Articulo 1
Articulo 1
Articulo 1
Keywords: The present investigation is developed in the refrigeration industry, whose activity is the production and
Coefficient of performance commercialization of the ice used mainly in the fishing industry. The development consists in evaluating and
Compressor scale system comparing the steam compression refrigeration system with intercooler and the steam compression refrigeration
Intercooler system with compressor scale system. These evaluations are intended to determine the COP in both systems
Refrigeration industry
through an energetic and exergetic analysis, as well as to reduce the freezing time of the ice without affecting its
Steam compression
quality. Finally, a thermoeconomic evaluation of these systems will be carried out to allow the company to
analyze the convenience in study, by reducing their production costs using their productive processes efficiently,
providing quality products, and being competitive in the market. It is evident that when carrying out the eva-
luation of the refrigeration system with compressor scale system, it will be possible to increase the exergetic
efficiency, reduce the irreversibilities and the destroyed exergy; Above all, the COP will be increased by 8.28%,
which allows a reduction in ice freezing time by 22.25% or 3 h and 39 min. In addition to obtaining savings in
electricity consumption equivalent to $ 8563.00 dollars in the next 12 months.
Corresponding author at: Department of Renewable Energies, Faculty of Engineering, Paulista State University, UNESP – São Paulo, Brazil.
E-mail address: (D.J. Mariños Rosado).
Received 21 July 2018; Accepted 24 December 2018
Available online 23 January 2019
0196-8904/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.J. Mariños Rosado et al. Energy Conversion and Management 183 (2019) 406–417
Nomenclature Subscripts
oversizing leads to an increase in the specific volume of the steam to say, there is more extraction of fish, also, there are occasional clients,
compared to the saturated steam at the same pressure. Unfortunately, which, not being perennial clients of the company, arrive to make their
this supposes an increase of the power of entrance of the compressor, purchase at the least expected moment and without having placed their
since the work in steady state, is proportional to the specific volume order with anticipation; therefore, the company to deliver their orders
[8,9]. on time is in need of reducing the freezing time of the ice causing 2
Cascade cooling systems, there are industrial applications where things; the first, that the block does not complete its cycle and that its
low temperatures are required, ranging from −25 to −75 °C. quality is affected by obtaining brittle ice, and the second, that the plant
Unfortunately, a simple vapor compression cycle cannot be used to reaches 100% utilization of its installed capacity.
reach these moderately low temperatures. To overcome this difficulty The refrigeration plant PRC. S.A.C., currently uses traditional
without stopping the compression of steam, a cascade system can be technology for the cooling system of ice blocks, that is to say, it does not
used [2,10,11]. have equipment that helps to improve the process and therefore ob-
The refrigerant used is Ammonia, due to the high refrigeration re- taining a finished product of quality is almost impossible.
quirement of this in its latent heat change with respect to other re- Therefore, due to the multitude of applications and their relevant
frigerants [12,13]. importance, the refrigeration plant, in its steam compression cold
To avoid the presence of sludge or scale in the cooling system due to production facilities has a high percentage of energy consumption as
the presence of foreign bodies and drag the base salt, it is preferable to well as a high economic and environmental impact. On the one hand,
use industrially obtained refrigeration solutions, which thanks to their the indirect greenhouse effect associated with the origin of the energy
chemical composition act as anti-corrosive, are odorless, toxic and en- used, and on the other, the direct effect associated with refrigerant
sure a longer service time [14]. leaks because refrigerants with a high global warming potential (PCM)
On the other hand, the purpose in an exergy analysis is usually to are used.
determine the exergy of each of the elements that make up a system and The objective of this research is to evaluate the best production
thus achieve their efficiencies. The destruction of exergy of a compo- system for the refrigeration plant. Among these systems are: steam
nent can be determined by an exergy balance of the component. It is compression refrigeration system with intercooler and steam compres-
important to remember that changes in the system caused by kinetic sion refrigeration system with compressor scale system with and
and potential energy are neglected [15–17]. without intercooler.
The irreversibilities, although they cannot be avoided, must be re- The evaluations will be carried out through an energetic and ex-
duced to a minimum value, because they bring as a consequence the ergetic analysis (exergetic efficiency, irreversibilities and destroyed
need to supply an additional power, to achieve the desired cooling since exergy) in order to obtain the coefficient of performance of the systems
as long as the irreversibilities increase the same happens with the power evaluated. Later, with the system that presents the best COP, the new
supplied to the compressor [18]. freezing time of the ice will be determined and it will be compared with
The exergy analysis allows to optimize the design of the different the current time (20 h) used by the refrigeration plant to obtain block
equipment of an installation. And if the equipment is already installed, ice.
the exergetic cost of the equipment could be determined, which is Finally, the economic evaluation tool will be used, using the elec-
fundamental in the decision making process; With small modifications, tricity consumption in kW-h per month, the active electric energy cost
significant exergy and economic savings are achieved [19,20]. in dollars per kW-h and the average hours of operation of the equip-
During the process of production of block ice of the PRC. S.A.C. ment that makes up the plant during a day of operation.
refrigeration plant, it is observed that as in any productive system, the The purpose is to obtain savings in production, delivering quality
cycle time necessary for the freezing process is a problem that occurs products in the shortest time and that the refrigeration plant is com-
daily during the high season, due to that its demand is increased, that is petitive in the market.
D.J. Mariños Rosado et al. Energy Conversion and Management 183 (2019) 406–417
2. Analysis of the steam compression refrigeration system 3. The thermodynamic analysis of the steam compression
refrigeration system
2.1. Steam compression refrigeration system with intercooler
In order to carry out a successful investigation, the descriptive
A real steam compression refrigeration cycle differs from an ideal technique, the use of index cards, the use of bibliographic and elec-
one for several reasons. Among the most common are the irreversi- tronic material will be used. Energy diagnostic information will be
bilities that occur in several components. Two common sources of ir- obtained both by the author and by qualified technical personnel of the
reversibilities are friction of the fluid (which causes pressure drops) and company. Microsoft and Coolpack softwares to perform scenario
heat transfer to or from the surroundings. models on the data obtained, which will allow us to perform the exergy
Fig. 1 shows the steam compression refrigeration cycle with inter- analysis through irreversibilities.
cooler and presents the following equipment as: evaporator, condenser, The required information is made up of the following: Measurement
compressor, intercooler and expansion valve. of the current operating parameters such as the water temperature in
In the evaporator, heat (absorbs) is transferred from the cold region the molds, final brine temperature, condenser temperature, evaporator
to the refrigerant, which undergoes a phase change at a constant tem- temperature, high pressure and low pressure, daily hours of work,
perature. For the heat transfer to be effective, the saturation tempera- amount of refrigerant (NH3) used, power consumed by the compressor,
ture of the refrigerant must be lower than the temperature of the cold equipment information and data sheet of similar equipment.
region. In the condenser, the refrigerant condenses when yielding heat
to a current external to the cycle. Water and atmospheric air are the 3.1. Energetic analysis of the steam compression refrigeration system
usual substances used to extract heat from the condenser. To get heat
transferred, the saturation temperature of the refrigerant must be The following energetic analysis is used for the correct development
higher than the temperatures of the atmospheric currents. In the com- of the research.
pressor, to reach the required conditions in the condenser achieving the
release of heat from the system to the environment, it is necessary to
3.1.1. Refrigerated load in block ice generation
compress the refrigerant in order to increase its pressure and conse-
To calculate the refrigeration load or cooling capacity, it is neces-
quently its temperature (generally overheating temperatures), the
sary to determine the necessary loads of all the components immersed
power requirement Input depends on the cooling needs. The inter-
in the brine pool.
cooler, which is a heat exchanger whose function is to sub-cool the
It is determined as the sum of the cooling water from ambient
refrigerant that enters the evaporator and reheat the refrigerant that is
temperature to 0 °C, freezing and subcooling of ice to −3 °C. The
directed to the compressor. And finally, the expansion valve, which
equations to be used are the following: [21].
reverses the compressor process in order to obtain low temperatures
after releasing the heat in the condenser. Refrigerating load for cooling water. It is given by the variation
of sensible heat, and that must be extracted to the water to pass from
2.2. Steam compression refrigeration system with compressor scale system
the initial water temperature to 0 °C:
2.2.1. Steam compression refrigeration system with compressor scale system R cw = ṁ w ∗ Cpw ∗ (Tiw − Tfw ) (1)
without intercooler
Many types of refrigeration systems are developed and are adapted From Eq. (1), Rcw is the refrigerated load to cool the water from the
to the operating conditions of the refrigeration industries. In Figs. 2 and ambient temperature to the freezing point, mw is the mass flow of
3, show, respectively, the flow diagram of the steam compression re- water, Cpw it is the constant pressure specific heat of the water and Tiw,
frigeration system with compressor scale system without intercooler Tfw represent the initial water temperatures up to the final freezing
and with intercooler. temperature at 0 °C.
In Fig. 2, the instant vaporization chamber is used to reduce the
compressor input work. In these cycles of refrigeration with instant Refrigerated load for freezing water. It is the variation of latent
vaporization chamber, the energy sink can be the same refrigerant, heat or phase change of water from the liquid state to the solid state at
since in many points of the cycle, the temperature of the refrigerant is atmospheric pressure.
lower than the ambient temperature. Therefore, the heat exchanger that
Rfw = ṁ w ∗ hfg (2)
functions as an intermediate cooler becomes a regenerative exchanger,
since the heat is transferred internally in the system.
2.2.2. Steam compression refrigeration system with compressor scale system Condenser
with intercooler 2
By using a different configuration of the system presented in Fig. 2,
where the intercooler is not used, it has certain disadvantages; as, for Compressor
example, a greater effect of the refrigerant is not achieved or reach high
temperatures below zero in less time, and more power is also consumed
by the compressors. While the configuration shown in Fig. 3, which
uses the intercooler and also the instant vaporization chamber allows b
an improvement of the coefficient of performance, which is the objec- Expansion
tive of this work; which consists of demonstrating which of the re- valve 1
frigeration systems presented has the highest COP, the least losses, and
through exergy analysis present the irreversibilities that occur in the Evaporator
different equipment. To complement this research, an economic study 4
will be carried out to compare the systems presented and quantify the
economic savings that are the primary factors sought in the industry. Fig. 1. Flow diagram of the reference steam compression refrigeration system
Produce more, use less time and obtain savings in the production of with intercooler (subcooling and reheating). Cycle equipment: evaporator,
block ice. compressor, condenser, expansion valve and intercooler.
D.J. Mariños Rosado et al. Energy Conversion and Management 183 (2019) 406–417
Fig. 3. Flow diagram of the steam compression refrigeration system with 3.2. Indicators of the steam compression refrigeration system [22–24]
compressor scale system with intercooler (subcooling and reheating); (SC) su-
perior cycle: high pressure compressor, condenser, expansion valve SC and 3.2.1. Refrigerant effect
Instant vaporization chamber. (LC) lower cycle: evaporator, low pressure
compressor, expansion valve LC, intercooler and instant vaporization chamber. RE = ṁ r ∗ (h1 − h4 ) (10)
From Eq. (10), mr is the mass flow of the refrigerant, h1 is the en-
where Rfw is the refrigeration load for freezing or changing the phase of thalpy of the refrigerant at the evaporator outlet and h4 is the enthalpy
the water and hfg is the latent heat of the fusion water at 0 °C, presented of the refrigerant at the inlet of the evaporator and its value is equal to
in the Eq. (2). the enthalpy of saturated liquid at the high pressure of the refrigeration
system. Refrigerated load for subcooling water. It is the sensible heat
variation that must be extracted to the ice for subcooling from the 3.2.2. Compressor power
freezing temperature to the subcooling temperature of 3 °C. CP = ṁ r ∗ (h2 − h1) (11)
Rsw = ṁ w ∗ Cpi ∗ (Tfw − Ti ) (3) where h2 is the enthalpy of the refrigerant at the outlet of the eva-
Based on Eq (3), Rsw is the refrigeration load for the subcooling of porator inlet compressor and its value is equal to the enthalpy of the
the water, Cpi it is the constant pressure specific heat of the ice and TH refrigerant in the state of superheated steam, which is shown in the Eq.
is the final temperature of subcooled ice (−3 °C). (11).
Finally, Eq. (4) presents the refrigeration load for block ice making The compressor is driven by an electric motor, so the power sup-
(Rlbi) and is equal to the sum of the Eqs. (1), (2) and (3), and the process plied by the electric motor is equal to:
is shown in Fig. 4: ̇ = ηcomp ∗ ηem ∗ CP
Wem (12)
Rlbi = R cw + Rfw + Rsw (4)
From Eq. (12), ηcomp is the efficiency or mechanical performance of
the compressor and is a function of the type of compressor used, so we Refrigerated load for the cooling of the molds. The water to be have for reciprocating compressors is equal to 0.8 and for screw com-
frozen is contained inside molds made of stainless steel, the molds exert pressors is 0.85, ηem is the efficiency or performance of the electric
a thermal effect depending on their sensible heat. motor that drives the compressor and Wem is the Power supplied by the
D.J. Mariños Rosado et al. Energy Conversion and Management 183 (2019) 406–417
Temperature (°C)
Cooling process:
Sensitive heat variation from
20 to 0 °C, 7 hours
Freezing process:
Latent heat variation at 0 °C,
5 12 hours
Subcooling process: Sensitive
heat variation from 0 to -3 °C,
0 1 hour
7 13 20 Time (h)
Fig. 4. Temperature profile for block ice generation, starting from the cooling process, after freezing and finally subcooling of the ice, having a period of 20 h per day.
(The cooling process has a period of 7 h; the freezing process has a period of 12 h and the subcooling process has a period of 1 h).
electric motor. superior to the unit, being in maximum values of 3.5–5 for industrial
plants with generation of ice in block and cold rooms [24].
3.2.3. Thermal rejection power refrigeranteffect
It is the thermal power associated with the energy that the re- COP =
compressorpower (14)
frigerant fluid must release from the refrigeration cycle into the en-
vironment, in order to enter the thermodynamic conditions necessary to
produce the cooling effect again. It is evaluated according to the fol-
3.3. Exergetic analysis of the steam compression refrigeration system
lowing Eq. (13):
TRP = ṁ r ∗ (h2 − h3) (13) The purpose in an exergetic analysis is usually to determine the
exergy of each of the elements that make up a system and thus achieve
their efficiencies [8,21,25].
3.2.4. Coefficient of performance: It is important to remember that changes in the system caused by
It is an indicator that denotes the efficiency of a refrigeration cycle kinetic and potential energy are despised.
and is evaluated by comparing the refrigerant effect between the power The actual cycles of refrigeration by mechanical vapor compression
absorbed by the compressor. differ from the ideal cycles due to the irreversibilities that are generated
For the systems of refrigeration by compression of steam is a value in the different equipment of the system. The friction of the refrigerant
Fig. 5. Diagram P vs h of the steam compression refrigeration system with intercooler (subcooling and reheating). Cycle equipment: evaporator, compressor,
condenser, expansion valve and intercooler - Coolpack software.
D.J. Mariños Rosado et al. Energy Conversion and Management 183 (2019) 406–417
when circulating through the components of the refrigeration system, Xdest1 − 2 = W + m ∗ (ψ1 − ψ2)
which produce pressure drops and temperature differences between the
refrigerant and the medium with the heat exchanger, produce irrever-
Xdest1 − 2 = W + m ∗ (h1 − h2 − T0 ∗ (s1 − s2)) = W −Wrev (15)
sibilities in the refrigeration system. The irreversibilities, although they
cańt be avoided, must be reduced to a minimum value, because they Or also,
bring as a consequence the need to supply an additional power, to
achieve the desired cooling since as long as the irreversibilities increase Wrev I
εcomp = = 1 − dest1 − 2
the same thing happens with the power supplied to the compressor. W W (16)
where Xin, Xout and Xdes are the exergy of input, output and destroyed
3.3.1. Analysis for the compressor
respectively, W is the work done by the compressor, m is the mass flow
It is the exergy associated with a material current that crosses a
of the refrigerant and h1, h2, s1 and s2 are the enthalpies and entropies
certain volume of control. It is given by the following Eq. (15).
in the compressor input and output, T0 is the ambient temperature,
Xin − Xout − Xdest1 − 2 = 0 finally, ε comp is the exergetic efficiency in the compressor.
D.J. Mariños Rosado et al. Energy Conversion and Management 183 (2019) 406–417
T0 P I
Xdest 2 − 3 = m ∗ (h2 − h3 − To ∗ (s2 − s3))−QH ∗ (1 − ) ε= =1−
TH (17) F F (24)
Or also, From Eq. (24), ε is the exergetic efficiency, P is the exergy used in
the analyzed equipment (kW), F is the exergy supplied (kW) and I are
XQ H QH ∗ (1 − T0 ) X the Irreversibilities (kW).
εcond = = H
= 1 − dest 2 − 3 With the methodology described, the equations and laws that are
X2 − X3 m ∗ (h2 − h3 − To ∗ (s2 − s3)) X2 − X3 (18)
important, give us an overview of what is intended to investigate, in
where Xin, Xout and Xdes are the exergy of input, output and destroyed this sense, we can give sustenance to this research by demonstrating
respectively, QH is the heat that yields the condenser to the environ- that it already has an established foundation, and will be developed
ment at high pressure, m is the mass flow of the refrigerant and h2, h3, later.
s2 and s3 are the enthalpies and entropies in the condenser input and
output, T0 and TH are the ambient temperature and high-pressure 4. Results and discussion
temperature, finally, ε cond is the exergetic efficiency in the condenser.
In this section, the thermal load of the ice plant in blocks is de-
3.3.3. Analysis for the expansion valve termined and from this we continue with the procedure, for this we use
The energy efficiency is always less than unity and is calculated by the data of Table 1.
the following Eq. (19). The physical parameters shown in Table 1 are provided by the
Xin − Xout − Xdest3 − 4 = 0 maintenance area of the refrigeration plant PRC. S.A.C. The most im-
portant parameter is the amount of water used for the production of ice
Xdest3 − 4 = X3 − X 4 = mψ3 − mψ4 per day that is 125 ton per day.
Xdest 3 − 4 = m ∗ (h3 − h4 − To ∗ (s3 − s4 )) (19)
4.1. The determination of the thermal load or refrigerated load
Or also,
Xdest 3 − 4 By performing the various procedures and apply the Eqs. (1)–(9), we
εexpval = 1 − obtain the following thermal load or refrigeration load, shown in
X3 − X 4 (20)
Table 2.
where Xin, Xout and Xdes are the exergy of input, output and destroyed The highest percentage of power consumed by the refrigeration
respectively, m is the mass flow of the refrigerant and h3, h4, s3 and s4 cycle is used in the refrigerated load for block ice production with a
are the enthalpies and entropies in the expansion valve input and percentage of 90.48% and a power of 735.94 kW.
output, T0 is the ambient temperature, finally, ε exp val is the exergetic The thermal load determined in Table 2 will be used to calculate the
efficiency in the expansion valve. Indicators of the steam compression refrigeration system
3.3.4. Analysis in the evaporator 4.2. Energy balance in the steam compression refrigeration system with
The exergy that is lost in the turbine is calculated by the following intercooler
Eq. (21).
Xin − Xout − Xdest4 − 1 = 0 Using the thermodynamic table, the properties of ammonia are
determined at each point of the basic cycle, parameters shown in
Xdest 4 − 1 = mψ4 − mψ1 + XQL
Table 3.
Xdest 4 − 1 = m ∗ (h4 − h1 − T0 ∗ (s4 − s1))+QL ∗ (1 − ) 4.3. Energy balance in the steam compression refrigeration system with
TL (21)
compressor scale system without intercooler
Or also,
QL ∗ (1 − T0 )
T Using the thermodynamic table, the properties of Ammonia are
εevap = = L
= 1 − dest 4 − 1 determined at each point of the basic cycle, parameters shown in
X 4 − X1 m ∗ (h4 − h1 − T0 ∗ (s4 − s1)) X 4 − X1
(22) Table 1
where Xin, Xout and Xdes are the exergy of input, output and destroyed Income data for determining the thermal load of the ice industry.
respectively, QL is the heat that enters the evaporator to the environ- Physical parameters* Symbology Specification Units
ment at low pressure, m is the mass flow of the refrigerant and h4, h1, s4
Amount of water in the molds mw 125 Ton/day
and s1 are the enthalpies and entropies in the evaporator input and
Ambient temperature Ta 20 °C
output, T0 and TL are the ambient temperature and low-pressure tem- Initial water temperature Tiw 20 °C
perature, finally, ε evap is the exergetic efficiency in the evaporator. Final temperature of the ice Tfw −3 °C
The total exergy destroyed of the cycle is equal to the sum of the Specific heat of water Cpw 4.18 kJ/kg °C
exergy destroyed in each of the components of the cycle, therefore: Heat melting water Δhfg 334 kJ/kg
Specific heat of ice Cpi 2.1 kJ/kg °C
Xtotaldest = Xdest1 − 2 + Xdest 2 − 3 + Xdest 3 − 4 + Xdest 4 − 1 (23) Specific heat of the mold Cpm 0.5 kJ/kg °C
Brine final temperature Tfs −5 °C
The total exergy destroyed can also be expressed as the difference
between the exergy used (input work) and the recovered exergy (exergy * Management reports of the maintenance area of the refrigeration plant
extracted from the low temperature medium). PRC. S.A.C.
D.J. Mariños Rosado et al. Energy Conversion and Management 183 (2019) 406–417
Table 2 using the steam compression refrigeration system with the compressor
Determination of the refrigeration load of the refrigeration plant PRC. S.A.C. scale system.
N° Refrigerated load Power (kW) (%) RE = 939.88kW
1 Refrigerated load for block ice production 735.94 90.48 The refrigerant effect is determined by the sum of the different
2 Refrigerated load for the cooling of the molds 6.98 0.86 thermal loads presented below.
3 Refrigerating load of brine water agitators 29.80 3.66
4 Additional losses 40.67 5
a. Refrigerated load for the manufacture of block ice.
Total 813.39 100
• Refrigerated load for cooling water (Ṙcw )
• ̇ )
Refrigerated load for freezing water (Rfw
Table 3
Refrigerant values in the steam compression refrigeration system with intercooler, Fig. 5.
Parameters Symbology Quantity Units
D.J. Mariños Rosado et al. Energy Conversion and Management 183 (2019) 406–417
Table 4
Refrigerant values in the steam compression refrigeration cycle with compressor scale system without intercooler, Fig. 6.
Parameters Symbology Quantity Units
Table 5
Refrigerant values in the steam compression refrigeration cycle with compressor scale system with intercooler, Fig. 7.
Parameters Symbology Quantity Units
Table 6 6
Results of the energy balance to the steam compression refrigeration system 5.1
5 4.71
with intercooler. 4.46
Steam compression cooling system A. With intercooler 4
Mass flow of the refrigerant 0.734 kg/s A
Table 7 Systems cases
Results of the energy balance to the steam compression refrigeration system
with compressor scale system without and with intercooler. Fig. 8. Comparison of the coefficient of performance (COP) of refrigeration
systems (A. steam compression refrigeration system with intercooler, B. steam
Steam compression refrigeration system B. Without C. With compression refrigeration system with compressor scale system without inter-
with compressor scale system intercooler intercooler cooler and C. steam compression refrigeration system with compressor scale
system with intercooler).
Refrigerant effect 928.88 kW 939.88 kW
Power of the first compressor 48.72 kW 33.21 kW
Power of the second compressor 159.64 kW 153.04 kW
irreversibility and exergy destroyed) between the steam compression
Mass flow of coolant 1 0.734 kg/s 0.717 kg/s
Mass flow of refrigerant 2 0.892 kg/s 0.856 kg/s
refrigeration system with intercooler and the steam compression re-
Coefficient of performance 4.46 5.10 frigeration system with compressor scale system with intercooler.
For the development of Eqs. (15)–(24) and obtaining of the results
D.J. Mariños Rosado et al. Energy Conversion and Management 183 (2019) 406–417
Table 8 Table 10
Exergetic analysis: exergetic efficiency (ε ), irreversibility (I) and exergy de- Total power of refrigeration systems.
stroyed (Xdest) in refrigeration systems.
Case Power
A Steam compression refrigeration system with intercooler
B Steam compression refrigeration system with compressor scale HP-h kW-h
system with intercooler
A 8130 6061.72
Process ε (%) I ( kW) Xdest (kW) B 7633 5691.18
Systems A B A B A B
kW − h ⎞ $
Compression 23 42 38.87 14.49 133.82 19.86 Economicsavings = electricitysaving ⎜⎛ ⎟ ∗ 0.06
System ⎝ day ⎠ kW − h
Condensation 38 40 35.72 50.14 52.55 69.39
System kW − h $ 360days
Expansion – – 15 0.5 15 0.5 Economicsavings = 370.54 ∗ 0.06 ∗
day kW − h 1year
Evaporation 43.41 51.82 109.59 90.56 40.81 2.45
System $
Economicsavings = 8563.00
shown in Table 8, refer to the tables shown in Appendix C of the sup- Carrying out the economic analysis, relating the COP obtained in
plementary material. the steam compression refrigeration system with compressor scale
Table 8 shows that the steam compression refrigeration system with system with intercooler and the COP of the steam compression re-
compressor scale system with intercooler, presents the best results. The frigeration system with intercooler, the electricity consumption in kW-h
exergy efficiency shows an increase in all processes. Thus, as well as per month, the active electric power cost in dollars per kW-h and the
irreversibilities, they show a decrease in compression and evaporation. average hours of operation of the equipment that make up the plant
On the other hand, the exergy destroyed, presents an abysmal reduction during a day of operation, there is a saving in electricity of $ 23.77
with the exception of the condenser in which a small increase arises. dollars per day, equivalent to $ 8563.00 dollars per year.
Salazar Pereyra et al. [27] show that the thermodynamic analysis to
the refrigeration cycles by vapor compression of HF-134A of one, two
4.8. Thermoeconomic evaluation of refrigeration systems and three stages of compression and to a simple cycle of refrigeration by
compression of vapor of CO2 operating at subcritical and supercritical
The thermoeconomic evaluation was carried out based on the COP conditions. In the analysis we obtain the operation coefficient, the
obtained for both the refrigeration system by steam compression re- power supplied to the compressor, the exergy efficiency and the irre-
frigeration system with intercooler and the steam compression re- versibilities for each of the refrigeration cycles, shows an improvement
frigeration system with compressor scale system with intercooler, in the results. When comparing the cycle of CO2 with the cycles with
which makes use of the average hours of operation of the equipment HF-134A one has, that due to the high pressures to which the cooling is
which make up the plant during a day of operation, according to the carried out, the losses of the availability of the energy are more sig-
freezing time for each refrigeration system, obtaining an energy cost of nificant in the process of compression and strangulation, resulting with
its electricity consumption for each case as shown below (see Table 9). an exergy efficiency lower than 65% than the one-stage cycle with R-
The power consumed is observed for each case: A. steam compres- 134A.
sion refrigeration system with intercooler, B. steam compression re- Nuñez Sanchez [28] concludes that the systems subcool the re-
frigeration system with compressor scale system with intercooler (see frigerant at the outlet of the condenser through a refrigeration cycle by
Table 10). mechanical compression of smaller steam, the physical components of
these systems are reviewed, explained and analyzed to develop ther-
kW − h modynamic models that allow to make an evaluation of the COP of
electricitysaving = 6061.72 − 5691.18
day these systems, for which a solution methodology was developed.
Through this methodology it was possible to evaluate these models to
kW − h compare the improvement obtained by applying mechanical subcooling
electricitysaving = 370.54
day with respect to the simple cooling system. It was found that these sys-
tems have a significant improvement in the COP of the system com-
If the cost of Active Electric Energy is: 0.06 $ , knowing that the pared to the simple system, but there is no difference between applying
kW − h
Refrigeration Plant PRC. S.A.C. is located in Tarifa MT3 in medium the dedicated mechanical subcooling system or the integrated me-
voltage, so we have, (see Table 11): chanical subcooling system. Both systems behave similarly with respect
Table 9
Equipment power of refrigeration systems.
Equipment Use Power (HP) With intercooler Compressor scale with intercooler
D.J. Mariños Rosado et al. Energy Conversion and Management 183 (2019) 406–417
Table 11
Economical savings in the refrigeration system.
Refrigeration system COP (h/day) Electric power consumption (kW-h) Electric energy savings Savings ($/day) Annual savings ($/year)
D.J. Mariños Rosado et al. Energy Conversion and Management 183 (2019) 406–417