Lab Med..
Lab Med..
Lab Med..
a. True
b. False
a. True
b. False
a. Dysuria
b. Anura
c. Diuresis
d. Azotemia
a. RBC.Hb, Hct
b. RBC
c. WBC
d. RBC Hb, Hct, PLT
a. The general condition of the body, with pathological changes in the blood, requires
additional studies
b. Anemia
c. Specific test
d. Kidney function
e. Liver function
a. Glucose
b. Blood
c. Proteins
d. All of the above
10) A deficiency of the oxygen carrying capacity in the blood will cause the production of
more red blood cells
a. False
b. True
11) The volume of urine excreted in a 24-hour period by an adult patient was 500 mL. This
condition would be termed
a. Polyuria
b. Anuria
c. Oliguria
d. Dysuria
12) The type of white blood cell that often arrives at the site of infection first, is a
granulocyte, and contains granules that stain light purple is a
a. basophil
b. neutrophil
c. eosinophil
d. monocyte
13) Reference intervals or "normal range" are defined as the range of values into which
14) Which of the following can give a false negative urine protein reading?
a. are very easily transmitted and cause serious or fatal diseases for which there are no
vaccines or treatments
b. are not known to consistently cause disease in healthy adults and present minimal
potential hazard to personnel and the environment
c. can cause serious or potentially fatal disease through inhalation
d. pose a moderate hazard to personnel and the environment
18) Nocturnia is
a. excretion of more than 1500 ml of urine at night with specific gravity <1 018
b. excretion of more than 1000 ml of urine at night with specific gravity <1018
c. excretion of more than 500 mL of urine at night with specific gravity <1.018
d. excretion of more than 400 mL of urine at night with specific gravity <1010
20) The mean and normal range of Hemoglobin for an adult male is
a. anisocytosis
b. anisochromia
c. spherocytosis
d. poikolocytosi
a. preanalysis
b. analysis
c. all are correct
d. postanalysis
a. Staphylococcus
b. HIV
c. Ebola
d. TB
a. transferin
b. hemoglobin
c. urobilin
d. bilirubin
a. 5.4-7
b. 4.5-9
c. 4.6-8
d. 3.5-6
27) The mean and normal range for white blood cell count is
Microbes in BSL2
a. porse a moderate hazard to personnel and the environment
b. can cause serious or potentially fatal disease through inhalation
c. are not known to consistently cause disease in healthy adults and present minimal
potential hazard to personnel and the environment
d. are very easily transmitted and cause serious or fatal diseases for which there are no
vaccines or treatments
Reticulocytes are
a. immature red cell that contain RNA
b. immature eosinophils that contain RNA
c. immature lymphocytes that contain RNA
d. immature monocytes that contain RNA
Lymphocyte percentage is
a. 12%
b. 22%
c. 34%
schistocytes indicate
a. iron deficiency anemia
b. megaloblastic anemia
c. malaria
d. hemolysis
a. excretion of less than 800 ml of urine per 24 hrs
b. excretion of less than 1000 ml of urine per 24 hrs
c. excretion of less than 500 ml of urine per 24 hrs
d. excretion of less than 300 ml of urine per 24 hrs
Which of the following tests is usually seen only in those with SLE
a. Anti - Sm antibody
b. RF
c. Antiphospholipid antibodies
d. ANA