Printable Notes
Printable Notes
Printable Notes
Express Powers
a. To sue and be sued in its corporate name
b. Of succession by its corporate name for the period of time stated in the articles of incorporation and the
certificate of incorporation
c. To adopt and use a corporate seal
d. To amend its articles of incorporation in accordance with the provisions of this Code
e. To adopt by-laws, not contrary to law, morals, or public policy, and to amend or repeal the same
f. Stock corporations: To issue or sell stocks to subscribers and to sell treasury stocks in accordance with
provisions of this Code; and to admit members to corporation if it be a non-stock corporation
g. To purchase, receive, take or grant, hold, convey, sell, lease, pledge, mortgage, and otherwise deal with such
real and personal property, including securities and bonds of other corporations, as the transaction of the
lawful business of the corporation may reasonably and necessarily require, subject to the limitations
prescribed by law and the Constitution
h. To enter into merger, consolidation, partnership and joint venture with other corporations
i. To make reasonable donations, including those for public welfare or for hospital, charitable, cultural,
scientific, civic, or similar purposes: Provided, that no corporation, domestic or foreign, shall give
donations political party or candidate or for purposes of partisan political activity.
AMENDMENT: Domestic corporation can now give donations
j. To establish pension, retirement, & other plans for benefit of directors, trustees, officers and employees
Implied Powers:
a. To issue checks or promissory note or bill of exchange or mercantile documents
b. To establish a local post office in case of a mining company
c. To operate power plant in case of a cement factory company
d. To sell, supply or manage advertising materials in case of an advertising company.
Incidental or inherent powers:
a. Right of succession
b. Right to have corporate name
c. Right to make by-laws for its governance
d. Right to sue and be sued
e. Right to acquire and hold properties for the purposes authorized by the charter.
Reserved to Filipinos
Mass Media 100%
Advertising 70%
Public Utility 60%
Educational Institution 60%
Exploration, evaluation and
development of natural resources
Ownership of land 60%
1. Safekeeping and preservation of the integrity of minutes of the meetings of the
Board and its committees, as well as other official records
2. Be loyal to the mission, vision and objectives of the corporation
3. Work fairly and objectively with the Board, Management and stockholders
4. Have appropriate administrative and interpersonal skills
5. If he is not at the same time the corporation's legal counsel, be aware of laws,
rules and regulations necessary in performance of his duties & responsibilities
6. Have a working knowledge of the operations of the corporation
7. Inform the members of the Board of the agenda of their meetings and ensure
that members have before them accurate information that will enable them to
arrive at intelligent decisions on matters that require their approval
8. Attend all Board meetings, except when justifiable causes, such as, illness, death
in immediate family and serious accidents, prevent him from doing so
9. Ensure board procedures, rules, and regulations are strict followed by members
10. If he is also the Compliance Officer, perform all the duties and responsibilities of
the said officer as provided for in this Code.
1. Monitor compliance by corporation with this Code and the rules & regulations of
regulatory agencies and, if any violations are found, report matter to Board and
recommend imposition of appropriate disciplinary action on responsible parties
and adoption of measures to prevent a repetition of violation
2. Appear before commission when summoned in relation to compliance with Code
3. Issue a certification every January 30th of the year on the extent of the
corporation's compliance with this Code for the completed year and, if there are
any deviations, explain the reason for such deviation.
Shares of stocks
Quorum Majority Majority of OCS
Annual as fixed in by-laws.
Regular meeting Monthly as fixed in by-laws
If no date fixed, any date after April 15
Special meeting Anytime deemed necessary or as provided for in the by-laws
Regular 2 days prior to the meeting (previously 21 days (from 2 weeks)
Special 1 day) 1 week
Not be at the principal office
• Unless it is not practicable, in the
Place Anywhere (even outside PH)
city or municipality where the
principal office is located.
Not allowed for a director or trustee
• Since he was elected because of
Proxy voting his personal qualifications and Generally allowed
must personally attend & vote)
GR: Majority of those present shall be
valid as a corporate act.
Charitable, religious, educational,
professional, cultural scientific, social, civic
PURPOSE Generally, for profit service, or similar purposes, like trade,
industry, agricultural and like chambers or
any combination thereof
Authorized Not authorized
Not more than 15 May or may not be more than 15
1 year 3 years
Members may directly elect officers, unless
ELECTION OF OFFICERS Duty of the directors
otherwise provided in AOI or bylaws,
One member, one vote. Unless limited,
VOTING May be straight or Cumulative broadened, or denied to the extent
specified in AOI or by-laws
By mail or other similar means as may be
MANNER OF VOTING Either in person or by proxy
authorized by the by-laws
Membership is personal and non-
Transferable transferable, unless AOI or by-laws provide
QUALIFICATION OF At least one share Independent trustees- not required to be a
Principal office unless not
practicable, in the city or
PLACE OF MEETING Any place in the Philippines
municipality where the
principal office is located
Generally, no restriction on
SHARES OF STOCK Subject to specified restrictions
transfer of shares
❖ This would thus require the application first of the control test.
❖ When after applying the Control Test, and it meets the required nationality requirements
but there exists a "doubt" as to Filipino ownership, grandfather rule would be
supplementally applied.
Dissolution & Liquidation