1 s2.0 S2772397622000028 Main
1 s2.0 S2772397622000028 Main
1 s2.0 S2772397622000028 Main
Cleaner Materials
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/clema
Keywords: Steam curing at atmospheric pressure is a method used to raise concrete strength at early ages. The steam cur-
Early compressive strength ing method is based on the application of hot water vapor at a temperature between 40 °C and 100 °C for a
Steam curing temperature limited period. The highest temperatures and the longest curing period are determined based on the character-
Steam curing period istics of the target concrete, the cost, and the production cycle. This study presents the effect of steam curing
Heat transfer
regime application on concrete properties. Steam curing has a negative effect on the microstructure of concrete,
and this effect increases with higher temperatures. The curing period and the precuring period in addition to
the cooling period influence the properties and the strength of concrete. This study summarizes the previous
literature related to the effect of steam curing regime application on the properties of concrete. Previous studies
confirm that concrete exposed to steam curing regime at low temperatures ranging between 45 °C and 80 °C
and a longer period within a 24‐hour cycle achieve better concrete properties. In addition, raising the steam
curing temperatures above 80 °C has a negative effect on concrete microstructure and other concrete properties
in general. This study also concludes that adding pozzolanic or complementary cement materials contributes to
reducing the damage resulting from the application of steam curing regime on concrete at later ages. Such ver-
ification is required to clarify the behavior of concrete under the influence of steam curing systems, understand
their effect on the properties of concrete, and look for ways to reduce the damage from degrees of application
of steam curing regime.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Steam curing at atmospheric pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1. Effect of steam curing periods on strength of concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.1. Delay period of steam curing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Heating period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Period of fixing ultimate steam curing temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2. Heat transfer into concrete samples under the influence of steam curing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3. Effect of steam curing on cement hydration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4. Effect of steam curing on pore distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.5. Effect of steam curing on volumetric changes of concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.6. Effect of steam curing on strength of concrete containing pozzolan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.7. Microstructural characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
⇑ Corresponding author.
Received 13 September 2021; Revised 14 December 2021; Accepted 1 January 2022
3. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Future research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Declaration of Competing Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1. Introduction Curing methods for concrete are mainly to maintain the moisture con-
tent within the concrete elements through a) preventing evaporation,
Concrete curing refers to the procedures used to provide sufficient b) reducing the evaporation rate, and c) compensating concrete for
moisture to continue cement hydration enhancement. Concrete curing evaporating water (Saliba et al., 2011). Several curing methods
controls temperature and humidity, inside and outside the concrete applied to concrete may suit certain conditions, and the most common
(ACI, 2001; Mi et al., 2018). Continuous curing of cement allows the are (Kosmatka et al., 2008) 1) covering concrete surfaces with wet
hydration to continue, resulting in 1) increased gel formation (calcium cloth or wet burlap, 2) water sprinklers or water mist, 3) immersing
silicate hydrate), 2) increased strength, 3) reduced pore size, and 4) concrete surfaces with water (pools), 4) the membrane method, 5)
reduced plastic and dry shrinkage of concrete. However, interrupting the concrete insulation method, and 6) steam curing (hydration
the curing of concrete adversely influences all those properties acceleration).
(Amin et al., 2021; Wyrzykowski and Lura, 2016). Maintaining proper Concrete becomes high performance with a proper curing period,
internal humidity is critical because cement hydration stops when the making it more impermeable and resistant to aggressive environments
relative humidity inside the capillary drops below 80% (Jensen, (Zain et al., 2000). In OPC concrete, improvement is rapid at the early
1995). Insufficient internal humidity and complete hydration of the ages and continues to improve over later ages. Fig. 1 shows the effect
cement will not occur, and the resulting concrete may not have the of moist curing time on the strength of concrete. When curing stops,
required strength and impermeability (Patel et al., 1988). In addition, the strength of concrete continues to evolve for a short period and then
a continuous porous structure that contacts the concrete surface may stops after the relative humidity in the interior of the concrete drops to
be produced, allowing the entry of harmful elements (liquid and gases) less than 80% (Jensen, 1995; Kosmatka et al., 2002). However, resum-
from the surrounding environment and possibly causing various prob- ing the humid treatment may lead to the development of concrete
lems in durability (Niu et al., 2020). Moreover, early drying of con- strength again but may not achieve the target strength. Thus, continu-
crete leads to the appearance of micro cracks resulting from the ously curing concrete from the time of casting is best such that suffi-
plastic shrinkage, which may expand to be visible in all parts of con- cient internal moisture is maintained for cement hydration to
crete (Mauroux et al., 2012). In addition, water evaporation and mois- proceed and to gain strength and durability (Kosmatka et al., 2002;
ture loss reduce the initial water–cement ratio, resulting in incomplete Neville, 2002; Targan et al., 2003; Eldagal and Elmukhtar, 2008).
hydration of cement compounds and reducing the quality of concrete Furthermore, curing concrete at low temperatures slows down the
(Taylor, 2014). Various factors lead to rapid evaporation of concrete cement hydration rate compared with curing at high temperatures.
water such as wind speed, relative humidity, atmospheric tempera- Several researchers reported that concrete cured at temperatures
ture, water–cement ratio in the mixture, type of cement, aggregates, below 23 °C is (Kosmatka et al., 2002) unfavorable for the develop-
and additives used in the mixture (Zeyad, 2019; Askar et al., 2017). ment of early strength (Kjellsen and Detwiler, 1992). The increase in
The evaporation of the mixing water in the initial stage causes plastic curing temperatures would lead to an increase in the strength at an
shrinkage cracks and in the final stage causes dry shrinkage cracks early age. However, it may decrease the 28‐day strength, as shown
(Cohen et al., 1990). Therefore, maintaining the moisture content of in Fig. 2.
the concrete elements is critical to the continuation of the cement Three main methods are used for curing concrete while maintain-
hydration and the prevention of damage resulting from drying out. ing a suitable humidity within the proper temperature:
Fig. 1. Effect of moist curing time on strength of concrete (Kosmatka et al., 2002).
A.M. Zeyad et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100042
1. The mixing water is maintained during the hardening of concrete at Steam curing is a special case of wet curing, in which steam involves
an early age until the required properties of concrete are achieved. the supply of water to concrete under atmospheric pressure. Water
This method can be accomplished using suitable means such as vapor is generated at atmospheric pressure because of water heating,
water immersion, spraying, fogging, or saturated wet coverings. and the temperature is less than 100 °C.
2. The loss of mixing water is reduced because of evaporation on the
surface of the concrete. It can be overcome by covering concrete
2. Steam curing at atmospheric pressure
with impervious paper or plastic sheets, or applying a membrane
curing compound.
Curing of concrete by steam at atmospheric pressure accelerates
3. The acquisition of strength is accelerated by the provision of heat
compressive strength development and improves the properties of con-
with high humidity at the early age of concrete by employing treat-
crete at early ages. The gain in early strength can be increased mani-
ment methods such as steam curing at atmospheric pressure or
fold by curing in steam, as a result of the increase rate of cement
steam curing at high pressure (autoclaving) (Kosmatka et al.,
hydration with the increase in the temperature. Under atmospheric
2002; Neville, 2002; Ramachandran, 1995).
pressure at temperatures below 100 °C, steam curing can be regarded
as hot moist curing that enables a vapor‐saturated supply of water and
This study highlights the effect of steam curing regimes on the per-
high relative humidity. Turkel and Alabas (Turkel and Alabas, 2005)
formance of concrete. Steam curing is heat curing with a high moisture
reported temperatures of steam curing for concrete ranging between
content, and it is used to accelerate cement hydration under atmo-
40 °C and 100 °C. A higher steam curing temperature (80 °C–100 °C)
spheric pressure. Thus, the strength of concrete products is developed
leads to a lower final strength; hence, steam curing temperature is a
in a short time. The gain of strength can be accelerated by steam cur-
compromising factor between rate of strength gain at early ages and
ing concrete at specified temperatures because the rate of cement
ultimate strength (Turkel and Alabas, 2005; Soroka et al., 1978). Fur-
hydration increases with increasing temperature and period of curing.
thermore, Aydin et al. encouraged the application of heat curing at a
A.M. Zeyad et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100042
Table 1
Compressive strength of concrete with different delay periods for steam curing (H et al., 2008).
Concrete Age Reference concrete Steam curing hold time (5 h) Steam curing hold time (10 h)
Delay period (hours)
3 2 1 IST 3 2 1 IST
medium temperature (60 °C–80 °C) over a cycle of at least 1 day and iod of 1 h had high compressive strengths of 56 and 64 MPa (28 days)
4 h that is more economical and energy efficient (Aydin et al., under curing temperatures of 50 °C and 70 °C with curing period of 10
2015). It resulted in about 70% gain in strength from the 28‐day and 12 h, respectively. The 3‐hour period before heating resulted in
strength. This gain is sufficient for prefabricated concrete elements better compressive strength of 63 MPa (28 days) in the case of curing
and purposes of prestressing. Curing period, curing temperature, and temperature of 60 °C and curing period of 10 h. This result makes the
cement type are the important parameters in steam curing. Other fac- setting of the period before heating subject to change based on these
tors that affect the strength of concrete are w/b ratio, mineral admix- parameters (Ramezanianpour et al., 2013). However, researchers sta-
ture, and type of curing after steam curing. Curing period and ted that relying on the initial sitting time of concrete, as a period
temperature are normally adjusted according to the target (Erdogdu before the onset of heating, is better to resolve the difference in the
and Kurbetci, 1998; Gambhir, 2004; Sherman et al., 1996). estimate of the period before heating. Zeyad et al. used the initial time
of concrete of 3‐hour as preheating for all steam curing cycles applied
in their research (Zeyad et al., 2021; Zeyad, 2013). This method is con-
2.1. Effect of steam curing periods on strength of concrete
sistent with the opinion of many researchers, who reported that the
application of short periods before curing can lead to a difference in
A typical steam‐curing cycle at atmospheric pressure consists of
the thermal expansion coefficients of the concrete components, thus
four stages. Fig. 3 shows the cycle of steam curing for a complete cycle
resulting in micro cracking and increased porosity (Mironov, 1966).
(ACI, 1987; 2001).
However, delaying the steam curing cycle for a period equal to the ini-
tial setting time remarkably reduces these adverse effects. It also facil-
2.1.1. Delay period of steam curing itates the reaction of gypsum with tricalcium‐aluminate that reduces
Many researchers indicated that some delay prior to subjecting the the solubility of gypsum at higher temperatures (Patel et al., 1995).
concrete to steam is beneficial to concrete properties, such as strength, Although early application of steam curing is a common practice, sev-
impenetrability, and durability. eral researchers here indicated that this is quite harmful and that some
Hanson (1963) reported that increasing the delay period from 1 h delay before exposure to steam is beneficial for concrete properties,
to 5 h leads to compressive strength increase at all ages (Hanson). Fur- such as strength and durability (Erdem et al., 2003; Alexanderson).
thermore, Shideler and Chamberlin (1949) concluded that a delay per- Erdem et al. indicated (Erdem et al., 2003) that the delay period
iod of 2–6 h for starting the steam curing leads to an increase of about should be determined in such a way that the steam curing process
15%–40% in strength at the age of one day compared with steam cur- should not cause expansion. According to Türkelet and Alabas
ing started immediately after casting. In addition, Soroka et al. (Soroka (Türkel and Alabas, 2005), the lower quality of concrete due to the
et al., 1978) reported that subjecting concrete to steam curing at delay shorter lag time is due to the increased porosity and cracks caused
periods between 30 and 60 min would cause a decrease in compressive by the tensile stress caused by the internal stress in the pores. Research
strength of concrete at later ages (Soroka et al., 1978). Alexandersson has been established that concrete must have a critical tensile strength
(1972) observed that expansion does not happen for delay periods before steam curing begins. Shi et al. (Shi et al., 2020) stated that if
between 4 and 7 h and depending on w/c ratio, no decrease in com- steam application is started before the time of the initial setting of
pressive strength at later ages is observed. Erdem et al. (2003) recom- the concrete, the outer position (or faces) of the concrete sample hard-
mended a delay in the start of steam curing by a period equal to the ens early while the inner concrete is still plastic because the concrete
initial setting time of concrete (Erdem et al., 2003). When the delay temperature lags behind the curing room temperature while the tem-
period is equal to the initial setting time, higher strengths are perature is rising. The inner plastic concrete can expand and induce
obtained, as shown in Table 1. Moreover, the delay period should be tensile stress in the rigid outer shell (Wang et al., 2014). Hence, initial
between 2 and 5 h to avoid inferior concrete quality. Shorter delay setting time has been suggested as a measurable criterion for the delay
periods can increase porosity and accelerate cracks on account of ten- period before steam treatment is applied.
sile stresses formed due to the internal pressure in the pores (Neville,
2002; ACI, 1992). Wang (2014) et al. indicated that the application of
the 6‐hour preheating period results in a high compressive strength of Heating period
94 MPa (28 days) under the 60 °C curing temperature with an 8‐hour This period can be defined as the time required for raising the heat
curing period, compared with 1 and 3 h for its compressive strengths to the target temperature. This period depends on the difference
of 93 and 92 MPa, respectively (Wang et al., 2014). Ramezanianpour between temperature of casting and ultimate temperature of steam
(2013) et al. indicated that the application of the preheat period curing. The ACI 517.2 preferred the rise in the rate of temperature
depends on heating temperature and heating period. The preheat per- of the steam ranging between 22 °C and 44 °C per hour. Steven
A.M. Zeyad et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100042
Table 2
Cycle of steam curing from different sources.
No Preheating Rate °C/hr Ultimate temperature Duration of ultimate temperature Cooling °C/hr Researcher
1 6 15 65 4 – (Titherington, 1998)
2 6–8 20 65 9 20 (Khalil, 2002)
3 2, 4, 6 15 50, 65, 80 8, 10, 12, 14 15 (Erdogdu and Kurbetci, 1998)
4 3.5,4 22 65 6 22 (Tanaka, et al., 2004)
5 setting time 21 80 5, 10 – (H et al., 2008)
6 6 20 60 16 6 (Liu et al., 2005)
7 2 20 60 8 40 (Aydın et al., 2005)
8 4 11 65 5 15 (Erdogˇdu and Kurbetci, 2005)
9 2, 4, 6 15 50, 60, 80, 95 8, 10, 12, 14 15 (Cassagnabere et al., 2009)
10 3 18 65, 85 4,8,16, 24, 36 11 (Turkel and Alabas, 2005)
11 2.83 10 55 12.5 12 (Najafi Kani and Allahverdi, 2009)
12 – – 45, 65, 85 5, 10, 15, 20 – (Cassagnabere et al., 2010)
13 2.83 10 55 12.5 12 (Gesoglu, 2010)
14 2 17 65 17 50 (Ramezanianpour, 2014)
15 2–5 11–33 50–82 – – (Neville, 2002)
16 initial set 11–44 58–82 4–12 – (ACI, 1992)
Table 3
Compressive strength (indicated as % of control) development.
4 85 82 73 69 103 88 79 75
8 101 87 78 74 112 95 85 81
16 104 89 80 76 114 98 88 83
24 122 105 94 89 108 92 82 78
36 113 97 86 82 108 92 82 78
et al. suggested that the application of a heating rate of 10 °C–20 °C per est compressive strength was obtained when the steam curing
hour should be used to avoid damage caused by the rapid heating rate; temperature was stabilized for 24 h at 65 °C and 16 h at 85 °C. The
a slow heating rate requires a longer period, and the same time allows compressive strength rates (indicated as percentage of control) under
a uniform distribution of heat and a greater depth within the concrete different curing periods are listed in Table 3, where steam‐cured con-
samples regularly (Hwang et al., 2012). Hwang et al. indicated the crete’s compressive strength is 22% higher than that of immersion‐
advantage of applying a heating rate of 22 °C per hour to achieve a cured control concrete. Concrete compressive strength curing for
high early compressive strength, with a maximum steam curing tem- 3 days 1 delay at 24 h soaking time at 65 °C. By applying curing at
perature of 60 °C (Yan et al., 2019). Many previous studies applied a 65 °C for 36 h, it reached 113% of the normal compressive strength
heating rate for steam curing ranging of 10 °C–22 °C per hour (Yan cured for 3 days. Steam curing leads to lower compressive strength
et al., 2020; Ferdosian and Camões, 2017; Zeyad et al., 2021; Zhang in the later life. This finding was confirmed in this research, where
et al., 1996). Table 2 shows several cycles of steam curing from differ- approximately 28% and 26% decrease in compressive strength were
ent sources found at the age of 28 days for 24 and 16 h treatment at 65 °C, respec-
tively (Türkel and Alabas, 2005).
Period of fixing ultimate steam curing temperature Zhang et al. (2021) reported exposing concrete samples to steam
The total cycle of steam curing (included in four stages) can be curing regimes of three different durations of steam curing, namely,
determined based on its suitability to the requirements of compressive 10, 12, and 14 h, at two different temperatures, 60 °C and 70 °C. In
strength and the durability of concrete in the early and later ages. It is general, the results showed an improvement in compressive strength
also subject to economic considerations in terms of long working shifts with the increase in treatment period. At a temperature of 60 °C at
in concrete production to match the production cycle that satisfies the age of 1 day, the obtained compressive strengths were 15.7,
steam curing. 18.7, and 20.2 MPa for steam curing period of 12, 14, and 16 h,
respectively, whereas at a temperature of 70 °C at the age of
a. Steam curing period 1 day, the obtained compressive strengths were 18, 20.6, and
22 MPa for stem curing periods of 12, 14, and 16 h, respectively.
For a satisfactory steam curing cycle of concrete, Neville (2012) Erdem et al. (Erdem et al., 2003) concluded that prolonging the
suggested a steam curing period of no more than 18 h to complete steam curing period from 5 h to 10 h achieved compressive
the total cycle (excluding the delay period). Furthermore, Hanson strengths of 30.2 and 34.1 MPa, respectively, at a maximum steam
(1963) suggested a period for the stabilization of the maximum tem- curing temperature of 80 °C.
perature of the steam treatment in the range between 16 and 18 h. Mindess (2019) indicated that applying a longer period of steam
Many researchers used different periods of fixing temperature depend- curing of 24 h results in a higher compressive strength than shorter
ing on the desired properties of concrete. Torkel and Alabas studied periods of 12 h, and this applies to the early age of 1 day. The length
four different periods of 4, 8, 16, 24, and 36 h of maximum stabiliza- of the curing period negatively affects the compressive strength at the
tion phase at 65 °C and 85 °C. Accordingly, they reported that the high- later ages of 90 days, as shown in Figs. 4 and 5.
A.M. Zeyad et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100042
Fig. 5. Compressive strength of concrete with different steam curing regimes (Mindess, 2019).
Table 4
Compressive strength of normal cured and steam-cured concrete specimens (Türkel and Alabas, 2005).
PC42.5 38.2 44.5 49.8 52.4 36.3 38.6 39.7 46.7 46.7 65
39.4 42.6 43.6 41.1 41.1 85
PKC/A42.5 36.2 40.9 49.0 52.2 29.8 33.3 34.1 37.6 37.6 65
33.5 37.8 38.1 39.6 39.7 85
b. Steam curing temperature ACI 517.2R (ACI, 1992) concluded that no remarkable differences in
early strengths could be found with cement Type II concretes for max-
The effect of steam curing temperatures is directly reflected on the imum steam curing temperatures of 58 °C, 70 °C, or 82 °C. Further-
properties of concrete in the early and late ages. Maximum curing tem- more, strength of concretes at 28 days under steam curing with
peratures can vary in the range of 40 °C to 100 °C, whereas optimum temperatures of 70 °C–80 °C led to a slight reduction in strength com-
temperature is generally between 50 °C and 85 °C (Benammar et al., pared with those steam‐cured with temperatures at 48 °C or 50 °C. Yan
2013). Curing temperature is adjusted depending on the need for rate et al. (2019) described that in general, increases in maximum room
of strength gain and ultimate strength because a high steam curing temperature can lead to improvements in early mechanical properties.
temperature leads to low strength at later ages (Liu et al., 2020). They suggested maximum processing temperatures from 40 °C to 85 °
A.M. Zeyad et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100042
2.2. Heat transfer into concrete samples under the influence of steam curing
The heat of the steam used for curing is gradually transferred to the
concrete samples based on the following factors: maximum steam tem-
Fig. 6. a. One-day compressive strength with respect to curing temperature
(Erdogdu and Kurbetci, 1998). b. 28-day compressive strength with respect to
perature, steam curing application period, thickness of the concrete
curing temperature (Erdogdu and Kurbetci, 1998). sample, and moisture content within the sample. Shi et al. (2020) men-
tioned that the change in the initial temperature range inside the con-
crete occurs through the release of the hydration heat of the cement
material and from the transfer of heat from the external environment.
Then, the change in the internal heat field begins due to the effect of
steam treatment. In the stage of raising the temperature, high heat is
applied to the edge of the mold and the outer layer of the sample in
return for lower temperatures inside the samples. They found a differ-
ence of up to 30 °C between the internal temperature and the temper-
ature on the surface of the sample (the dimensions of the sample are
100 * 100 * 100 mm). Thus, under the influence of continuous steam
curing and cement hydration processes, internal temperatures begin to
exceed the surface temperature of concrete samples, and the difference
reaches 17 °C. Fig. 7(a, b, c and d) show the heat transfer within the
concrete samples during steam curing in the second, sixth, seventh,
and twelfth hours of steam curing, respectively.
Several researchers support that the heat of hydration in addition
to the storage of heat transferred from the outside may be higher than
the heat on the surface of the concrete samples. Zou et al. (2021)
Fig. 6 (continued)
reported that the temperature of hydration increases with the increas-
ing application of steam treatment. Fig. 8 shows the rise in hydration
temperature when steam curing is applied (Fig. 9).
C. This wide range of temperatures may be related to the difference in Hanif et al. (2017) reported that rising temperatures of steam cur-
the target properties of compressive strength and permeability as well ing lead to high rates of heat release from cement hydration and a high
as the proportions of the mixture and the diversity of chemical and heat retention within concrete samples.
physical properties of the cement and the complementary cement
materials used. The temperature limit has been set to mitigate any 2.3. Effect of steam curing on cement hydration
adverse effect of elevated curing temperatures on the long‐term devel-
opment of the properties of strength and the permeability and the Steam curing accelerates cement hydration, microstructure forma-
durability of concrete. Turkel and Alabas (Türkel and Alabas, 2005) tion, and the acquisition of early strength as well as other mechanical
also showed that increasing the temperature of steam curing from properties (Gallucci et al., 2013). Acceleration of cement hydration by
65 °C to 85 °C helps improve the compression strength of concrete, steam curing leads to the transfer of heat and moisture to the concrete
as shown in Table 4. samples; thus, temperature and humidity have a direct, complex effect
Moreover, many researchers reported ample evidence that the on the field of chemical reactions and the field of thermal stress on the
increase in temperature of steam curing should be between 65 °C concrete. Accordingly, the process of acquiring rapid hardening of con-
and 85 °C to obtain a higher early strength. Moreover, it should not crete during steam curing has different, complex effects, especially the
exceed more than 90 °C because it can cause reduction in the strength development of its long‐term performance (Baoju et al., 2001; Kjellsen,
of concrete. To minimize the decrease in the strength in the later ages, 1996).
using the temperature of steam curing between 50 °C and 80 °C is pre- Kjellsen et al. studied the effect of high temperature on the
ferred according to Fig. 6a and b (Kosmatka et al., 2002; Erdogdu and microstructure of hydration products (Cassagnabère et al., 2009;
Kurbetci, 1998; Gambhir, 2004; Cassagnabere et al., 2009). Verbeck; He et al., 2012). They reported that the heterogeneous distri-
bution of water products and the dense water crust are the main rea-
sons for the detrimental effects of steam curing on the long‐term Period of temperature decrease (Cooling period). This stage is the performance of concrete. In addition, to speed up the hydration rate
end of steam curing just before the storage of the samples in water of the steam curing, the hydration products are not precipitated and
tanks for testing at different ages. The recommendations from ACI dispersed uniformly in the space between the cement particles. There-
517.2R (ACI, 1992) stated that moderate cooling does not affect the fore, a dense layer of C‐S‐H gels is formed around the cement particles,
concrete properties, although it provides an additional period to steam which hinders further hydration of the cement particles. Han et al.
A.M. Zeyad et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100042
(Han et al., 2021; Ma et al., 2017; Detwiler et al., 1994) proved that structure, and the hydration products do not have sufficient time to
the presence of thermal damage and steam treatment would cause spread evenly before they harden. The products of hydration harden-
uneven distribution of hydration products, bulging deformation, and ing result in a dense region around the cement particles and lesser
embrittlement. Ba et al. demonstrated the increase in density dense regions further away. This result causes the produced structure
microstructure of cement paste under the influence of steam curing to be more porous and nonuniform. Moreover, these dense zones can
due to the acceleration of hydration. Fig. 10 shows the microscopic impede further hydration of the encapsulated cement grains. Several
images of steam‐cured concrete samples. Most of the completely unre- measures to reduce the potential negative effects of steam curing are
acted cement and fly ash particles are shown in Fig. 5a. With the appli- delay in steam curing cycle, rate of temperature rise, maximum tem-
cation of steam curing, the size of the fly ash particles decreases, and perature fixing, and cooling period (Hooton and Titherington, 2004;
the C‐S‐H gel fraction increases, as shown in Fig. 5b–d. This result indi- Igarashi et al., 2005). Jennings (1988) and Gao et al. (2016) contended
cates that the degree of hydration of the cement and fly ash increases that the reasons for the adverse effects of steam curing on concrete are
with the duration of steam curing (Fig. 11). that the later lower strength of steam‐cured concrete is related to the
pore structure within the cement matrix, which is a direct, crucial fac-
2.4. Effect of steam curing on pore distribution tor of the mechanical properties, impermeability, and frost resistance
of concrete and abrasion. Understanding the evolution of the pore
The increase in temperature during steam curing accelerates the structure within the cement matrix also helps explain cement paste
reactions of cement hydration, which produces a high early strength hydration and the underlying cause of concrete strength and deteriora-
but can adversely affect the strength and properties of concrete in tion. Gao et al. (Gao et al., 2017) described pores in concrete as mul-
the long‐term because the accelerated curing often results in nonuni- tiscale, and they can be divided into three sections according to the
form distribution of the pore that leads to formation of a coarser pore average pore size: 1) microscopic pores, 2) capillary pores, and 3)
A.M. Zeyad et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100042
Fig. 9. Comparison of hydration degree of cement paste under different curing temperatures (Hanif, 2017).
gelatinous pores. Macroscopic pores can be seen with the naked eye, amounts of water vapor. Shi et al. (2020) stated that rising water vapor
including air bubbles and defects caused by the concrete mixing or may cause the initial pores between the cement paste and the aggre-
incomplete air degassing (insufficient vibration). Capillary pores, gates not to be easily filled with wetting products. Moreover, during
smaller and larger than 2 μm, appear in cement paste with a high the cooling period of steam curing, water vapor condenses in the
water–cement content, which greatly affects the strength and the per- self‐contained pores, which in turn reduces the pressure inside the
meability of concrete. The pores in the gel are nanometer sized (less pores. This factor is cited as one of the main reasons why high‐
than 10 nm) and usually seen as portions of the solid phase in a temperature steam‐cured concrete is more brittle than standard‐
water–cement paste (Jennings et al., 2007; Francis Young, 1988). cured concrete. Deschner et al. (2013) and Deschner et al. (2013)
Gallucci et al. (Baoju et al., 2001; Ba et al., 2011) stated that several explained the effect of treated temperatures on the distribution of
small pores fuse to form larger pores due to the capillary pressure pores and the interface transition zone, as shown in Fig. 13. Clearly,
caused by the rapid precipitation of hydration products and the migra- the increase in temperature negatively affects the pores, and the sam-
tion of water vapor produced by the steam treatment. This process ple treated with steam at 75 °C has more pores and an adhesion area
leads to a high processing temperature in the case of a volume expan- weaker with rubble. As the gel becomes loose and the pores and micro
sion distortion of the relatively highwater content in the interface tran- cracks spread wetting products after curing temperature rises, the
sition zone range because the aggregates are surrounded by large deterioration behavior of steam‐cured concrete is more evident.
A.M. Zeyad et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100042
2.5. Effect of steam curing on volumetric changes of concrete that the delay of AFm in the re‐formation of the AFt early after the
completion of the steam treatment leads to the occurrence of delayed
Volumetric changes during the steam curing stage are caused by ettringite formation. In addition, resistance to AFt formation may
several factors: 1) thermal expansion of each concrete stage, 2) chem- occur in the solid paste due to the encapsulation and blocking effects
ical shrinkage caused by water, and 3) self‐shrinkage due to low inter- of wetting products. Subsequently, the widening may be counted and
nal humidity. Zou et al. (2021) stated that the autogenous shrinkage of microcracks are formed on a large scale due to the low crystallization
steam‐curing samples is lower due to the thermal expansion of con- resistance of Aft. Katsioti et al. (2011) reported that expansion approx-
crete, In addition, the moisture content inside the samples decreases imately stops after 400 days, and steam treatment at 60 °C has an
during steam treatment. By contrast, the volumetric deformation of expansion rate at 4 years of approximately 100 × 10−6, whereas
steam‐cured concrete samples appears as expansion (volumetric the expansion rate at steam treatment temperature of 90 °C at 4 years
increase). One of the reasons for volume changes is the delayed forma- reaches 300 × 10−6, which is three times greater and theoretically
tion of Aft and delayed formation causing late volumetric expansion increases the risk of fracture. Therefore, late jet formation occurs at
(Taylor et al., 2001). Several studies showed that cement paste con- steam processing temperatures of up to 90 °C. The deformation values
tains AFt after a day of standard curing, as nucleation and growth of of normal concrete (PC) and high strength concrete (HSC) under the
AFt crystals help complete the reaction between C3A and gypsum to influence of steam curing are shown in Fig. 12.
form AFt within hours of adding water. Cement pastes treated with
steam at very high temperatures at 85 °C and above lead to the disso- 2.6. Effect of steam curing on strength of concrete containing pozzolan
lution of C3A and gypsum. Steam treatment at 90 °C makes AFt very
unstable and rapidly degrade to AFm, SO42−, Ca2+, and Al(OH)4 The application of steam curing to concrete leads to an acceleration
− once formed. It is then absorbed by C‐S‐H in large amounts. How- of the hydration processes accompanied by a rapid hardening, which
ever, AFm solubility product solubility increases with increasing causes a less dense structural structure and an uneven distribution of
steam‐curing temperature (Tosun, 2006; Zhuang and Sun, 2020; hydration products compared with immersion‐cured concrete. It gen-
Katsioti et al., 2011). Brunetaud et al. (Brunetaud et al., 2007; erates a higher porosity, although it increases compressive strength
Escadeillas et al., 2007; Escalante‐Garcia and Sharp, 2001) reported at an early age and causes less force at later ages compared with
A.M. Zeyad et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100042
Fig. 12. Deformation values of PC and HSC under the influence of steam curing.
A.M. Zeyad et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100042
Fig. 13. Effect of cementing materials and curing procedures on steady-state migration results (Igarashi et al., 2005).
immersion‐cured concrete (Mo et al., 2021). Several researchers sug- 2005; Ma et al., 1994; Chen et al., 2019; Ho et al., 2003). Shi et al. con-
gested the use of supplementary cement materials to reduce or reduce firmed that the addition of supplementary cementitious materials to
the effect of steam curing application on concrete at later ages (Zeyad steam‐cured concrete causes an increase in sorptivity coefficient at
et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2019). To mitigate these the age of 28 days and in turn contributes to reducing heat damage
negative effects of steam curing on concrete, the researchers made sev- due to a delay the rate of hydration of the cement components. More-
eral targeted attempts, including extending steam curing time, slowing over, mixing different types of active supplementary cement materials
heating rate, and reducing curing temperature. However, it often con- for steam‐cured concrete contributes effectively to reducing the sorp-
flicts with economic benefits and decomposes property; thus, it is sel- tivity coefficient (Shi et al., 2020). Chen et al. reported that incorporat-
dom used by factories of prefabricated items (Deschner et al., 2013; ing metakaolin allows reducing the maximum steam curing
Brooks and Al‐Kaisi, 1990; Ezziane et al., 2007). Addition of poz- temperature without compromising early strength as well as reducing
zolanic materials also has a remarkably mitigates the adverse effects absorption in the long term. They also revealed that steam‐cured con-
of steam curing. For example, adding fly ash or ground granulated crete containing a mixture of metakaolin and limestone shows
blast furnace slag to concrete can modify the kinetics of hydration, improved mechanical properties, less absorbability, and better
reduce the heat evolution, and produce C‐S‐H gel in addition to filling microstructure compared with steam‐cured concrete based on blast
the pores. Ezziane et al. (2007) and Aydin et al. (2015) reported that furnace slag and fly ash only (Aldea et al., 2000). Many researchers
elevation of temperature and curing period have positive effects on observed that concrete containing supplementary cementitious materi-
strength at an early age (1 day), and elevation of temperature leads als show better performance than Portland cement concrete on appli-
to reduction in ultimate strength. The pozzolanic material starts to cation of steam curing. Furthermore, the use of supplementary
contribute to the improvement of strength at a later age by depending cementitious materials can prevent deleterious expansions related to
on the pozzolanic reaction with Ca (HO)2 (Erdogˇdu and Kurbetci, delayed ettringite formation, alkali–silica reaction, water sorptivity,
Fig. 14. Effects of curing condition and mineral admixture content on sorptivity of concretes (Ramezanianpour, 2014).
A.M. Zeyad et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100042
Fig. 15. Effects of curing condition and mineral admixture content on chloride ion permeability of concretes (Ramezanianpour, 2014).
and chloride ion permeability (Aydin et al., 2015; Gesoglu, 2010). ages and negatively affect the properties of concrete in later ages. Stud-
Fig. 13 shows that the use of supplementary cementitious materials ies carried out by researchers on the microstructural properties and the
assists in increasing the chloride penetration resistance of concrete hydration of cement pastes subjected to temperatures ranging from 5 °
with the use of the steam curing. C to 50 °C using back‐scattered imaging found that low curing temper-
Furthermore, many researchers found that adding pozzolanic mate- atures result in a uniform distribution of hydration products and fine
rials to concrete and using steam treatment leads to improvement in pores. Elevated temperatures result in nonuniformly distributed hydra-
the properties of concrete compared with those of concrete without tion products and coarser pores (Kjellsen and Detwiler, 1992).
supplementary cementitious materials or/and that used normal curing. Microstructure of hydrated cement paste formed at high curing tem-
Fig. 14 shows the reduction in water sorptivity when pozzolanic mate- peratures affects the strength and transport properties of concrete.
rials are added to concrete. In addition, steam curing leads to a higher The large, interconnected pores resulting from high‐temperature cur-
chloride permeability than normal curing. The negative effect of steam ing does not make more durable concrete structures. Furthermore,
curing on chloride permeability appears to be lower when pozzolanic Fig. 16 shows a decrease in coarser pores when the period of steam
material is added to concrete, as shown in Fig. 15 (Ramezanianpour curing is increased up to14 h. By contrast, increasing the period up
et al., 2014; Acquaye, 2006; Shi et al., 2021). to 24 h results in the increase of coarse pores (Cassagnabère et al.,
2.7. Microstructural characteristics Fig. 17 shows the effect of the maximum steam curing tempera-
tures on the permeability of the surface of the concrete samples. The
Steam curing accelerates the maturation of cement products. As a permeability of the sample surface is higher than the permeability
result, the steam curing affects the microstructural characteristic and of the inner surface of the steam‐cured concrete. This finding con-
can hamper the proper development of concrete properties at early firms the thermal effect of steam pretreatment, as mentioned in
A.M. Zeyad et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100042
other previous studies. In addition, excessive curing temperatures 2. The application of atmospheric pressure steam curing systems
are detrimental to the long‐term impermeability of steam‐cured con- greatly increases the hydration rate to raise the early strength of
crete (Deschner et al., 2013). concrete, achieving the designed strength within 3 days of casting.
Shi et al. reported that steam curing at high temperatures results in 3. The application of lower steam curing temperatures from 45 °C to
coarser pores and visible micro cracks in the ITZ in one day. In addi- 60 °C for a longer period (24 h) yields positive results in the early
tion, the temperature discrepancy on and inside the concrete surface and later ages compared with higher curing temperatures and
during steam curing may lead to substantial stress and increase the shorter periods.
deterioration of the concrete surface structure, as illustrated in 4. The application of curing steam temperatures of more than 80 °C
Fig. 18 (Shi et al., 2021). has a negative effect on the microstructure, the strength of concrete
in later ages due to the delayed ettringite formation, and the forma-
3. Conclusion tion of a porous structure.
5. The most effective steam curing regime is in the temperature range
This study reports the effects of steam curing on the behavior of from 50 °C to 80 °C and the curing period cycle of 24 h to avoid the
concrete. The following conclusions can be drawn: negative effect of high temperatures and reduce curing costs.
6. Attempting to speed up the transfer of vapor heat to concrete sam-
1. The results indicate the useful, economical application of steam ples by raising the steam curing temperatures or decreasing the
curing of concrete for precast structural elements, where one of period before curing leads to thermal stress and damages the prop-
the objectives is to speed up the construction in addition to the erties of the concrete. Therefore, a sufficient delay period must be
early superior mechanical properties. provided before steam curing is carried out, which is not less than
the initial sitting time of concrete.
A.M. Zeyad et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100042
7. The addition of pozzolanic materials plays an important role in between Ca (OH)2 and amorphous silica, and the ultrapure poz-
reducing the negative effect of steam curing on the strength of con- zolanic materials improve the microstructure and reduce
crete in later ages because the pozzolanic reaction occurs late permeability.
A.M. Zeyad et al. Cleaner Materials 3 (2022) 100042
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