Q.1. At the top of a mine downcast shaft, the barometric pressure is 101 kPa and the air
temperature is 22°C. At the shaft bottom, the corresponding measurements are 110 kPa and 29°C
respectively. The air flow measured at the shaft top is 100 m3/s. If the shaft is dry, determine:
a. The air density at the shaft top and shaft bottom
b. The mass flow of air
c. The volume of air at the shaft bottom
Q.2. A dipping airways drops through a vertical elevation of 200 m between stations 1 and 2. The
followings observations are made:
Velocity ,u (m/s) Pressure, P, (kPa) Temperature, t (°C) Airflow, Q m3/s
Assuming that airway is dry and that the airflow follows a Polytropic law, determine:
a. the Polytropic index, n
b. the flow work
c. The work done against friction and the frictional pressure drop.
d. The change in enthalpy
e. The change in entropy
f. The rate and direction of heat transfer with the strata, assuming no source of heat.
Q.3. Two vertical shafts each 5mX4m cross-section and 200 m deep are connected at the bottom by
a level 2x2.5m in cross-section and 800 m long. The average barometric pressure in the shafts being
101.325 kPa. The temperature measurements in the shafts are as follows:
Downcast shaft-top =20 degree C, Downcast shaft-bottom = 24 degree C
Upcast shaft-top = 30 degree C, Upcast shaft-bottom = 30.5 degree C
The coefficient of friction k for the shaft is 0.005Ns2/m-4 and for all the level is 0.012 Ns2/m-4. Neglect
shock losses. Find out the air velocity in level.
Question 4: Air enters a section of a mine at td1 = 230C and tw1 = 180C . The barometric pressure is
101.35 kPa. It has been estimated that 1500 Joule/min of heat energy is added to the air in section.
If the dry and wet bulb temperature of air leaving this section are not to exceed td1 = 320F and tw1 =
280F respectively, and no air coolers are to be used. Determine the required airflow rate.
Q.5. Two air stream mix in a constant pressure adiabatic process. One air stream is at 21°C saturated
and the flow rate is 100 m3/s. The state of mixture 34/26°C and the flow rate is 360 m3/s. The
pressure is 101.325 kPa and the kinetic and potential terms are negligible. Determine the state of
the second entering air stream.
Q.6. Estimate the rate of respiratory cooling for a man of average size (𝐴𝑠𝑘 = 1.7 m2) walking at 1.8
m/s in an atmosphere of wet bulb temperature𝑡𝑤 = 19°C, dry bulb temperature, 𝑡𝑑 = 26°C and
barometric pressure = 110 kPa
Q.7. A cooling tower is used to cool the hot water used in condenser. A cooling tower at a
barometric pressure of 95 kPa. The following temperature measurements were obtained: