Opc Drum Coating
Opc Drum Coating
Opc Drum Coating
Organic photoconductive
coating is composed
mainly from 2 important
layers. First one is CGL
and second is CTL. Charge-Generation-Layer is the
layer where photoconductive pigment is included.
This is usually TiOPC
pigment in y-shape of
crystals. The second layer
is the most important. It's
called CTL or Charge
Transfer Layer. It's purpose it to transfer electric
charge generated in the
lower layer to the surface.
With transferred charge
All parts that come in
contact with coating should be from high quality
staineless steel or
polyamide plastic. Also
silicone tubing is fine. All
parts and also stainless
steel airbrush is available
(costs approx 100 ) from
us. If you use diferent
equipment results may
vary from optimal. Coating should be done from
left to right as shown on
youtube video. And with
newest formulation only 1
pass is enought! If you
have nozzles opened 60%.
In any case you will need
to make your internal
tests. After coating dry the
drum with hot air gun.
Composition of coating
The coating is composed
from different elements.
Most important is the binder. We use same quality
polycarbonate as standard
in industry. This will ensure
full compatibility and endurance for whole cycle. Another ingredient is the heart of
the coatingcharge transfer complex. It's organic
compound that tranfers the
electron to the surface and
pickup the toner particles.
necessary equipment. We
just need to learn your
quantity requirements.
Coating is
packed in
glass bottles
that will
prevent any
leakage and evaporation.
The storage time
is not
You need
to keep
coating away from heat
sources and direct sunlight. And it doesn't have
any expiration date. Shipping is only possible via
truck! No air transportation possible!
Svet rnil
Litijska cesta 12a
1000 Ljubljana
Phone: +386 31 204 629
mail: info@svet-crnil.com
Coating procedure:
Use isopropyl alcohol
and clean the drum of
any toner
Coat the
with 1-2
coats of our coating
(depends of cartridge
Dry the drum with hotair gun for 10-30 sec. at
Why recoat the drums ?