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How To Effectively Manage - Paper

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On the Family of Standards UNE-ISO

55000 and How to Effectively Manage


Adolfo Crespo Márquez, Antonio Jesús Guillén López, Antonio Sola

Rosique and Carlos Parra Márquez

Abstract The publication of the ISO 55000 family of standards on asset man-
agement is surely a very important event for many economic activity sectors,
especially for those that are very intensive in capital investments devoted to
physical assets. Although the standards set a framework for the requirements to
fulfill in order to manage assets properly, companies, and organizations in general,
need to know how to reach those requirements. What are the necessary steps to
follow and the supporting structure that needs to be built in order to develop a
proper, consistent and competitive assets management process and system? This
chapter links ISO 55000 requirements to the assets management framework pro-
moted by the authors, and at the same time, links the models presented in the
different chapters of the book, with specific elements of the standards.

Keywords Assets management Management framework  Management sup-

porting structure Maintenance engineering techniques

A. Crespo Márquez (&)  C. Parra Márquez

Department of Industrial Management, School of Engineering,
University of Seville, Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n, 41092 Seville, Spain
e-mail: adolfo@us.es
A.J. Guillén López
Intelligent Maintenance System research group (SIM),
University of Seville (USE), Seville, Spain
A. Sola Rosique
INGEMAN. Association for the Development of Maintenance Engineering,
School of Engineering, Camino de los Descubrimientos, Seville 41092, Spain
C. Parra Márquez
IngeCon, Ingenieria de Confiabilidad, Caracas, Venezuela

© Springer International Publishing AG 2018 1

A. Crespo Márquez et al. (eds.), Advanced Maintenance Modelling
for Asset Management, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-58045-6_1
2 A. Crespo Márquez et al.

1 Introduction

The ISO 55000 family of standards on asset management has just been published.
These are three documents that present the minimum requirements on good prac-
tices to establish, implement, maintain and improve the management of any type of
asset in organizations. They also offer a strategic approach to incorporate operations
and maintenance applications, and thus improve asset availability and utilization.
The benefits of asset management in organizations, with a focus on achieving value
over the asset life cycle, are solidly proven in many industries and business envi-
ronments. In addition, it demonstrates organizations’ commitment to quality, per-
formance or safety, helping to mitigate the legal, social and environmental risks
associated with accidents in industrial facilities.
The recent publication of the family of ISO 55000 Standards on Asset
Management (AM) aims to support a management oriented to obtain value of the
assets. This is the ISO 55000 Asset Management. General aspects, principles and
terminology, which provides a broad view of what AM represents; ISO 55001
Asset management. Management systems. Requirements, which specifies the
requirements for establishing an AM system (see Fig. 1); and ISO 55002 Asset
Management. Management systems. Guidelines for the implementation of ISO
55001, which provides guidance for the application of that standard. Thus, it
presents in a generic way the minimum requirements on good practices to
establish, implement, maintain and improve the management of any type of asset,
establishing a strategic approach to incorporate operations and maintenance
applications to improve the availability and use of assets. These requirements
apply to all stakeholders, allowing to measure and show the organization’s ability
to meet legal, regulatory and contractual requirements, as well as those of the
Standard ISO 55001 does not define “how” to carry out such good practices.
And this will depend on the context of the organization itself and the assets to be
managed. In addition, it will in the future be a source of development for the
different business areas and types of assets in the interpretation and application of
the requirements established by the standard. The formal recognition through the
standard of what needs to be done (elements and requirements), for the coordination
and maintenance of good practices, is the basis for organizing the processes and
achieving the goals set.
It helps organizations realize even more the value of their assets, enabling them
to demonstrate their ability to control risks, reliability of their plants, loss mitigation
and unplanned outages. In short, the purpose of this series of standards is to provide
a model for the creation and operation of an Asset Management System (AMS).
This system can be integrated (see Fig. 2) with other management systems, such as
quality, environment or safety.
On the Family of Standards UNE-ISO 55000 … 3

4.1 Understanding the organizaƟon and its

Stakeholder and context
organizaƟon context 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectaƟons of
5.1 Leadership and commitment
5.3 OrganizaƟonal roles, responsibiliƟes and
OrganizaƟonal plans
and organizaƟonal

4.3 Determining the scope management
of asset management 5.2 Policy
6.2.1 Asset management
objecƟves Strategic asset
Asset management

4.4 Asset management

6.2.2 Planning to achieve 6.1 AcƟons to address risks
asset management And opportuniƟes for assets
objecƟves Plans for management system.
8.3 Outsourcing (scope) Asset
management developing asset
plans management
system + relevant

8.1 OperaƟonal planning 7.1 Resources

and control 7.2 Competence
8.3 Outsourcing (control) ImplementaƟon 7.3 Awareness
8.2 Management of Change Asset
of asset management 7.4 Com
management 7.5 InformaƟon requirements
system +
plans 7.6 Documented informaƟon
relevant support


8.2 Management of change

9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluaƟon
9.2 Internal audit
Performance evaluaƟon and 9.3 Management review
improvements 10 Improvements

Fig. 1 Relationship between key elements of an asset management system

2 Principles Promoted by the Standards

Among the central themes of the ISO 55000 Standards family are the concepts of
value creation and risk-based decision-making, considering four fundamental
principles. That is, alignment of the objectives of the company, from the top leaders
4 A. Crespo Márquez et al.

Fig. 2 Relationships between key terms: Integration the assets management with other systems of
the organization

of the organization to the technicians responsible for the day-to-day operation of the
assets; transparent and consistent decision-making, seeking a balance between
potentially conflicting initiatives and limited resources; risk participation in the
decision-making process; and balancing long-term asset requirements with
short-term business planning cycles.
Emphasis is placed on value creation, but with a focus on the idea and long-term
strategy since the duration of the assets can be much greater than the strategic plan
of the corporation. Better knowledge of assets helps in making operational deci-
sions and in understanding the performance of the organization in general. It also
emphasizes stakeholder engagement as well as alignment with business finance and
accounting. The standard ISO 55001: 2014 describes the requirements of the sys-
tem emphasizing “what needs to be done” and not “how to do it”, based on the
following elements: organization, context, leadership, planning, resources and
support, operation, evaluation, performance, and improvement.
It is important to consider that the application and use of this standard presents
certain challenges for its implementation in the different organizations. To a great
extent, these challenges are linked to the maturity of their systems and processes of
the organization, since a high level of integration, harmonization, and coordination
of functions between engineering, operations, maintenance, and the commercial
part of the business is required for good management. In this sense, it is necessary
to emphasize the “culture” in the use of Management Systems. This will be the
main challenge in organizations with no prior experience in these systems. Also, if
the organization has competent personnel, since even mature organizations will
On the Family of Standards UNE-ISO 55000 … 5

have to acquire competencies to evaluate the processes and the Asset Management
System. In addition, it is necessary to interpret the standard to adapt its generalist
approaches to the particularities of the business to which it applies. Finally, lead-
ership commitment is essential, requiring the involvement of top management from
the beginning of the implementation process of an Asset Management System.
As a result, the ISO 55000 family of standards offers important opportunities for
asset owners to re-examine and refine their management model. It also helps to
improve relationships with service providers and customers, governance of the
management model, regulatory frameworks, and stakeholder trust. The benefits that
the improved of asset management contribute, with an integrated approach to value
across the asset life cycle, are solidly proven in many industries and business
environments, improving the quality of life through contributing to safety, human
health and environmental protection while demonstrating the organization’s com-
mitment to quality, performance or safety and helping to mitigate the legal, social,
and environmental risks associated with accidents in industrial facilities.

3 Integration of a Maintenance Management Model

(MMM) with the Asset Management Standard ISO

Although there are no simple formulas for the implementation of an integral model
of management of asset, nor fixed or immutable rules with validity and applicability
for all the assets of production, the requirements needed by the proposal of standard
ISO 55000 can be covered by the integral maintenance management model (Fig. 3)
proposed at the beginning of this report. In the MMM, composed of eight phases,
specific actions are described to follow in different steps of the process of man-
agement of maintenance that are integrated in a direct form within a process of
management of assets [4]. The MMM offers a dynamic, sequential process and in a
closed loop that tries to accurately characterize the course of actions to be carried
out to ensure the efficiency, effectiveness and continuous improvement of the
management of assets from the use and integration of techniques of engineering and
maintenance management and reliability.
In particular, in Table 1, a relationship is made between the 8 phases of the
model proposed and the general points of the standard ISO 55000, so that the
gradual implementation of the generic model progressively covering the require-
ments of the standard ISO 55000 may be looked at. According to 1, the activities to
be developed within the eight stages of the MMM can help organizations, to meet
with the 24 requirements demanded by the standard ISO 55000. The following
describes in more detail the relationship between the phases of the MMM and the
requirements of ISO 55000.
6 A. Crespo Márquez et al.

Fig. 3 Model of the process of maintenance management (MMM) integrated into ISO 55000
Crespo Márquez [4]

According to Table 2, out of the 24 requirements defined by the standard ISO

55000, the maintenance management model (MMM) can help us totally or partially
meet the demands of the requirements expected by this standard (the proposal of
standard PAS 55 represents the most important background of standard ISO
Table 1 Relationship between the phases of the maintenance management model (MMM) proposed and the requirements of ISO 55000 [18]
ISO 55000 requirements Integration of the phases of the MMM proposed with standard ISO 55000
4. Context of the organization Phase 1. Proposes the use of the scorecard (balanced Scorecard—BSC), proposed by Kaplan
4.1. Understanding the Organization and its context and Norton, model that translates the mission of a business unit into its strategy in a set of
4.2. Understanding the needs and expectations of objectives and quantifiable measures. By implementing the BSC, organizations get to:
interested parties 1. Formulate policies and strategies for the operation and performance of the maintenance of
4.3. Determining the extent of the asset management assets throughout their lifecycle
system 2. Put into practice the strategies of maintenance and operation, which is translated into
4.4. system of management of assets objectives at short, medium and long term
5. Leadership 3. Develop the plans of action. These are the means to get to the purposes stipulated in the
5.1. Leadership and commitment objectives set out in step (2)
5.2. Policies 4. Establish leadership in the different processes to improve in all areas of the Organization
5.3. Roles, organizational responsibilities and 5. Review and periodically audit the performance of implemented strategies. Monitoring will
authorities be made and the casual relations between the measures will be investigated what will be
validated at intervals previously established and plans of contingency will be defined
Additionally in phase 1, the MMMC model proposes that an cohesive organization is
On the Family of Standards UNE-ISO 55000 …

designed which supports the process of asset management and is able to implement a holistic
process optimization based on the application of techniques of reliability and maintenance,
with the assignment of roles, responsibilities, and definition of the leadership of all the
activities to be developed during the lifecycle of the asset
Phase 2. Proposes the use of models of prioritization, which must comply and align with the
expectations of stakeholders (interested parties) and at the same time, cover the legal
requirements demanded by the environment of the asset

Table 1 (continued)
ISO 55000 requirements Integration of the phases of the MMM proposed with standard ISO 55000
6. Planning Phase 2. Proposes at the beginning of a process of improvement, the development and the
6.1. Actions to address the risks and the opportunities application of basic models of prioritization of assets based on the analysis of the risk factor
in the system of management of assets (example: qualitative and technical matrix of risks AHP: Analytics Hierarchy, Process, etc.)
6.2. Objectives for the management of assets and Phase 3. Proposes the use of the methodology of root cause analysis (RCA) to assess the
planning to achieve them failures of major impact events, taking as a basis for the definition of solutions, the level of
7 Support risk caused by failure events to be analyzed
7.1. Resources Phase 4. Proposes the use of methodology of reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) to
7.2. Competencies optimize maintenance and operation depending on the level of risk plans that generate
7.3. Awareness failures within the context of the operational modes
7.4. Communication Phase 5. Proposes the use of methods of optimization to be used in the programming and
7.5. Requirements of information allocation of resources for maintenance and operations. Within the selected methods are the
7.6. Documented information techniques related to processes such as risk analysis: theory of queues, Monte Carlo
simulation and probabilistic techniques of point of order from inventory
Additionally, at this stage, using continuous improvement methods is proposed in the
programming, planning and allocation of resources for maintenance and operations, risk
Phase 8. Proposes the use of the systems of information support (ERP, EAM, software of
reliability, etc.), to manage and disclose all the documentation and information to be
generated by the different assets in their processes of operation and maintenance. The
information systems for the management of assets are key tools for their ability to support
and facilitate their management, thanks to the transmission and processing of information at
high speeds and quantities exceeding the organizations´ own borders and strengthening the
convergence among sectors. The need for a correct implementation of the support for the
management of information systems is the basis for the development of programs to improve
reliability, maintenance and operations
A. Crespo Márquez et al.
Table 1 (continued)
ISO 55000 requirements Integration of the phases of the MMM proposed with standard ISO 55000
8. Operation Phase 1. Proposes the use of the Balanced Scorecard-BSC table to measure and review the
8.1. Operational planning and control indicators of economic performance of the Organization and subsequently, integrate them
8.2. Change management with the technical indicators of operation and maintenance (technical indicators that are
8.3. Outsourcing developed in phase 6). Additionally, in this phase 1, the use of audits of control and
9. Evaluation of performance continuous improvement was proposed among which is found: MES (Maintenance
9.1. Monitoring, measurement, analysis and Effectiveness Survey), QMEM (Qualitative Matrix of Excellent in Maintenance), etc.
evaluation Phases 3 and 4. Propose the application of reliability as the RCA and the RCM methods that
9.2. Internal audit allow evaluating modes of failure and determine their causes. These methods help to
9.3. Revision of the management determine the incidents and non-conformities, allow to evaluate the consequences that the
failures can cause on safety, the environment and operations and additionally, these
techniques propose procedures that help to define actions of improvement and control:
corrective, preventive, of redesign and by condition
Phases 5. Proposes the application of methods of optimization of maintenance and reliability
engineering, which would help to define the processes of planning, programming,
On the Family of Standards UNE-ISO 55000 …

outsourcing and the level of training necessary to improve the management of assets in their
Phase 6. Offers a comprehensive process of measurement, analysis and evaluation of
indicators of performance and improvement (indicators of probabilistic assessment:
reliability, maintainability, availability, cost and risk)
Phase 8. Proposes to establish a process of continuous improvement which should be able to
register and to adjust to the constant changes related to techniques and emerging
technologies in areas that are considered of high impact as a result of the studies carried out
in the previous 8 phases of the proposed maintenance management model
Table 1 (continued)

ISO 55000 requirements Integration of the phases of the MMM proposed with standard ISO 55000
10 Improvement Phase 2. Proposes at the beginning of a process of improvement, the development and
10.1. Non-conformity and corrective action application of basic models of prioritization of assets based on the analysis of the risk factor
10.2. Preventive action (example: technical and qualitative risk matrix AHP: Analytics, Hierarchy, Process, etc.)
10.3. Continuous improvement Phase 3. Proposes the use of the methodology of analysis cause root (RCA: Root Cause
Analysis) to evaluate them events of failures of greater impact, taking as base for the
definition of solutions, the level of risk caused by them events of failures to be analyzed
(processes of not conformity and actions corrective)
Phase 4. Proposes the use of the reliability-centered (RCM) maintenance methodology, to
optimize maintenance and operation depending on the level of risk plans that generate the
modes of failures within the operational context (preventive action)
Phase 5. Proposes the use of methods of optimization to be used in the programming and
allocation of resources for maintenance and operations. Selected methods techniques include
related processes such as risk analysis: theory of queues, Monte Carlo simulation and
probabilistic techniques of point of order from inventory
Phase 6. Proposes a holistic process of probabilistic evaluation of the indicators of:
reliability, maintainability, availability, cost and risk
Additionally, in this phase a procedure is explained that allows to relate the indicators of
reliability and maintainability, with decisions of optimization in the areas of maintenance
and operation based on techniques of cost risk benefit analysis (continuous improvement)
Phase 7. Proposes a process of cost analysis of life cycle that allows optimizing
decision-making associated with the processes of design, selection, development and
replacement of assets that make up a production system. The process of life cycle begins
with the definition of the different tasks of production for the preliminary design. Then
activities are developed such as: plan of production, layout of plant, selection of equipment,
definition of processes of manufacturing and other similar activities. Subsequently, prior to
the design phase logistics is considered. This phase involves the development of the
necessary support for the design and the different stages of production, the possible user
support, maintenance plan intended for the use of the asset and the process of divestiture of
assets (continuous improvement)
Phase 8. Proposes establishing a process of continuous improvement which must be capable
A. Crespo Márquez et al.

of reviewing and evaluating the technical and economic performance of the Organization in
a continuous way
Table 2 Link between parts and published references
Part References
Part I: Introduction Sola Rosique, Antonio, Crespo Marquez, Adolfo, Guillen Lopez, Antonio Jesus [19]. Bases para la
mejora de la gestión de activos en las organizaciones. Industria Química
Part II: A changing asset management framework López Campos, Mónica Alejandra, Crespo Marquez, Adolfo [13]. Modelling a maintenance
management framework based on PAS 55 standard. Quality and Reliability Engineering
López-Campos, Mónica Alejandra; Crespo-Marquez, Adolfo; Gómez-Fernández, Juan Francisco
[14]. Modelling using UML and BPMN the integration of open reliability, maintenance and
condition monitoring management systems: An application in an electric transformer system.
Computers in industry
Guillén A.J., Crespo A., Macchi M., Gómez J [10]. On the role of Prognostics and Health
Management in advanced maintenance systems, Production Planning and Control (In printed)
Antonio J. Guillén, Juan Francisco. Gómez, Adolfo Crespo [11]. Framework for effective
management of CBM programs. Computers in Industry
On the Family of Standards UNE-ISO 55000 …

Part III: Pursuing high management effectiveness Adolfo Crespo Márquez, Pedro Moreu de León, Antonio Sola Rosique, Juan F. Gómez Fernández
in a dynamic environment [5]. Criticality Analysis for Maintenance Purposes: A Study for Complex In-service Engineering
Assets. Quality and reliability engineering international
González-Prida, Vicente; Viveros, Pablo; Barberá-Martínez, Luis; Crespo-Marquez, Adolfo [9].
Dynamic Analytic Hierarchy Process: Ahp Method Adapted To A Changing Environment. Journal
of Manufacturing Technology Management
P. Viveros, A. Crespo, R. Tapia, F. Kristjanpoller, V. González-Prida [20]. Reliability Stochastic
Modeling for Repairable Physical Assets. Case study applied to the Chilean Mining. DYNA, 91(4).
423–431. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.6036/7863
Carlos Parra, Adolfo Crespo, Fredy Kristjanpoller, Pablo Viveros [17]. Reliability stochastic model
applied to evaluate the economic impact of the failure in the life cycle cost analysis (LCCA). Case
Study for the Rail Freight and Oil Industries. Proc IMechE Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability.
226(4) 392–405, DOI:10.1177/1748006X12441880
Table 2 (continued)

Part References
Part IV: Advanced methods and techniques to Crespo-Marquez, Adolfo; Gómez-Fernández, Juan Francisco; Moreu-De Leon, Pedro; Sola-rosique,
improve management efficiency Antonio [6]. Modelling on-line reliability and risk to schedule the preventive maintenance of
repairable assets in network utilities. IMA journal of management mathematics
Juan F. Gómez Fernández, Adolfo Crespo Márquez, Mónica A. López-Campos [8].
Customer-oriented risk assessment in network utilities Reliability Engineering and System Safety
147 (2016) 72–83
J.F. Gómez Fernández, F. Olivencia, J. Ferrero, A. Crespo Márquez, G. Cerruela García [7] Analysis
of Dynamic Reliability Surveillance: a Case Study. IMA Journal of management Mathematics
Part V: The need for innovation in assessment and Barberá Martínez, Luis; Crespo Marquez, Adolfo; Viveros Gunckel, Pablo; Arata Andreani, Adolfo
control [2]. The Graphical Analysis for Maintenance Management Method: A Quantitative Graphical
Analysis to Support Maintenance Management Decision Making. Quality and Reliability
Engineering International
Barberá-Martínez, Luis; Crespo-Marquez, Adolfo; Viveros, Pablo; Stegmaier, Raúl [3]. Case Study
of GAMM (Graphical Analysis For Maintenance Management) in the Mining Industry. Reliability
Engineering and System Safety
Viveros, Pablo, Crespo Marquez, Adolfo, Barberá Martínez, Luis, Gonzalez, Juan Pablo [21].
Graphical Analysis for Operation Management: A Graphical Method to Support Operation Decision
Making. Quality and Reliability Engineering International
Part VI: Continuous improvement through Macchi, Marco; Crespo-Marquez, Adolfo; Holgado-Granados, María; Fumagalli, Luca; Barberá-
emergent process and technologies Martínez, Luis [15]. Value-Driven Engineering of E-Maintenance Platforms. Journal Of
Manufacturing Technology Management
Olivencia, Fernando, Ferrero, Jesus, Gómez Fernández, Juan Francisco, Crespo Marquez, Adolfo
[16]. Failure mode prediction and Energy forecasting of PV plants to assist dynamic Maintenance
tasks by ANN based models. Renewable Energy
F. Kristjanpoller, A. Crespo, P Viveros, L. Barberá [12]. Expected Impact Quantification based
Reliability Assessment Methodology for Chilean Copper Smelting Process—A Case Study.
Advances in Mechanical Engineering. Vol 8(10):1–13.
DOI 10.1177/1687814016674845
A. Crespo Márquez et al.

Barberá Martínez, Luis, Viveros, Pablo, Mena, Rodrigo, Gonzalez-Prida Diaz, Vicente [1]. Influence
of the Input Load on the Reliability of the Grinding Line. Dyna
On the Family of Standards UNE-ISO 55000 … 13

4 Link Between the Book Parts and Published References

The present book connects the phases of the Maintenance Management Model with
the ISO 55000 [18], integrating new technologies, methods and concept provided
by the so-called context Industry 4.0. There are different research results of the last
5 years serving as the main basis and background for the different parts of this
book. Particularly, each part gathers the following papers, previously published.
As commented, the book is a compilation of the most relevant and recent
contributions of our research group. Each chapter corresponds to an article pub-
lished previously.

5 Conclusions

A better knowledge of its assets helps an organization to make operational decisions

and, in general terms, will improve organizational performance. In this Chapter we
have explained how an MMM can help in the process of establishing an asset
management model fulfilling the requirements of the ISO 55000 family of stan-
dards. Also, each Chapter of the book has been declared as related to, or linked to, a
certain standard requirement. Nevertheless, the reader must be aware that con-
cerning standard ISO 55000, key factors that influence an organization to achieve
its goals are the following: (i) Nature and purpose of the organization; (ii) Its
operational context; (iii) Its financial restrictions and regulatory requirements;
(iv) The needs and expectations of the organization and interested parties


1. Barberá ML, Viveros, P, Mena R, Gonzalez-Prida DV (2014) Influence of the input load on
the reliability of the grinding line. Dyna 89(5):560–568
2. Barberá-Martínez L, Marquez AC, Gunckel PV, Andreani AA (2012) The graphical analysis
for maintenance management method: a quantitative graphical analysis to support mainte-
nance management decision making. Qual Reliab Eng Int 29(1):77–87
3. Barberá-Martínez L, Crespo-Marquez A, Viveros P, Stegmaier R (2013) Case study of gamm
(graphical analysis for maintenance management) in the mining industry. Reliab Eng Syst Saf
4. Crespo Marquez A (2007) The maintenance management framework. Models and methods
for complex systems maintenance. Springer, London. ISBN 978-1-84628-820-3
5. Crespo Márquez A, Moreu de León P, Sola Rosique A, Gómez Fernández JF (2015)
Criticality analysis for maintenance purposes: a study for complex in-service engineering
assets. Qual Reliab Eng Int 32(2):519–533
6. Crespo-Marquez A, Gómez-Fernández JF, Moreu-De Leon P, Sola-rosique A (2013)
Modelling on-line reliability and risk to schedule the preventive maintenance of repairable
assets in network utilities. IMA J Manage Math 24(4):437–450
14 A. Crespo Márquez et al.

7. Gómez Fernández JF, Olivencia F, Ferrero J, Crespo Márquez A, Cerruela García G (2015)
Analysis of dynamic reliability surveillance: a case study. IMA J Manage Math
8. Gómez Fernández JF, Crespo Márquez A, López-Campos MA (2016) Customer-oriented risk
assessment in network utilities. Reliab Eng Syst Saf 147:72–83
9. González-Prida V, Viveros P, Barberá-Martínez L, Crespo-Marquez A (2014) Dynamic
analytic hierarchy process: Ahp method adapted to a changing environment. J Manuf Technol
10. Guillén AJ, Crespo A, Macchi M, Gómez J (2016) On the role of prognostics and health
management in advanced maintenance systems. Prod Plan Control (In printed)
11. Guillén AJ, Gómez Juan F, Crespo A (2015) A Framework for effective management of CBM
programs. Comput Ind
12. Kristjanpoller F, Crespo A, Viveros P, Barberá L (2016) Expected impact quantification based
reliability assessment methodology for chilean copper smelting process—a case study. Adv
Mech Eng 8(10):1–13. doi:10.1177/1687814016674845
13. López C, Mónica A, Crespo Marquez A (2011) Modelling a maintenance management
framework based on PAS 55 standard. Qual Reliab Eng Int 27(6):805–820
14. López-Campos MA, Crespo-Marquez A, Gómez-Fernández JF (2013) Modelling using UML
and BPMN the integration of open reliability, maintenance and condition monitoring
management systems: an application in an electric transformer system. Comput Ind 64
15. Macchi M, Crespo-Marquez A, Holgado-Granados M, Fumagalli L, Barberá-Martínez L
(2014) Value-driven engineering of E-Maintenance platforms. J Manuf Technol Manage 25
16. Olivencia F, Ferrero J, Gómez Fernández, JF, Crespo Marquez A (2015) Failure mode
prediction and energy forecasting of PV plants to assist dynamic maintenance tasks by ANN
based models. Renew Energy 81:227–238
17. Parra C, Crespo A, Kristjanpoller F, Viveros P (2012) Reliability stochastic model applied to
evaluate the economic impact of the failure in the life cycle cost analysis (LCCA). Case Study
for the rail freight and oil industries. Proc IMechE Part O J Risk Reliab. 226(4):392–405.
18. Parra C, Crespo A (2015) “Ingeniería de Mantenimiento y Fiabilidad aplicada en la Gestión
de Activos. Desarrollo y aplicación práctica de un Modelo de Gestión del Mantenimiento”.
Segunda Edición. Editado por INGEMAN, Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de la
Universidad de Sevilla, España
19. Sola RA, Crespo Marquez A, Guillen L, Antonio J (2015) Bases para la mejora de la gestión
de activos en las organizaciones. Industria Química
20. Viveros P, Crespo A, Tapia R, Kristjanpoller F, González-Prida V (2016) Reliability
stochastic modeling for repairable physical assets. Case study applied to the Chilean Mining.
DYNA 91(4):423–431. doi:10.6036/7863
21. Viveros, P, Crespo Marquez A, Barberá Martínez L, Gonzalez JP (2015) Graphical analysis
for operation management: a graphical method to support operation decision making. Qual
Reliab Eng Int

Author Biographies

Adolfo Crespo Márquez is currently Full Professor at the School of Engineering of the University
of Seville, and Head of the Department of Industrial Management. He holds a Ph.D. with Honours
in Industrial Engineering from this same University. His research works have been published in
journals such as Reliability Engineering and System Safety, International Journal of Production
Research, International Journal of Production Economics, European Journal of Operations
On the Family of Standards UNE-ISO 55000 … 15

Research, Omega, Decision Support Systems, and Computers in Industry, among others. Prof.
Crespo is the author of eight books, the last five with Springer-Verlag (2007, 2010, 2012, 2014)
and Aenor (2016) about maintenance, warranty, supply chain and assets management. Prof.
Crespo is Fellow of ISEAM (International Society of Engineering Assets Management) and leads
the Spanish Research Network on Assets Management and the Spanish Committee for
Maintenance Standardization (1995–2003). He also leads the SIM (Sistemas Inteligentes de
Mantenimiento) research group related to maintenance and dependability management and has
extensively participated in many engineering and consulting projects for different companies, for
the Spanish Departments of Defense, Science and Education as well as for the European
Commission (IPTS). He is the President of INGEMAN (a National Association for the
Development of Maintenance Engineering in Spain) since 2002.

Antonio Jesús Guillén López is a Ph.D. candidate and contracted researcher in Intelligent
Maintenance System research group (SIM) of the University of Seville (USE), focusing his studies
in Prognosis Health Management & Condition-Based Maintenance applications and Assets
Management; Industrial Engineering and Master in Industrial Organization & Business
Management from the University of Seville (USE). From 2003 to 2004, he worked for the
Elasticity and Strength of Materials Group (GERM) of the USE in aeronautical materials tests.
From 2006 to 2009, he was a member of the Department of Electronic Engineering of USE, and
worked in numerous public–private international R&D project, developing new
thermo-mechanical design applications for improving the performance and the life cycle of
power electronics system. From 2009 to 2010, he was a Project Manager of “Solarkit” project,
representing Andalucia’s Government and USE in the international competition Solar Decathlon
2010. He was a foundational partner of Win Inertia Tech., technological based company
specializing in electronic R&D for Smart Grids and Energy Store fields, where he has carried out
different roles, from R&D engineer to General Manager until September 2012. Currently, he is a
coordinator of the Spanish National Research Network of Asset Management.

Antonio Sola Rosique is a civil engineer currently acting as Vicepresident of INGEMAN, (a

National Association for the Development of Maintenance Engineering in Spain). His professional
experience (34 years) is very much related to the field of dependability and maintenance
engineering in different types of power generation plants for Iberdrola Generación (nuclear,
thermal, hydro and combined cycles gas-steam). Antonio has coordinated various collaborative
projects between Iberdrola and the University of Seville, and is active member in the board of
European Safety,Reliability and Data Association (ESREDA), Asociación Española de
Mantenimiento (AEM), Asociación Española de la Calidad (AEC) and Asociación Española de
Normalización (AENOR). At present Antonio is about to finish a Ph.D. within the field of
Maintenance and Risk Management in the University of Seville.

Carlos Parra Márquez Rewarded Titles:—Naval Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of the

National Armed Forces (IUPFAN), 1986–1991, Caracas, Venezuela.—Master in Maintenance
Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, School of Mechanical Engineering, Master Program in
Maintenance Engineering, 1994–1996, Merida, Venezuela.—Reliability Specialist Engineering,
PDVSA Convention—University Maryland—ASME, 2002–2003, United States.—Specialist in
Industrial Organization Engineering, School of Industrial Engineering, University of Seville,
2004–2006, Seville, Spain.—Diploma of Advanced Studies, Industrial Engineering area
Organization, PhD in Industrial Engineering, School of Industrial Engineering, University of
Seville, 2006–2008, Seville, Spain.—Doctor (Ph.D.) in Industrial Organization Engineering,
University of Sevilla, School of Industrial Engineering, Industrial Engineering Department
Organization, 2004–2009, Sevilla, Spain. AWARDS/HONORS or Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho
16 A. Crespo Márquez et al.

Scholarship to study: Master Maintenance Engineering at the University of the Andes, Merida,
Venezuela 1994 or OAS Scholarship ALBAN ESI (Organization of American States—European
Community—Association for the Development of Maintenance Engineering—School of Industrial
Engineering at the University of Sevilla) to study: Doctorate in Industrial Organization
Engineering, University of Seville, Spain, 2004. o Award for best technical work in the 1st.
World Congress of Maintenance Engineering, Bahia/Brazil, September 2005.
Presentation/Publication: “Optimizing Maintenance Management process in the Venezuelan oil
industry from the use of Reliability Engineering Methodologies”.

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