MATHS 2 Week-3 Notes by Farhan
MATHS 2 Week-3 Notes by Farhan
MATHS 2 Week-3 Notes by Farhan
IIT M BS Data Science
L3.1 Introduction to Vector Spaces
Vector Space
Vector Space: If all axioms are met, V is termed a vector space.
Addition: coordinate-wise.
Some Vectors in Rn
real number.
a. a(bv) = (ab)v.
b. a(v1 + v2 ) = av1 + av2 (Distributive).
c. (a + b)v = av + bv.
If a set V along with two operations satisfies these axioms above,
then is considered a vector space, and the elements within are
referred to as vectors.
Ensures that the result of the operation does not take you outside
the set.
Key Properties:
Addition within V:
If xi
+ yi = zi + yi , then xi = zi .
Affine Flats
Some Examples
Two non-zero vectors in R2
Example in R3:
Gaussian Elimination
Dimension Comparison