A Dozen Disgusting Spells
A Dozen Disgusting Spells
A Dozen Disgusting Spells
A Dozen
Disgusting Spells
by Michael Hammes Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons®
Player’s Handbook
A spell is only as disgusting as the DM chooses to describe it. While the spells in this PDF and
several of the spells in the standard rules are by their nature disgusting, nothing prevents the clever
DM from taking already existing spells and increasing the visceral sensation of their impact.
The GM could describe a creature killed by a fireball as having the skin melt from its bones, or
the impact of a lightning bolt blowing off the fingers and toes of another creature.
Especially necromantic spells lend themselves to this sort of horrible description. Finger of death
causes the target’s blood to ooze out of its orifices as it sinks lifelessly to the ground while destruc-
tion causes dark light (necromantic energy) to escape from the target’s mouth and eyes as it burns
from within, the stench of burning flesh filling the immediate area until nothing but dust remains.
Not only do such descriptions do a better job of impressing the players with the magical power
they, or their opponents, wield, but in addition, by varying the descriptions for each spell (i.e. same
spell, different description), keeps the players guessing as to exactly what was used.
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www.roninarts.com A Dozen Disgusting Spells
www.roninarts.com A Dozen Disgusting Spells
www.roninarts.com A Dozen Disgusting Spells
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