Rheologi Properties of Concrete
Rheologi Properties of Concrete
Rheologi Properties of Concrete
- Rheology is the branch of physics in which we study the way in which
materials deform or flowin response to applied forces or stresses.
- The material properties that govern the specific way in which these
deformation or flow behaviors occur are called rheological properties.
• compressive strength,
• tensile strength,
• flexural strength,
• modulus of elasticity.
• shrinkage and creep,
- deformation,
- behavior of mix,
- and placement of mixed concrete.
Another factor that governs the mobility of concrete mix is the angle of friction.
The triaxial compression test is performed to find the mobility of the concrete mix.
Vee - Bee test along with compacting factor test to find the relative mobility of the
mix at the site.
Compactability Parameter in Rheology of Concrete
The compaction process involves the expulsion of air bubbles within the concrete mix and
repositioning the aggregates so that a dense mass is obtained. Care is taken to avoid segregation.
Compactability is measured by means of compacting factor test. The method has certain limitations
as it sticks to the hopper test apparatus. This test show variation in the result when the mix is high or
low workable in nature.
The proper measurement of the compaction can be determined by two stages. The first stage of
measurement determines the density of the mix in its loose or un-compacted state. Here the mix is
simply placed on the hopper without any kind of compaction. The next stage involves the
measurement of compacted mix. The mix is placed in three layers, each compacted with a 25mm
diameter internal vibrator. The above two values compared with the standard compaction factor
test, would give us transmission of the mixture from its loose stage to compacted state. This gives
the measure of void content present tin the concrete.
The extent of void content will help to give an indication of durability, permeability and the strength
of concrete.
The concrete mixture is best chosen by knowing the rheological properties of concrete. The test like
workability, Vee - Bee and compaction factor tests are found to have limited scope as they measure
only a single parameter and are called single point tests.
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