Revision History: Software Banking Project Software Requirements Specification 1.3 25/10/2016
Revision History: Software Banking Project Software Requirements Specification 1.3 25/10/2016
Revision History: Software Banking Project Software Requirements Specification 1.3 25/10/2016
Revision History
Date Description Author Comments
25/10/2016 Version 1 Sam Initial Draft
30/10/2016 Version 1.1 Sam Added section 5.Change management
Patrick process
5/11/2016 Version 1.2 Sam Added section 3.7 Design constraints
15/11/2016 Version 1.3 Sam Typo;s Fixed
Document Approval
The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved
by the following:
Printed Name Title Date
1. Introducción
El proyecto Restaurante de software tiene como objetivo agilizar y sistematizar los procesos
que se realizan dentro del negocio
1.1 Propósito
El propósito de este documento es describir los requisitos para la aplicación de
escritorio de Software Restaurante que se desarrollará. Este documento será utilizado
por todas las partes interesadas, incluidos los desarrolladores y evaluadores..
1.2 Alcance
El alcance de este proyecto se limita al desarrollo y documentación del
producto software Restaurante.
Las pruebas funcionales y las interfaces externas están dentro del alcance
y deben probarse.
El sitio bancario solo será compatible con Windows y Mac OS.
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
Abbreviation Word
M Manager
C Customer
1.4 References
2. Specific Requirements
The Software Bank will have 2 roles
1. Manager
2. Customer
Following features/modules will be available to these 2 different roles
Manager Customer
Fund Transfer
Change Password
Balance Enquiry
Mini Statement
Customized Statement
Login & Logout
B1 Login and Manager Customer: A customer can login using the login
Logout Customer page
Manager: A manager can login using the login
page of customer. Post Login homepage will show
different links based on role
B2 Balance Manager Customer: A customer can have multiple bank
Enquiry Customer accounts. He can view balance of his accounts
Manager: A manager can view balance of all the
customers who come under his supervision
B3 Fund Transfer Manager Customer: A customer can have transfer funds
Customer from his “own” account to any destination account.
Manager: A manager can transfer funds from any
source bank account to destination account
B4 Mini Statement Manager A Mini statement will show last 5 transactions of
Customer an account
Customer: A customer can see mini-statement of
only his “own” accounts
Manager: A manager can see mini-statement of
any account
B5 Customized Manager A customized statement allows you to filter and
Statement Customer display transactions in an account based on date,
transaction value
Customer: A customer can see Customized-
statement of only his “own” accounts
Manager: A manager can see Customized -
statement of any account
B5 Change Manager Customer: A customer can change password of
Password Customer only his account.
Manager: A manager can change password of
only his account. He cannot change passwords of
his customers
Fund Transfer
x Payers account no
x Payees account no
x Amount
x Submit
x Reset
Change Password
x Old Password
x New Password
x Confirm Password
x Submit
x Reset
Balance enquiry
x Account No
x Submit
x Reset
Mini Statement
x Account No
x Submit
x Reset
Customized Statement
x Account No
x From Date
x To Date
x Amount Lower Limit
x Number Of Transaction
x Submit
x Reset
New Customer
x Customer Name
x Gender
x Date of Birth
x Address
x City
x State
x Telephone Number
x Email Id
x Submit
x Reset
New Account
x Customer Id
x Account Type
x Initial deposit
x Submit
x Reset
x Account Number
x Amount Deposit
x Description
x Submit
x Reset
x Account Number
x Amount
x Description
x Submit
x Reset
Delete Customer
x Customer Id
x Submit
x Reset
Edit Account
x Account Number
x Submit
x Reset
Delete Account
x Account Number
x Submit
x Reset
Edit Customer
x Customer Id
x Submit
x Reset
Fund Transfer
T82 Payers Account Number must not be blank
T83 Special characters are not allowed
T84 Characters are not allowed
T85 Payees Account Number must not be blank
T86 Special characters are not allowed
T87 Characters are not allowed
T88 Amount Field must not be blank
T89 Characters are not allowed
T90 Special characters are not allowed
T91 Description cannot be blank
T92 User-ID must not be blank
T93 Password must not be blank
T94 If userid and password are valid. Login
Mini Statement Page
T94 Account No must not be blank
T95 Special character are not allowed
T96 Characters are not allowed
Change Password
T97 Old Password must not be blank
T98 New Password must not be blank
T99 Enter at-least one numeric value
T100 Enter at-least one special character
T101 Choose a difficult Password
T102 Confirm Password must not be blank
T103 Passwords do not Match
T104 Account No must not be blank
T105 Special character are not allowed
T106 Characters are not allowed
T107 Amount Field must not be blank
T108 Characters are not allowed
T109 Special characters are not allowed
T110 Description cannot be blank
3.3 Functional validations
Balance Enquiry
F1 Manager can view balance of accounts associate with him
F2 Account number entered should exist in database
F3 Customer can view balance of only his accounts
F4 Account number entered should exist in database
Fund Transfer
F5 If these source and destination account numbers are invalid,
system displays an error
F6 If these source and destination account numbers are same, system displays
an error
F7 If the source account does not have the necessary balance, system displays
an error
F8 If the source account does not associated with manager, System displays an
F9 If the destination account number is not valid, system displays an error
F10 If these source and destination account numbers are same, system
displays an error
F11 If the source account does not have the necessary balance, system
displays an error
F12 If the source account is not associate with customer itself, System
displays an error.
F13 If source account number is invalid, system displays an error
F14 If source account does not have the necessary balance, system displays an
F15 If source account does not associate with manager, System displays an
F16 If source account number is invalid, system displays an error
F17 If source account does not have the necessary balance, system displays an
F18 If source account does not associate with customer, System displays an
F19 If destination account number is invalid, system displays an error
F20 If destination account number does not associate with manager,
System displays an error.
F21 If destination account number is invalid, system displays an error
F22 If destination account number does not associate with customer,
System displays an error.
Delete Customer
F23 If Customer Id is invalid, system displays an error.
F24 If account associate with Customer Id, System displays an error.
F25 If Customer Id does not associate with manager, System displays an error.
Delete Account
F26 If Account Number is invalid, system displays an error
F27 If account does not associate with manager logged in, System displays an
Edit Account
F28 If Account Number is invalid, system displays an error.
F29 If Account number does not associate with manager, System displays an
New Account
F30 If Customer ID is invalid, system displays an error.
F31 If initial deposit is less than 500, System displays an error.
F32 If Customer Id does not associate with manager, System displays an error.
New Customer
F33 If same Email Id exist in the system, system shows an error.
Edit Customer
F34 If same Email Id exist in the system, system shows an error.
F35 If Customer Id is invalid, System displays an error.
F36 If Customer Id does not associate with Manager, System displays an error.
Change Password
F37 If Old Password is invalid, System shows an error.
F38 If Old Password is invalid, System displays an error
Customized Statement
F39 If account no is invalid, System displays an error
F40 If From Date is greater than To Date, System dispalys an error.
F41 If account no is invalid, System displays an error
F42 If From Date is greater than To Date, System dispalys an error.
Mini Statement
F43 If account no is invalid, System displays an error
F44 If transaction not exist in system, System displays an error.
F45 If account not associate with manager itself, System displays an error.
F46 If account no is invalid, System displays an error.
F47 If account associate with customer itself, System displays an error.
Balance Enquiry
F48 If account no is invalid, System displays an error
F49 If account no is invalid, System displays an error
3.4 Classes / Objects Attributes Functions
4. Analysis Models
Any change made to the SRS will require a sign off from the Development lead , QA lead
and the client.
Once approved changed will be made to the SRS and the new SRS will be circulated to all
A. Appendices