License To Foreign Corp.
License To Foreign Corp.
License To Foreign Corp.
Section 125. Application for License. – A foreign corporation applying for a license to
transact business in the Philippines shall submit to the Securities and Exchange
Commission a copy of its articles of incorporation and by-laws, certified in accordance with
law, and their translation to an official language of the Philippines, if necessary. The
application shall be under oath and, unless already stated in its articles of corporation,
shall specifically set forth the following:
A duly executed certificate under oath by the authorized official or officials of the
jurisdiction of the incorporation.
A sworn statement of the president or any authorized officer of the corporation, show to
the satisfaction of SEC and other government agency.
A certificate if authority from the appropriate government authority.
A written power of attorney designating a resident agent whom summons and other legal
processes against the corporation may be served and a written agreement or stipulation
consenting that such service may be made upon SEC.
3. Compliance with special laws – foreign banking, financial and insurance corporations shall,
in addition to the above requirements comply with the provisions of existing laws applicable to
4. Issuance of license to transact business – if applicant shows to the satisfaction of SEC that
it has complied with the above requirements of the code and those imposed by other special
laws, rules and regulations, the commission shall issue a license authorizing it to transact
business in the Philippines for the purpose or purposes specified therein.