Chapter Vi: Rights of Stockholders and Members
Chapter Vi: Rights of Stockholders and Members
Chapter Vi: Rights of Stockholders and Members
Purpose: confer upon a trustee or trustees the right to vote and other
rights pertaining to the shares for a period not exceeding 5 years at
any one time.
Form: it must be: 1. In writing and notarized, 2. Filed with corporation
and SEC (otherwise it shall be ineffective an unenforceable), 3.
Notation in corporate books
Prohibited VTA No VTA shall be entered for the purpose of
circumventing the law against monopolies and illegal combination in
restraint of trade or used for purposes of fraud.
3. Pre-emptive Right
It is the shareholders right to subscribe to all issues or
disposition of shares of any class in proportion to his present
Purpose: to enable the shareholder to retain his proportionate
control in the corporation and to retain his equity in the retained
4. Right of First Refusal
It is a contractual right that gives its holder the option to enter a
business transaction with the owner of something, according to
specified terms, before the owner is entitled to enter into that
transaction with a third party.
Except in case of close corporations where the right of first
refusal must be provided in the AOI, the right of first refusal can
only arise in Corporate law by means of a contractual stipulation,
or when it is provided for in the AOI.
5. Right to Receive Dividends
GR: Stock corporations are prohibited from retaining surplus profits in
excess of 100% of their paid-in capital stock
a. when justified by definite corporate expansion projects or
programs approved by BOD
b. when corporation is prohibited under any loan agreement
from declaring dividends without its consentn
c. when such retention is necessary under special circumstances
Form of Dividends:
1. Cash Dividends can be declared by mere Board resolution from
URE; revocable before announcement; can be payable to holders
of delinquent stock but to be applied to the unpaid balance on
the subscription
2. Property Dividends