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2060943-Wizardly Guide To Dead Squads

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A Wizardly Guide to

Deathd Squads

A guide to quicker combat when

using undead minions
A Wizardly Guide to Dead Squads
ost every player has reviewed the wizard This document is divided into two sections:
M spell animate dead and thought “Sweet! I
can’t wait to make my undead army!” What player Obtaining Undead Minions
wouldn’t want a squad of skeleton archers lobby- This is a review of the more common ways to
ing a volley of arrows where it’s most needed? obtain undead minions.
Most every DM that has had a player control
any quantity of undead minions in the past has Spells. Several spells create undead minions.
rolled their eyes when hearing a player planning Class Abilities. A few class abilities either create
on creating undead minions. Having one player undead minions, or otherwise enhance their
controlling many creatures has the hazard of performance.
quickly bogging down a game, to the point where Magic Items. This includes some magic items
it becomes unfun for everyone (except for that used to create undead minions.
one player of course).
This document is intended to streamline and Damage Calculations
speed up the use of a player’s undead minions. This section looks at three different methods for
quickly calculating the damage of undead min-
ions, which can all be used at various times
throughout a game as different methods may best
Credits fit different situations. If a character only has one
By: Firbolg Factory minion, the One Roll method may be best, but as
the character gains more minions, another
method may be more appropriate.
RAW. This method is directly from the Dungeon
Master’s Guide.
One Roll. This method revolves around the initial
attack roll of the character.
Probability Chart. This method uses a reference
chart which considers the minion’s attack type,
average damage, quantity of minions, and tar-
get’s AC.

Other Minions
While this publication is focused on undead min-
ions, the rules can easily be applied to other minions
such as Constructs or Elementals.

v 1.0

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Obtaining Undead Minions
Each of the creatures must come from a different
Spells corpse or pile of bones.
Typically the most common method to create
undead minions is with spells, some of which are
Create Undead
6th-level Necromancy
listed below. These are longer-lasting spells and
there are many more shorter-duration options Casting Time: 1 minute
such as danse macabre. Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M (one clay pot filled with
Animate Dead grave dirt, one clay pot filled with brackish
3rd-level Necromancy water, and one 150 gp black onyx stone for each
Casting Time: 1 minute
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood, a piece of You can cast this spell only at night. Choose up to
flesh, and a pinch of bone dust) three corpses of Medium or Small humanoids
Duration: Instantaneous within range. Each corpse becomes a ghoul
under your control. (The GM has game statistics
This spell creates an undead servant. Choose a
for these creatures.)
pile of bones or a corpse of a Medium or Small
As a bonus action on each of your turns, you
humanoid within range. Your spell imbues the
can mentally command any creature you ani-
target with a foul mimicry of life, raising it as an
mated with this spell if the creature is within 120
undead creature. The target becomes a skeleton
feet of you (if you control multiple creatures, you
if you chose bones or a zombie if you chose a
can command any or all of them at the same time,
corpse (the GM has the creature's game statis-
issuing the same command to each one). You
decide what action the creature will take and
On each of your turns, you can use a bonus
where it will move during its next turn, or you can
action to mentally command any creature you
issue a general command, such as to guard a par-
made with this spell if the creature is within 60
ticular chamber or corridor. If you issue no com-
feet of you (if you control multiple creatures, you
mands, the creature only defends itself against
can command any or all of them at the same time,
hostile creatures. Once given an order, the crea-
issuing the same command to each one). You
ture continues to follow it until its task is com-
decide what action the creature will take and
where it will move during its next turn, or you can
The creature is under your control for 24 hours,
issue a general command, such as to guard a par-
after which it stops obeying any command you
ticular chamber or corridor. If you issue no com-
have given it. To maintain control of the creature
mands, the creature only defends itself against
for another 24 hours, you must cast this spell on
hostile creatures. Once given an order, the crea-
the creature before the current 24-hour period
ture continues to follow it until its task is com-
ends. This use of the spell reasserts your control
over up to three creatures you have animated
The creature is under your control for 24 hours,
with this spell, rather than animating new ones.
after which it stops obeying any command you've
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
given it. To maintain control of the creature for
using a 7th-level spell slot, you can animate or
another 24 hours, you must cast this spell on the
reassert control over four ghouls. When you cast
creature again before the current 24-hour period
this spell using an 8th-level spell slot, you can ani-
ends. This use of the spell reasserts your control
mate or reassert control over five ghouls or two
over up to four creatures you have animated with
ghasts or wights. When you cast this spell using
this spell, rather than animating a new one.
a 9th-level spell slot, you can animate or reassert
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell control over six ghouls, three ghasts or wights,
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you ani-
or two mummies.
mate or reassert control over two additional
undead creatures for each slot level above 3rd.

Finger of Death Magic Items
7th-level Necromancy
The following magic items are homebrewed by
Casting Time: 1 action
the author and include hyperlinked D&D Beyond
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Tam’s Rib Bone
You send negative energy coursing through a Wondrous item, uncommon
creature that you can see within range, causing it Originally created by Szass Tam, these items
searing pain. The target must make a Constitu- have become common among the Red Wizards of
tion saving throw. It takes 7d8 + 30 necrotic dam- Thay. Appearing as a rib bone of a humanoid, this
age on a failed save, or half as much damage on a item is easily broken. When you break this item, it
successful one. creates a skeleton, as if you had cast an animate
A humanoid killed by this spell rises at the start dead spell.
of your next turn as a zombie that is permanently
under your command, following your verbal Wand of Undead
orders to the best of its ability. Wand, rarity varies (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
Appearing as an arm bone from a small
Class Abilities humanoid, this wand has multiple charges
depending on its rarity. While holding it, you can
The wizard’s necromancer subclass has several use an action to expend 1 charge to cast the ani-
abilities that either create undead minions, or mate dead spell from it. For 1 charge, you cast
enhance minions created by other means. the 3rd-level version of the spell. You can
increase the spell slot level by one for each addi-
Undead Thralls tional charge you expend.
At 6th level, you add the animate dead spell to The wand regains 1 charge daily at dawn. If you
your spellbook if it is not there already. When you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1,
cast animate dead, you can target one additional the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
corpse or pile of bones, creating another zombie
or skeleton, as appropriate. Wand of Undead Charges
Whenever you create an undead using a necro- Rarity Charges
mancy spell, it has additional benefits: Uncommon 1
 The creature’s hit point maximum is increased Rare 2
by an amount equal to your wizard level. Very Rare 3
 The creature adds your proficiency bonus to its
weapon damage rolls.

Command Undead
Starting at 14th level, you can use magic to bring
undead under your control, even those created by
other wizards. As an action, you can choose one
undead that you can see within 60 feet of you.
That creature must make a Charisma saving
throw against your wizard spell save DC. If it suc-
ceeds, you can’t use this feature on it again. If it
fails, it becomes friendly to you and obeys your
commands until you use this feature again.
Intelligent undead are harder to control in this
way. If the target has an Intelligence of 8 or
higher, it has advantage on the saving throw. If it
fails the saving throw and has an Intelligence of
12 or higher, it can repeat the saving throw at the
end of every hour until it succeeds and breaks

Damage Calculations
Method 1. RAW Mob Attacks
d20 Roll Attackers Needed
This method uses pure Rules as Written from the Needed for One to Hit
Dungeon Master’s Guide, chapter 8. 1-5 1
Handling Mobs 6-12 2
13-14 3
Keeping combat moving along at a brisk pace can 15-16 4
be difficult when there are dozens of monsters 17-18 5
involved in a battle. When handling a crowded 19 10
battlefield, you can speed up play by forgoing 20 20
attack rolls in favor of approximating the average
number of hits a large group of monsters can
inflict on a target. Pros
Instead of rolling an attack roll, determine the There is one small chart for the DM to reference.
minimum d20 roll a creature needs in order to hit
a target by subtracting its attack bonus from the Cons
target’s AC. You’ll need to refer to the result There is a heavy penalty when the player only has a
throughout the battle, so it’s best to write it down. few minions attacking a high AC target. If the player
Look up the minimum d20 roll needed on the has four skeletons firing a barrage at an AC 17 tar-
Mob Attacks table. The table shows you how get, they would never do damage.
many creatures that need that die roll or higher Additionally, no consideration is given for situa-
must attack a target in order for one of them to tions were the minions have advantage or disadvan-
hit. If that many creatures attack the target, their tage.
combined efforts result in one of them hitting the
For example, eight orcs surround a fighter. The
Method 2. One Role
orcs’ attack bonus is +5, and the fighter’s AC is Using this method, the player’s attack roll is also
19. The orcs need a 14 or higher to hit the fighter. used for its character’s minions. The player sepa-
According to the table, for every three orcs that rately adjusts that one role for the character’s hit
attack the fighter, one of them hits. There are chance, and the hit chances of its minions, to
enough orcs for two groups of three. The remain- come up with multiple attack role results off of
ing two orcs fail to hit the fighter. one die roll. The player would then determine its
If the attacking creatures deal different character’s damage, and add the average damage
amounts of damage, assume that the creature for its minions.
that deals the most damage is the one that hits. If Variant. Very similarly, the player could roll the
the creature that hits has multiple attacks with character’s attack, and then perform one addi-
the same attack bonus, assume that it hits once tional roll for all minion attacks.
with each of those attacks. If a creature’s attacks
have different attack bonuses, resolve each attack Pros
separately. This method is straight forward and keeps the logis-
This attack resolution system ignores critical tics and math with the player vs. the DM. This is
hits in favor of reducing the number of die rolls. also the only method that gives any consideration
As the number of combatants dwindles, switch for critical hits.
back to using individual die rolls to avoid situa-
tions where one side can’t possibly hit the other. Cons
It’s an all-or-nothing approach. If that one attack roll
is low, everything misses. A character could have 8
skeletons the attacking one easy target with the
character; if the player rolls a 1, all 9 attacks fail (the
character’s and all its minions).

Online Tool. The google calc charts
Method 3: shown on the following page can be
found online here. And includes addi-
Probability Chart tional minions such as wights, mum-
mies, and ghouls. It can be down-
This method looks at each minion’s hit probabil-
loaded and edited for a specific player and its
ity and average damage (for each type of attack)
minions, and then either printed or emailed for
to determine actual damage based on the target’s
reference on a phone. Additional creatures can
AC and number of minions being used in the
also be added, giving it a great amount of flexibil-
The charts on the following page need to be
provided to the DM and the DM cross references Pros
the number of minions to the target’s AC—sepa-
This method is the most statistically accurate and
rately for each minion type—and adds the damage gives consideration for every minion. While more
to the character’s damage. Values are also complicated, it is still faster than having the player
included if the minions have advantage or disad- roll for attack/damage for individual minions, espe-
vantage. cially as the number of minions increases.
Chart Methodology. For reference, the damage It also calculates damage if the minions are at
in the tables is calculated as follows: advantage or disadvantage, which allows considera-
 HitChances is calculated, which is based on the tions for scenarios such as when skeletons are
target’s AC minus the minion’s hit bonus attacking with shortbows at long range.
(example: for a skeleton with a +4 hit attacking
an AC 8 target, there are 17 chances out of 20
This is the most logistically cumbersome method
to hit...any roll 4 or greater would hit).
(aside from having players roll attacks for every min-
 HitPercent is calculated, which is the percent
ion of course) as the charts are more complicated,
probability of HitChances (HitChances / 20). which the DM is required to reference if the target’s
 HitPercentAdvantage is calculated, which con- AC is to be kept secret.
siders two rolls where either roll meets
 HitPercentageDisdavntage is calculated, which
considers two rolls where both rolls meet
 The damage for one minion is calculated given
the HitPercent and the minion’s average dam-
age (further adjusted if the character is a Necro-
mancer); which is then rounded down to the
nearest whole number. This is then multiplied
by the number of minions. Values are calcu-
lated for a standard attack, and then in paren-
thesis for both advantage and disadvantage.

The charts consider that a 20 is always a hit, so

every scenario has a hit percent chance above zero
(although it gives no consideration to any extra dam-
age for critical hits). Since that hit percent chance is
multiplied by the average damage, rounded down,
and then multiplied by the number of minions; min-
ion damage is reduced to zero as AC increases.
While this is slightly disadvantageous to the player,
the writer believes the treatment fair given the min-
ions are just that...minions.

The Deck of Decks Guide to the Five Factions
The “Deck of Decks” is a high-quality set of actual Emerald Enclave, Harpers, Lords' Alliance, Order
playing cards, available here, that serves five pur- of the Gauntlet, Zhentarim...these five factions
poses: are mentioned in the vast majority of fifth edition
 First and foremost, it is a standard deck of publications and are available as player factions.
PLAYING CARDS that can be used for any This document attempts to consolidate and
card game requiring up to 54 cards. build off of the official fifth-edition faction rules,
 It is a deck of TAROKKA CARDS that can be some of the better ideas from the legacy Adven-
used when playing Curse of Strahd (the publi- turers League rules, and some other legacy and
cation refers to the deck as a ‘tarot deck’). This third party publications to make it easier to incor-
is the center image on all 54 cards. porate factions into your adventures. It can also
 It is a DECK OF MANY THINGS. This serve as a template for most any other homebrew
includes 22 cards (the two jokers are shared faction a designer may create. It includes:
with the deck of illusions) that can be pulled out  Renown rules
into their own deck for game play. Full deck vs.  Summary of each faction including sample rep-
standard deck and cards with enmity are also resentatives, faction perks, group patron rules,
identified. and downtime activities, and information on
 It is a DECK OF ILLUSIONS. This includes 34 prominent locations
cards (the two jokers are shared with the deck  Digital and physical handouts
of many things) that can be pulled into their  3 subfactions
own deck for game play.  Numerous magic items, monsters and spells
 It is a DECK OF COMMONS. This includes 52
cards consisting of a variety of common magic
items that can be used for a numerous of pur-
poses including random loot generation.
Use it as a D&D prop, or use it forevermore as a
regular deck of cards!

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