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Answer: D Explanation: The Term "DDL" Stands For Data Definition Language, Used To

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1) Which of the following is generally used for performing tasks like creating the

structure of the relations, deleting relation?

a. DML(Data Manipulation Language)

b. Query
c. Relational Schema
d. DDL(Data Definition Language)

Answer: D

Explanation: The term "DDL" stands for Data Definition Language, used to
perform all other essential tasks such as deleting relation and related schemas in
defining the structure relation.

2) Which of the following provides the ability to query information from the
database and insert tuples into, delete tuples from, and modify tuples in the

a. DML(Data Manipulation Language)

b. DDL(Data Definition Language)
c. Query
d. Relational Schema

Answer: A

Explanation: The term "DML" stands for the Data Manipulation Language used
to perform the required changes in the relation's values.

3) The given Query can also be replaced with_______:

SELECT name, course_id

FROM instructor, teaches
WHERE instructor_ID= teaches_ID;
1. Select name,course_id from teaches,instructor where
2. Select name, course_id from instructor natural join teaches;
3. Select name, course_id from instructor;
4. Select course_id from instructor join teaches;

Answer: 2

Explanation: Join clause joins two tables by matching the common column

4) Which one of the following given statements possibly contains the error?

a. select * from emp where empid = 10003;

b. select empid from emp where empid = 10006;
c. select empid from emp;
d. select empid where empid = 1009 and Lastname = 'GELLER';

Answer: D

Explanation: The Query given in option D does not contain the "from" clause,
which specifies the relation from which the values have to be selected or fetched.
Therefore the correct answer is D.

5) Ready the Query carefully:

1. SELECT emp_name
2. FROM department
3. WHERE dept_name LIKE ' _____ Computer Science';

In the above-given Query, which of the following can be placed in the Query's
blank portion to select the "dept_name" that also contains Computer Science as its
ending string?

a. &
b. _
c. %
d. $

Answer: C

Explanation: In the above-given Query, the "%" (like) operator will be used, which
is generally used while searching for a certain pattern in the strings. It represents
the single and multiple characters. In this case, it used with "Where "louse to select
the "dept_name" that contains the Computer Since as its ending string. To
understand it more clearly, consider the following syntax:


SELECT column1, column2, ...

FROM table_name
WHERE columnN LIKE pattern;

6) What do you mean by one to many relationships?

a. One class may have many teachers

b. One teacher can have many classes
c. Many classes may have many teachers
d. Many teachers may have many classes

Answer: B

Explanation: We can understand the "one to many" relationship as a teacher who

may have more than one class to attend.

7) In the following Query, which of the following can be placed in the Query's
blank portion to display the salary from highest to lowest amount, and sorting the
employs name alphabetically?

FROM instructor
ORDER BY salary ____, name ___;
a. Ascending, Descending
b. Asc, Desc
c. Desc, Asc
d. All of the above

Answer: C

Explanation: To sort the salary from highest to lowest amount and display the
employee's name alphabetically, one can use the "Desc and Asc" in the above-
given Query.

8) The given Query can be replaced with ____________:

FROM instructor1
WHERE salary <= 100000 AND salary >= 90000;
FROM instructor1
WHERE salary BETWEEN 100000 AND 90000

FROM instructor|
WHERE salary BETWEEN 90000 AND 100000;
FROM instructor1
WHERE salary BETWEEN 90000 AND 100000;
FROM instructor!
WHERE salary <= 90000 AND salary>=100000;

Answer: C

Explanation: The "SQL" contains a comparison known as the "BETWEEN,"

which is also used in one of the given queries, as you can see. The "BETWEEN"
operator is generally used to simplify the "WHERE" clause that is used to specify
that the value is greater than one value or greater than some values, less than one or
more values.

9) A Database Management System is a type of _________software.

a. It is a type of system software

b. It is a kind of application software
c. It is a kind of general software
d. Both A and C

Answer: A

Explanation: The DBMS (or Database Management System) is a kind of system

software used for several operations such as creating tables/databases, storing data,
managing databases. It also allows modifying the data stored in the database as

10) The term "FAT" is stands for_____

a. File Allocation Tree

b. File Allocation Table
c. File Allocation Graph
d. All of the above

Answer: B

Explanation: The term "FAT" can be described as a file structure (or file
architecture). In which all the information about the files where they are stored and
where all these files need to be stored or in which directory, all that information
generally stored in the file structure. Therefore the Operating system creates a table
in which all the files and clusters are stored, known as the file allocation table.

11) Which of the following can be considered as the maximum size that is
supported by FAT?

a. 8GB
b. 4GB
c. 4TB
d. None of the above

Answer: B

Explanation: The files with a size of less than 4 GB or equal to 4GB are easily
supported by the FAT. All files with a size greater than the maximum size (or is
4Gb) are not supported by the FAT.

12) The term "NTFS" refers to which one of the following?

a. New Technology File System

b. New Tree File System
c. New Table type File System
d. Both A and C

Answer: A
Explanation: In the old operating systems, the file structure used to store and
manage files is called the FAT 32 ( or File Allocation Table). Later, when the
technology evolves with time, a new type of file system is introduced, known as
the New Technology File System. It overcomes all the drawbacks, issues that exist
in FAT file architecture and has many other new features such as it is fast, it can
handle files whose size is even greater than 4 GB.

13) Which of the following can be considered as the maximum size that is
supported by NTFS?

a. 4GB
b. 16TB
c. 64TB
d. 8TB

Answer: A

Explanation: The New Technology File System was introduced in 1993 for the
very first time as a part of new Windows operating systems (Windows NT 3.1).

You may be surprised to know that windows are still using it because of its fast
speed and can support files whose size is up to 16TB (16 terabytes), which is much
more than that file size supported by the old system.

14) A huge collection of the information or data accumulated form several

different sources is known as ________:

a. Data Management
b. Data Mining
c. Data Warehouse
d. Both B and C

Answer: C
Explanation: A huge collection of different types of data/information which
collected from many different sources stored in one place is called a data
warehouse. It works just like the standard warehouse, which is generally a type of
holding area/building to store the different types of different goods in huge
quantities until they are further distributed. Therefore the correct answer is Data

15) Which of the following can be used to extract or filter the data & information
from the data warehouse?

a. Data redundancy
b. Data recovery tool
c. Data mining
d. Both B and C

Answer: C

Explanation: The tools used to obtain meaningful information or Data from the
large collection of data (or from the Data Warehouses) are known as the Data
mining tools. Through data mining, one can easily filter the useful information or
data from the massive collection of the data. Therefore the correct answer is Data

16) Which one of the following refers to the copies of the same data (or
information) occupying the memory space at multiple places.

a. Data Repository
b. Data Inconsistency
c. Data Mining
d. Data Redundancy

Answer: D

Explanation: The data redundancy generally occurs whenever more than one copy
of the exact same data exists in several different places. Sometimes it may cause
data inconsistency, which can result in an unreliable source of data or information
that is not good for anyone.

17) Which one of the following refers to the "data about data"?

a. Directory
b. Sub Data
c. Warehouse
d. Meta Data

Answer: D

Explanation: The Mata Data refers to the type of data that describes the other data
or information.

A general file or document is nothing more than a sequence of bytes that contains
information like file name, file size, and date & time when the document was
created or modified.

To understand it in more details, consider the following example:

For a common music file, the metadata may include the singer's name, the year it
was released, and the lyrics, etc.

18) Which of the following refers to the level of data abstraction that describes
exactly how the data actually stored?

a. Conceptual Level
b. Physical Level
c. File Level
d. Logical Level

Answer: B

Explanation: Data abstraction means displaying or sharing only the data that is
needed and hiding from all other data until it is necessary to share it. However, the
data abstraction level that describes how the data was actually stored in the user's
machine (or system) is known as the Physical level. Therefore the correct answer is

19) To which of the following the term "DBA" referred?

a. Data Bank Administrator

b. Database Administrator
c. Data Administrator
d. None of the above

Answer: B

Explanation: The term "DBA" refers to the Database Administrator that manages
the whole database and updates the database on a regular basis. In short, the
database administrator has the responsibility of the whole database and to maintain
it in an optimal & stable state.

20) In general, a file is basically a collection of all related______.

a. Rows & Columns

b. Fields
c. Database
d. Records

Answer: D

Explanation: Whenever we have some related data, information or records, we

collect all those related data (or records), put them together, store them in one
place, and give that collection a name that is known as a file.

21) The term "Data" refers to:

a. The electronic representation of the information( or data)

b. Basic information
c. Row Facts and figures
d. Both A and C

Answer: C

Explanation: In general, the term "data" refers to the row facts and figure,
whereas the information referred to as the data, which is really important for
someone or a particular person. Therefore the correct answer is C.

22) Rows of a relation are known as the _______.

a. Degree
b. Tuples
c. Entity
d. All of the above

Answer: D

Explanation: In SQL, the relation is represented by a table, and a table is a

collection of rows and columns. Therefore the collection of rows & columns is
called the table, whereas a table is known as the relation in the SQL. So in a
relation (or we can say table), rows are called the tuples. So, the correct answer
will be tuples.

23) Which of the following refers to the number of tuples in a relation?

a. Entity
b. Column
c. Cardinality
d. None of the above

Answer: C

Explanation: Cardinality refers to the number of tuples of relation because

cardinality represents the number of tuples in a relation.
To understand it in more detail, consider the following given example:

Suppose we have a relation (or table) that contains 30 tuples (or Rows) and four
columns, so the cardinality of our relation will be 30.

24) Which one of the following is a type of Data Manipulation Command?

a. Create
b. Alter
c. Delete
d. All of the above

Answer: C

Explanation: In data manipulation language, the command like select, insert,

update, and delete is used to manipulate the information (or data, records), for
example create a table, update table delete table, etc. Therefore the correct answer
is C.

25) The term "TCL" stands for_____.

a. Ternary Control Language

b. Transmission Control Language
c. Transaction Central Language
d. Transaction Control Language

Answer: D

Explanation: The term "TCL" refers to the Transaction Control Language, which
is another language just like the "DDL" and "DML". The commands like commit,
save point, rollback come under the TCL used to control the transactions.
Therefore the correct answer will be

26) Which one of the following commands is used to restore the database to the
last committed state?
a. Savepoint
b. Rollback
c. Commit
d. Both A & B

Answer: B

Explanation: As we all know that while working with the Transactions, the
Transaction Control Language is used. To restore the database to the last
committed state ( or to undo the latest changes), the "rollback" command is used
that belongs to the Transaction Control Language.

27) The architecture of a database can be viewed as the ________

a. One level
b. Two-level
c. Three-level
d. Four level

Answer: C

Explanation: A database's architecture can be viewed as the three levels of

abstraction that are named as the internal level, external level, and the conceptual
level. Therefore the correct answer is C.

28) Which of the following keys is generally used to represents the relationships
between the tables?

a. Primary key
b. Foreign key
c. Secondary key
d. None of the above
Answer: B

Explanation: To represent the relationships between the various tables in the

database, generally, the foreign key is used. Therefore the correct answer is the
foreign key.

29)Which normal form is considered adequate for normal relational database


(A) 2 NF

(B) 3 NF

(C) 4 NF

(D) 5 NF

Ans: B

30) The command that add a new field to an active database is





Ans: A


31) A network schema

(A) stores data in tables

(B) restricts the structure to a one-to-many relationship

(C) permits many-to-many relationships

(D) none of these

Ans: C

permits many-to-many relationships

32) A file consists of

(A) Fields and records

(B) Records and sorts

(C) Fields and sorts

(D) Databases and fields

Ans: A Fields and records

33) The physical location of a record is determined by a mathematical formula that

transforms a file key into a record location in a/an (A) Sequential file

(B) Hashed file

(C) Indexed file

(D) B-tree file

Ans: B Hashed file

34) The data model which describes how the data is actually stored is
A) internal model
B external model
C logical model
D none of these
35) Data about data is normally termed as :


B)data bank
C) meta data
D)none of the above
36) Which of the following is an example for network database ?
B Ingress
C Oracle
37) A hierarchical data model is :

A Partially ordered

B Not ordered

C Totally ordered

D Concept of ordering does not appear

Answer: Option [C]

38) The set of all possible values of data items is called :

A Domain

B Attribute

C Tuples

D None of these

Answer: Option [A]

39) A view of a database that appears to an application program is known as :

A schema

B subschema

C virtual table

D None of these

Answer: Option [B]

40) Primitive operations common to all record management systems include :

A Print

B Sort

C Look-up

D All of the above

Answer: Option [C]

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