Iron Sheet and Nail
Iron Sheet and Nail
Iron Sheet and Nail
JUN 2023
Bahir dar
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary................................................................................ 3
2. Product Description and Application ................................................... 3
3. Market Study, Plant Capacity and Production Program................... 4
3.1 Market Study ........................................................................................................4
3.1.1 Present Demand and Supply ........................................................................4
3.1.2 Projected Demand ........................................................................................5
3.1.3 Pricing and Distribution ...............................................................................5
3.2 Plant Capacity ......................................................................................................6
3.3 Production Program .............................................................................................8
4. Raw Materials and Utilities ................................................................... 8
4.1 Availability and Source of Raw materials ...........................................................8
4.2 Annual Requirement and Cost of Raw Materials and Utilities............................8
5. Location and Site .................................................................................. 10
6. Technology and Engineering ............................................................... 10
6.1 Production Process for nails...............................................................................10
6.2 Machinery and Equipment .................................................................................12
6.3 Civil Engineering Cost.......................................................................................13
7. Human Resource and Training Requirement ................................... 13
7.1 Human Resource ................................................................................................13
7.2 Training Requirement ........................................................................................13
8. Financial Analysis ................................................................................. 14
8.1 Underlying Assumption .....................................................................................14
8.2 Investment ..........................................................................................................15
8.3 Production Costs ................................................................................................15
8.4 Financial Evaluation ..........................................................................................16
9. Economic and Social Benefit and Justification.................................. 17
10 THE MACHINE LAYOUT OF THE FACTORY ............................. 18
Background of the project
Capital: - 90,000,000.00 ETB
Man power: -125 persons
Linkage:- backward linkage with steel manufacturing factory and
Forward linkage with the constriction sectors
Export: - 74% of the product export to African countries.
The wire in the form of coil with diameters of 0.17-6 mm is first cleaned from rust and scale by
mechanical scrapper. The cleaned wire in the form of coil is fed into automatic heading and
pointing machines forming the final nail of desired size. This is collected for the next processing.
The collected piece is further transferred to tumbling machine for polishing and de-burring of the
finished nail ready for packing. Most nails are made from coils of metal wire. The wire is fed into a
nail-making machine which can produce up to 700 nails per minute. The nails may then be further
twisted or formed, cleaned, finished, and packaged.
Raw materials: - above 50% of raw materials have to be from local market.
Substitution; 60% of imported iron sheet and nail will be substituted.
1. Executive Summary
This profile envisages the establishment of a wire and wire product making industry that has a capacity to produces
900 tons of common wire nail, 3,000 tons of galvanized wire and 1500 tons of barbed wire per year.
Steel and basic metal industries are key ingredients for economic growth. These industries are produce an essential
input for manufacturing & processing industries, building infrastructure, telecommunication and other sectors for
economic development. The industries require a large number of basic metal products for the expansion and transformation
of them from one stage to the next. Since over the past decade, the steel industry has experienced an unprecedented expansion
in production capacity, as many developing economies entered a metal intensive stage of growth.
However basic metal industries have to needs to efficient and effective capacity in order to perform and stay in
business success. In reality, the performance of manufacturing industries determined in resource utilization, product
quality, profit margin, sale growth, delivery time, interims achievement of demand and supply.
There is large unsatisfied demand for iron sheet and nail products. Thanks to the rapid growth of the construction
sector, the demand is expected to increase rapidly. The present demands are estimate at 1,875, 3,000, and 3,500 tons
for common, galvanized and barbed wires respectively. . The demands are expected to grow to 3,688, 5,901, and 6,885
in the year 2018, respectively.
The total investment requirement is estimated at Birr 90 million out of which Birr 33.05 million is for machinery and
equipment. The plant will create employment opportunities for 125 persons.
The project is financially viable with an internal rate of return (IRR) of 62.54% and net a present value (NPV) of Birr
60.2 million discounted at 18%.
sheets are mostly used for roofing and fencing. Corrugation is a process of deforming plain sheets in the uniform way
or zigzag shapes pattern by rolling mills across their entire width.
Table 1: nail Products Consumed (in tons)
Table 2: Local production and imported corrugated iron sheet in the country
Source: * CSA’s “Survey on Large and medium scale manufacturing”
As can be seen from Table 3.1, the total supply or apparent consumption of corrugated iron sheet
during the period 2002 – 2011 reveals a growth trend specially beginning from year 2007. The
annual average total supply or apparent consumption which was 61,095 tons during the period
2002-2006 has increased to an annual average of 634,611 tons during the period 2007-2011.
Considering the nature of the trend in the apparent consumption of corrugated iron sheet it is
assumed that the growth rate registered in the past will also continue in the near future. During
the period 2002 – 2011 total supply of corrugated iron sheet has registered an average annual growth rate of 76.65%
which is on the high side. Hence, in order to be conservative a growth rate
of 10% is considered. Accordingly, taking the average apparent consumption during the period 2009-2011 as a base
and applying a growth rate of 10% the present effective demand (2012) for corrugated iron sheet is estimated at
705,195 tons.
Taking existing average market price as reference and deducting 20% for distributors, the factory selling prices are set
at Birr 25,000/ton for common wire, Birr 26,000/ton for galvanized wire, and Birr 28,000/ton for barbed wire. Nail
and Gabion factories can buy directly from the plant. In addition, the existing market infrastructure will be used to
distribute the product. The estimated sailing price based on the current market value is birr 600,500, and 400 for 28,
30, and 32 gauge corrugated iron sheet respectively. Considering the nature of the products and the characteristics of the end
users a combination both direct distribution to end users (for bulk purchasers) and indirect distribution (using agents) is
selected as the most appropriate distribution channel.
The project has been worked out on the assumption that the annual total production will be about 5,400 tons, which
may be broken down as Table 3. The scheme may easily be changed in the event it is necessary to match the market
The envisaged plant has a capacity to produce 5,400 tons of wire and wire products in a year by operating 275
days a year in a single shift. The capacity can be doubles or even tripled by increasing the number of shift, if
the market allows.
The production programmes will be carried out in such a way that the plant will initially produce at 75% of its
capacity, and then will raise its production to 85% in the second year. It will then attain full capacity production
in the third and succeeding years. Such a gradual build-up of production is required in order to give opportunity
for production workers and technicians to develop skills and experience on operation and maintenance on
plant machinery and equipment.
The annual production capacity for the envisaged plant will be 5,000 tons. This is based on a
single shift of 8 hours operation per day and for 300 days a year. When demand rises the
production capacity will also be increased either by feeding or rolling multiple sheets at the same time or
by introducing additional shifts.
The proposed plant is relatively big in size and thus requires some time for learning and
penetrating the market. Thus it suggested that the plant starts operation at 60% capacity and
increase it by 10% annually to reach at full capacity level at the fifth year. 74% of the product
In this project, it is presumed that wire rod having a diameter of 5.5 mm, which is most popular,
is used. It comes in the shape of coil, with a bundle weighing about 300 to 1,000 kg. As for the
secondary materials required, they include chemical reagents for pickling - chiefly sulphuric acid
- dies, lubricants, fuel oil and electric power for drawing, and a fairly large amount of industrial
water. The 50 % of metal wire rods are from local metal industries and the chemicals will be
The types, amounts and cost estimates of the required raw materials are shown in Table 4.
Table 4
Raw Material Requirements at Full Capacity for nail
Price (Birr)
Qty Local
No. Material (tons) Unit Purchase Import Total
Wire rod 5.5 mm 900 9500.5 2,850,150 950,050 3,800,200
Chemical reagents of 350 9800.5 1,886,596 1,543,579 3,430,175
different size
Total 950 5,076,761 4,153,714 9,230,475
The plant requires 110,000 kw electric power and 600 m3 water. The annual power and water
consumption costs are shown in Table 5.
The raw material used for producing corrugated iron sheets is plain iron sheets. Depending on
the required thickness of the iron sheet, the product can be of gauge thickness of 32, 30 and 28.
Auxiliary materials required by the plant include printing ink, wooden stands, lead and sulphuric
acid. The industry use around 50% of local metal supply to recycle and re use again for raw
materials to produce iron sheet, The annual requirement of the raw & auxiliary material at full
capacity production, including its cost is shown in Table 5 .
Table 5: Raw materials need to produce corrugated iron sheet and its costs
Table 5
Annual Cost of Utilities at Full Capacity
Unit Cost (Birr)
Total 76,400
1. Pickling operation
As stains and scale are attached to the surface of wire rod, pickling should be taken place prior to
be drawn so as to obtain a brilliant surface as a result of their removal. If the condition of scale
attached to the surface of wire rod is good, the mechanical descale is applied as descaling
2. Drawing
One end of the bundle of wire rod is made narrower by the pointer so as to put it through the
hole of the die, and the wire rod is drawn by a motor derived clamper. The area reduction ratio
per pass of the die is about 25 per cent on an average. If the, diameter of wire rod is 5.5 mm, the
sectional area is 23.7 mm’. As the diameter of the hole, corresponding to 25% reduction of the
area, is about 4.76 mm, the wire rod is drawn through a 4.76 mm hole of die at first, narrowing it
by drawing. In the case of B.W.G. No. 12 of products, the number of drawings is five-six, while
in the case of B.W.G. No. 16, it is eight-nine. The area reduction ratio differs considerably
according to the quality of the material used. This is to say that the less the carbon content, the
larger the area reduction. Hence, the decrease in the number of passes. There are two kinds of
drawing machines, single and continuous. The single system consists of one die and one winding
drum. There are cases where several sets of the single system are set. The continuous system is
compact machinery in which several die blocks are set in one unit. In this project, 13 units of the
continuous system machinery are installed.
3. Annealing
Drawing brings about a change in the physical structure of steel, making it hard and brittle.
Therefore, it is subjected by the metallurgical treatment by annealing so as to provide softness.
4. Galvanization
About 76 per cent of wire products are galvanized in order to prevent weathering. The wire is
pickled on the occasion of galvanization because fair coating of zinc is unavailable without
cleaning the surface. The galvanization of wire is performed continuously, with several tens
wires galvanized simultaneously and in parallel. The zinc pot is made into a long casing in order
to increase the running speed of the wire for enhancement of productivity.
Alternative technology
An automatic wire netting machine and knitted into diamond shaped wire netting. In order to
shape the wire netting into the designated tubular form or rectangular cube form, the backbone
framework is made. This backbone framework is inserted in the central portion and outer edge of
the wire netting to produce the desired tubular or rectangular cube form.
The production process of making corrugated iron sheet consisted of cleaning the rust and other
ingredients from the plain iron sheet, then drying by dry, hot air. Then the iron sheet is passed into the
molten lead to attain the required thickness. It is then dried by forced air from where it is fed to
feeding table by a suitable hoist or crane. Then they are conveyed to the corrugating
machine. After corrugation, the product is passed to correcting machine where deformation is
corrected. The product is then cut to standard size and trade mark of the company is printed. All
the different gauge products passed the same process with difference in thick ness. The
thicknesses high for smallest gauge reversely.
6.2 Machinery and Equipment
The required machineries and equipment’s are shown in Table 6.
Table 6
Required Machineries and Equipment’s for nails
Item Description
1 Pickling line
2 Drawing equipment’s
3 Annealing line
4 Galvanizing line
5 Barbed wire making equipment’s
The machinery and equipment required for corrugated iron production are listed as follows. The
total cost of the machinery and equipment is 14, 950,000 birr.
6.3 Civil Engineering Cost
The total area required is 10,000 m2 the lease value of which is estimated at Birr 3,500,000. The
construction and civil engineering costs are estimated at Birr 8,856,000.
Table 8
Required Human Resource
Salary/Wage (Birr)
Periodic on trainings are important. An annual training budget of Birr 200,000 is included in the
preproduction capital expenditure and working capitals.
8. Financial Analysis
8.1 Underlying Assumption
The financial analysis of this plant is based on the data provided in the preceding chapters and
the following assumptions.
Construction and Finance
Box 2: Depreciation
Building 5%
Machinery and equipment 10%
Office furniture 10%
Vehicles 20%
Pre-production (amortization) 20%
Working Capital (Minimum Days of Coverage)
Box 3: Working Capital (in days)
Raw Material-Local 30
Raw Material-Foreign 120
Factory Supplies in Stock 30
Spare Parts in Stock and Maintenance 30
Work in Progress 10
Finished Products 15
Accounts Receivable 30
Cash in Hand 30
Accounts Payable 30
8.2 Investment
The Total Initial Investment and working capital is estimated at Birr 90 million of which Birr
33.05 million is for plant machinery and equipment’s. The detail is shown in Table 8.
Table 7: Total Investment and Working Capital
The total production cost at full capacity is estimated at Birr 63.812 million. The details are
shown at Table 9.
Table 8: Production Cost at Full Capacity
8.4 Financial Evaluation
I. Profitability
The income statement (Annex 4) shows that the proposed project generates profit starting from
the first year of operation. Profits starts at Birr 12.6 million in first year and reach at about 23.6
million in the eight year of the project life. Gross Profit to Sales starts at 23.81% and reach at
38.23% at eight year. The total profit to be earned during the whole ten years of operation
amounts Birr 207.49 million. These indicators prove that the project is highly profitable.
II. Breakeven Analysis
The breakeven analysis shows that the Total Revenue equals the Total Cost at 7.3% of capacity
which is achieved at the first year of operation.
III. Payback Period
The project pays back its initial investment at during the first year of operation.
Simple Rate of Return
The simple interest rate is 55.0%.
V. Sensitivity Analysis
A ten percent reduction in sales revenue reduces the total profit to about Birr 148.28 million
while a 10 % increase in price reduces it to Birr 172.27 million. The product is slightly more
sensitive to price than to volume of sales. Nevertheless, it can tolerate wide range of fluctuations.
9. Economic and Social Benefit and Justification
Based on the foregoing presentation and analysis, we can learn that the proposed project
possesses wide range of benefits that complement the financial feasibility obtained earlier. In
general the envisaged project promotes the socio-economic goals and objectives stated in the
strategic plan of the Amhara National Regional State. These benefits are listed as follows
A. Profit Generation
The project is found to be financially viable and earns a total profit of Birr 207.49 million within
the project life. Such a result is attractive for a business undertaking.
B. Tax Revenue
In the project life under consideration, the government will collect about Birr 75.14 million from
corporate tax payment alone (i.e. excluding income tax, sales tax and VAT).
The project has strong import substitution effect. Furthermore, there is a possibility to engage in
international market since the product has sustainable international demand.
The proposed project creates 126 jobs. The project creates income of Birr 6,780,960.00 per year.
This would be one of the commendable accomplishments of the project.
The proposed project helps to diversify ANRS’ and Ethiopian economy. It contributes to
industrialization of the economy.
10.1. Machinery specification and dimension
1. Nail Making Machine
Basic Info.
Model NO. LJ-ZDJ-714
Wire Diameter 1.5-2.5mm/2-3.5mm
Customized Customized
Advantage Widely Used
Material Wire Rod, Steel Wire
Usage Making Different Size of Nails
Nail Length 50-120mm
Using Life More Than 15 Years
Transport Package Plastic Package or as Required
Trademark LAIJI
Origin Anping County, Hebei Province, China
HS Code 846330
Production Capacity 70 Sets/Month
Product Description
1. Function:
1. This nail making machine adopts piston structure to ensure the high working speed,
low noise and less chance of impact characteristics.
2. Especially it can make excellent quality YouMao nail and other special-shaped nail,
which are suitable for high-speed studs for welding machine and nail gun.
2. Specifications of nail making machines:
Diameter Dimension
Model Length of nails Designed speed Motor Weight
of nails (L*W*H)
Z94-1C 9-25mm 450PCS/min 1.5kw 1.5*1.3*1.1m 1.2tons
Z94-2C 1.2-2.8mm 16-50mm 380PCS/min 2.2kw 1.7*1.3*1.4m 1.45tons
2.8-5mm 50-120mm 260PCS/min 4kw 2.3*1.6*1.3m 2.1tons
3.8-5.5mm 75-150mm 220PCS/min 5.5kw 2.5*1.8*1.5m 2.3tons
3.8-5.0mm 75-180mm 220PCS/min 5.5kw 2.5*1.8*1.5m 2.3tons
3. Machine features
1. The nail making machine has the features of small in size, easy to move, low noise, low power
consumption, and it is easy to operate, just need to change different size mould for making
different diameter nails, if you want to make different lengths of nails for same diameter, no need
to change anything.
2. The nail making machines can feed the materials automatically, and making nail body straight,
nail points sharp and symmetric, nail caps round. Each nail made from this machine is excellent
and perfect.
3. The main components (shaft, cams and gear) of nail machine are made of high quality steel,
and durable in use, has good stability.
4. Free training of operating machines is offered
4.Picture of nail making machine
Guarantee: One year, during this year, any broken parts caused by the quality, we can offer free,
after this year can offer with the lowest cost.
Install and training: Offer video and operation manual, if need engineer oversea service, the
customer need to pay the round air tickets, hotel, food and also the salary USD100 per engineer
one day.
Delivery time: 20days after advance payment
Payment terms: T/T,30% in advance, and the balance before delivery also accept L/C
Packing: waterproof material, control box: wooden case and the customer's require
2. Full Automatic Double Standard Twisted Barbed Wire Making Machine CS-a
Payment Terms: L/C, T/T, Western Union,
Basic Info.
Model NO. XM
Barbed Wire Diameter: 1.8mm-2.2mm
Barbed Space: (3′)/(4′)/(5′)
Twisted Number: 245m/Min
Main Part Size: 1950*950*1300mm
Unit Weight: 1050kg
Specification: Ce
Trademark XM
Transport Package Plastic Films/Woden Box
Specification Main Part Size: 1950*950*1300mm
Origin China
HS Code 8463300000
Product Description
Customer Question & Answer
Product Description
I. Description
Illustration of working principle:
This machine can produce barbed wire, the materials of barbed wire usually hot dipped
galvanized wire, electric galvanized wire and PVC coated wire etc.
Application: This machine can produce barbed wire which is widely used in national defense,
railway, highway, agriculture, animal husbandry and other industries.
Advantages: Saving materials and high capacity.
II.Theoretical parameter
Commercial terms
1. FOB price: Barbed Wire Machine CS-A: 4380 USD FOB Xingang Port, China
2. Payment: 30% T/T in advance, the balance 70% by T/T after check the machine at seller's
3. Minimum order quantity: 1 set
4. Certification: ISO 9001 Certificate
5. Delivery time: 30 days from received your payment in advance.
6. Country of origin: China
7. Our guarantee time: 12 months after the equipment is accepted by the buyer, however, the
guarantee period is no longer than 18 months after equipment's departure from Xingang port,
8. Installation: we could arrange our engineer install the machine in your factory.
7. Our guarantee time: 12 months after the equipment is accepted by the buyer, however, the
guarantee period is no longer than 18 months after equipment's departure from Xingang port,
8. Installation: we could arrange our engineer install the machine in our factory.
Transmission Type: Flexible
Automatic Comprehensive
Production Line:
Certification: ISO
Automation: Automation
Basic Info.
This machine is specialized in used for the exercise book binding from sheets to finish
product. It have the following function:
1. sheets feeding by hand
2. Cover feeder (optional)
3. Wire stitching / saddle stitching
4. Sheets folding
5. Pressing
6. Notebook back square pressing
7. notebook 3-side trimming
8. product collection
product model LD-1020
Port: Tianjin,China
Wire Gauge: 12x12 BWG
Basic Info.
HS Code 73130000
2. Surface treatment: Electro galvanized, Hot-dipped galvanized, PVC coated, Powder coated,
3. Package: With pallet, razor barbed wire with waterproof paper, or as your request
4. Application: Mainly used as security barrier around the airport, prison, and other anti-climbing
5. Weaving process: Screw; Galvanized barbed wire
5. Full Automatic Double Twist Barbed Wire Making Machine
Basic Info.
Model NO. XM
Barbed Wire Diameter: 1.8mm-2.2mm
Barbed Space: (3′)/(4′)/(5′)
Twisted Number: 245m/Min
Main Part Size: 1950*950*1300mm
Unit Weight: 1050kg
Specification: Ce
Trademark XM
Transport Package Plastic Films/Woden Box
Specification Main Part Size: 1950*950*1300mm
Origin China
HS Code 8463300000
Product Description
Customer Question & Answer
Product Description
I. Description
Illustration of working principle:
This machine can produce barbed wire, the materials of barbed wire usually hot dipped
galvanized wire, electric galvanized wire and PVC coated wire etc.
Application: This machine can produce barbed wire which is widely used in national defense,
railway, highway, agriculture, animal husbandry and other industries.
Advantages: Saving materials and high capacity.
II.Theoretical parameter
3. Minimum order quantity: 1 set
4. Certification: ISO 9001 Certificate
5. Delivery time: 30 days from received your payment in advance.
6. Country of origin: China
7. Our guarantee time: 12 months after the equipment is accepted by the buyer, however, the
guarantee period is no longer than 18 months after equipment's departure from Xingang port,
8. Installation: we could arrange our engineer install the machine in your factory.
7. Our guarantee time: 12 months after the equipment is accepted by the buyer, however, the
guarantee period is no longer than 18 months after equipment's departure from Xingang port,
8. Installation: we could arrange our engineer install the machine in our factory.
6. Main machine introduction of galvanized wire roll mesh welding machine
1 Both of the longitude wire and cross wire are fed from wire coils automatically.
2 The raw material is suitable for low-carbon steel wire (black wire) and galvanized wire.
3 The middle cutter and sider cutters can be adjusted randomly to make two mesh rolls at same time.
The welding time and welding current can be adjusted on the control panel to adjust the welding
5 The welding transformers have 8 degrees and can be adjusted for different wire diameters.
6 The mesh roll length can be set by counter switch on the control panel.
Motor: 9.25kw.
Electric system:
1.Japan Mitsubishi PLC origin.
2. Servo motor.
3. French Schneider (Low-voltage electrical system).
4. Electric & Machinery from Taiwan Teco Electronic.
Weight: 4200 KGS.
Machine Dimension: 6700*1430*1800mm.
Raw Material: High-quality low-carbon steel wire, Galvanized, stainless wire, Aluminum
alloy wire, PVC Coated wire.
8 Full Automatic Building Material Machinery Corrugated Iron Roof Sheet Making
Machine Double Layer Roll Forming Machine
As mention above the non production area set a standard, this standard multiplies by number of
worker we get the required area
12 heat treatment(curing) 15.96 15.96
13 Maintenance room 81.6 81.6
14 Packing area 66 66
15 Guard house 25 25
16 Green area 300 300
17 Product display room 50 50
Sub total 1872.65
Consider the number of line or full automatic processing line is 5 that means five full automatic
processing machine. the total land required for the factory is production area plus nonproduction
area multiplied by land to building ratio is approximated to 10,000m2.
Annex 1: Total Net Working Capital Requirements (in Birr)
Year 1 Year 2 1 2 3 4
Annex 1: Total Net Working Capital Requirements (in Birr) (continued)
5 6 7 8 9 10
Spare Parts in Stock and Maintenance 65,543 65,543 65,543 65,543 65,543 65,543
TOTAL NET WORKING CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS 22,126,395 22,126,395 22,126,395 22,126,395 22,126,395 22,126,395
Annex 2: Cash Flow Statement (in Birr)
Year 1 Year 2 1 2 3 4
TOTAL CASH INFLOW 10,514,175 32,640,570 58,892,727 62,915,455 71,765,455 80,615,455
1. Inflow Funds 10,514,175 32,640,570 5,792,727 965,455 965,455 965,455
Total Equity 4,205,670 13,056,228 0 0 0 0
Total Long Term Loan 6,308,505 19,584,342 0 0 0 0
Total Short Term Finances 0 0 5,792,727 965,455 965,455 965,455
2. Inflow Operation 0 0 53,100,000 61,950,000 70,800,000 79,650,000
Sales Revenue 0 0 53,100,000 61,950,000 70,800,000 79,650,000
Interest on Securities 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Other Income 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL CASH OUTFLOW 10,514,175 10,514,175 57,565,138 47,979,398 59,840,573 65,849,917
4. Increase In Fixed Assets 10,514,175 10,514,175 0 0 0 0
Fixed Investments 10,013,500 10,013,500 0 0 0 0
Pre-production Expenditures 500,675 500,675 0 0 0 0
5. Increase in Current Assets 0 0 19,068,564 3,178,094 3,178,094 3,178,094
6. Operating Costs 0 0 32,068,911 37,378,688 42,688,466 47,998,243
7. Corporate Tax Paid 0 0 0 0 7,069,254 8,286,678
8. Interest Paid 0 0 6,427,663 3,107,142 2,589,285 2,071,428
9. Loan Repayments 0 0 0 4,315,474 4,315,474 4,315,474
10. Dividends Paid 0 0 0 0 0 0
Surplus (Deficit) 0 22,126,395 1,327,589 14,936,056 11,924,882 14,765,537
Cumulative Cash Balance 0 22,126,395 23,453,984 38,390,041 50,314,922 65,080,459
Annex 2: Cash Flow Statement (in Birr): Continued
5 6 7 8 9 10
TOTAL CASH INFLOW 89,465,455 88,500,000 88,500,000 88,500,000 88,500,000 88,500,000
1. Inflow Funds 965,455 0 0 0 0 0
Total Equity 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Long Term Loan 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Short Term Finances 965,455 0 0 0 0 0
2. Inflow Operation 88,500,000 88,500,000 88,500,000 88,500,000 88,500,000 88,500,000
Sales Revenue 88,500,000 88,500,000 88,500,000 88,500,000 88,500,000 88,500,000
Interest on Securities 0 0 0 0 0 0
3. Other Income 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL CASH OUTFLOW 71,859,262 68,498,749 68,136,249 63,458,275 63,458,275 63,458,275
4. Increase In Fixed Assets 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fixed Investments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pre-production Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0
5. Increase in Current Assets 3,178,094 0 0 0 0 0
6. Operating Costs 53,308,021 53,308,021 53,308,021 53,308,021 53,308,021 53,308,021
7. Corporate Tax Paid 9,504,101 9,839,540 9,994,897 10,150,254 10,150,254 10,150,254
8. Interest Paid 1,553,571 1,035,714 517,857 0 0 0
9. Loan Repayments 4,315,474 4,315,474 4,315,474 0 0 0
10. Dividends Paid 0 0 0 0 0 0
Surplus (Deficit) 17,606,193 20,001,251 20,363,751 25,041,725 25,041,725 25,041,725
Cumulative Cash Balance 82,686,652 102,687,903 123,051,654 148,093,380 173,135,105 198,176,830
Year 1 Year 2 1 2 3 4
TOTAL CASH INFLOW 0 0 53,100,000 61,950,000 70,800,000 79,650,000
Interest on Securities 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Other Income 0 0 0 0 0 0
CUMULATIVE NET CASH FLOW -10,514,175 -21,028,350 -13,273,098 9,085,575 34,984,470 56,136,909
Net Present Value (at 18%) -10,514,175 -8,910,318 5,569,702 13,608,178 13,358,362 9,245,926
Cumulative Net present Value -10,514,175 -19,424,493 -13,854,791 -246,613 13,111,749 22,357,675
5 6 7 8 9 10
TOTAL CASH INFLOW 88,500,000 88,500,000 88,500,000 88,500,000 88,500,000 88,500,000
Interest on Securities 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Other Income 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fixed Investments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pre-production Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0
CUMULATIVE NET CASH FLOW 79,612,147 104,964,587 130,161,669 155,203,394 180,245,119 205,286,845
Net Present Value (at 18%) 8,695,969 7,958,765 6,703,386 5,645,809 4,784,584 4,054,732
Cumulative Net present Value 31,053,644 39,012,409 45,715,795 51,361,604 56,146,187 60,200,920
Annex 4: NET INCOME STATEMENT ( in Birr)
1 2 3 4 5
Other Income 0 0 0 0 0
Annex 4: NET INCOME STATEMENT (in Birr): Continued
6 7 8 9 10
Capacity Utilization (%) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Other Income 0 0 0 0 0
2. Less Variable Cost 52,649,648 52,649,648 52,649,648 52,649,648 52,649,648
Annex 5: Projected Balance Sheet (in Birr)
Year 1 Year 2 1 2 3 4
TOTAL ASSETS 10,514,175 43,154,745 61,592,828 77,748,909 90,893,814 106,879,376
1. Total Current Assets 0 22,126,395 42,522,548 60,636,699 75,739,674 93,683,306
Inventory on Materials and Supplies 0 0 10,492,322 12,241,042 13,989,763 15,738,483
Work in Progress 0 0 901,728 1,052,016 1,202,304 1,352,592
Finished Products in Stock 0 0 1,803,456 2,104,032 2,404,608 2,705,184
Accounts Receivable 0 0 5,792,727 6,758,182 7,723,636 8,689,091
Cash in Hand 0 0 78,331 91,386 104,441 117,496
Cash Surplus, Finance Available 0 22,126,395 23,453,984 38,390,041 50,314,922 65,080,459
Securities 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Total Fixed Assets, Net of Depreciation 10,514,175 21,028,350 19,070,280 17,112,210 15,154,140 13,196,070
Fixed Investment 0 10,013,500 20,027,000 20,027,000 20,027,000 20,027,000
Construction in Progress 10,013,500 10,013,500 0 0 0 0
Pre-Production Expenditure 500,675 1,001,350 1,001,350 1,001,350 1,001,350 1,001,350
Less Accumulated Depreciation 0 0 1,958,070 3,916,140 5,874,210 7,832,280
3. Accumulated Losses Brought Forward 0 0 0 0 0 0
4. Loss in Current Year 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL LIABILITIES 10,514,175 43,154,745 61,592,828 77,748,909 90,893,814 106,879,376
5. Total Current Liabilities 0 0 5,792,727 6,758,182 7,723,636 8,689,091
Accounts Payable 0 0 5,792,727 6,758,182 7,723,636 8,689,091
Bank Overdraft 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Total Long-term Debt 6,308,505 25,892,847 25,892,847 21,577,372 17,261,898 12,946,423
Loan A 6,308,505 25,892,847 25,892,847 21,577,372 17,261,898 12,946,423
Loan B 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. Total Equity Capital 4,205,670 17,261,898 17,261,898 17,261,898 17,261,898 17,261,898
Ordinary Capital 4,205,670 17,261,898 17,261,898 17,261,898 17,261,898 17,261,898
Preference Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0
Subsidies 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. Reserves, Retained Profits Brought Forward 0 0 0 12,645,356 32,151,457 48,646,382
9. Net Profit After Tax 0 0 12,645,356 19,506,100 16,494,926 19,335,581
Dividends Payable 0 0 0 0 0 0
Retained Profits 0 0 12,645,356 19,506,100 16,494,926 19,335,581
Annex 5: Projected Balance Sheet (in Birr): Continued
5 6 7 8 9 10
TOTAL ASSETS 125,705,592 144,349,044 163,354,995 187,038,920 210,722,845 234,406,770
1. Total Current Assets 114,467,592 134,468,844 154,832,595 179,874,320 204,916,045 229,957,770
Inventory on Materials and Supplies 17,487,204 17,487,204 17,487,204 17,487,204 17,487,204 17,487,204
Work in Progress 1,502,880 1,502,880 1,502,880 1,502,880 1,502,880 1,502,880
Finished Products in Stock 3,005,760 3,005,760 3,005,760 3,005,760 3,005,760 3,005,760
Accounts Receivable 9,654,545 9,654,545 9,654,545 9,654,545 9,654,545 9,654,545
Cash in Hand 130,551 130,551 130,551 130,551 130,551 130,551
Cash Surplus, Finance Available 82,686,652 102,687,903 123,051,654 148,093,380 173,135,105 198,176,830
Securities 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Total Fixed Assets, Net of Depreciation 11,238,000 9,880,200 8,522,400 7,164,600 5,806,800 4,449,000
Fixed Investment 20,027,000 20,027,000 20,027,000 20,027,000 20,027,000 20,027,000
Construction in Progress 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pre-Production Expenditure 1,001,350 1,001,350 1,001,350 1,001,350 1,001,350 1,001,350
Less Accumulated Depreciation 9,790,350 11,148,150 12,505,950 13,863,750 15,221,550 16,579,350
3. Accumulated Losses Brought Forward 0 0 0 0 0 0
4. Loss in Current Year 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL LIABILITIES 125,705,592 144,349,044 163,354,995 187,038,920 210,722,845 234,406,770
5. Total Current Liabilities 9,654,545 9,654,545 9,654,545 9,654,545 9,654,545 9,654,545
Accounts Payable 9,654,545 9,654,545 9,654,545 9,654,545 9,654,545 9,654,545
Bank Overdraft 0 0 0 0 0 0
6. Total Long-term Debt 8,630,949 4,315,474 0 0 0 0
Loan A 8,630,949 4,315,474 0 0 0 0
Loan B 0 0 0 0 0 0
7. Total Equity Capital 17,261,898 17,261,898 17,261,898 17,261,898 17,261,898 17,261,898
Ordinary Capital 17,261,898 17,261,898 17,261,898 17,261,898 17,261,898 17,261,898
Preference Capital 0 0 0 0 0 0
Subsidies 0 0 0 0 0 0
8. Reserves, Retained Profits Brought Forward 67,981,963 90,158,200 113,117,126 136,438,551 160,122,476 183,806,402
9. Net Profit After Tax 22,176,237 22,958,926 23,321,425 23,683,925 23,683,925 23,683,925
Dividends Payable 0 0 0 0 0 0
Retained Profits 22,176,237 22,958,926 23,321,425 23,683,925 23,683,925 23,683,925