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Session F4B

Application of Enhanced Analysis Model for Data

Mining Processes in Higher Educational System
Naeimeh Delavari
Faculty of Information Technology, Multimedia University (MMU), Cyberjaya, Malaysia

Dr. Mohammad Reza Beikzadeh1, Dr. Somnuk Phon-Amnuaisuk2

Abstract - One of the most important facts in higher To retain qualified in educational domain, a deep
education system is quality. It concerns with all the understanding of the knowledge hidden among the data is
circumstances that allow decision makers to better required. In today’s higher education lack of deep and enough
evaluate and enhance the higher educational knowledge among the processes such as evaluation,
organizations. One way to reach the highest level of quality counseling and etc, prevents management system from
in higher education systems is by improving the decision achieving this quality objective, so there has not been an
making procedures on the various processes such as efficient and effective use of their strategic resources yet. Data
planning, counseling, evaluation and so on. This can be mining techniques can be used to extract unknown pattern
achieved by utilizing the managerial decision makers with from the set of data and discover useful knowledge, which
valuable implicit knowledge, which is currently unknown would assist decision makers to improve the decision-making
to them. This knowledge is hidden among the educational and policy-making procedures. It results in extracting greater
data set and it is extractable through data mining value from the raw data set, and making use of strategic
technology. The meaningful knowledge, previously resources efficiently and effectively. It finally improves the
unknown and potentially useful information discovered quality of higher educational processes.
from raw educational data through data mining This paper demonstrates the ability of data mining in
techniques are used to assist decision makers to improve improving the quality of higher educational processes by
the decision-making procedure and to set more enhanced offering an enhanced version of newly proposed analysis
policies for the educational processes. model (DM_EDU) presented in [1, 2] used for the application
This paper is designed to first present and justify the of data mining in higher educational system. In addition to
capabilities of data mining in the context of higher that, our main contribution is considering the quality
education system by offering an enhanced version of a improvement of decision-making processes in one of the most
recently proposed analysis model (DM_EDU) by the important sections of our analysis model, “student
author, used for the application of data mining in higher assessment” under “evaluation” process applied in a real
educational system. Then one of the most important higher educational system to present how the discovered
sections of the model, “student assessment” sub-process knowledge can aid decision makers to improve decision-
under “evaluation” will be implemented in a real world making processes. The methodology is based on CRISP-DM
higher education, MMU in Malaysia, to present the ability methodology _ CRoss Industry Standard Process for Data
of data mining in discovering useful patterns. The final Mining [3]. The main objective is to assess students
result of this application aids managerial MMU decision performance in one of the major courses (computer
makers to improve decision-making processes. programming II) in faculty of Information Technology of
Multimedia University, using decision tree, one of the data
Index Terms – Data Mining, knowledge gap, classification, mining classification techniques integrated in IBM Intelligent
decision tree Miner tool.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2, briefly
INTRODUCTION explains the advantages of data mining technology in higher
educational system. Section 3, demonstrates and explains the
Nowadays many higher education systems generate mountains enhanced analysis model (DM_EDU). Section 4, emphasizes
of administrative data about students, courses, staff including on all the required processes of creating a reliable
lecturers, organizational personnel, managerial systems and so classification model of student assessment in course computer
on. This data is a strategic resource for higher educational programming II. The results obtained are discussed in section
institution. Making the most use of these strategic resources 5. Section 6, briefly concludes the whole paper and identifies
will lead to the main objective of higher educational system, the further works.
which is improving the quality of processes.

Faculty of Engineering, Multimedia University (MMU), Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Faculty of Information Technology, Multimedia University (MMU), Cyberjaya, Malaysia
0-7803-9141-1/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE July 7 – 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic
ITHET 6th Annual International Conference
Session F4B
DATA MINING ADVANTAGES IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL superior data mining goals. This model can also be used to
SYSTEM analyze the current work of data mining in higher educational
system [1, 2]. We can also identify the current gaps and
An item soon to be integrated in many higher educational further works in this area.
systems is adoption of data mining. It can be best explained as This model is made up of seven main processes, which
the process of extracting useful knowledge and information usually occur in most of the higher educational systems,
including, patterns, associations, changes, anomalies and including evaluation, planning, registration, consulting,
significant structures from a great deal of data stored in marketing, performance and examination. Each process can be
databases, data warehouses, or other information repositories categorized into some sub-processes. They are represented in
[4, 5, 6]. Prior to the great usages that this technology brings the first and second column of the model respectively. As an
into many application areas such as biomedical and DNA example,” evaluation”, is an educational process. Its main sub-
analysis [5, 7, 8], retail industry and marketing [5, 9], processes are “student assessment”, “lecturer assessment”,
telecommunications [5, 10], web Mining [11], computer “industrial training assessment”, “course assessment”, and
auditing [12], banking [5], fraud detection [10], financial “student registration evaluation”. “Planning” is another
industry [5] and medicine [13, 14], it recently has also been an educational process. Its main sub-processes are “course
interesting area of research in educational domain [15, 16, 17, planning”, “lecturer time table planning”,”academic planning”
18, 19]. and “alumni activity planning”.
Nowadays the important challenge that higher education
institutions face is reaching a stage to facilitate the universities The main idea in this model is identifying how each of
in having more efficient, effective and accurate educational these traditional processes can be improved through data
processes. Data mining is considered as the most suited mining techniques; therefore in the fourth column the
technology appropriate in giving additional insight into the enhanced processes achieved through data mining are
lecturer, student, alumni, manager, and other educational staff presented. The techniques appropriate in achieving these
behavior and acting as an active automated assistant in helping enhanced processes are also presented in the last column. The
them to make better decisions on their educational activities. result of such application is implicit knowledge, which is
As discussed before, lack of deep and enough implicit presented, in the third column of the model.
knowledge in higher educational system may prevent system Table 1, presents part of new enhanced (DM_EDU)
management to achieve their quality objectives. Data mining model, but because of the space limitation the whole model
technology can help in bridging this knowledge gaps in higher cannot be pasted in this paper. As shown in the model one of
educational system. Therefore the hidden patterns, association the new enhanced processes that data mining brings to higher
and anomalies, which are discovered by some data mining educational system is enhancing “Student Examination” sub-
techniques, can be used to improve the effectiveness, process under “Examination” main process. Using some
efficiency and the speed of the processes. As a result, this association techniques like Apriori [20] applied on the set of
improvement may bring a lot of advantages to the higher student examination record grade and the lecturer performance
educational system such as maximizing educational system and the academic activities, we can associate the exam level
efficiency, decreasing student's drop-out rate, increasing with lecturer class performance. The knowledge that can be
student's promotion rate, increasing student's retention rate, extracted from this process would be the relation of exam
increasing student's transition rate, increasing educational level with lecturer performance and his/her academic activities
improvement ratio, increasing student's success, increasing in the class. The output presents how the performance of the
student's learning outcome, and reducing the cost of system lecturers in the class would vary with student exam level, or
processes. In order to achieve the above quality improvement, what activities the lecture should have done to increase the
we need a data mining system that can provide the needed exam level grade with highest support and confidentiality.
knowledge and insights for the decision makers in the higher Another example is enhancing the “Student assessment”
educational system. We have analyzed such a system and in sub-process under “Evaluation” main process. Using some
the next section we will present and describe portion of classification techniques like decision tree, or artificial neural
enhanced analysis model for these systems. network applied on the set of student and lecturer’s academic
and personal information, in an specific course, we are enable
THE ENHANCED PROPOSED ANALYSIS MODEL FOR USING to classify students into various groups of successful and
DATA MINING IN HIGHER EDUCATION unsuccessful students. Therefore the knowledge that can be
extracted from this process is the patterns of previously
In this section we present our enhanced version of newly successful and unsuccessful students. By identifying these
proposed analysis model (DM_EDU) [1, 2] to represent the students known, we are able to decide which type of students
superior advantages of data mining technology in higher are more successful than others and provide academic help for
educational system. This model can be used as a guideline or those who are less likely to be successful.
roadmap for the application of data mining in higher After demonstrating DM_EDU, an enhanced data mining
educational system. Higher educational system can use this model in higher education in table 1, in the next section we
model to identify which part of their processes can be present the processes done for the implementation of student
improved through data mining and how they achieve their assessment sub-process in MMU.
0-7803-9141-1/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE July 7 – 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic
ITHET 6th Annual International Conference
Session F4B
Main Components of the DM_EDU Model _ Enhanced Version

Main Sub-Process Knowledge Enhanced or New Process Trough Data Data Mining
Process Mining Function
◘ The patterns of previous student's learning ◘ Predicting student learning outcome ►Prediction
outcome ◘ Creating meaningful learning outcome ►Clustering
◘ Prediction of learning outcome typology in combination with their length of
◘ The pattern of previous student’s successful or ◘ Grouping students into groups of successful ► Classification
unsuccessful in a specific course. and unsuccessful in an specific course
◘ the success patterns of high achieved student in a
◘ The patterns of students who show weak test score ◘ Predicting Likelihood of success ►Prediction
◘ The characteristic pattern of high student achiever
◘ The patterns of previous students which were
likely to be good in a given major
◘ The success patterns of previous similar student ◘ Predicting Likelihood of persistence ► Prediction,
◘ Prediction of likelihood of persistence Clustering
◘ The patterns of previous successful and ◘ Predicting percentage accuracy which ►Prediction,
unsuccessful graduates student will or will not graduate Clustering
◘ Prediction of graduation rate ◘ Predicting graduation rate in every trimester
Student ►Prediction
assessment ◘ The patterns of previous students who planned for ◘ Predicting situations to act before student ►Prediction
dropping subject plan to drops out
◘ Prediction of drop-out rate ◘ Predicting drop-out rate in coming trimester ►Prediction
◘ The patterns of previous students who planned for ◘ Predicting situations to act before student ►Prediction
resource allocation plan for resource allocation
◘ The patterns of previous male and female students ◘ Associating student personal information ► Association
in test score (gender, race, age, marital status, nationality)
◘ Association of student personal information with with test score
test score
◘ The success patterns of previous students who ◘ Predicting likelihood of transferability ► Prediction
previously had transferred subjects
Evaluation ◘ Prediction of the likelihood of transferability
◘ The patterns of previous students attendance in ◘ Associating student course taken ► Association
accordance with test score information with their test score
◘ Association of student attendance rate and test
◘ Association of student health information and test ◘ Associating student health information with ► Association
score their test score
◘ The characteristic patterns of previous lecturers ◘ Predicting most effective lecturers in a year ► Prediction,
which were more effective than others in accordance with learning outcome Classification
Lecturer ◘ Previous lecturers patterns in accordance with ◘ Associating lecturer training with their ► Association
assessment students test score level student test score
◘ Association of lecturer training with student test
◘ The Patterns of most cost-effective courses ◘ Predicting courses which are most cost- ► Prediction
◘ Cluster of most cost-effective courses to be ◘ Grouping the courses are to be offered ►Clustering
offered together together to be most cost-effective
◘ The patterns of courses who offered previously to ◘ Classifying which courses or curriculum ►Classification
different type of students work best for which type of student over time
◘ Classification of course to various student ◘ Associating the courses or curriculum with
Course ◘ Association of courses to various type of students various type of student ►Association
assessment ◘ The patterns of previous student test score ◘ Predicting factors which are most affected in ► Prediction
associated with their gender, race, attendance and so test score
◘ Prediction of factors most affected in test score
◘ The patterns of programs (courses) which produce ◘ Predicting how many programs (courses) ►Prediction
greatest return and investment in terms of student produce greatest return and investment in
learning in coming year terms of student learning in coming year
◘ Prediction of programs produce the greatest return
in terms of student learning outcome
◘ The patterns of previous training course for ◘ Classifying the most suitable training course ►Classification
Industrial different type of student for different type of student
training ◘ Classification of training course to various student
assessment ◘ Association of training course with various type ◘ Associating the training course with various ►Association
of student type of student
0-7803-9141-1/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE July 7 – 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic
ITHET 6th Annual International Conference
Session F4B
Main Components of the DM_EDU Model _ Enhanced Version (Continued)

◘ The patterns of previous students who were taking ◘ Predicting what type of students are most ► Prediction
Student various subjects likely to take particular type of subjects
Registration course ◘ Association of student to the most appropriate ◘ Associating student with various type of ►Association
registration subject subject
◘ Classification of student to the most appropriate ◘ Classifying student to the most appropriate ► Classification
subject subject during their studies
◘ Association of student performance with CGPA ◘ Associating student performance with ► Association
◘ Association of student performance with their ◘ Associating student performance with their ► Association
academic attitude academic attitude
◘ Association of student performance with project ◘ Associating student performance with ► Association
mark project mark
◘ Association of student performance with lecturer ◘ Associating student performance with ► Association
satisfaction lecturer satisfaction
◘ Association of student performance with planned ◘ Associating student performance with ► Association
course planned courses (Time table, sequence of
◘ Association of student attendance with class ◘Associating student attendance with class ► Association
situation situation (Time, Venue)
Student ◘ Association of student course mark and time and ◘ Associating student course mark with class ► Association
performance venue of classes situation (Time, Venue)
◘ Association of student location with time and ◘ Associating student location with class ► Association
venue of class situation situation (Time)
◘ Association of student location with class ◘ Associating student location with class ► Association
Performance attendance attendance
◘ Classification of student to the time and venue of ◘ Classifying student to the most appropriate ► Classification
various classes time and venue for various classes
◘ The success pattern of high performed student ◘ Predicting the likelihood of high performed ► Prediction
who are having low CGPA student who are having low CGPA
◘ The success pattern of high performed student ◘ Predicting the likelihood of high performed ► Prediction
which are having bad attitude student which are having bad attitude
◘ The success pattern of good performed student ◘ Predicting the likelihood of good performed ► Prediction
with low lecturer satisfaction student with low lecturer satisfaction
◘ Association of lecturer who are not teaching well ◘ Associating lecturer who are not teaching ► Association
with student test score well with student test score
◘ Association of lecturer who cancel the class ◘ Associating lecturer who cancel the class ► Association
frequently with student test score frequently with student test score
Lecturer ◘ Association of lecturer performance with their ◘ Associating lecturer performance with their ► Association
performance attitude attitude
◘ Association of lecturer personal information with ◘ Associating lecturer personal information ► Association
his/her performance and his/her performance in the class
◘ Association lecturer background and his/her ◘ Associating lecturer performance with ► Association
performance his/her background
◘ Associating lecturer with course background ◘ Associating lecturer with course background ► Association
Student ◘ Association of exam level with student mark ◘ Associating exam level with student mark ► Association
Examination examination ◘ Association of exam level with lecturer class ◘ Associating exam level with lecturer class ► Association
performance performance
Student ◘ The patterns of previous students behavior in an ◘ Predicting student problem behavior pattern ► Prediction,
behavioral academic environment ◘ Predicting behavior of population cluster ► Clustering,
consulting ◘ Cluster of various student characteristic ◘ Clustering to offer comprehensive Prediction
characteristic analysis of student ► Clustering
Counseling ◘ The patterns of previous student who were good ◘ Associating student to the most appropriate ► Association
Program in a given program program
selection ◘ Association of student and the most appropriate ◘ Classifying student to the most appropriate ► Classification
counseling program available program in the university
◘ Classification of student to the existing programs

CREATING A CLASSIFICATION MODEL OF STUDENT Based on the first phase of CRISP methodology, we have
ASSESSMENT IN COMPUTER PROGRAMMING II set our main objective to be improving student assessment
sub-process in course computer programming II. The reason
In order to create a reliable classification modeling, the CRISP of selecting student assessment sub-process is that each single
methodology [3] is followed. It starts from understanding student is considered as an asset in higher educational system,
higher education objective, understanding the educational and educational domain has to put a great attempt in providing
data, preparing the data, and then ends up with modeling and the highest investment on their talents, abilities, efforts, and
evaluation. interests while offering courses, therefore our concentration is
0-7803-9141-1/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE July 7 – 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic
ITHET 6th Annual International Conference
Session F4B
on how to best assess student to improve their achievement in example: student grade, student number of failure in perquisite
various courses. Since a wide range of courses are offered to course) among the data. The outcome can be used to predict
student during their study period in the university, we select the correct class label to previously unseen and unlabeled
course computer programming II, one of the major subjects student objects. The algorithm applied on the set of data is
for student in faculty of Information Technology, which is decision tree [4, 5, 21] therefore the result is presented in
also a the requisite for many other courses. Therefore if they terms of a binary tree. There are many reasons of using
are improved in this course, the probability of getting decision tree in this application since it is relatively fast, it can
successful in other courses will improve. be converted to simple and easy classification rule, it can be
The second phase is data understanding. This phase starts converted to SQL queries for accessing database, and it
with initial data collection and proceeds with describing, obtains similar or better accuracy in compassion with other
exploring and verifying data quality to get familiar with the classification techniques. Decision tree is applied using the
data, discovering first insight into data and identifying data SLIQ (Supervised Learning in Quest) algorithm [22] because
quality problem. In our analysis, the data are about the it is a fast scalable classifier for data mining which Improves
students who have been taking computer programming I (the learning time, produce smaller tree, has small execution time
pre-requisite for computer programming II) and computer for large datasets and attribute, produce good accuracy, allow
programming II, the lecturer who have been teaching large disk resident data, scalability graphs for data set and
computer programming II, personal and academic information attribute are nearly linear [22]. Among all the data mining
of the lecturer and students, specific information about the tools, IBM Intelligent Miner 8.0 is used since it has the ability
course at the time of offering, and the situations turn out in the to deliver measurable result, it provides a wide range of
time when the lecturer was teaching the course. algorithms, which have been proven, it mines against very
The third phase is data preparation. It covers all the large database and it is scalable in supporting for multiple
activities, which construct the final data set that will be fed platforms.
into modeling technique. In this phase those attributes related In the next section, the result obtained from student
to data mining goal are selected based on expert knowledge, assessment model will be explained.
then the various operation including data integrating, data
cleaning and data constructing are applied on the set of data.
In data integration phase, the information about the students, RESULT OBTAINED FROM MODELING
lecturers and courses stored in various tables are merged to
have different information about lecturer and student course
performance, academic and personal information of lecturers Since the output is the result of decision tree training
gathered together for each single student object. By cleaning modeling, therefore we require interpreting and generating
the data various inconsistent value are fixed, such as the explanation, which is understandable by humanity. Therefore
different way of coding attribute value of the obtained decision tree is translated into rules. According to
“LECT_ACAD_INSTITUTION” which are having the same the limited space in this paper, below we explain one
meaning, or “LECT_SPECIALITY” which is entered in both interesting rules among the various rules obtained.
local and English language in the various period of time. In This rule has a purity of 55.6%. It represents the 22%
data construction operation, the production of derived (841students) of the total number of students. This rule is
attributes and single attributes transformation are performed. important because it provides new information. From the total
For example, some of the new derived attributes are, the number of students (841 students), 55.6% (468) are classified
period left to lecturers work permit expiry at the time they as “Successful”. The other students (44.4%, 373 students) are
were teaching the subject or lecturer’s marital status and the classified as “Unsuccessful”. The translation of rules into
period passed or left to their marriage at the time of teaching common language states that the students are successful in
course. Single attribute transformation is done while the value 55.6% of the cases where the following conditions apply:
of a single attributes are transformed into their real value, such • Student race is either Chinese or other expatriate
as STUD_RACE = ‘1’ which is transformed to STUD_RACE • Students are not having any sponsor from university or
= ‘CHINESE’. Since the student success is going to be other external funding
identified, therefore the modeling technique requires a new • Lecturers who have undertaken course teaching are not
attribute considering student successfully and unsuccessfully borne in Bristol in England, Oran in Algeria, Petaling
among the set of historical data. Therefore by considering Jaya, Perak, Jelebu and Teluk Intan in Malaysia,
student failure, grade and performance, their success can be Bangladesh, Ibrid in Jordan, Tehran in Iran.
derived as a class label. • Student degree is either software engineering, data
Based on the data prepared in the previous phase the communication, multimedia system, information System
fourth phase is modeling. Among the modeling functions Engineering, software engineering and game design,
classification is best suited in reaching our data mining goal, bachelor of accounting, bachelor of information
since it can be used to find the relationship between a specific technology (AI)
variable (for example: student race), the target variable (for
• Student citizen is other than Sudanese, Pakestani, African,
example: student success status) and other variables (for
Sri Lankan
0-7803-9141-1/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE July 7 – 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic
ITHET 6th Annual International Conference
Session F4B
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0-7803-9141-1/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE July 7 – 9, 2005, Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic

ITHET 6th Annual International Conference

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