Surface Vehicle Standard: Hydraulic Hose Fittings
Surface Vehicle Standard: Hydraulic Hose Fittings
Surface Vehicle Standard: Hydraulic Hose Fittings
Figure 20 is incorrect. The note on the drawing currently states “HEX OPTIONAL.” The correct wording is “HEX SIZE
This SAE Standard provides general and dimensional specifications for the most common hose fittings used in conjunction
with hydraulic hoses specified in SAE J517 and utilized in hydraulic systems on mobile and stationary equipment.
The general specifications contained in Sections 1 through 17 are applicable to all hydraulic hose fittings and supplement
the detailed specifications for the 100R-series fittings contained in the later sections of this document.
This document shall be utilized as a procurement document only to the extent agreed upon by the manufacturer and user.
Refer to SAE J517 for specifications of hose and information on hose assemblies. SAE J1273 contains information on
application factors affecting hose fittings, hose, and hose assemblies.
The rated working pressure of a hose assembly comprising SAE J516 fittings and SAE J517 hoses shall not exceed the
lower of the two working pressure rated values.
Section 18 O-ring face seal hose fittings shall be as shown in Figures 4 to 7 and in Tables 2 to 5.
Section 19 Flareless 24-degree cone hose fittings shall be as shown in Figures 9 to 10 and in Tables 7 to 8.
Section 20 Four-bolt split flange hose fittings shall be as shown in Figures 11 to 17 and in Tables 9 to 15.
Section 21 Straight thread O-ring hose fittings shall be as shown in Figure 18 and in Table 16.
Section 22 37-degree flare hose fittings shall be as shown in Figures 19 to 22 and in Tables 17 to 20.
Section 23 Dryseal pipe thread hose fittings shall be as shown in Figure 23 and in Table 21.
Male and female 45-degree flare hose fittings shall be as shown by the 37-degree flare figures and tables.
SAE Executive Standards Committee Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is
entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”
SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be revised, reaffirmed, stabilized, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and
Copyright © 2021 SAE International
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
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It is recommended that where step sizes or additional types of fittings are required, they be designed to conform with the
specifications of this document insofar as they may apply. The following general specifications shall supplement the
dimensional data contained in the tables with respect to all unspecified detail.
The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the
latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.
Available from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA
and Canada) or +1 724-776-4970 (outside USA),
SAE J518 Hydraulic Flanged Tube, Pipe, and Hose Connections, Four-Bolt Split Flange Type
SAE J846 Coding Systems for Identification of Fluid Conductors and Connectors
SAE J1453-1 Specification for O-Ring Face Seal Connectors: Part 1 - Tube Connection Details and Common
Requirements for Performance and Tests
SAE J1453-3 Specification for O-Ring Face Seal Connectors: Part 3 - Requirements, Dimensions, and Tests for Steel
Unions, Bulkheads, Swivels, Braze Sleeves, Caps, and Connectors with SAE J1926-2 Inch Stud Ends
SAE J1926-2 Connections for General Use and Fluid Power - Ports and Stud Ends with ASME B1.1 Threads and O-Ring
Sealing - Part 2: Heavy-Duty (S-Series) Stud Ends
SAE J1926-3 Connections for General Use and Fluid Power - Ports and Stud Ends with ASME B1.1 Threads and O-Ring
Sealing - Part 3: Light-Duty (L Series) Stud Ends
Available from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
Tel: 610-832-9585,
Available from ASME, P.O. Box 2900, 22 Law Drive, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2900, Tel: 800-843-2763 (U.S./Canada),
001-800-846-2763 (Mexico), 973-882-1170 (outside North America),
ISO 4759-1 Tolerances for Fasteners - Part 1: Bolts, Screws, Studs and Nuts - Product Grades A, B and C
ISO 12151-1 Connections for Hydraulic Fluid Power and General Use - Hose Fittings - Part 1: Hose Fittings with
ISO 8434-3 O-Ring Face Seal Ends
ISO 12151-2 Connections for Hydraulic Fluid Power and General Use - Hose Fittings - Part 2: Hose Fittings with
ISO 8434-1 24-Degree Cone Connector Ends with O-Rings
ISO 12151-3 Connections for Hydraulic Fluid Power and General Use - Hose Fittings - Part 3: Hose Fittings with
ISO 6162-1 And ISO 6162-2 Flange Ends
ISO 12151-4 Connections for Hydraulic Fluid Power and General Use - Hose Fittings - Part 4: Hose Fittings with ISO
6149 Metric Stud Ends
ISO 12151-5 Connections for Hydraulic Fluid Power and General Use - Hose Fittings - Part 5: Hose Fittings with
ISO 8434-2 37-Degree Flared Ends
The hose fitting size is generally designated by the SAE dash sizes in accordance with SAE J846, as follows:
3.1 The hose dash size is equivalent to the number of 1/16-inch increments in the hose size, except in the case of
SAE 100R5 and 100R14 hose, where it is equivalent to the number of 1/16-inch increments in the outside diameter
of tubing having approximately the same inside diameter as the hose.
3.2 The pipe thread dash size is the number of 1/16-inch increments in the nominal pipe thread size.
3.3 The O-ring boss, 37-degree and 45-degree flared, and flareless type thread SAE dash sizes correspond to the number
of 1/16-inch increments in the outside diameter of the tubing with which they are designed to be used.
3.4 The four-bolt split flange SAE dash size is the number of 1/16-inch increments in the flange size.
All hose fittings, permanently attached and field attachable styles, shall be legibly and permanently marked with the
manufacturer’s name or logo, to allow for positive identification. Additional permanent marking is also required to provide a
means to identify the proper hose to be used with the hose fitting. Other markings, such as the customer’s assembly number,
date code, etc., is permissible as agreed upon by the supplier and user.
Tabulated dimensions shall apply to the finished parts, plated or otherwise processed, as specified by the purchaser. Details
of internal construction of the attaching portion of fittings are not specified and shall be optional with the manufacturer,
providing the fittings, properly assembled onto the appropriate hose, meet the qualification requirements when the
assemblies are subjected to the various tests specified in SAE J517.
The maximum and minimum across flat dimensions shall be within the commercial tolerance of bar stock from which the
fittings are produced. Formed or upset hexagon contours shall fit standard wrench size openings. The minimum across
corners dimensions of external hexagons shall be 1.092 times the nominal width across flats, but shall not result in a side
flat width of less than 0.43 times the nominal width across flats. Tolerance on all dimensions not otherwise listed shall be
±0.40 mm. Fitting seats shall be concentric with straight thread pitch diameters within 0.25 mm as measured by full indicator
reading (FIR).
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The tabulated d2 dimensions reflect the minimum bore at any point through the fitting prior to assembly to the hose. For
SAE 100R5 and SAE 100R14 hose fittings, the d2 dimension can be 0.2 mm smaller than the values listed in the tables.
The after-assembly bore reduction will be a maximum of 10%. The reduction must be in the general shape of a venturi.
Where passages in straight fittings are machined from opposite ends, the offset at the meeting point shall not exceed
0.40 mm. On angle fittings, the cross-sectional area at the junction of fluid passages shall not be less than that of the
smallest passage. This assembly passage definition does not apply to bent tubes.
Details of contour shall be optional with the manufacturer, providing the tabulated dimensions are maintained and
serviceability of fittings is not impaired.
Unified Standard Class 2A external and Class 2B internal threads shall apply to plain finish (unplated) fittings having straight
threads. For externally threaded parts with additive finish, the maximum diameters of Class 2A may be exceeded by the
amount of the allowance; that is, the basic diameters (Class 2A maximum diameters plus the allowance) shall apply to an
externally threaded part after plating. For internally threaded parts with additive finish, the Class 2B diameters apply after
The pitch diameter tolerance shall be the same as the corresponding diameter-pitch combination and class of the Unified
Fine and 12 thread series. Refer to ASME B1.1.
Where external threads are produced by roll threading and the body is not undercut, the unthreaded portion adjacent to the
shoulder may be reduced to the minimum pitch diameter.
External threads shall be chamfered, and internal threads shall be countersunk, as specified in the dimensional tables.
The various thread elements of Class 2A external and Class 2B internal threads on hose fittings shall be concentric within
the limitations specified under General Specifications in SAE J512.
Taper pipe threads shall conform to the Dryseal American Standard Taper Pipe Thread (NPTF). Specifications are given in
detail in SAE J476.
External pipe threads shall be chamfered from the diameters tabulated in Table 1 to produce the specified length of
chamfered or partial thread. Internal pipe threads shall be countersunk 90 degrees, included angle, to the diameters
specified in Table 1.
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Fittings shall be made from materials of good quality, capable of withstanding the stresses resulting from hydraulic pressures
equal to the minimum burst pressure of the applicable hose size and type to which they are assembled without failure.
The external surfaces and threads of all carbon steel parts shall be plated or coated with a suitable material that passes a
salt spray test in accordance with ISO 9227 or ASTM B117. The following requirements shall apply:
b. Edges such as hex points, serrations, and crests of threads where there may be mechanical deformation of the plating
or coating typical of mass-produced parts or shipping effects.
c. Areas where there is mechanical deformation of the plating or coating caused by crimping, flaring, bending, and other
post-plate metal forming operations.
d. Areas where the parts are suspended or affixed in the test chamber where condensate can accumulate.
Parts manufactured to this standard shall not be cadmium plated and shall not use hexavalent chromate coatings. Internal
fluid passages shall be protected from corrosion during storage and shipping. Changes in plating or coating shall be
re-qualified to ensure assembly torque is not affected.
Workmanship shall conform to the best commercial practice to produce high-quality fittings. Fittings shall be free from all
hanging burrs, loose scales, and slivers which might become dislodged in usage, sharp edges, and all other defects that
might affect their serviceability. All sealing surfaces must be smooth, except that annular tool marks up to 2.5 µm maximum,
unless specified otherwise, shall be permissible.
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Use of a compatible lubricant in assembling dryseal pipe threads on hose fittings may be desirable to minimize galling and
effect a pressure-tight seal.
Use of two wrenches when assembling hose fitting swivel connections, if possible, is recommended to avoid introducing
twist to the hose.
Some hose pressure ratings in SAE J517 exceed the pressure ratings for the connection (threads, flanges, etc.) of certain
types of hose fittings shown in SAE J516. SAE J518 parts 1 and 2, and SAE J1453 parts 1, 2 and 3, specify pressure ratings
for four-bolt split flange and O-ring face seal type hose fittings, respectively. For all other types of hose fitting connections,
consult the fitting manufacturer for pressure ratings. The pressure rating of a hose assembly comprising SAE J516 fittings
and SAE J517 hoses shall not exceed the lower of the two pressure rating values.
Hydraulic hose fittings that meet the requirements of this standard can be ordered in accordance with the Part Identification
Number (PIN) described in SAE J846.
NOTE: Metric hex parts shall be supplied, unless otherwise specified. When ordering the optional inch hex hose fittings,
the letter M shall not be used between the fitting type and the fitting shape codes as shown in Figure 2.
A permanently attached female 37-degree flared straight hose fitting, made from metric hex carbon steel, for 1/4-inch tube
OD (-4 thread size) and 1/4-inch ID SAE 100R2, type AT hydraulic hose (shown in Figure 18 and Table 16), would be coded
as shown in Figure 1.
A field attachable female 37-degree flared straight hose fitting, made from stainless steel, for 1/4-inch tube OD (-4 thread
size) and 1/4-inch ID SAE 100R2, type AT hydraulic hose (shown in Figure 20 and Table 18), would be coded as shown in
Figure 2.
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A permanently attached code 61 four-bolt split flange 45-degree short elbow hose fitting, made from carbon steel, for 1-inch
flange size and 3/4-inch ID SAE 100R12 hydraulic hose (shown in Figure 14 and Table 12), would be coded as shown in
Figure 3.
An interchange that shows the conversion between the new codes and codes that were used in previous editions of
SAE J516 is shown in Appendix C.
Hose assemblies may be fabricated by the manufacturer, an agent for or customer of the manufacturer, or by the user.
Fabrication of permanently attached connectors to hydraulic hose requires specialized assembly equipment.
Field-attachable connectors (screw style and segment clamp style) can usually be assembled without specialized
equipment, although many manufacturers provide equipment to assist in this operation.
SAE J516 connectors from one manufacturer are usually not compatible with SAE J517 hoses supplied by another
manufacturer. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to consult the manufacturer's written assembly instructions or the
manufacturers directly before intermixing hose and connectors from two manufacturers. Similarly, assembly equipment from
one manufacturer is usually not interchangeable with that of another manufacturer. It is the responsibility of the fabricator
to consult the manufacturer's written instructions or the manufacturer directly for proper assembly equipment. Always follow
the manufacturer's instructions for proper preparation and fabrication of hose assemblies.
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This section of SAE J516 is technically equivalent to the hose fittings in ISO 12151-1.
Table 3 - Dimensions of female O-ring face seal swivel straight hose fittings
Figure 6 - Female O-ring face seal swivel 45-degree elbow hose fittings -
Short [X53M22XX (metric hex) or X5322XX (inch hex)] and
Medium [X53M23XX (metric hex) or X5323XX (inch hex)]
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Table 4 - Dimensions of female O-ring face seal swivel 45-degree elbow hose fittings
Figure 7 - Female O-ring face seal swivel 90-degree elbow hose fittings -
Short [X53M14XX (metric hex) or X5314XX (inch hex)],
Medium [X53M20XX (metric hex) or X5320XX (inch hex)] and
Long [X53M15XX (metric hex) or X5315XX (inch hex)]
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Table 5 - Dimensions of female O-ring face seal swivel 90-degree elbow hose fittings
Table 6 - Dimension of male O-ring face seal straight bulkhead hose fittings
This section of SAE J516 is similar in design to the hose fittings in ISO 12151-2, except the SAE hose fittings have inch
threads and the ISO hose fittings have metric threads.
NOTE: SAE J516 flareless hose fittings are not interchangeable with ISO 12151-2 hose fittings.
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Table 8 - Dimensions of female flareless 24-degree cone swivel straight hose fittings
This section of SAE J516 is technically equivalent to the hose fittings in ISO 12151-3.
This section of SAE J516 is similar in design to the hose fittings in ISO 12151-4, except the SAE hose fittings have inch
threads conforming with SAE J11926 (ISO 1926) and the ISO hose fittings have metric threads conforming with ISO 6149.
NOTE: SAE J516 straight thread O-ring hose fittings are not interchangeable with ISO 12151-4 hose fittings.
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SAE J1926-2 heavy duty stud end (X18M01XX) shall be used, unless working pressure of the hose allows the use of SAE J1926-3 light duty stud end
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This section of SAE J516 is technically equivalent to the hose fittings in ISO 12151-5.
Table 19 - Dimensions of female 37-degree flare swivel 45-degree elbow hose fittings
A change bar (I) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions, not
editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of this document. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title
indicates a complete revision of the document, including technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in original
publications, nor in documents that contain editorial changes only.
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Unless otherwise specified, the minimum hex width shall be as listed in Table A1.
Hex Width
Hex Size Hex Size Min
inch mm mm
9 4.5
10 5
11 5.5
7/16 11.1 5.5
12 5.5
1/2 12.7 6
13 6
14 6
9/16 14.3 6
5/8 15.9 6.5
17 6.5
11/16 17.5 7
3/4 19 7.5
13/16 20.6 8
22 8.5
7/8 22.2 8.5
15/16 23.8 9.5
24 9.5
1 25.4 10
1-1/16 27 10.5
1-1/8 28.6 11
30 11.5
1-1/4 31.8 12.5
32 12.5
1-5/16 33.3 13
1-3/8 34.9 13.5
36 13.5
1-1/2 38.1 14
41 15
1-5/8 41.3 15
1-11/16 42.9 15.5
1-3/4 44.5 16
46 16
1-7/8 47.6 16.5
50 17
2 50.8 17
2-1/8 54 18
55 18
2-1/4 57.2 19
60 19
2-1/2 63.5 20
65 20
2-3/4 69.8 21
70 21
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Stacking relationships between a straight swivel and 90-degree short, medium, and long drop elbows.
This appendix shows the conversion between the new codes and codes that were used in previous editions of SAE J516.
Old Code New Code Old Code New Code Old Code New Code
1501XX P1501XX 3601XX P3601XX 4911XX P4911XX
1601XX F1501XX 3701XX F3601XX 5011XX F4911XX
1701XX S1501XX 3901XX P3901XX 5111XX S4911XX
1801XX P1801XX 4001XX F3901XX 4903XX P4922XX
1901XX F1801XX 4101XX S3901XX 5003XX F4922XX
2101XX P2101XX 3910XX P3910XX 5103XX S4922XX
2201XX F2101XX 4010XX F3910XX 4912XX P4912XX
2301XX S2101XX 4110XX S3910XX 5012XX F4912XX
2401XX P2401XX 3911XX P3911XX 5112XX S4912XX
2501XX F2401XX 4011XX F3911XX 4913XX P4913XX
2601XX S2401XX 4111XX S3911XX 5013XX F4913XX
2403XX P2422XX 3903XX P3922XX 5113XX S4913XX
2503XX F2422XX 4003XX F3922XX 4902XX P4914XX
2414XX P2414XX 4103XX S3922XX 5002XX F4914XX
2514XX F2414XX 3912XX P3912XX 5102XX S4914XX
2415XX P2415XX 4012XX F3912XX 5301XXA P5324XX
2515XX F2415XX 4112XX S3912XX 5301XXB P5325XX
2801XX P2801XX 3913XX P3913XX 5401XXA F5324XX
2901XX F2801XX 4013XX F3913XX 5401XXB F5325XX
3001XX P3001XX 4113XX S3913XX 5303XX P5322XX
3101XX F3001XX 3902XX P3914XX 5403XX F5322XX
3003XX P3022XX 4002XX F3914XX 5314XX P5314XX
3103XX F3022XX 4102XX S3914XX 5414XX F5314XX
3014XX P3014XX 4901XX P4901XX 5320XX P5320XX
3114XX F3014XX 5001XX F4901XX 5420XX F5320XX
3015XX P3015XX 5101XX S4901XX 5315XX P5315XX
3115XX F3015XX 4910XX P4910XX 5415XX F5315XX
3301XX P3301XX 5010XX F4910XX
3401XX F3301XX 5110XX S4910XX
The XX identifies the SAE 100R series hose in accordance with Table 8 of SAE J846.
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This appendix shows the optional inch hex sizes for the hose fittings shown in Sections 18 to 23.