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Modeling of CHB Multilevel Inverter Based

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International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Volume: 03, Issue No: 05, May 2017

ISSN: 2455-3778

Modeling of CHB Multilevel Inverter Based

DSTATCOM for Reactive Power and Harmonics
Ch.Ashok Kumar1 | S.Jayalakshmi2 | S.Subramanya Sarma3

1PG Scholar, Department of EEE, Ramachandra College of Engineering, Eluru, A.P, India.
2Professor & HOD, Department of EEE, Ramachandra College of Engineering, Eluru, A.P, India.
3 Associate Professor, Department of EEE, Ramachandra College of Engineering, Eluru, A.P, India.

To Cite this Article

Ch.Ashok Kumar, S.Jayalakshmi and S.Subramanya Sarma, “Modeling of CHB Multilevel Inverter Based DSTATCOM for
Reactive Power and Harmonics Compensation”, International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, Vol.
03, Issue 05, May 2017, pp. 165-169.

This paper presents an investigation of five-Level Cascaded H - bridge (CHB) Inverter as Distribution Static
Compensator (DSTATCOM) in Power System (PS) for compensation of reactive power and harmonics. The
advantages of CHB inverter are low harmonic distortion, reduced number of switches and suppression of
switching losses. The DSTATCOM helps to improve the power factor and eliminate the Total Harmonics
Distortion (THD) drawn from a Non-Liner Diode Rectifier Load (NLDRL). The D-Q reference frame theory is
used to generate the reference compensating currents for DSTATCOM while Proportional and Integral (PI)
control is used for capacitor DC voltage regulation. A CHB Inverter is considered for shunt compensation of a
11 kV distribution system. Finally a level shifted PWM (LSPWM) and phase shifted PWM (PSPWM) techniques
are adopted to investigate the performance of CHB Inverter. The results are obtained through
MATLAB/SIMULINK software package.

KEYWORDS — DSTATCOM, Harmonic compensation, Level shifted PWM, Phase shifted PWM, CHB
multilevel inverter D-Q reference frame

Copyright © 2017 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
All rights reserved.

I. INTRODUCTION unusual faults could also inflict power quality (PQ)

Modern power systems are of complex networks, problems. PQ problem is defined as any manifested
where hundreds of generating stations and problem in voltage/current or leading to frequency
thousands of load centers are interconnected deviations that result in failure or maloperation of
through long power transmission and distribution customer equipment. Voltage sags and swells are
networks. Even though the power generation is among the many PQ problems the industrial
fairly reliable, the quality of power is not always so processes have to face. Voltage sags are more
reliable. Power distribution system should provide severe. During the past few decades, power
with an uninterrupted flow of energy at smooth industries have proved that the adverse impacts on
sinusoidal voltage at the contracted magnitude the PQ can be mitigated or avoided by conventional
level and frequency to their customers. PS means, and that techniques using fast controlled
especially distribution systems, have numerous force commutated power electronics (PE) are even
non linear loads, which significantly affect the more effective. PQ compensators can be
quality of power. Apart from non linear loads, categorized into two main types. One is shunt
events like capacitor switching, motor starting and connected compensation device that effectively

165 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

a Ch.Ashok Kumar, S.Jayalakshmi and S.Subramanya Sarma : Modeling of CHB Multilevel Inverter Based DSTATCOM for
Reactive Power and Harmonics Compensation
eliminates harmonics. allows the device to absorb or generate controllable
The other is the series connected device, which active and reactive power.
has an edge over the shunt type for correcting the The VSC connected in shunt with the ac
distorted system side voltages and voltage sags system provides a multifunctional topology which
caused by power transmission system faults. The can be used for up to three quite distinct purposes:
STATCOM used in distribution systems is called 1. Voltage regulation and compensation of reactive
DSTACOM (Distribution-STACOM) and its power;
configuration is the same, but with small 2. Correction of power factor
modifications. It can exchange both active and 3. Elimination of current harmonics.
reactive power with the distribution system by Here, such device is employed to provide
varying the amplitude and phase angle of the continuous voltage regulation using an indirectly
converter voltage with respect to the line terminal controlled converter. As shown in Figure-l the
voltage. shunt injected current Ish corrects the voltage sag
A multilevel inverter can reduce the device by adjusting the voltage drop across the system
voltage and the output harmonics by increasing impedance Zth. The value of Ish can be controlled
the number of output voltage levels. There are by adjusting the output voltage of the converter.
several types of multilevel inverters: cascaded The shunt injected current Ish can be written as,
R-bridge (CRB), neutral point clamped, flying (V
L - VS )
capacitor [2-5]. In particular, among these I sh = I L - I S = I L - )1(
Z th
topologies, CHB inverters are being widely used
because of their modularity and simplicity. Various The complex power injection of the D-STATCOM
modulation methods can be applied to CHB can be expressed as,
inverters. CHB inverters can also increase the Ssh = VL I sh )2(
number of output voltage levels easily by
increasing the number of R-bridges. This paper
presents a DSTATCOM with a proportional integral
controller based CHB multilevel inverter for the
harmonics and reactive power mitigation of the
nonlinear loads. This type of arrangements have
been widely used for PQ applications due to
increase in the number of voltage levels, low
switching losses, low electromagnetic compatibility Figure I Schematic Diagram of a DSTATCOM
for hybrid filters and higher order harmonic
elimination. It may be mentioned that the effectiveness of the
DSTATCOM in correcting voltage sag depends on
II. DESIGN OF MULTILEVEL BASED the value of Zth or fault level of the load bus. When
DSTATCOM the shunt injected current Ish is kept in quadrature
with VL, the desired voltage correction can be
A. Principle of DSTATCOM
achieved without injecting any active power into
A D-STATCOM (Distribution Static
the system. On the other hand, when the value of
Compensator), which is schematically depicted in Ish is minimized, the same voltage correction can be
Figure- I, consists of a two-level Voltage Source achieved with minimum apparent power injection
Converter (VSC), a dc energy storage device, a
into the system.
coupling transformer connected in shunt to the
distribution network through a coupling B. Control for Reactive Power Compensation
transformer. The VSC converts the dc voltage The aim of the control scheme is to maintain
across the storage device into a set of three-phase constant voltage magnitude at the point where a
ac output voltages. These voltages are in phase and sensitive load under system disturbances is
coupled with the ac system through the reactance connected. The control system only measures the
of the coupling transformer. Suitable adjustment of rms voltage at the load point, i.e., no reactive power
the phase and magnitude of the D-STATCOM measurements are required. The VSC switching
output voltages allows effective control of active strategy is based on a sinusoidal PWM technique
and reactive power exchanges between the which offers simplicity and good response. Since
DSTATCOM and the ac system. Such configuration custom power is a relatively low-power application,

166 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

a Ch.Ashok Kumar, S.Jayalakshmi and S.Subramanya Sarma : Modeling of CHB Multilevel Inverter Based DSTATCOM for
Reactive Power and Harmonics Compensation
PWM methods offer a more flexible option than the D. Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter
fundamental frequency switching methods favored Figure 4 shows the circuit model of a single CHB
in FACTS applications. Apart from this, high inverter configuration. By using single H-Bridge we
switching frequencies can be used to improve on can get voltage levels. The number of output
the efficiency of the converter, without incurring voltage levels of CHB is given by 2n+l and voltage
significant switching losses. step of each level is given by Vdc/2n, where n is
number of R-bridges connected in cascaded. The
switching table is given in Table l.

Figure 2 PI control for reactive power compensation

The controller input is an error signal obtained

from the reference voltage and the rms terminal
voltage measured. Such error is processed by a PI
controller; the output is the angle 0, which is Figure 4 Circuit of the single cascaded H-Bridge Inverter
provided to the PWM signal generator. It is
important to note that in this case, of indirectly Table-l Switching table of single CHB inverter

controlled converter, there is active and reactive

power exchange with the network simultaneously.
The PI controller processes the error signal and
generates the required angle to drive the error to
zero, i.e. the load rms voltage is brought back to the
reference voltage.
C. Control for Harmonics Compensation
The Modified Synchronous Frame method is
presented in [7]. It is called the instantaneous
current component (id-iq) method. This is similar to
the Synchronous Reference Frame theory (SRF)
method. The transformation angle is now obtained
with the voltages of the ac network. The major
difference is that, due to voltage harmonics and
imbalance, the speed of the reference frame is no
longer constant. It varies instantaneously
depending of the waveform of the 3-phase voltage
system. In this method the compensating currents Figure 5 Block diagram of 5-level CHB inverter model

are obtained from the instantaneous active and The switching mechanism for 5-level CHB
reactive current components of the nonlinear load. inverter is shown in table-2.
Table 2 Switching table for 5-level CHB Inverter
However, the load current components are derived
from a SRF based on the Park transformation.

Figure 3 Block diagram of SRF method

Figure 3 shows the block diagram SRF method.
Under balanced and sinusoidal voltage conditions E. Design of Single H-Bridge Cell
angle θ is a uniformly increasing function of time. Steps to design the single H-bridge cell
This transformation angle is sensitive to voltage  Device Current
harmonics and unbalance.  IGBT Loss Calculation

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a Ch.Ashok Kumar, S.Jayalakshmi and S.Subramanya Sarma : Modeling of CHB Multilevel Inverter Based DSTATCOM for
Reactive Power and Harmonics Compensation
 Diode Loss Calculation respectively, providing an even power distri bution
 Thermal Calculations among the cells. A carrier Level shift by 11m (No. of
levels) for cascaded inverter is introduced across
F. DC-Capacitor Selection the cells to generate the stepped multilevel output
The required capacitance for each cell depends waveform with lower distortion.
on the allowable ripple voltage and the load
current. The rms ripple current flowing into the III. MATLAB/SIMULINK MODELING AND
capacitor can be written as follows and the ripple SIMULATION RESULTS
current frequency is double the load current Figure 9 shows the MATAB/SIMULINK power
frequency. circuit model of DSTATCOM. It consists of five
blocks named as source block, non linear load
block, control block, APF block and measurements
block. The system parameters for simulation study
are source voltage of 11kV, 50 Hz AC supply, DC
bus capacitance 1500e-6 F, Inverter series
inductance 10 mH, Source resistance of 0.1 ohm
and inductance of 0.9 mH, Load resistance and
Figure 6 H-Bridge converter inductance are chosen as 30mH and 60 ohms
G. PWM Techniques for CHB Inverter
The most popular PWM techniques for CHB
inverter are
1. Phase Shifted Carrier PWM (PSCPWM)
2. Level Shifted Carrier PWM (LSCPWM).
1. Phase Shifted Carrier PWM (PSCPWM)

Figure 9 MATLAB/SIMULINK power circuit model of

Figure 10 shows the phase- A voltage of five level
Figure 7 Phase shifted carrier PWM
output of phase shifted carrier PWM inverter.

Figure 7 shows the Phase shifted carrier pulse

width modulation. Each cell is modulated
independently using sinusoidal uni polar pulse
width modulation and bipolar pulse width
modulation respectively, providing an even power
distribution among the cells. A carrier phase shift
Figure 10 five level PSCPWM output
of 1800/m (No. of levels) for cascaded inverter is
introduced across the cells to generate the stepped Figure 11 shows the three phase source voltages,
multi level output waveform with lower distortion. three phase source currents and load currents
2. Level Shifted Carrier PWM (LSCPWM) respectively without DSTATCOM. It is clear that
without DSTATCOM load current and source
currents are same.

Figure 8 Level shifted carrier PWM

Figure 8 shows the Level shifted carrier pulse
width modulation. Each cell is modulated Figure 11 Source voltage, current and load
independently using sinusoidal unipolar width current without DSTATCOM
modulation and bipolar pulse width modulation

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a Ch.Ashok Kumar, S.Jayalakshmi and S.Subramanya Sarma : Modeling of CHB Multilevel Inverter Based DSTATCOM for
Reactive Power and Harmonics Compensation
Figure-12 shows the three phase source voltages,
three phase source currents and load currents
respectively with DSTATCOM. It is clear that with
DSTATCOM even though load current is non
sinusoidal source currents are sinusoidal.

Figure 16 Harmonic spectrum of Phase-A Source current


A DSTATCOM with five level CHB inverter is
investigated. Mathematical model for single
H-Bridge inverter is developed which can be
Figure-12 Source voltage, current and load extended to multi H-Bridge. The source voltage,
current with DSTATCOM load voltage, source current, load current, power
Figure 13 shows the DC bus voltage. The DC bus factor simulation results under nonlinear loads are
voltage is regulated to 11kV by using PI regulator. presented. Finally MATLAB/SIMULINK based
model is developed and simulation results are

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