Abstract: The need for Position Locators for cell And the intersection of the two hyperbolas results in the
phones has been stressed in the recent past. Though position location estimate of the source. This method is also
E911 and position location service has been sometimes called a hyperbolic position location method.
implemented in GSM, it has still remained a dream
in CDMA, as gross errors were produced during
implementation. This paper discusses about using
TDOA as a PL technique stating the advantages it
enjoys with CDMA. It was found that whenever
error occurred they occurred in amounts larger than
the total expected value of time difference. This error
was found to follow a particular pattern. As another
step towards the increasing the accuracy we have
suggested a correction procedure and discussed its
impact on the calculation.
I. Introduction
A. Introduction and Motivation : The use of Position Fig. 1 Hyperbola drawn based on delay estimate
Locators are stressed from the recent past. After the between two base stations.
FCC ruling that E911 must be made mandatory for
every cell phone operator, its pace of research has been
in leaps and bounces. In this advent, as yet another step
towards improved calculation we have tried to provide
some error correcting procedures. These procedures
spring from the fact that errors when they occur, occur
more than the actual expected value, and quite
interestingly seem to follow a pattern in a overwhelming
majority of cases. Thus the pattern being know Error
Correction can be easily.
III. The Error Pattern Detection So having more than one bit error is 0.00065% which
means we get no errors or one bit error in 99.9% cases.
F.Where can Error Occur : Errors mostly occur
due to noise that the signal encounters when it gets So the bottom line is that the snapshot formed
transmitted over the channel. In CDMA, apart from at the Home Cell is error free (in a overwhelming
having AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise), the majority of cases) and the snapshot in neighboring cells
data of the other users in the cell also are present. But will have at most one or two bit error.
applying orthogonal code technique has greatly reduced
the errors to a negligible effect. Hardware have been IV Improved TDOA Estimation:
developed to that extend that errors have been reduced
to a nil effect at least in the Home Cell of the User. G .Its Implication:
The snap shot of the desired user has to be
CDMA technique requires information form recovered first. In the process if a wrong bit decision is
all users to be at the same power level for its operation. made, then a whole portion of snap shot equal to one bit
So the user’s mobile that is near the BS of the home cell duration which has a number of chips equal to the
is notified to transmit at a lower power so as to be par spreading gain is replaced with the wrong polarity. As a
with the user who is near the border of Home Cell. This result, if such wrong replacements cause a cross-
is called .Near-Far Effect. correlation error, the wrong peak occurs exactly at
multiples of bit times away. In such case the total delay
So for such a user the snap-shot developed for time output would be larger than the expected value and
calculating time delay would be error free in Home the error would occur as multiples of bit duration. Once
Cell’s BS.. But in other BS taking part in calculation we know that the error has occurred we can apply the
would end up with errors as the power transmitted being correcting procedure discussed.
low gets lost in the noise provided by the channel. One
possible solution is that to increase the power of the H. .Formulas Used:
desired Signal Of Interest (SOI) and to apply Multiple
Access Interference (MAI) cancellation techniques. So Spreading Gain = Chipping Rate/User Data Rate
the snapshot constructed at the neighboring BS can be C=speed of light (3 x 108)
made with very low Bit Error Rate (BER). Typical BER Mcps – Million chips per second
is about 0.005% for IS-95 used by most of the operators.
V References
I.Correction Procedure : In the IS-95 CDMA
[1]. T. S. Rappaport, J. H. Reed and B. D. Woerner,
system, the chip rate is 1.2288 Mcps and the spreading \Position Location Using Wireless Communications on
gain is 128, hence, the bit duration is about 104.16 µs. Highways of the Future", IEEE Communications
On the other hand the maximum possible value for a
Magazine, vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 33{41, October 1996.
TDOA measurement between any two base stations
(BS) is equal to the time it takes for the radio signal to
[2].George A. Mizusawa, \Performance of
travel between those two base stations. This TDOA
Hyperbolic Position Location Techniques for
estimate may occur when a mobile unit is very close to Code Division Multiple Access", MPRG-TR-
the controlling base station. In our case, the base 96-29, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
stations are separated by a distance of 8.66 km
24061-0350, August 1996.
(assuming a hexagonal layout with a major radius of 5
km). Hence the propagation time between any
[3] CDMA RF System Engineering, Samuel C. Yang
two BS which is also the maximum possible TDOA is
28.86 µs. This is much less than a bit duration which is [4].. R. E. Ziemer and R. L. Peterson, Digital
104.16 µs. Hence, if we find a TDOA estimate that is Communications and Spread Spectrum Systems,
higher than the maximum possible TDOA, then we can
Macmillan Publishing Company, 1985.
assume that there is an error in the TDOA estimate and
we can most probably correct it by subtracting from it
[5]. R. M. Buehrer, N. S. Correal and B. D. Woerner,
an appropriate multiple of the bit duration and thus
\Analysis of Selective Interference
reducing it to an amount within the maximum possible Cancellation for Cellular CDMA", IEEE Transactions
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In standard measurements the snapshot used
would be of 12 bits length. So even is more than one bit
[6]. Third-Generation CDMA Systems
for Enhanced Data Services, Giridhar Mandvam d
error occurs (though chances are very less) there would
still be enough correlating bits to give the peaks.
K. Recommendations:
It is observed that this method keeps the errors
below the required threshold in almost all cases and
gives highly consistent and better results than the
unmodified simple TDOA estimation..