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Daily The Spokesman May 13 2024 PDF

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The Spokesman
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Barkat Rice Mills

(Pvt) Limited

NA Speaker pays tribute to

Bilawal for dialogue among political forces to steer country out of crisis mothers whose sons laid their lives to
With the country facing inflation, unemployment, poverty and terrorism, Pakistan Peoples protect beloved motherland
Party (PPP) chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari on Sunday called for dialogues among the polit- Speaker of the National Assembly Sardar Ayaz Sadiq on Sunday
said that the nation is indebted to all mothers whose sons were
ical forces to resolve the prevailing issues. Addressing a seminar titled “Bhutto Reference and martyred in preserving the dignity and sovereignty of the beloved
History” in Lahore, Bilawal said: “The people are troubled by price-hike, unemployment and motherland. Mother’s love is the energy which enables normal
poverty. In addition to these, terrorism is also an issue for the country and the people.” human beings to accomplish impossible feats in their lives, the
speaker said, in a message on the eve of Mother’s Day.

Simultaneously published from Islamabad, Lahore and Multan

Ziqa’ad 4, Monday, May 13, 2024 www.dailyspokesman.net @daily_spokesman Daily Spokesman Vol: 18, Issue: 32 Price Rs. 25.00 Pages 8

Israeli strikes PM calls for peaceful

Israeli strikes on Gaza continued on Sunday after it expanded an evacuation order for Rafah despite international outcry over its
military incursion into eastern areas of the city.
resolution in AJK
 Spokesman Report

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minis-

ter Shehbaz Sharif on Sunday
expressed deep concern over
the ongoing situation in Azad
Jammu and Kashmir (AJK),
urging all parties to adopt a
peaceful course of action to
resolve their demands.
The prime minister empha-
sized that while debate,
discussion, and peaceful
protests were beauties of
democracy, there was no toler-
ance for taking the law into
one’s own hands and damag- ed all PML-N office bearers in
ing government properties. the region to engage with the
“Unfortunately in situations leaders of the action commit-
of chaos and dissent, there are tee to find a peaceful resolu-
always some, who rush in to tion.
score political points,” he “Despite the efforts of
wrote on his X timeline. detractors, the matter is
He also spoke to the Prime expected to be settled soon,”
Minister of AJK and direct- he said.

AJK protests: Govt

‘accepts’ all demands
following violent clashes

Photo: Reuters

UN chief calls for ‘immediate’

Gaza ceasefire, hostage release  Spokesman Report

RAWALAKOT: Following
violent protests over the last
Joint Awami Action Commit-
tee (JAAC).
The JAAC, which has trad-
ers at the forefront in most
 Agencies tional release of all hostages and despite international outcry over Kuwait organized by the Inter- edented October 7 attack on Isra- 48 hours, the Azad Jammu parts of the state, has been
an immediate surge in human- its military incursion into eastern national Islamic Charitable el that resulted in the deaths of and Kashmir (AJK) govern- seeking the provision of elec-
KUWAIT CITY: UN Secre- itarian aid,” Guterres said in a areas of the city, effectively shut- Organization (IICO) and the more than 1,170 people, most- ment on Saturday accepted tricity as per hydropower
tary-General Antonio Guterres video address to an internation- ting a key aid crossing. UN’s humanitarian coordina- ly civilians, according to an AFP all demands of Joint Awami generation cost in AJK, subsi-
on Sunday urged an immediate al donors’ conference in Kuwait. “The war in Gaza is causing tion organization OCHA. tally of Israeli official figures. Action Committee (JAAC), dised wheat flour and an end
halt to the Israel-Hamas war in “But a ceasefire will only be the horrific human suffering, devas- On Friday, in Nairobi, the UN Vowing to destroy Hamas, protesting against high elec- to the privileges of the elite
Gaza, the return of hostages and start. It will be a long road back tating lives, tearing families apart head warned Gaza faced an “epic Israel launched a retaliatory tricity bills and taxes, ARY class.
a “surge” in humanitarian aid to from the devastation and trauma and rendering huge numbers of humanitarian disaster” if Isra- offensive that has killed more News reported, citing sources. The violent protesters
the besieged Palestinian territory. of this war,” he added. people homeless, hungry and el launched a full-scale ground than 34,971 people in Gaza, Azad Kashmir witnessed damaged multiple vehicles,
“I repeat my call, the world’s Israeli strikes on Gaza contin- traumatized,” Guterres said. operation in Rafah. mostly women and children, violent clashes between the including a magistrate’s car at
call for an immediate humani- ued on Sunday after it expand- His remarks were played at Gaza’s bloodiest-ever war according to the Hamas-run police and activists of a rights the Poonch-Kotli road. More-
tarian ceasefire, the uncondi- ed an evacuation order for Rafah the opening of the conference in began following Hamas’s unprec- territory’s health ministry. movement amid a wheel-jam over, markets, trade centres,
and shutter-down strike across offices and schools and restau-
the territory, which left at least rants remained closed across
one police official dead and the AJK.
IMF delegation reaches Nawaz Sharif ready for AJK BOI Chairman several others injured.
Sub-inspector Adnan
Sources told ARY News
that the AJK government has
Pakistan, talks to begin grand dialogue with PTI steps down over ‘protests Qureshi succumbed to a
gunshot wound in the chest in
finally accepted all demands of
the protesters following nego-
tomorrow: Aurangzeb founder: Sanaullah against inflation’ the town of Islamgarh, where
he was deployed to stop a rally
tiations held between JAAC
delegation and territory’s
 PPA  Bureau Report  Abdul Majeed Tahir for Muzaffarabad under the Chief Secretary at residence
banner of the Jammu Kashmir of Rawalakot Commissioner.
LAHORE: Finance LAHORE: Prime Minister’s MUZAFFARABAD: Chairman AJK Board of Invest-
Minister Muham- (PM) Adviser on Political and ment (BOI) Sardar Amjad Jalil on Saturday resigned
mad Aurangzeb on Public Affairs Rana Sanaul- from his post, citing the current situation in Azad
Sunday said that the
International Mone-
tary Fund (IMF) team
lah said that Pakistan Muslim
League-Nawaz (PML-N)
supremo Nawaz Sharif is ready
Jammu and Kashmir.
In a statement, Sardar Amjad expressed deep
concern over the prevailing political situation in AJK,
Ishaq Dar to arrive
has reached Pakistan,
and the two sides would begin talks for a new loan
for grand dialogue with Paki-
stan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)
saying that the citizens were protesting for basic neces-
sities like electricity and flour. in Beijing on Monday
programme on Monday (tomorrow).
Addressing a pre-budget seminar, finance minis-
ter said that the private sector would have to lead and
founder Imran Khan.
In an interview with a
private TV channel, Rana Sanaullah emphasized the
Holding AJK Prime Minister and his cabinet
responsible, he said that their lack of interest and
cooperation had led to the current crisis. He lamented
on official visit
guide the country out of the difficult phase. need for a grand dialogue with Pakistan Tehreek-e-In- that AJK, once a peaceful region, was now witnessing Mohammad Ishaq Dar after he
Finance minister also said that the FBR’s Track and saf (PTI), stating that unconditional talks are the only bloodshed and violence. took office. It is also an impor-
Trace System has utterly failed and vowed to bring way forward and the only option for resolving issues The former AJK BOI Chairman appealed to the tant part of the institutional-
traders in the tax net. and creating a conducive environment. Joint Action Committee to continue their peaceful ized interactions between the
In his speech, the finance minister covered a varie- He said that PTI is a reality that cannot be denied, protests and urged the AJK government to provide Chinese and Pakistani foreign
ty of subjects, including the rupee exchange rate and whereas “Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari are also a real- relief to the people. ministries.
interest rates, which, he added, were determined by the ity, Sanaullah added.” He mentioned that he had personally convinced While commenting on the
State Bank of Pakistan. Rana Sanaullah stressed that if dialogue is politi- foreign investors to invest in Azad Kashmir, but the current relations with Paki-
He said the rupee’s exchange rate has stabilized and cal, then political parties should be included, and that Prime Minister’s “stubbornness and opposition” stan and China’s expectation
the inflation coming down. institutions can also be part of the grand dialogue in thwarted his efforts. for the visit, a Chinese foreign
He made it clear that the government would extend the next phase. He emphasized that the inclusion of Sardar Amjad Jalil has sent his resignation to the  Spokesman Report ministry’s spokesperson said
facilities to traders but would remain on track to institutions in the grand dialogue is crucial for Prime Minister of AJK, Chaudhry Anwarul Haq. that China would like to work
Continued on Page 8 Continued on Page 8 Continued on Page 8 BEIJING: Deputy Prime with Pakistan to take this visit
Minister and Foreign Minis- as an opportunity to deliver on
ter Mohammad Ishaq Dar the important common under-
will arrive here on Monday standings between the lead-

Afghan nationals offloaded at Peshawar airport on an official visit to China

and hold the fifth round of
the China-Pakistan Foreign
Ministers’ Strategic Dialogue.
ers, carry forward the tradi-
tional friendship, step up
strategic communication and
coordination, deepen prac-

over fake passports From May 13 to 16, Ishaq

Dar will visit the Chinese capi-
tal at the invitation of Member
tical cooperation in various
areas, upgrade the China-Pa-
kistan Economic Corridor,
 City Desk fake documents. were declared fake by the Afghan ed a passenger Tauseef Ahmed to the FIA’s anti-human traffick- of the Political Bureau of the deepen the China-Pakistan
The Afghan nationals were Consulate. from an overseas flight over ing cell Karachi for investigation”, CPC Central Committee and all-weather strategic cooper-
ISLAMABAD: Federal Inves- travelling to UK after illegal- In a separate action, the Feder- fake travel documents. “Accused FIA spokesperson said. Minister of Foreign Affairs ative partnership, and accel-
tigation Agency (FIA) immi- ly entering Pakistan, the FIA al Investigation Agency (FIA) Tauseef Ahmed was traveling Prior to this, nine alleged Wang Yi. erate the building of an even
gration offloaded the Afghan spokesperson said. offloaded a passenger at Kara- with a fake visa of Japan on his beggars travelling to Saudi Arabia This visit is the first official closer China-Pakistan commu-
woman and her four children The Afghan nationals got their chi airport over fake travel papers. passport,” FIA officials said. in the disguise of Umrah pilgrims visit to China by Deputy Prime nity with a shared future in the
from a UK-bound flight over passports from the agent, which The FIA-Immigration offload- “The accused was transferred were offloaded at Multan airport. Minister and Foreign Minister new era.
2 The Spokesman
Monday, May 13, 2024

 Unemployment in South Punjab

Chairman Senate says industrial development

is very necessary to eliminate poverty
 Kiran Asim Anjum and other members of Prime Minister, I made every energy. has denied the rumors
Chamber of Commerce and effort to solve the long-standing of tax on it now more and more
MULTAN: Chairman Senate Industry Multan were also pres- problems of this Saraiki region. people benefit from this facility.
Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani said ent, Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani Due to poverty and backwardness Mian Rashid Iqbal, president of
that industrial development said that the legitimate demands in South Punjab, people used to the Chamber of Commerce and
is very necessary to eliminate of the industrialists and inves- enroll their children in madrasas Industry, Multan, while speak-
poverty, poverty, backwardness tors will be fulfilled according to are where the young people who ing, demanded to ensure the
and unemployment from South the government resources. All come out sometimes become a provision of loans to traders and
Punjab. Under CPEC, “Special resources will be utilized to estab- threat to the society with their industrialists at a low markup,
Economic Zone” was estab- lish an IT park in Multan. Estab- ideas. That is why we started along with special subsidies for
lished in Multan. will goTh- lishment of a hospital for thalas- the project of building a cadet participation in international
ese views were expressed by semia patients in Multan is very college Multan in the region, exhibitions. Multan Ring Road
Chairman Senate Syed Yousuf important. For thalassemia test which faced many difficulties, should be completed. Sewer-
Raza Gillani while addressing a before marriage, I will request my now its foundation stone has age system should be improved.
dinner ceremony at the Cham- son, Member of Punjab Assem- been laid during the caretaker Appointment of Secretary
ber of Commerce and Industry bly, to play his role in the legisla- period. With the construction of Industries should be ensured
Multan. On this occasion, Mian tion. It is important to provide Head Mohammad Wala Bridge in South Punjab. Banks should
Rashid Iqbal, President of Cham- facilities. He said to empower and Garh Maharaja Bridge in be mandated to give fair share
ber of Commerce and Indus- women Benazir Income Support Multan Region, the whole of to SME sectors under export
try Multan, Senior Vice Pres- Program has been launched for South Punjab has become more refinance scheme. The recom-
ident Sheikh Nadeem Ahmed, the same as the development accessible to other cities in the mendations of the Chambers
Vice President Sheikh Asim of minorities is also among our country. and it is a fact that if prevailed when amending the
Saeed, Mian Tanveer A Sheikh, top priorities. We founded the development is to be fostered in in South Punjab suffer from long in Multan, the problems of trad- ensured. He said that I demand Rules of Procedure go Establish-
Khwaja Muhammad Yusuf, Women Bank, Women Crisis a region, there Roads, motorways delays which are rare. Shuja Abad ers and income tax, apart from the Chief Minister of Punjab to ment of IT Park in Multan should
Khwaja Muhammad Usman, Center and the first Women and bridges should be built. Syed and Jalalpur Pirwala flyovers are cyber crime which has become immediately declare Multan, the be ensured. He said that the elec-
Khwaja Muhammad Hussain, Chamber of Commerce in Yousuf Raza Gillani further said only NOCs of Railways are hang- a problem, while the meeting of biggest city of South Punjab, as a tricity tariff should be reduced
Aurangzeb Alamgir, Zafar Iqbal Multan for the development of that it is a bitter reality that major ing in waiting. He said that he the finance sub-committee of the “Big City”. In response to a ques- for the export-oriented industry
Siddiqui. Rumana Tanveer women. In response to a ques- projects in Lahore are completed will talk to the higher officials Senate was held. So representa- tion, he said that the alternative and the fixed tax on the season-
Sheikh, Chaudhry Zulfiqar Ali tion, he said that when I was the within a few months but projects about increasing dialysis facilities tion of Multan Chamber will be to expensive electricity is solar al industry should be abolished.

Protest Punjab minister Bokhari lauds

KARACHI: People belonging to Hindu community protest against the abduction of Priya Kumari outside the Karachi Press Club. KPK, Sindh for subsidising bread

LAHORE: Provincial Minister for Infor-

mation & Culture Azma Bokhari said that
it is a matter of great rejoice that the price
of bread is also being subsidized in KPK
and Sindh by following the footsteps of
CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif. CM Maryam
Nawaz Sharif has become a ‘Brand of Paki-
stan.’ CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif has the experienced leadership of Quaid
Nawaz Sharif along with his extensive experience of running the govern-
ment affairs. Whichever project Maryam Nawaz Sharif launches in
Punjab, other provinces are compelled to follow suit.
Azma Bokhari remarked that the province which is short of revenue
to pay even salaries will now give suggestions to us. Founder PTI’s Sehat
Card was a ‘Fraud Card’ project as strange tales of corruption were seen in
this ‘Fraud Card’ project. The Punjab government after making improve-
ments in the ‘Sehat Card’ is going to launch it afresh. Barrister Saif instead
of displaying his abilities and skills in Punjab should show them in KPK.
He should also impart wisdom and awareness to his Chief Minister. If
wisdom and awareness were available at any shop then we would have
bought it and sent it to hisChief Minister as a gift, she concluded.

Campaign lunches
against 12 diseases from today
in Wana: DHO
 Adam Khan Wazir

SOUTH WAZIRISTAN: District Health Officer, Dr. Inayat ur Rehman,

announces Intensified outreach activ-
Photo: Online ities for routine vaccinations in South
Waziristan Lower District.
He said in the media talking on
Sunday, District Health Officer, Dr. Inayat

Sardar Attique Conference backs talks with ur Rehman, South Waziristan Lower
announced the commencement of Inten-
sified outreach activities for routine vacci-
nations in South Waziristan Lower, starting May 13th, 2024 from today.

Azad Kashmir government He said the aim of this initiative is to vaccinate all eligible children
against vaccine-preventable diseases. Dr. Rehman urged parents and
caregivers to bring their children for vaccination, emphasizing the impor-
 Abdul Majeed Tahir miri leadership. tor Adnan Qureshi, who was tance of protecting them from harmful diseases.
The existence and status of martyred in Islamgarh, and
MUZAFFARABAD/ Azad Kashmir may be in jeop- sympathize with the injured
RAWALPINDI: President ardy due to the current situa- police officers and protesters. A large consignment of dead
of All Jammu and Kash-
mir Muslim Conference and
tion. Action committee offi-
cials and officials should try to
Be it the administration or the
protesters. can not afford the chickens was seized, five accused
former Prime Minister Sardar
Attique Ahmad Khan has
understand the real conspira-
cy behind this movement.
death and martyrdom.
Realizing the seriousness were arrested
welcomed the move of talks The existence and internal of the situation in Azad Kash-
between the Azad Kashmir sovereignty of Azad Kashmir mir, the government should  Abdul Majid
government and the Public have been seriously threat- take immediate steps. He
Action Committee. ened. If any accident take us expressed these views while FAISALABAD: On the order of Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz,
He said that In a critical back to the 50s, 60s. India talking to the media about crackdown of food safety teams continued, meat carrying vehicle was
situation, the leaders of the will go to any extent to take the current situation in Azad checked in Sheikhupura Road, Kadanawala. 1300 kg of dead chickens
Azad Kashmir Government advantage of the chaos of Azad Kashmir. He said that it is the were destroyed, a case was registered, the vehicle was handed over to the
Committee and the People’s Kashmir. If the situation is not last time to reform the situa- police, the accused were arrested.
Action Committee will have reformed, it is not far off that tion in Azad Kashmir. Political The DG Food Authority has informed that the meat of the dead chick-
to show prudence and high the situation will get out of means should be used. Army, ens was to be prepared and supplied to various marriage halls and fast
vision. The current situation everyone’s hands. FC and Rangers should not food points. Asim Javed has further said that the very necessary supply
of Azad Kashmir is a matter The real test is to differen- public problems of Azad of the enemy. We deeply regret be subjected to any ordeal in record and the necessary agreement were found to be non-existent.
of concern for the entire Kash- tiate between the legitimate Kashmir and the conspiracies the martyrdom of sub-inspec- Azad Kashmir. On receiving the secret information, the team took timely action and
destroyed the harmful chickens and registered a case against the accused.
The consumption of diseased and undercooked meat causes stomach
and liver diseases. Counterfeit mafia sells disease not food in the lure of

Every one in my constituency should consider high profit. Have the urban chicken slaughtered in your presence, never
buy pre-prepared meat. On the orders of the Chief Minister of Punjab,
the teams of Punjab Food Authority are continuously checking to ensure
the supply of quality food.

themselves to be governor’: Sardar Saleem Strongly resist the attempt to

 Raza Naqvi 4 Malik Riyast Ali Sudhriyal,
on this occasion former candi-
Sardar Salim Haid Khan said,
“I congratulate the people of roll back the South Punjab
ATTOCK: In my constituen-
cy and district, every one who
date National Assembly CEO
Shaheen Group of Compa-
my district.
The people of my area are Secretariat Project: Senator
pulls a cart, sleeps on the foot- nies Malik Sher Khan Sudhri- my strength. I have never
path and lives in a tent should yal, Malik Waqas Sadhriyal, allowed ministers and posi-  Asim Tanveer
consider himself the Gover- Tehsil President PPP Fateh tions to come between me and
nor of Punjab, I am indebted Jang Sardar Zaheer Khan, the people.”, remained among MULTAN: Leader of Pakistan People’s Party and Senator Rana Mahmood
to each and every member of PA to Malik State Sudhriyal my people on the streets, ul Hasan has said that they will strongly resist the attempt to roll back
my district, to Allah and His and ex- councilor Anas Aziz, neighborhoods and footpaths the South Punjab Secretariat project and recall the secretaries’ staff and
Messenger. Chairman Attock Press Regis- and still my doors will remain will not accept this decision under any circumstances. He expressed these
After all, my people have tered Sheikh Faisal Javed, open as always for everyone, thoughtsPeople’s Party Human Rights Wing South Punjab President and
full right over me, wheth- Senior journalist Tariq Qadri, he said that since 1993 till Founder Asif Zardari Exchanged in a meeting with the Release Commit-
er they belong to any politi- Malik Arshad Apart from, now, I have been connect- tee Pakistan Salim-ur-Rehman Mayo. Considering whether there was
cal party, these thoughts were a large number of workers ed with them and Pakistan a mutual discussion on the South Punjab Secretariat project, national
expressed by the newly elect- were present, on the occasion People’s Party heart and soul. political situation, government initiatives and Rana Mahmoodul Hasan.
ed Governor of Punjab, Sardar of the reception of Governor I am also grateful to the friends While talking, said that NAIn the by-election of 148, Ali Qasim Gilani
Saleem Haider Khan, a former Punjab Sardar Saleem Haider who have maintained their won with a huge majority. He said that before the by-election, the prepa-
candidate on his arrival in his Khan, the leaves of many fruits commitment without fear and ration of the local body elections and the convention of the candidates
native NA-50 constituen- sion of historical and late ous places under the leader- were plucked and the Jiyalan did not think that the People’s participating in the local body elections will be held.
cy. Addressing on the occa- exemplary reception at vari- ship of Punjab Assembly PP danced to the beat of the drum. Party is suffering in Punjab.
Monday, May 13, 2024 The Spokesman
15° – 23° Clear
AU holds International Conference on
Namaz Timings
Fajr .........................................3:33 am
recent trends in Statistics & Data Analysis
 PPA lighted the pivotal role of statis- to converge, facilitating enrich-
Zohr .....................................12:04 pm
Asr ..........................................4:57 pm tics in the decision-making ing discussions and collabora-
Maghrib ............................... 7:00 pm ISLAMABAD: The 1st Interna- process. Their presence added an tions. The theme of the confer-
Isha ....................................... 8:36 pm tional Conference on “Recent aura of prestige and honor to the ence, aimed at fostering a condu-
EMERGENCY Trends in Statistics and Data event, setting the tone for a gath- cive environment for collective
Rescue (Police) ............................. 15 Analysis with Applications in ering characterized by intellec- learning, resonated throughout
Bomb Disposal .............................. 15 Natural Sciences”, organized by tual exchange and camaraderie. the various sessions and pres-
Fire Services Rawalpindi/ Air University (AU) Islamabad Vice Chancellor Air University, entations.
Islamabad ...........................1122 & 16
with resounding success. The Air Marshal Abdul Moeed Khan More than 100 papers were
Emergency Ambulance ......... 1122 &
& Rescue Services .............. 4451122 conference held both online and HI(M), Registrar Air University, presented, showcasing cutting-
Motorway Police ..............9266044 physically, brought together over Air Cdre (Retd) Abdul Wahab edge research and innovative
Motorway Police .........9270601-20 200 participants from across Motla, Dean Faculty of Basic applications of statistical meth-
the globe, fostering a vibrant & Applied Sciences, Dr. Rashid ods across diverse domains of
Women Police exchange of ideas and knowl- Mehmood, Dr. Asghari Maqsood, natural sciences. The conference
Stations edge in the field of statistics and Fellow of the Pakistan Acade- was concluded on a high note.
Islamabad ......................... 9222596 data analysis. my of Sciences, and Conference During the ceremony, shields
Rawalpindi .................. 9270601-20 Chief Guest, Minister for Chair, Dr. Ammara Nawaz Chee- were presented to the sponsors
ENQUIRY IT, Ms. Shaza Fatima Khawa- ma, along with other esteemed in recognition of their invalu-
Edhi Ambulance ...........................115 ja, graced the occasion with dignitaries, warmly welcomed able support, while certificates
PIA Flight Info .............................. 114 her presence, emphasizing to guests of the 1st Internation- were awarded to all participants,
PIA Cargo............................ 9280979 the importance of data-driven al Conference on Recent Trends acknowledging their contribu-
Railway Inquiry .............................117
approaches in shaping the future in Statistics and Data Analysis tions to the success of the confer-
Railway Exchange .........9270831-5
WASA Rawalpindi ............5555489 of science and technology. Dr. with Applications in Natural ence. Additionally, the conference
CAA ...................................... 9281092 Naeem Uz Zafar, Chief Statisti- Sciences. Conference Chair, Dr. recognized outstanding contri-
cian of the Bureau of Statistics Ammara Nawaz Cheema said butions through the presentation research and scholarship. tics and Data Analysis with ing collaboration, innovation,
HOSPITALS Pakistan, honored the event as the conference provided a plat- of Best Paper Awards, encour- The 1st International Confer- Applications in Natural Scienc- and knowledge dissemination
CMH ..........................................5611111
MH ............................................561116
the Guest of Honor and high- form for scholars and learners aging continued excellence in ence on Recent Trends in Statis- es served as a catalyst for foster- in the field.
MH ............................................561116
Cantt Hospital................9270907-11

DHQ ...................................5556311-4
RGH ..................................9290301-7
Holy Family......................9290322-7
PIMS ................................9261170-79
FCEPL Promotes Sustainable
Polyclinic ..................... 9218300-09
Shifa International ..........4603666
LAHORE: Rai Riaz Hussain presiding the Annual General body meeting of the Executive Commit-
tee of Jhang Chiniot Officers Association, at Jhang Chiniot House Lahore.
Dairy Practices at Lahore
DEPARTMENTS Agri-Connections Expo
CDA ................................ 9221334-43
CDA .............................. 9208301-04
Met Office .................... 9250360-6
RDA ..................................... 5555864 LAHORE: Friesland Campina Engro Pakistan Limited (FCEPL), a
TMA .................................... 5770886 global dairy leader, recently participated in the two-day Agri-Con-
Cantonment Board ....... 9270151-3 nections Expo in Lahore. At the event, the Company showcased its
Islamabad Metropolitan commitment to sustainable dairy practices and the enhancement of
Corporation ....................... 9209224
Potohar Town.................... 9209224
farmer livelihoods.
Rawal Town ....................... 5773343 The FCEPL team also shared global dairy best practices and
discussed ways to support and empower farmers.
COMPLAINTS Dedicated to its purpose of ‘Nourishing Pakistan,’ The company is
Water Tanker Service
committed to improving the lives of farmers, empowering rural women
E-7, F-10 & F-11 .................. 9204654
G-5, G-6, G-7, G-8, .............9203883 in the dairy value chain, producing in balance with nature, and nour-
G-9, G-10, G-11, G-12, H-8 ..9266316 ishing millions of Pakistani’s every day life by providing safe, healthy,
Wapda Islamabad........9217579-80 and accessible nutrition.
Sui Gas Complaint ...... 119, 9272249
Wasa Water Tank
Rawalpindi.................0331-5022125 Teachers Panel sweeps ASA
election at IIUI
AIOU to close  CITY DESK
ISLAMABAD, MAY 12 (APP): The Teachers Panel has won the
on May 15
 PNP Palestinian leader urges muslim Academic Staff Association (ASA) annual election at International
Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) with a lead of 88 votes by secur-
ing 241 votes as against 153 votes by the opponent The Academi-
cians panel. According to the results, Professor Dr. Tariq Javed from
ma Iqbal Open Universi-
ty Semester Spring 2024
unity against Israeli aggression the Faculty of Science was elected as the President of the Association
while the slot of Secretary General went to Dr. Faizur Raheem from
the International Institute of Islamic Economics, said a press release.
admissions (phase 2) ends  PNP Dr. Abid Masood from the Faculty of Languages and Literature and
in two days. Students can Dr. Ambreen Abbasi from the Faculty of Shariah and Law are elect-
take admission in Associ- ISLAMABAD: Sheikh Memon ed to the slot of Vice President from the Male and Female Campus
ate Degree (BA/BCom), Asad Tamimi, Imam of Al-Aqsa respectively. The other body members include Dr. Muhammad Imran
BBA, BS (ODL) programs, Mosque and Member of Pales- as Joint Secretary (Male), Kiran Kiani as Joint Secretary (Female),
teachers training programs tinian Parliament, addressed Dr. Ahmad Hammad as Secretary Finance, Ihsan Malik as Secretary
(1.5, 2.5 and 4 Years B. an All-Parties Conference on Information (Male), and Dr. Sumera Saghir Ahmad as Secretary Infor-
Ed.), postgraduate diploma Palestine organized by Jami- mation (Female). While expressing his views about the election, the
programs, and certificate at Ahle Hadith Pakistan at the newly elected President of the Association Professor Dr. Tariq Javed
courses till May 15. Admis- National Press Club Islam- thanked the IIUI academic community for their overwhelming support
sion forms and prospectus- abad. The conference was of his panel. He assured them of his full dedication to resolving all the
es for these programs are attended by prominent lead- outstanding issues of his constituency. He also thanked the members
available on the university ers, including Allama Hisham of his cabinet from the last year who stood beside him, specifically those
website. Elahi Zaheer, Chairman Alla- who have been relieved of their office this term. They include Profes-
Vice Chancellor, AIOU, ma Tariq Mehmood Yazdani, sor Dr. Naveeda Riaz, Dr. Habib ur Rehman, Dr. Asad Ghufran and
Prof. Dr. Nasir Mahmood, and Khushnood Ali Khan. Dr. Asma Rashid. He further added that in 2023, the same panels
hopes that those who want Sheikh Tamimi empha- contested the election which was won by Teachers Panel with a lead
to pursue their education sized the need for Muslim of 59 votes. The lead this year has been 88 votes which indicates the
will avail the opportunity to unity against Israeli aggres- India and urged the rulers of They criticized the inaction of strate their strength in support trust of the IIUI community in the leadership of the Teachers Panel
register themselves by the sion, stating that Palestine is Muslim countries to take a Muslim rulers and the fail- of the Palestinian cause. The and they wanted the continuation of last year’s policies. The new cabi-
given deadline. Students the land of the Prophets of stand against these powers. ure of the United Nations to leaders emphasized that the net will work hard to fulfill the promises made to the community and
can either visit the nearest Islam and its protection is a Other leaders at the confer- implement resolutions in favor scholars and religious parties protect the the International and Islamic identity of the university.
regional office or call the collective responsibility of the ence echoed Sheikh Tamimi’s of Palestine. have a crucial role to play in
university’s helpline 051-111 Islamic nation. He condemned sentiments, calling for the The conference concluded keeping the issue of Palestine
112 468 for any informa- the destruction caused by the protection of Al-Aqsa Mosque with a call to action, urging alive and advocating for the International Nurses Day
tion. alliance of Israel, Britain, and and the liberation of Palestine. Muslims to unite and demon- rights of the Palestinian people.
shines spotlight on Healthcare
Climate warriors: Mobilizing Pakistan’s
youth to confront environmental challenges
 Qurat ul Ain Change and Environmental Coordi- growing climate vulnerabilities being Furthermore, the government is
nation, the government recognizes the faced by the country. Adnan Riaz, a actively seeking partnerships with

akistan is grappling with importance of nurturing youth lead- young social activist, echoes Malik’s international donors and investors
the daunting reality of ership in climate action. Saleem high- sentiments, emphasizing the power of to accelerate its transition to renewa-
climate change, a chal- lights the National Adaptation Plan as youth-led environmental campaigns. ble energy. With ambitious targets set
lenge that echoes across a crucial framework for guiding future He points to the role of social media in for 2030, including 60% clean ener-
its diverse landscapes. initiatives. However, he acknowledges mobilizing young people and ampli- gy production and 30% electric vehi-
Yet, amidst this adversity its vibrant that more concrete steps are needed to fying their voices on climate issues. cles, Pakistan is positioning itself as
youth offers a dynamic solution to take translate policies into tangible actions Riaz believes that Pakistani youth a leader in sustainable development.  City Desk
center stage in the battle against envi- on the ground. have the potential to drive signifi- Climate warriors: Mobilizing Paki-
ronmental degradation. Pakistan’s vulnerability to climate cant change through initiatives like stan’s youth to confront environmen- ISLAMABAD: International Nurses Day was observed worldwide on
With nearly 68% of the popula- change underscores the urgen- sustainable ecotourism and green tal challenges Sunday (Today) to acknowledge their invaluable contribution to health
tion under 30, Pakistan possesses a cy of global solidarity and coopera- entrepreneurship. Sadia Mazhar, Despite these efforts, challenges care and health security. This global celebration occurs annually on
force capable of driving transforma- tion. Climate warriors: Mobilizing another young social activist, high- remain. Limited resources, bureau- May 12, coinciding with the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale.
tive change. It’s time to harness their Pakistan’s youth to confront envi- lights the plethora of opportunities cratic hurdles, and a lack of coordi- This year’s theme, “Our Nurses, Our Future: the economic power
energy and empower them to lead in ronmental challenges The interna- available for youth engagement in nation often hinder youth-led initi- of care,” underscores the significant contributions of nurses. Accord-
confronting climate issues facing the tional community must prioritize environmental action. She mentions atives. However, experts believe that ing to the World Health Organization and the International Council
nation. From grassroots movements climate finance, technology trans- initiatives like urban forests, organ- by fostering an enabling environment of Nurses, this year’s focus aims to reshape perceptions of nursing for
to policy advocacy, Pakistani youth fer, and capacity-building initiatives ic farming, and climate advocacy and providing support for youth-led the substantial economic and societal benefits. International Nurses
are making their voices heard. They to support sustainable development campaigns as examples of positive innovation, Pakistan can overcome Day serves as a poignant reminder of the vital role nurses play as the
are organizing tree plantation drives, efforts in countries like Pakistan, disruptions that transcend age and these obstacles and emerge as a global backbone of the healthcare system. With their unwavering dedica-
conducting awareness campaigns, and Muhammad Saleem emphasized. socioeconomic barriers. The govern- leader in climate action. In a nutshell, tion, nurses provide round-the-clock care, administer medication,
pushing for eco-friendly policies at Ali Jabir Malik, a climate research- ment, too, is taking steps to harness Pakistan’s youth are not just the lead- and advocate for patients’ well-being.
both local and national levels. er, speaker and journalist, empha- the energy and enthusiasm of its ers of tomorrow; they are the leaders Beyond their essential duties, nurses also serve as educators, empow-
Their efforts are not going unno- sizes the urgent need for proactive youth. of today. ering patients to understand their conditions and treatment options.
ticed. Climate warriors: Mobilizing youth-centric policies. He fears that Initiatives like the PM’s Talent With their energy, creativity, and They facilitate communication and coordination among patients and
Pakistan’s youth to confront environ- without such policies, Pakistan’s Hunt Programme is aimed at identify- passion for change, they have the other healthcare professionals. Despite their vital role, nurses often
mental challenges Experts believe that youth bulge could become both an ing and nurturing young talent across power to drive meaningful progress face challenges such as heavy workloads and understaffing, leading
engaging youth in climate action is asset and a risk in the fight against the country. Under this programme, in the fight against climate change. to burnout and increased stress levels.
not just essential for Pakistan’s future climate change. talented individuals will have the By harnessing this youth power and Moreover, they bear the emotional burden of witnessing patient
but also imperative for addressing the Malik stresses the importance of opportunity to participate in nation- providing them with the necessary suffering and providing end-of-life care. International Nurses Day
global climate crisis. According to involving young people in policy-mak- al events like the upcoming National support and resources, Pakistan can provides an opportunity to express gratitude to nurses for their tire-
Muhammad Saleem, a Media Spokes- ing, community mobilization, and Games, fostering a sense of pride and build a more sustainable and resilient less commitment and unwavering compassion.
person at the Ministry of Climate innovative solutions to address the achievement among the youth. future for generations to come
4 The Spokesman
Monday, May 13, 2024

Group Chairman/Chief Editor: Almas Ayoub Sabir

Vice Chairman:
Managing Editor:
Asim Nazir Ahmad
Naveed Ahmad Khan
Head Editorial Advisory Board: Amjad Mehmood
Educational Exchange Programs:
Bureau Chief Karachi:

Bureau Chief Lahore:

Saleem Zaman Khan.
Syed Afraz Ali Nazish
Bridging Nations, Building Futures
Islamabad Office: Rose Plaza, I-8 Markaz. gain access to world-class education, tion and cooperation between nations. stan, thus promoting equity and social
Shehwar Fatima cutting-edge research facilities, and Alumni often go on to become lead- mobility.
Karachi office: Flat No.C.3.A.One Comfort, Block No 11.
diverse perspectives that enrich their ers in their respective fields, leverag- Moreover, educational exchange
Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Main Rashid Minhas Road.

n an increasingly interconnected learning experience. Moreover, they ing their cross-cultural understanding programs play a crucial role in address-
Lahore Office: 7-E,Samanberg, Johar Town. world, the importance of foster- serve as cultural ambassadors, repre- and networks to address common chal- ing global challenges such as extremism
Email: spokesmanislamabad@gmail.com ing international understanding senting Pakistan on the global stage lenges and promote peace and prosper- and intolerance. By promoting dialogue,
Whatsapp: 0346-5008408 and cooperation cannot be over- and challenging stereotypes through ity. Indeed, many of the world’s most mutual understanding, and respect for
stated. One of the most effective their achievements and contributions. pressing issues, from climate change to diversity, these programs empower
ways to achieve this is through educa- These exchanges not only enhance their global health pandemics, require collec- participants to become advocates for
tional exchange programs which stand academic and professional skills but also tive action and collaboration across peace and tolerance in their communi-

ICUBE-Q satellite result as beacons of hope, fostering genuine

connections and understanding between
nations. Particularly in the case of Paki-
instill in them a broader worldview and
a sense of global citizenship.
Moreover, educational exchange
borders, making initiatives like educa-
tional exchange programs more rele-
vant than ever.
ties. Through collaborative projects and
initiatives, they work together to tack-
le issues of common concern, bridging
of first Pak-China lunar stan, where perceptions can be skewed
by stereotypes and geopolitical tensions,
programs contribute to the formation of
global citizens equipped with cross-cul-
By investing in education and human
capital development, countries like Paki-
divides and promoting a sense of shared
humanity. These programs have a multi-
probe cooperation these programs play a crucial role in tural competencies. In an era character- stan can unlock their full potential and plier effect, benefiting not only partici-

breaking down barriers and building ized by rapid globalization, the ability to drive sustainable development. Educa- pants but also their home countries and
he ICUBE-Q satellite is the result of the first lunar ex- bridges. Through scholarships, student navigate cultural differences and work tional exchange programs contribute host institutions.
ploration cooperation project between China and Pakistan exchanges, and academic collaborations, collaboratively across borders is increas- to capacity-building efforts by equip- In conclusion, educational exchange
which was guided by the principles of equality, mutual educational exchange programs offer ingly valued. By exposing students to ping students and scholars with the programs have the power to transform
benefits, the peaceful utilization of space and inclusive a powerful platform for strengthening new perspectives and ways of thinking, knowledge, skills, and networks need- lives and strengthen relationships. In the
development. “The project will also enhance the friendship be- people-to-people ties and nurturing a these programs foster adaptability, toler- ed to address local and global challeng- case of Pakistan, these programs offer
tween the two countries and expand diverse cooperation in the field more harmonious global community. ance, and intercultural communication es. Whether it’s in the fields of science, a pathway to greater understanding,
of aerospace,” said Ge Ping, Deputy Director of China National Pakistan, with its rich cultural herit- skills. Such attributes are invaluable in a technology, engineering, and mathe- cooperation, and prosperity, both for
Space Agency (CNSA)’s Lunar Exploration and Space Engineering age and diverse society, has much to offer world where diversity is celebrated as a matics (STEM), arts and humanities, or its people and the global community at
Center. the world. Yet, its potential is often over- source of strength rather than division. social sciences, these programs empower large. In an increasingly interconnected
The collaboration was initially offered by China, expecting a shadowed by negative narratives perpet- The benefits of educational exchange individuals to become agents of change world, educational exchange programs
student-built payload to the moon onboard the Chang’e-6 mission. uated in media and politics. Educational programs extend beyond individu- and innovation in their communities. are more important than ever as vehi-
A proposal by Pakistan’s IST went through the selection and start- exchange programs provide an oppor- al participants to encompass broader However, to realize the full poten- cles for promoting peace, understanding,
ed working in a collaborative effort with IST faculty and students, tunity to showcase the true essence of a societal impacts. By forging connections tial of educational exchange programs, and cooperation. By investing in these
Pakistan’s national space agency SUPARCO and SJTU since country, allowing students and schol- between institutions and fostering inter- greater investment and support are programs and fostering cross-cultural
2023, CGTN reported. The Chang’e-6 spacecraft, which success- ars from other countries to experience national partnerships, these initiatives needed from governments, education- dialogue, we can build a more inclusive,
fully performed a near-moon braking procedure and entered the its warmth, hospitality, and intellectual facilitate the exchange of knowledge al institutions, and the private sector. resilient, and prosperous future for all.
vibrancy firsthand. By studying along- and expertise. Collaborative research This includes expanding scholarship It’s time to recognize the immense value
lunar orbit on May 8, is operating normally, with subsequent flight
side, participants gain a deeper under- projects, joint academic programs, and opportunities, streamlining visa process- of educational exchange programs and
control work to be carried out as planned, said Ge. “Both China
standing of its history, culture, and soci- faculty exchanges enrich the academic es, promoting academic partnerships, commit to expanding and strengthen-
and Pakistan attach great importance to this cooperation. During
etal dynamics, dispelling misconceptions landscape and promote innovation in and fostering a culture of inclusivity ing them for the benefit of current and
the development of the payload, government organs and scientific
and fostering mutual respect. various fields. and diversity on campuses. Moreover, future generations.
institutions in both countries made significant preparations,” Ge Conversely, Pakistani students and By nurturing a network of alumni efforts should be made to ensure that
added. “I believe that this cooperation is of great significance to scholars benefit immensely from expo- who share a common bond through exchange programs are accessible to Writer is student of Fatima Jinnah
promoting friendly relations between the two countries and en- sure to international academic envi- shared experiences, these programs lay students from diverse socio-economic Women University. She can be reached
riching people’s understanding of the moon,” Ge noted, adding ronments. By studying abroad, they the foundation for long-term collabora- backgrounds and regions within Paki- at Shehwar.f12@gmail.com
that “We will share our scientific achievements to lay the founda-
tion for future lunar exploration activities, which will be of great
significance to promoting the construction of a global community
with a shared future in outer space.” “China and Pakistan have
signed a cooperation agreement on the International Lunar Re-
search Station. China has received Pakistan’s applications for
payload cooperation on the Chang’e-8 mission and for borrowing
lunar samples returned by the Chang’e-5 mission. Relevant work
is progressing steadily, he noted. “We welcome Pakistan’s partic-
ipation in China’s lunar and deep space exploration missions, and
we will conduct extensive exchanges and cooperation related to
space technology, space science and space applications to contrib-
ute to the peaceful use of outer space and serve civilization and
global well-being,” Ge said. Pakistan Ambassador to China, Khal-
il Hashmi said, “The launch of the Chang’e-6 mission is a model
example of international cooperation in action. It demonstrated
that China acts on its word, and that it undertakes meaningful co-
operation and extends meaningful assistance to developing coun-
tries.” “Pakistan’s involvement in ICUBE-Q is a testament to the
fact that the country is also making progress in space exploration
and technology,” he said. “Space cooperation between China and
Pakistan is a vital aspect of our bilateral relations,” Khalil Hashmi
said. “The two countries have drawn a concrete roadmap for fu-
ture collaboration on space exploration, knowledge and research
exchange visits, and knowledge transfers and resource-sharing,”
he added. “This mission will open up opportunities for Pakistan to
explore the deep space environment and study the dynamics and
geography of the moon. It will also give impetus to higher edu-
cation in the space sciences in Pakistan,” said Syed Amer Ahsan
Gilani, deputy director-general of the Satellite Manufacturing De-
partment of the Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research
Commission. “Space cooperation between China and Pakistan is a
vital aspect of our bilateral relations,” Khalil-ur-Rahman Hashmi
said. “The two countries have drawn a concrete roadmap for fu-
ture collaboration on space exploration, knowledge and research
exchange visits, and knowledge transfers and resource-sharing,”
he added.
Cartoon by Amjad Rasmi. (Courtesy of Asharq Al-Awsat)

Failed Indian Attempts to conduct A few Processed Foods That

peaceful and open elections in IIOJK - I Can Be Good for the Body
ndia has failed to conduct fair and open ry, such as Hindu deities, slogans, and religious pluralistic fabric, subverting the principles of t is often a common perception that Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate with 70%
elections in Indian Illegally Occupied processions, to resonate with voters’ religious equality, secularism, and tolerance enshrined in processed food is not good for health cocoa or more is rich in antioxidants called
Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). The sentiments. Additionally, the construction or the Constitution. The exploitation of religion for but in reality this is not true. No doubt, flavonoids, which have various health bene-
stark realities and alleged atrocities renovation of Hindu temples and the obser- electoral gains not only undermines the demo- processed foods are heavily processed fits like improving heart health and mood.
committed by India and its army in vance of religious festivals are frequently utilized cratic process but also perpetuates social discord products with many added ingredi- Enjoy in moderation to satisfy sweet cravings.
Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kash- as political spectacles to demonstrate allegiance and marginalizes vulnerable communities. ents like additives, preservatives, and artificial Protein Bars: Some protein bars can be
mir are visible to the international community. to Hindutva ideology and Hindu voters. Under the leadership of Modi and the BJP, substances. While most of these foods aren’t healthy if they’re made from whole food ingre-
Under the leadership of Modi and the BJP, Communal polarization is another notable India epitomizes hypocrisy and deceit. While great for our health due to their additives, some dients like nuts, seeds, and natural sweeteners.
India appears to be rigorously adhering to aspect of Hindutva election tactics in India. publicly espousing support for minorities, they can offer benefits when eaten in moderation. Look for options with minimal added sugars
Hindutva ideology, characterized by its poli- By fanning communal tensions and exploit- violate the human rights of minorities with- Canned Beans: Despite and artificial additives.
tics steeped in hypocrisy and falsehoods. In ing religious fault lines, Hindutva forces aim in India. The situation in Indian Occupied being processed, canned beans Whole Grain Pasta: Made

India’s political landscape, the emergence of to polarize voters along religious lines, depict- Jammu and Kashmir mirrors the dual behav- are packed with protein, fiber, from whole wheat or other
Hindutva ideology has significantly influenced ing minorities as ‘others’ and fostering fear ior of Modi and his Hindutva ideology. In the and various vitamins and whole grains, whole grain
electoral dynamics, reshaping the contours of and distrust among communities. Commu- picturesque valleys and mountainous terrain minerals like folate, iron, and pasta is higher in fiber, vita-
political discourse and iden- nal violence and hate speech of IIOJK, a complex narrative of discontent potassium. They’re conven- mins, and minerals compared
tity. Hindutva, rooted in the often escalate during election brews beneath the surface. The region, scarred ient and can be used in soups, to refined pasta. It helps regu-

concept of Hindu nationalism, campaigns, with political lead- by decades of conflict and political turmoil, salads, and main dishes. Look late blood sugar, supports
advocates for the supremacy ers and affiliated groups incit- harbors a palpable sense of alienation among for options with no added salt digestion, and aids in weight
of Hindu culture and values, ing animosity towards religious a significant portion of its population towards to control your sodium intake Ch. Zulfiqar Ali Anjum management.
advocating for the establish- minorities for electoral gain. the Indian state. Understanding the roots of better. To me, Some possible bene-
ment of a Hindu Rashtra, The weaponization of social this discontent necessitates an exploration of Whole Grain Bread: Unlike refined bread, fits of processed foods.
or Hindu nation. Over time, media and digital platforms historical, political, and socio-cultural dynam- whole grain bread is rich in fiber, B vitamins, Convenience: Processed foods are often easy
the proliferation of Hindut- has become a crucial compo- ics that have shaped the region’s identity and iron, and magnesium. Choose bread with mini- to prepare and consume, which can be help-
va ideology has been accom- Abdul Basit Alvi nent of Hindutva election its strained relationship with India. Histori- mal additives and where whole grains are the ful for busy people. They can also be stored for
panied by a variety of election tactics in India. Online prop- cally, the seeds of discontent in IIOJK can be main ingredient for the most nutritional value. longer periods, reducing waste.
strategies employed by different political enti- aganda, fake news, and targeted disinforma- traced back to the circumstances surrounding Nut Butter: Pure nut butters without added Durability: Certain processed foods, like
ties, sparking vehement opposition across the tion campaigns are deployed to manipulate its accession to India in 1947. The contentious sugars or oils provide healthy fats, protein, canned fruits and vegetables, last longer
nation. public opinion, vilify political opponents, and accession, orchestrated by the region’s former fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals compared to fresh produce, making them easi-
At the core of Hindutva election tactics lies the amplify divisive narratives. The proliferation of ruler, Maharaja Hari Singh, amidst communal like vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium. er to purchase and store. This can be beneficial
utilization of religious identity and symbolism communal hatred and misinformation through violence and partition, has remained a topic of They’re a nutritious addition to meals and for those with limited access to fresh produce.
to mobilize electoral backing. Political parties social media poses a significant challenge to the dispute since its occurrence. Kashmiris perceive snacks, promoting heart health. Nutrition: Some processed foods are forti-
aligned with Hindutva ideology often utilize integrity of electoral processes and undermines it as a betrayal of their aspirations for self-de- Canned Fish: Varieties like salmon, tuna, fied with vitamins and minerals, making them
rhetoric focused on issues such as cow protec- democratic values. termination, particularly in light of the assur- and sardines in cans are high in protein and a part of a healthy diet. For example, some cere-
tion, temple construction, and religious conver- Furthermore, Hindutva election tactics often ances made by Indian leaders regarding a pleb- omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for heart als are fortified with iron, while some milk is
sions to energize Hindu voters. By capitalizing intersect with broader socio-economic issues, iscite to determine the region’s future. Political health, cognitive function, and reducing fortified with calcium.
on sentiments of religious pride and insecurity, such as caste politics and identity-based mobili- grievances also play a significant role in shap- inflammation. Pick fish packed in water or Taste: Many people enjoy the taste of
these parties aim to solidify a Hindu vote bank, zation. The promotion of a Hindu majoritarian ing anti-India sentiment in Indian Illegally olive oil to avoid extra additives and unhealthy processed foods, as they often contain added
positioning themselves as guardians of Hindu agenda is often accompanied by appeals to caste Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The assertive fats. flavours like salt, sugar, and other seasonings
interests against perceived threats. A hallmark hierarchies and traditional social structures, approach of successive Indian administrations Oatmeal Packets: Oatmeal is a great source that make them delicious.
tactic of Hindutva in elections is the politiciza- further complicating the electoral landscape in addressing dissent and unrest in the area has of fiber and energy. Choose plain or low-sugar
tion of religious symbols and rituals. Campaigns and exacerbating social divisions. Hindutva fueled resentment among the local populace. options and add fruits, nuts, or seeds for extra Writer is Member National Development
often showcase overt displays of religious image- election tactics undermine India’s secular and To be continued nutrients and flavors. Export Board for Agro and Processed Foods.

Disclaimer: All reports and recommendations have been prepared for your information only. Summary and Analysis are not recommendations to buy or sell. This information should only be used by investors who are aware of the risk inherent in securities trading. The facts, information,
data, indicators and charts presented have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but their accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. Daily The Spokesman and its employees are not responsible for any loss arising from use of these reports and recommendations.
Monday, May 13, 2024 The Spokesman
Turkestan: a center of international tourism
and pilgrimage
 Naveed Ahmad Khan

urkestan is the
cultural and histor-
ical city of Kazakh-
stan, a center of
international tour-
ism and pilgrimage. The ancient
city of South Kazakhstan was
named the spiritual capital of
the Turkic world at an informal
summit of the Cooperation Coun-
cil of Turkic-Speaking States. In
February 2021, it was official-
ly admitted to the list of World
Heritage cities of Eurasia.
It is believed that the first settle-
ments on the territory of Turke-
stan date back to the sixth centu-
ry AD.
“In 2020, we launched the
Stratigraphy of the Turkestan
Settlement project and exam-
ined the archaeological complex-
es of the ancient city. During the
excavations, it was found that the capital and main city of the
the initial appearance of a settle- Kazakh Khanate (a Nomadic
ment in the area took place in the state) until the 19th century.
16th-14th centuries. The Bronze “In addition to the mausoleum,
Age complex found in the Sherbai where Khoja Ahmed Yasawi was
necropolis located on the southern buried, 21 Kazakh khans (rulers),
outskirts of the city determined eight sultans, 23 biys (judges), 63
the age of Turkestan to be 3,000 batyrs (heroes), five holy moth-
years ”. ers, 30 saints from the Timurid,
In the south of Kazakhstan, in Shaybani and Kazakh Khanate
a valley between the Syr Darya dynasties are buried in the city,”.
River and the Karatau moun- The next significant period of
tains, there were once two ancient history is related to the entry of
settlements – Shavgar and Yasy, these lands into the Union of Sovi-
which were administrative and et Socialist Republics (USSR),
economic centers of Turkestan in when industry began to devel-
different historical periods. First, op in the city. In 2018, Kazakh-
the main city of the region was stan’s First President Nursultan
Shavgar, then Yasy (as Turkestan Nazarbayev signed a decree on the
was called until the 16th century). formation of the Turkestan region.
Since the Great Silk Road Turkestan is now developing as a
passed through these lands and tourist hub and financial center.
Yasy was the place of preaching The Hazret Sultan inter-
activity of the great thinker, poet, national airport, the Western
and Sufi Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, China-Western Europe interna-
over time the city became a center tional highway were built and are
of art, science, and world trade. operating, new theaters, muse-
When its fame spread through- ums, ultra-modern stadiums, launch a high-speed train Turke- also for tourists from all over the
out the Muslim world, Yasy was and media centers were built. stan-Shymkent-Tashkent. world. There are more than 800
named “the second Mecca.” The Orenburg-Tashkent railway The largest University in the monuments of archeology, histo-
In the 16th century, Turkestan passes through Turkestan, and Central Asian region named ry, and architecture in the Turk-
was mentioned in many writ- now, together with Uzbekistan, after Khoja Ahmed Yasawi is also estan region.
ten sources and it was named as a project is being worked out to located here as well as the recent- It is projected that the number
ly opened University of Tourism, of tourists will increase to one
Hospitality and Sports. million people by 2030.
More than 30 million trees The government plans to make
including fruit trees have already Turkestan the main spiritual
been planted around the city, and center of the country. A city with
new squares and parks with foun- a long history has a plethora of
tains were opened in the city. sacred sites and tens of thou-
A free economic zone in Turk- sands of tourists come annually
estan has been created to boost to perform the small hajj (Islamic
economic development. A special pilgrimage).
legal regime with tax exemptions Ms Zhanar Amangeldiyev-
and customs exemptions has also na PhD, Rector, Ahmet Yassawi
been introduced. Turkestan and University, said that the region
the region are now included in the is promising, primarily from the
ease of doing business ranking in point of view of the economy of
the country. cultural heritage. al center will not only allow the ries, where there are many archae- ards of living in the region and will
Turkestan is the largest “This rich cultural heritage authorities to raise money to ological monuments of antiquity provide both direct and indirect
spiritual center of pilgrimage and can increase economic profita- maintain ancient monuments, and the late Middle Ages. This will employment of the population,”
tourism not only for Kazakhs, but bility. A tourist hub and cultur- but also develop nearby territo- raise the socio-economic stand- said Zhanar.

Dr. Fai urges Pakistan to keep up pressure on India over Kashmir

 PPA the global stage to address India’s Altaf Ahmed Bhat; former feder- silence of major powers and the and autonomy, devoid of external for a Kashmir-centric approach in es of global silence on the Kash-
grave actions. He emphasized the al secretary Khawaja Siddique; United Nations on the atrocities influence or interference. Pakistan’s foreign policy. mir issue, Bhat urged for a swift
ISLAMABAD: Renowned imperative of informing the world Chairman World Kashmir Free- in Indian Occupied Kashmir. Raja Faheem Kayani, Pres- Bhat further highlighted the and peaceful resolution to avert
ambassador of the Kashmir about the inhumane actions of dom Movement Muzamil Ayub Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai reiterat- ident of Tehreek Kashmir UK, current incarceration of all Hurri- broader instability.
Freedom Movement and Secre- Indian authorities. Thakur from UK; Sardar Zulfiqar ed his call for the international expressed unwavering solidar- yat leadership, emphasizing the Dr. Mushtaq, Ameer of
tary General of the World Kash- These sentiments were from America; Inam Masoudi; community to intervene against ity with Occupied Kashmir, urgent responsibility of both the Jamaat-e-Islami Azad Kash-
mir Awareness Forum in Wash- expressed by Dr. Ghulam Nabi Dr Waleed Rasool, Mudassar the illegal and immoral actions of underscoring the imperative of Base Camp and the diaspora to mir, pledges to bolster the Kash-
ington, Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Fai during a dinner event host- Lone; Yasir Butt; Ishtiaq Qureshi; the Indian government in Occu- safeguarding their fundamen- advance the mission of Kashmi- mir freedom movement through
emphasized the enduring support ed by Shafiq Butt, Business lead- Attaur Rehman Chauhan; Faisal pied Kashmir. He condemned tal rights to self-determination ri freedom until its fruition. He political and diplomatic chan-
of the Pakistani people for Kash- er from Rawalpindi, Islamabad. Jameel, and other distinguished India’s policy of targeted killings, and autonomy, free from external emphasized the shared identity nels, ensuring the realization of
miris, asserting that such backing Among the attendees were guests. which contravenes international meddling or coercion. between the people of the state of martyrs’ aspirations for Kashmir’s
prevents the Kashmir issue from President of Tehreek-e-Kashmir Dr. Ghulam Nabi fai empha- human rights law and the Gene- Altaf Ahmed Bhat, Senior Jammu and Kashmir and Paki- liberation from Indian occupa-
being sidelined. He highlighted Europe; Mohammad Ghalib, sized the vigorous representation va Convention. Leader of the All Parties Hurri- stan, stressing the need for collab- tion.
that the issue persists through the President of Tehreek-e-Kashmir of Kashmiri interests in interna- Muhammad Ghalib, Presi- yat Conference (APHC) and orative efforts towards Kashmir’s Shafiq Ahmed Butt, the event’s
sacrifices made by individuals. UK; Raja Faheem Kayani, Ameer tional forums and drew parallels dent of Tehreek Kashmir Europe, Chairman of the Jammu Kash- liberation. Quoting Quaid-e- host, announced plans for a
Dr. Fai underscored Pakistan’s of Jamaat-e-Islami Azad Kash- with instances of human rights said that we stand united with mir Salvation Movement, under- Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, forthcoming major event on the
pivotal role as the center of hope mir; Dr. Mushtaq, Senior Leader violations in other regions, urging the people of Occupied Kash- scored the gravity of the Kashmir he reiterated that Kashmir is the Jammu and Kashmir dispute,
for Kashmiris, stressing the neces- APHC and Chairman of Jammu external intervention where mir, advocating for their inher- dispute, labeling it a potential jugular vein of Pakistan. Warning inviting key stakeholders to
sity for robust lobbying efforts on Kashmir Salvation Movement; necessary. He lamented the ent rights of self-determination nuclear flashpoint. He advocated against the perilous consequenc- participate.

TED University offers huge scholarships on quality education to

Pakistani students
 PPA Development Communications houses many facilities to support engineering, and software engi- the faculty to student Ratio is ly while the TED International Director Munir Ahmed traced
Network (Devcom-Pakistan) students’ education, health and neering. 24:1 that provides sufficient indi- Office is available 24/7 to resolve the common cultural values
ISLAMABAD: The Anka- on Sunday. The guest speak- recreation free of cost. The He told the audience the grad- vidual guidance to the students. the internal students’ problems. between the both nations, and
ra-based TED University offi- ers included the Devcom-Paki- undergraduate courses offered uate programmes include applied The students also have the chance All the health, sports and recrea- said the relations between Turkey
cials offered huge scholarships stan Executive Director Munir in the five faculties are archi- data science, architecture and to benefit from the joint project, tion facilities are available in the and Pakistan are deep-rooted in
on quality education in 23 Ahmed, TED University Chief tecture, city and regional plan- urban studies, civil engineering, academic study and scientif- university besides very discount- history. In the merging geopolit-
undergraduate and 17 gradu- of International Programs Office ning, industrial design, interior computer engineering, develop- ic research with their facul- ed or free meals. Students at Ted ical landscape, both nations need
ate programmes to the Paki- Can Öney, TED University Head architecture and environmental mental focused clinical child and ty members. The directorate of university have ample opportuni- to interact closely and widely and
stani students enrolling for the of International Programs Office design, visual communication adolescent psychology, econom- research, technology, and inno- ties to show and groom their lead- harness the potential of collabo-
Fall-2024 semester. Speaking at Levent Ocal, TED University design, psychology, sociology, ics, economics and finance, vation provides support to the ership skills. The outdoor educa- rations in all fields and improve
the Devcom-Pakistan webinar Head of International Student mathematics, English language mechanical engineering, mecha- students. So far, the students tional and recreational trips are a trade and cultural ties. The
on Sunday, the TED University Community Haares Munir, a and literature, business admin- tronics engineering, engineering have taken part in 84 research very important part of the student students exchange programme
international programmes offi- senior student at TED Universi- istration, economics, political management, English language projects, 44 nationally fund- life at the university. The Turkish will enhance the understanding
cials said the new enrolments will ty Areej Fatima, and the found- science and international rela- education, industrial engineering, ed projects, 23 international- nation in general is very friendly between both the nations.
be offered scholarships from 25 er Tri-star Education Danish tions, early childhood education, interactive computing and infor- ly funded projects, and curated towards the Pakistani students TED University Head of Inter-
to 100 percent based on their Ahmed. primary education, guidance and mation systems, management in 100 industry projects. once you are able to communi- national Programs Office Levent
academics and other credentials Can Öney said that TED is one psychological counseling, English educational institutions, migra- TED University Head of Inter- cate with them. Knowing Turkish Ocal paid gratitude to the Paki-
while the Pakistani students are of the top universities in Anka- language education, mathematics tion studies, and psychological national Student Community language or at least the basic level stani mothers especially who
exempted from any GRE and ra with highly educated profes- education, computer engineering, counseling and guidance. Haares Munir said: We feel at will help you a lot to communi- send their children to Turkey for
English language tests. sional faculty members that are electrical and electronics engi- Mr. Öney said that about 5000 home while studying at the TED cate with the locals and to resolve education. He said Turkey always
The TED University official available to the students in the neering, industrial engineering, students are studying at the TED University. All faculty members your day-to-day issues. welcomes Pakistanis warmly and
webinar was organized by the time of their need. The university civil engineering, mechanical university at the moment while are very competent and friend- Devcom-Pakistan Executive has the feel of brotherhood.
6 The Spokesman
Monday, May 13, 2024

Malik Khuda
Oil price deregulation will lead to a
Punjab Governor
on taking oath foreign monopoly on lifeline energy
 PPA and they will have no other option but to shut the local oil market is highly unstable. He explained that western countries have
down, he added. Shah said that the central bank should adopted free market fuel pricing after guaran-
The Pakistan Petroleum Dealers Association He underlined that wiping out any chance analyze how deregulation affects inflation and teeing a smooth supply curve. They can handle
(PPDA) said on Sunday that oil price liberali- of competition and leaving the country at the currency value, and the prime minister, finance supply chain disruptions because they have
sation will lead to the full monopoly of a foreign mercy of a single entity is not in the nation- minister, and interior minister should look into months of fuel in reserve.
company on lifeline energy resources. al interest. the matter. However, Pakistan cannot keep reserves for
It is not in the national interest to frame poli- Hassan Shah said that because of wrong deci- Moreover, since oil is vital to national security, 15 days. Shortages and dryouts occur almost
cies that will lead to full control of an influential sions, consumers will ultimately end up paying the Ministry of Defence must assess the strate- monthly, especially in smaller cities. Under these
 PPA foreign oil corporation over Pakistan’s fragile oil higher prices, instead of enjoying any perks of gic impact of such moves. situations, only strict regulation prevents refin-
market, it added. the free market. He stated that we should not allow situations eries, OMCs, and outlets from raising fuel prices.
KARACHI: Khuda Bakhsh,, Convener Talking to the petroleum dealers, Hassan On the macroeconomic end, the move would like those in Sri Lanka to appease influential A free hand to exploit defenceless consumers
of the Standing Committee on Energy of Shah, a member of the PPDA executive commit- cause unheard-of inflation and exchange rate business groups at the expense of the masses would destabilise the market, affecting the price
the Federation of Chambers of Commerce tee, said that in the event of deregulation, Saudi erosion, causing irreversible damage to the and the country. of virtually everything. The fuel demand curve
and Industry (FPCCI), & Senior Leader Aramco will gradually have a full monopoly on faltering economy as well. According to Hassan Shah, the deregulation is almost perfectly inelastic in nature.
of Petroleum and CNG Industry, congrat- the oil market in Pakistan. Hassan Shah stated that no one should have would result in a constant rise in oil prices under He demanded that the government must
ulated the well-known politician Sardar Pakistani oil refineries do not have the finan- unrestricted power to control fuel prices, which a variety of pretexts, which would be detrimen- reject the idea of deregulating oil prices because
Salim Hadier on taking oath as the Gover- cial strength to compete with Saudi Aramco, would lead to an economic catastrophe because tal to both the public and businesses. it would destroy the country.
nor of Punjab.
In his message, Malik Khuda Baksh,
who also hails from village Khunda
(Attack) conveyed trust of the people of
area that the appointment of Sardar Salim
King of Fruit ICCI-Islamabad
Hadier as the Governor of Punjab will ISLAMABAD: A fruit seller arranges mangoes at his stall outside Food and Vegetable Market of Sec-
not only improve the law and order situa-
tion in the province of Punjab, but expect-
ed that with the appointment of Sardar
tor I-11 in the Federal Capital. Police organize walk
Saleem as Governor of the Punjab, there
will be great likelihood from businessmen,
‘Say no to drugs’
industrialists and investors for accelera-
tion commercial and industrial activities
in the province.
Malik Khuda Bakhsh, hoped that as
Governor of the Punjab, Sardar Saleem
Haider will also take deep interest in the
development of back ward areas of District
Attock. Khuda Baksh also enlightened the
services rendered by Sardar Saleem during
his tenure as MNA NA-59.

PIAF asks  PPA He said that Islamabad

govt to engage ISLAMABAD: Islamabad
Police under his command
is pursuing a zero-tolerance

with industry Chamber of Commerce and

Industry and Islamabad
Capital Police jointly organ-
policy for all types and forms
of drugs to save the young
generation from the curse.
to formulate ized an awareness walk to
promote a healthy lifestyle
In his address President
Islamabad Chamber of

successful and say no to drugs. The

participants in large number
Commerce and Industry
Ahsan Zafar Bakhtawari

economic Photo: Online by Sultan Bashir

including those represent-
ing the business communi-
ty, friends of Police, sports-
lauded Inspector General
of Islamabad Police Syed
Ali Nasir Rizvi for taking
strategies men, members of civil socie-
ty, students of Sweet Home,
the important initiative
of making the capital free
and other educational insti- of every kind of crimes

Pakistan Investment tutions walked should to

shoulder raising awareness
against drug abuse and drug
including drug peddling.
He said that it is the duty
of the entire communi-
ty to carry forward this

Opportunities Summit and Smart The Chief Guest Inspec-

tor General Islamabad
Police Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi
solemn campaign to every
corner of the country for the
bright future of the coming

Expo held in Jeddah while addressing the partic-

ipants said that Islamabad
Police is determined to make
the capital a narcotics free
generations. He also reiter-
ated Islamabad Chamber
of Commerce and Indus-
try cooperation to all the
 Noorulhassan Gujjar society in collaboration with stakeholders in war against
the business community of narcotics to develop a
JEDDAH: Pakistan investment oppor- Islamabad. healthy nation.
tunities summit and Smart Expo begins
in Jeddah, with a purpose to introduce
the opportunities by the leading hospi-
tality projects to the lucrative market of BPM for proactive steps to
Saudi Arabia. The event will target busi-
nessmen, investors and prospects among stabilize economy as uncertainty
general consumers, who retain keen inter-
est in investing in Pakistan. It is believed
continues to pervade
that the leading hospitality projects along  PPA expected to presage easing
 PPA with the other emerging sectors will show of all political uncertainty
their competitive advantage with ample LAHORE: The Federa- paving the way for economic
LAHORE: The Pakistan Industri- options to invest in Pakistani market. The tion of Pakistan Chambers stability that all stakehold-
al & Traders Associations Front (PIAF) event is likely to create a strong footprint in of Commerce and Indus- ers and associated media
has proposed a collaborative approach the Saudi market. try’s Businessmen Panel pundits insisted would be
between the government and the busi- Addressing the inaugural session of Summit and Smart Expo event is aimed ed the tourism and investment potential of (BMP) has stated that a key factor in turning the
ness community, stressing the government the event, Consul general of Pakistan, Mr. at Creating a robust platform to Show- their respective regions. political uncertainty has economy around are having
to engage with industry stakeholders to Khalid Majid said “I urge you to come case Pakistan as a Lucrative Investment The event is organized by Pakistan Asso- rattled the Pakistan econo- to deal with a major wheat
formulate successful economic strategies. forward and support your government’s destination, increasing and capitalizing ciation of Exhibition Industry (PAEI) in my, asking the government scam that has Punjab farm-
The PIAF Chairman Faheemur initiatives to work for the socio-econom- the Investment through responsible Tour- collaboration with hospitality, tourism, to take proactive meas- ers protesting on the streets,
Rehman Saigol said that this collabora- ic development of our country. Organiz- ism & Hospitality Projects in the Coun- housing industries and corporates of Paki- ures to encounter external the acceptance by the State
tion is especially crucial in this econom- ing today’s event is a very practical step and try. Further, this kind of events will help stan. The expo is expected to attract thou- and domestic challeng- Bank of Pakistan that there
ic unstable condition. It is imperative that it would augment Governments efforts in bringing Foreign Exchange and invest- sands of visitors and potential investors. es, besides stabilizing the were mistakes in the Urdu
the government involves the business towards building a prosperous Pakistan. ments which is a way for prosperity and Inaugural session and exhibition open- economy. text on currency notes only
community in shaping economic policies, This is only the beginning and I am sure economic development. ing session was attended by large number In a statement issued after it was pointed out by
he asserted. He argued that aligning the that this summit will provide a launching Mr. Raja Nasir Ali Khan, Minister for of Saudi Businessmen, representatives of here today, the BMP Chair- the ombudsman and one
interests of the government and business- pad for many potential investors and busi- planning and Development Gilgit Baltistan Saudi companies and Pakistani business man and FPCCI former conflict arising from the
es is essential for creating an economic nesses.” PAEI and its leadership deserve and Prof. Kausar Taqdees Gillani Minister community and community leaders. Ethnic president Mian Anjum Punjab police heavy-hand-
framework that is not only robust but also special felicitations for organizing this event. for small industries Corporation, Travel and media persons and social media influencers Nisar observed that months edness against the lawyers
sustainable in the long run. Pakistan Investment Opportunities Trade authority of Azad Kashmir present- took keen interest in the event. after the elections that were protest.

Digital Diplomacy in Pakistan: Navigating the New Frontier

 Saba Bibi the global stage. Through social media Facebook, and Instagram to share its technological infrastructure. Furthermore, it can contribute to shap- By doing so, Pakistan can effective-
platforms, official websites, and virtu- narrative and engage in public diplo- Institutional resistance and the need ing global discourse on issues perti- ly wield digital diplomacy as a tool for

n today’s interconnected world, al engagements, Pakistan can bypass macy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs for capacity building also present chal- nent to Pakistan, such as the Kashmir peace, progress, and partnership in
where the digital landscape is traditional media gatekeepers and has made strides in this direction, lenges. Diplomatic institutions must dispute and counter-terrorism efforts. the global arena. As Pakistan contin-
constantly evolving, digital directly connect with international with active social media accounts that adapt to the fast-paced digital envi- Looking ahead, Pakistan must ues to navigate the new frontier of digi-
diplomacy has emerged as a audiences. This direct communication provide updates on policy positions, ronment, which necessitates a shift continue to innovate in the realm of tal diplomacy, it stands to significant-
vital tool for nations to manage channel allows for a more nuanced and humanitarian efforts, and cultural in mindset and the acquisition of new digital diplomacy. This includes explor- ly enhance its international standing.
their international image and relations. authentic representation of Pakistan’s events. skills among diplomats and policy- ing emerging technologies like artifi- By addressing the challenges head-on
Pakistan, with its rich cultural heritage stance on various issues, from region- However, Pakistan faces several chal- makers. cial intelligence and virtual reality to and capitalizing on the opportunities
and complex geopolitical landscape, al security to economic development. lenges in fully harnessing the power of The impact of Pakistan’s digital create immersive experiences that can presented by the digital age, Pakistan
stands to greatly benefit from harness- Moreover, digital diplomacy enables digital diplomacy. One of the primary diplomacy on international relations educate and engage global audiences. can strengthen its voice on the global
ing the potential of digital diplomacy. Pakistan to engage in real-time dialogue obstacles is the digital divide within the is multifaceted. On one hand, it has the Collaborations with tech companies stage and foster a more nuanced under-
As we navigate the ever-changing with foreign publics, fostering a sense country. Limited internet access in rural potential to improve Pakistan’s image can also provide new avenues for digi- standing of its culture, values, and poli-
world of international relations, digital of transparency and accessibility. It and remote areas hinders the ability to abroad, attract foreign investment, and tal engagement. cies. This rewritten version incorporates
diplomacy has become a transformative also serves as a cost-effective means of engage all segments of the population strengthen bilateral and multilateral As Pakistan navigates the complex a formal tone while using conversation-
force, redefining how states engage with conducting public diplomacy, crucial for in digital diplomatic initiatives. This ties. On the other hand, the effective- landscape of digital diplomacy, it stands al language and a touch of optimism to
each other and with their global audi- a country with budgetary constraints. gap must be bridged to ensure a cohe- ness of these efforts is contingent upon at a juncture where the prospects are as humanize the article. It maintains the
ences. Pakistan, situated at the cross- The potential to reach a wider audience, sive national narrative and to leverage overcoming the aforementioned chal- promising as the challenges are daunt- original content’s focus on the impor-
roads of geopolitical significance and including the diaspora and internation- the full potential of citizen diplomacy. lenges and ensuring a consistent and ing. The successful integration of digital tance of digital diplomacy in Pakistan’s
technological evolution, has begun to al stakeholders, is a significant advan- Cybersecurity is another concern, strategic approach. tools into diplomatic practice can signif- international relations while presenting
embrace this new frontier, recognizing tage that digital diplomacy offers. with the threat of misinformation Digital diplomacy also plays a crit- icantly enhance Pakistan’s standing in the information in a more engaging and
the potential of digital tools to enhance Digital diplomacy, at its core, is about and cyber attacks posing risks to the ical role in crisis management and the international community. Howev- accessible manner.
its diplomatic outreach and influence. leveraging technology to promote integrity of digital diplomatic efforts. conflict resolution. By providing time- er, this requires a proactive approach, Writer is pursuing Bachelor’s in
The digital age presents Pakistan national interests and engage with Establishing robust security protocols ly and accurate information, Pakistan addressing the digital divide, investing Defence and Diplomatic Studies from
with an unprecedented opportunity global audiences. For Pakistan, this and countering propaganda requires can mitigate misunderstandings and in cybersecurity, and fostering institu- Fatima Jinnah Women University,
to project its narrative and policies on means utilizing platforms like Twitter, a concerted effort and investment in build trust with international partners. tional adaptability. Rawalpindi
Monday, May 13, 2024 The Spokesman
NA Speaker Chief Minister KP greets
Pakistan Hockey team on
winning silver medal in
congratulates Azlan Shah Cup
 Bureau Report

hockey team PESHAWAR: Chief Minister

(CM) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Sardar Ali Amin Gandapur
on Sunday greeted the Paki-

for winning medal in the Azlan Shah Hockey tour- performance.

stan hockey team for their
excellent performance in
the Azlan Shah Hockey Tour-
nament. CM in a message of
felicitation, congratulated the national team for their excellent

silver medal nament.

In a message, the speaker conveyed
his best wishes to the national hockey
team and praised their splendid game-
play throughout the tournament.
Sardar Ayaz Sadiq expressed pride
over the best performance of the play-
ers and hoped that the players would
continue to excel in future competi-
performance in the tournament and termed winning the silver
medal is commendable.
He said that after 13-year, Pakistan’s Hockey team reached in
the final of the tournament, which is encouraging. Pakistani team
showed excellent performance, he added The national hockey team
 Sports Desk al Assembly Sardar Ayaz Sadiq He said that Pakistan’s hockey team He assured the team that the entire is expected to perform better in the coming days, CM said, adding,
Sunday congratulated the national has brought honour to the country nation stands behind them, offering “May I pray for more success for the national hockey team in the
ISLAMABAD: Speaker of the Nation- hockey team for winning the silver and its people with their outstanding prayers and support for their success. coming days.” He hoped that the current hockey team will restore
Pakistan’s lost position in the field of hockey. The Khyber Pakh-
tunkhwa government is taking concerted steps to promote nation-

Technic Holstein Kiel

al sports, the CM added. He said that the provincial government
will provide full support to the talented players for the promotion
of hockey.
Brajan Gruda (R) of FSV Mainz 05 vies with Salih Oezcan of Borussia Dortmund during
the German first division Bundesliga football match between FSV Mainz 05 and Borussia
Dortmund in Mainz, Germany.
promoted to PCB Chief Mohsin Naqvi
Bundesliga for meets Pakistan cricket team
first time in Dublin

 Spokesman Report

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Chairman Mohsin

Naqvi met the cricket team in Dublin to boost their morale after
losing the first T20I against Ireland.
 AFP Addressing the squad in Dublin, Ireland, Mohsin Naqvi, accom-
panied by Wahab Riaz from the selection committee, stressed
Holstein Kiel reached the Bundesliga for the refusal to concede defeat against Ireland in the series opener.
the first time in their history following The PCB chairman urged the national cricket team to elevate
a 1-1 draw with Fortuna Duesseldorf on their fielding standards and exhibit unwavering determination.
Photo: Joachim Bywaletz/Xinhua Saturday, capping a remarkable rise from Naqvi conducted an extensive two-hour session with the nation-
the German fourth division over the last al team, highlighting the upcoming series against Ireland and
decade. England preceding the T20 World Cup.
Kiel went into the game needing only a Encouraging a professional and passionate approach, Mohsin

Fakhar Zaman, Mohammad point against promotion rivals Fortuna to

secure a historic promotion and they took
the lead inside two minutes through striker
Benedikt Pichler.
Naqvi emphasized the distinctiveness of T20 cricket, urging for an
assertive demeanor on the field. While acknowledging the players’
skill and professionalism, he underscored the need for enhanced
focus on fielding.

Rizwan guide Pakistan to victory Duesseldorf’s Christos Tzolis restored

parity from the penalty spot in the 70th
minute following an on-field video review,
Expressing confidence in the team’s potential and its capacity
to meet national expectations, Naqvi stressed the significance of
collective effort, stating that unity among the eleven players would

over Ireland setting the stage for a tense finale.

But Kiel survived a Duesseldorf
onslaught, which secures Marcel Rapp’s
side at least second place in the final stand-
pave Pakistan’s path to triumph.
Mohsin Naqvi concluded by urging the players to persevere until
the final ball, showcasing a spirited competitive edge. He highlight-
ed that the ultimate challenge lies ahead in the impending World
 A Sports ings and a debut season in the Bundesliga Cup, following the fixtures against Ireland and England.
next season. In a historic victory, Ireland secured their maiden win in men’s
DUBLIN: Mohammad “When I looked at the field and I saw T20Is against Pakistan in the series’ inaugural clash, largely attrib-
Rizwan and Fakhar Zaman all the people on it, I thought I was in a uted to former Ireland captain Andrew Balbirnie’s commanding
scored half-centuries, dream,” Kiel midfielder Philipp Sander told 77 at the crease. The visitors’ lackluster fielding performance was
followed by Azam Khan’s blis- Sky Sports Germany after Kiel fans invaded deemed pivotal by many observers.
tering cameo helped Pakistan the pitch at full-time.
defeat Ireland by seven wick- Follow us on our Official WhatsApp
ets in the second T20I of the channel Softball gaining popularity
three-match series here on
“We’ve kept a very low profile over the last
few weeks and I think everyone has had a in Pakistan: Asif Azeem
Pakistan successfully few dreams, but didn’t quite want to believe
chased the 194-run target it yet because we all thought, if you open  Sports Desk
with 19 balls to spare and your mouth too early, it might go wrong.
levelled the series 1-1. Now we’ve just done it and it is unbelieva- ISLAMABAD: The President Softball Federation of Pakistan (SFP)
The Greenshirts had an ble!” Asif Azeem believes Pakistani youth was inclining towards soft-
unwanted start to the chase Kiel’s journey completes a wild decade ball during the recent years and the game was gaining popularity.
as they lost Saim Ayub (6) that has seen them rise from Regionalliga “The federation was working hard to attract youth to the game.
and Babar Azam (0) in 1.4 North, the fourth tier of German football, to Pakistani youth have been inclining towards baseball and softball
overs with only 14 runs on the Bundesliga in just 11 seasons. in recent years, and the federation is working hard to attract them
the board. Azam Khan joined Rizwan and Graham Hume picked Tucker was then joined by Holstein Kiel had twice come close to to the sport,” he told to media.
Rizwan and Zaman then at the crease, with 41 required one wicket each. Curtis Campher (22) and they promotion to the Bundesliga in recent He said the game of softball was rapidly gaining popularity
led the chase for Pakistan from 33 balls, but the former Earlier, Pakistan opted to raised a quick 41-run partner- years, finishing third in 2017/18 and again among the youth of Pakistan, especially girls, who have exhibited
as they helped stabilize the ensured that Pakistan bowl first and reduced Ireland ship for the fourth wicket. in 2020/21, but both times lost out in the great talent in this regard.
innings after two early wick- finished the match with 19 to 34-2 inside four overs, with Abbas Afridi ended Tuck- play-off. The federation is keen to hone their skills and to take them to
ets. balls to spare. Shaheen Afridi removing er’s brilliant innings of 51 runs The result is also significant for St Pauli, the international level, he said.
They charged against Irish Khan scored an unbeaten both opening batters in the from 34 balls, featuring five who can secure a return to Germany’s top Azeem said SFP was holding 15-day celebrations in connection
bowlers and constructed a 30 off 10 with four sixes. He same over. boundaries and two sixes. flight after a 13-year absence with a victory with the 1st anniversary of World Baseball Softball Day which was
140-run partnership in 78 hit Mark Adair for three sixes Tucker and Harry Tector Delany then scored a quick at home to bottom-team VfL Osnabrueck on May 10.
balls to tilt the game in Paki- in the 17th over to finish the then joined hands to 28 off 10 balls with the help of on Sunday. A practice, scrimmage, and drills were held at the US Consulate
stan’s favour. match in style. construct a 62-run stand five boundaries, including two A St Pauli victory would also see them go Karachi by the SFP to mark the occasion, he said and added that
However, Ben White broke Meanwhile, Rizwan before Abbas Afridi halted sixes, to propel Ireland to 193 into the final weekend a point clear of Kiel a delegation of SFP also meet with US Consul General Conrad
the stand with the wicket of top-scored for Pakistan with their progress as he dismissed in their allocated 20 overs. and in pole position to go up as champions. Tribble. Azeem said sports have no boundaries, they bring people
Zaman, who scored 78 runs an unbeaten 75 off 46, featur- the latter. For Pakistan, Shaheen Fortuna Duesseldorf ’s failure to win in together irrespective of their colour, caste, religion or creed and
from 40 balls with the help ing six boundaries and four Tector scored an anchoring Afridi claimed three wickets, Kiel all but ends their hopes of automatic it’s all about promotion of the peace, tranquillity, and love among
of four boundaries and four sixes. 32 off 28 with the help of four and Abbas Afridi managed promotion, with the Bundesliga relegation human beings at the international level.
sixes. For Ireland, Adair, White boundaries. two wickets. play-off almost certainly awaiting them.

Mainz ease relegation worries after

stunning Dortmund in Bundesliga
 Xinhua 12 minutes gone when Leandro ro lacked in accuracy in front of that hurts us a lot. But it is more
Barreiro exchanged a one-two the target. And Dortmund posed than deserved. It’s a very bitter
BERLIN: Mainz scored three with Widmer before drilling the absolutely no threat to the host’s evening for us,” said Dortmund
goals in a frenetic first half to stun ball into the bottom left corner well-positioned bulwark. coach Terzic.
uninspired Borussia Dortmund past goalkeeper Alexander Meyer. In the 52nd minute, Edin In the other matches on
3-0 in Bundesliga’s 33rd round Meyer remained in the thick Terzic’s man thought they had Saturday, relegation-threatened
on Saturday. of things and helped Mainz to reduced the deficit through Yous- Cologne secured a 3-2 victory
The Nullfunfer started highly double the lead as he unleashed soufa Moukoko but the goal of over Union Berlin to boost their
motivated against the Champi- an offside free kick into the path the German international was survival hopes.
ons League finalist, knowing that of Lee Jae-sung, who made no ruled offside by VAR. Substitute Benjamin Sesko
a win would lift them out of the mistake to send the ball into the With the result, Mainz have converted a penalty to secure
relegation zone. roof of the net in the 19th minute. extended their unbeaten run to fourth-placed Leipzig a 1-1 stale-
The hosts pressed Dortmund Relegation-threatened Mainz eight games, and Dortmund stay mate with Werder Bremen.
onto the back foot as Nadiem pressed relentlessly and tripled its on the 5th spot. Wasteful Freiburg shared the
Amiri rattled the crossbar in the lead four minutes after Lee bene- “One team fought to win, and spoils with Heidenheim follow-
seventh minute before Silvan fitted from Barreiro’s good build- another just wanted to play foot- ing a 1-1 draw, and Eintra-
Widmer’s header hit the left post up work and assist. ball. We were always late, for all cht Frankfurt held Borussia
moments later. Mainz should have extend- duels. That made the difference Monchengladbach 1-1 to main- finish. Augsburg 1-0 thanks to Serhou Swabians to leapfrog Bayern
Mainz broke the deadlock with ed the lead, but Lee and Barrei- today. This is a tough defeat tain their chances for a top-six On Friday, Stuttgart edged Guirassy’s sole goal, helping the Munich in the standings.
8 The Spokesman Monday, May 13, 2024

Called on President urges

ISLAMABAD: A delegation of members of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly, belonging to Pakistan Peo-
ple’s Party Parliamentarians, called on President Asif Ali Zardari, at Aiwan-e-Sadr on Sunday. restraint, resolution
of AJK issues through
 City Desk about recent happenings and unfor-
tunate developments in AJK. Talking
ISLAMABAD: President Asif Ali to members of the AJK Legislative
Zardari on Sunday urged all the Assembly, the president highlight-
stakeholders to exercise restraint and ed that the demands of the people of
resolve the issues in Azad Jammu and AJK should be addressed as per law,
Kashmir (AJK) through dialogue and adding that he would take up/discuss
mutual consultation. He stressed that the grievances of the people of AJK
the political parties, state institutions with the Prime Minister of Pakistan
and the people of AJK should act to find a way out of the current situ-
responsibly so that hostile elements ation. He further emphasized that
could not exploit the situation to their priority should be accorded to the
benefit. socio-economic uplift of AJK, with
President urges restraint, resolu- special focus on the development of
tion of AJK issues through dialogue health, education, tourism and infra-
The president expressed these views structure. He underlined the need to
during a meeting with a delega- bring the far-flung areas at par with
tion of members of the AJK Legis- other developed areas of the country.
lative Assembly belonging to Paki- The president regretted the current
stan People’s Party Parliamentari- situation and offered condolences
ans (PPPP), who called on him at the over the unfortunate death of the
Aiwan-e-Sadr, President Secretariat police officer and prayed for swift
Press Wing said in a press release. recovery of all those who were injured
The delegation briefed the president in recent clashes.
Photo: PID

Senate Chairman Gilani

NA Speaker pays tribute to appreciates Christian
Community’s role in
mothers whose sons laid their lives country’s uplift
to protect beloved motherland
 City Desk Mothers through their self- firmed the National Assem- an Illegally Occupied Jammu
less sacrifices, unconditional bly of Pakistan’s commit- and Kashmir, whose children
ISLAMABAD: Speaker of love and unwavering dedi- ment to safeguarding mater- are being martyred but their
the National Assembly Sard- cation play a pivotal role in nal and child rights. He said, resolve and commitment
ar Ayaz Sadiq on Sunday said shaping future generations, through legislative measures in their rightful struggle are
that the nation is indebted to he added. Recognizing the and parliamentary forums unshaken. The Speaker said
all mothers whose sons were immense challenges moth- like the Women’s Parliamen- whatever he is today is due to
martyred in preserving the ers face in balancing familial tary Caucus, SDGs Secretari- the prayers and training of his
dignity and sovereignty of the responsibilities and profes- at, and Parliamentary Caucus beloved parents. He encour-
beloved motherland. Moth- sional endeavors, the Speak- on Child Rights, efforts would aged individuals to honor
er’s love is the energy which er urged for a celebration of be made to ensure the maxi- their mothers, highlighting
enables normal human beings their resilience, strength, and mum well-being and empow- the unique and selfless nature
to accomplish impossible feats unwavering commitment. erment of mothers and chil- of this relationship rooted in  Bureau Report to resolve issues of the community on
in their lives, the speaker said, He stressed that every nation dren alike. Sardar Ayaz Sadiq unconditional love, sacrifice, priority basis, especially hailing from
in a message on the eve of owes a debt of gratitude to its guide with boundless love and also paid rich tribute to moth- and providing comfort during MULTAN: Chairman Senate Syed South Punjab.
Mother’s Day. mothers, who nurture and compassion. The Speaker reaf- ers of Palestine and the Indi- difficult times. Yusuf Raza Gilani said on Sunday that MNA Naveed Amir Jeeva, Bish-
Christian community was perform- op Yousuf Sohan, Bishop Leo Paul
ing important role in country’s uplift. Roderick and some others hailed
He said this during lunch in his Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani for match-

IPP discusses economic, general situation, honour given by Christian Commu-

nity, led by MNA Naveed Amir Jeeva,
at a local hotel.
Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani observed
less service in South Punjab’s uplift.
MNA Naveed Amir Jeeva stated
that Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani ensured
five percent jobs quota for minority.

reaffirms support for government that he himself got education from

La Salle School.
Commenting on services in health
Similarly, August 11 was declared as
Minority Day.
Apart from this, Syed Yusuf Raza
 Commerce Desk further improvement in the Asghar Bhagour, Dr. Manza egies, explored cooperation sector, Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani Gilani also performed important role
future said a news release Hassan, MP Shoaib Siddiqui with other political parties and observed that Mission Hospital’s role and helped introduce four new seats
ISLAMABAD: The leadership received here on Sunday. and Sara Ahmad were pres- deliberated on various impor- was also appreciable. in Senate.
of the Istehkam-e-Pakistan Abdul Aleem Khan direct- ent at the meeting. Addition- tant issues. They unanimous- The Chairman Senate hoped that On this occasion, local leader PPP
Party (IPP) have discussed ed that, in the first phase, the ally, Mian Khalid Mehmood, ly agreed that all colleagues the community would continue to Khawaja Rizwan Alam, Pastor Asif
the economic and general organizational structure of the Additional Secretary General must continue the political serve society with more dedication Raza, Samuel Sardar, Brother Qamar
situation of the country and Party should be completed at of IPP, Central Information journey together and partic- in future also. Father Patrick and some others were
decided to continue support- the district level across Punjab Secretary Dr. Firdous Ashiq ipate the next election with a Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani also vowed also present.
ing the government. In a meet- and preparations for local body Awan, Taskin Khakwani, Dr. strong narrative. It was also
ing presided over by IPP Pres- elections should commence Arooj Gilani, Nouman Langri- decided that within the next
ident Abdul Aleem Khan here at the grassroots level. He yal, Farrukh Mumtaz Mani- week, names of Party Presi-
Sunday, it was noted that the
country was making progress
directed that the elected party
members should highlight the
would continue to unite
everyone in the future as he
ka, Noraiz Shakoor, Ameer
Haider Singha, Yawar Kamal,
dents and General Secretar-
ies will be proposed from all
IMF delegation reaches Pakistan,
towards improvement, and
therefore, chaos and anarchy
problems of the common man
in the National and Provincial
has in the past and always
prioritize the interests of the
Ch. Zaheer Uddin, Chaudhry
Abdul Rauf, Haroon Imran
districts of Punjab, followed by
party conventions and political
talks to begin tomorrow: Aurangzeb
should be discouraged at all Assemblies. Central leaders of party. Senior political leaders Gill, Syed Gul Agha, Naush- gatherings to consolidate the Continued from Page 1 owned enterprises (SOEs) and over-
costs. the IPP expressed full confi- including Ishaq Khan Khak- ir Mann, and Malik Zaman IPP at the level of the Union hauling the energy sector.
Congratulating the IPP dence in the Party President wani, Ghulam Sarwar Khan, Naseeb also participated in the Council. At the conclusion of expand tax net. The finance minis- He said that the power theft
on its victory in the recent Abdul Aleem Khan’s leader- Humayun Akhtar Khan, meeting. During the meeting, the meeting, the participants ter said the steps would be taken for will be strictly dealt with adding
by-elections, the participants ship and assured him of their Provincial President Rana the participants discussed the expressed solidarity with the improving tax-to-GDP ratio, swift that the private sector will be given
expressed satisfaction with complete support. The partici- Nazir Ahmad Khan, Sard- organizational situation of the Palestinian people and strong- privatisation of lossmaking state- representation in Discos boards.
the Party’s performance and pants expressed their expecta- ar Ayaz Khan Niazi, MNA Party, shared past experiences, ly condemned Israeli atroci-
discussed a plan of action for tion that Abdul Aleem Khan Awon Chaudhry, Eng. Gul outlined future political strat- ties.

Nawaz Sharif ready for grand

Haideri submits
resolution in Govt taking economic Punjab to start dialogue with PTI founder:
solar tube- Sanaullah
NA to condemn
Khuzdar Press Club
decisions in best interest of well project for Continued from Page 1 who want to flee the country, like Asif
Zardari and Nawaz Sharif.
President’s murder
 City Desk
Pakistan: Aurangzeb farmers
 Bureau Report
progress. It is pertinent to mention The deposed prime minister noted
here that Pakistan Terheek-e-Insaf he had constituted a three-member
(PTI) founder Imran Khan, who committee for dialogue, adding that
 Commerce Desk He emphasised that the private sector is incarcerated in Adiala Jail, ruled no retired general has been tasked to
ISLAMABAD: Jamiat Ulema- would have to come forward and play a LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister out ‘any deal to seek his release’ and hold talks. “We are ready to hold talks
e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) Secretary ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for proactive role to steer the country out Maryam Nawaz announced plans urged the courts to expedite hearings with everyone, except three political
General Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Finance and Revenue Senator Muham- of present day economic challenges, to start a solar tube-well project of his cases. parties – PML-N, PPP, and MQM-P,”
Haideri has submitted a resolu- mad Aurangzeb said on Sunday that the asserting that the government’s job is to for farmers in the province. Talking to journalists in Adiala Jail, he added.
tion with the National Assembly government is taking decisions which improve governance and provide facili- In a meeting with the Provin- Imran Khan noted he has been saying He asserted that dialogue occurs
Secretariat calling for denouncing seem tough but are in the larger interest tation to businessmen and industrialists. cial Minister for Irrigation Kazim for the past 18 months that he is ready with adversaries, and PTI’s most
the tragic killing of Khuzdar Press of the country’s economy and its people. The Federal Finance Minister said that Pirzada, they discussed the affairs for talks, but not for a deal, empha- formidable adversaries are the ones
Club President Maulana Siddique Addressing a Pre-Budget Confer- the industry should not depend more on of the Irrigation Department, sising that deals are made by those with whom dialogue will be initiated.
Mengal. ence FY 2024-25 jointly organized by government subsidies on various counts focusing on ensuring timely water
The JUI-F leader, while draw- the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of but to strive to transform into export-ori- supply to farmers.
ing the House’s attention towards Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) and ented entities, assuring that the govern- Progress was reviewed on
the heinous crime, underscored
that the CCTV footage depicted
Business Recorder at a local hotel, he said,
“We are doing all this not under the pres-
ment would provide all possible facilita- updating the irrigation system
tion in this regard. He said that compre- and strengthening waterways
AJK BOI Chairman steps down
the assailants’ daredevil attack and
their subsequent escape.
sure of the IMF (International Monetary
Fund) but for Pakistan because the coun-
hensive measures were being taken for (khal) across the province.
proper enforcement in the FBR in addi- CM Maryam stated that initial-
over ‘protests against inflation’
The federal and provincial try is supreme to all of us.” tion to its reformation and structural ly, 1200 waterways will be lined Continued from Page 1 for Muzaffarabad under the banner
authorities have been urged to He added that the government was changes in the tax collection mechanism. with Rs 10 billion, followed by an of the Jammu Kashmir Joint Awami
promptly apprehend those respon- taking all possible measures and ensur- “Since March this year, we have started a additional 7,000 throughout the Azad Kashmir witnessed violent Action Committee (JAAC). The
sible for the murder. ing institutional reforms to restore confi- campaign for tax registration,” he said and province in the second phase. She clashes between the police and JAAC, which has traders at the fore-
Haideri, in the resolution, dence of the business community in the dispelled the general perception among stressed that this initiative will activists of a rights movement amid front in most parts of the state, has
mentioned that Maulana Siddique, tax revenue collection authorities, espe- the people that when they come into the ensure ample water availability to a wheel-jam and shutter-down strike been seeking the provision of elec-
the provincial Vice Ameer of cially the FBR (Federal Board of Reve- tax net, they will be ‘harassed’. He cited farmers, even those situated along across the territory, which left at least tricity as per hydropower generation
JUI-F, was killed on May 3 while nue). He said that effective steps were also that the government is providing relief in the canals. one police official dead and several cost in AJK, subsidised wheat flour
en route to attend Friday prayers. being put in place to enhance financial taxes and facilities on a number of other Irrigation Minister Kazim others injured. and an end to the privileges of the
Moreover, the killing occurred on support for various sectors out of which counts to tax filers. He, however, added Pirzada highlighted the commit- Sub-inspector Adnan Qureshi elite class.
the World Press Freedom Day, agriculture, information technology (IT) that the government would negotiate but ment of the cabinet and team succumbed to a gunshot wound in They called for the strike follow-
while two innocent bystanders also and SME (small and medium enterpris- not back down from the tax registration under the CM’s leadership to work the chest in the town of Islamgarh, ing the arrest of at least 70 of their
lost their lives in the incident. es) are priority sectors. campaign. tirelessly for public welfare. where he was deployed to stop a rally members in raids on Thursday.
Published by: Almass Ayoub Sabir from Zero Point Printers Rawalpindi

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