MC 20
MC 20
MC 20
MG Andaya Compoud,
Odiong, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
Mission Statement
John Paul College shall be a leading academic center particularly in Southern Mindoro. It ‘shall provide the essentials for quality education through competent human resource, responsive to the needs of the
community, attuned to technological advancements and promoting cooperation with other institutions.
Conforming to its academic mission, John Paul College will create righteous, self-reliant, ecologically sensible and fully competitive graduates. It shall advocate innovations and modernism while protecting
Mindoro’s indigenous cultural heritage through progressive research and dedicated community service.
Philosophy of Education
John Paul College, as an educational institution, is inspired by the teachings and philosophy of St. John Paul II relative to education through the following precepts:
“The future starts today, not tomorrow.” Thus, exhorting students to put their goals into action today without any excuses. They must learn not to wait until tomorrow to start what they can do now.
Education is explored by giving importance to the person, the action, community, solidarity and participation. Thus, anchoring in an educational philosophy which is more person-centered by recognizing the need
to be conscious of the personal experience of each student.
An education which recognizes that faith and reason are both essential for students to grow in knowledge and wisdom. Thus, believing that to grow in relationship with God is achieved by loving knowledge,
striving for virtue, and caring for others.
Institutional Goals
To create a school environment conducive to quality learning.
To offer and provide education which is responsive to the needs of the community, attuned to technological advancements and changing global conditions.
To integrate its core values in human relations ensuring adherence to the ideals of St. John Paul II.
To live up with its commitment as the local communities’ partner for their transformation and improvement towards a better quality of life.
To ensure and maintain its good image to be able to effectively encourage others to assimilate to JPC ideals, principles and values.
MC 20 - Thesis Writing(Elementary)I 1
MG Andaya Compoud,
Odiong, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
Institutional Objectives
A. Provide reliable facilities, laboratories and equipment.
B. Promote the continuous development of manpower to conform with students' needs, academic demands and regulatory standards.
C. Continuously upgrade, update and develop the curricula.
D. Effectively engage in relevant research.
E. Give relevant social services to identified communities.
Course Description:
This course gives an opportunity to produce and defend an undergraduate thesis in the field of education. This is a process-oriented writing course that integrates reading, research, writing, and oral
presentations. The students will carry out a research project on a legal topic of their interest.
Apart from the thesis, they must compile a portfolio with all the drafts, notes about the texts read, instructor’s feedback, research proposal, literature review, class activities, and any written work done
for the project such as outlines, book reviews, etc.
They will also present the results of each stage of their work to the instructor and the other students in the course. Other members of the College community may be invited to the presentations. Students
will encourage to send their thesis for publication. Additionally, they will engage in a series of class activities aimed at helping them develop their reading, research, writing, and presentation skills.
MC 20 - Thesis Writing(Elementary)I 2
MG Andaya Compoud,
Odiong, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
Submit the required assignments of the course;
Achieve a passing mark in the major examinations;
5. Submit both a printed copy and an electronic copy of the thesis;
6. Every source used must be documented correctly and consistently according to the appropriate referencing system; and
7. Gain in-depth understanding of the concepts through research, course readings and course tasks.
Midterm Grade…………………………………………………………….30%
Final Grade……………………………….………………………………….40%
MC 20 - Thesis Writing(Elementary)I 3
MG Andaya Compoud,
Odiong, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
Major Examination……………………………………………………….40%
Other Requirements…………………………………………………….60%
Step 2. The Final Term Grade (FTG) will be determined by adding all the equivalent percentage of the four course requirements
Course Outline
Learning Activities Assessment Tasks Learning Activities Assessment Tasks
1 Introduction and Utilize this courseware to Distribution of Distribution of courseware Distribution of
orientation to properly evaluate this course and courseware and and discussion on its use. courseware and
the course. get adjustments and guidance. discussion on its use. discussion on its
Introduce yourself in 1. Self-preparation use.
the discussion forum Introduce yourself
Attend orientation 2. Material exploration in the discussion
for MC-20. forum
3. Positive mind setting Attend orientation
for MC 20.
2 Organizing a thesis Read the course syllabus, Quiz In-class discussion, sharing Quiz
on Education schedule of activities, of ideas and information
course materials for Question and answer
Plagiarism week 1. Power point presentation
-What it is and Determine plagiarism from the Release of guide for
how to avoid it. given situation. output 1.
-What is
plagiarism? Cite the do’s when:
-Why is plagiarism -quoting directly
a bad thing? -quoting indirectly
-What happens to -paraphrasing and
plagiarists? summarizing
-How can -researching and note-taking
MC 20 - Thesis Writing(Elementary)I 4
MG Andaya Compoud,
Odiong, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
plagiarism be
3-6 Thesis writing Review on the parts of thesis Read and analyze the Exercises In-class discussion, sharing Oral recitation
(Guidelines, writing. course materials Workshop of ideas and information Quiz
Format and Quiz Question and answer
Sample) Provide the salient features of Release of guide for Exercises
(Chapter 1-2) an effective thesis writing output 2. Workshop
including the following: Power point presentation
a. Guidelines
b. Format
c. Sample
7 1.Research project Report on the updates of the Group Reporting and Rubrics Group Reporting and Rubrics
implementation extent of implementation of sharing sharing
2.Research project and the data gathered
instrument and
8 1.Data Analysis 1.Discuss the steps in Lecture-Discussion Quiz Lecture-Discussion Quiz
and interpretation analyzing and interpreting Workshop Exercise Workshop Exercise
2.Application of data Group Presentation Rubrics Group Presentation Rubrics
procedure in data 2.Analyze the data gathered
analysis during the implementation
(Chapter 3) and interpret the result.
9 1.Data 1.Discuss how to organize and Lecture-Discussion Quiz Lecture-Discussion Quiz
Organization and present the data in tabular Workshop Exercise Workshop Exercise
2.Presentation and textual forms Group Presentation Rubrics Group Presentation Rubrics
Application of 2.Organize the actual data and
concepts present them in the two forms
10 Writing the Write the summary of Lecture-Discussion Quiz Lecture-Discussion Quiz
summary of findings, conclusions and Workshop Exercise Workshop Exercise
findings, recommendations Group Presentation Rubrics Group Presentation Rubrics
conclusions, and
11-12 Chapter 4 Write the thesis report Lecture-Discussion Quiz Lecture-Discussion Quiz
Chapter 5 Presentation skills Workshop Exercise Workshop Exercise
Group Presentation Rubrics Group Presentation Rubrics
MC 20 - Thesis Writing(Elementary)I 5
MG Andaya Compoud,
Odiong, Roxas, Oriental Mindoro
13 The research
Compound Submission of first
Workshop Rubrics Workshop Rubrics
1. Wasserman, L. (2013). All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistics Inference, Singer, USA
2. Fraenkel and Wallen, (2007) How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, Mc Graw Hill Co. Inc., International Ed.
Prepared by:
Reviewed by:
MC 20 - Thesis Writing(Elementary)I 6