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ED 474 143 HE 035 676

AUTHOR Luan, Jing

TITLE Data Mining and Knowledge Management in Higher Education
Potential Applications.
PUB DATE 2002-06-00
NOTE 19p.; Paper presented at the Annual Forum for the Association,
for Institutional Research (42nd, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
June 2-5, 2002).
PUB TYPE Reports Descriptive (141) Speeches/Meeting Papers (150)
EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.
DESCRIPTORS *Cluster Analysis; Data Analysis; *Decision Support Systems;
*Educational Planning; *Prediction; *Reentry Students
IDENTIFIERS *Data Mining; *Knowledge Management

This paper introduces a new decision support tool, data
mining, in the context of knowledge management. The most striking features of
data mining techniques are clustering and prediction. The clustering aspect
of data mining offers comprehensive characteristics analysis of students,
while the predicting function estimates the likelihood for a variety of
outcomes, such as transferability, persistence, retention, and success in
classes. Compared to traditional analytical studies that are often hindsight
and aggregate in nature, data mining is forward looking and is oriented to
individual students. A real life project presents the work of data mining in
predicting the possibility of return to school for every student currently
enrolled at a community college in Silicon Valley. The project applies neural
network techniques and two rule induction algorithms, C&RT and C5.0, to
choose the best prediction followed by a clustering analysis using TwoStep.
The list of students who are predicted as less likely to return to school by
data mining is then turned over to faculty and management for direct and
indirect intervention. The paper also discusses potential applications of
data mining in higher education. The benefits of data mining are its ability
to gain deeper understanding of the patterns previously unseen using current
available reporting capacities. In addition, prediction from data Mining
allows the college an opportunity to act before a student drops out or to
plan for resource allocation with confidence gained from knowing how many
students will transfer or take a particular course. An appendix discusses
Cross Industry Standard Procedures for Data Mining. (Contains 4 tables and 10
references.) (Author/SLD)

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What is data mining?

Where does data mining tit in the context of Knowledge Management?
What is a backpropogating neural net, entropy, decision tree?
How to transfer data mining techniques developed for the corporate world to
higher education?
Which data mining model is the best for predicting a student's chance of
persistence? Retention? Success?
Who are the ones that are transferring or dropping out?
Read on...


Jing Luan, Ph.D., ITM

This paper introduces a brand new and powerful decision support tool, data mining, in the
context of knowledge management. Among other things, the most striking features of
data mining techniques are clustering and prediction. The clustering aspect of data
mining offers comprehensive characteristics analysis of students, while the predicting
function estimates the likelihood for a variety of outcomes of them,, such as
transferability, persistence, retention and success in classes. Compared to traditional
analytical studies that are often hindsight and aggregate, data mining is forward looking
and is oriented to individual students.

A real life project presents the work of data mining in predicting the possibility of
returning to school for every student currently enrolled at a community college in Silicon
Valley. The project applies neural network, C&RT and C5.0 to choose the best prediction
followed by a clustering analysis using Two Step. The list of students who are predicted
as less likely to return to school by data mining is then turned over to faculty and
management for direct or indirect intervention.

The paper also discusses potential applications of data mining in higher education. The
benefits of data mining are its ability to gain deeper understanding of the patterns
previously unseen using current available reporting capabilities. Further, prediction from
data mining allows the college an opportunity to act before a student drops out or to plan
for resource allocation with confidence gained from knowing how many students will
transfer or take a particular course.

Presentation at AIR Forum, Toronto, Canada

Copyright , , 2002.
Data Mining and Knowledge Management in Higher Education
-Potential Applications


An item soon to be high on the agenda for researchers and administrators in higher
education is the adoption of data mining. Higher education will find larger and wider
applications for data mining than its counterpart in the business sector, because higher
education institutions carry three (3) duties that are data mining intensive: scientific
research that relates to the creation of knowledge, teaching that concerns with the
transmission of knowledge, and institutional research that pertains to the use of
knowledge for decision making. All the above tasks are well within the boundaries of
Knowledge Management, which drives the need for better and faster decision making
tools and methods. Scientific research in chemistry, physics and the like uses data mining
for pattern recognition and cluster detection. Using data bits collected from precision
measuring tools for this type of research, no matter how large the dataset, is not nearly as
challenging as the other type of scientific research: social sciences, psychology, where
researchers encounter missing data, fuzzy measurements and unavailable attributes. Chief
among them is Institutional Research. Other entities that have suddenly found the
elevated applications of data mining, such as the FBI for behavior pattern identification,
have indeed opened an exciting chapter for the wide use of data mining in general and
higher education in particular. This white paper is written for researchers with
intermediate data mining knowledge in mind, but beginning users will definitely find it
informative. Readers in businesses outside higher education will also find it useful.

Knowledge Management Driving Data Mining

Several authors have written about the factors behind the dawn of data mining. For
instance, Therling (1995) identified three (3) reasons: The ease of data collection and
storage, the computing power of modern processors, and the
One Knowledge Base
Mining Knowledge Workers

Middleware Portals °IS Two Collaborative Working

CRM Environment (CWE)

Data Warehouses Knowledge
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Mapping

Tacit Knowledge
Explicit Knowledge

Figure One. Tiered Knowledge Management Model (TKMM).

for fast and real time data mining. Yet, one important reason absent from these is the
growing interest in Knowledge Management. Knowledge, a focal point of ontology or

Presentation at AIR Forum, Toronto. Canada

2002. 1

epistemology, is the product of moving from data to information and finally to
knowledge. The following model, Tiered Knowledge Management Model (TKMM)
developed by Jing Luan (2000, 2002) illustrates the dichotomous nature of modern
knowledge management framework for higher education research professionals.

The components of Knowledge Management are Explicit (documented, measurable) and

Tacit (subjective, qualitative). Documented, measurable explicit knowledge is most
familiar and available to us, as it exists mostly in databases and other similar medium.
While tacit knowledge, an entity of feelings, personalities and aptitudes (Crow ly, 2000;
Davenport & Prusak, 1998) is crucially important, but it is hard to quantify and is not the
focus of this thesis. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and portals are the
mechanisms that make both types of knowledge work together for a business purpose. All
three components in CRM, operational, analytical and collaborative, are key users of data

On the Explicit side, data mining reflects the highest level of knowledge attainment that
requires skills in data domain (Tier One), data querying and presentation (Tier Two) and
artificial intelligence/machine learning (Tier Three). Data mining occupies the top tier
and is dependant on the lower tiers. The following chart is a topology of the Explicit.
Knowledge of TKMIVI that illustrative in detail the relationships among three tiers and
the software programs for each:

Mining :
Clementine, Enterprise Miner. Statistica
Mineset, Darwin, SpotFire
Classical statistics

BrioQuery, Business Objects, PowerPlay
Access, Foxpro
Online Data Processing:

Data Engines
SQL Server, Oracle. Informix, Sybase, UniData, DB2

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

PeopleSoft, Datatel, SAP, Oracle, Banner

Figure Two. Topography of Tiered Knowledge Management Model (TKMM) for explicit knowledge

Data Mining Definitions

The definition from Gartner Group seems to be most comprehensive, as they define data
mining as "the process of discovering meaningful new correlations, patterns, and trends
by sifting through large amounts of data stored in repositories and by using pattern

Copyright 2002. 25 Presentation at AIR Forum. Toronto, Cztaada

recognition technologies as well as statistical and mathematical techniques." The author
has refined the notion of data mining for higher education to be a process of uncovering
hidden trends and patterns that lend them to predicative modeling using a combination of
explicit knowledge base, sophisticated analytical skills and academic domain knowledge.
Itis producing new observations from existing observations. Or, as explained by
Rubenking (2001), "data mining is the process of automatically extracting useful
information and relationships from immense quantities of data. In its purest form, data
mining doesn't involve looking for specific information. Rather than starting from a
question or a hypothesis, data mining simply finds patterns that are already present in the

Applications of Data Mining in Higher Education

What are the transferable techniques in data mining that are readily applicable in higher
education? In fact, there are many. Algorithms are similar in concept to stored procedures
in object related programming in that they are universally applicable. Almost all
algorithms or models currently used in the business sector are directly usable for research
in higher education, especially in institutional research.

The table below is a typical translation of the type of data mining questions applicable for
use in higher education.

Table One: Data mining questions in the business sector and their counterpart in the
higher education sector:
Bottom-line Questions in the Business World Counter-part Questions in Higher Education

Who are my most profitable customers? Who are the students taking most credit hours?

Who are my repeat website visitors? Who are the ones likely to return for more classes?

Who are my loyal customers? Who are the persisters at our university/college?

Who is likely to increase his/her purchases? Which alumnus is likely to donate/pledge more?
What type of courses can we offer to attract more
What clients are likely to defect to my rivals?

One way of understanding what data mining can usually bring to the filed of higher
education is to use Gain Charts. The chart below is a Lift chart, one of the most
frequently used tools to examine the effectiveness and benefits of conducting data
mining. For example, if certain alumni contribution patterns are identified for an
institution with 50,000 alums who each contributes $100 a year, just one percent increase
can mean $50,000. The amount will greatly increase if generous contributors are better
identified. This is the so- called One Percent Doctrine (Luan, 2000). To further illustrate
the point of gains in data mining, the following gain chart (one type of lift charts) uses a
hypothetical alumni pledge mailing.

, 2002. 3 Presentation at AIR Forum --,nto. Canada

The lift is the difference of using or not using data mining techniques. The equation is
Lift = P(classtisample)/P(classdpopulation), where probability of P is a function of the
purposely selected biased sample from the general population.

Gain Chart showing the benefit of Data Mini niz:

In a hypothetical mass mailing for alumni pledge,

set the dotted line to be the optimal return rate
(alumni sending in contributions) as predicated by
data mining and the straight 45-degree line the
80% result if the entire population received the mailing.
If data mining were used, when the mailing reached
about 30th percentile of the population predicted to
be "responsive", 80% of them would have
responded vs. 40% without data mining. If every
40% percentage point = $2,500, savings =(70% * $2,500)
(30% * $2,500) = $175,000 - $75,000 =
$100,000). Without data mining, it would cost
$100,000 more to reach all 80%.

30th percentile 70th percentile

Figure Three: Lift chart showing the benefits of data mining for alumni pledge.


Everything is data, but data isn't everything. Therefore, in a data rich society in which we
increasingly find ourselves in, there are a myriad of opportunities for data mining. There
are several ways to examine the potential applications of data mining. One is to start with
the functions of the algorithms to reason what they can be utilized for. Another is to
examine the areas of an institution where data are rich, but mining activities are scarce.
And another is to examine the different functions of a university or college to identify the
needs that can translate themselves into data mining projects.

Some of the most likely places where data miners (institutional researchers who wear this
hat) may initiate data mining projects are:
Institutional Effectiveness
Enrollment Management

All universities are committed to alumni management, but not all of them are using the
best tools. Data mining is this area can potentially help identify those who are most likely
to donate or participate in alumni related activities. For big donors, data miners can use
the method of treating outliers.

Institutional Effectiveness, synonymous with assessment of learning, but perhaps larger,

is having sweeping impact on higher education. How do students learn best? What
courses are often taken together? What learning experiences are most contributive to

Copyright . %, 2002. 4 Presentation at AIR Forum, Toronto, Canada

overall learning outcomes? These intriguing questions are good candidates for data
mining. National organizations are moving quickly into this field. Nationally well known
projects, such as NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) and its sister CCSSE
(Community College Survey of Student Engagement), CSEQ (College Student
Experience Questionnaire) have accumulated enough data that quickly resemble
situations in the private industry where huge amount of consumer feedback becomes
fertile grounds for clustering and predictive modeling.

Marketing is in a state of revival in higher education. As modalities of delivering learning

have changed from "only game in town" to "anywhere, anytime", institutions began to
find themselves locked in a semi-fierce to fierce competition. Who else has the college
not reached? Who may be interested in receiving more information in a particular
program area? Marketing, powered by data mining, may provide just the right amount of
"lift" to bring in more enrollments.

As colleges and universities reexamine themselves, a painful experience by all means,

enrollment management will be re-engineered and re-invented. Enrollment management
was met with a variety of realistic challenges in the late 80s because it could not find the
speed and tools to quickly identify the prospective student, to pin-pointed the time when
a student may drop out and to meet the needs for services as quickly as students would
desire. With data mining, web technology, and future Learner Relationship Management
(LRM), enrollment management is once again poised to becoming a key player in higher

A Case Study of Predicting and Clustering Persisters and Non-persisters

In both four year and two-year institutions, as a matter of choice, persistence has become
an indicator of academic performance and enrollment' management. In a broad sense,
more students who persist means better academic programs and higher revenue.
Therefore, one of the tasks important to an institution's management and its faculty is to
identify those students who are less likely to return from semester to semester. Having
these students identified soon enough for the institution to tailor its interventions and
marketing strategies will greatly enhance the persistence rate. Various types of studies
exist to analyze cohort based persistence patterns and rates. However, it remains an
illuminating task to be able to predict a currently enrolled student's likelihood of
returning to school the next term. The ability to accomplish this will most certainly give
the institution a jumpstart.

With the experience in building and maintaining one of the first higher education college
based data warehouses dating back to the early 90s, the author chose a typical community
college data warehouse on the west coast for this project. The project (notice it is not
called a "study") chose a recent semester (fall 2000) as the end term in the dataset.
Although many fields within a dataset could be either output or input (bi-directional)
field, the first task was to decide on a primary output field for this data mining task. The
action of students who either re-enrolled or did not re-enroll the next term (spring 2001)
became the output field with "P" to denote persisters and "NP" non-persisters. Using a

Copyright by 2002. 5 Presentation at AIR Forum. Toronto, Canada

technique developed by Knowledge Discovery Laboratory, the data were split evenly
across the fields into a training set and a test set.

Following Steps for Data Mining Data Preparation developed by the author (see
appendix) and the principals of CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Process for Data
Mining), the author built two datasets (feature sets) with one for testing and the other for
validation. Data mining is an iterative process and identifying patterns is even more so.
The process was two-fold. First, train the models using the datasets with several different
algorithms jointly, called "bagging" to identify one or two models that consistently
produced optimal predictions on existing data. The use of several techniques to cross
validate particular extrapolatives, including classical statistical techniques, is a
recommended approach. Secondly, the project brought in brand new data from the
current semester for actual scoring. The actual process to build the dataset took three
weeks, as both the time span of the dataset and the sheer number of fields (n=164) with
many calculated were pushing the limit of the available software and hardware. Having to
spend a disproportionate amount of time on building datasets is typical of data mining
projects of which a data mining research professional must be mindful.

The following is a partial list of the groups of features (fields) selected for this case study.
They are:
Demographics: Age, Gender, Ethnicity, High School, Zip Codes, Planned
Employment Hours, Residence, Education Status at Initial Enrollment
Total Transfer, Vocational, Basic Skills, Science, Liberal Arts Courses Taken
Number of Courses Taken by Department
Total Units Earned, and Grade Points by Course Type

Clementine, an award winning software by SPSS Inc. enjoys the reputation for being the
easiest to deploy and one that has incorporated major data mining models in its tool chest.
The project chose Clementine as the data mining software precisely for this area of
strengths. Experiences led the author to use Neural Networks (NN) and two rule
induction algorithms, C5.0 and C&RT, to compare models and to compliment the
scoring. The Type node in Clementine automatically instantiated the field type
appropriately. Since half of the records were persisters and half were not, there was no
need to balance the dataset within itself.

Artificial neural networks (ANN) are synonymous with data mining, therefore it is a good
starting place for using an ANN architecture to illustrate the basic data mining model as
well as the various relationships in the model. Figure Three is a typical backpropagating
neural network, also called Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP).

Expressed in a mathematical formula, the model is

01 = f (n
Zoiwii , where

f (x) = - (1+e-x)-2 e-x(- 1)

Copyright 2002. 6 Presentation at AIR Forum, Toronto, Canada

where o is the outcome, xi is the input vector, wi is the weight, which is set at random by
the model upon first feed. Some of the input fields (vectors) are in groups, while others
are single fields. The output contains two outcomes of P and NP. The hidden layer
performs the summation and constantly adjusts the weights until it reaches an optimal
threshold, which then determines the outcome for a record (Carson, 1998). In this case,
the features of Number of Terms Enrolled, GPA, and so on are inputs. The model adjusts
its weights repeatedly until it deems optimal or is stopped by the researcher. The actual
model used by the project contained two hidden layers, which is explained later.

Synaptic weights

Xi Number of Terms Enri'd


Persistence scoring

X4 Type of courses taken

X5, Actual.courses taken

Hidden layer
LInput layer


Figure Three: Diagram of the Backpropagating Neural Network for Persistence Modeling.

The author first trained the neural network, called "Train Net Node" in Clementine. This
node usually produces a list of fields based on their Relative Importance as Inputs, which
can be helpful for a number of purposes. Below, the node shows such a list of "Relative
Importance as Inputs" abridged by the author for brevity as follows:

Educational Goal (.39910)

Probation Status (.34453)
Enrollment Status (.32316)
Hours of Work Per Week (.27844)
The # of Terms Enrolled (.26942)
Residence Status (.20012)
High School Attended (.19680)
Art History Course Taken (.19488)
Allied Health Course Taken (.18625)
Applied Living Arts Course (.18511)


Theoretically the values would range from .0 to 1.0 with 1.0 being extremely important.
In practice, the fields rarely go above .32 with the obvious exception of Educational Goal

.2002. 7 Presentation at AIR Forum, Toronto, Canada

Copyright .

in this case. A couple of points worth noting are that the investigator should pay attention
to every field even the one listed at the bottom, as data mining is both a task to identify
the averages, rule of thumbs and a task to use outliers for a number of reasons, such as
fraud detection.

The Train Net Node resulted in an accuracy of 61.3%. It contained 190 input neurons, 20
neurons in hidden layer one, 15 neurons in hidden layer two, and 1 output neuron (for a
dichotomous output). The difference between the total fields entered and the number of
input neurons lies in the number of values in set fields.

With this in mind, let's examine two other popular algorithms used by the project for
prediction. One is C5.0 and the other C&RT (Classification and Regression Trees).
C&RT handles binary splits the best, while multiple splits are best taken by C5.0. These
two algorithms differ in the criterion used to drive the splitting. C5.0 relies on measures
in the realm of the Information Theorem and C&RT utilizes the Gini coefficient (SPSS,
2000). Rule induction is fundamentally a task of reducing the uncertainty (entropy) by
assigning data into partitions within the feature space based on information-theoretic
approaches (Eijkel, 1999). The mathematical formula on discerning uncertainty is
expressed as measurements in bits:

H(N)= E P(n)log, P(n)

where H (N) is the uncertainty defined as discrete information and P(n) is the probability
that 4 = n. As uncertainty reduces, bits are reduced.

Even though Occam's Razor dictates that a simpler explanation is more likely to capture
the essence of a data mining problem, it was not the case in this project due to the nature
of the datasets and the specific scoring task at hand. Due to the "loosey" nature of data,
hardly any social science data mining research projects can be considered robust without
painstaking fine tuning or using several algorithms all at once. Many researchers have
discussed the pruning tasks associated with using these heuristics based algorithms.
Sometimes it is a judgment call, and sometimes it is sheer luck. For this project, the first
few runs did not produce acceptable results that were "actionable". The prediction rate
was never more than 65% accurate for either P or NP. An examination of the data was

There were two characteristics in the datasets that might have contributed to the level of
difficulty in securing the highest prediction accuracy. First, the dataset contained
longitudinal data dating back more than 5 years, which had a number of changes in
course naming convention and shifting in teaching methodologies. Secondly, students in
community colleges have low "loyalty" and many of them tend to concurrently enroll in
two or three colleges or jump from one to the next frequently.

Since the issue at hand was to correctly predict those who were not returning the next
semester, a decision was made to weigh the cost of misclassification. The project opted to
gain accuracy in predicting non-persisters at the expense of predicting accuracy for
persisters. In other words, the decision makers would rather treat some of the persisters as

Copyright !- 2002. 8 Presentation at AIR Forum, Toronto. Canada
non-persisters when conducting targeted marketing than the other way around. This
decision resulted in a prediction accuracy rate for the training set to be 85.1% for the NP
(Non-persisters) and 27.5% for the P (persisters). C5.0's prediction accuracy for the
training set was 45.5% for P and 77.1% for NP, while C&RT's prediction accuracy for
the training set was 57.2% for P and 63.1% for NP.

Table Two: Outcomes of Persistence Modeling for Test and Training Sets:

Neural Net on Test Set* On Validation Set

NP 86.36 13.7 NP 85.1 15.0
P 72.4 27.6 P 72.5 27.5

C5.0 on Test Set** On Validation Set

NP 85.3 14.7 NP 77.1 22.9
P 46.9 53.1 P 54.5 45.5

C&RT on Test Set On Validation Set

NP 43.7 56.3 NP 42.1 57.9
P 21.1 78.9 P 22.7 77.2

* Using the Expert Option, the author chose prune and 2 hidden layers, which greatly increased the
accuracy for predicting non-persisters at the expense of accuracy for persisters.
** Cost of 2.0 if Non-persisters are classified as persisters at 75 pruning severity.

As shown above, the neural network node has produced the best model for this purpose.
However, beyond the list of Relative Importance as Inputs, the neural network node does
not provide any further information, cryptic or not. The transparency of a neural network
is inherently non-existent. Researchers have long deemed what takes place inside the
neural network as "black box" magic. While the project will eventually choose neural net
model for scoring, it is necessary to use a rule induction model to list the rules uncovered
in order to better understand how the model has worked.

C5.0 can generate both decision trees and rule sets. Rules are easier to understand, as it
most closely resembles the task of profiling. There were 13 rules for Persisters and 38
rules for Non-persisters produced by C5.0. As an example, a typical rule for persisters
If # of Courses Taken > 7
and Probation Status = Good
and Applied Living Arts Courses Taken = 0
then P (426, 0.743)

A typical rule for non-persister reads:

If # of Courses Taken > 7

Copyright cn 2002. 9 Presentation at AIR Forum, Toronto. Canada

and Basic Skills Courses Taken <=1
and Probation Status = Poor
and Applied Health Course Taken <=0
and Art History > 1
then NP (104, 0.585)

Even though the above rules are highly useful in understanding how the model has
worked, they do not assist in understanding what is in the dataset. As a matter of fact,
researchers need to first visualize and cluster the dataset (unsupervised data mining)
before conducting classification and estimation (supervised data mining). Supervised data
mining algorithms are very useful when a researcher is very knowledgeable about the
data domain and is confident in choosing a particular output field. There are occasions
when the researcher must fish around to understand the various permutations and
groupings within a hyperspace in order to make the information actionable. These
methods of gaining insights into the feature space are called unsupervised data mining
algorithms. The following table provides information on tasks for which currently
available data mining algorithms can be used.

Table Three: Categorization of data mining algorithms:

Memory Based Reasoning, Genetic
Classification Algorithm, C&RT, Kohonen Nets
Link Analysis, C5.0, ANN

Estimation ANN, C&RT ...

Cluster Detection, K-
Market Basket Analysis, Memory
Segmentation/ means, Generalized Rule
Based Reasoning, Link Analysis,
Association Induction, APRIORI, Two-
Rule Induction

Rule Induction, Market Basket

Description Spatial Visualization

Kohonen and Kmeans, compared to TwoStep, are a bit cryptic to interpret and somewhat
demanding in the types of fields for inputs. The project chose TwoStep Cluster technique
for its tolerance of diverse data types and user-friendly groupings. Note, this is not an
exercise to establish typologies, in which case, far more manual categorization should
have occurred prior to actual modeling. One way of understanding groupings typically
involves examining a secondary level of factors associated with the main outcomes of the
data mining project. This would mean going beyond persisting and non-persisting,
transfer and non-transferred to a level that define when or how the outcome happened, for
example, number of terms prior to a student became transfer ready, or number of courses
continually taken by a student prior to becoming transfer ready. In brevity, the following
clustering analysis represents a general analysis of the entire population to seek major
centroids. Since data mining is iterative work, this part of the analysis may occur before
predictive modeling is conducted, so that somewhat homogenous populations exist to
make the predicted score more precise. A subjective number of clusters of six (6) was set

Copyright 2002. 10 Presentation at AIR Forum. Toronto, Canada

by the author for the model. For illustrative purposes, two (2) distinctive clusters from the
six (6) are as follows:

Cluster 2: (Total 610 records)

Numeric Fields:
Number of Courses Taken: 17.2 (10.0)
Units: 25.1 (20.9)
Degree Applicable Courses Taken 11.8 (8.9)
Non-Degree Applicable Courses Taken 5.4 (6.5)
University Transferable Course Taken 5.5 (5.7)
Non-transferable Courses Taken 9.9 (7.8)
Pre-collegiate Basic Skills Taken 2.6 (3.1)
Symbolic Fields:
Hispanics (59.2%)
Outside County High School (73.3%)
High School Graduates (40.5%)
Female (63.4%)
Non-English Speakers (61.7%)

Cluster 3: (Total: 1,477 records)

Numeric Fields:
Number of Courses Taken: 8.5 (6.0)
Units: 15.6 (13.5)
Degree Applicable Courses Taken 8.2 (5.9)
Non-Degree Applicable Courses Taken .4 (.9)
University Transferable Course Taken 4.0 (4.1)
Non-transferable Courses Taken 2.9 (3.6)
Pre-collegiate Basic Skills Taken .1 (.4)
Symbolic Fields:
White (84.8%)
Post High School Degrees (54.2%)
Female (64.6%)
English Speakers (97.9%)

The distinct characters between these two clusters are highly noticeable in both
demographics and course taking patterns. An exercise like this is indeed valuable to assist
researchers to evaluate the supervised modeling techniques and eventual decisions.
Conceivably, upon learning the characteristics of the dataset, the researcher may choose
to reduce the less crucial data fields, especially if processing time or storage is a concern.
The use of factor analysis/principal components analysis (PCA) to root out the auxiliary
features may be desirable at this point.

Copyright by , 2002. 11 Presentation at AIR Forum, Toronto, Canada

A Persistent Question From Researchers

Since data mining traces its lineage back to statistics and technology, it is only natural for
researchers to inquire about the differences among the three fields. As a matter of fact,
this is a question very frequently brought up among researchers. To address this question,
it is necessary to base the answer on the three tiers of the knowledge management model.
Delmater and Hancock (2001, p192) wrote, "The science underlying predictive modeling
is a mixture of mathematics, computer science, and domain expertise." Their point is very
important because it refers to the three tiers in TKMM. In the following table, the author
has produced a high level view of the comparable features among data mining, statistics
and data warehouse based OLAP. The intended purpose of the following crosswalk is for
researchers to have a broad idea of how to relate what they are familiar with to what they
are learning from data mining.

Table Four: Crosswalk of data mining models/algorithms to Statistics and Data

Warehouse Based OLAP.


Regression equations, Chi-square,
Artificial Neural Networks ...
Structural equations
Principle Components, Discriminant
Rule Induction
Function, Factor Analysis, Logistic R
Cluster Analysis, Probability Density .
Kohonen Networks Multi-dimensional cube
Spatial visualization 2-3 dimension charts 2-3 dimension charts
Structured equations,
Euclidean Space Sequential files
Linear and non-linear regression
Classification Logistical regression Multi-dimensional cube
Regression equations, Chi-square,
Estimation ....
Structural equations
Segmentation Cluster Analysis, Factor Analysis Multi-dimensional cube

Prediction accuracy Statistical significance Temporal/trend reporting

Outliers detection Standard deviation, error analysis Aggregation

Hypothesis, distributional
Supervised learning ...
assumptions, a-priori
Descriptive statistics, Cluster
Unsupervised learning Temporal/trend reporting
Population/universe Samples Fact tables and dimension tables

Feature vectors Histogram, correlation Cross-tabs

Feature Extraction Flat files Extract, transform, load (ETL)

Machine learning/artificial intelligence Mathematics Structured Query Language (SQL)

Attributes, features Variables, values Fields, records

Outputs or scoring Independents Fields

Population in Current Time Slice Cohorts, samples Multi-dimensional cube

Copyright .2002. 12 Presentation at AIR Forum. Toronto. Canada

As expressed earlier in the chapter, basic and classical statistical knowledge is highly
useful to a data mining professional in discerning minute significance in cluster
boundaries an important data mining task. Neural networks are in essence regression
models adapted to conduct estimation. In this sense, what was a concern to a researcher,
statistical significance, is now a concern of how it translates into accuracy of the
prediction or classification. In the final analysis, data mining research questions do not
begin with "what if', instead, they begin with "what is".

Tools for data mining are constantly emerging and there are perhaps as many vendors of
data mining software as data mining techniques. The most familiar algorithms in the data
mining community are ANN, C&RT, C5.0, CHAD (Chi-squared Automatic Induction),
K-means, Nearest Neighbor, MBR (Memory Based Reasoning), and Automatic Cluster
Detection. Less known or specialized algorithms are Link Analysis, MBA (Market
Basket Analysis, Genetic Algorithms, and Fuzzy Logic.


Chief among a hOst of recent technology innovations, data mining is making sweeping
changes to the entire makeup of our skills and comfort zones in information analysis in
higher education. Not only does it introduce a surfeit of new concepts, methods and
phrases, it also departs from the well-established traditional hypothesis based statistical
techniques. Data mining is a new type of exploratory and predictive data analysis, which
is long overdue. It works well in delineating systematic relations between variables when
there are no (or not complete) a priori expectations as to the nature of those relations.
Data mining has tremendous applications in higher education institutional research alone.
They range from marketing, alumni fund raising, to survival analysis, persistence and
many. others.

Individuals who are data domain experts, learned in classical statistics, and possess the
abilities to implement IT systems will find it a smooth sail when transitioning from
current decision support environment to knowledge management driven data mining
environment. Further, interpersonal communication skills are a plus when needed to
convince upper management to adopt data mining. One notion often found useful to
institutions that are beginning to consider data mining is the one-percent doctrine. For an
institution with an enrollment of 15,000 students with each student paying tuition as low
as $5,000, the tuition revenue is $75 million. If data mining is able to increase enrollment
by 1%, this will represent $750,000. The same idea can be applied to alumni pledge,
graduation, and others. If degree attainment is of the utmost interest to university
administrators, the persistence modeling introduced in this paper is aimed at helping
move the students along the pipeline with fewer dropouts as possible. This,
unquestionably, translates into increased efficiency, higher graduation rates, and lower
cost to society as a whole.

Copyright by. , 2002. 13 Presentation at AIR Forum, Toronto, Canada

CRISP-DM and Its Application
CRISP-DM stands for Cross Industry Standard Procedures for Data Mining. Why should
there be standards? Briefly, a data miner needs to know more than just statistics or
database technologies to perform competently. Data mining requires knowledge in the
following areas: database/data warehousing, statistics, domain expertise and business
processes. As the demand' for data mining is growing exponentially and more algorithms
are created and put to use, there must be good practices that everyone can follow, much
like IS09000 for manufacturing, GAAP for accounting, and accreditation standards for
measuring learning in education. Data mining is not just a study or a report. It is a
dynamic business operation and mission critical part of customer relationship
management (CRM). It is a project that is highly structured. As with any project, there
are phases, stages, steps, assessment and planning. CRISP-DM addresses each of the
areas at specific junctures with detailed dos and don'ts.

There are six phases currently recognized in any given data mining project: Business
Understanding, Data Understanding, Data Preparation, Modeling, Evaluation, and
Deployment. For instance, in the first phase of Business Understanding, the data miner
needs to determine the business objective (what are we trying to achieve?), assess the
situation (what is available? who does what?). In the Modeling phase that people have
read about the most, there are what we discussed in this paper steps involving selection of
modeling techniques, conducting iterative testing on data; and evaluating the models. For
each step, there are tasks underneath. The concept of describing data mining as throwing
everything in the kitchen sink to see what comes out on the other end of the mining
stream is crude and is beginning to mislead people. A data miner may end up spending
80% of the time in Data Preparation phase, which may be mentioned in only one sentence
buried deep in a report. That should not diminish the importance of the Data Preparation

Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) holds the key to the success of data mining.
KDD means that the stabilized data mining algorithms produced by the data miner are
superimposed over the live database, sometimes directly over the college's ERP
(Enterprise Resource Planning) databases, such as Peoplesoft, SAP, Datatel, in order to
"score" live data. Without the guidance of CRISP-DM, KDD will encounter many
stumbling blocks.

Copyrigh!. .2002. 14 , Presentation at AIR T:..ronto. Canada

.t 7
(Based on CRISP-DM)

Step One Investigate the possibility of overlaying data mining algorithms directly on a
data warehouse. This may require extra efforts and diplomatic skills with the IT
department, but it pays off in the long run. This avoids possible errors in field names,
unexpected changes in data types, and extra effort to refresh multiple data domains. The
scoring can also be directly performed to live database. This is also called End-to-End
data mining solution, also called Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD). (Total time
usage: 5% - 15%)

Step Two Select a solid querying tool to build data mining files. These files closely
resemble multidimensional cubes. As a matter of fact, MOLAP (multidimensional online
analytical processing) serves this purpose really well. Except for APPRORI, which can
use transactional data files directly (alas!), all other algorithms need "tabular" files, which
are relational database files queried to produce a file with unique records with multiple
fields. A number of querying tools are available for this purpose. SQL skills are highly
desirable. This step can be most time consuming. (Total time usage: 30% - 75%)

Step Three Data visualization and validation. This means both examining frequency
counts as well as generating scatter plots, histograms, and other graphics, including
clustering models. A graph is the best spokesperson for a correlation estimate. This step
gives the researcher the first impression of what each of the data fields contains and how
they may play out in the analysis. Missing data shouldn't be treated in the same manner
in every situation. In certain cases, missing data is extremely diagnostic. In data mining,
the outliers may be just what we are looking for, simply because they deviate from the
norm. Therefore, they may hold truth in discovering previously unknown patterns. In
fraud detection, it is these outliers that will flag the system to avoid loss. (Total time
usage: 10% - 20%)

Step Four Mine your data! (Total time usage: 10% - 20%)

Copyright by , 2002. 15 Presentation at AIR Forum, Toronto, Canada

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Crowley, Bill (2000) Knowledge Management for the Information Professional. In Srikantaiah
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Davenport T. and Prusak L. (1998) Working Knowledge. How organisations manage what they
know. Harvard Business School Press. Boston, MA.
Delmater R., and Handcock M. (2001) Data Mining Explained: A Manager's Guide to Customer-
Centric Business Intelligence. Digital Press. Boston, MA.
Garson, G. D. (1998) Neural Networks. An introductory guide for Social Scientists. SAGE.
London, UK.
Luan, J. (2002). "Data Mining and Its Applications in Higher Education" in A. Serban and J.
Luan (eds.) Knowledge Management: Building a Competitive Advantage fir Higher
Education. New Directions for Institutional Research, No. 113. San Francisco, CA: Jossey
Luan, J. (2000) An Exploratory Approach to Data Mining in Higher Education- A primer
and a case study. Preceeding at AIR 2000. Seattle, WA.
Rubenking, N. (2001) Hidden Messages. PC Magazine. May 22, 2001
Therling, K (1995) An Overview of Data Mining at Dun and Bradstreet. DIG White
van den Eijkel, G. C. (1999) Chapter Six: Rule Induction. Intelligent Data Analysis.
Editors: Berthold, M. & Hand, D. Springer. Milan, Italy.

Presentation at AIR Forum, Toronto, Canada

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