Science: University of Cambridge International Examinations General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level
Science: University of Cambridge International Examinations General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level
Science: University of Cambridge International Examinations General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level
Centre Number Candidate Number Name
General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level
SCIENCE 5124/02, 5125/02
Paper 2 Physics
October/November 2005
1 hour 15 minutes
Additional Materials: Answer Paper
Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs, tables or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.
Section A
Answer all questions.
Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper.
Section B
Answer any two questions.
Write your answers on the lined paper provided and, if necessary, continue on separate answer paper.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
1 A man makes a parachute jump. Initially, he falls without opening his parachute. Then he
opens his parachute and falls to the ground.
Fig. 1.1 shows how his speed changes with time after jumping.
m / s 50
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Fig. 1.1
(a) Between which two times does the man have a constant acceleration?
(b) State the time at which the man opens his parachute.
(c) Explain, in terms of the forces acting on the man, why he moves at constant speed
between 50 s and 70 s.
Outline how you would find the density of the ring in order to check whether it is made of
pure gold. You may draw a diagram if you wish.
decreasing frequency
Fig. 3.1
(a) Complete Fig. 3.1 by adding the names of these components. [2]
(d) State one property, other than speed, that all electromagnetic waves have in common.
Fig. 4.1
F = ………………… N [3]
tank B
0.5 m
tank A pump
Fig. 5.1
(b) A mass of 0.1 kg of water is raised through a height of 0.5 m every second.
The gravitational field strength is 10 N/kg.
(i) the gravitational potential energy gained by this mass of water each second,
(c) Some of the energy supplied to the pump is wasted. Suggest what happens to this
wasted energy.
© UCLES 2005 5124/02/O/N/05 [Turn over
6 For
6 Fig. 6.1 shows an object placed in front of a thin converging lens. The positions of the focal
points are marked F.
thin converging
F object F
Fig. 6.1
(a) On Fig. 6.1, draw rays from the top of the object to determine the position of the top of
the image. Mark the position, I, of the top of the image. [3]
(b) Name an optical instrument that uses this arrangement of lens and object.
Calculate the cost of using the ‘low energy’ lamp for 200 hours.
(c) (i) Calculate the number of ‘low energy’ lamps that would transfer the same electrical
power as one filament lamp.
(ii) In the space below, draw a circuit diagram to show how several ‘low energy’ lamps
are connected to the supply so that the lamps have their normal brightness. [2]
placed here
Fig. 8.1
The count rate produced by the source is measured for different materials. The results are
shown in Fig. 8.2.
2 cm air 1260
2 mm aluminium 640
2 cm lead 130
Fig. 8.2
Using the information in Fig. 8.2 state whether the named radiation is emitted. In each case,
explain how you come to your conclusion.
(a) alpha-particles
(b) beta-particles
© UCLES 2005 5124/02/O/N/05
9 For
9 Fig. 9.1 shows a simple transformer.
iron core
primary secondary
coil coil
Fig. 9.1
Explain why an alternating current in the primary coil gives rise to an e.m.f. in the secondary
Section B
Write your answers on the lined paper provided and, if necessary, continue on separate answer paper.
(b) Describe how sound waves can travel through air. [4]
11 (a) Describe an experiment to determine values of voltage across a metallic conductor and the
corresponding values of current in the conductor. Draw a labelled diagram of the circuit you
would use and explain how you would take the readings. [6]
(b) Sketch the V/I characteristic graph for the metallic conductor and explain the shape of your
graph. [4]
12 (a) A pupil is given two drinking cups of the same size but made from different materials. Suggest
an experiment to determine which of the two materials is the better insulator.
(b) (i) An electric kettle is filled with water. The heating element is at the bottom. Explain why all
of the water becomes heated when the kettle is switched on. [3]
(ii) Explain why a shiny metal kettle loses energy more quickly when it becomes dirty.
© UCLES 2005 5124/02/O/N/05
12 For
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University of Cambridge International Examinations is part of the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of
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