The Fundamental Unit of Life: One Mark Questions
The Fundamental Unit of Life: One Mark Questions
The Fundamental Unit of Life: One Mark Questions
File Revision Date : 6 September 2019
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CLASS : 9 th
SUB : Science
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Plasma membrane is made up of proteins and lipids. 10. What are cisterns?
Ans :
2. Name the autonomous organelles in the cell.
The Golgi bodies consist of a system of membrane-
Ans :
bound vesicles arranged in stacks called cisterns.
Chloroplast and mitochondria are the autonomous
organelles in the cells. 11. Name the cell organelles that have their own DNA
and ribosomes. Name the autonomous organelles in
3. Name the smallest cell and the longest cell in human the cell.
body. Ans :
Ans :
The cell organelles with their own DNA and ribosomes
The smallest cell is the red blood cell or sperm cell in are mitochondria and plastids. Chloroplast and
male. The longest cell is the nerve cell. mitochondria are the autonomous organelles in the
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18. Name the cell organelle which helps in the formation Onion cell (plant cell) and fungi are two cells with
of lysosome. cell wall.
Ans :
29. State two conditions required for osmosis.
Golgi apparatus.
Ans :
19. Name the cleaning organelle in the cell. (i) The difference in the concentration of water, one
Ans : should have higher concentration than the other.
(ii) Semi-permeable membrane is also required
Lysosomes. through which water will flow.
20. List two similarities between mitochondria and 30. What is plasmolysis?
Ans :
Ans :
When a living plant cell loses water through osmosis
Plastids are similar to mitochondria in external there is shrinkage or contraction of the contents of
structure. Like the mitochondria, plastids also have the cell away from the cell wall. This phenomenon is
their own DNA and ribosome. known as plasmolysis.
21. (i) Name the largest animal cell. 31. What is the function of vacuoles?
(ii) Name the smallest cell.
Ans :
Ans :
Vacuoles are the storage sacs for solid or liquid content.
(i) An ostrich egg. In plant cells, it provides turgidity and rigidity to the
(ii) Pleuro pneumonia bacterium. cell. In single-celled organisms, vacuoles store food,
e.g. amoeba.
22. What is cell wall?
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24. Name the type of organism in which a single cell 33. Why are plasma membrane called selectively
constitutes the whole organism. permeable membrane?
Ans : Ans :
Organism in which a single cell constitutes the whole Plasma membrane allows to go in and out some
organism is unicellular organism. materials to and from the cell. It also prevents
movement of some other materials. So, it is called
25. Where are proteins synthesized inside the cell? selectively permeable membrane.
Ans :
The proteins are synthesised in the ribosomes, known 34. What would happen to the life of a cell if there was no
as protein factories too. Golgi apparatus?
Ans :
26. What is the function of cell wall and plasma membrane? Golgi apparatus plays an important fusion of storage,
Ans : modification and packaging of the products in
Cell Wall : Gives rigidity, shape and protection to vesicles. If there were no Golgi bodies, packaging and
plant cell. dispatching of materials synthesised by the cell will
Cell Membrane : Allows only selected materials to be stopped.
move in and out of the cell.
35. What is the function of chromosome?
27. What would happen if the plasma membrane breaks Ans :
down? Chromosomes contain information for the hereditary
Ans : pattern of features from parents to next generation in
If plasma membrane breaks down then molecules of the form of DNA molecules.
some substances will freely move in and out.
36. Name the organelles present in liver of animals which
28. Name two cells with cell wall. detoxifies many poisons and drugs.
Ans : Ans :
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Chap 5 : The Fundamental Unit of Life
In the liver of animal cells, smooth endoplasmic They are responsible for storing and transmitting
reticulum helps in detoxifying many poisons and hereditary information from one generation to
drugs. another. They contain the information necessary for
constructing and organizing cells.
37. What are genes?
Ans : 45. How are new cells reproduced?
Gene is a part of DNA. They are located on Ans :
chromosomes in linear fashions. One gene may Cells multiply by dividing themselves again and again.
perform one or more function. Genes are carrier of Cells divide to produce cells of their own kind.
genetic character.
46. How do substances like CO2 and water move in and
38. Give the function of nuclear membrane. out of the cell?
Ans : Ans :
The nuclear membrane present as outer covering of The substances like CO2 move in and out of a cell by
nucleus allows transfer of material inside and also out diffusion from the region of high concentration to low
of the nucleus to cytoplasm. concentration. Water also obey the law of diffusion.
The movement of water molecule through such a
39. Do vacuoles store material? If so, name them. selective permeable membrane is called osmosis.
Ans :
47. What is a prokaryotic cell?
Yes, vacuoles store some important substances required
in life of the plant cell. These are amino acids, sugars, Ans :
various organic acids and also some proteins. A cell in which there is absence of a defined nuclear
Example : Amoeba, vacuoles also store food. region and a nuclear membrane is called a prokaryotic
cell. Prokaryotic cells are generally small in size. They
40. What are ribosomes? Where are ribosomes located in lack membrane bound cell organelles. They have a
the cell? What is their function? single chromosome.
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Ribosomes are spherical organelles present in the cell
which are either freely distributed in the cytoplasm 48. What is a eukaryotic cell?
or may be attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. It Ans :
has ribosomal RNA (Ribonucleic acid) and proteins.
It helps in protein synthesis. Eukaryotic cells are much larger and more complex
than prokaryotic cells. Their complexity is reflected in
their DNA content. These cells contain a membrane
41. Which cell organelle is known as the ‘suicidal bags’ of
bound nucleus containing nucleolus. A eukaryotic cell
a cell? Why?
contains many membrane bound cell organelles like
Ans : the mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum and
Lysosomes are known as suicidal bag of cell. During the Golgi bodies. These cells have more than one
the disturbance in cellular metabolism, lysosome may chromosome and the cell division is by meiotic mode.
burst and the enzymes digest their own cell. Hence,
lysosome are called ‘suicide bags’ of a cell. 49. How does a living cell perform basic functions?
Ans :
42. Write the functions of cell wall in plant cell.
A living cell perform basic functions by division of
Ans : labour among specific components within it is known
(i) It provides rigidity and strength to the cell. as cell organelles.
(ii) It gives a definite shape to the cell.
(iii) It withstands the osmotic pressure which is 50. How many types of proteins are present in cell
developed by cell contents. structure?
(iv) It protects the inner cell organelles bounding the Ans :
cell from outside.
There are two types of protein molecules : intrinsic
proteins, which completely covers the lipid bilayer
43. What are chromosomes? What are they made of?
and extrinsic proteins, which occur either on the outer
Ans : surface or on the inner surface of the lipid membrane.
The compact rod-like bodies inside the nucleus are
called chromosomes. These are seen at the time of cell 51. Write a function of cell membrane.
division. They are made up of deoxyribonucleic acid Ans :
or DNA and proteins.
Its major function is to hold cellular contents and
control passage of materials in and out of the cell.
44. What is the function of DNA?
Ans :
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52. What could happen if nucleus is removed from the reticulum and rough endoplasmic reticulum.
cell? Ans :
Ans :
If nucleus is removed from a cell, the protoplasm will Smooth endoplasmic Rough endoplasmic
ultimately dry up and the cell will die because the reticulum reticulum
nucleus controls all the metabolic activities of a cell. (i) It looks smooth. It looks rough.
53. Give example of working of chromoplasts. (ii) SER helps in the Ribosomes are
manufacturing of fat attached to RER
Ans :
molecules or lipids. which synthesize
Spinach looks green due to the presence of chloroplasts, proteins.
papaya is yellow and edible part of watermelon is red
due to the presence of chromoplasts.
60. All cells come from pre-existing cells. Justify?
54. Name various cell organelles. Ans :
Ans : All organisms around are made up of one or more
cells. There are single cells organism called unicellular
The cell organelles are : Endoplasmic Reticulum,
like amoeba whereas some single body are made up of
Ribosomes, Golgi apparatus, Lysosomes, Mitochondria,
many cells called multicellular organism. Cells divide
Plastids, Vacuoles, Peroxisomes and Centrosome.
to produce cells of their own kind. Hence, all cells
come from pre-existing cells.
55. Which cell organelle transmits the heredity information
from parents to offspring?
61. What is the function of nucleus in a cell?
Ans :
Ans :
Genes are the functional units of chromosomes which
The nucleus plays a very important role in the
transmit the heredity information from parents to
reproduction of cells. It also helps the single cell to
offspring. These are located on chromosomes.
divide and form two new daughter cells. It also helps
in an important role in determining how cell will
56. What are vacuoles? develop.
Ans :
Vacuoles are fluid-filled structures surrounded by a 62. What is the function of plastids?
membrane. The fluid in the vacuoles is called cell sap. Ans :
In animal cells, either they are absent or are very
Plastids are present only in plant cells. There are two
small in size.
types of plastids chromoplasts (coloured plastids) and
leucoplasts (white or colourless).
57. Where do lipids and proteins get synthesized? Chromoplast : Consists of coloured pigments and
Ans : given different colours to flowers, fruits and leaves.
Lipids get synthesized in the smooth endoplasmic The green colour pigment present in leaf is called
reticulum and proteins get synthesised in the ribosome chlorophyll which helps in the photosynthesis and a
and rough endoplasmic reticulum. plastid with chlorophyll is called chloroplast.
Leucoplast : It stores starch, oil and protein granules
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(i) Nucleus plays a central role in cellular reproduction. (i) Structures found only in animal cells : centrosomes,
(ii) It plays an important role in determining the way lysosome.
the cell will develop. (ii) Structures found only in plant cells : cell wall,
(iii) It also determines what form the cell will exhibit plastids and big vacuoles.
at maturity.
(iv) It contains chromosome thus inherits characters. Add 89056 29969 in Your Class Whatsapp Group to Get All PDF Files.
(v) It is the control centre of the cell.
(vi) It directs chemical activities of the cell. 69. Give brief introduction of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
65. How does amoeba obtain its food? Ans :
Ans : Prokaryotic cell :
Amoeba take its food by the cell membrane which 1. Cell size is generally small.
forms the food vacuole. 2. Only a single chromosome is present.
3. Nucleolus is absent.
4. Cell division takes place by fission or budding.
Eukaryotic cell :
1. Cell is generally large.
2. More than one chromosome is present.
3. Nucleolus is present.
4. Cell division takes place by mitotic or meiotic.
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Chap 5 : The Fundamental Unit of Life
73. Explain endocytosis. (i) When eukaryotic cells are placed in hypotonic
Ans : solution, the water molecules will enter into the
cell and the cell will swell up.
Endocytosis is the ingestion of material by the cells
(ii) If eukaryotic cells are placed in hypertonic
through the plasma membrane. It is a collective term
solution, the water molecules will come out of the
that describes three similar processes : phagocytosis
cell and the cell will shrink.
(cell eating), potocytosis (cell drinking) and receptor-
(iii) If the eukaryotic cell is placed in isotonic solution,
mediated endocytosis. These processes are pathways to
the amount of water molecule will remain the
specifically internalize solid particles, small molecules
same; it will neither move out nor will go inside.
and macromolecules, respectively.
The cell will remain same sized.
76. Expand the term ATP. What is use of ATP? 81. Who gave the cell theory? What does it state? Which
Ans : organism is an exception of cell theory?
Ans :
ATP stands for Adenosine Tri-phosphate
Application : ATP molecules are rich in chemical Two biologists; “Schleiden and Schwann” gave the
energy. The body cells use this energy for synthesis “Cell theory” which expanded by “Rudolf Virchow”.
of new chemical compounds, and for mechanical work Cell theory states that :
done by cells. (i) All plants and animals are composed of cells.
(ii) Cell is the basic unit of life.
77. Name the cell organelle which are known as : (iii) All cells arise from pre-existing cells.
1. Control centre of the cell Viruses are the exceptions of cell theory.
2. Demolition squads/suicidal bags of the cell
3. Export firms 82. Give difference between Chloroplasts and
4. Powerhouse of the cell Chromoplasts.
5. Kitchen of the cell Ans :
6. Internal transport system
Chloroplasts :
Ans : (i) They are green plastids.
1. Nucleus (ii) They contain chlorophylls and carotenoids.
2. Lysosomes (iii) Lamellae are present.
3. Golgi bodies (iv) Chloroplasts are sites of photosynthesis.
4. Mitochondria Chromoplasts :
5. Chloroplast (i) They are non-green coloured plastids.
6. Endoplasmic reticulum (ii) Chlorophylls are absent.
(iii) Lamellae are absent.
78. (i) What will happen when eukaryotic cells are placed (iv) They add colour to the organs for attracting
in hypotonic solution? animals to perform pollination and fruit dispersal.
(ii) What will happen if eukaryotic cells are placed in
hypertonic solution? 83. Give difference between ribosome and centrosome.
(iii) What will happen if eukaryotic cells are placed in Ans :
isotonic solution?
Ribosome :
Ans :
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(i) It is found in both animal cell and plant cell. (iii) Helps in formation of cell plate and nuclear
(ii) These are dense, spherical and granular particles membrane during cell division.
which occur freely in the matrix or remain (iv) ER also produces substance for new cellular parts
attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. (especially cell membrane).
Centrosome : (v) ER provides internal support to the colloidal
(i) Centrosome is found only in animal cells. cytoplasmic matrix of the cell.
(ii) It consists of two granules like centrioles.
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84. What are the function of endoplasmic reticulum and
Ans :
(a) Functions of endoplasmic reticulum :
(i) It forms supporting skeletal framework of the 88. Give difference between hypotonic solution, isotonic
cell. solution and hypertonic solution.
(ii) ER provides a pathway for the distribution of Ans :
nuclear material from one cell to the other.
(b) Functions of lysosomes : Hypotonic Isotonic Hypertonic
(i) Lysosomes serve as intracellular digestive Solution Solution Solution
system. They destroy any foreign material
External External External
which enters the cells such as bacteria and
solution having solution solution
higher having exactly having lower
(ii) Lysosomes also remove the worn out and
concentration the same concentration
poorly working cellular organelles by digesting
of water concentration of water than a
them to make way for their new replacements.
than the cell of water as cell cytoplasm
Add 89056 29969 in Your Class Whatsapp Group to Get All PDF Files. cytoplasm that of cell is called
is known as cytoplasm is hypertonic
85. Distinguish between plasma membrane and cell wall. hypotonic called isotonic solution.
solution. solution.
Ans :
Cell swells up Cell size does Cell shrinks in
Plasma Membrane Cell Wall in this solution. not alter. this solution.
1. It is consisted of It is made up of
proteins and lipids. It complex carbohydrate 89. (a) Name the organelle which provides turgidity and
is living. called cellulose. It is rigidity to the plant cell. Name any two substances
dead or non-living. which are present in it.
(b) How are they useful in unicellular organisms?
2. It is found in both It is found in plant
Ans :
plant and animal cells only.
cells. (a) Plant cells have big vacuoles that provide them
turgidity and rigidity. Plant vacuoles store amino
3. It is semipermeable. It is permeable.
acids, sugars, various organic acids and some
4. It is soft and elastic. It is hard and rigid. proteins.
(b) In unicellular organism they can serve the
following works :
86. What is lacking in a virus which makes it dependant
(i) Forming food vacuoles : In single celled
on a living cell to multiply?
organisms like amoeba, the food vacuole
Ans : contains the food items that the amoeba
Viruses look selectively permeable process membrane has engulfed. After that the food items are
and cell organelles. Thus, they lack a basic structural digested by the enzymes.
organization to perform various life processes (ii) Removal of excess water and wastes : In
effectively and in their own way. After entering in a some unicellular organisms, vacuoles play
living cell, a virus utilizes its own genetic material and important roles in egesting excess water and
machinery of host cell to multiply. some wastes from the cell.
87. What is endoplasmic reticulum? Write its main 90. Write a note on the structure of cell.
functions. Ans :
Ans : (a) Cell is the basic unit of all living organisms. It
Endoplasmic reticulum is a network, enclosing a fluid- is surrounded by an outer selectively permeable
filled lumen. Its main functions are : Plasma Membrane. Plant cells have an additional
(i) Synthesis of proteins (rough ER). covering called “cell wall” outer to the Plasma
(ii) Synthesis of lipids and other metabolic products Membrane.
and their secretion (SER). (b) Inside the plasma membrane there is a
translucent viscous substance the cytoplasm in
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Chap 5 : The Fundamental Unit of Life
which the organelles are embedded. The control 11. Plant cell synthesise Animal cell cannot
centre of the cell is the nucleus; it contains all all amino acids, synthesise all
the information necessary for the cell to function coenzymes and the amino acids,
and to reproduce. Surrounding the nucleus is the vitamins required by coenzymes and
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) on which ribosomes them. vitamins required by
may be embedded. Ribosomes are granular them.
structures which are the site of protein synthesis.
(c) The powerhouse of cell is the mitochondria. 12. Plant cell does not Animal cell vacuoles
It helps in releasing energy by the oxidation of burst if placed in usually burst, if
food in cell. There are flat membranous secretory hypotonic solution placed in hypertonic
structures in the cell called the Golgi bodies. In due to the presence of solution.
plant cells, an additional structure located near the cell wall.
the nucleus called the chloroplast, is also present. 13.
They are the site of photosynthesis.
(d) Cells also contain lysosomes which are also
called suicide bags. They digest and remove the
unwanted debris of the cell. Centriole located near
the nucleus helps in cell division. Cytoplasm also
contains vacuoles filled with the cell sap. In plant
cells, vacuole is large and centrally placed.
92. Draw a neat labelled diagram of plant cell.
91. Give the difference between plant cell and animal cell. Ans :
Ans :
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Chap 5 : The Fundamental Unit of Life
their functions?
Ans :
Functions of lysosomes :
1. Extracellular digestion. Sometimes lysosome
enzymes are released outside the cell to break
down extracellular material.
2. Digestion of foreign material. Lysosome also
destroys any foreign material which enters inside
the cell such as bacteria.
3. Cellular digestion. In damaged cells, ageing cells
or dead cells lysosomes get ruptured and enzymes
are released. These enzymes digest their own cell.
Lysosomes contain about 40 hydrolytic enzymes.
When the cell gets damaged, lysosomes burst and
Figure: Animal cell
their enzymes digest their own cell. So, lysosomes are
called ‘suicide bags’.
97. Explain the structure and function of Golgi bodies.
95. Describe an activity to demonstrate endosmosis and Ans :
exosmosis. Draw a diagram also.
Golgi bodies consist of a system of membrane-bound
Ans :
vesicles arranged in stacks parallel to each other called
1. Endosmosis : The movement of water in the cell cisterns. These membranes are connected with the
or a body through a semipermeable membrane membrane of endoplasmic reticulum (ER).
is called endosmosis. It can be demonstrated as
follows :
(i) Take some raisins with stalks and put them in
plain water in a beaker.
(ii) Observation : Raisins absorb water and swell.
Raisins have high concentration of sugar
than surrounding plain water. Because of
this, water from the outside passing through
semipermeable membrane enters into the cell.
This is endosmosis.
2. Exosmosis : The movement of water out from a Figure: Golgi apparatus
cell or a body through a semipermeable membrane
is called exosmosis. This can be demonstrated as Functions of Golgi apparatus :
follows : (i) Golgi apparatus packages and dispatches the
(i) We place the swollen raisins (from above material synthesized in the cell.
activity) into a beaker containing a (ii) Golgi complex is also involved in the formation of
concentrated solution of sugar or salt. lysosomes.
(ii) Observation : When swollen raisins are placed (iii) Golgi apparatus is also involved in the synthesis
in concentrated sugar or salt solution, they of many substances such as polysaccharides,
shrink because the solution surrounding the glycoprotein, etc.
raisins is having low water concentration.
Thus, raisins loose water by osmosis, this 98. Give difference between plasma membrane and cell
process is called exosmosis. wall.
Ans :
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Figure: Mitochondria
Figure: Plasma membrane
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