DOC-20221027-WA0042. Copygg
DOC-20221027-WA0042. Copygg
DOC-20221027-WA0042. Copygg
Across Africa, maize is an important cereal that is used as food and raw material for
industries. Proximate composition studies have shown that the dry maize contains moisture,
protein, fat, fibre, metabolisable energy, and minerals such as phosphorus, sodium, sulphur,
therefore not surprising that in most part of the Nigeria, ogi is a delicacy consumed by both
adults and infants. It is usually the first food given to babies singly or side by side with
formulated ones. Conventionally, it is prepared from maize, however, millet or sorghum can
also be used. It preparation and microbiology is well studied(Species, 2017). Steeping and
souring are identified as the two fermentation stages involved in the longestablished process
of Ogi preparation. Its color when ready for eating depends on the cereal used in its
preparation. Where maize is used, it has a creamy or white appearance. When boiled, it turns
into a porridge called pap and can be served with protein rich foods such as beans. Typically,
the carbohydrate rich pap is usually served as weaning food for infants, as breakfast for
therefore not surprising that several attempts aimed at improving its nutritional status such as
enrichment with protein rich substrates have been made. In an earlier study, nutritional
enhancement with proteineous foods lowered their pasting viscosities and also sensory
qualities. Interesting, it has been shown that the intrinsic fermenters could be majorly
responsible for its nutritional improvement. Fermented cereal based foods consumed in West
Africa are important for a number of reasons. Studies have shown that the fermentation
healthy and safe products with better shelf lives, probiotics and probiotics potentials,
nutritional and health benefits, ability to dominate indigenous microbiota and even hydrolyze
degradation and fortification of folate amongst others. Despite westernization of infant food,
ogi prepared into pap still remains an important first line meal and the food of choice of most
West African and Nigerian babies. It has been shown that maize, millet and guinea corn paps
contain less protein and fibre which increases on fortification with soya bean milk by over
In Nigeria and Ghana, a number of studies aimed at fortification with peanuts, soya
bean and cowpea have been carried out. The aim of the study was to improve on the protein
content of ogi by enrichment with L. brevis and L plantarum. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor
(L.)Moench) is an important food crop in Africa and is the fifth most important cereal crop
grown in the world as well as the most important cereal food in the Northern states of Nigeria
that cover the Sahelien, Sudanian and Guinea Savannah ecological zones. Sorghum is locally
called guinea-corn or dawa, the most widely cultivated cereal crop and the most important
Nigeria is the second largest producer of sorghum, grown on about 5.9 million ha with
current annual production estimated to be about 6.7 million tonnes. Sorghum is grown by
over 59% and 55% of farmers in Adamawa and Borno States, respectively. It is mostly grown
for domestic consumption and the excess sold to generate income. Among the constraints to
sorghum production are subsistence farmers who do not invest much in fertilizer and
improved varieties, rising labor cost, changing consumer food preferences, bird attacks and
Another major problem is the variable rainfall that leads to wild fluctuations in
production. Prices fall abruptly in good years, leaving traders reluctant to enter the market.
This increases the price risk that sorghum producers face; hence their reluctance to invest in
occurs in yeast and bacteria, and also in oxygen-starved muscle cells, as in the case of lactic
acid fermentation. Fermentation is also used more broadly to refer to the bulk growth of
microorganisms on a growth medium, often with the goal of producing a specific chemical
product like enzyme, vaccines, antibiotics, food product/additive etc. French microbiologist
Louis Pasteur is often remembered for his insights into fermentation and its microbial causes.
To many people, fermentation simply means the production of alcohol: grains and
fruits are fermented to produce beer and wine. If a food soured, one might say it was 'off' or
fermented. Here are some definitions of fermentation. They range from informal, general
2. Any process that produces alcoholic beverages or acidic dairy products (general use).
3. Any large-scale microbial process occurring with or without air (common definition used
in industry).
4. Any energy-releasing metabolic process that takes place only under anaerobic conditions
5. Any metabolic process that releases energy from a sugar or other organic molecules, does
not require oxygen or an electron transport system, and uses an organic molecule as the
Examples of Fermentation
Fermentation does not necessarily have to be carried out in an anaerobic environment. For
example, even in the presence of abundant oxygen, yeast cells greatly prefer fermentation to
aerobic respiration, as long as sugars are readily available for consumption (a phenomenon
known as the Crabtree effect). The antibiotic activity of hops also inhibits aerobic metabolism
in yeast. Fermentation react NADH with an endogenous, organic electron acceptor. Usually
this is pyruvate formed from the sugar during the glycolysis step. During fermentation,
1. Ethanol fermentation, aka alcoholic fermentation, is the production of ethanol and carbon
Heterolactic fermentation is the production of lactic acid as well as other acids and
Sugars are the most common substrate of fermentation, and typical examples of
fermentation products are ethanol, lactic acid, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen gas (H2).
However, more exotic compounds can be produced by fermentation, such as butyric acid and
acetone. Yeast carries out fermentation in the production of ethanol in beers, wines, and other
alcoholic drinks, along with the production of large quantities of carbon dioxide.
Fermentation occurs in mammalian muscle during periods of intense exercise where oxygen
ii. wine
iii. beer
iv. ciders
v. tempeh
vi. miso
vii. kimchi
viii. sauerkraut
A majority of the domestic produce is used for household consumption by many rural
communities. It finds uses in the production of beverage, malt, sorghum meal, and livestock
feed, among others. Whole grain is ground into flour used to make traditional foods.
Sorghum is mainly used as flour or paste processed into tuwo (thick porridge), kamu (thin
diet porridge), and pate (soup like and light porridge mixed with vegetables, sometime
foods as well as for industrial sorghum products has been observed. Sorghum is also
processed into malt for malted drinks and foods, high quality flours, and as a raw material for
the poultry and fish feed industries. Sorghum is also processed into cake, biscuits, sweets and
The present study was undertaken with the aim to investigate lactic acid bacteria
3. To prepare pure culture of the isolates.
The significance of the research is to assess Lactic acid Bacteria in ‘Corn Slurry
(Ogi)’ so as to further the research on their probiotic characteristics. More especially this
study would serve as a guideline for further research and investigation of the role of
fermented foods as physiological agents and at this point, hopefully expose the particular
Though sorghum is produced in almost all the states of Nigeria, Adamawa, Bauchi,
Benue, Borno, Gombe, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Kogi, Kwara, Nasarawa,
Niger, Plateau, Sokoto, Taraba, and Zamfara States are the major producers.
Cultivation Practices
Sorghum is a warm weather crop that requires high temperature for good germination and
growth. The best time to plant is when there is sufficient water in the soil. To exploit its
inherent yield potential, medium to good and fairly stable rainfall evenly distributed during
Soil Requirements
Sorghum can grow on different soils, but optimum grain and stover yields come from when
grown on deep fertile, well-drained loamy soil. Clay-loam or loam textured soils with good
water retention capacity are best suited for it. Though it can also grow in poor and sandy soils
not suitable for maize and rice, it responds better to increased soil fertility. It is more tolerant
of alkaline salts than other grain crops and can therefore be successfully cultivated on soils
with a pH (KCl) between 5.5 and 8.5, and can also tolerate short periods of waterlogging.
Climatic requirements
Temperature plays an important role in the growth and development of all crops, sorghum
included. The minimum temperature for germination varies from 7ºC to 10ºC. At a
temperature of 15ºC, 80% of seed germinates within 7 to 10 days after sowing. The best time
to plant is when there is sufficient moisture in the soil and the soil temperature is 15ºC and
above. A temperature of 27ºC to 32ºC is required for optimum growth and development.
Sorghum is a short-day plant, which means that the plant requires short days (long
nights) before proceeding to the reproductive stage. The optimum photoperiod, which will
hours stimulate vegetative growth. Sorghum plants are most sensitive to photoperiod during
Sorghum is produced under variable average rainfall conditions between 300 mm and 1,200
mm, for optimum yield. A medium- to late-maturing sorghum cultivar (i.e., maturing within
110 to 145 days) requires approximately 450-800 mm of water during a growing season.
Daily requirement varies greatly depending on the growth stage (Fig. 1) and the type of
Sorghum requires a well-prepared seed bed for good establishment and well-drained
fertile land that has been left fallow for two or more years or preferably cropped with
legumes in the previous season. It is recommended that farm yard manure (FYM) at the rate
of 2-5 t/h be incorporated into the soil at ploughing. However, 1 t/ha annually is good enough
to help improve soil structure, moisture retention, and nutrient content. Land preparation
depends on the system of sowing. In conventional tillage, plough/harrow and make ridges at
75 cm row spacing. Minimum tillage has been found to be suitable for good yields in drier
areas, aiding moisture conservation and reducing production cost(Inuwa et al., 2020).
Plate 1: (L) An animal-drawn ridger runs over the field after FYM application and (R) a well
Planting Date
Planting date is determined after the arrival of rainfall. The crop is normally planted from
end of May in southern Adamawa State to end of June or early July in northern Borno State,
when there is adequate moisture in the soil, depending on the location and variety to be used.
The choice of planting date is critical so that the period of critical moisture need does not
coincide with a drought period and maturity does not coincide with a drier period.
Choice of Variety
Variety choice aims to reduce risks by avoiding drought periods during the most critical
growing stages of the plant, such as flowering and seed set. Varieties differ in their reaction
to the environment and the climate. The yield potential of the farm or field should be known
as well as the long-term rainfall pattern to be able to make the best cultivar choice. Long-term
rainfall data is usually used as a guide to choose the variety with the appropriate length of
growing season suited to the target area. Characteristics such as disease and insect resistance,
lodging and head placement are some important factors to be kept in mind when choosing a
machine-drawn planter (a tractor-drawn seed drill with 4 coulters that simultaneously cover
seeds by a blade attached to the seed drill). Sorghum should be sown at an inter-row (between
rows) spacing of 75 cm and intra-row (within rows) spacing of 25 to 30 cm. A planting depth
of 5 cm is ideal with sufficient moisture. Under drier conditions, the seed should be planted
Thinning is recommended two weeks after sowing. The seedlings are thinned to two stands
per hill. Where gaps exist, there is a need to transplant when the soil is wet and preferably in
the evening. The transplants should carry as much root as possible and the foliage should be
slightly pruned to reduce evapo-transpiration and transplanting shock. The transplants are to
be planted upright. In both the sowing and the transplanting, the soil around the plant should
be firmed up.
Plate 3: Germinating sorghum field.
Several cereals can be employed for the production of ogi either independently or in
combination. Maize, sorghum and millet are the major cereals used as substrates for the
production of ogi; however, emergent cereals for ogi production include fonio grains
(Digitariaspp), rice (Oryza sativa) and amaranth (Amaranthusspp). The colour of ogi Fig. 1
on the type of cereal employed for its production. Of the millets, pearl millet
are rich in phytochemical and phytic acid which is believed to lower cholesterol, phytate on
the other hand is linked to cancer reduction. The traditional technique of ogi fermentation has
been extensively studied and involves spontaneous fermentation of the grains by soaking in
water for about 48 hours at 28 ± 2°C and milling into a smooth paste. The slurry obtained is
then sieved using a muslin cloth to remove the bran, germ and hull which is high in protein.
The filtrate is allowed to undergo a secondary fermentation for about 24–72 h in order to
The length of the secondary fermentation depends on the extent to which sourness is
desired. In another context, the grains are soaked in hot/warm water for about 12-24 h prior to
fermentation to facilitate softening of the cotyledons. This method is usually practised by the
traditional unskilled producers who lack adherence to good manufacturing practice and
sanitation especially in rural areas where portable water supply is a major concern. These
unsanitary practices expose the product to not only contamination from handling and
processing, but water-borne pathogens. The traditional method of ogi fermentation is labour
(a) White maize meal; (b) White maize steamed paste (c) Yellow maize meal; (d) Yellow
maize steamed paste (e) Sorghum meal; (f) Sorghum steamed paste
Improvements in the usual traditional process of ogi fermentation have been studied
include application of starter culture, dry milling of the grains prior soaking and fermentation,
dehulling and milling, sprouting before milling, fortification, boiling of grains before milling,
accelerated batch fermentation or back slopping. Ogi produced using lactic acid bacteria
(LAB) starter cultures and back-slopping methods presents a higher degree of sourness
compared to that produced using the traditional method of fermentation. The short period of
acidification (24-48 h) must have been responsible for the sourer taste in the LAB fermented
Studies on pH and titratable acidity (TTA) of the fermented slurry from different
grains revealed that as the TTA increases, pH value decreases. This trend was also observable
during starter culture fermentation of ogi production. The reason for this decrease in pH is
due to the presence and activities of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) which resulted in the
production of lactic acid during ogi fermentation. Antimicrobial and bacteriocins which are
of great value in bio-preservation and improved product shelf life by eliminating spoilage and
pathogenic organisms have also been linked to the low pH of fermented foods. During
fermentation of ogi, some of the fermentation organisms produce amylolytic enzymes which
are responsible for the disintegration of the starch substrate to reducing sugars, thereby
resulting to the decrease in the total sugar content of the ogi. In addition, lowering of the pH
is also affected by the ability of yeast and LAB present during fermentation to utilize the free
sugars. Another point of note is the increase in bacteria counts which increases as steeping
progresses favouring the growth of lactic acid bacteria, thereby increasing the acidity of the
Functional properties of ogi samples from different varieties of grain have been
reported to show variation, this trend was observed for water absorption capacity, swelling
power, solubility, bulk density and pasting characteristics. This variation has been linked with
the ratio of the amylose to amylopectin components of grain, the characteristics of each
High bulk density is desirable, in order to reduce the paste thickness which is an important
factor in convalescent and child feeding. According to water and oil absorption capacities
increases with increase in steeping period. Water absorption capacity gives a good indication
of possibilities of protein incorporation with aqueous food formulations and finds application
in the development of ready to eat foods and a high water absorption capacity may also
enhance product effectiveness. Pasting is the phenomenon that follows gelatinisation in the
granules, exudation of molecular components, leaching out of amylose from starch granules
and total disruption of the granules. It is a property essential in ogi in order to predict the
behavioural pattern of the cooked pap as it is consumed as a cooked paste. It also represents a
degree of intactness of product, granule size, concentration and amylose/ amylopectin ratio
with changes observed in final viscosity and setback linked to the degree of reordering
In a report, ogi from yellow maize stored at -10± 3°C and -20± °C presented a better
gelling ability throughout the 12 weeks of storage period. Furthermore, the study reported
that ogi stored at refrigerated temperatures of -10± 3°C and - 20±°C maintained its peak
viscosity and viscous load of the fresh fermented ogi while the peak viscosity of the samples
stored at ambient temperatures of 27±3°C and 5± 2°C decreased throughout the period of
storage with the viscous load decreasing as storage period increases. The authors explained
the decrease in the peak viscosity, final viscosity and setback observed at the ambient
temperature as probably due to the alteration in the chemical structure mediated by the
activities of the microorganisms present which have tendency to modify the chemical
promoting syneresis, however, retrogradation may have some nutritional benefit in producing
nutrient dense product that will not require the addition of water during infant feeding.
Osungbaro also found out that maize of different varieties exhibited different pasting
viscosities on the amylograph and that the difference was due to the fact that the maize
varieties contain varying amounts of amylose with values ranging from 29- 34%. Pasting
temperature gives an indication of the minimum temperature required for cooking the ogi. It
has been shown that degree of fermentation influences swelling property of ogi. In terms of
manufacture of ogi.
The author established that fermentation of ogi extending beyond 96 h resulted in the
paste exhibiting poor quality, gelling tendency and consistency. In a similar trend,
Apotiolaobserved the pasting characteristics of sorghum ogi powder decreased with increased
soaking period. Values of peak viscosity observed in his study were lower compared with
samples of sorghum flour. This trend of variation of viscosities of ogi samples among
different varieties of grain have been reported by other studies for sorghum, maize, pearl
millet(Species, 2017).
Quite a lot of nutrient loss is experienced during the processing of cereal for the
production of ogi. These losses occur as a result of steeping, discarding of steeping water,
sifting to remove the bran and germ which contains much of the protein and also discarding
of the ogi supernatant thereby resulting in loss of minerals, fibre, protein, iron, phosphorus,
calcium, vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, folic, pantothenic acid and other
nutrients. This therefore results in reduction of net protein utilization, protein energy ratio and
nutritional product is high, deficiency of protein and energy usually results in negative
clinical manifestations such as kwashiorkor and marasmus in children, with severe cases
leading to death. In order to improve the nutritional quality of ogi several fortification with
protein rich substrates have been studied which include, functional and pasting characteristics
enrichment of sorghum ogi flour with cocoa; instant ogi from blends of fermented maize,
conophor nuts and melon seeds; co-fermentation of maize/cowpea and sorghum/cowpea ogi
as instant complimentary food; nutritive value of sorghum ogi fortified with groundnut seed
seed meal; fortification of ogi with okra seed flour. Oyarekua and Eleyinmiin their study on
the nutritional quality of corn, sorghum and millet ogi reported the amino acid (AA)
composition of ogi prepared from these grains with leucine and proline as the most abundant
amino acids in corn and millet while for sorghum ogi, phenylalanine, glycine, arginine and
As a result, in the choice of weaning foods and for children, sorghum ogi would be
preferable because of its high value of arginine 91.5 compared to 33.2 and 43.1 of millet and
corn ogi which is an essential amino acid for children. Considering the total essential amino
acid of ogi flours from the three varieties of cereals as reported by millet ogi (275.2 mg g-1
crude protein), corn ogi (373.2 mg g-1 CP), and sorghum (721.9 mg g-1 CP), comparatively,
only the ogi from sorghum had values that can be compared with the egg reference protein
(566 mg g-1 CP). Therefore, since sorghum had values that have been shown to satisfy the
amino acid requirement of all age groups it can be regarded as a high quality protein.
Although, generally lysine is reported to be low for all the cereals, however, sorghum ogi has
a higher content than the other cereals. In order to improve their nutritional quality as
weaning foods, ogi from these cereals could be supplemented with milk or legume high in
involving a build-up of bacteria and fungi. Some of these microorganisms may participate in
parallel, while others act in succession with a changing dominant biota during the course of
fermentation. Different studies have been able to isolate and enumerate possible
microorganisms associated with the fermentation of ogi. The following genera predominates
Streptococcus, Micrococcus and Bacillus The fungal genera are include representatives of
others Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are one the most common microorganisms responsible for
cereal fermentations, they are notable for the beneficial role of preservation, enhanced
nutritional value, detoxification, lactic acid, flavour and aroma production with Lactobacillus
especially pathogens from the fermentation process. The synergy between LAB and yeast is
common in food and beverage fermentations with LAB creating the acidic environment for
yeast growth and yeast providing the vitamins and other growth factors necessary for the
survival of Lab.
Guinea corn
Filtrate Residue
Guinea corn was gotten from Owode market in Offa Kwara State and it was put in a clean
polythene bag and was transported to the Biological Science Laboratory for further analysis.
The apparatus used for this research work include: Refrigerator, Heating drying oven,
bottles and Spirit lamp,500ml conical flask, 500ml beaker, Sterile petridishes, 500ml
measuring cylinder, cover slip and slides, swap stick, cotton wool, needle and syringe sterile
MRS Agar (De Man Rogossa and Shapee), Crystal violet, Lugol’s iodine, Methylene
blue, 70% ethanol, Safranin, Kovac’s reagent, hydrogen peroxide and methyl red.
All the glassware or apparatus used were thoroughly washed with detergents and
rinsed very well with distilled water, then sterilized in an oven at 160 0C for 1 hour. The
media used were also sterilized in an autoclave at the temperature of 121 0c 15 minutes at is
Pascal. The workbench was swabbed with 90% alcohol. The wire loop was heated red hot
The media use in the research work is De Man Rogossa and Shapee (MRS) agar,
which was prepared according to the manufacturer’s instruction that is 68.24 of powdered De
man rogossa shapee agar was to be measured and to be dissolved with 1000ml of sterile
distilled water. 34.12g of the powdered agar was weighed on the weighing balance and it was
poured into a clean conical flask and dissolved with 500ml of sterile distilled water, it was
shaked vigorously and the mouth of the flask was corked with cotton wool wrap with
aluminum foil. The conical flask was gently put in a water bath to homogenize the mixture, it
was then removed from the water bath for sterilization. The medium was then sterilized in an
The isolation was carried out by using pour plate. Serial 10 fold decimal dilutions of
sample contaminated suspension up to 109 were made i.e 1ml of corn-slurry was diluted in
9ml of sterile distilled water. It was agitated for 2 minutes, this serve as stock. From this
dilution, 1ml of the aliquot was transferred into fresh 9ml of sterile distilled water in sterile
test tube. Subsequent dilutions were made up to 10 9. Odd number of the serial dilution was
1ml of the sample was poured into each petri dish which has been labeled appropriately. The
prepared media was then dispensed into each petri dish aseptically and allowed to Gel
All petri dishes containing our sample were incubated for 24 hours at 20 – 250c.
After the incubation period of 24 hours, the petri dishes were brought out and were
observed for growth of bacteria. With the aid of sterile wire loop, a small portion was picked
and streaked in a McCartney bottle containing 10ml of the slant freshly prepared culture
Cultural characteristics considered include; the shape, size, colour, elevation, edge
A thin smear of the cell suspension was made on a clean glass slide, and then fixed by
passing the slide containing smear over blue flame and was flooded with crystal violet for 30-
60 seconds. The dye was drained quickly and washed with Lugol’s iodine for 30 seconds.
The slide was washed under the tap water and then decolorized with 70% ethanol for about 5
seconds and rinse. After rinsing under tap water, Safranin was added to the slide for 30-60
seconds, and rinsed off gently in tap water, then drained and blotted dry and observed under
oil immersion objective lens microscope. Gram positive bacteria stained purple while gram
This was used to differentiate those bacteria that produce Catalase from those that do not.
3ml of hydrogen peroxide solution was poured into a sterile test tube and then a sterile glass
rod was used to collect several colonies of the test organisms and inoculated in the hydrogen
peroxide solution. It was observed for immediate active bubbling for positive test.
Starch hydrolysis was carried out to determine the ability of organism capable of hydrolysis
A single streak of organism to be tested was inoculated at the center of labeled plates, the
plate was incubated, and the surface of the plates was flood with iodine solution for
This was carried out to identify Enterobacteria based on the ability to produce and maintain
Glucose phosphate peptone water was used for inoculation of test organism and incubated for
48 hours at 370C after which few drops of methyl red solution was added to the culture and
This was also carried out to identify Enterobacteria based on the ability to produce and
After completion of methyl red test, 0.6ml α-naphthol soluttion and 0.2ml 40% KOH solution
was added, the tube was shaked, sloped and it was examined after 15 minutes and 1 hour. A
This was carried out to identify bacteria species that will produce the cytochomeoxidase
A piece of filter paper was placed in a clean petri-dish and two to three drops of fresh or
nascent oxidase reagent was added. A colony of test organism was collected using a glass rod
and smeared on the filter paper and observed. Blue-purple colour within few seconds showed
a positive test.
This test was carried out for indole production by test organism which is important in
identifying Enterobacteria.
A sterile wire loop was used to inoculate a colony of test organism into 2ml of peptone water
containing tryptophan. The tube was stopped and incubated at 37 0C for 24 hours, after which
Kovac’s reagent was added to the medium. Observation of red coloration on the surface layer
This specifies the ability of the test organism to cause clotting of blood plasma.
A drop of physiological saline was placed on each end of a slide. With the loop, straight wire,
a portion of the isolated colony was emulsified in each drop to make thick suspensions. A
drop of human plasma was added to the suspensions and was mixed gently. Clumping of the
The proximate analysis system is both comparative and predictive in nature. Proximate
analysis allows us to make legitimate comparisons to feeds on the basis of specific nutrients.
This makes it possible to know how much better one feed is than another in terms of specific
The total titratable acidity (TTA) of ogi was determined for the sample to quantify the acid
produced during sample fermentation. 1ml of ogi liquor was reconstituted in 10 ml of its
fermented water (Omidun). Three drops of phenolphthalein was added as indicator; then
titrated against 0.1M NaOH while gently swirling the content in the conical flask until pink
colour appeared. Each ml of 0.1N NaOH used was equivalent to 90.08mg of lactic acid.
Titration reading was taken in triplicate and mean values of the reading was calculated. Total
In the pre-weighed moisture content cans, 5g of the sample was weighed in triplicate. The
sample was dried for 3 h at 105 0c in the Gallenkamp hot-air oven (Gallenkamp, UK) and the
weight was taken. The drying continued until the measure was constant. The sample was
cooled to room temperature in a desiccator and measured. The final weight of the sample was
determined. The moisture content was calculated from weight loss equation below:
The total ash (inorganic residue from the incineration of organic matter) was determined by
dry ashing procedure. The sample (2g) was measured into a pre weighed dry porcelain
crucible. The sample was incinerated in a Gallenkamp muffle furnace (Gallenkamp, UK) at
5500c for 6 h. After ashing, the remaining was removed from the furnace, cooled to room
temperature in a desiccator and weighed. The porcelain crucible was weighed and the % total
The crude fibre was determined using the weighed samples resulting from fat extraction.
Each sample was transferred into conical flask and 100 ml boiling 1.25% H 2SO4 added. Each
beaker was heated for 30 min with periodical rotation to prevent adherence of solids to the
sides of the beakers. The solution was filtered using Whatman No.1 filter paper (28413923)
and rinsed with 50ml portions boiling water; repeated trice then dried. Boiling 1.25% (w/v)
NaOH solution (200 ml) was added and the mixture was boiled for 30 min after which the
contents of each beaker was removed and filtered; washed with 25 ml boiling 1% sulphuric
acid, three portions of 50 ml boiling water and 25 ml ethanol. The residue was dried at 100
weighed. The weighed residue was ignited at 600 °C in a Gallenkamp muffle furnace
The experiment was carried out in triplicate for the sample and the average calculated for the
2g of ogi sample was weighed into a digestion flask. Kjeltec catalyst 31835-2501AE (0.8g)
and 15ml of concentrated sulphuric acid was added to each flask. Each flask was heated on
pre heated digester set (K12, Behr LaborTechnik, Germany) at 420 0c in a fume cupboard, and
digested until a clear homogenous mixture was obtained. After digestion, the flask was
removed from the heater, cooled, and the content was diluted with 50ml of distilled water.
The flask was then placed in micro-kjedahl analyser (Kjelmaster K-375, Buchi, Switzerland)
where it received 50ml of NaOH automatically. The mixture was subsequently heated up to
release ammonia which was distilled into a conical flask containing 25ml of 2% (w/v) boric
acid as an indicator for 4 min, the ammonia reacted with boric acid to form ammonium borate
which was titrated against 0.1M hydrochloric (HCl) acid until the purplish – grey end point
was attained. The percentage nitrogen content of the samples was calculated using the
equation below:
Nitrogen = (% g)
Fat content of all the ogi samples was determined by a continuous extraction liquid – solid
method using soxhlet extractor with a reflux condenser and a distillation flask (E914, Buchi,
Switzerland). Each sample (2g) was weighed into a fat free thimble plugged with cotton wool
and placed in the appropriate chamber of the extractor. The distillation flask was filled to two
third capacities with n-hexane (60–80 boiling points); the flask was boiled on a heating
mantle; the distillate was collected. Thereafter, n-hexane was recovered into a clean container
until almost all had been distilled. The remaining solvent in the mixture was evaporated in a
Gallenkamp hot-air oven (Gallenkamp, UK) set at 70 0c. The flask was allowed to cool
subsequently in a desiccator (PYREX, Corning, Inc USA after which the final weight of the
flask was determined. The difference in the final and initial weight of the distillation flask
represented the oil extracted from the sample. The percentage of crude fat was obtained using
Fat = (%)
The carbohydrate content was determined by difference. The sum of the moisture, ash, crude
fiber, fat and protein of the sample was subtracted from 100 to obtain percentage
Duration pH
0 hrs 4.23
24 hrs 3.66
48 hrs 3.64
72 hrs 3.71
96 hrs 3.84
Table 2: Microbial growth during fermentation of corn-slurry
Time P1 P2 P3 Average
Table 3: Cultural characteristics of isolates from (Corn-slurry) on De Man Rogosa Sharpe
Table 4: Biochemical Analysis of Isolate from corn-slurry (Ogi)
Test Catalase Starch Methyl- Voges- Oxidase Indole Coagulase
IsolateA + + + - + - +
IsolateB + - + - + +
IsolateC + - + - + - +
IsolateD + + - - + - +
IsolateE + - + + + - +
IsolateF + - + - + - -
IsolateG + + - - + - +
IsolateH + - + - + - +
IsolateI + + + - + - +
IsolateJ + + - - + - +
IsolateK + - + - + - +
IsolateL + - - - + - +
IsolateM + + + - + - +
IsolateN + + + + + - +
IsolateO + + - - + - +
IsolateP + - + + + - +
Table 5: Morphological Characteristics of Isolate from corn-slurry (Ogi)
Figure 1: Gram reaction of isolateA
Figure 1: Gram reaction of isolateB
Figure 3: Gram reaction of isolateC
Figure 5: Gram reaction of isolateD
Figure 5: Gram reaction of isolateE
Figure 6: Gram reaction of isolateF
Figure 7:
reaction of
Figure 10: Gram reaction of isolateJ
Figure 12:
Figure 13: Gram reaction of isolateM
Figure 14:
Figure 15:
Figure 16:
Table 6: Physiochemical and proximate analysis from corn-slurry (Ogi)
Parameters Percentages (%)
Ash 1.30
Protein 15.71
Fat 4.40
Carbohydrate 67.75
4.2 Discussion
slurry was checked at 0 hour, 24 hour, 48 hour and it was found decreased from 4.23, 3.66
and 3.64 respectively, that mean the carbohydrate in corn-slurry is converted to lactic acid
and then begin to increase slightly from 3.71 and 3.84 at 72 hour, 96 hour respectively. This
is when the protein content of the corn slurry increased in the fermenting medium.
According to Table 2, triplicate of 10 folds of serial dilution were done and 5 petri
dishes were made for each 10 folds of serial dilution. The odds dilution powers were chosen
throughout (10-1, 10-3, 10-5, 10-7 and 10-9). All the total petri dishes used were 15 and were
labeled according to their power of dilution used. After incubation which is 24 hours, all the
plates were brought out for count and dilution of power 10 -3 were chosen throughout because
they have distinct colonies. The result showed that the microbial population increases with
increase in fermentation period. From Table 2 the microbial load increased from 1.2×10 3 at 0
According to Table 3, which showed the cultural characteristics of the isolates, all the
isolates are creamy colour except isolate D, and isolateE which is whitish in colour. All the
isolates are translucent except isolateC and isolateD which is opaque. All the isolates are flat
The biochemical characteristics of isolates from corn slurry are shown on Table 4. All
isolates showed positive reaction to catalase test. All the isolates showed no reaction to starch
hydrolysis test except isolatesA,D,G,I,J,M,N,&O. All the isolates showed positive reaction to methyl
red test except isolatesD,G,J,L&O. All the isolates showed no reaction to voges-proskauer test
except isolatesE,N&P. All the isolates showed positive reaction to oxidase test. All the isolates
showed no reaction to indole test while all the isolates showed positive reaction to coagulase
The gram staining reaction of the isolates from corn-slurry (Ogi) is shown on Table 5.
All the isolates showed positive reaction to gram staining. All isolates were Rod in shape
while isolatesG is cocci in shape. Also isolatesG,H,L&P were pair while isolateK is singly and
isolatesA,B,C,D,E,F,I,M,,N&O were in cluster from figure 1 to figure 16 which show the Gram
According to Table 6, the proximate analysis carried out on the sample shows the
Titratable acid which is lactic acid to be 0.65%, Moisture content to be 9.00%, Ash to be
1.30%, Crude fibre to be 3.30%, Protein to be 15.71%, Fat to be 4.40% and Carbohydrate to
be 67.75%.
This shows that the carbohydrate is the major classes of food gotten from corn slurry
Corn slurry made from guinea corn is rich in nutrient which is needed by the body for
body maintenance.
Corn slurry produced from guinea corn is good for winning of baby because of its
nutritional condition.