Syllabus LIS708 Summer 2024
Syllabus LIS708 Summer 2024
Syllabus LIS708 Summer 2024
A. Instructor Information
Troy Swanson, PhD, MLIS
Library Department Chair
Teaching & Learning Librarian
Moraine Valley Community College
Office phone: 708-974-5439
B. Course Description
Introduces research concepts, principles of research design, measurement, and qualitative and
elementary quantitative data collection and analysis techniques commonly employed in library
and information settings. Covers methods and approaches for assessing library and information
services, programs, and resources with the goal of demonstrating value to the users and
constituent groups served by the organization. Emphasizes designing, planning and managing
research and assessment projects. Considers strategies to use research and assessment
findings and to communicate results.
C. Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, students will:
(MLIS Student Learning Goals & Outcomes indicated in parentheses.)
● demonstrate an understanding of the foundational concepts of research and assessment
for library and information management and practice (1a, 4a, and 4b),
● design research and assessment activities and projects, including development of an
inquiry focus, identification of data needs and sources, and selection of appropriate
methods and tools (4a, 4b, and 5c),
● analyze and interpret findings at a basic level (3b, 3c, and 4a), and
● communicate and apply research and assessment results to improve services and
professional practice (2c, 4a, 5a, 5b, and 5c).
D. Readings
Required Texts:
● Hengan, Kevin. Turning Data into Wisdom: How We Can Collaborate with Data to
Change Ourselves, Our Organizations, and Even the World. 2020
● Matthews, Joseph. The Evaluation and Measurement of Library Services. 2nd Edition.
Libraries Unlimited, 2017.
(Available through the Rebecca Crown Library.)
The required course modules will have a few additional assigned readings.
E. Course Requirements
All assignment details listed under the “Assignments” tab in Canvas.
1. Library Service Evaluation Project
a. Library Service Evaluation Initial Overview Assignment, 15 pts
b. Library Service Evaluation Preparation Assignment, 15 pts
c. Library Service Evaluation Final Paper, 50 pts
2. Benchmark Project
a. Module 1 (15 pts)
b. Module 2 (15 pts)
c. Module 3 (15 pts)
d. Module 4: Report (30 pts)
3. 10 weekly assignments (discussion boards, quizzes, certificate uploads) (5 pts each)
4. Course assessment (15 pts)
Late assignments will be reduced by 15% each week until the assignment is submitted.
Assignments are due by the end of the day (by midnight) of the day under which they are listed.
All assignments for the term must be completed by the start of the day of the term.
A 94 -100 %
A- 90 – 93 %
B+ 86 – 89 %
B 82 – 85 %
B- 78 – 81 %
C+ 74-77 %
C 70-73 %
C- 65-69%
F 0-64%
All work must be your own, original work created for this class. Collaboration with other
students, friends, tutors, librarians, etc should be in the form of idea generation and smoothing
out mechanics. All work must be your own unless permission is granted in advance or
assignments specifically note that they are group projects. All work must conform to proper
scholarly practice in terms of acknowledging the ideas of others. Remember, the appearance
dishonesty is equivalent to dishonesty. Protect yourself. Cases of academic dishonesty will be
taken seriously and may result in failing the course.
Students who have a specific disability that qualifies them for academic accommodations should
contact Disability Support Services in the Dominican University Dean of Students’ office to make
an accommodations request. Once eligibility has been determined, DSS will provide students
with an Academic Accommodation Approval form to give to instructors indicating which
accommodations have been approved.
F. Course Calendar