CH 4 Notesfom
CH 4 Notesfom
CH 4 Notesfom
1 – Patterns
One definition of mathematics is the ‘study of patterns’. In this section, you will
practice recognizing mathematical patterns in various problems. For each
example, you will work with a partner and try to find the pattern. Then you can
confirm it by using a calculator if possible, or by checking with another group.
Then we’ll discuss it as a class.
Example 3 – Draw the next shape in the pattern and count the line segments
used to make it. Then predict how many line segments are in the next two
shapes after without drawing them.
Example 1 – Predict the nth term of the pattern 3, 6, 12, 24, ...
(This is another way of saying: Find a general equation for the pattern.)
Example 2 – Predict the nth term of the pattern 2, 8, 14, 20, ...
Example 3 – Predict the nth term of the pattern 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 42, ...
1st term 2nd term 3rd term 4th term 5th term 6th term
What if the formula developed using inductive reasoning isn’t true? To show
a formula isn’t true, only one counterexample must be provided.
Example 5 – Here are some Prime Numbers: 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29,
31, 37, 41, 43, 47, ... Can we make an assumption (inductively reason)
about prime numbers?
c) If two angles are not right angles, then they are not equal.
d) If two angles are not equal, then they are not right angles.
4.4 – Puzzles and Games of Strategy
Example 3 – Jack and Jill fetched two pails of water. One was a 7L pail
and the other was 5L. How can Jack and Jill use the pails to get exactly 4L
into one of the pails?
Example 4 – Using a table to solve a Logic Problem:
Example 7 – BATMAN!