First Grade Homework Packet For Winter Break
First Grade Homework Packet For Winter Break
First Grade Homework Packet For Winter Break
You're not
alone. Many students and parents struggle with completing homework assignments, especially during
school breaks. It can be difficult to balance family time, holiday festivities, and school work all at
But don't worry, we're here to help. ⇒ ⇔ offers professional homework assistance for
students of all ages. Our team of experienced tutors and writers are dedicated to helping you succeed
in your academic endeavors.
Writing a homework packet for first graders may seem like a simple task, but it can actually be quite
challenging. First graders are just beginning to develop their writing skills and may need extra
guidance and support to complete their assignments.
Not to mention, winter break can be a busy and stressful time for families. With all the holiday
preparations and travel plans, it can be difficult to find the time and energy to sit down and help your
child with their homework.
That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in. Our tutors are trained to work with young students and
provide them with the individualized attention and support they need to complete their homework
assignments. We understand the importance of a strong foundation in education and strive to help
your child excel in their academic journey.
Ordering homework help from ⇒ ⇔ is simple and convenient. Our website is user-
friendly and our services are affordable. We offer a variety of packages and options to fit your
specific needs and budget.
So why struggle with your first grade homework packet for winter break when you can get
professional help? Don't let homework stress ruin your holiday season. Order now on ⇒ ⇔ and enjoy a stress-free break with your family.
Thank you for choosing ⇒ ⇔, where we make homework a little less daunting and a
lot more manageable. Happy holidays!
I send these packets home as a review for my students over the various school breaks. Students will
sort the letters and words into the correct column. Students try to complete reading challenges listed
on snowballs. The printables are all winter themed and include winter graphics. The worksheets
covers math concepts such as number correspondence, basic addition, basic subtraction, and fact
fluency. Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. All of
my new resources are 50% off for the first 24 hours. The packet includes 10 activities, a parent letter,
and a reading log. From coloring holiday wonders to simple counting with Santa's helpers, each
assignment is designed to spark curiosity and celebrate the magic of the season. Count to 50:
Students will fill in a chart by writing numbers from 1-50. Report this resource to let us know if this
resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. This was a great resource to send home with my students
to keep their skills sharp. Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content
guidelines. It includes 5 days worth of math and reading review for the first grade year. Some
students may want to complete all of the assignments, while those with busier schedules can
complete 2 or 3. Color by Number - Easter Multiplication Facts Practice Total Pages 23 pages
Answer Key Included Teaching Duration 1 Week Report this resource to TPT Reported resources
will be reviewed by our team. It includes a printable snowman that students will take everywhere
they go over Winter Break. Just print and go!IMPORTANT NOTE: This product includes number
bonds. Sight words, spelling, sentence writing, letter sounds (with the jazzy hand motions), counting,
adding, subtracting, and MORE. There is plenty of cute clip art that students can color on each page.
This is available in color and black and white. -Parent Letter: This letter is customizable. You Might
Also Like First Grade Emergency Sub Plans 3 FULL DAYS First Grade No Prep Emergency Sub
Plans - Fall Themed Substitute Plans Sub Plans 3 FULL DAYS. Make sure your kiddos are growing
their brains over Winter Break with this fun home learning packet. Almost every parent has thanked
me for such a great packet that wasn't too hard, too big or too easy. This works well for the differing
expectations of families in your classroom. Report this resource to let us know if this resource
violates TPT’s content guidelines. Packed with festive fun, this collection of joyful activities is tailor-
made for our littlest learners. It also includes a variety of kindergarten standards. Get organized for
the whole year with this Homework Break Bundle. Blank ones are also included if you would rather
use those.
The packet includes 5 math activities and 5 reading activities that coincide with Kindergarten
Common Core Standards. This packet includes a review of pre-k skills considered to be a
prerequisite to kindergarten. Be sure to view the Preview to see the Goal sheet and sample pages.
The packet contains a reading log, math word problems, and language arts activities. Many options
for differentiation: Whether the families in your class expect schoolwork over the Break or don't
want any, this pack allows each student to make a goal and do only pages that work for their Break.
You will then receive customized email updates about this store. All activities are Common Core
aligned and require NO PREP.Just print and send home with students. If you are interested in name
writing practice see my Editable Name Tracing Product HERE.! If you are interested in my other
break homework packets. They can select the assignments they plan to complete. Then, they cut out
the snowballs and glue them on a snowball pile on the reading log. You Might Also Like First Grade
Emergency Sub Plans 3 FULL DAYS First Grade No Prep Emergency Sub Plans - Fall Themed
Substitute Plans Sub Plans 3 FULL DAYS. Report this resource to let us know if this resource
violates TPT’s content guidelines. The letter explains the winter break packet to parents. Report this
resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. Differentiate homework for
your students by using only the pages that work best for your class, or use the included Student
Goals Sheet to let students take responsibility for their Mid-Winter Break packet. Teachers may also
choose to use the activities as morning work or during centers. Very helpful to review a variety of
materials. — Teresa L C. Rated 5 out of 5 This resource gave a lot of variety for my students to
practice math and reading skills over winter break! — Heidi Y. You can view them here: Winter
Break Homework Packet. Beside each purchase you'll see a Provide Feedback button. Make sure
your kiddos are growing their brains over break with this fun home learning packet. The worksheets
covers math concepts such as number correspondence, basic addition, basic subtraction, and fact
fluency. If your curriculum does not use number bonds, please keep in mind that several pages may
not be right for your students. Students try to complete reading challenges listed on snowballs.
Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. This activity is
in color and black and white. 4. Sorting Letters and Words: Students will cut out letters and words. It
was a great review of skills that have been taught so far this year. — Victoria B. Rated 5 out of 5
This is just what I was looking for to extend learning over the winter break. For example, describe a
context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 ? 7. CCSS 3.OA.A.2 Interpret
whole-number quotients of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 56 ? 8 as the number of objects in each
share when 56 objects are partitioned equally into 8 shares, or as a number of shares when 56 objects
are partitioned into equal shares of 8 objects each. Report this resource to let us know if this resource
violates TPT’s content guidelines. Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s
content guidelines.
I will be introducing last names after break and this will be a great way to expose the students. I
have not sent home review packets in the past but I had an influx of requests from parents this year
so I chose to create this to meet the needs of my classroom. Rated 5 out of 5 We used this packet to
help keep the kids busy in the last couple days before break, after testing. This activity is in color and
black and white. 4. Sorting Letters and Words: Students will cut out letters and words. These NO
PREP homework worksheets include two weeks of engaging printables for you to print and send
home with your students. Some students may want to complete all of the assignments, while those
with busier schedules can complete 2 or 3. I appreciated the engaging materials and learning didn't
stop because the Elf was on the Shelf at home. Report this resource to let us know if this resource
violates TPT’s content guidelines. Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s
content guidelines. This activity is in color and black and white. 5. Sorting -at and -an Word
Families: Students will cut out words in the -at family and words in the -an family. Report this
resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. I have not sent home
review packets in the past but I had an influx of requests from parents this year so I chose to create
this to meet the needs of my classroom. Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates
TPT’s content guidelines. The parent letter is customizable to fit your needs. Report this resource to
let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. Many options for differentiation:
Whether the families in your class expect schoolwork over the Break or don't want any, this pack
allows each student to make a goal and do only pages that work for their Break. Send this packet
home with your kiddos for Winter Break, and reward them with a fun prize if they bring it back
completed. Be sure to view the Preview to see the Goal sheet and sample pages. First Grade NO-
PREP Emergency Substitute Plans - WINTER Fall Break Packet - First Grade Thanksgiving Break
Packet - First Grade Spring Break Packet - First Grade Follow me and SAVE BIG! -------- My
followers are notified when new resources are uploaded. This activity is in black and white. 2. Initial
Sounds: Students will identify a picture by name and write the first sound they hear in the picture's
name. If you would like the print and digital bundle, CLICK HERE. The printables are all winter
themed and include winter graphics. Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates
TPT’s content guidelines. Teachers can use the entire packet or pick and choose the activities their
students need. This is available in color and black and white. -Parent Letter: This letter is
customizable. Your students will love completing homework during Winter Break with this pack.
Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. Report this
resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. Make sure your kiddos are
growing their brains over break with this fun home learning packet. Differentiate homework for your
students by using only the pages that work best for your class, or use the included Student Goals
Sheet to let students take responsibility for their Mid-Winter Break packet.
You can use them in the classroom, as homework, or as a winter break packet. This activity is in color
and black and white. -Reading Log: Students will read one book each weekday. Your students will
love completing homework over Winter Break with this pack. Beside each purchase you'll see a
Provide Feedback button. All activities are Common Core aligned and require NO PREP.Just print
and send home with students. Students try to complete reading challenges listed on snowballs. The
parent letter is customizable to fit your needs. The Student Goal Sheet allows students to make
independent goals about the pages they will complete over break, making this packet adaptable to
the different needs in your classroom. This activity is in color and black and white. 3. Ending
Sounds: Students will identify a picture by name and write the final sound they hear in the picture's
name. Almost every parent has thanked me for such a great packet that wasn't too hard, too big or
too easy. I will be introducing last names after break and this will be a great way to expose the
students. This no-prep resource includes two weeks of engaging activities for you to send home with
your students. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown
quantity. The packet includes 5 math activities and 5 reading activities that coincide with
Kindergarten Common Core Standards. Send this packet home with your kiddos for Winter Break,
and reward them with a fun prize if they bring it back completed. This works well for the differing
expectations of families in your classroom. Report this resource to let us know if this resource
violates TPT’s content guidelines. Writing prompts are included to keep students writing over break,
but the journal pages can also be used without prompts. Then, they cut out the snowballs and glue
them on a snowball pile on the reading log. The included math pages cover a range of concepts so
students can be challenged or review familiar skills. Report this resource to let us know if this
resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. Just print and go!IMPORTANT NOTE: This product
includes number bonds. From coloring holiday wonders to simple counting with Santa's helpers, each
assignment is designed to spark curiosity and celebrate the magic of the season. I use this packet
with Pre- Kindergarten students but it would fit a Kindergarten classroom as well. This is available
in color and black and white. -Parent Letter: This letter is customizable. Make sure your kiddos are
growing their brains over Winter Break with this fun home learning packet. It includes 5 days worth
of math and reading review for the first grade year. It also includes a variety of kindergarten
standards. Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines.
Each page is filled with exciting winter images that can be colored when students complete their
If your curriculum does not use number bonds, please keep in mind that several pages may not be
right for your students. You will then receive customized email updates about this store. Happy
Holiday! -Kendra Kendra's Kindergarten Follow me on facebook for exclusive sneak peaks and
freebies. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave
a short comment for the product. The packet includes 5 math activities and 5 reading activities that
coincide with Kindergarten Common Core Standards. They will write about their fabulous
adventures in their journal and use their imaginations to create some fun facts about their new friend.
Students will sort the letters and words into the correct column. All of my new resources are 50%
off for the first 24 hours. See our FAQ and Privacy Policy for more information. The printables are
all winter themed and include winter graphics. If you would like the digital version of this packet,
CLICK HERE. The packet includes 5 math activities and 5 reading activities that coincide with
Kindergarten Common Core Standards. Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates
TPT’s content guidelines. I appreciate your feedback and the time it takes you to do so. Report this
resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. This no-prep resource
includes two weeks of engaging activities for you to send home with your students. Report this
resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. This educational resource is
designed to meet common core standards for Grades K-5. Blank ones are also included if you would
rather use those. All activities are Common Core aligned and require NO PREP.Just print and send
home with students. Differentiate homework for your students by using only the pages that work
best for your class, or use the included Student Goals Sheet to let students take responsibility for
their Mid-Winter Break packet. This activity is in color and black and white. 5. Sorting -at and -an
Word Families: Students will cut out words in the -at family and words in the -an family. This
activity is in color and black and white. 4. Sorting Letters and Words: Students will cut out letters
and words. For example, describe a context in which a number of shares or a number of groups can
be expressed as 56 ? 8. CCSS 3.OA.A.3 Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word
problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g., by using
drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. Teachers
can use the entire packet or pick and choose the activities their students need. I use this packet with
Pre-Kindergarten students but it would fit a Kindergarten classroom as well. This is the perfect
reinforcement packet that you may want to send home over the Winter Break or it could be used as
homework when they return! They can select the assignments they plan to complete. These NO
PREP homework worksheets include two weeks of engaging printables for you to print and send
home with your students. This activity is in black and white. 2. Initial Sounds: Students will identify
a picture by name and write the first sound they hear in the picture's name.
The worksheets cover ELA concepts such as CVC words, decoding, alphabet knowledge, upper and
lower case letters, matching words to meaning, and spelling. This activity is in color and black and
white. 5. One More: Students will write the teen number that is one more than the teen number on
the page. First Grade NO-PREP Emergency Substitute Plans - WINTER Fall Break Packet - First
Grade Thanksgiving Break Packet - First Grade Spring Break Packet - First Grade Follow me and
SAVE BIG! -------- My followers are notified when new resources are uploaded. The included math
pages cover a range of concepts so students can be challenged or review familiar skills. Students will
sort the letters and words into the correct column. This works well for the differing expectations of
families in your classroom. This activity is in color and black and white. 5. Sorting -at and -an Word
Families: Students will cut out words in the -at family and words in the -an family. Simply click it
and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the
product. Rated 5 out of 5 See all reviews Also included in Thanksgiving Break, Fall Break, Winter
Break, Spring Break - First Grade BUNDLE This seasonal First Grade bundle includes homework
packets for Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, Christmas Break and Spring Break. I have
not sent home review packets in the past but I had an influx of requests from parents this year so I
chose to create this to meet the needs of my classroom. If your curriculum does not use number
bonds, please keep in mind that several pages may not be right for your students. This was a great
resource to send home with my students to keep their skills sharp. Speech therapy shouldn't stop just
because the kids are on break. I have not sent home review packets in the past but I had an influx of
requests from parents this year so I chose to create this to meet the needs of my classroom. I have
not sent home review packets in the past but I had an influx of requests from parents this year so I
chose to create this to meet the needs of my classroom. This was so amazing to have to give to my
kiddos - especially with NWEA testing when we get back. Writing prompts are included to keep
students writing over break, but the journal pages can also be used without prompts. From coloring
holiday wonders to simple counting with Santa's helpers, each assignment is designed to spark
curiosity and celebrate the magic of the season. Your students will love completing homework over
Winter Break with this pack. You can use them in the classroom, as homework, or as a winter break
packet. Solve one- and two-step “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information
presented in scaled bar graphs. At the end of the packet, there's a sheet of reading activities for the
students to complete during their vacation. Send this packet home with your kiddos for Winter
Break, and reward them with a fun prize if they bring it back completed. Included are activities for
10 days, in the areas of Math and Literacy. This activity is in color and black and white. 2. Count to
100: Students will fill in a chart by writing numbers from 50-100. Make sure your kiddos are
growing their brains over Winter Break with this fun home learning packet. This packet includes a
review of pre-k skills considered to be a prerequisite to kindergarten. Count to 50: Students will fill
in a chart by writing numbers from 1-50. I use this packet with Pre- Kindergarten students but it
would fit a Kindergarten classroom as well. Almost every parent has thanked me for such a great
packet that wasn't too hard, too big or too easy.