Difference Summon and Warrant
Difference Summon and Warrant
Difference Summon and Warrant
Provision It is defined u/s 2(a) of CrPC, as an It is also defined u/s 2(a) of CrPC, as an
under CrPC offence which is shown as bailable in any other offence other than bailable.
the 1st schedule, or which is made
bailable by any other law for the time
being in force.
Intensity of Bailable offences are considered less Whereas, Non- Bailable offences are
Crime serious in nature. considered more serious / heinous in nature
Quantum of As a general rule bailable offences are The quantum of punishment is high in
Punishment those in which punishment is for or Non- Bailable offences which may extend
less than 3 years. But there are some to Life Imprisonment.
exceptions to this rule.
Power to In Bailable Offences, bail can be Whereas, bail cannot be claimed as right
Grand Bail claimed as of right and is granted as a and court or the police officer has
matter of course by the police officer discretion to grand bail after considering
or by court. Its provision can be traced facts and circumstances pf each case.
u/s 436 of CrPC +65Provision for Non- Bailable offence is
given u/s 437 of CrPC.
Examples Cheating (Sec. 407 IPC), Affray Dowry Death (Sec. 304B, IPC), Murder
(Sec.160,IPC), Bribery for elections (Sec. 302, IPC), Rape (Sec.376, IPC),
(Sec 171E IPC) Voluntarily causing Grieve Hurt (Sec. 326,
Cases In Rasiklal v. Kishore Khanchand In Mansab Ali v. Irsan[ii], It was held by
Wadhwani[i] , It was held by the apex the apex court that since the jurisdiction is
court that the right to claim bail discretionary, it is required to be exercised
granted by sec. 436 in a bailable with great care and caution by balancing
offence is an absolute & indefeasible valuable right of liberty of an individual
right and the interest of society at large.
Summon vs Warrant
Types of Summon
(I) Civil Summon: A judicial summon given to a private person to appear in the civil
court and respond to a petition filed in a court. It is issued in the following matters
such as breach of contract, injunction, etc.
What is a Warrant?
Types of Warrant
1. Object:
2. Issued to:
Summon: It is issued to a person/parties/witnesses.
Warrant: It is issued to the police officer.
3. Motto:
4. Copy:
5. Nature:
Points of
Summon Case Warrant Case
Punishment Less than two years More than two years of
Tenure of imprisonment imprisonment
Framing of charges
against the accused
Framing of Criminal
is not necessarily to
Charge charges against accused
be done. But, only
Framing person is mandatorily to be
the particulars must
be conveyed to the
It instructs to
In general, it authorizes a
produce the relevant
police officer to bring the
Content documents and
accused person before the
others before the
By no mean, a warrant
A summon case can
Conversion of case can be cannot be
be converted into a
case converted into summon
warrant case.