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Marktano'S Personal Reviewer 2018 ©: Foreign Corporation

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(under Philippine Corporation Code and other Special Laws)

SEC. 123. Section 123. Definition and rights of foreign

corporations. - For the purposes of this Code, a foreign A corporation shall be considered a Philippine National if
corporation is one formed, organized or existing under it is: (1) a corporation organized under Philippine laws of
any laws other than those of the Philippines and whose which 60% of the capital stock outstanding and entitled
laws allow Filipino citizens and corporations to do to vote is owned and held by Filipino citizens; or a
business in its own country or state. It shall have the right corporation organized abroad and registered as doing
to transact business in the Philippines after it shall have business in the Philippines under the Corporation Code
obtained a license to transact business in this country in of which 100% of the capital stocks entitled to vote belong
accordance with this Code and a certificate of authority to Filipinos. (Foreign Investments Act 1991)
from the appropriate government agency. (n)
(1) is one formed, organized or existing under any laws X Corporation = Phil National
other than those of the Philippines; and Under Control Test
(2) whose laws allow Filipino citizens and corporations to 60% Filipinos 40 % Foreign
do business in its own country or state. Owned Shares
GR: Does not have right to transact business in the
A Corporation = Filipino
XPN: Unless, obtained a license 70% owned by X Corp. 30% others
(1) in accordance with the Corporation Code Majority of
(2) accompanied with a certificate of authority from the Board =
appropriate government agency. Filipinos

(Aquino, 2014) A Corporation = not Filipino

60% Filipino in X 40% Foreign
AGGREGATE TEST / CONTROL TEST - looks into the Corporation
nationality, domicile, or residence of the individuals who 70% Japanese 30%
control the corporation.

INCORPORATION TEST / ENTITY TEST – the place of Section 124. Application to existing foreign corporations.
incorporation or where the corporation is established - Every foreign corporation which on the date of the
determines its national character; and the fact that some effectivity of this Code is authorized to do business in the
of its incorporators were residents and citizens of a Philippines under a license therefore issued to it, shall
foreign country does not change the rule. continue to have such authority under the terms and
condition of its license, subject to the provisions of this
(VOTING) CONTROL TEST & BENEFICIAL Code and other special laws. (n)
OWNERSHIP TEST – the national character of the
corporation is determined by the number of shareholders GR: Foreign Corporations already transacting / authorized
who has full beneficial ownership of the stocks, coupled to do business prior to the effective of the Code shall
with voting rights. continue under the terms and conditions of its license.
INVESTMENT TEST / GRANDFATHER RULE – if the UL: Subject to the provisions of this Code and other special
percentage of Filipino ownership in the shareholder laws.
corporation is less than 60% only the number of shares
corresponding to such percentage shall be counted as a
Philippine National.

NOTE: GR= General Rule; XPN= exception; UL = unless

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Section 148. Applicability to existing corporations. - 10. Such additional information as may be necessary or
All corporations lawfully existing and doing business in appropriate in order to enable the Securities and
the Philippines on the date of the effectivity of this Code Exchange Commission to determine whether such
and heretofore authorized, licensed or registered by the corporation is entitled to a license to transact business in
Securities and Exchange Commission, shall be deemed the Philippines, and to determine and assess the fees
to have been authorized, licensed or registered under payable.
the provisions of this Code, subject to the terms and
conditions of its license, and shall be governed by the Attached to the application for license shall be a duly
provisions hereof: Provided, That if any such corporation executed certificate under oath by the authorized official
is affected by the new requirements of this Code, said or officials of the jurisdiction of its incorporation, attesting
corporation shall, unless otherwise herein provided, be to the fact that the laws of the country or state of the
given a period of not more than two (2) years from the applicant allow Filipino citizens and corporations to do
effectivity of this Code within which to comply with the business therein, and that the applicant is an existing
same. (n) corporation in good standing. If such certificate is in a
foreign language, a translation thereof in English under
oath of the translator shall be attached thereto.
Section 125. Application for a license. - A foreign The application for a license to transact business in the
corporation applying for a license to transact business in Philippines shall likewise be accompanied by a statement
the Philippines shall submit to the Securities and under oath of the president or any other person
Exchange Commission a copy of its articles of authorized by the corporation, showing to the satisfaction
incorporation and by-laws, certified in accordance with of the Securities and Exchange Commission and other
law, and their translation to an official language of the governmental agency in the proper cases that the
Philippines, if necessary. The application shall be under applicant is solvent and in sound financial condition, and
oath and, unless already stated in its articles of setting forth the assets and liabilities of the corporation
incorporation, shall specifically set forth the following: as of the date not exceeding one (1) year immediately
prior to the filing of the application.
1. The date and term of incorporation;
2. The address, including the street number, of the Foreign banking, financial and insurance corporations
principal office of the corporation in the country or state shall, in addition to the above requirements, comply with
of incorporation; the provisions of existing laws applicable to them. In the
3. The name and address of its resident agent authorized case of all other foreign corporations, no application for
to accept summons and process in all legal proceedings license to transact business in the Philippines shall be
and, pending the establishment of a local office, all accepted by the Securities and Exchange Commission
notices affecting the corporation; without previous authority from the appropriate
4. The place in the Philippines where the corporation government agency, whenever required by law. (68a)
intends to operate;
5. The specific purpose or purposes which the STEPS IN APPLYING FOR A LICENSE
corporation intends to pursue in the transaction of its
business in the Philippines: Provided, That said purpose 1. Submission of the following documents:
or purposes are those specifically stated in the certificate a. Articles of Incorporation
of authority issued by the appropriate government b. By-Laws
agency; c. Certification by SEC’s foreign counterpart
6. The names and addresses of the present directors and d. Translation of the above*, if necessary
officers of the corporation; e. Duly executed certificate under oath by the
7. A statement of its authorized capital stock and the authorized official or officials of the jurisdiction*
aggregate number of shares which the corporation has - attesting to the fact that the laws of the
authority to issue, itemized by classes, par value of country or state of the applicant allow Filipino
shares, shares without par value, and series, if any; citizens and corporations to do business
8. A statement of its outstanding capital stock and the therein
aggregate number of shares which the corporation has - Applicant is in good standing
issued, itemized by classes, par value of shares, shares f. a statement under oath of the president or any
without par value, and series, if any; other person authorized by the corporation
9. A statement of the amount actually paid in; and

NOTE: GR= General Rule; XPN= exception; UL = unless

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- applicant is solvent and in sound financial at least one hundred thousand (P100,000.) pesos;
condition Provided, however, That within six (6) months after each
- setting forth the assets and liabilities of the fiscal year of the licensee, the Securities and Exchange
corporation as of the date not exceeding one Commission shall require the licensee to deposit
(1) year immediately prior to the filing of the additional securities equivalent in actual market value to
application. two (2%) percent of the amount by which the licensee's
- Satisfies the requirement of SEC and other gross income for that fiscal year exceeds five million
government agencies concerned (P5,000,000.00) pesos. The Securities and Exchange
Commission shall also require deposit of additional
2. Application shall be under oath / notarized securities if the actual market value of the securities on
UL: the enumerated 10 items is set forth in its AOI. deposit has decreased by at least ten (10%) percent of
their actual market value at the time they were deposited.
3. Written power of attorney designating some person The Securities and Exchange Commission may at its
who must be a resident of the Philippines, on whom any discretion release part of the additional securities
summons and other legal processes may be served in deposited with it if the gross income of the licensee has
all actions or other legal proceedings (Sec. 128). decreased, or if the actual market value of the total
securities on deposit has increased, by more than ten
4. an agreement or stipulation, executed by the proper (10%) percent of the actual market value of the securities
authorities of said corporation re service of summons in at the time they were deposited. The Securities and
case there is no resident agent; or ceases to exist Exchange Commission may, from time to time, allow the
service to SEC same effect and force as if made upon licensee to substitute other securities for those already
the duly authorized representative (Sec. 128) on deposit as long as the licensee is solvent. Such
licensee shall be entitled to collect the interest or
Section 126. Issuance of a license. - If the Securities and dividends on the securities deposited. In the event the
Exchange Commission is satisfied that the applicant has licensee ceases to do business in the Philippines, the
complied with all the requirements of this Code and other securities deposited as aforesaid shall be returned, upon
special laws, rules and regulations, the Commission shall the licensee's application therefor and upon proof to the
issue a license to the applicant to transact business in the satisfaction of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Philippines for the purpose or purposes specified in such that the licensee has no liability to Philippine residents,
license. Upon issuance of the license, such foreign including the Government of the Republic of the
corporation may commence to transact business in the Philippines. (n)
Philippines and continue to do so for as long as it retains
its authority to act as a corporation under the laws of the Q: When does a Foreign Corporation commences to do
country or state of its incorporation, unless such license business in the Philippines?
is sooner surrendered, revoked, suspended or annulled
in accordance with this Code or other special laws. A: Upon issuance of the license, such foreign corporation
may commence to transact business in the Philippines [and
Within sixty (60) days after the issuance of the license to continue to do so for as long as it retains its authority to act
transact business in the Philippines, the license, except as a corporation under the laws of the country or state of its
foreign banking or insurance corporation, shall deposit incorporation, unless such license is sooner surrendered,
with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the revoked, suspended or annulled in accordance with this
benefit of present and future creditors of the licensee in Code or other special laws.]
the Philippines, securities satisfactory to the Securities
and Exchange Commission, consisting of bonds or other Q: What is the requirement in order to protect Foreign
evidence of indebtedness of the Government of the Corporation’s creditors?
Philippines, its political subdivisions and
instrumentalities, or of government-owned or controlled A:
corporations and entities, shares of stock in "registered 1. Deposit securities satisfactory to the Securities and
enterprises" as this term is defined in Republic Act No. Exchange Commission, consisting of bonds or other
5186, shares of stock in domestic corporations registered evidence of indebtedness of the Government of the
in the stock exchange, or shares of stock in domestic Philippines, its political subdivisions and
insurance companies and banks, or any combination of instrumentalities, or of government-owned or controlled
these kinds of securities, with an actual market value of

NOTE: GR= General Rule; XPN= exception; UL = unless

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corporations and entities, shares of stock in "registered 2. The FS of a branch of a stock corporation shall be
enterprises" (within 60 days); audited by an independent auditor if it is assigned
2. Deposit additional securities equivalent in actual capital is P50,000.00 or more while the representative
market value to two (2%) percent of the amount by office of foreign corporation with total assets of
which the licensee's gross income for that fiscal year P500,000.00 or more. Only a certification under oath by
exceeds five million (P5,000,000.00) pesos (within six the treasurer of the corporation is necessary is the
(6) months after each fiscal year of the licensee) assigned capital or assets are less than such amounts.
3. Deposit of additional securities if the actual market
value of the securities on deposit has decreased by at
least ten (10%) percent of their actual market value at EFFECTS OF NOT HAVING A LICENSE
the time they were deposited. (1) Open to court action against it
4. Substitute other securities for those already on deposit (2) It shall not be allowed to maintain or intervene in an
as long as the licensee is solvent. action, suit or proceeding for its own account in any
court or tribunal in the Philippines
Q: What is a registered enterprise?

A: Sec.3 (b) "Registered enterprise" shall mean a

(1) Subsidiary
(1) incorporated, organized and existing under Philippine
(2) Branch Office
(3) Representative / Liaison Office
(2) of which, except as provided in Section nineteen of this
(4) Regional Headquarters
Act, at least sixty per cent of the capital stock outstanding
(5) Regional Operating Headquarters
and entitled to vote is owned and held by Philippine
Nationals, and at least sixty per cent of the members of the
Board of Directors are citizens of the Philippines,
(3) engaged in a preferred area of investment, and SUBSIDIARY – is a corporation that will be organized in the
(4) duly registered with the Board of investments, and; Philippines through the SEC.
More than 50% of the voting stock of which is owned or
Provided, however, That the term registered enterprise shall controlled directly or indirectly through one or more
not include commercial banks, savings and mortgage banks, intermediaries by another corporation, which thereby
rural banks, savings and loan associations, building and becomes a parent company. The subsidiary is a domestic
loan associations, development banks, trust companies, corporation and there is therefore no need to secure a
investment banks, finance companies, brokers and dealers license to do business. The parent company, the foreign
in securities, consumers cooperatives and credit unions, and corporation, is just a shareholder in the domestic corporation
other business organizations whose principal purpose or which has a personality that is separate and distinct from the
principal source of income is to receive deposits, lend or said parent company.
borrow money, buy and sell or otherwise deal, trade or invest
in common or preferred stocks, debentures, bonds or other REPRESENTATIVE / LIAISON OFFICE – deals directly the
marketable instruments generally recognized as securities, clients of the parent company but does not derive income
or discharge other similar intermediary, trust or fiduciary from the host country and is fully subsidized by its head
functions; neither shall the term include business office.
organizations whose exclusive or principal purpose is to
provide services or buy goods and merchandise and resell *REGIONAL OR AREA HEADQUARTERS (RHQ) – an
the same in substantially the same form in which bought. office whose purpose is to act as an administrative branch
of a multinational company engaged in international trade
Reportorial Requirement After License Required which principally serves as a supervision, communication
1. Submission of General Information Sheet (Sec Memo and coordination center for its subsidiaries, branches or
No. 15, 2006) for the representative office within 30 affiliates in the Asia-Pacific Region and other foreign
days from the anniversary date of the Issuance of the markets and which does not derive income in the
SEC license and Financial Statement, stamped by the Philippines.
BIR received within 120 days after the end of the fiscal
year indicated in the Financial Statements, *REGIONAL OPERATING HEADQUARTERS (ROHQ) – a
foreign business entity which is allowed to derive income in
the Philippines by performing qualifying services to its

NOTE: GR= General Rule; XPN= exception; UL = unless

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affiliates, subsidiaries or branches in the Philippines, Asia (6) Participating in the management, supervision, or
Pacific Region and in other foreign markets. control of any domestic business, firm entity, or
corporation in the Philippines.
* multinational company – a foreign company or a group of
foreign companies with business establishments in 2 or NOT DOING BUSINESS (IRR of FIA)
more countries. (1) Mere investment as a shareholder by a foreign entity
in domestic corporations duly registered to do
(*Omnibus Investments Code of 1987, EO 226) business, and/or the exercise of rights as such
BRANCH – carries out the business of the head office and (2) Having a nominee director or officer to represent its
derives income from the host country. Not legally interest in such corporation;
independent unit, and simply obtain a license to do business
(3) Appointing a representative or distributor domiciled in
in the Philippines. No separate identity from the parent.
the Philippines that transacts business in the
CAPITALIZATION REQUIREMENT representative’s or distributor’s name and account;
(4) The publication of a general advertisement through
Domestic Corporations with more than 40% equity any print or broadcast media;
- Domestic Market US$200,000.00 (5) Maintaining a stock of goods in the Philippines solely
- Export Market Enterprise Php 5,000.00 for the purpose of having the same processed by
Foreign Branch Office another entity in the Philippines
- Domestic Market US$200,000.00 (6) Consignment by a foreign entity of equipment with a
- Export Market Enterprise Php 5,000.00 local company to be used in the processing of
Partnership with Foreign Partner products for export;
- Domestic Market US$200,000.00 (7) Collecting information in the Philippines;
- Export Market Enterprise Php 3,000.00 (8) Performing auxiliary services to an existing isolated
Foreign Representative Office US$30,000.00 contract of sale which are not on a continuous basis,
Regional Area Headquarters US$50,000.00 such as installing in the Philippine machinery it has
Regional Operating Headquarters US$200,000.00 manufactured or exported to the Philippines, servicing
source: Aquino 2014 the same, training domestic workers to operate it, and
similar incidental services.

TWIN CHARACTERIZATION TEST – whether the foreign

corporation is continuing the body or substance of the Section 127. Who may be a resident agent. - A resident
business or enterprise for which it was organized. agent may be either an individual residing in the
Philippines or a domestic corporation lawfully transacting
The Doing Business implies a continuity of commercial business in the Philippines: Provided, That in the case of
dealings and arrangements and contemplates to that extent an individual, he must be of good moral character and of
the performance of acts or works or the exercise of some of sound financial standing. (n)
the functions normally incident to, and in progressive
prosecution of the purpose and object of its organization. RESIDENT AGENT is limited to receive for and in behalf of
Mentholatum v. Mangaliman 72 Phil 524 the corporation, services and other legal processes in all
actions and other legal proceedings against the corporation.

NOT in a position to sign the certificate because while a

DOING BUSINESS (Foreign Investments Act) resident agent may be aware of actions filed against his
(1) Soliciting Orders; principal, he may not be aware of actions filed against his
(2) Entering into Service Contracts; principal, whether in the Philippines against a domestic
(3) Opening Offices (liaison / branches); corporation or private individual or in the country where such
(4) Appointing Representatives / distributors domiciled in corporation was organized and registered against a
the Philippines; Philippine corporation or a Filipino.
(5) Appointing Representatives / distributors who in any
calendar year stay in the country for a period or periods
totaling 180 days or more; and

NOTE: GR= General Rule; XPN= exception; UL = unless

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Section 128. Resident agent; service of process. - The IN CASES OF SUBSTITUTION / ADDITION OF RESIDENT
Securities and Exchange Commission shall require as a AGENT = a petition for substitution or addition shall be filed
condition precedent to the issuance of the license to before the SEC 30 days after the appointment by the new
transact business in the Philippines by any foreign resident.
corporation that such corporation file with the Securities
and Exchange Commission a written power of attorney
designating some person who must be a resident of the Section 129. Law applicable. - Any foreign corporation
Philippines, on whom any summons and other legal lawfully doing business in the Philippines shall be bound
processes may be served in all actions or other legal by all laws, rules and regulations applicable to domestic
proceedings against such corporation, and consenting corporations of the same class, except such only as
that service upon such resident agent shall be admitted provide for the creation, formation, organization or
and held as valid as if served upon the duly authorized dissolution of corporations or those which fix the
officers of the foreign corporation at its home office. Any relations, liabilities, responsibilities, or duties of
such foreign corporation shall likewise execute and file stockholders, members, or officers of corporations to
with the Securities and Exchange Commission an each other or to the corporation. (73a)
agreement or stipulation, executed by the proper
authorities of said corporation, in form and substance as
Section 130. Amendments to articles of incorporation or
"The (name of foreign corporation) does hereby stipulate by-laws of foreign corporations. - Whenever the articles
and agree, in consideration of its being granted by the of incorporation or by-laws of a foreign corporation
Securities and Exchange Commission a license to authorized to transact business in the Philippines are
transact business in the Philippines, that if at any time amended, such foreign corporation shall, within sixty (60)
said corporation shall cease to transact business in the days after the amendment becomes effective, file with the
Philippines, or shall be without any resident agent in the Securities and Exchange Commission, and in the proper
Philippines on whom any summons or other legal cases with the appropriate government agency, a duly
processes may be served, then in any action or authenticated copy of the articles of incorporation or by-
proceeding arising out of any business or transaction laws, as amended, indicating clearly in capital letters or
which occurred in the Philippines, service of any by underscoring the change or changes made, duly
summons or other legal process may be made upon the certified by the authorized official or officials of the
Securities and Exchange Commission and that such country or state of incorporation. The filing thereof shall
service shall have the same force and effect as if made not of itself enlarge or alter the purpose or purposes for
upon the dulyauthorized officers of the corporation at its which such corporation is authorized to transact business
home office." in the Philippines. (n)

Whenever such service of summons or other process

shall be made upon the Securities and Exchange Section 131. Amended license. - A foreign corporation
Commission, the Commission shall, within ten (10) days authorized to transact business in the Philippines shall
thereafter, transmit by mail a copy of such summons or obtain an amended license in the event it changes its
other legal process to the corporation at its home or corporate name, or desires to pursue in the Philippines
principal office. The sending of such copy by the other or additional purposes, by submitting an application
Commission shall be necessary part of and shall therefor to the Securities and Exchange Commission,
complete such service. All expenses incurred by the favorably endorsed by the appropriate government
Commission for such service shall be paid in advance by agency in the proper cases. (n)
the party at whose instance the service is made.

In case of a change of address of the resident agent, it Section 132. Merger or consolidation involving a foreign
shall be his or its duty to immediately notify in writing the corporation licensed in the Philippines. - One or more
Securities and Exchange Commission of the new foreign corporations authorized to transact business in
address. (72a; and n) the Philippines may merge or consolidate with any
domestic corporation or corporations if such is permitted
under Philippine laws and by the law of its incorporation:

NOTE: GR= General Rule; XPN= exception; UL = unless

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Provided, That the requirements on merger or merger or consolidation within the time prescribed by this
consolidation as provided in this Code are followed. Title;

Whenever a foreign corporation authorized to transact 5. A misrepresentation of any material matter in any
business in the Philippines shall be a party to a merger application, report, affidavit or other document submitted
or consolidation in its home country or state as permitted by such corporation pursuant to this Title;
by the law of its incorporation, such foreign corporation
shall, within sixty (60) days after such merger or 6. Failure to pay any and all taxes, imposts, assessments
consolidation becomes effective, file with the Securities or penalties, if any, lawfully due to the Philippine
and Exchange Commission, and in proper cases with the Government or any of its agencies or political
appropriate government agency, a copy of the articles of subdivisions;
merger or consolidation duly authenticated by the proper
official or officials of the country or state under the laws 7. Transacting business in the Philippines outside of the
of which merger or consolidation was effected: Provided, purpose or purposes for which such corporation is
however, That if the absorbed corporation is the foreign authorized under its license;
corporation doing business in the Philippines, the latter
shall at the same time file a petition for withdrawal of its 8. Transacting business in the Philippines as agent of or
license in accordance with this Title. (n) acting for and in behalf of any foreign corporation or entity
not duly licensed to do business in the Philippines; or

Section 133. Doing business without a license. - No 9. Any other ground as would render it unfit to transact
foreign corporation transacting business in the business in the Philippines. (n)
Philippines without a license, or its successors or
assigns, shall be permitted to maintain or intervene in any
action, suit or proceeding in any court or administrative Section 135. Issuance of certificate of revocation. - Upon
agency of the Philippines; but such corporation may be the revocation of any such license to transact business in
sued or proceeded against before Philippine courts or the Philippines, the Securities and Exchange
administrative tribunals on any valid cause of action Commission shall issue a corresponding certificate of
recognized under Philippine laws. (69a) revocation, furnishing a copy thereof to the appropriate
government agency in the proper cases.

Section 134. Revocation of license. - Without prejudice to The Securities and Exchange Commission shall also mail
other grounds provided by special laws, the license of a to the corporation at its registered office in the Philippines
foreign corporation to transact business in the Philippines a notice of such revocation accompanied by a copy of the
may be revoked or suspended by the Securities and certificate of revocation. (n)
Exchange Commission upon any of the following
Section 136. Withdrawal of foreign corporations. -
1. Failure to file its annual report or pay any fees as Subject to existing laws and regulations, a foreign
required by this Code; corporation licensed to transact business in the
Philippines may be allowed to withdraw from the
2. Failure to appoint and maintain a resident agent in the Philippines by filing a petition for withdrawal of license.
Philippines as required by this Title; No certificate of withdrawal shall be issued by the
Securities and Exchange Commission unless all the
3. Failure, after change of its resident agent or of his following requirements are met;
address, to submit to the Securities and Exchange
Commission a statement of such change as required by 1. All claims which have accrued in the Philippines have
this Title; been paid, compromised or settled;

4. Failure to submit to the Securities and Exchange 2. All taxes, imposts, assessments, and penalties, if any,
Commission an authenticated copy of any amendment to lawfully due to the Philippine Government or any of its
its articles of incorporation or by-laws or of any articles of agencies or political subdivisions have been paid; and

NOTE: GR= General Rule; XPN= exception; UL = unless

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3. The petition for withdrawal of license has been

published once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks
in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines.


In Merril Lynch Futures v CA, the SC ruled that a party is

estopped to challenge the personality of a corporaton after
having acknowledged the same by entering into contract


In Top-Weld Manufacturing v ECED, the SC adopted the

Pari Delicto Rule that no remedy could be afforded to the
parties because of their presumptive knowledge that the
transaction was tainted with illegality.


Sec. 231 Intellectual Property Code – any condition,

restriction, limitation, diminution, requirement, penalty, or
any similar burden imposed by the law of a foreign country
on a Philippine national seeking protection of intellectual
property rights in that country shall reciprocally be
enforceable upon the nationals of the said country, within the

NOTE: GR= General Rule; XPN= exception; UL = unless

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