Modeling of CHB Multilevel Inverter Based
Modeling of CHB Multilevel Inverter Based
Modeling of CHB Multilevel Inverter Based
1PG Scholar, Department of EEE, Ramachandra College of Engineering, Eluru, A.P, India.
2Professor & HOD, Department of EEE, Ramachandra College of Engineering, Eluru, A.P, India.
3 Associate Professor, Department of EEE, Ramachandra College of Engineering, Eluru, A.P, India.
This paper presents an investigation of five-Level Cascaded H - bridge (CHB) Inverter as Distribution Static
Compensator (DSTATCOM) in Power System (PS) for compensation of reactive power and harmonics. The
advantages of CHB inverter are low harmonic distortion, reduced number of switches and suppression of
switching losses. The DSTATCOM helps to improve the power factor and eliminate the Total Harmonics
Distortion (THD) drawn from a Non-Liner Diode Rectifier Load (NLDRL). The D-Q reference frame theory is
used to generate the reference compensating currents for DSTATCOM while Proportional and Integral (PI)
control is used for capacitor DC voltage regulation. A CHB Inverter is considered for shunt compensation of a
11 kV distribution system. Finally a level shifted PWM (LSPWM) and phase shifted PWM (PSPWM) techniques
are adopted to investigate the performance of CHB Inverter. The results are obtained through
MATLAB/SIMULINK software package.
KEYWORDS — DSTATCOM, Harmonic compensation, Level shifted PWM, Phase shifted PWM, CHB
multilevel inverter D-Q reference frame
Copyright © 2017 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
All rights reserved.
are obtained from the instantaneous active and The switching mechanism for 5-level CHB
reactive current components of the nonlinear load. inverter is shown in table-2.
Table 2 Switching table for 5-level CHB Inverter
However, the load current components are derived
from a SRF based on the Park transformation.
A DSTATCOM with five level CHB inverter is
investigated. Mathematical model for single
H-Bridge inverter is developed which can be
Figure-12 Source voltage, current and load extended to multi H-Bridge. The source voltage,
current with DSTATCOM load voltage, source current, load current, power
Figure 13 shows the DC bus voltage. The DC bus factor simulation results under nonlinear loads are
voltage is regulated to 11kV by using PI regulator. presented. Finally MATLAB/SIMULINK based
model is developed and simulation results are
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