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Water Cooler

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Cools water surprisingly fast. Water coolers are meant to cool water. But how fast, is what really matters. Especially in places like schools, colleges, offices and other corporate and commercial applications where the consumption of water is frequent and high, Which is why you need Blue Star Water Coolers. Thanks to a powerful and rugged compressor, this latest range of coolers cool water surprisingly fast. Also, they come with an all-stainless steel body, making them more durable, And together with the power saving insulation and a comprehensive warranty, these coolers are a complete value for money. What's more, even eco-friendly versions of these coolers are available. So you don't just get cold water, you get a healthy environment, for years to come. Blue Star is India's largest central air conditioning and commercial refrigeration company. With over seven decades of expertise in offering expert cooling solutions, Blue Star now brings to you water coolers with a wide range of features for every need. Unmatched features of Blue Star Water Coolers @ Faster cooling e Silent operation Eco-friendly Nationwide Blue Star network for prompt service In situ power-saving PUF insulation Food grade Ss tank and body Sturdy compressor and trouble free operation © © @ © COCCOCOOGE Stainless steel body Your water cooler will look new and inviting even after years of use No rusting, no corrosion Stainless steel tank For safe drinking water, year after year Easy controls The externally mounted thermostat makes it easy to set water temperature. No need to open service panels Speedy drainage The extra large, stainless steel water tray prevents splashing and ensures fast drainage of water NST series Adjustable cold water thermostat Seam welded stainless steel tank Pre-coated outer body for better corrosion resistance Mechanically expanded condenser Front panel in stainless steel Sturdy moulded / flat / extended plastic legs Auto cut-out Riveted body assembly Over-load compressor protection amber come eesagh [oc | een) || peers [eee oe | ee ee eI LR ee) hee ee ‘sou 20 2» 1 | 420 | a0 | r080 | 30 100 ram | 20 | vase | rece sumo | #0 » 1 [| [ao | 10 ame | 20 | ear | ecP souwo | oo « 2 | os | ao | vaio | a7 200 nie [25 | vase | ace sous | #0 © 2 | os | a | no | 7 300 ea [30 | iar | aece souai20 | 120 5 2 [75 [os | wo | 2 0 en [aa | imae [ nece spunssoa] 150 is 2 [alo | mo | « 750 ea [a [amar | nom [sooieo [380 v0 [me [950 Posto [os 50 ea [| aa [rom | No.of lasses as percomfotble range of inking water Cooling capa spr comfort standards -Allmodel are suitable or operation an 210¥/1 Psd He AC supply Speciation eure and claus ate subject change without ror rate, de to caninuou product development * soLsa0 made svlable with 5usbletop option aio ee 7 Ee aluuuabemdin Ce a cad ee ce a a is ee co ae rao | a | 2 | 40 | ao | rs) oe | a0 | em | 20 | vase | seco Eo 2 | os | a | mo) 7 | 20 | enw | as | aes | ace vcisisoa| 150 | 150 2 [a |or|ao) o& | a0 en | a | ina | ronay Psa SUES er eT ee Ca ie WeoN emand’* —_Refigeant ae es) (connections) OP xstao0 20 20 1 | 4o0 | 400 | 1050) 30 100 nasa | 20 | irae | rece NsTe0H0 0 « 2 | ss | ao | no) «7 00 rar) 30 | vnase | nace NsTao120 | 120 ry 2 [ss | ss | 0) 400 rar) aa | inser | nace NSTI) 180 10 2 [on[ a2 | a0) 750 rar) ar | vase | RomRr oolng eapacy ape comfort standards _Almedel ae stable for aperaton on 2501 PNSOHEAC supe) [swe sia For more ifamatn, plese contac BLUE STAR UMITED «Ahmedabad 301302 ed loo, Abhshte Avenue (Nese Nehru Cel SM Rose Amba Ahmecsbud- 180 015 Te (78) 40224000: Bengaur juan KAY ARA Tower No-26, Mars 77, Mason Rou, Bangalore S027 Te 080) 1854000: Bhubaneshwar: 3A, Sats Napa 2c Moos Shubeneshae 751 O17. “Te 0674) 2572403 /2573670- Chandigarh: Ash Wal th bo lt Ne 50 nds & Business Par Phase I, chara 16002 Te 0172}5124000-Chenna KM az No Haregton | oad, chetpet, Chennai - 600031 Te (91) (44) 42444000 «Ghaziabad C530, Th Hoot Rpagat Dstt Cente” RD) Naga, Chania 20101, Ur Prades Tl Ne: (120) 202140 1:10, 294 lor Gers per Pat Pain, Coa 43907832} 2430179247287 - Gurgaon Blk 7A BUF Crparate Prk, LF Gta Elave, hate My Merval-Gurgion Roe {argnon- 22 082 Ye 6124) 096100 Guwahat Oat Pars, Or 8 bvah Rae Ur, Kame, Gata T7007 Te (361) 2468496 Inder: Sh Kha Cae, Fret Hr, 39 Pre Caan AB Rou are - S42 O10 Te (073) 4001214001317 «Jaipur Ao Flogr Nain Saakar Path, Ne Sankar Shaver pur = 30200. 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