Ais Reviewer Midterm
Ais Reviewer Midterm
Ais Reviewer Midterm
1. You want to watch spending in the staff SEND FILES WITH THE UNIQUE XERO EMAIL
entertainment expense account, to make sure the team ADDRESS
stays within the monthly budget. How do you add an Upload files from a mobile device.
existing account to the Account watchlist on the USE THE XERO BUSINESS APP
a. Edit the account in the Business performance 6. You uploaded a photo of a custom table you made
dashboard. for a customer, into Xero. Now you want to create
b. Add a new entertainment account in the chart of an invoice and attach the file to it.
c. Go to the chart of accounts to edit the account
d. Edit the dashboard panels to add the new
2. Turn on two-step authentication to secure your 7. You haven’t submitted any activity statements for
account. USER MENU the last financial year, yet you noticed there are
Set up and add inventory items. some draft invoices awaiting approval for that
PRODUCTS AND SERVICES period. There’s a lock date in place preventing all
Manage details for customers and suppliers. users from approving transactions. You want to
CONTRACTS MENU approve the last-minute invoices.
Access reports to see the store’s financials. GO TO FINANCIAL SETTING
3. A while ago you switched off notifications. You want APPROVE THE INVOICES
to turn them back on to get status updates for the REINSTATE THE LOCK DATE
organization’s bank feeds. How do you do this? 8. Your organization wants to add a custom GST
CLICK THE BELL ICON rate as the default for certain accounts in the chart
CLICK SETTING of accounts.
4. Your online store has customers and suppliers in CLICK NEW TAX RATES
several countries. Your base currency is USD. You also ADD A DISPLAY NAME, TAX TYPE
need to set up AUD, EUR, GBP and NZD. What do you AND COMPONENTS
do next? CLICK SAVE
FROM ORGANISATION SETTINGS, 9. You want to see how different parts of the
SELECT CURRENCIES business are performing. You have five regions with
CLICK ADD CURRENCY three divisions in each. How would you set this up
SELECT AUD AS THE CURRENCY with Xero’s tracking feature?
REPEAT FOR THE OTHER CURRENCIES a. Add 5 categories for the regions with the 3
divisions as options under these.
5. Upload files into Xero.
b. Add 2 options, 1 for region and 1 for
Drag files into transaction.
division, with the categories under these.
PULL FILES ACROSS FROM ANOTHER WINDOW c. Add 2 categories, 1 for region and 1 for
division, with options under these.
d. Add 1 category with the 5 regional and 3
Attach and send file attachments. divisional options under it.
15. You completed the import template with unpaid
10. You noticed that an expense account you added invoices and want to import it into Xero. What do
a while ago now has a lock icon next to it. What's you do next?
the reason for this? CLICK IMPORT ON THE INVOICES
a. There’s an error in the account. SCREEN
b. The account is used in a bank rule. BROWSE FOR THE CVS FILE AND
c. The account has been archived. CLICK IMPORT
d. Xero changed it to a system account. REVIEW THE INFORMATION AND
11. You’re editing the chart of accounts for an APPROVE THE INVOICES ON THE
organization in Xero. Which account field must be DRAFT TAB
a. Account type 16. It’s time to add a conversion date for the
b. Description organization, to move from your previous
c. Tax rate accounting software to Xero. Which of the
d. Account code following is a conversion date we would
12. You’re entering information into the chart of a. The middle of any month
accounts import template and considering what b. The start of the financial year
information needs adding. Can you identify some c. The end of the calendar year
mandatory and non-mandatory fields? d. The start of the calendar year
Mandatory field. TYPE CODE
Non-mandatory field. BALANCE DESCRIPTION 17. There are a number of uncleared cheques at the
time of conversion, and you want to enter
13. You’ve imported a new chart of accounts and conversion balances for the accounts.
are confirming the bank and credit card accounts. DETERMINE THE TOTAL OF
What account type should you use so Xero UNCLEARED ITEMS
automatically creates a PayPal account and shows it ADD AN UNCLEARED ITEMS
on the Bank accounts screen? ACCOUNT
a. Bank
b. PayPal
c. Current Asset
d. Asset
18. You want to enter prior years closing balances
14. You have an invoice with multiple line items.
without having to enter the full historical data, what
How do you import the invoice?
feature could you use in Xero to achieve this?
a. Add a separate manual invoice for each line.
b. Add a manual invoice with multiple lines.
a. Comparative balances
c. Add multiple lines with different invoice
b. Pre-coded bank statements
c. Conversion balances
d. Add multiple lines with the same invoice
d. Chart of accounts
27. After reconciling your bank statements in Xero, 31. Your business offers services that you want to
you notice the statement balance in Xero doesn’t add as inventory items. You decided that you don't
match your online banking balance. How do you want Xero to calculate the quantity or the value for
find out what’s causing this? the items. What's the best approach to take?
VALUE FOR YOUR BANK ACCOUNT, a. Add them as untracked inventory items.
WITH YOUR ONLINE BALANCE b. Use a combination of tracked and untracked
BANKING inventory.
c. Use tracking categories to manage services.
d. Add them as tracked inventory items.
32. You're adding your first tracked inventory item
in Xero and you can’t select an inventory asset
account. How can you resolve this issue?
a. Create a new account with Inventory as the
account type and use this as the inventory
asset account.
b. Create a new account with Current Asset as c. You've used the account on a repeating
the account type and use this as the template.
inventory asset account. d. The inventory item has an opening balance
c. Change the account type of the existing value.
account to inventory and use it as the
inventory asset account. 36. Xero gives you an error message when you try
d. Create a new account with non-current to delete an untracked inventory item. How can you
assets as the account type and call it resolve this issue?
inventory. a. Remove the inventory asset account then
delete the inventory item.
33. You want to import a combination of tracked b. Remove the inventory item from repeating
and untracked inventory items using the items templates.
template. How can you do this in Xero? c. Create a new item, as you can't delete items
with an opening balance.
a. Add inventory assets and cost of goods sold d. Archive the item as you can’t delete
accounts for tracked items. untracked inventory items.
b. Import items in two separate batches and
import tracked items first. 37. You’re trying to import tracked inventory items
c. Add inventory assets and cost of goods sold into Xero, but you get an invalid inventory asset
accounts for all items. account error message. How can you resolve this?
d. Import items in two separate batches and GO TO THE CHART OF ACCOUNTS
import untracked items first. SCREEN
34. You previously recorded the purchase of stock ASSET ACCOUNT CODE
to a current asset type account. You want to start EDIT YOUR IMPORT FILE TO REPLACE
using tracked inventory from today. What THE EXISTING INVETORY ASSET
adjustment account should you use while preparing ACCOUNT WITH THE CORRECT ONE
the opening balances template? REIMPORT THE FILE
a. The current asset account.
b. The cost of goods sold account. 38. You notice that the opening balances for you
c. The purchases account. tracked inventory items were higher than they
d. The inventory asset account should’ve been. When you re-import your opening
balances, Xero warns you that the quantity for one
of your items will fall below zero. You haven’t yet
sent the invoice over to your customer. What’s the
best way to resolve this?
47. Your supplier has emailed you some bills that 51. You’ve got multiple bills to pay at once and
you’d like to enter in Xero. What’s the most decide to create a batch payment to save time. What
efficient way to do this? process do you follow to pay the bills in bulk?
48. Save time by setting default information for a 52. You notice that a current asset account with a
supplier under Contacts. What default information negative balance is shown in the Assets section.
can you set for a supplier? How can you tell Xero to move the account to the
a. Tax rate, quantity and tax setting. liabilities section of the report when it’s negative?
b. Tax setting, account and tax rate. a. Add a budget column.
c. Tracking, unit price and tax rate. b. Add a switch rule.
d. Account, item and tax setting. c. Add a formula.
d. Add a tracking category column.
49. You’ve purchased some items that you want to
recover the cost of from a customer. Do you know 53. You’re running the Profit and Loss/Income
how to assign a billable expense to a customer? Statement (New) report and want to compare a
WITHIN A BILL, CLICK ASSIGN tracking option with its budget. How can you do
SELECT THE LINE ITEMS YOU WANT a. Add a column for the tracking option and a
TO ASSIGN column for its budget.
ENTER THE CUSTOMER YOU WANT b. Add a column for the tracking option and a
TO ASSIGN THE EXPENSE TO column for the date.
CLICK OK AND APPROVE THE BILL c. Add a column for the tracking option and a
column for the tracking category.
d. Add a column for the tracking option and a
50. You’re looking at the Purchases overview to see column for the overall budget.
the status of the bills for the organization. What
does the bar graph show you? 54. You archived a published report by accident,
a. Select the correct answer and click Submit. how can you fix this?
b. Draft bills, approved bills, paid bills a. Move the report to the Published tab from
c. Awaiting payment bills, paid bills, scheduled the Custom tab.
to be paid bills. b. Move the report to the Published tab from
d. Draft bills, awaiting payment bills and the Drafts tab.
overdue bills.
c. Move the report to the Published tab from 58. It’s important to understand what each user role
the Summary tab. lets you see and do in Xero Projects. That way you
d. Move the report to the Published tab from can be certain that the right people have the right
the Archived tab. level of access. Can you match each user role to
their corresponding permissions?
55. You want to add budgeted figures for a tracking
category. The tracking category has three options, Adjust staff cost rates and time for others.
each one represents a store location and has a ADMIN USER
different budget. How can you do this in Xero? View all data in a project report, except project cost.
a. Add a new, separate budget for each store STANDARD USER
location. View projects and add time only for themselves.
b. Add a new overall budget for the tracking LIMITED USER
c. Add the tracking options to the existing 59. There are clear benefits when using staff cost
overall budget. rates in Xero Projects. Now that these are set up,
d. Export the overall budget to add the tracking what will you be able to do in Xero?
options. a. See cost in reports to calculate profitability.
b. Create Projects invoices using staff cost
56. You want to view a breakdown of the rates.
calculation for a gross profit % graph in the c. Manage staff capacity in the organization.
business performance dashboard for the past 12 d. Monitor and manage staff efficiencies.
months. How can you view this information?
a. Click the graph title and hover over the 60. You’ve negotiated a price with your customer,
equation for a breakdown. and you want to create invoices based on this
b. Click the graph title and then click the amount. What information must you enter when you
figures below the graph. create the project, so you can do this?
c. Click the graph title and change the date
range to get a breakdown. a. Project expenses
d. Click the star next to the graph for a detailed b. Project tasks
breakdown. c. Project deadline
d. Project estimate
57. Your business has a standard Xero subscription
and you’re interested in using Xero Projects. What
access do you need to add Projects to a
61. You’ve created a set of inventory items to use as
a. You must have the adviser role and access to tasks in your projects. But when you create a
the billing account. project, the inventory items are not showing in the
b. You must have the adviser user role with task dropdown. Why is that?
access to Projects. a. You forgot to add an account code to the
c. You must be the subscriber and have item.
Projects admin permissions. b. You forgot to select “I sell this item”.
d. You must be the subscriber or have access to c. You only have Standard user permissions.
the billing account. d. You forgot to enable tracking for the item.
62. A team member has asked you to enter their c. You assigned the line item to the customer
time spent on projects for the week. You open a and not the project.
project and start adding time to a task. When you d. You entered a line item manually instead of
get to the staff list, your team member’s name is not products and services.
showing in the dropdown. Why is that?
a. They’ve already entered time for the day. 66. You’re in the planning stages of a new job and
b. They’re a Projects user with limited access. set up a draft project. Next you send a quote to the
c. You’re a Projects user with limited access. customer based on estimated expenses. What’s the
d. They don’t have a Xero Projects user role. best way to track your expenses in this project?
a. Track a quote to estimated expenses to
monitor projects costs.
63. You’re entering your time for the week and
b. Track time entries against estimated
realize that a lot of your entries are similar to the
expenses to monitor project cost.
time you posted last week. You decide to copy last
c. Track actual expenses against estimates to
week’s entries. What’s the correct process to copy
monitor them.
time on your iOS mobile device?
d. Track a project amount against an estimated
a. Open the project and tap Copy time entry.
b. Open the project, go to Time, open a time
entry and tap Copy time entry.
c. Open the project, tap the + icon and select
Add time, enter the details then tap Save.
d. Go to Time entries, tap the + icon and enter
the details, then tap Save & add another.