PC 3 2014 Noyzyzaeh 273
PC 3 2014 Noyzyzaeh 273
PC 3 2014 Noyzyzaeh 273
ISSN 1337-7027
H. Nouryzadeh, D. Iranshahi
In this study, two modes of the sweeping gas flow in a tubular membrane reactor (TMR) are taken into
consideration for catalytic naphtha reforming process. The performance of the parallel configuration is
compared with the serial one. The effects of the membrane thickness and hydrogen mole fraction in
the sweeping gas are investigated on the required compressors’ pressures and hydrogen and aromatic
yields. Set of coupled PDEs are solved by the orthogonal collocation method. Results show that the
parallel configuration performs better than the serial one from operating and heat transfer viewpoints.
TMR with the parallel flow of the sweeping gas is superior to the serial one owing to the independent
operation of reactors. Since variables in the parallel flow are easier to design and control than the serial
ones, a parallel flow is recommended for naphtha reforming process.
Keywords: Catalytic naphtha reforming; Tubular membrane reactor; Parallel and Series sweeping gas flow modes;
Catalyst deactivation.
1. Introduction
Catalytic naphtha reforming plays a major role in the total benefits of all refinery complexes.
A vast variety of research areas has been focused on this process to improve its operational
conditions and to achieve more products yield. Benitez et al. [1], Mazzieri et al. [2], Viswanadham
et al. [3], Boutzeloit et al. [4], Carvalho et al. [5] and Beltramini et al. [6] investigated the effect of
various metal bases on the catalyst activity and the reforming yield. Attempts have been
made to achieve higher efficiency of the process, better use of the available feedstocks and
the processing of alternative raw materials [1]. Ren et al. [7] investigated a series of naphtha
reforming catalysts from different stages of coking and the regeneration processes by NMR
and chemical engineering methods. Many kinetic studies have been conducted on the complex
naphtha chain reactions in order to predict the reforming compositions more accurately.
Smith [8] was the pioneer of this field of studies. Ramage et al. [9-10] developed a detailed
kinetic model based on studies of an industrial pilot plant reactor. Krane et al. [11] recognized
the presence of various carbon numbers for reforming reactions. Other studies have been
done by Weifeng et al. [12], Kmak [13], Boyas and Froment [14], Stijepovic et al. [15] and Marin
et al. [16]. Iranshahi et al. [17] studied the catalytic naphtha reforming in the radial flow spherical
reactors to decrease the pressure drop and to increase the aromatic production. Rahimpour [18],
Kolesnikov et al. [19] investigated the catalytic naphtha reforming in fluidized bed reactors.
Min et al. [20] modeled a four stages catalytic reforming unit with a radial flow pattern.
Optimization of operating conditions in naphtha reforming process has been performed to
increase the aromatic yield and annual profits [21-26].
The objective of this study is to compare the effect of applying the parallel flow with the
serial flow of the sweeping gas on the TMR performance in naphtha reforming process. In order
to model the TMR configuration, a heterogeneous model is considered. A catalyst deactivation
model is applied to investigate the effect of catalyst deactivation on the performance of TMR.
Since the walls of the tubes in TMR are coated by the Pd-Ag membrane layer, the effect of
hydrogen permeation is taken into consideration in mass and energy balances. A set of coupled
PDEs are solved by the orthogonal collocation method. The modeling results are compared
with the plant data of the conventional tubular reactor (CTR). This study demonstrates that TMR
with the parallel flow of the sweeping gas performs better than the serial one in some cases
as will be described further.
2. Reactions and Kinetic scheme
A kinetic model is considered based on the Smith's model [8]. Smith assumed some pseudo-
components to simplify the feedstock of catalytic naphtha reforming. Thus, four dominant
idealized reactions can be taken into consideration as follows:
Dehydrogenation of naphthenes to aromatics.
Naphthenes (CnH2n) ↔Aromatics (CnH2n−6) +3H2 (1)
Dehydrocyclization of paraffins to naphthenes.
Naphthenes (CnH2n) +H2↔Paraffins (CnH2n+2) (2)
Hydrocracking of naphthenes to lower hydrocarbons.
Naphthenes(CnH2n) + n/3H2→Lighter ends (C1–C5) (3)
Hydrocracking of paraffins to lower hydrocarbons.
Paraffins (CnH2n+2) + (n−3)/3H2→Lighter ends (C1–C5) (4)
The naphtha reforming reactions are limited by equilibrium; in order to achieve high aromatic
production, they should be carried out at a high temperature. The rate equations for these
reactions are as follows:
r1 ( )(ke1 pn pa ph )
K e1
r2 ( 2 )(k e 2 p n p h p p ) (6)
r3 ( ) pn (7)
kf 4
r4 ( ) pp (8)
where k fi and K ei are forward rate constant and equilibrium constant, respectively. The
equations of these constants for the reactions are reported by Rase .
k f 1 9.87 exp(23.21 1 )a (9)
k f 2 9.87 exp(35.98 2 )a (10)
k f 3 k f 4 exp(42.97 3 )a (11)
Ke1 1.04 103 exp(46.15 ) (12)
Ke2 9.87 exp(7.12 ) (13)
where a is the catalyst activity and E is the activation energy of related reaction. The
activation energies depend on the catalyst which is used. The activation energies are derived
using the previous work by Khosravanipour and Rahimpour [28]. The activation energies are
as follows:E1=36350; E2=58550; E3=63800.
3. Process Description
3.1. Conventional process (CTR)
A simplified process flow diagram for CTR is depicted in Fig.1. The naphtha feed is mixed
with the recycled gas containing 60-90% (by mole) hydrogen and preheated before entering
the 1st reactor. Reactors are packed with catalysts and the chemical reactions take place on
catalysts' surfaces. Since naphtha reforming is an endothermic process, the outlet stream
must be preheated before entering the following reactor by inter-stage heaters. In order to
stabilize the liquid and separate the gaseous product, the effluent from the 3rd reactor is
cooled and directed into the separators. The liquid product is called reformate which mainly
consists of aromatics (60–70 mass% of naphtha feed) and saturates in the C5–C9 carbon
range. The equilibrium conversion increases by increasing temperature owing to the endothermic
reaction. The improvement in the octane number of reformate is achieved by lowering space
velocity, raising the inlet temperature of the reactor at a constant pressure and shifting the
reaction to the aromatic production by hydrogen removal from the reaction side (e.g. by using
the membrane technology). The main reactions in the first reactor are dehydrogenation and
isomerization, in the second reactor are dehydrogenation, isomerization, cracking and
dehydrocyclization and in the third one are cracking and dehydrocyclization [28]. The operating
conditions of CTR are described in Table1.
Table 1 Specifications of conventional naphtha reactor, feed, product and catalyst of plant for fresh
parameter Numerical Value unit
Naphtha feed stock 30.41×10 Kg/hr
Reformate 24.66×103 Kg/hr
H2/HC mole ratio 4.74 −
LHSV 1.25 hr-1
Mole percent of hydrogen in 69.5 −
Diameter and length of 1st reactor 1.25, 6.29 m
Diameter and length of 2 reactor 1.67, 7.13 m
Diameter and length of 3rd reactor 1.98, 7.89 m
Distillation fraction of naphtha feed and reformate
TBP Naphtha feed (oC) Reformate (oC)
IBP 106 44
10% 113 73
30% 119 105
50% 125 123
70% 133 136
90% 144 153
FBP 173 181
Typical properties of catalyst
dp 1.2 mm
Pt 0.3 wt%
Re 0.3 wt%
sa 220 m /g
B 0.3 Kg/l
0.36 −
R: Reactor
F: Furnace
S-1: Separator
S-2: Stabilizer
S-1 S-2
Reformate to Storage
F-1 F-2 F-3
Naphtha Feed
Figure.1 A simple process flow diagram for conventional catalytic naphtha reforming (CTR)
3.2. Tubular Membrane Reactor Setup
3.2.1 Tubular Membrane reactor with the serial flow of the sweeping gas
Fig.2 illustrates the process flow diagram for TMR in which the sweeping gas lines are
serial. In a serial mode, the sweeping gas enters the shell side of the first reactor and it is
enriched by hydrogen as proceeding along the reactor. Subsequently, the outlet stream from
the shell side enters the next reactor. As a result, the performance of the reactors in the
serial configuration is dependent to each other. The potential difference, hydrogen permeation
driving force, decreases along each reactor. According to the Sievert’s law, the driving force
(hydrogen permeation) is proportional to the hydrogen partial pressure difference between shell
and tube sides of each reactor. The specification of this membrane reactor extensively described
in the previous work [28].
Naphtha Feed
F-1 C-2
Hydrogen Rich Gas
R-2 R-3
C: Compressor
R: Reactor
F: Furnace
S-1: Separator C-5
S-2: Stabilizer
C-3 C-4 S-1 S-2
Reformate to Storage
F-2 F-3
Figure.2 Schematic diagram of tubular membrane reactor (TMR) with the serial flow of the
sweeping gas.
3.2.2 Tubular Membrane reactor with the parallel flow of the sweeping gas
The scheme of the TMR with parallel sweeping gas lines is depicted in Fig.3. The basic
idea of a "parallel" configuration is to connect all reactors with lower hydrogen partial pressure.
C: Compressor F-4
R: Reactor
F: Furnace
S-1: Separator
S-2: Stabilizer C-2 C-3 C-4
Off Gas
R-1 R-2
S-1 S-2
Reformate to Storage
F-2 F-3
Figure 3 Schematic diagram of tubular membrane reactor (TMR) with the parallel flow of the
sweeping gas.
4. Reactor model
The main structure of the model is initiated by the previous work which carried out by
Khosravanipour and Rahimpour [28]. The new approach given by this study relies on some
modifications which are considered to improve the model capability. The mass and energy
balance equations (for both shell and tube sides) together with the pressure drop correlations [29]
and a catalyst deactivation model [30] are presented in Table 3. The notations are presented in
the nomenclature in Appendix C.
Table 3 Mass & Energy balances for tubular membrane reactor.
4 J H2 C j
j 1, 2,..., n i 1, 2,..., m
D t
2TTube 4 J H2 (11)
keff ( ) ( u z C p (TTube Tref )) ( C p (TShell TTube ))
z 2
z D
4U m
( (TShell Ttube )) B a H i ri ( C p (TTube Tref ))
D i 1 t
Solid phase (Tube side)
kc j sa (C j C sj ) ij ri 0 (12)
Q0 1.65 105 molm1s 1 pa 2 , EH2 15.7kjmol 1
Boundary & initial conditions
z 0 : C j C j 0 , T T0 (17)
C j T (18)
z L: 0,
z z
t 0; C j C j ,T T ss ,Ts Ts ; a 1;
ss ss
Catalyst deactivation
da E 1 1 (21)
K d exp( d ( ))a 7
dt R T TR
TR 770K , Ed 1.642 105 jmol 1 , Kd 5.926 105 h1
The following assumptions are made for both shell and tube sides in the mathematical
modeling of TMR:
(i) One dimensional plug flow is assumed.
(ii) Radial dispersions of heat and mass are neglected.
(iii) The gas is supposed to be ideal.
A set of auxiliary correlations which are used in the modeling are presented in Appendix B.
5. Numerical Solution
A set of coupled PDEs including energy and mass balances as well as ODE and algebraic
equations of the system are solved by the orthogonal collocation method (Appendix A). The
deactivation model is an ODE. The auxiliary correlations, kinetics and thermodynamics of the
reaction systems constitute a set of algebraic equations. More details concerning this subject
was presented by Iranshahi et al. [17].
6. Model validation
6.1. Unsteady state model validation
Model validation is carried out by a comparison between the modeling results of TMR and
the historical process data. The predicted results of production rate, the corresponding
observed data and the residual errors are presented in Table 4. As seen, the model performs
well under industrial conditions and there exists a good agreement between the daily-
observed plant data and the modeling results. Boiling point ranges are determined by
Distillation Petro Test D86 [31].
Table 4 Unsteady state model validation.
Time (day) Naphta feed Plant Tubular Devi %
(ton/hr) (kmol/hr) (kmol/hr) (Tubular- Plant)
with the plant data. Analyses of components (paraffin, naphthene and aromatic) are performed
by PONA Test in Stan Hop Seta apparatus. The aromatic is tested especially by ASTM 2159
equivalent to UOP 273 method [31].
Table 5 Comparison between model prediction and plant data for fresh catalyst
Reactor Inlet Inlet Catalyst Input feedstock (mole %)
number temperature pressure distribution
(K) (kPa) (wt %)
1 777 3703 20 Paraffin 49.3
2 777 3537 30 Naphthene 36
3 775 3401 50 Aromatic 14.7
Reactor Outlet temperature (K) Aromatic in reformate
number (mole %)
Plant CTR plant CTR Series Parallel
1 722 732.1 - 34.95 36.32 35.69
2 753 757.5 - 47.44 48.59 48.50
3 770 772.5 57.7 56.82 58.09 59.30
H /HC molar ratio (kmole/hr)
5.4 Series
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mass of catalyst (Dimensionless)
In the 2nd reactor, heat transfers from the tube side to the shell side which causes a maximum
in the shell side temperature. Nevertheless, this is not exactly what we look for. The temperature
in the shell side decreases in the rest of the 2nd reactor length. As Fig.5 (a) shows, the heat
transfer always takes place from the tube side to the shell side of the 3rd reactor. This is
improper for the 2nd and the 3rd reactors in the serial flow. The same attitude as the serial
configuration is considered for analyzing and understanding the thermal behavior of the
parallel flow (Fig.5 (b)). The inlet temperature of the sweeping gas to the three reactors is
kept at 777 K in the parallel flow. As a result, the sweeping gas temperature is always more
than the reaction side temperature and heat transfers from the shell side to the tube side.
In industry, reactors are insulated in order to prevent thermal loss. In the parallel flow, the
sweeping gas acts as an external protect (secondary insulation) against the events happening
in the reaction side owing to its higher temprature than the serial one. Moreover, if the
circumstances influence the reaction side, changes will affect the sweeping gas more than the
reaction side. Thus, the reaction side is impressed less than the sweeping gas by the variations.
It can be considered as one of the advantages of the parallel flow in comparison with the
serial one.
780 780
755 750
730 720
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mass of catalyst (Dimensionless)
Mass of catalyst (Dimensionless)
780 780
775 770
Tube side temperature (K)
Shell side temperature (K)
765 750
760 740 Series
755 730
750 720
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
higher than the parallel one. According to the relationship between the Nusselt number and
the Reynolds number, the velocity and the heat transfer coefficient of the serial flow is higher
than the ones in the parallel flow. Thus, the temperature drop in the serial flow is less than
the parallel flow. The trend of the tube side temperature in the 2 nd reactor is similar to the
one in the 1st reactor. The order of temperature profiles for the 3rd reactor is obviously illustrated
in Fig.5 (a)-(b). In the 3rd reactor, the highest temperature drop occurs for the serial flow
because the sweeping gas temperature is less than the reaction side temperature. Nevertheless,
the temperature drop in the parallel flow is the least.
Fig.6 illustrates hydrogen mole fraction in the shell side of TMRs. In the serial flow of the
sweeping gas, hydrogen with a specific mole fraction leaves the 1st reactor and enters serially
the 2nd reactor. The sweeping gas is enriched by hydrogen as it is proceeding along the
reactors. Therefore, the hydrogen mole fraction increases continuously along the three
reactors for the serial flow of the sweeping gas. As a result, the driving force for hydrogen
permeation between shell and tube sides decreases in the serial flow and hydrogen mole
fraction tends to be constant in the 3rd reactor. On the other hand, the inlet mole fraction of
hydrogen equals 0.695 in the parallel configuration. In TMR configuration with the parallel flow of
the sweeping gas, hydrogen permeates through a membrane layer from the reaction side to the
shell side in three reactors thus, its mole fraction increases in the shell side of each reactor.
Unlike the serial flow, the mole fraction of the sweeping gas is independent of each other,
thus the reactors operate independently for the parallel flow of the sweeping gas. If there is
a technical defect in the sweeping gas lines of the serial configuration, the sweeping gas
lines should be closed in order to hinder its effect from the subsequent reactors. However, the
reactors perform well if the same circumstance exists in the parallel configuration. This figure
also shows a significant difference in the hydrogen mole fraction in the parallel flow in
comparison with the one in the serial flow. Due to higher hydrogen molar flow rate in the
serial flow than the parallel one (three times higher than the parallel), its mole fraction does
not change considerably in the 1st reactor. The hydrogen mole fractions are 0.758 and 0.757
in the parallel and series flow, respectively.
Hydrogen mole fraction in shell side
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mass of catalyst (Dimensionless)
back to the reactant side due to the hydrogen removal from the reaction side. As a result,
more paraffin is consumed in TMRs in comparison with CTR. The difference between the paraffin
consumption rate in serial and parallel flows becomes more evident in the 3rd reactor. It can
be justified by temperature profiles of the 3rd reactor (see Fig.5 (d)). The naphthene
consumption rate is equal in the beginning lengths of the first reactor of CTR and TMRs.
Owing to high reaction rates, the effect of membrane in shifting the reactions can be ignored
(see Fig.7 (b) for the 1st reactor). The flow rate arrangement at the outlet of the first reactor
implies that how the reaction temperature can affect the naphthene consumption.
135 100
130 90
70 Sereis
CTR 50
110 Series
Parallel 40
30 3.5
0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1
95 10
90 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mass of catalyst (Dimensionless) Mass of catalyst (Dimensionless)
Figure.7 (a) Paraffin molar flow rate and (b) Naphtha molar flow rate along CTR and TMRs.
Fig.8 (a) demonstrates the capability of using membrane to increase the aromatic
production in refineries. The aromatic production for the serial flow is more considerable
than the parallel one in the 1st and the 2nd reactors. In the 3rd reactor, the aromatic production
rate for the parallel flow is higher than the serial flow due to higher temperature of the 3rd
reactor. These occurrences are justified by the reaction side temperatures (see Fig.5 (d)).
Considering the small graph in Fig.8 (a) shows that the increase in the aromatic yield in the
parallel flow is approximately 1kmol/hr more than the one in the serial flow which becomes a
considerable amount per year. The light ends molar flow rate is presented in Fig.8 (b).
140 650
Light ends molar flow rate in tube side (kmole/hr)
Aromatic molar flow rate (kmole/hr)
137 630
136 620
100 Series
135 610 Parallel
80 134 600
0.95 1
CTR 590
Parallel 580
20 550
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mass of catalyst (Dimensionless) Mass of catalyst (Dimensionless)
Figure.8 (a) Aromatic molar flow rate and (b) Light ends molar flow rate along CTR and TMRs.
The total hydrogen production rate has the same trend as the aromatic production rate
shown in Fig.9 (a). It is worth mentioning that the total hydrogen is produced just because of
the reaction (no recycle added). The hydrogen molar flow rate increases in the tube side of
CTR (Fig.9 (b)). However, it decreases in the tube side of TMRs owing to the hydrogen
permeation through the membrane layer to the shell side. A peak in the hydrogen molar
flow profile of TMR shows that the hydrogen production rate is higher than the hydrogen
permeation rate through the membrane layer in the 1st and the 2nd reactors. Furthermore, no
difference is observed between the hydrogen molar flow rates in TMRs due to a high
hydrogen production rate.
250 1500
240.5 1400
150 1350 Series
0.97 0.98 0.99 1 1300
CTR 1250
Parallel 1200
0 1100
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mass of catalyst (Dimensionless) Mass of catalyst (Dimensionless)
Figure.9 (a) The total hydrogen production in CTR and TMRs (hydrogen in the permeation
side plus the hydrogen content of tube side) and (b) the hydrogen molar flow rate in the
tube side along the reactor length for CTR and TMRs.
As previously mentioned, some modifications are considered to improve the modeling results.
Thus, the total molar flow rate, molecular weight, heat capacity, viscosity, density and, etc. are
considered to be variable. Fig.10 (a)-(b) illustrate how the total molar flow rate and molecular
weight change along the reactors. The average molecular weight of the gas phase increases
in TMRs due to the hydrogen removal from the reaction side. The minimum points in the
graph of the molecular weight (Fig.10 (b)) are proportional to the maximums in Fig.10 (a).
2400 29
Molecualr weight of gas phase in tube side (kg/kmole)
2350 28.5
Total molar flow rate in tube side (kmole/hr)
Series 27
Parallel CTR
2000 24.5
1950 24
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mass of catalyst (Dimensionless) Mass of catalyst (Dimensionless)
Figure.10 (a) Total molar flow rate in the tube side of CTR and TMRs (b) the average
molecular weight of the gas phase in the tube side of CTR and TMRs versus the mass of
The pressure profile along CTR and TMRs is depicted in Fig.11. The pressure drop for both
flows in TMRs is lower than CTR. Since hydrogen permeates through the membrane layer to
the shell side, the total molar flow rate decreases in the reaction side. Accordingly, the
velocity and related viscose loss (pressure drop) are lower than the one in CTR owing to
lower molar flow rate.
The effect of hydrogen mole fraction in the sweeping gas on the products yield and the
required pressures of permeation side (to have a desired H 2/HC) are investigated in the
following figures.
Firstly, its effect on the required pressures of the sweeping gas in three reactors is
investigated and two case studies (I, II) are taken into consideration in this regard. If the
hydrogen mole fraction decreases, the compressor pressure should be increased to maintain
H2/HC above 4.73. The effect of hydrogen mole fraction in the sweeping gas on the required
pressure of the sweeping gas is investigated for two case studies in Fig. 12(a)-(c). In case I
(δ1=δ2=δ3=10µm), by increasing the hydrogen mole fraction in the sweeping gas, the
required pressure of the sweeping gas decreases in three reactors. As membranes'
thicknesses increase as case II (δ1=30µm, δ2=50 µm, δ3=70 µm) the required pressures of
the sweeping gas do not change considerably for all three reactors. Thus, thicker membranes
are excellent choices against the increasing pressure in the permeation sides.
3650 CTR
3600 Parallel
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mass of catalyst (Dimensionless)
4500 Parallel, 1=10 m, 2=10 m, 3=10 m
Required pressure for sweep gas in second reactor
Required pressure for sweep gas in first reactor
1500 2000
Series, 1=10 m, 2=10 m, 3=10 m
Series, 1=10 m, 2=10 m, 3=10 m
Series, 1=30 m, 2=50 m, 3=70 m 1500
1000 Series, 1=30 m, 2=50 m, 3=70 m
Parallel, 1=10 m, 2=10 m, 3=10 m
500 Parallel, 1=30 m, 2=50 m, 3=70 m
0 0
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Hydrogen mole fraction in sweep gas Hydrogen mole fraction in sweep gas
Series, 1=10 m, 2=10 m, 3=10 m
Required pressure for sweep gas in third reactor
Series, 1=30 m, 2=50 m, 3=70 m
4000 Parallel, 1=10 m, 2=10 m, 3=10 m
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Hydrogen mole fraction in sweep gas
Figure.12 Required pressure for the sweeping gas in (a) the first reactor (b) the second
reactor (c) the third reactor versus the hydrogen mole fraction in the sweeping gas in TMRs
for two case studies (I, II).
Secondly, the effect of hydrogen mole fraction in the sweeping gas on the aromatic and
hydrogen productions is investigated for two case studies in Fig.13 (a)-(b). The aromatic
and hydrogen yields for the parallel configuration are higher than the serial one (see Fig.13
(a)-(b)). The effect of increasing the membrane thickness on the aromatic yield is slight. If
case study II (δ1=30µm, δ2=50 µm, δ3=70 µm) is applied, the required compressor pressures
decrease drastically, while no considerable changes are observed in the aromatic and
hydrogen production rates (compare Fig.12 and 13). The same trend is observed for total
hydrogen production in Fig.13 (b).
136.8 241
Series, 1=10 m, 2=10 m, 3=10 m 240.6
136.2 Series, 1=30 m, 2=50 m, 3=70 m
Series, 1=10 m, 2=10 m, 3=10 m
Parallel, 1=10 m, 2=10 m, 3=10 m
136 240.4 Series, 1=30 m, 2=50 m, 3=70 m
Parallel, 1=30 m, 2=50 m, 3=70 m Parallel, 1=10 m, 2=10 m, 3=10 m
135.8 Parallel, 1=30 m, 2=50 m, 3=70 m
135.2 239.8
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Hydrogen mole fraction in sweep gas Hydrogen mole fraction in sweep gas
Figure.13 (a) Aromatic production (b) total hydrogen production versus the hydrogen mole
fraction in the sweeping gas in TMRs for two case studies (I, II).
8. Conclusion
TMR with parallel and serial flows of the sweeping gas is modeled and compared with the
plant data of CTR. Results show that TMR with the parallel configuration is superior to the
serial one. Since three reactors in TMR operate independently for the parallel flow of the
sweeping gas, parallel configuration can be advantageous if a defect happens for one of the
reactors. Moreover, the sweeping gas acts as a secondary insulation. As a novel idea, the effect
of hydrogen mole fraction in the sweeping gas and membrane thickness on the products
yield and the required pressures of compressors are investigated for two case studies.
Results show that by choosing thicker membranes (i.e., case study II) the required
compressors’ pressures decrease remarkably while the aromatic and hydrogen production rates
do not change considerably. The optimization of the membrane thicknesses can be as a
future work owing to obtaining better results in the case study II.
Appendix C. Nomenclature
Parameter Dimension Description
a [-] catalyst activity
A [kmol h-1] moles of aromatic formed
Ac [m2] cross-section of reactor
cp [kJ kmol-1 K-1] specific heat
ct [kmol m-3] molar concentration
Ed [J mol-1] activation energy of catalyst
Ei [kJ kmol-1] activation energy for i reaction
Ep [kJ mol-1] activation energy of permeability
FBP [◦C] final boiling pint
Ft [kmol h-1] total molar flow rate
hf [W m-2 K-1] Heat transfer coefficient
HC [kmol h-1] Hydrocarbon
H2 [kmol h-1] Hydrogen
H [kJ kmol-1] heat of reaction
IBP [◦C] initial boiling pint
k [W m-1 s-1] thermal conductivity
kci [m h-1] mass transfer coefficient for component i
kf1 [kmol h-1 kgcat-1 MPa1] forward rate constant for reaction (1)
kf2 [kmol h-1 kgcat-1 MPa2] forward rate constant for reaction (2)
kf3 [kmol h-1 kgcat-1] forward rate constant for reactions (3)
kf4 [kmol h-1 kgcat-1] forward rate constant for reactions (4)
Ke1 [MPa3] equilibrium constant
Ke2 [MPa−1] equilibrium constant
L [m] length of reactor
m [-] number if data sets used
mc [kg] mass of catalyst
a [-] Aromatic
cal [-] Calculated
h [-] Hydrogen
lh [-] light hydrocarbon
n [-] Naphthene
out [-] Outlet
p [-] Paraffin
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Corresponding author. (D. Iranshahi), Tel.: +98 21 64543196; fax: +98 21 6413969,
E-mail address: iranshahi@aut.ac.ir
where y N is the Nth degree polynomial, yi is the value of y at the point xi , and li ( x) is
defined as
N 1 (x x j )
li ( x) (A−5)
j 1 ( xi x j )
j i
0 i j
li ( x j ) (A−6)
1 i j
The first and second derivative at the interpolation points are:
dy N ( xi ) N 1 dl j ( xi )
yj (A−7)
dx j 1 dx
d 2 y N ( xi ) N 1 d l j ( xi )
yj (A−8)
dx 2 j 1 dx 2
For i 1, 2..., N , N 1.
The first derivative vector, composed of (N+1) first derivatives at the (N+1) interpolation
points is:
dy N ( x1 ) dy N ( x2 ) dy ( x ) dy ( x )
y N' [ , ,..., N N , N N 1 ]T (A−9)
dx dx dx dx
Similarly, the second derivative vector is defined as
d 2 y N ( x1 ) d 2 y N ( x2 ) d 2 y N ( x N ) d 2 y N ( x N 1 ) T
y N'' [ , ,..., , ] (A−10)
dx 2 dx 2 dx 2 dx 2
The function vector is defined as values of y at (N+1) collocation points as
y [ y1 , y 2 , y3 ,..., y N , y N 1 ]T (A−11)
By means of these definitions of vectors y and derivative vectors, the first and second
derivative vectors can be written in terms of the function vector y using matrix notation
y ' A. y
y ' ' B. y
Where the matrices A and B are defined as
dl j ( xi )
A aij ; i, j 1,2,..., N , N 1 (A−13)
d l j ( xi )
B bij ; i , j 1, 2,..., N , N 1 (A−14)
dx 2
The matrices A and B are (N+1, N+1) square matrices. Once the (N+1) interpolation points
are chosen, then all the Lagrangian building blocks, li ( xi ) , are completely known , and thus
the matrices A and B are also known .
Appendix B. Auxiliary Correlations
B.1 Gas phase viscosity
Viscosity of reactants and products is obtained from the following formula:
C1T C2
C C (B−1)
1 3 42
where is the viscosity in Pa.s and T is the temperature in K. Viscosities are at 1atm [33]
The constants of equation B-1 are presented in Table B.1.
Table B.1 Constant of Eq (B-1) for reactant and product.
Component C1 C2 C3 C4
CnH2n+2 4.1306×10-8 0.9074 78.2449 0
CnH2n-6 3.6249×10-7 0.6063 208.5202 0
CnH2n 3.6744×10-7 0.5868 235.1696 0
H2 1.797×10-7 0.6850 -0.59 140
L.E 4.9054×10-8 0.90125 0 0
B.2.Gas phase Heat capacity
Heat Capacity of reactants and products at Constant Pressure is obtained from the following
2 2
C3 C5
C p C1 C2 C4 (B−2)
sinh( 3 ) cosh( 5 )
where c p is in J/(kmol K) and T is in K [33].
To complete the simulation, extra correlations should be added to the model. In the case
of heterogeneous model, because of transfer phenomena, the correlations for estimation of
heat and mass transfer between two phases should be considered. It is because of the
concentration and heat gradient between bulk of the gas phase and the film of gas on the
catalyst surface, which caused by the resistance of the film layer. The constants of equation
B-2 are presented in Table B.2.