Final - OYO Company
Final - OYO Company
Final - OYO Company
OYO Company
OYO was established by the Indian young man named as Ritesh Agarwal who is the very first Asian Citizen to be
accepted into the Fellowship of the Paypal founder, Peter Theil. The name of the fellowship was Theil Fellowship.
Agarwal first tried to integrate hospitality & technology into his youth, Ritesh Agarwal introduced an online portal
which is known as Oravel Stays, for guest houses and holiday rental. Soon, he concluded that the world could do
just 1 part of the bookings. His initial efforts went unnoticed and awarded him a Thiel Fellowship that provides
young entrepreneurs with $ 100 million and the training of dignitaries such as Mark Zuckerberg & Elon Musk of
SpaceX. While in California in 2013, working with the owner of Oravel Stays, Agarwal founded an asset
management company in India. The Gurgaon suburb of New Delhi has been renamed OYO - a dictionary of "On
Your Own." Reviewing venue & adding its appeal to those travelers who love budget, want to book online have
increased hotel accommodation rates from 19% to 90% in their first month in the new place. (Hotel Management,
In the world of Airbnb, the proliferation of Oyo hotels is almost unavoidable. The company of 9 years old
businessman of India, Ritesh Agarwal, emerged as a “hospitality” product with guest’s houses & integrated hotel
Nowadays, it is among the biggest economic chains in almost all the big countries of the world, with more than a
million rooms at the bottom of all hotels and resorts. As of June, 850,000 of these rooms have been housed in more
than 23,000 rented rooms, franchises & shared hotels while 300,000 are in the company’s home collection. The
company recently reported $ 3 billion and, if Agarwal has its own approach, marks the start of what many see as
Agarwal has become a beacon for many enthusiasts & their enthusiastic enthusiasts, if not more concerned to see
what his next step in the universe may be. Hotel Management has recently hired a senior manager to take its
journey from a very young age to where Oyo is and where it is headed. (OYO's official blog, nd)
Vision & Mission:
The Vision of the company is to become the most reliable & popular brand of hotels. The mission of OYO is to
maintain all the types of real estate & provide accommodation for the travelers.
2015 OYO got the funding of the largest amount of $ 25
the World.
In the age of 24 Ritesh Agarwal is a big man in the world of Business in India. He has achieved numerous
international & national achievements for his company Oyo Rooms. (Xpert Magazine, 2019)
• TATA, First Dot who are empowered by NEN awards which is the top 50 entrepreneurs in 2013.
Hotel Management. (n.d.). Oyo’s Ritesh Agarwal talks journey, tactics with HM. [online] Available at:
aushal, B. (2019). Oyo’s 8-year-old Journey is a Quintessential Indian Legend in the Book of Business World
Stories (Infographic). [online] Entrepreneur. Available at:
pert Magazine. (2019). Top Achievements of the Oyo CEO Ritesh Agarwal. [online] Available at:
fficial OYO Blog. (n.d.). Ritesh Agarwal - Founder & CEO, OYO Rooms. [online] Available at: