Form No 245
Form No 245
Form No 245
FORM NO. 246. Abduction with Consent
(See Arts. 343, 344, R.P.C.)
The undersigned, provincial fiscal, upon sworn complaint originally file by the offended
party, accuse
________________ of the crime of Abduction with Consent, committed as follows:
Virgin over twelve and under eighteen years of age, from her dwelling with her consent and
with lewd designs.
Contrary to law:
(Provincial Fiscal)
Virginity is not to be understood in so material a sense as to exclude the idea of the abduction of
a virtuous woman of good reputation. (U.S. v. Casten, 34 Phil. 88.)
All information, for offenses filed by city or provincial fiscals must contain a certification under
oath by the investigation fiscal that before filing the case he had previously conducted a preliminary
investigation wherein the accused was given a chance to appear. Such a certification under oath may be
state substantially as follows:
“A preliminary investigation has previously been conducted in this case under my direction,
having examined the witnesses in according with the provisions of Republic Act No. 5180, as amended by
P.D. No. 77, Dec. 6, 1972 and P.D. 911, March 23, 1978 and as implemented by Dept. of Justice Circular
No. 74, series of 1967, and Circular No. 23, series of 1975.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this_______ day of ________ , 19_____ ,in the
city/municipality of___________________ , Philippines, by ________ , assistant fiscal
Judge, Court of
First Instance
The “OK” or approval by the or Provincial Fiscal is also required by law before any information
may be filed
by any assistant fiscal.(R.A 5180) as amended by P.D. No. 77 and P.D. 911, (1976) and as implemented by
Department of Justice Circulars Nos. 74 (s. 1967) and (s. 1975.)