Cells VIS Chart
Cells VIS Chart
Cells VIS Chart
Cell Structure Definition (including function) Personal Clue
Cell Membrane A protective layer that covers a cells surface and acts
as a barrier between the inside of a cell and the cells
Gates of the school, then the
environment. It controls what goes in and out of the cell. Staff choses who can go inside.
Nucleus Contains the genetic material. It contains the cells The principle of the cell.
DNA in eukaryotic cells.
Golgi Apparatus The membrane bound organelle that packages and UPS delivering and packaging.
distributes materials such as proteins.
Vacuole (animal A fluid filled vesicle. In animal cells they hold A storage unit.
various things like enzymes, nutrients, water, or
cell) waste.
Lysosome Contain digestive enzymes, which break down worn-out or
damages organelles, waste materials and foreign invaders in the Trash or recycling unit.
cell. Attaches to vacuole and releases the digestive enzymes inside
Some of the materials are recycled and reused in the cell.
Cell Wall The cell wall is a rigid structure that surrounds the cell
Membrane. Provide support and protection to the cell.
An extra fence.
Large Central Stores water. Full of water help support the Water jug to keep hydrated.
Vacuole cell.