Guide NewiTradeCIMB
Guide NewiTradeCIMB
Guide NewiTradeCIMB
User Guide
Information in this document is deemed accurate at the time of publishing. However, the information and features elaborated in this user guide is subject to change without prior notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of CIMB Securities Singapore Pte Ltd may have patents or pending patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you the license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.
1. Summary 2
2. Operating Pre-Requisites
5. Favourites
6. Start Trading
7. Order Management
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New i*Trade@CIMB is a web based trading management system which caters to equity and derivative trading. It provides real-time stock market information and trading capabilities. Apart from that, the user will be able to monitor the order status and manage the stock portfolio. Thus with just a click of the mouse, the user will be able to gather relevant market information and make worthy market decisions. This system is designed to run on PCs and iPads. For iPad users, all double-click actions mentioned in this manual are to be performed with single-clicks.
2.1 Software Requirements The following are recommended software requirements: a) b) Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista (to run on minimum hardware requirements) Microsoft Windows 7 (to run on recommended hardware requirements)
2.2 Hardware Requirements The following are minimal and optimal hardware requirements: No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hardware Processor RAM Hard Disk Space Digital Colour Monitor Monitor Resolution Minimum Pentium IV 1 GB 15 MB and above 15 1024 x 768 Recommended Core2Duo with 2 GB RAM 2 GB 30 MB and above 20 1280 x 800 or higher
Apart from the above, Microsoft Windows Regional Setting should be set to English.
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3.3 The New i*Trade@CIMB system (refer to Figure 3.2) consists of the following features
Figure 3.1 Members Login
Figure 3.2 New i*Trade@CIMB System
A. Moving Indices Displays the updates on index counters. B. Market Summary Bar This bar displays the summary of the chosen market in statistics and graph. To view the market summary in graph form, simply click on the graph icon. The market summary bar also displays the real-time of the market.
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C. Function Menu Bar Consists of the following icons: Watchlist This feature allows the user to create, view, rename and delete a favourite stock counter.
Stock Info This feature displays the Stock Info, Market Depth and Stock Tracker.
Chart This feature provides access to Intraday Chart and Analysis Chart.
Buy This feature activates the buy order panel in order pad.
Sell This feature activates the sell order panel in order pad.
News This feature allows the user to view the latest exchange announcements and stock news for the current stock exchange.
Market This feature provides access to Market Summary, Indices and Scoreboard.
Order Book This feature displays the status of all orders placed via the trading platform.
Tools This feature displays the indicative exchange rates of the various currencies.
Settings This feature offers theme setting for the layout of the screen.
Calculator This feature enables the user to calculate the breakeven price and prot/loss.
D. Top Panel (Quote Screen) Basic columns that may be found at the quote screen are as shown in Table 1. iTrade@CIMB Low Description Is the lowest transacted price during the trading day. [It is possible this could be the same as the Opening or Closing price]. The total quantity at the market that want to buy at the Bid price. The offering price which investors are willing to sell. The asking price which investors are willing to sell. The total quantity at the market that want to sell at the Ask price. The last transacted or traded price.
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Buyer/Seller To show the last transaction price is taken from the buyer or seller. Change The difference in the current last sale price and the previous days ofcial closing price. Chg% The absolute change over the last days closing price in terms of %. Volume The number of shares or contracts traded in a security during a given period of time. Theoretical Opening Price The price calculated and displayed during the pre-opening and preclosing phases based on Exchanges predened formula. Open Price The rst transacted price for a particular issue during the trading day. Open Interest The total number of options and/or futures contracts that are not closed or delivered on a particular day. The number of buy market orders before the stock market opens. Last Adjusted Closing Price (LACP) The adjusted price of the stock due to corporate exercise. Last Traded Volume The number of shares or contracts traded on last transaction. The total number of transactions that had taken place in the given day of the trading. Stock Status and Corporate Action B Restricted to Buy In N New W New with Investor Alert A Active T Active with Investor Alert Q Designated G Frozen V Reserve S Suspend P Suspend with Investor Alert D Delisted E Expired R Ready H Halted Y Delayed X Shutting Down I Immediate Delivery L Pending Listing M Pending Announcement Z When Issue C Conditional Trading U Conditional When Issue Corporate Action: C: Cum X: Ex
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Remark News TP
Exchange or feed provider corporate action codes. Indicate if there is news for the counter. * will appear if there is latest news. Trading Phases for the exchange: SOC: Start of Consultation POC: Pre-Opening OCP: Opening/Closing CPT: Continuous Trading TAL: Trading At Last SIS: Surveillance Intervention EOD: End of Consultation PMS: Post-Session FOR: Forbidden INT: Interrupted
The last transacted time for the given stock. Real time or Delay data. The exchange which the counter is listed. If the counter is a marginable counter. Marginable price. Marginable percentage. Total Traded Value.
The quote screen offers the following advantages: Column Sorting To sort, just click on required column in the quote screen.
Column Customisation To add or remove any columns from the Quote Screen, simply click on the Columns button and select or deselect the required column(s) in the list shown. Filter By Board The quote screen may be ltered by All Stock, Main Market and etc. To lter, simply click on the All Stock drop-down menu and select the required board. Filter By Market Trend The quote screen may be ltered by Gainers, Volume and etc. To lter, simply click on the Volume drop-down menu and select the required market trend. Filter By Trade Type The quote screen may be ltered by Normal Board Lot, Buy In Odd Lot and etc. To lter, simply click on the Normal Board Lot drop-down menu and select the required trade type.
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Stock Search To perform a stock search, simply key in the stock code or symbol at the text eld and click on the Search button next to it. Page Navigation To view the next page or previous page, simply key in the page number or click on the right or left arrow key at the page navigation section (highlighted in red). E. Bottom Left Panel Accommodates the following features: Market Depth User may view the Bid/Ask price and order quantity for a selected counter.
Intraday Chart The Intraday Chart shows the movement of a counter during the day. It provides details of trading time, price and volume. Market Summary The Summary shows the market movement in terms volume traded, number of gainers, number of counters unchanged and etc. F. Bottom Right Panel Accommodates the following features: Order Pad / Order Log / Order Detail Refer to Section 6 for more details.
Stock News User may view the latest announcement or stock news for the current stock exchange. By clicking on the link to individual updates, users will be able to view the full detail.
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This topic introduces users to a variety of market information. The following sub-topics have been included: 4.1 Stock Info a. To view stock information, rst select a counter, and then click on the Stock Info icon from the function menu. Alternative method for PC users only: Right-click on the stock counter and select Stock Info from the short-cut menu b. Figure 4.1 shows the stock information (highlighted in red) of the selected counter. The stock info contains all pertaining information of the particular counter together with the historical chart.
4.2 Intraday Chart a. To view the Intraday Chart for a counter, select the counter rst, and then click on the Intraday Chart icon at the Chart menu. Alternative method for PC users only: Right-click on the preferred counter and select Intraday Chart from the short-cut menu.
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The Intraday Chart (highlighted in Figure 4.2) shows the movement of a counter during the day. It provides details of trading time, price and volume.
4.3 Market Summary a. To view the Market Summary, click on the Market menu and choose Summary.
b. The Market Summary (highlighted in Figure 4.3) shows the market movement in terms volume traded, number of gainers, number of counters unchanged and etc.
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4.4 Announcements a. To view the news updates from the stock exchange, click on the News icon followed by Announcements from the dropdown menu. b. The announcements section (highlighted in Figure 4.4) shows the announcement headlines. To view the announcements in detail (as highlighted in Figure 4.5), simply click on the required headline.
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4.5 Stock News a. To view the news updates from the stock exchange, click on the News icon and select Stock News. Alternative method for PC users only, right-click and select Stock News for short-cut menu. b. The news section (highlighted in Figure 4.6) shows the news headlines for the selected counter. To views the news in detail (as highlighted in Figure 4.7), simply click on the required headline.
4.6 Fundamental a. To screen for news updates Thomson Reuters, click on the News icon and select Fundamental (Thomson Reuters) accordingly. Alternative method for PC users only, right-click and select accordingly from the short-cut menu.
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5. FavOuriTES
This topic explains the use of another feature called Watchlist. This feature allows a user to manage favourite stock counters. Favourite counters can be stored at the server. The following sub-topics have been included: 5.1 How To Create And Maintain A Watchlist a. To add a new watchlist, do the following: i. Click on the Watchlist menu and select Create Watchlist. ii. Key in the watchlist name at the Create Watchlist window (Figure 5.1) and click on the OK button.
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iii. A system message will be prompted, as shown in Figure 5.2. Click on the OK button to close the window.
To delete a watchlist, do the following: i. Click on the Watchlist menu, then go to Delete Watchlist and select the watchlist to be deleted (as shown in Figure 5.3).
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ii. The Remove Watchlist conrmation (Figure 5.4) will be prompted. Click on the Yes button to proceed.
iii. A system message will be prompted, as shown in Figure 5.5. Click the OK button to close the window.
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To rename a watchlist, do the following: i. Click on the Watchlist menu, then go to Rename Watchlist and select the watchlist to be renamed (as shown in Figure 5.6).
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ii. The Rename Watchlist window (Figure 5.7) will be prompted. Key in the new watchlist name and then click on the OK button to proceed. iii. A system message will be prompted, as shown in Figure 5.7. Click on the OK button to close the window.
d. To view a watchlist, simply click on the Watchlist menu, then go to View Watchlist and select the watchlist to be loaded (as shown in Figure 5.8).
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5.2 How To Add And Remove A Favourite Stock a. To add a stock counter to a watch list, follow the steps below: i. Click on the required stock counter rst. ii. Next, click on the corresponding add icon (highlighted in Figure 5.9) to open the Add to Watchlist window.
iii. Then click on the Watchlist drop-down menu and select the required watchlist, as shown in Figure 5.10). Subsequently click on the Add button.
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iv. Upon successfully adding the counter to the watchlist, the system will prompt a message, as shown in Figure 5.11.
To remove a counter from a watchlist, follow the steps below: i. Open the required watchlist rst using the View Watchlist option under the Watchlist menu. ii. Next, select the counter to remove and then click on the corresponding remove icon (highlighted in Figure 5.12).
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iii. The system will prompt a conrmation message as shown in Figure 5.13. Click on the Yes button to proceed.
iv. Upon successfully removing the counter from the watchlist, the system will prompt a message, as shown in Figure 5.14.
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6. STarT TradiNg
This topic introduces the order pad and the usage method. The following sub-topics have been included: 6.1 Basics of Order Pad a. An order is created using the Order Pad. Figure 6.1 is an example of a Buy Order Pad whereas Figure 6.2 is an example of a Sell Order Pad.
The following details are required at the Order Pad: Action Click on the Action drop-down menu and select the action type (Buy or Sell).
Account No. Click on the Account drop-down menu and select the right trading account number.
Validity Click on the Validity drop-down menu and select the order criteria (Day, GTD, GTM, FAK, and FOK). Day: A day order is an order that is good for the day only. The order will be automatically expired if not executed on the day the order was placed. GTD: Long dated order allows market participants to place an order that will stay in the order book until it is fully lled, specically cancelled, or the instrument is de-listed or expired. It has a validity to select of up to 30 days. GTM: Long dated order allows market participants to place an order that will stay in the order book until it is fully lled, specically cancelled, or the instrument is de-listed or expired. It has a validity for 30 days.
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FAK: Order shall be matched with as much quantity as possible at the given price and the remainder shall be cancelled. The order is not stored in the order book. Order log will show that this as an unsolicited cancel order.
FOK: FOK is an immediate order. Order must be matched with the entire quantity at the specied price or completely cancelled. The order is not stored in the order book. Order log will show that this is an unsolicited cancel order.
Order Type Click on the Order Type drop-down menu and select the order type (Limit order, Market Order, Market On Opening Order, Stop Order or Market To Limit Order). Short Sell This is applicable to SGX market only. Short selling in respect of securities is the sale of securities that the seller does not own at the time of the sale, short selling may either be: covered or uncovered (also referred to as naked short selling). In covered short selling, at the time of the sale, the seller has borrowed the securities or has otherwise made arrangements to full his obligation to deliver the securities. In uncovered or naked short selling, at the time of the sale, the seller is not in possession of securities or has not otherwise made arrangements to meet his delivery obligation. Qty x 1 Key in the quantity.
b. The right-hand section displays trade information such as the stock counter, action type, value when a buy or sell counter is selected. c. Skip Conrmation is another feature that provides an option for the user to receive or not to receive an order conrmation prompt. To receive the conrmation, simply click on the Skip Conrmation checkbox highlighted in red in the buy and sell order pads shown above. 6.2 How To Create A Buy Order a. b. First, choose the Exchange and then select the required stock counter. Next, click on the Buy button and do the following at the Order Pad (as shown in Figure 6.3): Define the Price, Qty, Order Type and Validity. Then click on the Buy button. This in turn, prompts the Order Conrmation message (as shown in Figure 6.4).
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6.3 How To Create A Sell Order a. b. First, choose the Exchange and then select the required stock counter. Next, click on the Sell button and do the following at the Order Pad (as shown in Figure 6.5): Define the Price, Qty, Order Type and Validity. Then click on the Sell button. This in turn, prompts the Order Conrmation message (as shown in Figure 6.6). Subsequently, click on the OK button to proceed with the order.
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7. OrdEr maNagEmENT
This topic explains order management features. The following sub-topics have been included: 7.1 Order Tracking a. The status of an order may be tracked using the Order Book feature (Figure 7.1). To access it, simply click on the Order Book icon from the Menu Bar.
The following lters (as highlighted in red) have been added to rene the order status display: i. Account No Click to select the account.
ii. Order Status Click to select the order status. The order status may fall under any one of these: All Order Consist of Active, Filled, Inactive and Open orders
Queued, Partially Filled, Replaced, Pending Cancel and Pending Replaced in market (exchange) during
Filled An order to buy or sell a security that gets executed and placed into an account with Partially Filled and Filled.
Inactive Order that are Cancelled, Rejected, Suspended and Expired, including unsolicited cancelled by exchange.
Open Outstanding order such as Pending Release and Pending Queue including Active order.
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To view the order details of an order (as highlighted in Figure 7.2), do the following: Select the order first, from the Order Book. Then right-click and select the Order Detail option from the short-cut menu (applicable for PC users only). As for iPad users, simply click on the View Detail button adjacent to the Credit Limit Balance.
To open the portfolio in MS Excel or to save in MS Excel format, simply click on the Export CSV icon. (This feature is not available for iPad).
7.2 Revising An Order a. An order may be revised at the Order Book. In order to do so, rst open the Order Book.
b. Next select an order, then right-click (applicable for PC users only) and select the Revise option from the short-cut menu to open the corresponding order at the Order Pad. iPad users need to single-click an order only to open the corresponding order at the Order Pad. The default action at the Order Pad is Revise. c. Subsequently, key in the new quantity and click on the Revise button (Figure 7.3).
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This in turn, prompts the Revise Conrmation prompt (as shown in Figure 7.4). Click on the OK button to proceed.
7.3 Cancelling An Order a. b. An order is cancelled at the Order Book. An order may be cancelled provided it is not fully matched. To cancel a single order, select the order to be cancelled rst, then do the following: Then right-click (applicable for PC users only) and select the Cancel option from the short-cut menu to open the corresponding order at the Order Pad (Figure 7.5). iPad users need to single-click an order only to open the corresponding order at the Order Pad and then choose the Cancel action. Subsequently, click on the OK button.
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7.4 Portfolio a. b. To access the portfolio, click on the Portfolio icon at the Menu Bar. The Portfolio (Figure 7.6) shows all the stocks currently held by the user and the details of the market movement. User has the option to sell any of the counters available here. To create a sell order, simply double-click the counter.
c. d. e. f.
User may view the stock portfolio of individual stock exchange (if applicable) or all exchanges (default). If user has more than one account, then he may select the required account number to view the portfolio. To view the order details of a stock, simply select the stock counter and click on the Detail icon. To open the portfolio in MS Excel or to save in MS Excel format, simply click on the Export CSV icon. (This feature is not available for iPad).
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