tyre’s strength, tyre dimensions
and it’s load carrying capacity are represented
by the term called as the load rating.
1. Send the students to vulcanizing workshops for observing puncture repairing methods
and ask to submit the report.
2. Send the student to workshop for finding the wheel rotation and ask to draw cross
sectional view.
G Glossary
1. Wheel – சக்கரம்
2. Hot patch – வெப்பப்படுத்தி ஒட்டுதல்
3. Cold patch – குளிரவைத்து ஒட்டுதல்
4. Vulcanizing – வல்கனைசிங்
5. Wheel balancing – சக்கரங்களை சமநிலைப்படுத்துதல்
6. Spokes wheel – கம்பி சக்கரம்
7. Tyre ply – டயரின் அடுக்கு
8. Cast wheel – உருக்குச் சக்கரம்
9. Disc wheel – தட்டுச் சக்கரம்
10. Dynamic balancing – இயக்க நிலை சமன்படுத்துதல்
1. S.K. Gupta, A Text Book of Automobile Engineering, S. Chand and Company, New
Delhi, ISBN 978-93-837-4691-0, First Edition 2014, Reprint 2016.
2. Automobile Engineering, 2nd Edition, Sci Tech Publications (India) Pvt Ltd, 2011.
Ramalingam. K.K.
3. Kirpal Singh, Automobile Engineering, Vol 1, Standard Publisher and distributor, ISBN
– 13 – 978-8180141966
4. Jack Erjavec- Automotive Technology_ A Systems Approach -Delmar Cengage Learning
(2009) ISBN-13: 978-1428311497
5. James D. Halderman, Automotive Technology, Principles, Diagnosis and service, fourth
Edition, 2012, Prentice Hall, ISBN - 3: 978-0-13-254261-6
6. K.K.Jain and R.B.Asthana, Automobile Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi
7. R.K.Rajput, A Text Book of Automobile Engineering, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
8. A.K. Babu & Er. Ajit Pal Singh, Automobile Engineering, S.Chand Publishing, New Delhi
9. Internal Combustion Engines by V. Ganesan, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2004
10. Automotive Mechanics by William Crouse, Donald Anglin
1. https://www.carthrottle.com/post/different-wheel-types-and-how-theyre-
2. https://www.zigwheels.com/guide/four-wheeler-tyre-guide/different-types-of-
3. https://pmctire.com/en/info/tire-specifications/tire-load-range-ply-rating.tire
4. http://www.abrasiontesting.com/understanding-wear-abrasion/types-wear/
5. https://www.michelin.co.uk/tyres/learn-share/care-guide/three-main-causes-of-tyre-
6. https://www.thoughtco.com/the-what-why-and-how-of-wheel-balancing-3234378
7. http://rapcoasphalt.com/asphalt-patching-and-pothole-filling-hot-or-cold-patches/
One mark questions
Choose the correct answer
c) Wear On Bearings
1. Which one of the following d) None Of These
indicate the solidity of the 4. If there is an occurrence of
tyre leakages in tubes then it is called
a) Carcass as
b) bead a) Vulcanizing
c) tread b) hot batch
d) ply c) puncture
2. Specify the type of tyre which d) tread
uses the tube 5. The basic construction of tyre is
a) Solid Tyre said to be
b) Tubeless Tyre a) Ply Rating
c) Tubed Tyre b) Tread
d) Liquid Filled Tyre c) Bead
3. The cause of wear in the center d) Carcass
portion of tyre is due to the 6. Types of tyres is.
a) Low Air a) 2 b) 3
b) High Air c) 4 d) 5
Part - B
2. What is the working of tyre? 5. What will happen if the air pressure
is low in tyre?
3. Answer any two maintenance of the
Part - C
1. Draw the disc wheel diagram and 2. Give any five reasons for wear
mention its parts. occurrence in tyres.
Part - D