MeasureMaster Operations Manual
MeasureMaster Operations Manual
MeasureMaster Operations Manual
MeasureMaster ®
Operations Manual
Issue/Rev. 0.2 (7/05) Bulletin MNOR001
Removing the Orifice Plate.........................................................................................................................................2
Replacing the Orifice Plate.........................................................................................................................................3
3. Turn plug valve 90° counter clock wise until it stops in the closed
position. The end of the plug valve is stamped with an arrow and
the front end cap is stamped open and close. The plug valve should
then be rotated a second time to the open and back into the closed
position until it stops. Note: Rotating the plug valve twice assures
a good positive seal by the Dry-Plug O-ring seal, which isolates
the top from the bottom chamber. DO NOT FORCE PLUG VALVE
TO EXCEED THIS ANGLE. (See illustration #3.) If plug valve will
not turn, check to make sure the carrier is in the upper chamber by
rotating the elevator screw handle counter-clockwise until it will go
no further. Forcing plug valve with the carrier in the lower chamber
will result in damage to the plug valve and carrier assembly.
4. Open the bleed valve enough to relieve the pressure in the upper
chamber. (See illustration #4.) The bleed valve is distinguished
by a small vent hole on its side, and on more recently manufac-
tured fittings is located on the top cap. If pressure continues to
discharge from the bleed valve vent hole, contact FMC Measure-
ment Solutions. Relieve the pressure in the upper chamber.
Note: The bleed valve should remain open to prevent pressure
! CAUTION: If this equipment is installed inside buildings or enclo-
sures, for safety, FMC Measurement Solutions recommends this vent
be piped outside to a safe area.
5. Loosen the cover plate clamp bolts (located in the middle of the
clamp) and remove the cover plate clamp, cover plate, and cover
plate O-ring/gasket. (See illustration #5.) Note: Before the clamp
bar is removed the cover plate should be jiggled with the cover plate
still in position to verify that all pressure has been bled off from the
top chamber. If no pressure is indicated then remove the clamp bar
and cover plate.
! CAUTION: Do not alter the position of the nuts on the cover plate
clamp studs. These are not used in the removal of the cover plate.
8. The seal ring may be removed, the orifice plate and seals inspected
2. Rotate the elevator screw handle clockwise until the carrier is flush
with the opening in the top chamber. (See illustration #1.) Replace
the cover plate, place the clamp bar over the cover plate and tighten
the clamp bar bolts evenly across the cover plate . (See illustration
#2.) Rotate the elevator screw clockwise again until the carrier is
located all the way in the top position. When the Dry-Seal Plug valve
is re-opened the carrier may cut the Dry-Seal Plug valve O-ring if
resting on the Dry-Seal Plug.
4. Operator then closes bleed valve on the top chamber and opens
equalizer valve located on the lower side of the lower chamber of
the fitting. (See illustration #4.) The operator should be able to tell
when pressure has been equalized in the fitting when the elevator
screw shaft rises at the top of the fitting. Close the equalizer valve.
! CAUTION: Do not attempt to rotate plug valve until upper chamber
pressure is fully equalized.
5. Rotate the plug valve 90° clockwise until it stops in open position.
(See illustration #5.)
6. Turn the elevator screw handle counter clockwise to a full stop. You
will next begin to lower the carrier and plate into the lower chamber
until it bottoms out. As you turn the handle clockwise begin to count
the number of revolutions (from the full stopped position) until it will
turn no further and without forcing the handle beyond the bottoming
out point. The number of revolutions should be within 1/2 a revolu-
tion of the number stamped on the instruction plate located on the
top cap. The number of revolutions shown is intended to indicate a
problem with interference or binding in the plate lowering process.
In other words, if you have turned it 15 revolutions and the handle
will not turn further but the inspection plate is stamped 17 you know
there is a problem that needs further investigation. Note: If the fitting
has been dis-assembled and the elevator screw removed and if all
the elevator screw spacer rings are not re-installed, the revolution
count will not agree with the as built revolutions stamped on the
instruction plate.
The specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice and any user of said specifications should verify from the manufacturer that the specifications are currently
in effect. Otherwise, the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the use of specifications which may have been changed and are no longer in effect.
1803 Gears Road, Houston, TX 77067 USA, Phone: 281/260-2190, Fax: 281/260-2191