R Journal
R Journal
R Journal
I. How do you see the life and work of Rizal as a subject matter?
I see the life and works of Rizal as a subject matter as an inspiration to the youth
and for the next generation. Joaquin (1996) stated that for generation after generation, our
national hero and Asia’s own Dr. Jose Rizal, has always been an exhaustible and valuable
source of wisdom and inspiration. Life and work of Rizal gives motivation to the young
Filipino to strive harder for their future. It is important to know his greatness that give us
freedom and the important lesson that he fought us. Noli me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo shows the situations happened in the past and it is not typically a novel but
it contains lesson that many people or students may apply in their lives.
Bueno (2017) concluded that there are important lessons that we can learn from
the past particularly on moral ascendency and ethic value among the Filipinos that kept
on reminding us on self-sacrifice and self-worth. Students may see it as a foundation to
know more what society really has, because at his time, discrimination, corruption are
already present. Just like now in our generation we are continually experiencing
discrimination and corruption just because of the society and poor governance, thus
history repeat itself.
I also see it as the development of an appreciation and deeper understanding of all
that Rizal fought and died for. Jose Rizal life and works gives us motivation to continue
life without hesitating to do what is right and what is being necessary. Moreover, it’s
greatly used as a subject matter because he was a warrior without the need for war, and
his fight against the injustices committed against our country were both truthful and
worthy. Reyno (2012) stated that Rizal saw the many injustices suffered by his fellow
Filipinos: they depended on the religious corporations or on big landowners, for land to
till, or for their living; people were afraid of airing their grievances or of talking or
protesting against the friars or the government, in short, there was no real freedom of the
press or speech.
It only represent that war with a sword is not always the answer to commit what
we wanted, sometimes all we need is effective communication for better understanding of
what we are fighting for. Krauss & Morsella (1911) concluded that when neighbors
freud, lovers quarrel or nations war, the predictable remedy prescribed by the voices of
reason is communication. The prevailing view is that, faced with conflict, communicating
is always the right thing to do.
1. As a future teacher, what lessons can be learned from the discussion of Rizal’s many sided
When Jose Rizal was about to mention, the idea that comes to our mind is his
greatness for being a national hero of the Philippines and his academic and literary
excellence. Many Filipinos know the half of Rizal personalities, only his sacrifices for the
Filipinos and for being versatile genius. Jose Rizal is one of a kind and an incredible
person to have a personalities that we never imagine that he could and he possessed like,
an actor, conchologist, journalist, educator, youth leader, and rhetorician. Ravin (2001)
stated that Jose Rizal is one of the most revered figures in the Philippine history. He was
a multifaceted intellectual and political activist, best known for his political writings that
inspired the Philippine revolution.
Rizal became an actor as he acted as a character in one of Juan Luna’s paintings
and acted in school dramas. He had a good shell collection in Dapitan that’s why he
became a conchologist. Because of his passion for writing one of his personality is a
journalist, he authored and published many articles in Spain and English in London.
Apart from being an ophthalmologist, he is also an educator, he taught in his special
school in Dapitan. He always practiced the art persuasive and impressive speaking and
writing that’s why another trait of him was rhetorician. Rizal also was a Youth leader.
Palafox (2012) stated that “Rizal was admired for being a good leader. He gained the
respect of his colleges in the Propaganda movement. He was displayed a kind leadership
that was not motivated by personal interest but the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the
good of the majority which he described in his novels as the national sentiment.
Upon knowing all of these many sided personalities of Rizal, as a future teacher,
the lesson that I have learned is from his being an actor of Luna’s painting wherein he do
that to pay gratitude for all the favor that Luna did to him. We have to pay gratitude to
our parents, friends, instructor and those people who helped us to pursue and achieve our
goal in life. Let’s give back the kindness that they did for us because this kind of attitude
will help more to build trust, loyalty and foundation to better friendship or relationship.
Shiraki (2018) conclude that people who receive kindness tend to feel gratitude and act in
a prosocial manner toward third persons. Combining the separate evidence that gratitude
leads to the formation of strong psychological bonds from a beneficiary to a benefactor
and people become more prosocial toward strangers when need for relatedness is
satisfied. I am a future teacher and not only that but I am entering the life of being a
youth leader. As a teacher, it would be the same as a youth leader or to be a role model to
lead my students into the right path, giving them guidance, helping them when they have
a problem and giving them knowledge that they need. Palafox (2012) stated that leaders
should not only possess competence, education and skills, but also exhibit a great
commitment and integrity to serve the public or the students.
As a future educator, I have the responsibility to push my learners to their full
potential and develop their personality because teacher have greater influence in the lives
of their learners. Barcelos (2003) stated that, because of teachers they are seen as experts
by students, and thus, may exert a strong influence on the development of students’
beliefs. By discussing many sided personalities of Rizal, I also learned that we have to
explore ourselves, we have to think outside the box to see what other character trait or
personalities we have. Ronkrumpos (2015) conclude that when you live outside the box
of everyday life, even momentarily, you become aware of how those around you are
confined. Because I believe that if you are trying new things, you can know yourself
more that you could never imagine.
2. As a future teacher, what lesson can be learned from Rizal’s childhood and family
The Jose Rizal family was a wealthy family in Calamba, Laguna and considered
one of the largest families in those times. The 13 member of Jose Rizal family consisted
of his father Francisco Mercado II and his mother Teodora Alonso Realonda. Jose Rizal
had nine sisters and one brother. Rizal’s family are very religious and devoted Catholic.
He likes to buy religious item believing that he would keep him safe. Apart from being
devoted catholic, Just like other children, Rizal always refuse to eat his food because his
yaya always tells a scary stories in order for him to eat his food. Gregorio (2012) stated
that his yaya Aquilina told stories about the aswang, nuno sa punso and an imaginary
ghost called Bu by the Europeans. His yaya often scared him if he failed to finish his
meal. Pepe remembered those spooky stories even until he went to high school. At a
young age, he learned how to read an alphabet with the help of his first teacher, his
Mother Teodora.
Jose Rizal, just like other Filipino boys, had many beautiful memories of
childhood. He has a happy home, filled with parental affection, impregnated with family
joys, and sanctified by prayers. In the midst of such peaceful, refined, God-loving family,
he spent the early years of his childhood.
As a future teacher, the lesson that can be learned from his childhood is that, at a
young age we have to mold, hone students to the right attitude, behavior and learnings
because they will always remember what we have said to them. Meador (2019) stated
that teachers understand that the key to unlocking student potential is by developing
positive, respectful relationship with students beginning on the first year. They will bear
in their mind what we did because as a future teacher and future second mother, I have to
guide my students in order for them to grow well mannered.
Moreover, another lesson is we have different philosophies in life when it comes
to religious, social, education and in life. Philosophies may help us to grown and lead us
to the right path of our life. (Oppong, 2018) A philosophy of life is an overall vision or
attitude toward life and the purpose of it. Without personal philosophy, we end up living
without direction. Having a supportive parent just like Tedora will help to boost and grow
the children more. Reyno (2012) of all the persons who had the greatest influence on
Rizal’s development as a person was his mother Teodora Alonso. It was she who opened
his eyes and heart to the world around him—with all its soul and poetry, as well as its
bigotry and injustice.
3. As a future teacher, what lesson can be learned from Rizal’s early education in Binan?
The first teacher of Rizal was his mother, who was a remarkable woman of good
character and fine culture. He learned at the age of three the alphabet and the prayers.
First day of his school Paciano brought his younger brother. At first, boy laughed at him
because of he can speak a little in Latin and Spanish. Rizal experience the old system of
education wherein the students punish by giving a hit or something that the ilustrado
wanted him to do. Rizal experience many fights when he studied in Binan. He was not
quarrelsome by nature but he never ran away from a fight. After so many fights from his
classmates, he became the best student in School. Jose beat all the Binan boys. Surpassed
them all in Spanish, Latin, and other subjects.
As a future teacher the lesson can be learned from his early education in Binan is,
first, do not degrade or be little someone’s capability and skills. Schuster (2012)
concluded from his study that different brains are differently wired with eight
fundamental systems of learning that draw on variety neurodevelopmental capacities.
Certain students are strong in certain areas and some are strong in others, but no one is
equally capable in all. Second, if there are challenges that you have undergo or
experiencing do not scared to face it because it’s just only a matter of life battles. And
maybe problems will brought us wisdom and learning in life. Kekes (2019) stated that it
enable us to learn from the success and failures of others how we can from a deeper
understanding of the reasons for and against the answer we might give. At some point,
problems may affect our creativity and happiness if we indulge and overthink of it. Orita
(2018) concluded that there are many factors, internal and external, that affect the
process of problem- solving; in particular affect happiness or sadness is widely
acknowledge as one of the most important internal factors. Lastly, I learned that
punishing students did not help them to grow instead they tend to have a negative impact
on their academic performance. Akhtar (2018) stated that in order to minimize the use of
physical punishment in school, teachers must cognizant of the negative effect of corporal
punishment could be stopped. Students must be able to participate in healthy and
extracurricular activities, which may develop a learning environment for the students.
4. As a future teacher, what lessons can be learned from Rizal’s education in Ateneo de manila?
Rizal was still a boy entering in Ateneo, possessing only limited knowledge, his
intelligence only moderately develop, and his emotions scarcely cultivated. But by
studying hard, self- analysis, committing mistakes, he began to transform little by little,
by the help of Professor zealous. Paciano accompanied Rizal when he took examination
at Ateneo and he passed. Even he passed the exam, Rizal first was denied because he is a
late registrant and he was very frail and undersized for his age. As he studying there, he
lagged behind his classmates because of separation from his parents and his mother was
jailed. But in a month’s time, he emerged as the emperor of his class and all of his grades
was sobresaliente (excellent). He also experience discrimination, they have favoritism
and skin color, not meritocracy and intellectual brilliance were the criteria for judging the
actual academic performance of students. He always tell to his father that they have to
buy book but suddenly it’s a lie.
As a future teacher, the lesson that I have learned from Rizal when he was in
Ateneo is because he is a late registrant, I learn how to become an early bird person. As a
future teacher it is necessary to go to work on time because if you are always late, it can
reflect to your personalities and can affect to your job as a teacher. As a discrimination
arose that time, low self-esteem arose and affect his studies. Ferkany (2008) self –esteem
is crucial element of the confidence and motivation children need in order to engage in
and achieve educational pursuits, especially in certain domains of instruction such as
physical education.
In times that he is studying in Ateneo, he felt lagged behind his classmates
because of separation from his family and homesickness that affect his academic
performance. (Sun, Hagedorn, & Zhang, 2016) Factors exerting significant influence on
homesickness and explored the impact of the homesick experience on students' academic
performance and retention in the first year in college. The beginning of our journey, we
are starting from nothing. We are going to face lot of challenges to come up with the best
shot. In the field of teaching, teachers starts to cram because of paper works, the
deadlines, stress because of students who did not come to school regularly, plus the
problems in home. Baliyan (2018) stated that the school policies contradicting with
working environment, too much work load and students indiscipline in class were
identified the three most important cause of stress among teachers whereas; low morale
and motivation, increase in job dissatisfaction and conflict at work place were the three
important effects of stress. It is not easy to do it all but by the help of people who lift you
up, it gain lot of strength and positivity in life to work again and continue the life. I
strongly believe when someone cheer you and lift you up it has a big impact on your life.
Barbera (2002) concluded in his study that the environments in which agents can transfer
influence to others by supporting them. Just like Rizal, I am lagged behind, because of
the conflict at home. However, I cannot let my emotions ruin my day or life by thinking
all of those. Little by little I can and I will survive through the help of god.
5. As a future teacher, what lesson can be learned from Rizal’s education in UST?
Rizal travel in different countries like, Paris where he continued to study his
Medicine course. As he traveled from Philippines, he draw the beautiful view of Manila.
Jose Rizal travels did not know his parents because he know that he wouldn’t allowed
him to go abroad. It’s hard for Rizal to left his family but in sake of the country he did.
When Jose goes to Barcelona, he did not get sweat because the weather is very cold and
apart from that he did not take a bath just because it’s too expensive. Rizal pursue to
write Noli Me Tangere abroad, he did not eat just to finish and published his novel. Noli
Me Tangere was solely dedicated to the Philippines. He described the Philippines as a
patient with cancer that even with the most careful touch; it awakens in it the sharpest
As a future teacher, the lesson can be learned from Jose Rizal’s travel is: First, we
have to be dedicated and passionate on what we want to be able to achieve our success.
(leanne J Crosswell, 2004) Stated that level of teachers’ commitment is considered to be
as a key factor in the success of current educational reform agenda as it heavily
influences teachers’ willingness to engage in cooperative, reflective and critical practice.
Second, as a future teacher we must possess perseverance in order to achieve our goal.
Elicherla (2017) Life is not easy for us. We must have perseverance and above all
confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted with something and that this
must be attained. Third, as we have inspiration and motivation everything will be worth
it at the end. Kaufman (2011) concluded that inspiration awaken Fourth, if someone’s
need your help, help it.
7. As a future teacher, what lesson can be learned from Rizal’s educational, political, social
religious and ethical philosophies?
The philosophy of a country like the Philippines is made up of the intricate and
composite interrelationship of the life histories of its people; in other word, the
philosophy of our nation would be strange and undefinable if we do not delve into the
past tied up with the notable life experiences of the representative personalities of our
nation. Rizal educational philosophy was a concept of the importance of education is
clearly enunciated in his work entitled instruction wherein he sought improvements in the
schools and methods of teaching. One of religious philosophy of Rizal was, for him
fasting is not sacrifice. Rizal political philosophical view, a conquered country like the
Philippines should not be taken advantage of but rather should be developed, civilized,
educated and trained in the science of self-government. Advised every one that love and
respect for parents must be strictly observed is one of ethical philosophy of Jose Rizal.
As a future teacher, the lesson can be learned from Rizal’s Philosophy is having a
Philosophy in life was a big impact on life growth. It only shows that we have goals that
we have to achieve and we are looking at. As a future educator, my philosophy in
teaching may not the same as the philosophy of other future educators. We have different
philosophy and perspective in life. I learned from his educational philosophy that
“Kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan” which I strongly agree. Reyno (2012) stated that Rizal
in his poem “To the Philippine Youth”, speaks of the Filipino youth as the “Fair hope of
my Motherland”, and of the “Indian Land”.
Children now a days may have different intelligences and capacities but I know
just because Rizal believing on us, we can and we should be the hope of our country.
Schuster, (2012) concluded that different brains are differently wired with eight
fundamental systems of learning that draw on variety neurodevelopmental capacities.
Certain students are strong in certain areas and some are strong in others, but no one is
equally capable in all. I learned from his philosophies that we have different perspective
in life on how to deal and handle with it according to what society and economic we
have. Inglehart (2004) stated that understanding how social, political, economic and
cultural attitudes differ from one society to another, and how they are changing with
economic and technological development.
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