A Detailed Reaction Kinetic Model of Hea
A Detailed Reaction Kinetic Model of Hea
A Detailed Reaction Kinetic Model of Hea
A detailed reaction kinetic model was developed to describe heavy naphtha reforming reactions. The kinetic model involved
32 lumps and 132 reactions; the lumps were one to 11 carbon atoms n-paraffins, four to 11 carbon atoms iso-paraffins, methyl-
cyclopentene, and six to 11 carbon atoms for naphthenes and aromatics. All computations in the present study were predicted
using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) method coded by MATLAB 2015a software. This optimization method was
used to estimate the optimum set of kinetic parameters of heavy naphtha reforming reactions. All 150 kinetic and deactiva-
tion parameters that were predicted in this work were fine-tuned using PSO. The proposed kinetic model was validated by
benchmarking the model results with the data collected over 5 years for a commercial naphtha reforming unit. The mean
absolute error for all component compositions within the process was found to be 0.0079. The catalyst deactivation rate was
also predicted. It was found that catalyst activity decayed to 58.8% after 1225 operating days.
Keywords Kinetic model · Heavy naphtha reforming · Deactivation · Particle swarm optimization
List of Symbols Pt Reactor pressure (bar)
A, B, C, D Constants of specific heat polynomial R Gas constant (J/mol K)
Ac Reactor cross-sectional area (m2) r Reaction rate (kmol/kg cat h)
a Catalyst activity coefficient S Reaction stoichiometry
CP Specific heat (kJ/kmol K) T Reaction temperature (K)
Dp Catalyst pellet diameter (m) To Reference temperature (K)
EA Activation energy (J/mol) w Catalyst weight (kg)
Fi Species i molar flow rate (kmol/hr) y Mole fraction
G Mass flux (kg/m2 s) Z Length of reactor (m)
Hj Enthalpy (kJ/kmol) ∆HRj Heat of jth reaction (kJ/kmol)
Hfo Standard enthalpy of formation (kJ/kmol)
Greek Letters
gc Acceleration due to gravity (m/s2) 𝜀b Void fraction of reactor bed (m3/m3)
I Component i α Power of pressure effect
j Reaction j 𝜇 Viscosity (kg/m s)
kio Pre-exponential factor ρ Density (kg/m3)
ki Reaction rate constant (kmol h−1) ρcat Catalyst density (kg/m3)
kd Catalyst deactivation rate constant (day−1)
MCP Methylcyclopentene
Pi Component i partial pressure (bar) 1 Introduction
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
the amount of harmful gases emitted into the atmosphere, equation in a kinetic model of 22 lumps. Ramage et al. [9]
such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, while also sup- presented Mobil’s reaction kinetic model, which was bench-
plying hydrogen to other refining units, such as hydrotreat- marked with data collected from an industrial pilot plant. In
ing reactors. In this unit, the hydrotreated heavy naphtha 1987, Froment [10] extended the Hougen–Watson rate equa-
was converted to more valuable gasoline, having a higher tion to describe simultaneous reactions, choosing naphtha
octane number [1, 2]. Heavy naphtha is a petroleum fraction reforming as an example. Taskar and Riggs [11] presented
consisting of more than 300 hydrocarbons having carbon a detailed reaction model of 35 lumps in the range C5–C10
numbers ranging from C1 to C12, and each one of these and 35 reactions using the Langmuir–Hinshelwood reaction
components undergoes several reactions within the reform- rate equation. The kinetics of coke formation was included
ing process [3]. in their model to represent the catalyst deactivation term. In
Generally, the naphtha reforming unit is comprised of 2000, Ancheyta et al. [12] extended the Krane model [9],
three or four adiabatic reactors operated at 450 to 520 °C and taking into consideration the effect of the reactor pressure
10–35 bar pressure, in a 3–8 hydrogen/hydrocarbon molar on the reaction rate constants. Their kinetic model involved
ratio [4, 5]. The typical reforming catalyst is Pt supported 21 lumps and 51 reactions. Hu et al. [13, 14] used molecu-
on alumina [5]. However, other metals may be used with Pt lar series matrices to represent the naphtha composition
in the preparation of the reforming catalysts, such as Pd, Sn, within a reforming process. The reaction model included
and Gr. These metals work to promote the desired reactions 21 molecular classes and 51 reactions. Weifeng et al. [15]
with low deactivation rate. Several chemical reactions occur developed an 18-lump kinetic model. They tuned kinetic
in the reforming reactors, such as hydrocracking, dehydroge- parameters by comparing simulation results estimated by
nation, hydroisomerization, isomerization, and dehydrocy- Aspen Plus software, using data from the industrial unit.
clization. The quality and quantity of the reformate products’ Wei et al. [16] used Kinetic Model Editor (KME) software,
distribution mainly depends on the catalyst type, feed qual- which includes a standard model library, to develop and
ity, and performance of the catalyst. Therefore, the reform- customize the reforming reaction network. Mirko et al. [17]
ing catalyst performance is highly affected by the reaction predicted a semiempirical kinetic model by benchmarking it
temperature, operating pressure, deactivation rate, and reac- with industrial data. “Activation energy lumps” were intro-
tion kinetics in the reactors [2, 4]. duced to represent the activation energies within specific
Modeling, optimization, and control of petroleum reac- reaction classes.
tors require an accurate kinetic model. Sixty years ago, vari- One of the most successful kinetic models was proposed
ous studies were undertaken to describe the reaction kinetics in 2011 by Rodríguez and Ancheyta [18], who developed
of heavy naphtha reforming. Some of these kinetic models a detailed kinetic model of 71 chemical reactions and 33
are very simple, whereas others are very sophisticated. Fur- lumps, plus 41 paraffin isomers. Their model takes into
thermore, some of these kinetic models distinguish between account hydrocarbons up to 11 carbon atoms, benzene for-
iso and normal paraffins, while others do not. These kinetic mation reactions, 41 iso-paraffins, and pressure effects on
models differ in their number of reactive lumps, number of kinetic parameters. Iso- and n-paraffin distributions were
reactions, and type of reaction equations. estimated by thermodynamic equilibrium relations. How-
The lumping method is widely applied in the simulation ever, the catalyst deactivation rate was not considered in
process to reduce the complexity of the reforming reaction [18].
networks. Therefore, it is important to note that the reaction Shakor [19] used data from a commercial unit to identify
network and kinetic parameters are highly dependent on the the parameters of a kinetic model involving 29 pseudo-com-
number of lumps in the simulation system [3]. Splitting par- ponents and 83 reactions. Six isomerization reactions were
affin lumps into n-paraffins and iso-paraffins is critical when introduced to describe the equilibrium relations between iso-
evaluating the reformate composition and octane number. and n-paraffins within the range of the carbon molecules
Thus, it is necessary to develop a detailed kinetic model C5–C10.
to predict the reformate composition during the reforming Taillar [20] estimated the kinetic and catalyst deactiva-
process. tion parameters using commercial and micro-pilot plant
In 1959, Smith [6] proposed the first successful kinetic data. Their study considered the effect of temperature, two-
model, which consists of three lumps (i.e., paraffins, naph- dimensional pressure drops, and two-dimensional catalyst
thenes, and aromatics). Krane’s [7] model consisted of 20 activity variation. Arani et al. [3] applied Hougen–Wat-
individual hydrocarbon lumps and 53 reactions. The prod- son–Langmuir–Hinshelwood in a kinetic model containing
ucts were yielded and their resulting compositions were 17 lumps, with a hydrocarbon range from C6 to C8+ and 15
assessed and compared with the experimental data. In 1973, reactions. Zagoruiko et al. [21] proposed a thermodynami-
Kmak and Stuckey [8] used the Langmuir–Hinshelwood rate cally consistent kinetic model of 62 reactant groups and 146
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
reactions. The catalyst deactivation by coke deposition was counted all of these targets and is based on real data from a
also presented in their model. Iranshahi et al. [22] developed commercial naphtha reforming unit.
a two-dimensional model to simulate a naphtha reforming
unit. The reaction network consisted of 32 lumps and 84
reactions, including the catalyst deactivation in the model. 2 Commercial Naphtha Reforming Unit
Polovina et al. [23] used the Levenberg–Marquardt optimi-
zation method to estimate the parameters of a kinetic model Figure 1 represents a schematic diagram of an Al-Doura
of 51 chemical species (16 pure components and 35 pseudo- Refinery semiregenerative heavy naphtha reforming unit that
components). Various assumptions were used to reduce the contains four reactors with interstage heaters in series and
kinetic parameters from 126 to 44, and the absolute relative occupied by a Pt/Al2O3 catalyst. The samples taken from
error between the model predictions and the data from the the feed and from four reactors’ effluents were analyzed by
commercial continuous catalytic reformer unit was lower gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy (GC–MS). The unit
than 2%. Zhou et al. [24] developed a detailed kinetic model was operated at 467–481 °C feed temperature, 27.5 bar feed
involving 447 naphtha molecules, 1469 reactions, isomers pressure, and a 7 mol/mol hydrogen to hydrocarbon feed
of paraffin and naphthene up to C9, aromatic isomers up ratio. The reactors’ dimensions and catalyst weight for each
to C10, and a catalyst deactivation term. Babaqi et al. [25] of the four reactors are displayed in Table 1.
investigated the kinetic model of 36 lumps and 55 reactions.
They found that the average absolute deviation (AAD%) was
1.03%, 2.6%, 1.3%, 0.43%, 0.93%, and 2.5% for temperature, 3 Mathematical Modeling
pressure, octane number, hydrogen yield, light gases, and
reformate yield, respectively. 3.1 Model Assumptions
The instantaneous iso-paraffin concentration cannot be
predicted by most new models. Additionally, most of the The following assumptions were considered in the math-
previous studies did not consider the catalyst deactivation ematical modeling:
rate, while others calculated the catalyst deactivation rate
using pilot plant data. Obtaining the catalyst activity coef- Table 1 Heavy naphtha reforming reactor specifications of the Al-
ficient is essential in calculating the catalyst life and decid- Doura Refinery in Baghdad
ing the catalyst replacement duration. There was a need to Reactor number 1 2 3 4
develop a new kinetic model for naphtha reforming reactions
Catalyst weight, kg 2700 4500 4750 5875
that would include the prediction of instantaneous change in
Reactor length, m 6 6 6 6
iso-paraffin concentrations in addition to counting the cata-
Reactor diameter, m 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
lyst deactivation rate. The model proposed in this research
Heat exchanger
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
balance equations, one heat balance equation, and one nexp nreac ⎛
� � 1 n� � T exp − T pred �⎞
� exp pred � � i,j i,j �
Ergun equation). The hydrogen mass balance equation f = ⎜ �yi,j,k − yi,j,k � + �� �⎟
nexp nreac i=1 j=1 ⎜ nCom k=1 � � exp �⎟
was also included. A fourth-order Runge–Kutta integra- � Ti,j �
⎝ � �⎠
tion method was used to solve these differential equa- (10)
tions, which are represented in Eqs. (1), (2), and (8),
for each individual reactor within the process to obtain
concentrations, temperature, and pressure drop profiles.
4 Results and Discussion
All computations within this study were predicted using
programs coded using MATLAB 2015a software. Par-
4.1 Validity of the Predictive Kinetic Model
ticle swarm optimization was used to estimate the opti-
mum set of kinetic parameters. MATLAB functions pso
To prove the validity of the developed kinetic model, the
and ode45 were used in optimization and integration. The
model predictions were compared with data collected from
values of the pre-exponential factors (A1 to A132) were
a commercial reforming process, as shown in Figs. 3, 4,
estimated and are presented in Table 3.
5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Practical data include analysis of feedstock to the first consideration in the simulation program, and the cata-
reactor, analysis of the output of each of the four reactors, lyst was not changed or regenerated during the sampling
recording the feedstock temperatures of the first reactor period.
and the temperatures of the outputs from the four reactors Figure 3 shows the comparison between the actual and
as well as the feedstock pressure before the first reactor predicted compositions of four reactors’ effluents. The pre-
and after the last reactor. These data were obtained over dicted compositions agree very well with the actual process
1225 days from a heavy naphtha reforming unit of the Al- data, with a mean absolute deviation equal to 0.0079. This
Doura Refinery, located in southern Baghdad. The first error level results from taking nine data sets at various time
data set was taken after exchanging the consumed catalyst periods, starting with a fresh catalyst. Adding the pressure
of the four reactors with a fresh catalyst to ensure that the effect factor (α) reduced the deviation level by approxi-
catalyst was highly efficient initially. Ten data sets were mately 5%.
taken over the entire time period after the catalyst was Figure 4 presents a comparison between the actual and
replaced. Changes in the process conditions (i.e., tem- predicted composition of the iso-paraffins, n-paraffins, naph-
perature, pressure, and feed composition) were taken into thenes, and aromatics with respect to the catalyst weight
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
0.15 0.15
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
n-paraffins n-paraffins
i-paraffins i-paraffins
0.05 Naphthenes 0.05 Naphthenes
Aromatics Aromatics
0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Experimnental weight fractions Experimnental weight fractions
c Reactor 3 d Reactor 4
n-paraffin(pred.) n-p8
i-paraffin (exp.) n-p9
i-paraffin (pred.)
Weight Fraction
0.4 Naphthene (exp.) 0.06 n-p11
Naphthene (pred.) n-p4 (exp.)
Aromatics (exp.) n-p5 (exp.)
Aromatics (pred.) 0.04 n-p6 (exp.)
n-p7 (exp.)
n-p8 (exp.)
0.02 n-p9 (exp.)
0.2 n-p10 (exp.)
n-p11 (exp.)
0.1 0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000
Catalyst weight (kg)
0 5000 10000 15000 20000
Catalyst weight (kg) Fig. 5 Comparison between the actual and predicted n-paraffin com-
position (lines = predicted; symbols = actual)
Fig. 4 Comparison between the actual and predicted n-paraffin, i-par-
affin, naphthene, and aromatic total composition (lines = predicted;
symbols = actual) about 5% of the reformate, and the rate of the naphthene
disappearance in the last three reactors was very low. The
increase in the aromatic concentrations in the second and
within four reactors. The naphthene dehydrogenation and third reactors was due to the disappearance of the n-par-
aromatic production occurred more quickly than the other affins. Hydrocracking of naphthenes and paraffins occurs
reforming reactions. Therefore, these reactions took place slowly in exothermic reactions. The iso-paraffins and aro-
in the first reactor, where the variation in the naphthene matics were obtained by converting the n-paraffins and
and aromatic concentrations was highly significant. After naphthenes to iso-paraffins and aromatics. Cyclization and
the second reactor, the naphthene compositions approached aromatization of paraffins are desired reactions because they
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Weight Fraction
0.1 i-p7
Teamperature (K)
0.08 i-p10
i-p4 (exp.) 720
0.06 i-p5 (exp.)
i-p6 (exp.) Temperature (exp.)
i-p7 (exp.) 710 Temperature (pred.)
0.04 i-p8 (exp.)
i-p9 (exp.)
0.02 i-p10 (exp.) 700
i-p11 (exp.)
0 690
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000
Catalyst weight (kg) Catalyst weight (kg)
Fig. 6 Comparison between the actual and predicted i-paraffin com- Fig. 9 Comparison between the actual and predicted temperature dis-
position (lines = predicted; symbols = actual) tribution
0.08 MCP 28
N7 27
Weight Fraction
0.06 N8
Pressure (Bar)
N9 26 Real Pressure
N10 Predicted Pressure
0.04 N11 25
N6 (exp.) 24
0.02 N7 (exp.)
N8 (exp.) 23
N9 (exp.)
0 22
N10 (exp.)
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000
N11 (exp.)
Catalyst weight (kg) Catalyst weight (kg)
Fig. 7 Comparison between the actual and predicted naphthene com- Fig. 10 Comparison between the actual and predicted pressure drop
position (lines = predicted; symbols = actual)
A10 but more rapid than any other reactions. For the isomeriza-
0.15 A11
A6 (exp.)
tion reactions, temperature and pressure have a slight influ-
0.1 A7 (exp.) ence on the equilibrium.
A8 (exp.)
A9 (exp.)
Figures 5, 6, 7, and 8 compare the actual and predicted
0.05 A10 (exp.) individual component compositions of the n-paraffins,
A11 (exp.)
i-paraffins, naphthenes, and aromatics, respectively. Figure 5
0 illustrates that amount of all n-paraffins decreased within
0 5000 10000 15000 20000
Catalyst weight (kg) the four reactors at different rates. The major decrease was
observed in C8 to C11, especially in the first two reactors,
Fig. 8 Comparison between the actual and predicted aromatics com- while the composition of C4 to C7 showed only a small
position (lines = predicted; symbols = actual) change along the reactor chain. From Fig. 6 it can be seen
that the amount of some iso-paraffins decreased, while oth-
ers increase within the four reactors, but the total compo-
increase the number of branches and cyclohydrocarbons, sition of iso-paraffins changed only slightly, as shown in
hence increasing the octane number, while hydrocracking Fig. 3. As shown in Fig. 7, a higher naphthene composi-
and hydrodealkylation are mostly undesirable. Dehydrocy- tion was associated with a rapid decrease in the first reac-
clization and dehydrogenation reactions produce hydrogen tor, a moderate decrease in the second reactor, and a slow
as a by-product. Dehydrogenation is the fastest reaction, decrease in the third and fourth reactors. The effect of the
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
% Catalsyt activity
in the second reactor, and a slow increase in the third and 90
fourth reactors. Within the reforming process, A6 and A7 80
increased slightly, A8 and A9 experienced a larger increase,
while A10 and A11 remain unchanged. For n-paraffins and 70
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