Fon 1
Fon 1
Fon 1
- Identify and describe the different concepts and conceptual models in nursing
- Able to state and explain the link between concepts and conceptual models in nursing practice.
Profession Occupation
Education takes place in college and Training may occur on job.
Education is definite and prolonged. Length of training varies
Values, beliefs and ethics are not
prominent part of preparation.
Commitments and personal identification Commitment and personal identifications
varies are strong
Works are supervised Works are autonomous
People often change jobs People unlikely to change jobs
Accountability rest with employees Accountability rest with individuals
For a theory to be a theory, it has to contain concepts, definitions, relational statements, and
assumptions that explain a phenomenon. It should also explain how these components relate to
each other.
Nursing theories are very vital in nursing practice in that the make-up the basic framework for
nursing practices. Nursing theories are organized bodies of knowledge to define what nursing is,
what nurses do, and why they do it. Nursing theories provide a way to define nursing as a unique
discipline that is separate from other disciplines (e.g., medicine). It is a framework of concepts
and purposes intended to guide nursing practice at a more concrete and specific level.
There are different ways to categorize nursing theories. They are classified depending on their
function, levels of abstraction, or goal orientation.
A. By Abstraction
There are three major categories when classifying nursing theories based on their level of
abstraction: grand theory, middle-range theory, and practice-level theory.
Grand theories are abstract, broad in scope, and complex, therefore requiring further research
for clarification.
Grand nursing theories do not guide specific nursing interventions but rather provide a general
framework and nursing ideas.
Grand nursing theorists develop their works based on their own experiences and their time,
explaining why there is so much variation among theories.
Address the nursing metaparadigm components of person, nursing, health, and environment.
2. Middle-Range Nursing Theories
More limited in scope (compared to grand theories) and present concepts and propositions at a
lower level of abstraction. They address a specific phenomenon in nursing.
Due to the difficulty of testing grand theories, nursing scholars proposed using this level of
Most middle-range theories are based on a grand theorist’s works, but they can be conceived
from research, nursing practice, or the theories of other disciplines.
Practice nursing theories are situation-specific theories that are narrow in scope and focuses on
a specific patient population at a specific time.
Practice-level nursing theories provide frameworks for nursing interventions and suggest
outcomes or the effect of nursing practice.
Theories developed at this level have a more direct effect on nursing practice than more
abstract theories.
These theories are interrelated with concepts from middle-range theories or grand theories. By
Goal Orientation Theories can also be classified based on their goals. They can be descriptive or
B. Descriptive Theories
Descriptive theories are the first level of theory development. They describe the phenomena
and identify its properties and components in which it occurs.
There are two types of descriptive theories: factor isolating theory and explanatory theory.
1. Factor-Isolating Theory
Also known as category-formulating or labelling theory.
Theories under this category describe the properties and dimensions of phenomena.
2. Explanatory Theory
Explanatory theories describe and explain the nature of relationships of certain phenomena to
other phenomena.
C Prescriptive Theories
Address the nursing interventions for a phenomenon, guide practice change, and predict
In nursing, prescriptive theories are used to anticipate the outcomes of nursing interventions.
Other Ways of Classifying Nursing Theories
Afaf Ibrahim Meleis (2011), in her book Theoretical Nursing: Development and Progress,
organizes the major nurse theories and models using the following headings: needs theories,
interaction theories, and outcome theories. These categories indicate the basic philosophical
underpinnings of the theories.
1.Needs-Based Theories.
The needs theorists were the first group of nurses who thought of giving nursing care a
conceptual order. Theories under this group are based on helping individuals to fulfil their
physical and mental needs. Theories of Orem, Henderson, and Abdella are categorized under this
group. Need theories are criticized for relying too much on the medical model of health and
placing the patient in an overtly dependent position.
2. Interaction Theories
These theories emphasized nursing on the establishment and maintenance of relationships. They
highlighted the impact of nursing on patients and how they interact with the environment,
people, and situations. Theories of Imogene King, Orlando, and Travelbee are grouped under this
3. Outcome Theories
These theories describe the nurse as controlling and directing patient care using their knowledge
of the human physiological and behavioural systems. The nursing theories of Johnson, Levine,
Rogers, and Roy belong to this group.
E. According to Alligood in her book, Nursing Theorists and Their Work, Raile Alligood
(2017) categorized nursing theories into four headings: nursing philosophy, nursing conceptual
models, nursing theories and grand theories, and middle-range nursing theories.
1. Nursing Philosophy
It is the most abstract type and sets forth the meaning of nursing phenomena through analysis,
reasoning, and logical presentation. Works of Nightingale, Watson, Ray, and Benner are
categorized under this group.
These are comprehensive nursing theories that are regarded by some as pioneers in nursing.
These theories address the nursing metaparadigm and explain the relationship between them.
Conceptual models of Levine, Rogers, Roy, King, and Orem are under this group.
Are works derived from nursing philosophies, conceptual models, and other grand theories that
are generally not as specific as middle-range theories. Works of Levine, Rogers, Orem, and King
are some of the theories under this category.
4 Middle-Range Theories
Are precise and answer specific nursing practice questions. They address the specifics of
nursing situations within the model’s perspective or theory from which they are derived.
Examples of Middle-Range theories are that of Mercer, Reed, Mishel, and Barker.
Environmental theory
Self-care theory
Each nursing theory includes distinct concepts and may focus on different areas of care. Here
are the main concepts and purposes of each theory:
Florence Nightingale developed this theory. It focuses on the importance of positive patient
environments for recovery, curing illnesses or meeting health goals. The environmental theory
also details concepts like how to manage ventilation, light, noise, cleanliness of the facility,
bedding practices, personal hygiene, food safety and patient support strategies. The primary
message of this theory is that nurses can rearrange patient spaces to assist them with their
recovery progress.
This theory, developed by Hildegard Peplau, focuses on the benefits of strong nurse and
patient relationships. It suggests that interpersonal relations comprise four elements, including:
Nursing The primary takeaway of this theory is that nurses' interactions and communication
habits can influence a patient's well-being and overall healthcare experience.
The nursing need theory comes from Virginia Henderson. It focuses on rebuilding patient
independence to help boost the rate of their recovery. It also focuses on how nurses can address
patient needs directly and help them learn how to meet their needs independently. The principal
concepts of this theory are that a nurse's duty is to care for patients throughout all stages of their
healing process and that a nurse's goal can be to help guide patients back to independent living.
Lydia Hall developed the care, cure, core theory. This theory concentrates on elements of
nursing that it proposes are essential. These elements are care, cure and core. Care refers to the
typical role of nurses providing care to patients. Cure refers to the attention and
treatments patients receive from medical professionals. Core refers to the care a patient
receives from nurses or cures they may experience due to effective treatment plans. The
main concept of this theory is that patients are the focus of nursing care and each patient might
have different needs.
The nursing process theory, introduced by Ida Jean Orlando, explores the importance of
relationships between nurses and patients. The theory explains that while the actions of nurses
can affect patients, patients' actions can also influence nurses. It also outlines five stages of
patient care, including:
This theory from Jean Watson focuses on how nurses and the treatment plans they implement
can promote health and prevent sicknesses. It also emphasizes that all patients are unique, so
nurses can offer treatment based on the progress that's possible for a particular patient, rather
than providing treatment based on a general assessment. The primary concept of this theory is
that customized care can help patients grow and that caring environments can be inclusive.
7. Self-care theory
Dorothea Orem developed the self-care theory in nursing, which addresses an individual's
ability to care for themselves. This might include maintaining a healthy lifestyle or managing
overall well-being. Using this theory to assess patients might help you determine if they have
fully recovered or if they may still need care. The central concept of this theory is that patients
who need help caring for themselves often require continued nursing care, while patients who
can care for themselves may no longer need a nurse's assistance.
Faye Abdellah created the 21 nursing problems theory, which focuses on human needs.
Typically, nursing students review and reference this theory when preparing to begin practicing
because it outlines best practices for providing comprehensive care to patients. Comprehensive
care may involve nurses, patients, treatment plans and societal factors. The fundamental concept
of this theory is that nursing is an art form of care that requires nurses to have positive attitudes,
medical knowledge and specialized skill sets.
A variety of nursing professionals use nursing theories, including nursing students, nursing
professors, clinical researchers and practicing nurses. Here is an in-depth examination of the
types of professionals who use nursing theories: Academic professionals and nursing students
Both professors and students may use nursing theories in academic settings. Professors might
use them when teaching nursing students about best practices in the field. They might also
reference nursing theories when teaching students how to care for different types of patients.
Nursing theories may help students with a reference as they prepare for their future careers by
working with real or model patients in clinical settings. Professors and students also use nursing
theories to conduct their own research in nursing.
The first nursing theories appeared in the late 1800s when a strong emphasis was placed on
nursing education.
In 1860, Florence Nightingale defined nursing in her “Environmental Theory” as “the act of
utilizing the patient’s environment to assist him in his recovery.”
In the 1950s, there is a consensus among nursing scholars that nursing needed to validate
itself through the production of its own scientifically tested body of knowledge.
In 1955, Virginia Henderson conceptualized the nurse’s role as assisting sick or healthy
individuals to gain independence in meeting 14 fundamental needs. Thus her Nursing Need
Theory was developed.
In 1960, Faye Abdellah published her work “Typology of 21 Nursing Problems,” which
shifted the focus of nursing from a disease-cantered approach to a patient-cantered approach.
In 1962, Ida Jean Orlando emphasized the reciprocal relationship between patient and
nurse and viewed nursing’s professional function as finding out and meeting the patient’s
immediate need for help.
In 1968, Dorothy Johnson pioneered the Behavioural System Model and upheld the
fostering of efficient and effective behavioural functioning in the patient to prevent illness.
In 1970, Martha Rogers viewed nursing as both a science and an art as it provides a way to
view the unitary human being, who is integral with the universe.
In 1971, Dorothea Orem stated in her theory that nursing care is required if the client is
unable to fulfil biological, psychological, developmental, or social needs.
In 1971, Imogene King ‘s Theory of Goal attainment stated that the nurse is considered part
of the patient’s environment and the nurse-patient relationship is for meeting goals towards good
In 1972, Betty Neuman, in her theory, states that many needs exist, and each may disrupt
client balance or stability. Stress reduction is the goal of the system model of nursing practice.
In 1979, Sr. Callista Roy viewed the individual as a set of interrelated systems that
maintain the balance between these various stimuli.
In 1979, Jean Watson developed the philosophy of caring, highlighted humanistic aspects of
nursing as they intertwine with scientific knowledge and nursing practice.
The Nursing Need Theory was developed by Virginia Henderson and was derived from her
practice and education. Henderson’s goal was not to develop a theory of nursing, but rather
to define the unique focus of nursing practice. The theory emphasizes the importance of
increasing the patient’s independence so that progress after hospitalization would not be
delayed. Her emphasis on basic human needs as the central focus of nursing practice has led
to further theory development regarding the needs of the patient and how nurses can assist in
meeting those needs.
Henderson identifies three major assumptions in her model of nursing. The first is that
“nurses care for a patient until a patient can care for him or herself,” though it is not stated
explicitly. The second assumption states that
Nurses are willing to serve and that “nurses will devote themselves to the patient day and
That nurses should be educated at the college level in both sciences and arts. The four
major concepts addressed in the theory are the individual, the environment, health, and
nursing. This theory seeks to explain that:
Nurses temporarily assist an individual who lacks the necessary strength, will, and
knowledge to satisfy one or more of the 14 basic needs.
She states: “The nurse is temporarily the consciousness of the unconscious, the love life
for the suicidal, the leg of the amputee, the eyes of the newly blind, a means of locomotion
for the infant, knowledge, and confidence of the young mother, the mouthpiece for those too
weak or withdrawn to speak.”
Additionally, she stated that “…the nurse does for others what they would do for themselves
if they had the strength, the will, and the knowledge. But I go on to say that the nurse makes
the patient independent of him or her as soon as possible.”
Her definition of nursing distinguished a nurse’s role in health care: The nurse is expected to
carry out a physician’s therapeutic plan, but individualized care results from the nurse’s
creativity in planning for care.
The 14 components of Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory show a holistic nursing approach
covering the physiological, psychological, spiritual, and social needs.
Physiological Components
1. Breathe normally
8. Keep the body clean and well-groomed and protect the integument
14. Learn, discover, or satisfy the curiosity that leads to normal development and health
and use the available health facilities.
One cannot say that every individual who has similar needs indicated in the 14 activities by
Virginia Henderson are the only things that human beings need in attaining health and for
survival. With today’s time, there may be added needs that humans are entitled to be provided
with by nurses. The prioritization of the 14 Activities was not clearly explained whether the first
one is a prerequisite to the other. But still, it is remarkable that Henderson was able to specify
and characterize some of the needs of individuals based on Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of
Virginia Henderson’s concept of nursing is widely accepted in nursing practice today. Her theory
and 14 components are relatively simple, logical, and applied to individuals of all ages.
There is an absence of a conceptual diagram that interconnects the 14 concepts and sub concepts
of Henderson’s theory. On assisting the individual in the dying process, there is a little
explanation of what the nurse does to provide “peaceful death.” Application of the Need Theory
Henderson’s Needs Theory can be applied to nursing practice as a way for nurses to set goals
based on Henderson’s 14 components. Meeting the goal of achieving the 14 needs of the client
can be a great basis to improve one’s performance towards nursing care further. In nursing
research, each of her 14 fundamental concepts can serve as a basis for research, although the
statements were not written in testable terms
1. natural laws
3. nursing is a calling
The focus of nursing in this model is to alter the patient’s environment in order to affect
change in his or her health. The environmental factors that affect health, as identified in the
theory, are: fresh air, pure water, sufficient food supplies, and efficient drainage, cleanliness
of the patient and environment, and light (particularly direct sunlight). If any of these areas is
lacking, the patient may experience diminished health. A nurse’s role in a patient’s recovery
is to alter the environment in order to gradually create the optimal conditions for the patient’s
body to heal itself. In some cases, this would mean minimal noise and in other cases could
mean a specific diet. All of these areas can be manipulated to help the patient meet his or her
health goals and get healthy. The Environment Theory of nursing is a patient-care theory.
That is, it focuses on the care of the patient rather than the nursing process, the relationship
between patient and nurse, or the individual nurse. In this way, the model must be adapted to
fit the needs of individual patients. The environmental factors affect different patients unique
to their situations and illnesses, and the nurse must address these factors on a case-by-case
basis in order to make sure the factors are altered in a way that best cares for an individual
patient and his or her needs.
The ten major concepts of the Environment Theory, also identified as Nightingale’s
Canons, are:
4. Health of houses
6. Personal cleanliness
7. Variety
9. Food
10. Observation
According to Nightingale, nursing is separate from medicine. The goal of nursing is to put
the patient in the best possible condition in order for nature to act. Nursing is “the activities
that promote health which occur in any caregiving situation.” Health is “not only to be well,
but to be able to use well every power we have.” Nightingale’s theory addresses disease on a
literal level, explaining it as the absence of comfort. The environment paradigm in
Nightingale’s model is understandably the most important aspect. Her observations taught
her that unsanitary environments contribute greatly to ill health, and that the environment can
be altered in order to improve conditions for a patient and allow healing to occur.
Nightingale’s Modern Nursing Theory also impacted nursing education. She was the first
to suggest that nurses be specifically educated and trained for their positions in healthcare.
This allowed there to be standards of care in the field of nursing, which helped improve
overall care of patients.
The theory explains the purpose of nursing is to help others identify their felt difficulties.
Nurses should apply principles of human relations to the problems that arise at all levels of
Peplau's theory explains the phases of interpersonal process, roles in nursing situations and
methods for studying nursing as an interpersonal process.
The attainment of goal is achieved through the use of a series of steps following a series of
The nurse and patient work together so both become mature and knowledgeable in the
2. Identification
3. Exploitation
4. Resolution
Client seeks assistance conveys needs, asks questions, shares preconceptions and
expectations of past experiences
Nurse responds, explains roles to client, helps to identify problems and to use available
resources and services
Advantages of services are used is based on the needs and interests of the patients
The principles of interview techniques must be used in order to explore, understand and
adequately deal with the underlying problem
Nurse aids the patient in exploiting all avenues of help and progress is made towards the
final step
The patients’ needs have already been met by the collaborative effect of patient and nurse
Now they need to terminate their therapeutic relationship and dissolve the links between
Patient drifts away and breaks bond with nurse and healthier emotional balance is
demonstrated and both becomes mature individuals
1. Identify what the client is asking for help with. This means actively listening to their
concerns and exploring their experience and behaviours.
2. Be aware of your own behaviours. It will be essential to act professionally, ethically,
emotionally intelligently and without judgment. Trust and respect need to be built.
3. Educate the client about the issues that are concerning and affecting them. Ensure you
utilise evidence-based education approaches. Be person-centred in your teaching approach
and ask the client how they learn best.
5. In the termination phase, you may need to ensure that the client has the skills and
knowledge for self-management. For example, you may wish to observe the client’s
demonstration of the desirable behaviour. Or, as a different example, this may mean having
the client describe or paraphrase their plans for self-management. It is important, as with any
nursing discharge process, that there is a realistic contingency plan in place. Where will the
client seek help and support from once discharged? When will their progress be reviewed
next? When is the follow-up meeting going to take place?
The belief of the coexistence of the human and the environment has greatly influenced the
process of change toward better health. In short, a patient can’t be separated from his or her
environment when addressing health and treatment. This view leads and opened Martha E.
Rogers’ theory, known as the “Science of Unitary Human Beings,” which allowed nursing
to be considered one of the scientific disciplines.
Rogers’ theory defined Nursing as “an art and science that is humanistic and humanitarian. It
is directed toward the unitary human and is concerned with the nature and direction of human
development. The goal of nurses is to participate in the process of change.”
According to Rogers, the Science of Unitary Human Beings contains two dimensions: the
science of nursing, which is the knowledge specific to the field of nursing that, comes from
scientific research; and the art of nursing, which involves using the science of nursing
creatively to help better the lives of the patient.
Man is a unified whole possessing his own integrity and manifesting characteristics that
are more than and different from the sum of his parts.
Man and the environment are continuously exchanging matter and energy with one
The life process evolves irreversibly and unidirectional along the space-time continuum.
Pattern and organization identify the man and reflect his innovative wholeness. And
Man is characterized by the capacity for abstraction and imagery, language and thought
sensation, and emotion.
Major Concepts
The following are the major concepts and meta paradigm of Martha Rogers’ nursing
Human-unitary human beings
A person is defined as an indivisible, pan-dimensional energy field identified by a pattern
and manifesting characteristics specific to the whole. That can’t be predicted from
knowledge of the parts. A person is also a unified whole, having its own distinct
characteristics that can’t be viewed by looking at, describing, or summarizing the parts.
Rogers defines health as an expression of the life process. The characteristics and
behaviour coming from the mutual, simultaneous interaction of the human and
environmental fields and health and illness are part of the same continuum. The multiple
events occurring during the life process show how a person is achieving his or her
maximum health potential. The events vary in their expressions from greatest health to
those incompatible with the maintaining life process.
Nursing It is the study of unitary, irreducible, indivisible human and environmental
fields: people and their world. Rogers claims that nursing exists to serve people, and the
safe practice of nursing depends on the nature and amount of scientific nursing
knowledge the nurse brings to his or her practice.
Scope of Nursing
Nursing aims to assist people in achieving their maximum health potential. Maintenance
and promotion of health, prevention of disease, nursing diagnosis, intervention, and
rehabilitation encompass the scope of nursing’s goals. Nursing is concerned with people-
all people-well and sick, rich and poor, young and old. The arenas of nursing’s services
extend into all areas where there are people: at home, at school, at work, at play, in
hospital, nursing home, and clinic; on this planet and now moving into outer space.
Environmental Field
“An irreducible, indivisible, pan-dimensional energy field identified by pattern and
integral with the human field.”
Energy Field
The energy field is the fundamental unit of both the living and the non-living. It provides
a way to view people and the environment as irreducible wholes. The energy fields
continuously vary in intensity, density, and extent.
Martha Rogers’ concepts provide a worldview from which nurses may derive theories
and hypotheses and propose relationships specific to different situations.
Rogers’ theory is not directly testable due to a lack of concrete hypotheses, but it is
testable in principle.
Rogers’ model does not define particular hypotheses or theories, for it is an abstract,
unified, and highly derived framework.
Testing the concepts’ validity is questionable because its concepts are not directly
The theory was believed to be profound and was too ambitious because the concepts are
extremely abstract.
Rogers claimed that nursing exists to serve people. However, nurses’ roles were not
clearly defined.
The purpose of nurses is to promote health and well-being for all persons wherever they
are. However, Rogers’ model has no concrete definition of a health state.
The Science of Unitary Human Beings is highly generalizable as the concepts and ideas
are not confined to a specific nursing approach, unlike the usual way of other nurse
theorists defining the major concepts of a theory.
Rogers gave much emphasis on how a nurse should view the patient. She developed
principles that emphasize that a nurse should view the client as a whole.
Her statements, in general, made us believe that a person and his or her environment are
integral to each other. A patient can’t be separated from his or her environment when
addressing health and treatment. Her conceptual framework has greatly influenced
nursing by offering an alternative to traditional nursing approaches.
Leininger’s model has developed into a movement in nursing care called transcultural
nursing. In 1995, Leininger defined transcultural nursing as “a substantive area of study and
practice focused on comparative cultural care (caring) values, beliefs, and practices of
individuals or groups of similar or different cultures with the goal of providing culture-
specific and universal nursing care practices in promoting health or well-being or to help
people to face unfavorable human conditions, illness, or death in culturally meaningful
Leininger proposes that there are three modes for guiding nurse’s judgments, decisions, or
actions in order to provide appropriate, beneficial, and meaningful care: preservation and/or
maintenance; accommodation and/or negotiation; and re-patterning and/or restructuring. The
modes have greatly influenced the nurse’s ability to provide culturally congruent nursing
care, as well as fostering culturally-competent nurses.
1. Care is the essence of nursing and a distinct, dominant, and unifying focus.
2. Caring is essential for well-being, health, healing, growth, and to face death.
3. Culture care is the broadest holistic means by which a nurse can know, explain, interpret,
and predict nursing care phenomena to guide nursing care practices.
4. Nursing is a transcultural, humanistic, and scientific care discipline and profession with the
central purpose to serve human beings worldwide.
5. Caring is essential to curing and healing. There can be no curing without caring.
6. Culture care concepts, meanings, expressions, patterns, processes, and structural forms of
care are different and similar among all cultures of the world.
7. Every human culture has lay care knowledge and practices and usually some professional
care knowledge and practices which vary transculturally.
8. Culture care values, beliefs, and practices are influenced in the context of a particular
culture. They tend to be embedded in such things as worldview, language, spirituality,
kinship, politics and economics, education, technology, and environment.
10. Culturally congruent nursing care can only happen when the patient, family, or
community values, expressions, or patterns are known and used appropriately, and in
meaningful ways by the nurse with the people.
11. Culture care differences and similarities between the nurse and patient exist in any human
culture worldwide.
12. Clients who experience nursing care that fails to be reasonably congruent with their
beliefs, values, and caring life ways will show signs of cultural conflicts, noncompliance,
stresses and ethical or moral concerns.
13. The qualitative paradigm provides new ways of knowing and different ways to discover
the epistemic and ontological dimensions of human care. The Culture Care Theory defines
nursing as a learned scientific and humanistic profession that focuses on human care
phenomena and caring activities in order to help, support, facilitate, or enable patients to
maintain or regain health in culturally meaningful ways, or to help them face handicaps or
Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory defined Nursing as “The act of assisting
others in the provision and management of self-care to maintain or improve human
functioning at the home level of effectiveness.” It focuses on each individual’s ability to
perform self-care, defined as “the practice of activities that individuals initiate and
perform on their own behalf in maintaining life, health, and well-being.”
There are instances wherein patients are encouraged to bring out the best in them despite
being ill for a period of time. This is very particular in rehabilitation settings, in which
patients are entitled to be more independent after being cared for by physicians and
nurses. Between 1959 and 2001, Dorothea Orem developed the Self-Care Nursing
Theory or the Orem Model of Nursing. It is considered a grand nursing theory, which
means the theory covers a broad scope with general concepts applicable to all instances
of nursing.
Major Concepts of the Self-Care Deficit Theory
In this section are the definitions of the major concepts of Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care
Deficit Theory:
Nursing is an art through which the practitioner of nursing gives specialized assistance to
persons with disabilities, making more than ordinary assistance necessary to meet self-
care needs. The nurse also intelligently participates in the medical care the individual
receives from the physician.
Humans are defined as “men, women, and children cared for either singly or as social
units” and are the “material object” of nurses and others who provide direct care.
The environment has physical, chemical, and biological features. It includes the family,
culture, and community.
Health is “being structurally and functionally whole or sound.” Also, health is a state that
encompasses both the health of individuals and groups, and human health is the ability to
reflect on oneself, symbolize experience, and communicate with others.
Self-care is the performance or practice of activities that individuals initiate and perform
on their own behalf to maintain life, health, and well-being.
From this perspective, caring is an innate human trait, the “human mode of being,” a part
of human nature, and essential to human existence.
Although all humans have the potential to care, this ability is not uniform.
Roach suggests that one’s own experience in being cared for and expressing caring
influences one’s ability to care.
The nurse’s educational experience professionalizes this caring through the acquisition
of knowledge and skills.
Despite this assertion that one’s ability to care is influenced by life experiences in being
cared for and in expressing caring, research that verifies this by examining the early
experiences of nurses has yet to test this relationship.
Alternatively, Leininger states that diverse expressions, meanings, patterns, and
modalities of caring are culturally derived. Attributes of professional caring, such as
Roach’s dimensions of compassion, competence, confidence, conscience, and
commitment, or Leininger’s 55 carative constructs, are derived from or have their focus
in caring. According to these definitions, the human trait of caring is the motivator of
nursing actions.
Benner and Wrubel concur that caring is the “basic way of being in the world” from
which all nursing practice evolves. They agree that one’s ability to care is enhanced by
learning and that differences in nursing practice reflect different levels of expertise in
understanding the meaning of the patients’ experiences of health and illness.
Similarly, Griffin views caring (and Orem considers self-care) as a human trait
underlying nursing practice.
However, Orem believes that caring consists of actions by others, which become
necessary when self-care requirements cannot be met.
The universal concept of care is extended by Ray, who examines the human aspects of
caring in the context of bureaucratic hospital organizations. Because all cultures have
developed social organizations to some degree, this description of caring is universally
apropos. Ray’s description of care encompasses a synthesis among political, economic,
legal, and technological aspects as well as humanistic dimensions of caring. As such, this
theory of “bureaucratic caring” has implications that extend beyond the nursing
The authors who define caring as an affect emphasize that the nature of caring extends
from emotional involvement with or an empathetic feeling for the patient experience. For
example, McFarlane states that caring “signifies a feeling of concern, of interest, of
oversight with a view to protection.”
Bevis considers caring to be a feeling of dedication, a feeling that motivates nursing
actions. It is a response that is primarily focused on increasing intimacy between the
nurse and the patient, which in turn enhances mutual self-actualization and consists of the
following four developmental stages: attachment, assiduity, intimacy, and confirmation,
each with its own tasks to be accomplished. Without successful progression through each
stage, caring does not take place; instead, it becomes “warped, non-functional or
stagnant” and it becomes distorted, changed, and “no longer caring.”.
From the perspective of caring as an affect (reflecting nursing as a female profession
with historical roots in religion), the nurse is moved to act selflessly without immediate
gratification or expectation of material reward.
The personal vulnerability of the nurse who becomes involved with a patient or
patient’s family as a result of an empathetic identification with the patient’s experience
can be potentially damaging to the nurse, but support
and recognition from colleagues may alleviate personal frustrations and maintain the
nurse’s ability to care.
Unfortunately, the effectual nature of caring may be jeopardized or devalued in some
situations. For example, constraints on nursing time (e.g., the increased demand for
technical skills), technological demands (e.g., the distraction of monitors), and
unattractive patient characteristics (e.g., rejecting or unresponsive behaviours) may
inhibit the development of a caring feeling toward the patient.
Furthermore, institutional incentive for the nurse to care is lacking and professional
socialization to remain objective, such as warnings not to get “too involved” with
patients, continues to contribute to the devaluation of the importance of caring as an
affect in nursing.
Although the authors have been classified, into the above categories on the basis of the
primary emphasis they have given to caring, many have also drawn links to other
categories. Other authors have described caring as a process that moves from one of the
categories in to another and not as a process that changes within an identified category.
For example, Leininger, who views caring as a human trait that motivates caring actions,
links her ideas concerning caring to the categories of therapeutic interventions and the
patient’s subjective experience? On the other hand, on the basis of an ethical foundation,
Gadow draws implications for caring in nurse–patient interactions using the nursing
actions of truth telling and touch and links the moral imperative to therapeutic
intervention. In other words, the subjective (rather than the objective) interaction between
the nurse and the patient results in a change in the patient’s subjective experience.
Watson’s theory fits into the moral imperative category, and as she sees the nurse–patient
relationship and how this affects health and healing, her theory is also linked to the
interpersonal relationship category. Again this extends to the patient’s subjective
experience, “restoring inner harmony and potential healing” of the patient. Many of these
linkages are ill-defined or implicit rather than clearly described. these inferences, the
outcome of caring in nursing is a change in the patient’s physical and psychological
experience through nursing actions and work. However, these linkages are often tenuous
and need further development.
Such approaches may have only limited usefulness in nursing, especially given the
evidence for the patient’s low valuing of the nurses’ affect. It is apparent that the concept
of caring has not yet matured beyond the stage of adolescence; it is imperative that
researchers mature and move forward to focus on the patient. Many questions are yet to
be answered about the therapeutic nature of caring. Can caring be nontherapeutic? Can a
nurse care too much? There is evidence that a nurse may become overinvolved with a
patient so that the nurse’s commitment to the patient as a person takes precedence over
the nurse’s commitment to the patient’s treatment goals. Consequently, the nurse may
serve to assist the patient to bend or to break institutional rules or to avoid therapy,
which, from a curative perspective, is not in the patient’s best interests. Alternatively, the
nurse may relish a caring relationship and foster patient dependency to meet his or her
own needs for caring, thus interfering with treatment goals that work toward patient
autonomy and health. These unseemly aspects of the caring relationship have yet to be
addressed by contemporary nurse theorists.
THE CONSEQUENCES OF CARING It is unquestionable that caring has limited
utility for meeting all patients’ needs. Gadow writes, “it is not that caring will achieve a
cure … it will not arrest pathology”; and Leininger notes that caring is a necessary but
insufficient condition for cure. Yet, conversely, can a cure be realized without caring?
Reflections on the efficacy of caring, on the health outcomes of caring actions, and, to
take this one step further, on quantifying caring and communicating caring
epidemiologically with morbidity and mortality, have not been attempted. A related
question is whether a nurse can provide safe practice without caring. Gadow notes that
sometimes it may be necessary to practice without care. It is paradoxical that for a nurse
to care, he or she must be embodied and totally immersed in the patient’s experience. Yet
to inflict pain an often necessary part of
any procedure the nurse must be disembodied from the pain experience. Paradoxically,
while the nurse is in this state of disembodiment, the suffering patient is immersed in the
experience, in a state of total embodiment. This introduces an important question as
follows: If nurses must become detached from caring to perform pain-inducing nursing
procedures, in other words, to nurse, how can caring retain its seminal, theoretic position
as the essence of nursing? Analysis of the concept of caring and the identification of the
five conceptualizations of care are important. The breadth of these conceptualizations,
whether caring is “only” an affect or whether caring may also encompass technical tasks
(as in nursing care), is significant for the critics who have difficulty seeing the clinical
relevance of caring as a concept and who for that reason have rejected the concept of
caring. Clearly, further conceptual development and refinement of caring are important.
The first desperately needed step is to develop a clear conceptualization of caring that
encompasses all aspects of nursing. Until this is accomplished, progress will be restricted.
The beginning moves away from the exclusive development of nurse-focused theories of
care to include patient-centered theory is significant. Until this move is developed until
patient outcomes of caring are considered caring will remain an inadequate and only
partially useful concept for nursing. Although caring has been called the glue that holds
nursing together, at this time it does not appear to have the pragmatic implications
necessary for the practice of nursing per se. In addition, none of the authors suggested or
developed a model that includes caring as a minor component. It was always suggested
that other constructs (e.g., Leininger’s care constructs and Watson’s carative factors)
might be a part of caring, not the reverse. Caring as a component of a more encompassing
construct, such as comfort, may be a perspective worthy of consideration.
In a closely related step, the focus of theory and research must shift to incorporate a focus
on the patient, asking, “What difference does caring make to the patient?” If caring
changes, the course of illness for the patient, then the concept may be useful enough to
retain its lofty position as the “essence of nursing.” If the question cannot be answered or
if a negative answer is forthcoming (i.e., a careless nurse can still provide satisfactory
care even in some conditions), then the concept of care is inappropriate or inadequate to
stand alone as the central or encompassing theory for nursing. As distressing as removing
caring as the central paradigm may seem, caring may not be totally discarded. Even if
caring is the main ingredient that makes nursing humanistic, what else is essential to
nursing? Clues are emerging as qualitative research increases and as patients’ “stories” or
case studies, such as those now published in the American Journal of Nursing, become
increasingly available. Thus far, this material has not contributed to the theory
development beyond Benner’s69 concept of the expert nurse, and inductive theory
development from these case histories is sorely needed. This approach can complement
the ongoing philosophic inquiry. Of special concern, discrepancies remain among the
various conceptualizations of care, especially between those who view caring as an
interaction process and those who view care as an intervention. The bedside nurses must
contend with the crosscurrents of these two divergent concepts of care competing for
their allegiance. Thus, the administrator’s goal is to achieve the tasks of nursing as
efficiently (i.e., quickly) and as economically (i.e., with minimal staff) as possible. It is
clear that tension may develop between these administrators and nurses who value caring
as an interpersonal interaction. Administrators seek to control nursing actions, to limit
caring time, and to require concrete, measurable outcomes to justify their actions, while
nurses beg for time for caring tasks (e.g., listening to the patient’s concerns) that do not
have solid, quantifiable outcomes other than patient satisfaction. Even in their own arena,
the bedside nurses do not have professional control of their own practice; consequently,
they may be forced to resort to deviant and defiant behaviours to maintain minimum
staffing levels and a safe and caring practice. Finally, although the divergent perspectives
of care and caring as described by the nurse theorists provide eclectic and diverse
conceptualizations that strengthen the concept, further development is needed.
Meanwhile, it is imperative that conceptualizations and theories of care and caring must
be debated, queried, and clarified so that the concept, when developed, will be applicable
to the art and science of nursing.
Providing the framework for nursing care, the nursing process consists of five
components, each of which follows logically one after the other:
• Assessment
• Nursing diagnosis
• Planning
• Implementation
• Evaluation.
It is important for the nurse to recognise that the process is ongoing and cyclical in that
each step relies on the step preceding and the step following. Shows diagrammatic
representation of the nursing process.
Nutrition and metabolism: Assessment is focused on the pattern of food and fluid
consumption relative to metabolic need. The adequacy of local nutrient supplies is evaluated.
Actual or potential problems related to fluid balance, tissue integrity, and host defences may
be identified as well as problems with the gastrointestinal system.
Activity and exercise: Assessment is focused on the activities of daily living requiring energy
expenditure, including self-care activities, exercise, and leisure activities. The status of major
body systems involved with activity and exercise is evaluated, including the respiratory,
cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal systems.
Cognition and Perception: Assessment is focused on the ability to comprehend and use
information and on the sensory functions. Data pertaining to neurological functions are collected
to aid this process. Sensory experiences such as pain and altered sensory input may be identified
and further evaluated.
Sleep and rest: Assessment is focused on the person's sleep, rest, and relaxation
practices. Dysfunctional sleep patterns, fatigue, and responses to sleep deprivation may
be identified. Self-perception and self-concept: Assessment is focused on the person's
attitudes toward self, including identity, body image, and sense of self-worth. The
person's level of self-esteem and response to threats to his or her self-concept may be
Roles and relationships: Assessment is focused on the person's roles in the world and
relationships with others. Satisfaction with roles, role strain, or dysfunctional
relationships may be further evaluated.
Sexuality and reproduction: Assessment is focused on the person's satisfaction or
dissatisfaction with sexuality patterns and reproductive functions. Concerns with
sexuality may he identified.
Coping and stress tolerance: Assessment is focused on the person's perception of stress
and on his or her coping strategies Support systems are evaluated, and symptoms of stress
are noted. The effectiveness of a person's coping strategies in terms of stress tolerance
may be further evaluated.
Values and belief: Assessment is focused on the person's values and beliefs (including
spiritual beliefs), or on the goals that guide his or her choices or decisions.
“Nursing is based on an art and science that molds the attitudes, intellectual competencies,
and technical skills of the individual nurse into the desire and ability to help people, sick or
well, cope with their health needs.”
Changed the focus of nursing from disease-centered to patient centered and began to
include families and the elderly in nursing care.
The nursing model is intended to guide care in hospital institutions but can also be applied
to community health nursing, as well.
Guides the nurse action in the art of nursing and specified four elements of clinical
nursing: philosophy, purpose, practice, and art.
Clinical nursing is focused on meeting the patient’s perceived need for help in a vision of
nursing that indicates considerable importance on the art of nursing.
10. Lydia E
Developed the Care, Cure, Core Theory is also known as the “Three Cs of Lydia Hall“
Hall defined Nursing as the “participation in care, core and cure aspects of patient care,
where CARE is the sole function of nurses, whereas the CORE and CURE are shared with
other members of the health team.” The major purpose of care is to achieve an
interpersonal relationship with the individual to facilitate the development of the core. The
“care” circle defines a professional nurse’s primary role, such as providing bodily care for
the patient. The “core” is the patient receiving nursing care. The “cure” is the aspect of
nursing that involves the administration of medications and treatments.
States in her Human-to-Human Relationship Model that the purpose of nursing was to
help and support an individual, family, or community to prevent or cope with the struggles of
illness and suffering and, if necessary, to find significance in these occurrences, with the
ultimate goal being the presence of hope.
She is the founder of the Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training Project
(NCAST), which produces and develops research based products, assessment, and training
programs to teach professionals, parents, and other caregivers the skills to provide nurturing
environments for young children.
Borrows from psychology and human development and focuses on mother-infant
interaction with the environment.
Contributed a close link to practice that has modified the way health care providers assess
children in light of the parent-child relationship.
Includes the profession’s goal, the beneficiary of the professional service, the role of the
professional, the source of the beneficiary’s difficulty, the intervention of the professional,
and the consequences.
The trio collaborated in the fourth edition of The Elements of Nursing: A Model for
Nursing Based on a Model of Living and prepared a monograph entitled The Roper-
Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing: Based on Activities of Daily Living.
“Patients have their own meanings and interpretations of situations, and therefore nurses
must validate their inferences and analyses with patients before drawing conclusions.”
Allows nurses to formulate an effective nursing care plan that can also be easily adapted
when and if any complexity comes up with the patient.
According to her, persons become patients requiring nursing care when they have needs for
help that cannot be met independently because of their physical limitations, negative
reactions to an environment, or experience that prevents them from communicating their
The role of the nurse is to find out and meet the patient’s immediate needs for help.
“Nursing is concerned with promoting health, preventing illness, caring for the sick, and
restoring health.”
Mainly concerns with how nurses care for their patients and how that caring progresses into
better plans to promote health and wellness, prevent illness and restore health.
Caring is central to nursing practice and promotes health better than a simple medical cure.
“Improved patient safety, infection control, reduction in medication errors, and overall
quality of care in complex bureaucratic health care systems cannot occur without knowledge
and understanding of complex organizations, such as the political and economic systems, and
spiritual-ethical caring, compassion and right action for all patients and professionals.”
Challenges participants in nursing to think beyond their usual frame of reference and
envision the world holistically while considering the universe as a hologram.
Presents a different view of how health care organizations and nursing phenomena
interrelate as wholes and parts in the system.
Attempts to assert and re-establish nurses’ caring practices when nurses are rewarded more
for efficiency, technical skills, and measurable outcomes.
States that caring practices are instilled with knowledge and skill regarding everyday
human needs.
Philosophy of Caring
“Nursing is founded on caring for life, on neighbourly love, […]At the same time, the nurse
must be professionally educated.”
Human beings are created and are beings for whom we may have administrative
“Caritative nursing means that we take ‘caritas’ into use when caring for the human being
in health and suffering […] Caritative caring is a manifestation of the love that ‘just exists’
[…] Caring communion, true caring, occurs when the one caring in a spirit of caritas
alleviates the suffering of the patient.”
The ultimate goal of caring is to lighten suffering and serve life and health.
Inspired many in the Nordic countries and used it as the basis of research, education, and
clinical practice.
Logically congruent, externally and internally consistent, has breadth and depth, and is
understood, with few exceptions, by professionals and consumers of health care.
In Roger’s Theory of Human Beings, she defined Nursing as “an art and science that is
humanistic and humanitarian.
The Science of Unitary Human Beings contains two dimensions: the science of nursing,
which is the knowledge specific to the field of nursing that comes from scientific research;
and the art of nursing, which involves using nursing creatively to help better the lives of the
patient. A patient can’t be separated from his or her environment when addressing health
and treatment.
In her Self-Care Theory, she defined Nursing as “The act of assisting others in the
provision and management of self-care to maintain or improve human functioning at the
home level of effectiveness.” Focuses on each individual’s ability to perform self-care.
Composed of three interrelated theories:
(3) the theory of nursing systems, which is further classified into wholly compensatory,
partially compensatory, and supportive-educative.
Focuses on this process to guide and direct nurses in the nurse-patient relationship, going
hand-in-hand with their patients to meet good health goals.
Explains that the nurse and patient go hand-in-hand in communicating information, set
goals together, and then take actions to achieve those goals.
The focus is on the client as a system (which may be an individual, family, group, or
community) and on the client’s responses to stressors.
In Adaptation Model, Roy defined nursing as a “health care profession that focuses on
human life processes and patterns and emphasizes the promotion of health for
individuals, families, groups, and society as a whole.”
Views the individual as a set of interrelated systems that strives to maintain a balance
between various stimuli.
The Behavioural System Model defined Nursing as “an external regulatory force that
acts to preserve the organization and integrate the patients’ behaviours at an optimum
level under those conditions in which the behaviour constitutes a threat to the physical
or social health or in which illness is found.”
Advocates to foster efficient and effective behavioural functioning in the patient to prevent
illness and stresses the importance of research-based knowledge about the effect of nursing
care on patients.
Describes the person as a behavioural system with seven subsystems: the achievement,
attachment-affiliative, aggressive-protective, dependency, ingestive, eliminative, and
sexual subsystems. caring.” Caring in nursing is “an altruistic, active expression of love,
and is the intentional and embodied recognition of value and connectedness.”
Transitions Theory
It began with observations of experiences faced as people deal with changes related to
health, well-being, and the ability to care for themselves.
Acknowledges the role of nurses as they help people go through health/illness and life
Describes the interaction between the nurse and the consumer while considering the role of the
health promotion environment.
It focuses on three areas: individual characteristics and experiences, behaviour-specific
cognitions and affect, and behavioural outcomes.
Describes the multidimensional nature of persons as they interact within their environment to
pursue health.
Involves learning and understanding various cultures regarding nursing and health-illness
caring practices, beliefs, and values to implement significant and efficient nursing care services
to people according to their cultural values and health-illness context.
It focuses on the fact that various cultures have different and unique caring behaviours and
different health and illness values, beliefs, and patterns of behaviours.
“Nursing is the process of recognizing the patient in relation to the environment, and it is the
process of the understanding of consciousness.”
“The theory of health as expanding consciousness was stimulated by concern for those for
whom health as the absence of disease or disability is not possible . . . “
Nursing is regarded as a connection between the nurse and patient, and both grow in the sense
of higher levels of consciousness.
Explains that a person is more than the sum of the parts, the environment, and the person is
inseparable and that nursing is a human science and art that uses an abstract body of
knowledge to help people.
“The uncertainty surrounding a chronic illness like cancer is the uncertainty of life writ
large. By listening to those who are tolerating this exaggerated uncertainty, we can learn
much about the trajectory of living.”
Provides a framework for nurses to understand how cancer patients stand uncertainty
manifested as a loss of control.
Provides new knowledge on how patients and families endure uncertainty and work
strategically to reduce uncertainty through a dynamic flow of illness events, treatment
situations, and varied players involved in care organization.
34. Georgene Gaskill Eakes, Mary Lermann Burke, and Margaret A. Hainsworth
“Chronic sorrow is the presence of pervasive grief-related feelings that have been found to
occur periodically throughout the lives of individuals with chronic health conditions, their
family caregivers and the bereaved.”
This middle-range theory defines the aspect of chronic sorrow as a normal response to the
ongoing disparity created by the loss.
Barker’s Tidal Model of Mental Health Recovery is widely used in mental health
It focuses on nursing’s fundamental care processes, is universally applicable, and is a
practical guide for psychiatry and mental health nursing.
Draws on values about relating to people and help others in their moments of distress. The
values of the Tidal Model are revealed in the Ten Commitments: Value the voice, Respect
the language, develop genuine curiosity, Become the apprentice, Use the available toolkit,
Craft the step beyond, Give the gift of time, reveal personal wisdom, know that change is
constant, and Be transparent.
“The birth of a baby is an occasion for joy—or so the saying goes […] But for some
women, joy is not an option.”
Described nursing as a caring profession with caring obligations to persons we care for,
students, and each other.
Theory of Caring
“Caring is a nurturing way of relating to a valued other toward whom one feels a personal
sense of commitment and responsibility.”
Offers a structure for improving up-to-date nursing practice, education, and research while
bringing the discipline to its traditional values and caring-healing roots.
Self-Transcendence Theory
Self-transcendence refers to the fluctuation of perceived boundaries that extend the person
(or self) beyond the immediate and constricted views of self and the world (Reed, 1997).
Has three basic concepts: vulnerability, self-transcendence, and well-being.
Gives insight into the developmental nature of humans associated with health
circumstances connected to nursing care.