M340 Using UnityProS 2008 en
M340 Using UnityProS 2008 en
M340 Using UnityProS 2008 en
Pro S
Architectures and Communication
Reference Manual
07/2008 eng
Table of Contents
Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
About the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter 1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
At a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Introduction to the Application-Specific Communication Function . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Summary of Communication Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Chapter 4 Interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
List of Modbus Function Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Part II Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
At a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
35013341.02 07/2008 3
Chapter 5 General Points Concerning Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
At a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Chapter 6 IP Addressing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Reminder about IP Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Chapter 10 Debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Description of the Communication Debug Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4 35013341.02 07/2008
Safety Information
Important Information
NOTICE Read these instructions carefully, and look at the equipment to become familiar with
the device before trying to install, operate, or maintain it. The following special
messages may appear throughout this documentation or on the equipment to warn
of potential hazards or to call attention to information that clarifies or simplifies a
This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal
injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid
possible injury or death.
DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, can result
in death, serious injury, or equipment damage.
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, can result
in injury or equipment damage.
35013341.02 07/2008 5
Safety Information
PLEASE NOTE Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and maintained only by
qualified personnel. No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any
consequences arising out of the use of this material.
© 2008 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved.
6 35013341.02 07/2008
About the Book
At a Glance
Document Scope This manual presents the architectures and communication services associated
with Schneider PLCs programmed using Unity Pro S.
Validity Note The data and illustrations found in this documentation are not binding. We reserve
the right to modify our products in line with our policy of continuous product
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not
be construed as a commitment by Schneider Electric.
Product Related Schneider Electric assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this
Warnings document. If you have any suggestions for improvements or amendments or have
found errors in this publication, please notify us.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, including photocopying, without express written permission of
Schneider Electric.
All pertinent state, regional, and local safety regulations must be observed when
installing and using this product.
For reasons of safety and to ensure compliance with documented system data, only
the manufacturer should perform repairs to components.
When controllers are used for applications with technical safety requirements,
please follow the relevant instructions.
Failure to observe this product related warning can result in injury or equipment
User Comments We welcome your comments about this document. You can reach us by e-mail at
35013341.02 07/2008 7
About the Book
8 35013341.02 07/2008
Introduction to the
Communication Application
At a Glance
Subject of this This part gives an overview of the communication application: the types of networks
Part and buses, services and architectures available.
35013341.02 07/2008 9
10 35013341.02 07/2008
At a Glance
Subject of this This chapter gives an overview of the different characteristics of the communication
Chapter application.
35013341.02 07/2008 11
12 35013341.02 07/2008
Characteristics The following table gives an overview of the main characteristics of the types of
of the Different services mentioned above:
Service Types
Type of service These services make it They are used...
Messaging services for a device (Client) to send a to access data from time to
message to another device time.
(Server) and obtain a
response without having to
program anything into the
server device.
Implicit database access to share data which is to synchronize applications or
services refreshed automatically and on to transparently obtain real
a regular basis. time images of a system on
several remote PLCs.
Implicit I/O management to transparently and to monitor a set of distributed
services automatically manage remote systems across a network.
I/Os on a network.
35013341.02 07/2008 13
At a Glance The services presented earlier in this chapter are available for certain types of
For example, for messaging services, certain communication functions apply to
networks, others to buses and others to serial links in character mode (See Modicon
M340, Premium, Atrium and Quantum Using Unity Pro, Communication Services
and Architectures, Characteristics of the Messaging Service Communication
Summary The following table gives an overview of the different services available according to
the types of communication:
Function Fipway Fipio Uni- Character Modbus Modbus Ethway TCP/IP CANopen USB
Telway mode /JBus Plus
Messaging services
Communication The communication functions that can be used depend closely on the type of communication for
functions which they are applied (See Modicon M340, Premium, Atrium and Quantum Using Unity Pro,
Communication Services and Architectures, Characteristics of the Messaging Service
Communication Functions).
Implicit database access services
Global Data - - - - - - - X - -
Common words X - - - - - X - - -
Shared tables X - - - - - X - - -
Implicit I/O management services
I/O Scanning - - - - - - - X - -
Peer cop - - - - - X - - - -
Other - X - - - X - - X -
X Yes
- No
14 35013341.02 07/2008
Services Available on Networks
and Buses
At a Glance
Subject of this This section describes the main services available on the communication buses and
Section networks.
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Global Data
Introduction Global Data, which is supported by the BMX NOE 0100 module, provides an
automatic data exchange for the coordination of PLC applications.
Note: Global Data is not supported by the Ethernet port of BMX P34 20•• CPUs.
16 35013341.02 07/2008
Intranet control
2...n stations
Data distribution
Distribution Group
IP multicast: 239 255 255 250
A distribution group is a group of communication modules identified by the same
multicast IP address. Multicast exchanges (see Modicon M340 for Ethernet,
Communications Modules and Processors: Multicasting Considerations) distribute
Global Data. Several independent distribution groups can co-exist on the same
subnetwork with different multicast addresses.
Important points:
z A publish/subscribe protocol on UDP/IP is used for data distribution.
z The content of the publication variable is synchronized during the out section of
the MAST task.
z The content of the subscribed variables are copied to the PLC application
memory during the in section of the MAST task.
z The PLC memory zones that receive the various subscription variables should
not overlap. Do not use these variables for any other purpose.
Health Bits A health bit (status bit) is associated with each application variable.
This bit indicates the validity of each subscription variable. It is 1 if the variable has
been published and the subscriber has received it in the configured validity time.
Otherwise, it is 0.
Multicast Global Data uses multicast addressing. In accordance with the nature of broadcast
Filtering messages, the multicast frames transmitted by a module are repeated on all switch
ports, generating network congestion.
35013341.02 07/2008 17
When the switches possess this function, multicast filtering allows multicast frame
spreading to be limited to only the ports that require it.
The GMRP protocol establishes the list of ports involved in data traffic.
Limits There are no theoretical limits for the number of stations that share a distribution
group. There is a limit on the number of variables (64) that can be exchanged within
the distribution group.
Note: We recommend that you use fewer than 200 modules in any single
distribution group.
18 35013341.02 07/2008
The I/O Scanner is used to periodically read or write remote inputs and outputs on
the Ethernet network without specific programming.
Configure the I/O Scanner with Unity Pro (see Modicon M340 for Ethernet,
Communications Modules and Processors: I/O Scanner Configuration Parameters).
Note: I/O scanning is not supported by the Ethernet port of BMX P34 20•• CPUs.
35013341.02 07/2008 19
20 35013341.02 07/2008
I/O Scanner This figure illustrates the scanning of remote inputs and outputs:
Operation Application Memory
Read zone
Write zone
1 As soon as the PLC switches to Run mode, the module successfully opens a connection
for each scanned device. (One connection is made for each line entered in the table of
scanned devices.)
2 Then the module periodically reads input words and reads/writes output words for each
3 If the PLC switches to Stop mode, the connections to all devices are closed.
35013341.02 07/2008 21
Note: These status bits show whether the module's input/output words have been
22 35013341.02 07/2008
At a Glance
Subject of this This section gives an overview of the messaging service available on Schneider
Section PLCs.
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Messaging Service
At a Glance The messaging service makes it possible to perform inter-PLC data exchanges
using communication functions.
The standard type of messaging is used on Modicon M340 installed base.
The destination entities of an exchange can either be located in a local station or in
a remote station on a communication channel or directly in the CPU.
The communication functions provide an interface that is independent of the location
of the destination entity. Furthermore, they mask the coding of the communication
requests from the user. They thus guarantee compatibility of communication
between Modicon M340 PLCs and the other platforms.
24 35013341.02 07/2008
At a Glance These functions (see Unity Pro 3.1, Communication: Extended) enable
communication between one device and another. Certain functions are common to
several types of communication channel. Others may be specific to one
communication function.
Communication The following table gives an overview of Modicon M340 communication functions:
Functions on
Function Its role is...
Modicon M340
ADDM To convert a character string into an address that can be used
directly by the communication functions READ_VAR,
INPUT_BYTE To send an array of read request bytes.
READ_VAR To read standard language objects: words and bits using UNI-
TE or Modbus.
WRITE_VAR To write standard language objects: words and bits using UNI-
TE or Modbus.
PRINT_CHAR To write a character string.
INPUT_CHAR To read a character string.
35013341.02 07/2008 25
Availability of The following table lists the protocols that support the communication functions:
Function Uni-Telway Character Modbus Ethernet CANopen
According to
mode TCP/IP
Modicon M340
INPUT_BYTE - X - - -
PRINT_CHAR - X - - -
INPUT_CHAR - X - - -
X Yes
- No
26 35013341.02 07/2008
Communication Architectures
At a Glance
Subject of this This chapter gives an overview of the different communication architectures.
35013341.02 07/2008 27
Communication Architectures
Global Architecture
At a Glance Schneider has a communications strategy based on open standards (core of the
range) such as:
z Ethernet Modbus TCP/IP
z CANOpen
z Modbus Link series
The possible and recommended communication architectures are presented in the
following pages, according to the type of PLC used:
z At level 2: Inter-PLC network,
z At level 1: Field Bus.
The communication solutions for existing installations, from the Télémécanique or
Modicon ranges, are then presented.
Network The network architectures available for Modicon M340 PLCs are summarized
Architecture below:
Ethernet TCP/IP
Modicon M340
28 35013341.02 07/2008
Communication Architectures
Field Bus The field bus architectures available for Modicon M340, Premium and Quantum
Architecture PLCs are summarized below:
Modicon M340
I/O Scanning
35013341.02 07/2008 29
Communication Architectures
Modbus TCP 0 0
Modbus TCP / Global Data
Web access
Modicon M340
Main services:
z Global Data: inter-PLC synchronization.
z Modbus TCP/IP: client/server device for accessing automation variables.
z Web Access: access to the variables and diagnostics from a standard
Depending on the type of device, other services may also operate simultaneously:
z SMTP: e-mail
z MTP: time distribution
z SNMP: network management
z FDR: faulty device replacement
IP Routers As PLCs do not have IP routers, standard routers must be used to connect two
Ethernet TCP/IP networks. The following diagram shows the communication
between two Ethernet networks:
Ethernet TCP/IP 1
Ethernet TCP/IP 2
30 35013341.02 07/2008
Communication Architectures
Télémécanique The Ethway, Xip, Fipway, Uni-telway and Fipio installed bases use the
Architecture Télémécanique Uni-te private messaging protocol on a network layer called X-way.
This layer guarantees transparent routing of Uni-te messages between each of
these networks. Only Premium and Micro PLCs support this protocol.
In the architecture below, transparency may be achieved by configuring the
Premium 2 PLC as a Bridge, and provided the Premium 1 PLC or the Unity terminal
uses the Xip protocol (X-way on TCP/IP).
Premium 1
Modbus TCP
Ethernet TCP/IP
X-way TCP
Premium 2 ETG Micro
Premium Micro
35013341.02 07/2008 31
Communication Architectures
Modicon The Modicon installed base uses the standard Modbus protocol on serial link or
Architecture token bus.
It is not possible to perform routing using this protocol.
This is, however, possible using gateways or bridges.
Ethernet TCP/IP
Modbus TCP
Modbus TCP
Modbus Plus
32 35013341.02 07/2008
List of Modbus Function Codes
At a Glance M340 PLCs have communication server kernels that accept the common Modbus
function codes. These are listed in the table on this page.
As servers, M340 PLCs recognize all Class 0 and Class 1 Modbus function codes,
as stipulated in the Modbus specifications available at http://www.Modbus.org.
Their server kernel also includes the function code 23 for reading/writing of
consecutive variables.
List of Modbus The following table lists the function codes and the address of the Modbus function
Requests codes, recognized by M340 platform:
Function M340 memory Meaning
When Connected
code address
as a Server
1 %M Read output bits
2 %M Read input bits
3 %MW Read consecutive integer values
4 %MW Read consecutive input integer values
5 %M Write single output bit
6 %MW Write single integer value
15 %M Write n output bits
16 %MW Write consecutive integer values
23 %MW Read/write consecutive integer values
35013341.02 07/2008 33
Use of Modbus The table below lists the Modbus function codes and their use as a client on M340
Function Codes PLCs:
as a Client on
Function M340 Modbus request Communication
code memory function
1 %M Read output bits READ_VAR
2 %I Read input bits READ_VAR
3 %MW Read consecutive integer values READ_VAR
4 %IW Read consecutive input integer values READ_VAR
15 %M Write n output bits WRITE_VAR
16 %MW Write consecutive integer values WRITE_VAR
The way in which to use function codes with communication functions is described
in the Modbus manual.
Data structure alignments are not the same for Premium/Quantum and M340
PLCs so verify that the data exchanged are compatible.
See the page DDT: Mapping rules for more information.
Failure to follow this instruction can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.
34 35013341.02 07/2008
At a Glance
Subject of this This part describes the different addressing solutions for devices on a
Part communication bus or network.
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36 35013341.02 07/2008
General Points Concerning
At a Glance
Subject of this This chapter gives an overview of the different addressing solutions for devices in a
Chapter communication architecture.
35013341.02 07/2008 37
Introduction to Addressing
5.1 General
38 35013341.02 07/2008
IP Addressing
Reminder about IP Addressing
IP Address On a TCP/IP Ethernet network, each device must have a unique IP address. This
address is made up of two identifiers, one of which identifies the network, while the
other identifies the connected machine.
The uniqueness of the addresses is managed as follows:
z If the type of network environment is open, the uniqueness of the address is
guaranteed by the attribution of a network identifier by the relevant authority in
the country where the network is located.
z If the type of environment is closed, the uniqueness of the address is managed
by the company's network manager.
An IP address is defined as 32 bits. It consists of 4 numbers, one for each byte of
the address.
35013341.02 07/2008 39
IP Addressing
Example Depending on the size of the network, three classes of address can be used:
7 bits 24 bits
14 bits 16 bits
21 bits 8 bits
z Class A addresses are intended for large-scale networks which have a large
number of connected sites.
z Class B addresses are intended for medium-scale networks which have fewer
connected sites.
z Class C addresses are intended for small-scale networks which have a small
number of connected sites.
Sub-Addressing An IP address is composed of two identifiers, one identifies the network while the
and Subnet Mask other identifies the connected machine. In reality, the machine identifier can also
hold a subnet identifier.
In an open environment, having received a network identifier from the relevant
authority, the local system administrator has the possibility of managing many
networks. This means that local networks can be installed without having any effect
on the outside world which still sees only one network, the one designated by the
network identifier.
The subnet mask makes it possible to see the number of bits attributed respectively
to the network identifier and to the subnet identifier (bits at 1), and then to the
machine identifier (bits at 0).
40 35013341.02 07/2008
IP Addressing
Subnet mask
24 bits at 1 8 bits at 0
The segmentation allows for 254 possible sub-networks, each with 254 sub-network
The value of the subnet mask should be chosen so that it is consistent with the IP
address class.
The subnet mask will have the following value:
z For a class A address: 255.xxx.xxx.xxx
z For a class B address: 255.255.xxx.xxx
z For a class C address: 255.255.255.xxx
Where xxx is an arbitrary value which can be chosen by the user.
Gateway The term Gateway is used in this manual in the sense of "router". If the target
machine is not connected to the local network, the message will be sent to the
"default gateway" connected to the local network which will manage the routing to
another gateway or towards its final destination.
35013341.02 07/2008 41
IP Addressing
42 35013341.02 07/2008
Modicon M340 PLCs Addressing
At a Glance
Purpose of this This chapter describes Modicon M340 PLCs addressing and indicates its fields of
Chapter application.
35013341.02 07/2008 43
Modicon M340 PLCs Addressing
SYS Keyword SYS gives access to a local module or a channel server. SYS is used for character
mode and can be ommitted.
44 35013341.02 07/2008
Modicon M340 PLCs Addressing
At a Glance With Modicon M340 PLCs, it is possible to address any Modicon M340 PLC
communication channel and any device directly connected to a Modicon M340 PLC
communication channel.
Each device is identified by a unique address, which consists of a device number or
an IP address. The addresses then differ according to the protocol:
z Ethernet TCP/IP
z Modbus or CANopen
z Character Mode
Within a station, each communication entity is characterized by a topological
address (access path) and a target entity.
35013341.02 07/2008 45
Modicon M340 PLCs Addressing
Note: If the netlink name is ommitted the system takes the default netlink
connection which is the closest link to the processor (usually the processor
Ethernet channel).
Addressing of a The address of a device on a CANopen bus takes the form ADDM(‘r.m.c.e’),
Device on a where:
CANopen Bus z r: rack number (rack)
z m: rack module position
z c: channel number (channel) of CANopen port (2)
z e: CANopen slave node (equipment) (range 1 to 127)
Addressing a The address of a device on a Modbus bus takes the form ADDM(‘r.m.c.e.MBS’),
Device on a where:
Modbus z r: rack number (rack)
z m: rack module position
z c: channel number (channel) of Modbus port (0)
z e: Modbus slave number (equipment) (range 1 to 247)
46 35013341.02 07/2008
Modicon M340 PLCs Addressing
Example The figure below describes the address of the servodrive. The example here shows
slave 14 on channel 2 (CANopen) of the module in rack 0, slot 0:
Network 20
Station 2 Station 3
Ad0 = 14
35013341.02 07/2008 47
Modicon M340 PLCs Addressing
At a Glance Following are examples of the different types of addressing for a processor’s
communication channels.
The examples are based on a Modicon M340 type processor.
The modules have a topological address that is a function of the module’s position
in the rack.
The first two slots of the rack (marked PS and 00) are reserved for the rack’s power
supply module (BMX CPS ••••) and the processor (BMX P34 ••••) respectively.
48 35013341.02 07/2008
Modicon M340 PLCs Addressing
Processor The diagram below shows an example of Modicon M340 configuration including a
Communication BMX P34 2010 processor and the addresses of the processor communication
Channels channels:
PS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
35013341.02 07/2008 49
Modicon M340 PLCs Addressing
At a Glance With this type of addressing, a station can access different station connected to
logical network.
Connection via A device with the IP address is connected to the Ethernet network. It
CPU Ethernet is the processor Ethernet port configured with Netlink name Ethernet_1.
Netlink: Ethernet_1
Station 1
50 35013341.02 07/2008
Modicon M340 PLCs Addressing
At a Glance With this type of addressing, a master station can access different slaves connected
to CANopen bus.
Example In the following example, the Modicon M340 processor’s bus manager addresses
the Lexium 05 device at connection point 28:
Slave address: 28
Note: In addition to the address defined by ADDM, the READ_VAR and WRITE_VAR
functions use another parameter NUM, which must be defined to address the SDO
to be read or written.
35013341.02 07/2008 51
Modicon M340 PLCs Addressing
Modbus The syntax of Modbus addressing is ADDM (’r.m.c.node’) . The meaning of the
Addressing string parameter is as follows:
Rules z r: rack address. The processor’s rack address is always 0.
z m: module address. The Modicon M340 processor’s slot number in the rack is
always 0.
z c: channel address. The Modicon M340 processor’s serial port is always
channel 0.
z node: slave number to which the request is being sent. The range for configured
slave numbers is from 1 to 247.
52 35013341.02 07/2008
Modicon M340 PLCs Addressing
Serial Link Using The diagram below shows two Modicon M340 processors connected via a serial link
Modbus Protocol and using Modbus protocol:
Modbus Master
BMX P34 2010 Processor
Modbus Slave
BMX P34 2010 Processor
Character Mode The syntax of Character mode addressing is ADDM (’r.m.c’) or ADDM
Addressing (’r.m.c.SYS’) (SYS can be omitted). The meaning of the string parameter is as
Rules follows:
z r: rack address of the connected device.
z m: module address of the connected device.
z c: channel address of the connected device.
z SYS: keyword used to stipulate the station server system. SYS can be omitted.
35013341.02 07/2008 53
Modicon M340 PLCs Addressing
Serial Link Using The diagram below shows a Modicon M340 processor linked to a data entry/display
Character Mode terminal TM8501:
Protocol BMX P34 2010 Processor
TM8501 Terminal
54 35013341.02 07/2008
Modicon M340 PLCs Addressing
At a Glance The multi-network addressing available on Modicon M340 PLCs is described below.
A Modicon M340
Ethernet Network 1
IP router
Modicon M340
B Configuration
Ethernet Network 2
Modicon M340 D
35013341.02 07/2008 55
Modicon M340 PLCs Addressing
A Modicon M340
Ethernet Network 1
Gateway Gateway
Modicon M340
B Configuration
Modbus serial CANopen
Modbus serial
Modbus CANopen
device 2 device
device 1
In the diagram above there are two Modicon M340 configurations which are called
A and B. The configuration B is directly connected to the Modbus device 1 via
Modbus communication channel.
Communication between the two Modicon M340 PLCs is possible because the
configurations are linked to the same Ethernet network.
Communication between the configuration A and the Modbus device 2 is possible
only if you use an Ethernet/Modbus gateway. In case of it is a CANopen device, an
Ethernet/CANopen gateway is required.
56 35013341.02 07/2008
General points concerning
At a Glance
Subject of this This chapter gives an overview of the different bridging solutions for devices in a
Chapter communication architecture.
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Introduction to bridging
Bridging Description
Set Address The direct PLC access and transparent PLC access features are available via the
Set Address screen. In this screen, you must enter the PLC address.
To access the Set Address screen, use the Set Address command on the PLC
The Set Address screen is as follows:
Set Address ?
PLC Simulator
Address Address
Test Connection
Media Media
Communication Parameters Communication Parameters
Direct PLC The available syntaxes for a direct PLC access are described below:
Access Syntax
Connection used Address
USB SYS or empty
Ethernet IP address:
Modbus Slave number
58 35013341.02 07/2008
Introduction to bridging
35013341.02 07/2008 59
Introduction to bridging
Bridging Example
At a glance The following pages present an example of PLC configurations bridging and its
transparent PLC adresses.
60 35013341.02 07/2008
Introduction to bridging
Configuration 1 Configuration 2
(2) (6)
Unity Pro
Configuration 4
Modbus CPU
slave number : 66
35013341.02 07/2008 61
Introduction to bridging
62 35013341.02 07/2008
Operating Modes
At a Glance
Subject of this This part describes the operating modes associated with expert communication.
35013341.02 07/2008 63
Operating Modes
64 35013341.02 07/2008
Network Configuration
At a Glance
Subject of this This chapter presents the tools for configuring a network at the global level and at
Chapter the station level.
35013341.02 07/2008 65
Network Configuration
At a Glance With Unity Pro, the installation of a network takes place using the project browser
and the hardware configuration editor.
The method involves the following four steps:
z Creation of a logic network,
z Configuration of the logic network,
z Declaration of the module,
z Association of the module with the logic network.
These four steps are presented further on in this documentation.
Note: The advantage of this method is that from the second step onwards, you can
design your communication application (you do not need to have the hardware to
start work) and use the simulator to test its operation.
Note: The first two steps are performed using the project browser and the next two
using the hardware configuration editor.
This manual introduces the method. For detailed information on how to configure the
various networks, please refer to the specific documentation:
z Ethernet configuration (see Modicon M340 for Ethernet, Communications
Modules and Processors: Ethernet Configuration with Unity Pro)
66 35013341.02 07/2008
Network Configuration
At a Glance The first step in implementing a communication network is to create a logic network.
Creating a Logic The following table describes how to create a network using the project browser.
Step Action
1 Expand the Communication directory in the project browser.
2 Right-click in the Networks sub-directory and select the New network option.
Add network
Network Comment
Change name:
OK Cancel Help
35013341.02 07/2008 67
Network Configuration
Step Action
3 Select the network that you wish to create from the list of available networks
and give it a meaningful name.
Result: Example of an Ethernet network.
Add network
Network Comment
Change name:
Ethernet factory
OK Cancel Help
Note: You can also add a comment, if you so wish, by clicking on the
Comment tab.
4 Click OK and a new logic network is created.
Result: We have just created the Ethernet network that appears in the project
Ethernet factory
Note: As you can see, a small icon indicates that the logic network is not
associated with any PLC hardware. Furthermore, the small blue "v" sign
indicates that the project needs to be rebuilt before it can be used in the PLC.
68 35013341.02 07/2008
Network Configuration
Configuring a The table below describes how to access the configuration of a network using the
Logic Network project browser.
Step Action
1 In the project browser, expand the Networks sub-tab located in the
Communication tab of the tree directory to display all the networks of the
Ethernet packaging
Ethernet factory
35013341.02 07/2008 69
Network Configuration
How to Associate The following table describes how to associate a logic network to a network device
a Logic Network declared in the hardware configuration editor.
Step Action
1 Open the hardware configuration editor.
2 Right-click the device (Ethernet module) that you wish to associate with a
logical network.
3 Select the channel and function.
Result: For a BMX NOE 0100 module:
0.2: BMX NOE 0100
Network link:
No link
70 35013341.02 07/2008
Network Configuration
Step Action
4 In the Network link field, select the network to be associated with the module.
0.2: BMX NOE 0100
Network link:
35013341.02 07/2008 71
Network Configuration
72 35013341.02 07/2008
Description of the Communication Debug Screens
At a Glance The debug screen dedicated to the application-specific communication function may
be accessed via the Debug tab. It is broken down into two distinct sections:
z The top and left-hand part of the screen, common to all types of debug screen, is
dedicated to module and communication channel information.
z The right-hand part of the screen is dedicated to debugging data and parameters.
This area, specific to the type of communication selected, is detailed in the
documentation relating to the various types of communication.
How to Access The debug mode may only be accessed in online mode.
the Screen
Step Action
1 Access the configuration screen.
2 Select the Debug mode by clicking on the corresponding tab.
35013341.02 07/2008 73
Open connections 0 Reset counters
Non-authorized 0
Messages refused 0 Ping
Messages received 0 IO Scanning
Bandwidth Not configured 16 1
Messages sent 0 Scanned 32 17
IO Scanning Unscanned 48 33
enabled Faulty or absent 64 49
Message traffic (msg./min)
2000 msg/sec
3 Global data
ETH TCP IP Not configured 16 1
SUB variable 32 17
Task: Global Data
MAST Default SUB 48 33
enabled PUB variable 64 49
Network link: Min. 0 Avg. 0 Max. 0 Reset
Description The table below shows the various elements of the debug screen and their
Zone Function
1: Module module description zone
2: Channel channel selection zone
3: parameters general parameters zone
4: Debug tab Address z displays TCP/IP utility configuration
information z tests communication of the TCP/IP profile
74 35013341.02 07/2008
Communication Function
Programming and Entry Help
How to Access a Function, Function Block or DFB-Type Specific Instruction
35013341.02 07/2008 75
Entry Help
How to Call a
Step Action
1 Access the required editor.
2 Depending on the editor, select one of the following methods to open the function library:
z Select the function to enter with the data editor. Once in the editor, right-click on the function (LD, FBD
z Right-click in the program editor and select the option FFB Input Assistant.
Instance: ...
76 35013341.02 07/2008
addressing messaging, 15
assistant, 75
IP, 39
Modicon M340, 43 T
architectures, 27 topologies, 27
brigde, 57
Modicon M340, 44
configuring networks, 65
function codes
Modbus, 33
Global Data, 15
IO Scanning, 15
35013341.02 07/2008 77
78 35013341.02 07/2008