6H - Kelompok 1 - PDF - Number and Operations
6H - Kelompok 1 - PDF - Number and Operations
6H - Kelompok 1 - PDF - Number and Operations
English for Mathematics
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The forms of addition operations include: In addition operations, the following properties
a. Addition of positive integers with positive apply:
integers Trait 1: Commutative
positive integers.
b. Addition of positive integers with negative
In general, if a and b are arbitrary integers
integers. then: a + b = b + a
negative integers. Trait 2: Associative
c. Addition of negative integers with positive In general, if a, b and c are any integers
integers. a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c.
d. Addition of negative integers with negative
Trait 3: Distributive
integers negative integers.
In general, if a, b and c are any arbitrary integers
then integers then it holds:
a x (b + c) = (a x b) + (a x c)
1. 2 + 5 = ............
2. 2 + (-5) = ..........
3. (-2) + 5 = ...........
4. (-2) + (-5) = .........
Subtraction Rule (+) – (+) = (+) + (-); consider the sign of
greater number
The sign of the first number stays
(-) – (-) = (-) + (+); consider the sign of
the same, change subtraction to
greater number
addition and change the sign of
(+) – (‐) = (+) + (+); answer will be positive
the second number. Once you
(‐) – (+) = (‐) + (‐); answer will be negative
have applied this rule, follow the
rules for adding integers Examples:
-9 – (-6) = -9 + 6 = -3
9 – (-6) = 9 + 6 = 15
-9 – (6) = -15
Susbstraction using Number Line
First, locate 2 on a number line.
Then moving 5 places to the left
will give -3
Commutative Property
The difference between any two given integers changes when the order is reversed.
For example, 6 – 3 = 3 but 3 – 6 = – 3. So, 6 – 3 ≠ 3 – 6
Associative Property
In the method of subtraction, there is a change in the result if the grouping of 3 or more
integers changes.
For example, (80 – 30) – 60 = – 10 however [80 – (30 – 60)] = 110.
So, (80 – 30) – 60 ≠ [80 – (30 – 60)].
3 × 347 = 1041 4 1 1 0 4 1
Rule ! The rules are summarized in the table below:
Multipiclation Example
If both integers have the same Sign
sign, the resultant product will
have a positive (+) sign. 25 x 25 = 625
If the integers have different
signs, the resultant product
will have a negative (–) sign. (-25) x (-25) = 625
25 x (-25) = - 625
(-25) x 25 = 625
Comutative: The commutative property states that changing the position of integers
during addition and multiplication does not change the result of the operation.
example: 5x3=15 hasilnya sama dengan 3x5=15
Asosiatif : According to the associative property, changing the grouping of integers
does not change the result of the operation. As above, this property is true for the
addition and multiplication but not for division and subtraction.
A X (B x C) = (A x B) x C
example: 5x(3x4)=5x(12)=60 hasilnya sama dengan (5x3)x4=15x4=60
Have identity item 1, so: 1xa=1.a=a
example: 1x2=2x1=2
Have multiplication inverse for aR; a=0; so ax1/a=1, then inverse 1/a is multiplication
inverse of a
example: 2 x 1/2 = 1
Distributif : The distributive property states that the multiplication of integers can be
distributed over addition and subtraction to make the calculation easier.
A X(C+D) = (A x C)+(A x D)
example : 5 x (3 +4 ) = 5 x 7 = 35 hasilnya sama dengan (5x3)+(5x4)=15+20=35
example : (5+3)x(6+2)=8x8=64 hasilnya sama dengan ((5x6)+(5x2))x((3x6)+(3x2))=
Division Example
If both the integers have the Sign
same sign, then the result is
If the integers have different ÷ 72 ÷ 12 = 6
÷ 24 ÷ (-6) = (-4)
÷ (-18) ÷ 9 = (-2)
Questions on division operations
21211/subtopics/Subtopic-274703/?searchString=. Accessed 27
June 2023
integers https://hanlonmath.com/pdfFiles/resource_985.pdf